1 jPage Ten THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina Friday, November 9, ABERDEEN By Dorothy McNeill Home And Garden Club The Aberdeen Home and Gar den club met Tuesday afternoon, October 30, in the home of Mrs. Jack Taylor. Mrs. J. T. Johnson, president, presided ovr the busi ness session, during which Mrs. The Linen Corner Will Open Soon In Barnum Bldg. A new and distinctive specialty shop for the Sandhills will be The Linen Corner, which will be open Halloween Carnival Ai W. Soulhem Pines H. A. Page, Jr., gave .a report on^ed in the Barnum Building arcade the 7th district meeting of Gar-'on or about December 1. den Clubs which was held in| Partners in the enterprise are Lumberton on October 23. Mrs. Mrs. Paul T. Barnum and Miss H, W. Doub presented the pro-jBirdilia Bair. Miss Bair will be gram entitled “Elizabethan Gar* active manager of the shop, which den at Mathill.” Delicious re- j-will sell all sorts of household freshments were served by the Unens and related accessories for hostess at the • conclusion of the the home. meeting. Space formerly occupied by the j- , 1 /.i V Artizans Guild has been remodel- Cardinal Book Club completely renovated for Mrs. Richard Calloway was Linen Corner, and furnishings hostess to the Cardinal Book club gjjd fixtures are being installed on Thursday evening with 13 this week. These are being sup- members present. One new mem- hy the Morrison Furniture ber was welcomed into the club, Fixtures company of States- Mrs. WiUiam Wooten. The presi- c e. Troutman of the Mor dent, Mrs. Graham Brasington, i-tgon company has been the ar- presided over the meeting. Plans chitect for the shop, which is styl- for a food sale to be held No- jjj gjj original and beautiful vember 17 were made. Mrs. Ed- \ color scheme, with display shelves gar Hnacock, who was program gjjd cabinets of American wal- chairman, presented a program on “Patterns.” The hostess served ^ stock is arriving daily follow- delicious refreshments at the con- jjjg g buying trip made to New elusion of the evening. lYork City by Mrs. Barnum', who Personals j^lected such items as bed linens ^ . A TVT -,1 X 'towels, blankets, curtains, and Pfc. Frank A. McNeill of Eort j ^j.gpej-ies of both fabrics and plas- Belvoir, Va., spent the weekend shop’s opening. Six or seven hundred West Southern Pines youngsters enjoy ed the Halloween carnival held October 31, with the school as the center of operations. Principal J. B. Moore and the entire faculty supervised the activities. On account of the rain, games and stunts were held inside the school. A $15 check given by the Southern Pines Rotary club was supplemented by a small amount from school funds to provide the essentials of the school-sponsored frolic—noisemakers, “funny faces” and nrizes. Negro Girl Bonded For Grand Jury In Fatal Stabbing of Love Rival 1, Winners of the costume contest were chosen through audience ap plause. Winning the biggest hand and receiving first prize was Wayne Davis, with Ann McDon ald second. At Local Churches with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W H. McNeill, Sr. Miss Iris Matthews of Coker colj. lege returned Sunday after spend ing the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Knox Matthews. Pfc. Earl Seawell is spending an eight-day leave with his moth er, Mrs. A. W. Seawell, and fam ily- Mrs. W. H. Bowman of Raeford spent Thursday visiting relatives and friends in Aberdeen. Miss Jane Leach of Greens boro college visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Leach, Jr., last weekend. Mrs. A. W. Seawell and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Boy ette and family in Rockingham on Sunday. Cpl. and Mrs. W. K. Marks spent the past weekend visiting places of interest in the moun tains of western North Carolina. Johnny Sloan of PJC, Maxton, spent the weekend at home visit ing his parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. J. G. Sloan. Dellinger Won't Be At Carthage Today PnX)T ADVERTISING PAYS No Social Security representa tive will be at the Carthage court house today (Friday) as all the field personnel out of the Char lotte office are holding a confer ence, according to information from Charles A. Dellinger, field representative. He asks that everyone who had Mr. Dellinger visits Carthage today in regard to their Social Se curity problems plan to see him instead on Friday, November 23, his next regular date at Carthage. Mr .Dellinger visits Carthage the second and fourth Fridays of each month to accept applications for Old Age and Survivors insur ance, and to answer inquiries in general about the program. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH^ Mew York avenue at South Ashe William C. Holland, Th. D.. Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Wor- iliip 11 a. m. Training Umorts, 6-30 p. m. Evening Worship 7:30. Scout Troop 224, Tues., 7;30 p m., midweek worship. Wed., 7:30 p. m.; choir practice Wed. 8:15 p tn. Missionary meeting, first and third Tuesdays, 8 p. m. Church and family suppers, second Thursdays, 7 p. m. Annie V. Brower, 18, waived hearing before Justice H. P. Kelly at Carthage Saturday morning, and was bound over for grand jury action in the death of Annie Lee Richardson, 21. Bond of S2,- 500 was set, which she made. Annie admitted wielding the short sharp-bladed knife which killed not only Annie Lee but her unborn child, in an altercation at the Ambassador club, Jackson Hamlet, Sunday night of last week. However, she said she did it in self-defense. Present for questioning by Jus tice Kelly were a number of eye witnesses, also L. Z. Smith, fiance of Annie Lee Richardson, who had escorted Annie Brower to the club on the fatal night. The Richardson girl, described by Pinehurst police as a student nurse at N. C. Sanatoriiun, had followed the couple to their ren dezvous and the altercation fol lowed. The stab wound which terminated two Jives within a short time, soon after the preg- to nant girl had been admitted Moore County hospital, cut an artery in her groin and ranged upward through her abdomen. AU parties were Negroes, res idents of the Zion Grove commun ity. Annie Brower, a maid at the Carolina hotel, Pinehurst, had been living in the hotel dormi tory. After the stabbing she went to her parents’ home at Zion Grove, where Pinehurst officers found and arrested her as she was preparing for bed. VOTE For the legal sale of beer d Against legal sale of beer (Paid advertisement) MATTRESSES—BOX SPRINGS—HOLLYWOOD BEDS Manufactured or Completely Rebuilt—One-Day Pickup & Delivery Service Our plant is Approved by the N. C. State Board of Health, We make to order Innerspring, Felt, Kapok, Feather and Cotton Mattresses, Box Springs, Pillows, Pads, and Spring Covers. Your cotton or felt mattress can be converted into a beautiful, modern Innerspring and delivered back to you the same day it is picked up. All work fully guaranteed. Special prices to hotels, rooming houses and tourist courts. Drop by and visit us, or phone Laurel Hill 2995, Day, or 3211, Night. For Prompt. Courteous Service LEE BEDDING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY Laurel Hill, North Carolina e; :ti r< a; « Sr 11 a’ EMMANUEL CHURCH (Episcopal) East Massachusetts Avenue Rev. Charles V. Covell Holy Communion, 8 a. m. Church school, 9:45 a. m. Morning Prayer, 11 a. m. YPSL, 7 p. m. First Sundays, Holy Commu nion, 11 a. m. Wednesdays, Holy Communion, 10 a. m. STAMP COLLECTORS The Southern Pines Stamp Col lectors club will meet at 8 to. night (Friday) at the Park View hotel. CHURCH OF WIDE FELLOWSHIP (Congregational) Bennett at New Hampshire Robert L. House, D. D. Church school, 9:45 a. m. at High School building. Sermon, 11 a. m. in Weaver auditorium. Nurs- N, Autumn Leaves mean Frosty