Page TEN THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1954 Nelson And Neal, Two-Piano Team, To Appear In Concert Here February 12 Couple Travel In Special Truck With Their Own Pianos Nelson and Neal, “America’s most popular two-piano team,” will be presented by the Sand hills Music Association at a con cert on Friday, February 12, at 8:30 in the Weaver Auditorium, Southern Pines. Nelson and Neal, the Austra- lian-American duo-piano team, are ope of the most popular con cert attractions ever to tour the United States. Although still in their twenties, Mr. and Mrs. Neal have probably fulfilled more con cert engagements during the past few seasons than any other two piano team. During 1952-1953, the young couple made over 107‘ap pearances in recitals and as solo ists with orchestras. Allison Nelson is a native of Australia, while Harry Neal is from Tennessee. The young couple met and married in Philadelphia where both were studying at the Curtis Institute of Music. They now spend their spmmers in a large colonial home in Paris, Tenn., and the rest of the year on concert tours. Mr and Mrs. Neal will use their own matched grand pianos for this concert, since they travel in a specially-built truck. They have made a real home on the road out of their “Chariot,” as they call it. They have equipped the large ve hicle with all the comforts of home and there is still room for the two grand pianos, moving equipment and tools. The Neals, in addition to their musical genius and charm, have the ability and the energy to wbrk long hours in preparing their programs, driving their truck and tuning their own pianos. This is a solution to the problems which usually confront concert pianists when they travel. The concert will be the third program of the season to be ar ranged by the Sandhills Music As sociation. Coming attractions will be The Vienna String Orchestra on Thursday, March 11, and the North Carolina Symphony on Fri day, April 23. Tickets are on sale at 'the Barnum Realty Co. on Broad Street, Southern Pines. Magazine Runs N, C. Feature The January issue of the Man ufacturers Record features North Carolina with 44 pages devoted to the story of the State’s industrial leadership in the South. Twenty stories, 88 photographs and numerous statistical tables and charts including a 4-color double spread map showing lo cation of principal raw products and principal railroads, airlines, navigable rivers and natural gas lines, are required to. present the North Carolina story in the busi ness magazipe which is published ! in Baltimore and circulated I throughout the nation. Since extra copies of the mag- ; azine are not available in large j number, the Department of Con- I servation and Development is having 25,000 copies of the North Carolina section reprinted and specially bound in a full-color de- I picting typical North Carolina scenes from coast to mountains. ) Director Ben E. Douglas said these reprints are expected from th e press about the middle of February and that a copy may be obtained free upon request to the department. Businessmen, Landowners Protest New Proposed Location Of Highway 15-501 Delegation Appears Before County Board; Conference Scheduled A delegation of about 25 busi nessmen and landowners appear ed before the county commission ers Monday to protest the pro posed by-passing of Carthage on Route 15-501. As a result of the conference. the commissioner’s agreement for the engineers to meet with the two-man committee and possibly others. According to recently announc ed plans. Route 15-501, which now passes through Carthage from Sanford and goes on to Pinehurst, is to be relocated east of Carthage, by-passing the business section of the town completely. The by-pass cutoff will re-enter the present eers, there would be a public hearing, according to plans made by the commissioners Monday. Purpose of the talks with en gineers is to, try to relocate the proposed road from Blue’s Siding into Hillcrest.' As