Page EIGHT THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina FRIDAY. DECEMBER 18. 1953 Womens Activities andSandhills Social Events BESSIE CAMERON SMITH, Editor TELEPHONE 2-6512 Alfred Moore Chapter Entertained At Carthage m ^ A t « I-., r-. - \ •• r Jm/-' i-‘ ■ - J> ' 'i. i \ '* * !»*' uS» ,ie , r/lX' ’M ? ii-. ■ \ i . £ . tAu&^v , + t ,, \ ^ MRS. JAMES JOY PITTMAN, JR. I The December meeting of the Alfred Mcore Chapter of tag ! -aught^rs of the American Rev olution was held at tne noine of Mrs, C. T. Grier in Carthage last Saturday afternoon, with Mrs. M. J. McPhail and Mrs. ¥1. G. Boy ette serving as co-hostesses. With the‘Chapter Regent, Mrs. V/. G. Brown, presiding, the meet ing was opened with the singing of the national anthem. Due t.) the absence cf the chaplain, the rdual was led by Mr«. Brown, as sisted by Mrs. McPhail. Mrs. C. B. Garrett of Jackson Springs was welcomed as a new member. Niiss Nettie Williams reported that two boxes had recently been sent to Crossnore. I It was. announced that ¥Irs. Ralph Jordan and Mrs. Joel Lay- ton attended the Gertrude Carra- wdy banquet in Raleigh, and Mrs. Jordan gave an interesting ac count of it. ! Mrs. R. P. Rosser, district di rector; reminded the chapter that January is the time for the elec tion of delegates to the continen tal congress in Washington and to the state conference in Durham, j As chairman of Good Citizen ship, Mrs. C. M. Reeves announc ed that Miss Ann Holt of the Lee County Central High School j would be the citizenship repre- I sentative for the chapter. Mrs. J. L. McGraw, for national Demonstration Club Has Christmas Party MISS JANE HERRING OF ABERDEEN WEDS LT. JAMES PITTMAN IN CHURCH RITES In an eight o’clock ceremony at Bethesda Presbyterian Church in Aberdeen,Thimsday, December 10, the weaaing anniversary of the bride’s parents—Miss Jane Her ring, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Darius B. Herring of Aberdeen, became the bride of Lt. James Joy Pittman, Jr., of Fort Bragg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pittman of , West Memphis, Ark. The Rev. Charles W. Worth was the offi ciating minister. The vows were spoken before an arch of Southern smilax and lavender orchids. Four taU bas kets of white chrysanthemums, calla lilies and snapdragons were interspersed with candelabra holding lighted tapers. Special pews were marked with chrysan- them.ums and snapdragons caught with white satin bows and streamers, and white candles burned in' the windows. Prior to the ceremony, Mrs. C^ H. Storey, organist, and Miss Edna Maurer and E. H. Poole, vo calists, presented a program of nuptial music. Miss Maurer’s numbers were “At Dawning” and “I Love Thee, Dear,” and Mr. Poole sang “Because,” and, as a benediction, “The Lord’s Prayer.” The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of bridal satin fashioned with a portrait neckline outlined in Venice lace. The full skirt had a wide circu lar train, and her veil cf import ed illusion was caught by a halo of matching laoe. She carried a bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley centered with a white orchid, showered with satin streamers and lilies of the valley. Mrs. D. B. Herring, Jr., sister- in-law of the bride, attended as matron of honor, wearing a gown of light rose mauve with satin bodice and matching jacket, with a full skirt of nylon net She car ried a pink satin muff centered with white purple-throated or chids and matching streamers. Bridesmaids were Miss Cather ine Fields of Sanford, cousin of the bride; Mrs. W. B. Marks and Miss Edwina Hallman, of Aber deen, and Mrs. Johnny Aycock of Carthage. They wore gowns of deep mauve fashioned like that of the matron of honor, and car ried white satin muffs centered with lavender orchids with matching streamers. Honorary bridesmaids were Miss Jean Snow and Mrs. Steve Kuminski, of Fayetteville, Mrs. Bill Wooten, Mrs. Glenn Caviness and Mrs. W. E. Austin, of Aber deen The bridegroom had as best man Lt. D. B. Herring, Jr. Ushers were W. B. Marks and Lee Buch an, of Aberdeen, Lt. Raleigh Wil liams of High Point, Sgt. Steve Kurndnski of Fayetteville, and C. N. Page, Jr., and George McCor- mac, of Southern Pines. Mrs. Herring chose fer her daughter’s wedding a gown of blue nylon chiffon over taffeta, and an orchid corsage. After a wedding trip to Key West, Fla. and Cuba the couple will be at home at Fort Bragg. For traveling