FRIDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1953 THE PILOT—Southern Pines. Nmrlli Caiollaa Page TWENTY THREE % i Shrubs, Plants Propagated By Wood Cuttings By ROBERT SCHMIDT Many of our deciduous shrubs and plants may be easily propa gated by means of hardwcod cut tings. Examples are spira,ea, crape myrtle, forsythia, jasmine, figs, bunch grapes, privet, gooseber ries, currants, and many others. And this is a good time of the year to make deciduous cuttings. Good, strong wood of last sum mer’s growth is best for this pur pose. 'ihe cuttings may be made in lengths of eight to ten incnes and tied in bundles of 25 to 50 cuttings, if you nave access to cocl storage (38 to 40 degrees F.) the cuttings may be stored in boxes of moistened peat or sand. Otherwise, they may be buried in a mound of sand or sandy soil out-of-doors where they can be shielded from the sun’s rays. In burying the bundles c-f cut tings it is best to place them up side down, that is, with the basal ends at the top. Before growtli starts in spring the cuttings must be taken up and planted in rows or beds for rooting. About two- thirds of the base or botto-mi end of the cutting should be inserted below the surface of the soil and one-third above the surface. It is necessary that at least one good bud is above the surface of the scil. Instead of storing the cutvings over winter in bundles they may be planted out in cold- frames or even directly in nursei-y or garden rows as soon as they are cut from the plant. Usually, however, the former method gives a higher percentage of rooting. ' Although bun_ph girapes are easily propagated by means of hardwood cuttings, this is not true of miOst varieties of muscadines. The Scuppernong is especially difficult to root in this manner. For these it is better to layer the vines—that is, to cover a young vine with a shovelful of earth while it is still attached to the pa rent plant. In one growing season roots will usually form and the PRACTICING FOR EVENTS—Lt. Daniel I. Allred, Jr., formerly of Aberdeen, is pictured with two other members of the U.S. team to compete in the World Modern Pentathlon Cham pionships at Santiago, Chile, during practice for two of the five athletic events in which each member of the team must be skilled. In swim ming trunks, he is standing at center in the pho to at right. Practicing pistol shooting, he is shown at far left of the other picture. The other Army officers on the team are Lt. Edward Tour- telotte (left in the swimming photo, right in the pistol-shooting) and Lt. Harlan Johnson. (U.S. Army photos made at Frankfurt, Germany). Lit. Allred In World Championships Teams of 30 Nations To Compete In Chile; Events Start Dec. 5 A 25-year-old ' Army officer from the Sandhills, Lt. Daniel I. Allred, Jr., will compete as a member of the United States team in the World Modern Pentathlon Championship^ which begin Sat urday, to run through Wednesday, at Santiago, Chile. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Allred of Pinebluff, formerly of Aberdeen, and the grandson of Mi:, and Mrs. W. T. Huntley of Pinebluff, formerly of Southern deen High School and the Univer- new plant may be detached from the parent and moved to the de- Eiied location. Dipping the basal end ^ of the cutting in rootone powder just be fore planting out in the nursery row or coldframe wiU often cause Quicker rooting and a better set , of roots. Rootone may be obtain- Pines. He is a graduate of Aber-' ed at any large seed store^ CHRISTMAS GIFT VALUES EXCELLENT QUALITY GIFT BUYS ARE NOW AWAITING YOUR INSPECTION NOT THE RUN OF THE MILL GIFTS . . . BUT SOMETHING DIFFERENT — WITH STYLE, WORKMANSHIP. We Have Everything To Fill Your Gift List Come over and see our SPORTS CLOTHES and Small Gift Table YOU’LL BE HAPPY YOU DID YOUR CHRISTMAS BUDGET WILL GO FURTHER AT LARRY’S MEN’S SHOP PINEHURST, N. C. OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY (It is our pleasure to gift wrap yoiur purchases) sity of North Carolina and enlist ed in the Army about two and a half years ago and has been over seas since last May. Lieutenant Allred is a member of Battery B, 816th Field Artil lery Battalion, which is a unit of the V Corps stationed in Ger many. He and two other members of the U. S. Pentathlon team, all Army men, trained for the unique athletic contest at Frank furt, Germany. Recently, came to the United States, ping £t the U. S. Military Acade my, West Point, N. Y., to pick up another member of the team and to undergo further training. They