I Page Six the PILOT-r-Sottlhern Pinas. Nor A Carolina Friday^ September 2P« 1.952 NOTICE OF ANCILLARY EXECUTOR Medical Bills Walter W. Dwyer of 423 W. 141st Street, New York, New York, has this day qualified as Ancillary Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Anna M. Dwyer, deceased, aEd J. Vance Rowe, Attorney, of Southern Pines, North Carolina, has been duly appointed Process Agent, up on whom any process may be le gally served in connection with any claim or other matter against the estate of Anna M. Dwyer, de ceased. Any person having any claim against the Estate of the said Anna M. Dwyer will please present the same to the said J. Vance Rowe, Process Agent, Southern Pines, North Carolina, or to the said Walter W. Dwyer, 423 W. 141st Street, New York, New York, on or before the 2nd day of September 1953, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of its recovery. Any person indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment either to the said J. Vance Rowe, Process Agent, or to the said Walter W. Dwyer, Ancillary Executor. Dated this 2nd day of Septem ber, 1952. WALTER W. DWYER, Ancillary Executor, J. VANCE ROWE, Process Agent. Haven’t Kept Pace, Say Physicians Student Council Enlists Mothers PILOT ADVERTISING PAYS Drs. Neal and McLean VETERINARIANS Southern Pines, N. C. To create a better understand ing of one of the major causes of p atient-doctor misunderstanding, “the cost of illness,” North Caro lina physicians are now distribu ting a new pamphlet titled “Your Money’s Worth in Health,” says Dr. James P. Bowen, president of the Moore County Medical socie ty. Despite what some folks may think, medical bills haven’t gone up as far, or as fast, as the cost of bread, milk, fuel and other family necessities. Actually, the booklet points out, your doctor is getting a decreasing share of your medical dollar. While most family expenses have been shoot ing up sharply, physicians’ fees have risen only moderately, and the pamphlet shows graphically that cost of illness has not risen as much or. as rapidly as other consumer goods. The fact that supportive medb cal care in general'has gone up is pointed out in “Your Money’s Worth in Health,” but medical care irlcludes many things besides your doctors’ services; many things which are more readily af fected by increased costs, such as laundry, drugs, food items and equipment for the hospital. Ask your local physician for a copy of this illustrated eight-page pamphlet, “Your Money’s Worth in Health,” as prepared!, by the American Medical Association. If your doctor’s supply is exhausted additional copies are available through the State Medical Society Office in Raleigh. In Social Program Around 15 mothers ^of high Pinehurst Forum Announces Season Program Schedule school students accepted, an invi tation to meet with the Southern Pines Studetnt , Council last Thursday in the elementary school library, the object of which was to enlist the mothers in helping with recreation plans during the winter season. August Paving The State Highway Commission completed 3.2 miles of new pav ing in Moore counuty during the, month of August, Commissioner George S'.'Coble reported. The newly paved surface runs on a county road from Highfalls east 3.2* miles toward Glendop road at the talc mine for a dis tance of 3.2 miles. The Sixth Highway division brought a tctaLpf 43 miles of road work to completion during Au gust, Commissioner Coble reveal ed. Dante’s Italian Restaurant The students have been offer ed the use of the Southern Pines Country Club once each month for school functions, and the mothers of the high school group are being asked to sponsor and supervise these social meetings. Billy Huntley, president of the student council, and Supt. A. C. Dawson explained the plans, briefly, to the mothers, who were happy to cooperate, and chose Mrs. W. T. Huntley, Jr., mother of the student counucil president, as their leader in this service. First in the series of monthly parties will be a celebration around Halloween, and mothers who attended the meeting are re questing that other mothers of high school students volunteer to help. They may get in touch with Mrs. Huntley. The students served cookies and coca-colas. In addition to