FRIDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1953 THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina Retail Price $2.10 Pints $3.35 Fifths 86 Proof I tnuMOHr wMsnn M na I 1 4 VEAKS OR MORI OIA.) ^ , MX NBITRAl IF YOU WISH TO BUY A HOUSE IF YOU WISH TO RENT A HOUSE IF YOU WISH TO SELL A HOUSE —SEE— W. C. HILDERMAN 225 Weymouth Road L. A. Bethune, 85, Dies At Clinton Lauchlin Alexander Bethune, who was born in Aberdeen 85 years ago and rose to prominence in the business and political life of the state, died last Friday night in Clinton, after a heart attack. Funeral services were held Sun day at Graves Memorial Presbyte rian church, Clinton. Mr. Bethune was a member of Old Bethesda Presbyterian church at Aberdeen, until he moved to Clinton in 1896 to found, The'* Sampson Independent, a militant newspaper. Subsequently, he founded an insurance and real estate business, as well as a cotton brokerage firm. He was president of the Bank of Clinton for 30 years. He had been State Senator from the Ninth district and had held a number of high state and coimty offices. His wife was the former Rena Stewart. Their four sons and a brother and sister of Mr. Bethune survive, none of whom live in this area. FOR RESULTS USE THE PF LOT’S CLASSIFIED COLUNTV PILOT ADVERTISING PAYS Telephone 2-6161 Powell Funeral Home D. A. BLUE. Jr. Southern Pines 24-Hour Ambulance Service . . . tlie totari itRtt. Itwi' aiainr readen ef THE CHRIS. TIAN SCIENCE MONITOR) tell die Editor how mndi diey. enjoy this daily worldwide aewspspM. with each con»., ^ents as: "The Monker U the meet ,€areftiUy edited neMe*' lieper in the V. S, , t "1 i"Ver month, leaving first floor front for living quarters. One-half of the price cash; one-half finan ced. Lot 86x100. Remove house you would have 86 ft. that would sell for $100 front foot. 165 Penn. Ave. Southern Pines FOR RENT: Large 5-room house. Available November 1. CaU 2-7982 between 9 and 12. o23tf FOR RENT: 4-room furnished apartment. Close in. Dr. L. M. I Daniels, phone 2-6382. o30c JUST THINK OF IT ! $6000 invested in the 3-apart ment house I have for sale will produce a gross income of $2460 from three tenants or $1600 if owner occupies one apartment. Occupancy now 100%. Just redecorated and re painted. Let me show it to you. Lovely 3-bedroom house in best section. Connected garage, breezeway, livingroom, dining nook and kitchen. $10,500 al ready financed. I have a lovely new 3-bedroom house for sale lo anyone who can pay $1,000 down and $56.97 per month on principal and in terest. It has automatic heat, lovely living room, large din ing area, kitchen, bath and car port. The price is less than the actual cost of construction. Completely redecorated 2-bed room apartment, unfurnished, $60 per mo. W. C. HILDERMAN REAL ESTATE SALES RENTALS 225 Weymouth Road FOR SALE: Modern 40-gallon water heater. Paneling for room division. 2-5475 after five. o9tf FOR SALE; PURE BRED COL- UE PUPS, $25. PHONE 2-5283. o30p FOR SALE; 1948 DESOTO CUS TOM. 34.000 MILESi; ALSO AF AM ZENITH TABLE MODEL RADIO. PHONE 2-7972. . o30p FOR RENT; 4-ROOM APART MENT OVER SANDHILL AWNING SHOP. PHONE 2-4781, T. T. WARD. o30c FOR RENT: Furnished 3-room and bath apartment. All electri cal kitchen. Newly decorated. Available November 1. May be seen by appointment, Jefferson Inn, phone 2-5241. o23,30c LADIES: Earn Extra Cash—doing , assembly work at home, pleas ant, easy to assemble product. For details, write, Kenroe Mfg. Co., Yorktown, Indiana. O30p REAL ESTATE FOR SALE One of So. Pines most attrac tive homes. Nice location; has 3 bedrooms, living, dining, kitchen, IV2 baths, ample clos ets; hdw. floors: basement oil heat; garage: many other nice features; will finance. Call me for appointment. 3 bedroom house: living, kitch en, breakfast nook; bath: hall; nice closets; Venetian blinds; oil heat—$8,500. $750 cash, balance $65 mo. at 5%. Lot is 150x500 ft. Chick's Diner, opposite plati num works; water heater; nice basement; would make good home, $7,800. $1500 cash; fi nance balance af $50 mo. NICE FARM 21 acres and good 6-room house on hard surface road. 5 minutes from town. $5,000 cash 8-room house with two balh- rooms: nice location; a bargain at $8,500. J. D. SITTERSON Ph. 2-8445 FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT. CALL 2-4672. o30c FOR SALE: 1952 Crestline Ford Convertible. Privately owned. 18,000 miles. Fordomatic; wheel on back; radio; heater. Phone 2-8071. o30c FOR RENT: 5-room house, unfur nished. Floor furnace. Electric hot water. Apply 155 W. Mass. Ave’ o30p FOR SALE: Deluxe darkroom equipment. Complete. Like new. Will sell for 60 per cent of list price. Phone 2-6602. o30p FOR RENT: UNFURNISHED APARTMENT. FOUR ROOMS AND BATH. RENT REASON ABLE. PHONE 2-5905. o30n6p FOR SALE: Mahogany highboy, surplus, no longer needed. Call 2-4201. o30c FOR SALE: Fitted wood to be moved. Little River Farm, ph. Southern Pines 2-4251. o30tf FOR RENT: Two-room furnished apartment, 225 W. Penn. Ave. FOR RENT: 4-room furnished apartment. Private bath, private entrance. Automatic oil heat. Hot water. Apply 155 W. Mass Ave. o30c FOR RENT: 5-rooni house with bath. Also apartment with 3 large rooms, bath. Inquire 340 North May St. o30p Now You Can Buy Your TAP and BALLET SHOES at the BOSTON SHOE SHOP Southern Pines o2330c FOR SALE: JEEP MOTOR COM PLETELY REBUILT. IDEAL FOR FARM OR UTILITY USE. PRICE $350. PHONE 2-8975. o30p FOR SALE: 1952 Chevrolet 2-door deluxe, 2-torie green. Four new tires. Perfect condition. Price $1495. Rev. C. Parker 'Thomas, 310 S. Bennett St., (ph. 2-4272) o31c APARTMENTS: New efficiency 2 and 3-room; steam heat; pri vate bath; completely furnish ed. Weekly or monthly rates. The Woodworth, 180 North Bennett. St., phone 2-6792. s4tf DRESSMAKER: DRESSES„ COATS. SUITS. ALTERA- TIONS. EDNA W. McDONALD. 2-7161 o2-30p FOR SALE: House at 360 East Maine Avenue; perfect condi tion; interior newly decorated. Grounds beautifully landscaped with Azaleas and flowering shrubs. Phone 2-7811 or 9-6234. ; o9tf WANTED: Furnace cleaning, re moving ashes, etc. Ed Torrence, care The Pilot. o2tf WANTED: Man or Woman to take over route of established Watkins customers in the city of Southern Pines. Earn ings unlimited. No investment necessary. We wiU help you get started. Write J. R. Watkins Co., Dept. S-3, Richmond, Va. ol6,n6incl