c W FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1953 THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina In business 42 years this week at same location under same name . . . Special Anniversary Values Ladies’ weasel fur coat, size 12, practically new, value ^ over $500. Too small for owner; give offer. One Ladies’ coat, new, size 44. Regular price, $35; now $17.50. One flannel coat and trousers, made in England; size 40 regular. Too small for owner. Value $125; now $80. One new Weatherbee showerproof top coat. Regular price $42.50; my price $35. One black top coat with all sUk lining; suitable for min ister; bargain. We have nice values in unclaimed top coats and sack coats. OH YOUR AUTO IHSURAHCE! WOULD YOU PRIZE the chance to save 15 per cent on your auto insurance and at the same time be insured with one of the world’s largest and strong est insurance companies? You may save substantially on an American Motorists Insurance Company dividend-paying pol icy. Policyholders have received dividends annually since organization—15 per cent on Automobile Liabil ity insurance policies expiring on or after September 1, 1953. Substantial savings also are possible on Com prehensive fire and theft and Collision coverages— current dividend rate, 20 per cent. You get the finest insurance protection, prompt,, nationwide claim service, and friendly, courteous’ agency service when you buy your American Motor ists automobile insurance from your neighborhood agent. See or call ms today, let us give you an estimate of what you may save with dividend-paying automobile insurance. JOHN S. RUGGLES PAUL T. BARNUM. Inc. Phone 2-5151 Southern Pines. North Carolina EA.STMAN, DILLON & CO. Members New York Stock Exchange 105 East Pennsylvania Avenue Southern Pines, N. C. Telephone: Southern Pines 2-3731 and 2-3781 Complete Investment and Brokerage Facilities Direct Wire to our Main Office in New York A. E. RHINEHART Resident Manager THE SHEARWOOD TRAVEL SERVICE Pinehurst, N. C. * Airline and Steamer Tickets — Cruises — Independent and Group Tours — Qomplete Domestic and World-Wide Travel Arrangements No Service Charge Pinehurst Phone 4912 P. O. Box 870 ■ CAR PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? We can refinance your car and REDUCE YOUR PAYMENTS You can also borrow monoy on your car even tho it isn't paid in full. AUTO CREDIT CO. SOUTHERN PINES. N. C. On Highway No. 1 near S. W. Broad St. ^ country ham. steaks, chicken. 12 - 2:30 & G - 9 P- M. daily, turkey on Sundays. No tood Sunday night. Popular prices. Groups up to 100. Phone 2032 DIXIE IIVN VASS. N. C. Seascapes And Local Scenes By Shirty Sontag Now On View i Newcomers in the Sandhills art4- world are in a fair way to make the established artists look to their laurels. ' Latest to enter the field here, though a painter with training and hard work behind her, is Shirley Schtag, Mrs. Emanuel Sontag, of Southern Pines, whose show is now on view at the Li brary gallery. Mrs. Sontag’s medium is the subtle and difficult one of water colors and she shows com.petent understanding of it. Her subjects suit water-color technique. Both land-and seascapes are among the paintings shown and she has adapted her medium to the scene chosen, using it interpretively, with skill and discrimination. In her well-worded statement descriptive of the work and her point of view towards it, she says: “I am trying to get a mood and to stimulate the viewer to an emotional awareness and a sensi tivity to the dramatic quality em bodied in nature. I am concerned with the atmosphere of a scene and try to capture its lyric aspect, even to the density of the air it self.” This latter quality actually forms the chief impact of this ar tist’s work: her uncanny presen tation C'f atmosphere. This is gain ed through very real skill with the wash technique, especially her rendition of sky. In ‘‘Rain At Dawn” and several other of the marine paintings, the effect of moisture-laden air is remarkable. Low-lying rain-clouds, mist over the water, the