then proceeded to Chile. Five Events The Modern Penathlon is composed of five athletic events— steeplechase riding, fencing, pis tol tehooting, swimming and cross county running. Each member of contender from all the countries entered. One touch of an oppon ent’s weapon and a man is cut. There are no preliminary or qualifying heats in shooting, swimming or running. Each man performs only once. In the shooting event, 20 shots are allowed at a man-size tsrget. Only once in the history of World Pentathlons has anyone made a Perfect 200. The competitor must they be 25 meters from a bobbing tar- stop- get and must hit a bullseye just below the heart in the center of the target. The running event requires alert judgment, since the runner must pace himself, running alone on a strange, but marked, 4,000- meter course. A 300-meter course is featured in the swimming event. Lieutenant Allred called his pa rents on the telephone, after his Christmas Parade -IN— Sanford, N.C. e-‘> FRIDAY DEC. 4th 3 P. M. Be sure and bring the kids! While here we invite you to visit Williams-Belk Dept. Store... . Just come in and make yourself at home. You’ll, See some mighty interesting items that you might like for Christmas Gifts. ’The low prices are interesting too! the teamt competes in all the ] arrival in the United States, but events, calling for well-rounded | did not have time to come home athletic ability. Teams from more I for a visit before leaving for then 30 nations were expected to Chile, compete at Santiago. Winners are selected on their relative standing in all five events, with the usual winner not a man who places first in any one event, but one who does well in all of them. The riding event will be held Saturday over a 5,000-meter course that includes slides, ditch es, water and fallen trees. Each participant draws lots for his horse and, after a 15-minute workout, takes the steeplechase course slcne at five - minute in tervals. Since the animal is un known to the rider before the race, the competitor must use careful judgment not to “over ride” his mount. Fencing is scheduled for the second day. The one-tcuch eoee bouts require that each contestant mnst fence against every other UNDER PRICE SUPPORT Farmers in North Carolina have put around 951,000 bushels of 1953 crop wheat under the Com modity Credit Corporation’s price- support program, G. T. Scott, Chairman of the State Agricul tural Stabilizaticn and Conserva tion Committee, reports. About 943,692 bushels of the amount represents 2,823 loans for wheat stored both on farms and in warehouses, and the balance represents wheat covered under purchase agreements. Twelve and one-half per cent of North Caro-, lina’s 1953 crop of wheat is under loan. ENGRAVED Wedding Announce ments and Invitations. Quick service, reasonable prices. The ‘^iioi RIDGE STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY $335 I $210 ^^4/50u*it ■■ Hat SISAIGOT BOUgBON •"O'TO wHisun .ifl Your Future What happens to morrow depends I largely upon what you do today! And the key to future security is in saving for it! Savings gives you from the unexpected . . . lets you plan to really own those things you’ve always wanted. Come start your account now! Southern Pines Buildinof & Loan Association 1 Southern Pines, N, C. 115 West New Hampshire Ave. Office Hours, 9 till 2 except 1 p. m. closing Wednes. & Sat. Sanford, N. C. YOU’VE GOT TO SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT! ... makes every woman a sewing expert at once! ★ Choose a Wonder Wheel. slip it in. ★ Sit back while beautiful ' designs glide out... automatically. 'k That's all there is to it! ★ Even if you've never sewn before, you can now tnake all your own clothes .. . dress up your home . . . easily, expertly, at amazing savings. k Three tremendous added features: (1) built-in light, right over needle,* (2) 2-speed motor for slow and fast work; (3) new soft grey color — more beautiful than ever. ' FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION liberal Trade-In Small l>own Payment 0k 1 I ? 1 \ VjBrt ilsh (iiir M . noi The Wonder Wbeef Sews These I Fancy Stitches ? Sews on buttons, makes buDonholes, monograms and ap pliques ... AU WITHOUT ATTACHMENTS FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION GOME SEE THE AMAZING WONDER WHEEL NECCHi roRA NECCHI BF SEWING MACHINE MECCHI ■ SEWING CIRCLE BEFORE YOU BUY ANY SEWING MACHINB IS different cabinets and consoles to choose from—modern and tro- ditionoi — walnut, no- hogany and blond. Aberdeen, N. C.