the bride wore a pale blue wool dress with grey ac- cesscries and a grey muskrat fur cape. Her corsage was an orchid. Mrs. Pittman was graduated from Notre Dame Academy and Peace College and has been a member of the faculty, of the Vass-Lakeview High School. Lieu tenant Pittman attended the Uni versity of Arkansas and was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. He is now serving with the U. S. Army, presently station ed at Fort Bragg. Reception Immediately after the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents. Miss Pearl McMillan greeted the guests and presented them to the receiving line, composed of Mr. and Mrs. Herring, the bridal couple and the bride’s attendants. ¥Ir3. Hazel Allison directed guests to the dining room, where refreshments were served by can dlelight. The table was covered with a lace cloth and centered with a silver bowl of Cattleya or chids, flanked by white tapers in silver candelabra. At each end of the table was a crystal punch bowl, at which Mrs. Jack Smith, Mrs. John Sloan, Mrs. Dan Man- gum and Mrs. Malcolm Pleasants alternated. Ice cream,, bridal cakes, mints and nuts were serv ed. Assisting in serving were Mrs Bill Harrington, Mrs. J. D. Thompson, Mrs W. N. Fields, Mrs. Cliff Wilson, Miss Marie Garner, Miss June Greer, Mrs. Bill Austin Mrs. Bill Wooten, Mrs. Glenn Cav- iness and Mrs. Steve Kuminski. Miss Bess Gunter directed guests to the gift room, where Mr. an Mrs. George McCormac received Mrs. G-ace Houston presided a' the register, and Mr. and Mrs. K T 'eacon said the goodbyes. After Rehearsal Party Lt and Mrs. D. B. Herring, Jr. of Fayetteville gave a cake cut ting at the Herring home in Aber- '-•^n the rehearsal Wednes day night. After the counle-ol°c’ had cut the first slice, Mrs. Her- rf, yr ser'^ed the cake and Miss Peaml McMillan and Mrs. K. G. Deaton alternated in serving cranberry punch. Mrs. Seymour And Mrs. Cox Entertain John Blue Chapter, DAR For their Christmas meeting, members of the John Blue Chap ter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy brought gaily wrap ped gifts to the home of Mrs. O. L. Seymour, on Wednesday, De cember 9. These gifts filled a large basket and will be taken to the Conferedate Woman’s Home in -Fayetteville, where, with gifts from hundreds cf other North Carolina Daughters, they will help spread Christmas cheer to the ladies who live in this home. Mrs. Edward Cox served as hos- ess with Mrs. Seymour for this affair. An open fire, and Christmas decorations throughout the home made a perfect setting fer a Christmas meeting. Upon arrival the guests were invited into the dining room- for refreshments. Ar rangements of red, green and sil ver were used everywhere and the tea table was lovely in every detail. Mrs. Cox poured coffee, which was served with decorated sandwiches, cakes, nuts and can dies, all carrying out the color scheme of the decorations. The business session was presi ded over by the president, Mrs. E. L. Pleasants. After the ritual, led by Mrs. W. U. Barefield, rou tine reports were given. As pro- :ram chairman, Mrs. A. L. Bur ney distributed the new calendars for the Chapter year. Mrs. Forrest Lockey, for the orogram committtee, presented Miss Frances Pleasants, who gave 1 talk cn “Old Homes of the louth ” She told especially of the old homes in North and South Carolina and Virginia and closed vith a description of the wavs in vhich Christmas was observed in 'olonial days. The January noeeting will be held with Miss Louise Blue in Aberdeen. * The beautiful Della Robbia wreath shown above, made by Mrs.,A. H. Grant, and the mantel decorations by Mrs. William F. Hollister, are typical of the arrangements displayed by Garden Club members at their meeting last week at the home of Mrs. B. F. Kraffert. Native magnolia, and fruit that can easily be ob tained at the corner grocery were the materials used in these effective arrangements. (Pilot Staff Photo) Displi ay of Christmas Decorations Features Local Garden Club Meeting The Manly-Southern Pines Home ^Demonstration Club held iti, Christmas party in tiie recre ation building in Manly on Wed- .esuay evening of last week. There were 15 members present, and two new members were en rolled, Mrs. A. O. Menroe and Mrs. 'Ted Yearby. Mrs. S. R. New ton and Mrs. O. D. Griffin were visitors. The president, Mrs. G. L. Culler, presided over the business session, after which the group joined in Christmas games. ! An exchange of gifts which ranged from the fantastic to the utilitarian created much interest. 