air over a moun tain view, these are vividly and skillfully portrayed. Mrs. Sontag, in her remarks, stresses her belief that composi tion and design are the basic nec essities of any painting. The bal ance of color, line and mass are, she feels, essential for a painting “to feel right.” She believes, too, that the viewer should be able to f share the experience conveyed by the painting, and her own work leans strongly to the subjective. With the seascapes on view are also a number of compositions with a local setting. In her feel ing for the lonely cabin with a big tree beside it; in her rendition of the glitter of pine-needles, the waterfall quality of sand, the moving curve of a railroad track, the artist shows her sympathetic understanding of the local coun tryside. —LEONARDO FOR RENT: 4-room furnished apartment. Close in. Dr. L. M. Daniels. Phone 2-6382. nl3c FOR RENT; Excellent business space one-half block from Post Office on Broad Street. Phone 2-3611 So. Pines. o30c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR RENT Furnished Four 2-bedroom apts. Smtdl URlily Cottage, $30 Efficiency apartment Unfurnished 2-bedroom apartment. 1-bedroom apartment. LOTS FOR SALE 2 beautiful lots on Midland road. Ready for quick sale. Margie Nanopoulos Phone 2-6012 Practically all of the United States’ production of snuff is con sumed in this country. A test for measuring the fatness of live cattle, hogs, sheep, and goats is providing a valuable new tool for research in nutrition and breeding. IF YOU WISH TO BUY A HOUSE IF YOU WISH TO RENT A HOUSE IF YOU WISH TO SELL A HOUSE —SEE— W. C. HILDERMAN 225 Weymouth Road ROOM FOR RENT—Want a comfortable spot for the winter with home privileges? Here's a room with private entrance and private bath; nice closet; furnace heat; good location. Gentleman only. Phone Southern Pines 2-5572. nl320 FOR SALE Brick house practically new on 92 ft. lot. Pleasant living room with fireplace. Two bedrooms and plastic tiled bath. Center hall has floor furnace. Modern kitchen has lots of cupboard space, new Frigidaire range & refrigerator. Small dining room. Two porches, one screen ed. Garage. $15,000 4 bedroom house two miles from town. 2 baths. Large liv ing room with fireplace, opens onto large screened porch. Full basement. Steam heat with new oil burner. Permanent stairway to floored attic. Small clement wading pool. About 2 actes. $17,500 2 apartment house. Both apart ments furtushed. Each has four rooms and baih. 1V2 acres. $6,000 Barnum Realty Co. Realtors CLASSIFIED ADS Light face caps and lower case type, 4c per word; BLACK CAPI TALS, 5c per word. Minimum price, per Ad, 50c. ALL ADS IN FOR SALE: Cocker spaniel pup pies 8 weeks old. Mrs. Olive, phone 2-6095. nl3c WANTED: Baby carriage, good condition. Write Carriage, cjo The Pilot. nl3c FOR SALE: 3-fuU size gas cooking stoves, $25 each. Dr. L. M. Daniels, phone 2-6382. FOR SALE: Oil heater, 5-room heating capacity. Good condi tion. Phone 391 Pinebluff. nl3c JUST THINK OF IT ! New 3-bedroom house for sale: Only $1,000 down; $56.97 per. month pays principal and in^ terest; Oil heat; Large living room and dining area, kitchen, bath and ceurport. Lovely 3-bedroom house for sale; $10,000 already financed. Has connected garage, breeze way. living room, dining nook and kitchen. FOR RENT; Newly redecorat ed two bedroom apartment; un furnished; $60 per month. W. C. HILDERMAN REAL ESTATE SALES RENTALS 225 Weymouth Road MAKING TRIP TO FLORIDA soon. Have room for three, share expenses. New car. Care ful driver, sober. Write Box 703 Southern Pines. nl3p FOR SALE: One model 64 Harley- Davidson motorcycle; excellent condition; can be financed. Pinehurst Garage Co., Inc. Phone 4961 nl320 WANTED: Lady for office work. Typing and shorthand neces sary. Phone Mr. Johnson, 7761, Aberdeen. n6,13,20c JEEP FOR SALE. $350. MOTOR COMPLETELY REBUILT. IDEAL FOR FARM OR UTIL ITY USE. PHONE 2-8975. nl3c HOUSE FOR SALE; Now vacant 3 bedrooms. 6 acres land. Phone 2-6034. n6tf Ge^W STAR 90 Proof! 