Nights Come in now to see our beautifol CHATHAM BLANKETS ery at High School building. Twi-' light Hour for Juniors, 6:45 p. m. Pilgrim Fellowship at Fox Hole, 6:30 p. m. Fellowship Forum, 8 P- 1 Afternoon meetings: Circles meet first Tuesday, first and sec ond Thursdays. Missionary socie ty, third Thursday. Women’s so ciety, fourth Thursday. Evening meetings: Bible study, first Tuesday. Mothers’ club, sec ond Monday. Prayer group, sec ond Tuesday. Church supper, sec ond Friday. Pilgrim Book club, fourth Monday. ST. ANTHONYS (Catholic) Vermont Ave. at Ashe Father Peter M. Denges Sunday masses 8 and 10:30 a. m.; Holy Day masses 7 and 9 a. m.; weekday mass at 8 a. m. Con fessions heard on Saturday be tween 5-6 and 7:30-8:30 p. m. mm Our blanket department has just what you need for those frosty nights ahead—comfortably light but blissfully warm Chatham Blankets. Come in now while we have a full selection ... you’ll be so glad you were prepared for the first cold wbather! All our Chatham Blankets are handsomely boxed, and come in a wide range of styles, prices and high-fashion colors: Your choice of decorator colors . . . rose, blue, green, hunter green, yellow, gerahium, red. chartreuse. CARTHAGE FURNITURE CO. CARTHAGE. N. C. Dial 2011 We Deliver CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH East New Hampshire Service, 11 a. m. Service Wed nesday, 8 p.,.m. Reading room open Tuesdays and Saturday 3-5 p. m. BHOWNSON MEMORIAL CHURCH (Presbyterian) South May at IndluM Cheves K. Ligon, Minister Sunday school 9:45 a. ni. Worship service, 11 a. m. Women’s auxiliary, 8. p. m. Mon day following third Sund:«r. The Pioneer Fellowship meets at 7 o’clock each Simday evening in the ladies’ parlor of the church. The Youth Fellowship meets at 7 o’clock each Sunday in Fellow ship Hall of the church. MANLY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Grover C. Currie, Mhiister Sunday School, 10 a. m. Wor ship services November 11, 7:30 p. m., November 18, 11 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Women of the Church meet ing, first Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. VASS BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Lewis Beal Sunday school, 10 a. m. Mom ing worship 11 a. m. Training Union, 7 p. m. Evening worship, 8 p. m. Mid-week Prayer service, Wednesday, 8 p. m. OUR LADY OF VICTORY (Catholic) West Pennsylvania at Hardin Fr. Donald Fearon, C. SS. R.,' Fr. Robert McCrief, C. SS. R. assistant Sunday Mass, 10 a. m.; Holy Day Mass, 9 a. m. Confessions are heard before Mass. "Be Aw Number- AND SK WHAT A BUY YOU UET! That’s the amazing mileage the Nash Statesman delivers—more than 25 miles a gallon at average highway speed. It’s America’s biggest big-car buy —more room, more size, more beauty than any car within hundreds of dollars of its modest price. Come in and drive it iw V %30D .(\,’ You get $300 of custom accessories at no extra cost in America’s newest, smartest “Hardtop Convertible”—^theNash Ram bler Country Club Sedan. Come com pare the custom elegance, the spacious room in this new kind of car that’s taking the nation by storm. See the Station Wagon and the Convertible that set the all-time Mobilgas Economy Record- Si.05 miles a gallon, with overdrive. ^10246 It’s the new 1951 stock car speed record—102.465 miles per hour set by the Nash Am bassador with Dual Jetfire En gine. We invite you to drive the finest performer in the fine car field—the distinguished Ambassador. Discover the greatest joy you’ll ever know in a car. From Airliner Re clining Seat to a choice of 3 transmissions—Standard Syn chromesh, Overdrive or Hy- dra-Matic Drive, it offers you every fine car luxury. Great Cars Since 19021 a;- WORSHAM UTTLE MOTOR CO. 650 S. W. Broad St. Southern Pines ^ The Worlds Most Modem C THI AMBASSADOR • THE STATESR THE RAMBLER e] Nash Motors, Division Nash-Kelvinator Corporation, Dei