Billy Huntley, members of the student council are: Joe Marley, vice president; Carolyn Hoskins, recording secre tary; Dorothy Newton, corre sponding secretary; Mark J. King, III, senior class reprfesentative; Charles Bowman, Jr., junior class representative; Patty Woodell, sophomore class representative; Jackie ^Davenport, freshman class representative. Miss Polly Miller is faculty adviser. The Pinehurst Forum announc es its program! for the 1952-’53 season, as follows: December 4—^William F. Buck- ley, Jr., speaker, “Rebellion to the Right.” December IS^Sally Allen, so prano recital. January 15—.Kermit Hunter, speaker, “The Outdoor Drama in America.” January 29—^Loren R. Withers, piano recital. February 12—Sir Shane Leslie, speaker, “Winston Churchill in the Family.” February 26—^Rey de la Torre in classic guitarist recital. March 12—Begum Aga Khan Raza, speaker, “What is Happen ing in Asia.” March 26—Giavanni Bagarotti violin recital. April 9—Allen Raymond speaker, “News the Reader Can t Get.” April 23—Edna Phillips, colora tura soprano recital. Nothing To Brag About OPEN pAIt¥-EXCEPT MONDAY AT 5 P. M. Phone 2-8203 Approximately 15 million pine tree seedlings are available to Tar Heels for planting this fall and winter. We Americans have many things to be proud of, but our voting record isn’t one of them. In Europe, particularly since the war, people seem to value the franchise more than we do here^— perhaps becapse, since they lost "their freedom during enemy oc cupation, they appreciate it now that they have it again. In our last Presidential election only 54 of every 100 eligible vot ers cast ballots. Yet in a recent Italian election, 94 out of 100 voted. A Dutch election drew 89 per cent, and in Great Britain 83 per cent voted. Sweden, Norway, Denmark and France each held elections in which 78 per cent or more of the eligible voters cast ballots. IF YOU WISH to BUY A HOUSE Dial 2-7264 IF YOU WISH to SELL A HOUSE Dial 2-7264 W. C. HILDERMAN Real Estate Broker 225 Weymouth Rd. So. Pines In everything there is one "finest”-whose possession gives its owner a sense of satisfaction far beyond the price paid for it. In electric ranges, the world’s finest is PERFEGTION-the ultimate in beauty, efficiency, » work-saving convenience—a range as beautiful as it is dutiful. It fulfills your dream that some day you would own the finest range iA the world. If you take pride in owning the best, choose this incomparable Perfection Range for your home. erfection 9 NEW Exciting MODELS Value-Priced for Your Purse Tullocln’s of Aberdeen, N. C. Here are tke FACT No.1 Costs Less to Buy -leleMsion RCA Victor Shelley (Model I7T200) # The lowest-priced RCA Victor set with the "Magic Monitor" that you can buy. And what a buy it is I O New “Magic Monitor” circuit system constantly adjusts picture-quality, amplifies weak signals, holds brightness constant—automatically! O Double-shielded tuner and completely shielded chassis screen out picture static! Beautiful modern cabinet with lustrous ebony finish. Matching consolette base available, extra. Ask oboul tha RCA Victor Factory-Service Contract covering expert teiavision installation and maintenance . . . ovoiloble only to RCA Victor owners. f TO WIWIWI wnsswe likgotiiiit SnUUfiBT SOUO FACTS FACT No. 2 Rock-bottom operation and upkeep Acts like an engineer inside your set. RCA Victor Lansford (Model 21T218) BIG-picture television is BEST—and this 21-inch set has it. Fresh, sophisticated contemporary cabinet, finished in walnut or ma hogany. Blond finish slightly extra. $389i0 Brown Auto Supply SOUTHERN PINES ABERDEEN tbat lead tkonsands to FACT No. 3 6n-the-job efficiency saves money better truck bm^s! FACT No. 4 Keeps its value longer Veterans of the trucking business buy for good, solid, levelheaded reasons. And they buy more Chevrolet trucks than any other make. Here’s why. Chevrolet trucks —tires, frame, axles, springs, engine, transmission, brakes — alt" are factory- matched to your job. Come in and let us show you how great these Chevrolet trucks really are. (Confinvofion of ifandard equipment and trim iHustratod is dependent on ovoi/abiJity of matenai) CHEVROUT^^ MORE CHEVROLET TRUCKS IN USE THAN ANY OTHER MAKEI MID ■ SOUTH MOTORS, Inc. Aberdeen, N. C.