3ne of the former was a doll made cf vegetables: onion head, carrot neck, white potato body, sweet potato feet. . . deemed very appropriate for a club making a special study of foods. The club presented Miss Flora McDonald, heme demonstration agent, a gift. The building was gaily decora ted in the Christmas motif by ¥Irs. Culler and Mrs. Arthur Thomas. Refreshments consisted of sandwiches,^cookies, drinks and peanuts. Candles And Lights Service Set Sunday The annual Christmas service of Candles and Lights will be given at the Church of Wide Fellowship at 8 p. m. Sunday, with both sen ior and junior choirs, under the direction of Mrs. L. D. McDonald, participating. The public is vited to attend. in- The average American eats 94 pounds of potatoes each year. Southern Pines Garden Club eluded those suitable for table. members, around 20 in number, gathered at the home of Mrs. B. F. Kraffert on Tuesday afternoon of last week for their monthly meeting, which centered around the Christmas theme. Each m’ember had been asked to bring a Christmas arrangement, and they did not stop with deck ing “the halls,” but adorned every available place in living room, window, door, and mantel. Mrs. R. M. McMillan gave a reading on holly and customs connected with Christmas decora tions, and Mrs. Gecrge Leonard presented garden tips for the month. Mrs. C. L. Von Tacky poured tea. Mrs. Voit Gilmore’s mother, Mrs. Charles Kendrick, of San Fre-ncisco. was a guest. Mrs. James S. Milliken, club dining room and even the porch. | president, presided over the meet- Many new ideas were gained for ing. The committee in charge of defense, discussed “Why the DAR is against Federal Aid to Educa tion.” I The Christmas message of the j President General, Miss Gertrude Carraway, was read by Mrs. L. P. Tyson. Mrs. J..A. Overton of Sanford vave an interesting program in the form of radio script with ^ talk on various Christmas Carols. The group joined in singing these, accompanied by Mrs. McPhail at the piiano. Guests were invited into the dining room where a color scheme of red and green was carried out in the decorations and refresh ments. The tea table held a cen tral arrangement of white snap dragons, red carnations and white mums, with red candles in silver candelabra. Mrs. Brown poured ceffee and Mrs. Rosser presided at the tea service. Cherry ice cream, cake, nuts pnd mints were served. The January meeting will be held in Southern Pines with Miss Virginia Horne of Wadesboro as guest speaker. using the traditional materials in novel ways, and much originality was shown in some of the ar rangements. The arrangements in- Ostrom. the decorations project was com posed of Mrs. Claude Reams, Mrs. George Leonard and Mrs. John MEMBERS OF LOCAL DROVE OF BPO DOES FETE HUSBANDS AT CHRISTMAS PARTY Does and their husbands, a to tal of approximately 125, gather ed at the Southern Pines Country Club Tuesday night for their an nual Christmas party. The hall was decked with magnolia, pine and a large Christmas tree with glowing lights. Carol singing was led by B. C. Doyle with Mrs. L. D. McDonald at the piano and Mrs. Ray Mc Donald read “Why the Chimes Rang.” Soon thereafter Santa Claus was ushered in, and he oc cupied the center of the stage as in a voice closely resembling that of Bob Arey he called the names of those whom gifts awaited. Does had carried gifts for an exchange among members, and each had provided a toy for her husband. There were “white gifts,”-, also, for use in spreading cheer at Christmas. The refeshment table was cov ered with an Italian lace cloth and the centerpiece was a miniature Santa with his reindeer. Hors d’oeuvres and sandwiches were attractively arranged on the table. The refreshment committee consisted of Mrs. Arthur Thomas, chairirian: Mesdames Cliff John son, Joe Garzik, M. G. McRae, J. T. Overton, Bob Strouse, B. C. Doyle,, and John Cline. On the decorating committee were Mrs. Joe Steed, chairman; Mesdames Pauline Smith, Craig Pickier, E. H. MiUs, Louise Johnson, George Jones, L. B. Craig, and L. B. Mc Donald. Mrs. Hubert Cameron is Drove president. INS and OUTS Mrs. Thomas Vann had as her dinner guests on Thursday of last week three siste:fs-in-law, Mrs. T. A. Thornton, Mrs. S. M. Beasley and Miss Minnie Vann, and a nephew, Vann Thornton, all of Fayetteville. Don JensenI who has been a patient at Moore County Hospita? for several days, is reported to be improving. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thomas are expecting their son, Gerald, home from the University of North Cair- olina Saturday for the holidays. Charles Merrill, a student at UNC, Chapel Hill, will arrive Sat urday to be with his mother, Mrs Mildred Merrill, for the holidays. Roy Newton, Jr., arrived home from State College in Raleigh Thursday for'the holiday season. Dick Ray of UNC, Chapel HiM, is expected Saturday to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan S. Ray. Readyfor the NEW LAW? You owe it to yourself to find out how the new Safety Re sponsibility Law will affect you as a motorist if you have an ac cident after Jan. 1, 1954 and cannot pay for it. For complete details see or telephone JOHN S. RUGGLES PAUL T. BARNUM, Inc. Phone a-5151 Southern Pines, N. C. Dr. Paulo •'Borges of Jackson Memorial Laboratory and Dr. F. Duran-Reynals of Yale University isolated a single virus that can infect chickens, then ducks, and then pigeons, in that order, but cannot be passed from species to species in the reverse order. r' 70 PROOF CHARLES JACQUIN et Cie, Inc. PHILA,, PA • EST. 1884 CHLOROPHYLL CLEANING FREE MOTHPROOHNG “If Your Clothes Don’t Look Becoming on You . . . They Should Be Coming To Us” MISS DELORES PELUSO, BRIDE-ELECT, IS FETED AT TEA AT MONTESANTI HOME Complimenting Miss Delores George Thompson, Mrs. J. J. Additional Societv News on Page B Peluso, whose wedding to Angelo Montesanti, Jr., is set for Decem ber 26, Miss Millie Montesanti, Mrs. Irvin Quillen and Mrs. D. S. Montesanti, future sisters-in-law of the bride-elect, entertained around 125 guests at a tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Monte santi, 220 West Pensylvania> Ave nue, from 3 to 5 o’clock Sunday afternoon. Christmas decorations were used threughout the house. In the dining room, where tea was served by candlelight, the bridal motif was emphasized in the table decorations. A brocaded linen Aberdeen, N. C. Announcing Southern Pines Representative Spring Mrs. C. N. Page and Mrs Gordon Clark poured. Assisting the hostesses in en tertaining were Mrs. J. V. Healy,' Mrs. John Buchholz, Mrs. Silas O. Nicholson, Mrs. William Mark ham, Mrs. William Bracken, Mrs. W. J. Wilson, and Mrs. Joe oMn- tesanti, Jr.' Oick Kolbleur ONE DAY SERVICE Phone 2-3081 Pick-Up and Deliver MONDAYS — THURSDAYS — SATURDAYS Aberdeen Phone 8600 AL CRUCE % cloth was used, with a silver bowl of white carnations as centerpiece i and white tapers in silver holders. Silver tea and coffee services were at the table ends, and Mrs. INS AND OUTS Coach Bob Fetzer of UNC, Chapel Hill, Ajisited Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Graves recently. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Martin and daughter, Debbie, of Durham spent last weekend, with Mrs. Martin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ramsey. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klingen- schmidt and baby of Vaas visited Mr. and Mrs. TTiomas Morgan Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Ken nedy of 510 East Indiana Avenue spent the weekend in Raleigh as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Stanley Smith. They attended the Jan Peerce concert Monday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Bodine of 330 Country Club Road have returned from a trip to California, where they spent Thanksgiving with their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. De Puy, of Portuguese Bend. GIFTS for the ENTIRE FAMILY - S ELECTRIC RAZORS COMB & BRUSH SETS WRIST WATCHES TRAVEL KITS THERMOS KITS TOILETRIES by: Yardley, Lentheric, Max Factor, Coty . . . all leading lines Mr. and Mrs. E C. Boyette and son James of Raleigh were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mar shall Palmer. Mrs. J. G. De Berry returned Tuesday from a visit to her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James S. De Berry, who have recently moved into their new home in Charlotte. PEN & PENCIL SETS GIFT WRAPPINGS GREETING CARDS ELECTRIC HAIR DRYERS HOT & COLD SERVERS SMOKERS NEEDS BILLFOLDS LIGHTERS COMPACTS CAMERAS PERFUME ATOMIZERS OPEN SUNDAY—9 'llll 7 Sandhill Drug Company 154 N. W. Broad St. Phane 2-6663 SOUTHERN PINES, N. C*

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