4/5 Quart $2.30 pint SEVEN SXAI ******* FOR SALE: Portable washing machine, $15; Play pen, $5; Bas sinet, pad, plastic liner, $5; highchair, $7. Call 8624 Aber deen. nl3,20p RIDERS WANTED: From South ern Pines to Pope Field daily. Write: Capt. Nunes, Southern Pines Trailer Court, or call Fort Bragg 5-4211. nl3p Is your rent over $50 per mo.? ’This 2 bedroom house can be I purchased for monthly pay ments of $48.42—desirable res- J idential section of Southern I Pines—Sale price $7,500; down payment $1100. Two bedroom house: den could I be third bedroom; located near Southern Pines; basement: gar age. Priced for quick sale $8,000.. Immediale possession of this 3 bedroom house within 2 blocks 1 of Southern Pines school; large I pine paneled den; basement; garage; large well planted lot. I Sale price $19,000. New listing this brick house; one year old; one of the most desirable residential sections of Southern Pines. Living room with fireplace; dining room, modern kitchen, den with fire place, two large bedrooms, tile j bath; basement; breezeway; garage and storage room; large lot. The sale price of $18,500 is less than you can buy a lot and build the house today, I We have some good buys in 3 and 4 bedroom houses in or near Southern Pines priced from $12,500 to $25,000. See us I before you buy. Priced reduced to $3700 on this 5-room cottage overlooking Pinebluff lake; desirable for permanent home or lake cot tage: 4-acre lake. Two desirable residential build ing lots on Midland toad; rea- I sonably priced for quick sale. Loans: FHA and direct loans I at 4 Vi and 5% interest. May we discuss your real estate financ ing with you. INSURANCE: We write and service every form of insur ance—fire, automobile, liabili ty. burglary, bonds, accident & health, polio, plate glass are a few of the kinds of insurance written by this agency. 'ALCOHOLICS Anonymous—Mon- . day and lYiday nights basement ' j Belvedere Hotel 8 p. m. Phone mietfc LOANS: FHA AND DIRECT. HOMES AND BUSINESS PROPERTY. LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR EX- PERIENCE. GRAVES MUTU AL INSURANCE AGENCY. GRAVES BUILDING. PHONE 2-2201. j3Qjj BARNES FURNITURE COM PANY in Laurinburg, N. C., is your headquarters for rugs and carpets. It wiU pay you to shop Barnes. a7tf PINEHURST CREAMERY Grade A Milk & Cream DELIVER Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Ph. 2391 or 5842 PINEHURST j23tf [“Enjoy a drilled well now, pay later. No down payment. Three fall payments for farmers; monthly payments for salaried men. Write for details. Heater Well Company, Raleigh, N. C.” m22t{ jFOR RENT: Furnished and un furnished apartments. Call L. T. Clark, 2-7401 or The Ark Apartfiients 9-5954. ml3c [for RENT: Garden type, unfur nished apartments. 2-bedrooms, living-room, kitchen and dinette. All kitchen utiliti^ furnished. Knollwood Apart ments, 377 W. Delaware Ave. Phone 2-4375. j24tf [FOR RENT; MAYFAIR APART- MENTS. COUPLES. CALL 2-8732. a7tf jBLACKWELDER WELL BOR ING CO. Let us bore and tile you a nice 20 inch welL Reason ably priced. Workmanship guaranteed. Call 777 or write Sanford, N. C. Rt No. 1. a2Stf J. D. AREY & CO Realtors and Insurozs Tel, 8701 Aberdeen, N. C. FOR SALE By original owner. Ranch Style House: 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large living robm, dining room, utility room adjoining garage. Screened porch. Call 2-7002, WILLIAM MORROW for appointmenl SHARE THE RIDE POOL WANT ED: Fort Bragg 5 days week. Phone 2-3431. nl3p FOR SALE: 34Vi acre farm, to bacco allotment, plenty water. P. Solomon, 275 West Vermont Ave., Southern Pines. nl3p FOR RENT: UNFURNISHED APARTMENT. FOUR ROOMS AND BATH. RENT REASON ABLE. PHONE 2-5905. nl3p FOR RENT: Completely furnish ed apartments and light house keeping rooms, $35 to $55 inclu ding utilities. 