THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina Friday .September 14, 1951 Drs. Neal and McLean VETERINARIANS Southern Pines. N. C. Telephone 2-6161 Judge Hayes, Speaking At Carthage, Reveals Incident of College Days Carthage Wm Be On Highway Postal Powell Funeral Home D. A. Blue, Jr. Southern Pines 24 hour Ambulance Service Sophomoric hazing almost caus ed him to desert his dream of studying law, and only the astute and devious action of a brother brought him back, Judge Johnson J. Hayes of the U. S. Middle Dis trict Court revealed at Carthage last Friday night. Speaking informally on the oc casion of the dedication of por traits of the late Judges J. D. Mc- Iver, W. J. Adams, and H. F. Sea- well, members of the Moore County Bar. Judge Hayes des cribed the plight of a country freshman, newly arrived at Wake Forest college from the wilds Of Wilkes county—he failed to say how many years ago. “The first night I was there some sophomores broke into my room and got after me. They made me dance, and you know, I couldn’t dance—and they intima ted they had all sorts of other hor rors ready for me the next day. There was just one thing to do, as I saw it, and that was to leave college. Early the next morning I phoned my former employer to see if my job was still waiting. I told him I had decided to become a businessman instead of a law yer. He said, come on, so I check ed out and packed up—all the time avoiding my brother, as knew he would not approve. “Well, he caught up with me just as I was about to leave, and heard the whole story. He begged me to stay over the weekend as his guest, since I wasn’t a student there any longer. I held out but he was patient and persuasive, so finally said yes. Portraits Mail Service LT. COL. HERBERT J. DIETENHOFER Vice-President The Freedom Bell, hung in Ber,- lin by the Crusade for Freedom, can be heard 10 miles. Iron Curtain countries’ nationals Star Route Expected To Give County Seat Improved Facilities McAlister, smith & pate, inc. is pleased to announce the moving of their Southern Pines Office to larger quarters at 253 N, E. Broad Street Second Floor Above the Carolina Power & Light Co. Telephone Southern Pines 2-6454 McAlister, smith & pate, inc. Investment Securities Greenville, Charleston, S. C. Charlotte, Southern Pines, N. C. “He took me over to the library and showed me the portraits on the walls of V^ake Forest gradu ates who had earned their way to a high place in life. There were Senator Furnifold Simmons, Gov ernor Will Kitchin—Speaker of the House, Claude Kitchin—Tom Dixon, too, who write “The Birth of a Nation’—ever so many other men whom I had always admired. He let me look my fill without saying a word, then finally asked me gently, ‘What if they had let some sophomores scare them away from college?’ ’’ “I didn’t need to answer that,’’ said Judge Hayes, now a veteran of 22 years on the federal bench. “I just went and checked back into college, and I’ve never been sorry. “That’s why I say you ar? do ing a fine thing here, in hanging the portraits of your great men for your young men to see, for it is by the examples of those who have gone before, that they are inspired to do their best.’’ A plan expected to bring ex panded mail facilities to the Moore County seat will be put into operation next month. Beginning October 1, Carthage will become a unit of the new highway postal service, with star route connecting Carthage and Biscoe. Bids on the star route are be ing received at the Carthage post office. The route will run the 26.1 miles frofn Carthage to Biscoe, and return via Robbins. Twice-daily mail deliveries wil be made on the route six days a week, with a morning mail deliv ery each Sunday. The Carthage carrier will make ' connections with highway post offices which operate between Greensboro and Warsaw and between Biscoe and Charlotte. Carthage Postmaster Clyde B •Shaw this .^week quoted postal authorities as saying the new car rier will give Carthage the best mail service it has ever had. A Sanford-to-Carthage star route has been in operation for more than 25 years, but it will be discontinued when the new route opens. denounce communism in smug gled letters to the Crusade for Freedom. ' The cold war being waged by the brusade for Freedom will prevent a hot war. PILOT ADVERTISING PA Flora Macdonald Concert Series Tickets On Sale PILOT ADVERTISING PAYS I PIANOS Cole Piano Company NeUl A. Cole Prbp. Piano Sales and Service Phone 92-L Three Points Sanford Announcement was made this week of the Flora Macdonald College concert and lecture series for 1951-52, for which tickets may be secured at Franjeans here. Season tickets are offered at a considerable saving. Highlight of the