»I 4 4^ 4 Page Eight THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina Friday, March 14, 1952 Dr. Langner Buys Home Here, Moves From McCain High Wind Does Little Damage Here; Two Grass Fires Are Quickly Quelled this4—- ^ ^ March winds got rough we ■ "caching almost tornadic , proportions in some parts of the "'Dr. Fred W. Langner will be- causing widespread c6me associated of .-at^day, ^gj^age, though little harm was March 15, with Dr. Malcolm Kemp up™ at Pinebluff Sanatarium, and this week moved his family from Me-' c^u-le of rural telephone Cain to Southern Pines. poles were blown over but “they • The Langners have purchased °V the Ralph Chandler home at 145 down soon anyway, and feast Masachusetts avenue. there was no interruption to serv_ T - , 1. • ice, said George M. Thompson of Dr. Langner has been associa- Central Carolina Telephone ted with the N. C. Sanatorium at pomnanv McCain for the past year. His, ’ . _ specialty is internal medicine. I At the Carolina Power and Fe is a native of Phnadelnhia,!Light company, it was learned and won his B. A. and M. A. de- that there was slight trouble when grees from the University of some wires got crossed up in the Pennsylvania, graduating later Youngs Road area, but they were from the medical school of that quickly fixed. universitv. His intemshin andi Having no connection with the first residency were served at the | high winds was a power interrup- Philadelphia General hospital, and tioh of about a half hour Monday he' held further residencies at the .morning when a truck in the al- Lfciversity of Michigan at Annjleyway behind Hollidav’s Coffee , ALL-DAY HOURS A full workin gday—8:30 to 5:15—will be observed Satur day at the office of the Dep uty Collector of Internal Rev enue, in order to give aid to as many as possible in filling out their income lax returns- All-day working hours were observed last Saturday also. The deadline for filing has been extended from the cus tomary date of March 15 through Monday, March 17. Both deputy collectors are on the job daily, and will be through Monday, at their of fice in the basement of the Post Office building. They will answer questions, • -Ip v’’’-''-e needed, and provide extra forms for tvti one who comes, by. FOR RENT: Furnished cottage, 2 rooms and bath. Adults only. Close in. Colonial Inn. ml4c FOR SALE 3 bedroom house adjoining Ab erdeen city limits. Fireplace, ceramic tile bath and shower. Small down payment. Can take up payments $55 per month. One block from school. Call 2-5442 or 2-6012. ArKcr, from which he came to Shop hit a guy wire. The subse- i^OlUlty ISSUCS North Carolina in March 1951. iquent tangle blew a transformer *' . Dr a-d Mrs. Lang-'^f h'>'''“ two'fuse with a wild display of fire- sons, Michael and Eric (Ricky), works, which, however, did not aged nine and seven, who entered hurt anybody, though it frighten- school here Thursdav. also a ed several out of their wits, daughter, Jerryl, aged five. i Two grass fires occurred almost Th°v have during the past few gimultaneaously east of the Sea- months made a number of friends board track, south of town. Wed- in Southern Pines. Mrs. Langner nesday afternoon. The wind sentj $36,000 In Bonds For Schools is a member of the Madrigal Sing- the smoke from the first fire roll- county commissioners last week. ling over town so that it looked i much larger than it was. Quick (work bv the Forest Service crew Com farmers will need hybrids'gnd the Southern Pines volunteer that produce from six to 10 bush-1 firemen Ifept the fire from spread- els more per acre than those now grown, if present-day hybrid corn is to meet the demands of tomor row’s population, a corn breeder of the U. S. Department of Agri culture said recently. Since the ing, though it started off at a race behmd Pinecrest Manor and bade fair for a short time to reach dis astrous proportions. While, the volunteer firemen were busy there,, they received amount of land avadable for corn another fire had start- production IS limited, mcreased ^jg^j-by, between the track production must come from larger yields made possible by better hy brids and the use of better prac tices. REVIVAL. AT ABERDEEN Revival meeting will be held at the Bible Church of God, Aber deen, for two weeks starting Sun day, with services at 7:30 p. m. JTohnny Brown will be the evan gelist. and the No. 1 fairway. They had to take the truck by a roundabout way to reach the scene but for tunately the fire had sprung up in a low place, still wet from rains the night before was burning .?1owlv and was quickly extin guished. Both firfes were thought to have originated from sparks from a passing train, stirred to flame by the wind. QUAUTY PRINTING TiaETS FOLDERS BLOTTERS BOOKLETS HANDBILLS ENVELOPES BILL HEADS STATEMENTS LETTERHEADS LEGAL BLANKS WINDOW CARDS BUSINESS aRDS PAY ENVELOPES FOR SALE: Upright piano. Very reasonable. Call 2-6965. ml4p PARKVIEW Rooms and Furnished Ap'is FOR SALE: 