380 N. Page St., phone 2-8232. nl3p FOR SALE—^Large Tropical Sun cabinet heater, $25. Coal or wood. Practically new. Call 2-3059 or see Mrs. Frank Wil son, Manly. nl3c FOR RENT: Furnished apartment, desirable location. Livingroom (fireplace), bedroom, bath, kitchen, dinette; generous closet space; modern conveniences; steam heat furnished. Adults. No pets. Phone 2-5263 evenings 6 to 9; week-ends any time. nl3p FOR SALE: 1934 "MASTER" CHEVROLET. WITH HEATER. GOOD TIRES lyND BODY. CLEAN IN AND OUT. GOOD TRANSPORTATION, $125. SOUTHERN PINES 2-2972. EXT, 636. nl3p FOR RENT: Five room and bath furnished apartment. Electrical ly equipped. Stoker furnace. 465 N. Ashe, phone 2-7282, D. D. S. Cameron. n6tf FOR RENT: First floor furnished apartment. Steam heat, private bath. 470 N. Ashe, phone 2-7012. nl3p FOR SALE: Remington (Remette) portable typewriter with case, $25. Phone 2-8682. n6,13p APARTMENT FOR RENT: 3 rooms and bath. With 2-car gar age. Don’t fail to see this rent saver. Phone 2-5803. n6,13p REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3ne of Southern Pines' most attractive homes: 3 bedrooms. 1 2-3 baths; living, dining, elec, kitchen, hdw. floors, basement, }il heat, garage. Near shoj^ping center. A good buy. $12,500 ASHE ST. 3ood home: 8 rooms & 2 bath rooms: garage. Nice lof plus senter block. $8,500 MAY ST. Large house, 4 complete apart ments furnished, 4 garages. You can rent three apartments for $2880 annual and live in the other. I will be glad to show you. E. VERMONT AVE. A. good house. 2 apartments, oil beat. Live in one, rent the otb- w- $9,450 SERVICE STATION Grocery store & service station building; stock & equipment; doing $36,000 aimually; 3,500 gal. gas per mo. A bargain. WANT A FARM? 5 room house, 21 acres good land: other buildings. $5,000 J. D. SITTERSON Ph. 2-8445 WANTED: BEAUTY OPERATOR ROKO'S BEAUTY SALON PHONE 2-4282 SOUTHERN PINES. n61f MAKE 'ITIE CHILDREN HAPPY harvesting Chinquapins in your backyard. Two 1% to 2 ft. Bear ing Size Trees for only $4.35, Postpaid—Offer No. 3-M. Write for Free Copy 56-page Planting Guide Catalog in color, offering complete assort!nent Fruit Trees, Nut Trees, Berry Plants, Grape Vines, and Ornamental Plant Material. Salespeople wanted. WAYNESBORO NUR SERIES, WAYNESBORO, VA. FOR RENT} 3-BEDROOM hOUSE. PtiONE 2-5S4Z. FOR SALE: 1949 Plymouth Tudor, good rubber; radio and heater. Clifford T. Harmon, 131 E. Penn. Ave. nl3p BLENDED WHISKEY,-62'/4!« NEUTRAL SPIRITS DISTILLED FROM GRAIN 600DERHAH A WORTS LIMITED. PEORIA. ILLINOIS ) LOST: Antique gold earring. Of sentimental value. Finder please take to Mrs. Ayers, 270 N. Ben nett for identification. nl3,27inc FOR RENT: Down stairs 4-room furnished apartment. Private bath, private entrance. Auto matic oil heat. Hot water. Good place for children. Apply 155 W. Mass. Ave. nl3c WILL REPAIR LIONEL TRAINS and equipment. Paul S. Ward, 230 N. Ashe. nl3 20p Remember The BARBECUE SUPPER WEDNESDAY. NOV. 18 5:30 mi 8:30 Manly Recreation Building Adults $1.00 Children under twelve 50c Buy your tickets at HONEYCUTT JEWELERS Southern Pines GARVIN'S GROCERY Manly INSURANCE, health; hospital; life; accident; funeral insurance. Lloyd T. Clark, phone 2-7401, Southern Pines, N. C. a4tf FOR SALE: 1952 Crestline Ford Convertible. Privately owned. 18,000 miles. Fordomatic; wheel on back; radio; heater. Phone 2-8071. n6tf APARTMENTS: New efficiency 2 and 3-room; steam heat; pri vate bath; completely furnish ed. Weekly or monthly rates. The Woodworth, 180 N(M:th Bennett. St., phone 2-6792. s4tf DRESSMAKER: DRESSES., COATS, SUITS. ALTERA- TIONS. EDNA W. McDONALD. 2-7161. n6-27c FOR SALE: House at 360 East Maine Avenue; perfect condi tion; interior newly decorated. Grounds beautifully landscaped with Azaleas and flowering shrubs. Phone 2-7811 or 9-6234. o9tf WANTED: Furnace cleaning, re moving ashes, etc. Ed Torrence, care 'The Pilot. o2tf FARM LOANS: On good farms, long term, low interest. See J. E. Walker at Carthage PCA of fice, Carthage, at 10:30 AM, Tuesdays, or write Box 189, Sanford, N. C. sl8t£ FOR SALE: Fitted wood to be moved. Little River Farm, ph. Southern Pines 2-4251. o30tf FOR RENT: Downstairs furnished apartment, two rooms and bath. 225 West Pennsylvania Avenue. nl3p

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