Page Eight 07 Sn Mrrlc SI |•|lllllr 7:>» FOR SALE: Venetian Blinds, cus tom made. Repairing and re painting. Asphalt and Rubber Tile Flooring. Weather strip ping. Overhead Garage Doors. Prompt service. Estimates free. Cameron’s Inc. Phone 2-4263. tf SUNRISE THEATRE CONTINUOUS SHOWS DAILY FRIDAY—-Last Day Stephen McNally m AIR CADET SAT,—Double Feature Roy Rogers in "Trail of Robinhood* also George Raft —in "Lucky Nick Cain" SUNDAY AND MONDAY, APRIL 15-16 BATTUN’ BUCKAROO OF A HUNDRED CUN-FiCHTS SOUTHERN PINES Presents For something different from the usual Beehive, see Wallace Bry ant’s interesting, well furnish ed apartments. Lovely sumy grounds. Penn. Ave. jpxtension. Comer Weymouth and Old Field Road. Apply between 5 and 7 p.m. al3c Monday & Tuesday, April 16-17 Night 7:15 8c 9:15 “BIRD OF PARADISE” JEFF CHANDLER DEBRA PAGET Warner Bros. CHARLES BOYER Thursday & Friday, April 19-20 Night 7:15 8c 9:15 “The Sword of Monte Gristo” GEORGE MONTGOMERY PAULA CORDAY RAHDOLra UG I ADELE JERGENS • RAYMOND MASSEY • S. Z.: OIRECTEO ev EDWIN L. MARIN from bf Ct,.WKB ewll.,fltan Keltw., TUESDAY—Only Roy Calhoun -in— ROGUE RIVER WEDr—Double Feature John Payne in "El Paso" also Ruth Warrick in Make Believe Ballroom THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. APRIL 19-20 ci^ >WltLEEa»WIWEMHff-HIIPEEIiEIISmi FOR SALE: Coker’s Cotton Seed, Crotalaria, NC 27, 1032 and La tham’s Double Corn, Peas, Soy beans, Watermelon and Garden Seeds. Thurlow Evans, Vass. al3tf trailer homes LARGE DISPLAY New and Used Long Term Financing OAKWOOD TRAILERS, Inc. High Point Road Greensboro, N. C. Ph. 45488 STARVIEW Drive-In Theatre Between So. Pines-Aberdeen INDIVIDUAL SPEAKERS Friday, Saturday Apr. 13-14 "Flying Deuces" Laurel 8c Hardy "Tanks A Million" Wm. Tracy - James Gleason Sunday, Monday Apr. 15-16 "Blue Grass of Kentucky' (In color) Jane Nigh - Bill Williams Tuesday.Wednesday Apr. 17-18 "Broken Arrow" (In color) James Stewart - Drf>ra Paget Thursday Apr. 19 GIVE AWAY NIGHT 'The Reckless Moment' Joan Bennett - James Mason Friday. Saturday Apr. 20-21 "Under Cover Man" Glenn Ford - Nina Foch. John Wayne, Patricia Neal and Ward Boi in “OPERATION PAQFIC” Friday & Saturday, April 13-14—8:15 pj: Matinee Saturday at 3:00 J : All you will ever km ^of love, beauty... amd S Padtic adventure! 2a. TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY First Show Starts at Dark C^dren under 12(in cars) Free Sun. thru Wed.,* April 15-18—8:15 p. Matinee Tuesday at 3:00 ^ i -r A***®'" ■"^llrf**** janpeerce and nadint Conner ttimitri and mnsic A World Artists Pigduction , Starting Thursday Night, April 19th-