series is the appearance of Jean Casadesus, world famed pianist, Friday eve ning, December 7. L. V. O’Callaghan The entire series, each program to start at 8:15 in the college audi torium, is listed as follows: Frances Yeend, soprano, Thurs day, October 25; Paul Engle, poet and lecturer, Tuesday, November 13; Jean Casadesus, pianist, Fri gives you day evening, December 7; Carroll Glenn, violinist, Monday, January 28; Loewenguth String quartet, Thursday, February 7; Merrill Mueller, foreign correspondent, Friday February 29; Mac Morgan, baritone, Thursday, March 13. PINEBLUFF Here’s a big, new General Electric Refrigerator that actually gives you VS more refrigerated food-storage space than most refrigerators now in use I Occupies no larger floor area. SPACE MAKER REFRIGERATOR MODEL NB-8 It’s got all the food-saving, work saving features you could waift. BIG stainless steel freezer! Extra- BIG and extra-tall-bottle storage space! Extra-B/G fruit and vege table (hawer. Plus the wonderful new Redi-Cube ice traysl Perma- color shelvesl By Mrs. Ehrrnan Pickier Tony Warden returns this week from a six weeks’ training cruise with 800 other midshipmen on the |u. S. S. Wisconsin to Halifax and Cuba. He leaves again shortly for his sophomore year at Georgia Tech; where he made freshman honor society for his high schol astic record. Miss Grace Leake of Houston, Texas, spent 10 days with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Foster at Ivy Hedge. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Williams of Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lloyd of Burlington visited Mr. and Mrs. James T. Thomas last Wednesday. Mr^. Charles T. Creel and daughter Doly spent Sunday in Bennett with Mr. and Mrs. E. -P. Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Mack Man- ONLY $249.95 MMI THAN ft.70«,00« I KftfllAlMrM* The fomout 0-1 ••eiUd-ln refrigerating tyetem oMuies you of lop torvicol Plux Tax, Just one of many G-£ bargains af # • • L V. O’CALLAGHAFS APPLIANCE STORE Southern Pines. N. C. Authorized Dealer GENERAL^ELECTRir REFRIGERATORS ess. Mrs. Ray Parker and Mrs. Algie Parker of Norwood spent last week with their sister, Mrs. J. R Lampley. Miss Ruth Troutman returned to Greensboro college on Mondaj to begin her sophomore year. Mrs. Mittie Wallace left Satur day for Richmond, where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Sara Oconnor. Ross OConnor returned to Richmond with Mrs. Wallace after spending a month with his grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Odel Combs and Mrs. Barbara Queen went to Win ston-Salem Tuesday to attend funeral services for Mrs. Clyde Combs. Mrs. J. A. Wicker returned home 'Tuesday from Moore-County hospital and is with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James T. Thomas. Lieut, and Mrs. Harry L. Howie and children of Florence sppt the weekend with Mrs. Howie’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G Adams, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Pickier vis ited Mrs. Pickler’s mother, Mrs. V. F. Tarlton, in Sanford Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brooks and Terry Brooks of Albemarle were guests Sunday of Mr. Brooks’ pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Leavitt. I took tho Blindfold Test -■Hiot new Dodge Oriflow Ride sure opened my eyes!. Says DANIEL F. HOWARD, JR. of Now York City. "Tho Blindfold Tost convinced mol The new Dodge Oriflow Ride really levels out the worst kind of bumps and ruts, continues Mr. Howard. ' No ride ever been so smooth. 'SmSmi) Come in! Try if I FEEL HOW NEW ORIFLOW RIDE MAKES ROUGHEST ROADS BOULEVARD-SMOOTH! Here’s something new and Won derful in riding smoothness you notice'from the very startl Blindfolded you ride over a bumpy road. You’re told the ruts 3 &re — but you don’t feel themi Gone is the pitch, bounce and jar you experience in other cars as the new Dodge Oriflow Ride levels out the rough spots. And with blindfold off you’ll be amazed you traveled over such bumps and chuckholes. Words alone can’t tell it alll That’s why we invite you to take this daring “Blindfold Test” today. You could pay up to $1,000 for a car and still not get all the extra roominess, ease of handling, famous Dodge dependability! PfflLLIPS MOTOR CO., Inc. Highway No. 27 CARTHAGE. N. ihsL Cooler, Cleaner, Cheaper to run! Savei Tinii and Work AH AUTOMATK OKTRK RANeC! Thil month the 100,000th electric range will be inetalled in the ar.^a served by this Company. There are many reasons for such popularity of electric cooking — you will*see scores of them when you see the new automatic electric ranges in the elec trical stores. See your Electric Dealer now! CCAROLINA POWER & LI6HT COMPANY J