2 Snare Drums, prac- cicaiiy new. Elwood Parker, Ni- ' agara, N. C. Phone Southern Pines 2-8777. m7tfc A bond order authorizing issu ance of $36,000 in Moore county school bonds was adopted by the The money obtained from sale of the bonds will go into the county’s capital outlay school fund for con struction of buildings or additions, and major repairs to existing buildings. In the 1951-52 school budget the $36,000 is earmarked as fellows: $23,608.80 to the county schools; $7,963.20 to the Pinehurst city school unit, and $4,428 for the Southern Pines city school unit. School officials said they could not state exactly which projects would be financed by the $36,000, as it is combined with other avail able funds. By law, the county is permitted to issue without a vote of the peo ple only bonds to the value of two-thirds of the amount of bonds retired the previous year. The full amount permissible for this year was issued, as bonds amount ing to $48,000 were retired last year. CHARGE TICKETS SOCIAL STATIONERY ILOT Johnson - Brown Furniture Co. Closing Out All Items Listed Below 'Westinghouse Radio & Phono graph Combination AM & FM, regular $269. (»1 PA sale price GE Radio & Phonograph Com bination; reg; $198, (tgl AA sale price Apex Washing Machine: regu lar $319; 0„ PINEHURST. N. C. B9.lB.23.30e FOR SALE: Kelvinator refriger ator, 3 1-2 years old. Good con dition. $100. 420 Kensington Road. ml4p FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment. Hot water and heat fur nished. Private bath. No pets. 470 N. Ashe. Tel. 2-7012. ml4p FOR SALE: Venetian Blinds, cus tom made. Repairing and re painting. Asphalt atxl Rubber Tile Flooring. Weather strip ping. Overhead Garage Poors. Prompt service. Estimates free. J. Bruce Cameron. Phone 2-4263 tf LOST: Antique Gold bracelet. Re ward offered. Tel. 2-8981. ml4c USED CARS More Thap 50 Cars To Choose From 51 Chevrolet 2-door 51 English Ford 51 Ford 2-door 50 Dodge 2-door 49 Chevrolet Club Coupe 49 Plymouth 4-door 48 Chevrolet Convertible • 47 Chevrolet Fleetline Aero 46 Chev. IV2 ton Dump 40 Ford 4-door, clean Where Prices Are Born. Not Raised PHILLIPS MOTORS Carthage. N. C. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE 1 beautiful house near Country Club. 1 6-room house Vermont Ave., $7,000. 1 house Bennett St. (3 apts). 1 nice house Ridge st., reason able. 1 house Bennett st. (2 apts.) Income Property 1 large Tourist home, furnish ed, $26,500. 1 j.ne »jertrude apartment, famous for years (9 units), mostly furnished. 6 lots Edgewood Heights; rea sonable. J. D. Siilerson. Agent Apartments For Rent Houses For Sale Pollock 8c Fullenvnder Call 2-8732 WELL BORING: Let us bore you a nice 20’’ well, tiled complete ly for only $3.75 per foot. R. P. Blackweder, 2% miles south of Sanford on No. 1 highway. Rte. 1. No Sunday orders please. jl3 on. HEATER : One small used heater in good condition. Just $7.50 down and $5.00 per month for three months. Another larg er heater, same price, same terms. Parker Ice & Fuel Co., Southern Pines or Aberdeen. f29c FOR SALE: Champion Fired AKC Registered Cocker Span iel puppies. Blond, Black and Parti-color. Phone Pinehurst ?7 5, or contact Eunice Cole, Linden Road. ml4tfc FOR RENT: Finely furnished 4 r'orn ana!:J;rt:ent. Private bath. Screened in porch. East Ver mont Ave Call 2-5883. ml4c LADIES: Plan your spring and summer wardrobe now. Suits, Coats, Toppers, Dresses made to order. Mrs. Edna W. McDonald,! Southern Pines 2-7483. ml4p | WANTED: Neat, intelligent man with car, who needs $75. min imum weekly. We will guaran tee you $2.50 per hour while seeing for yourself that you can do this in our business. No in vestment. No obligation to take the job because we guarantee you profits of $2.50 per hour while trying out during your spare time or during your day off. White or phone collect. Ful ler Brush Co., 318 WUder Bldg., Charlotte. f29tfc ENGRAVED Wedding 'Announce ments and Invitations. Quick service, reasonable prices. The Pilot ■ LET US HELP YOU OWN YOUR OWN HOME. FHA. DIRECT AND GI LOANS. HOME AND BUSINESS PROPERTY. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR EXPE RIENCE. 4% G.L «»/«% FHA. ACT NOW. HENRY L. GRAVES, AIKEN BUILDING. PHONE 2-2201. AUTO LOANS LAKEVIEW For Sale: 5 room house. Pri vate water supply. Located ' on Holly street, (fall Wilbur M. Currie, Pinehurst 3772, Southern Pines 2-5525. m7,14p ALSO REFINANCING Money in 10 Minutes AUTO CREDIT CO. RED, WHITE AND BLUE GRAPE COLLECTION: Consisting of 2 each Red Lucile, White Niagara and Early Blue Fredonia—^total six 2-year Grace Vines—$3.35, Postpaid. Special Offer No. 1-8. Write for Free Cony 56-pnge Planting Guide Catalog in color. Salespeonle wanted. WAYNES BORO NURSERIES — Waynes boro, Virginia. SANFORD, N. C. 207 So. Steele St. . Phone 258 yCR PVTSTT: Deliffhtful apartment completely furnished. Living- room, bedroom, bath and kitnb- en. Suitable for couple only. P-ivat° entrance. 305 S. Ashe St. Tel. 2-5384. ml4p