the way things stand now, citizens have until February 7 to epter protests about the route of the proposed road. A complete map of this route, shO'wing names of all adjoining property owners, is posted in the corridor of the courthouse at Carthage. Some of the delegation spokes men at the meeting Monday said they would rather have 15-501 routed down No. 1 highway from Sanford to Aberdeen, than have the proposed road by-pass Csurth- age. Average prices received by North Carolina farmers for most commodities they sell increased slightly during the month ended December 15. during which vigorous protests I Carthage-Pinehurst road not far were voiced by members of the north of the “Y” intersection with delegation. Commissioner J. M. Route 22 from Southern Pines. Currie and S. C. Riddle, Sr., Car- Owners of farmland in the area thage businessman, are to meet through which the by-pass is with eighth division highway en- slated to go also -entered their pro- gineers to co-nfer on the matter, tests at the commissioners’ meet- While the board was in session, ing Monday. At least one man Commissioner Currie called said the road would ruin his farm Eighth Division Highway Com- as it now stands, missioner Forrest Lockey of Aber- After the conference of the deen on the telephone, receiving' committee with highway engin- For saving or trying to save life, 124 Boy Scouts were honored in one year for heroism by the Na tional Court of Honor of the or ganization. Drug Specials WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS Rubbing Alcohol, best quality, pint 19c KLEENEX, 300's, large size 19c ASPIRIN TABLETS, 100 5-grain 13c ALARM CLOCKS, 40-hour, guaranteed $1.79 Woodbury's Cocoanut Oil Shampoo, 50 size - - ; 29c OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK CRAIG’S WALGREEN STORE SYCAMORE ST. ABERDEEN, N. C. Bookmobile Schedule Schedule of the Moore County bookmobile for the week Febru ary 8-12 has been announced as follows: Monday—^Lakeview (Bob Gul- ledge home), 4 to 4:30 p. m. Tuesda,y—Doubs chapel route from Donald Garrison home to junction with West End road, 1:30 to 3:30; back to Eastwood with various home stops, 3:30 to 4:30. Wednesday — West Southern Pines school, 10:30 a. m.; Jackson Springs: W. E. Graham home, 2:15; postoffice, 2:30 to 3; West End, 3:15 to 4:15. Thursday — Carthage Library, 11:30 to 12:30; Robbins Library, 2 to 3; around Robbins, 3 to 4. Friday—Murdocksville and vi cinity, 2:30 to 3:45; Taylortown, 4 to 4:30 Vegetables should not be cut and left standing for a long period of time before cooking. Prepare and cook at once if vita mins and minerals are to be sav ed. Cook quickly and in as little water as possible. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY own soft ice cream business—drive in or store. Latest model continuous Electro Freeze freezers. No franchise or royalty. Will train you and can finance equipment. ELECTRO FREEZE DISTRIBUTOR 1305 W. Trade St., Charlotte, N. C. - Phone 63980. Belmont straight bourbon whiskey 86 proof this whiskey is 6 years old 4/5 QUART PINT 230 LUTER’S SMOKED SHORT SHANK 6 to 8 LBS. AVERAGE WHOLE OR HALF NATUR-TENDER, U. S. CHOICE, RONED AND ROLLED ALL-MEAT VEAL ROAST MADE FRESH AND SOLD FRESH GROUND REEF » MEDIUM SIZE CAROLINA HEADLESS GREEN SHRIMP CHEF’S PRIDE FRESH-MADE, HOT OR MILD PORK SAUSAGE » A “DIFFERENT’* TASTE TREAT!—MEDIUM SIZE ROCK LOBSTER TAILS > Armour’s Star, All-Meat, By the Piece BOLOGNA - 35' SERVE WITH FRANKS FOR A QUICK MEAL TREAT!—VAN CAMP’S SERVE WITH FKAAKS TUK A VCICA. JHIiAL, xng.All vail a PORK & BEANS FINE QUALITY AT A BUDGET PRICE!—REDGATE PURE TOMATO CATSUP REFRESHING, NOURISHING, ECONOMICAL!—KEYSTONE PURE CONCORD GRAPE JUICE -17 FREE PACKAGE OF HUDSON RAINBOW NAPKINS, WITH COUPON ON EACH 2-ROLL PACKAGE HUDSON TOWELS 2 NEW LOW PRICE!—COLORED QUARTERS NUGOA MARCJIBINE STOCK YOUR FREEZER AT THIS LOW PRICE!—DRISCOLL FRESH-FROZEN STRAWBERRIES W-d 16-OZ. .CANS 14-OZ. BOTS. 24-OZ. C BOT. ROLLS IN PKG. 1-LB. PKGS. 12-OZ. PKG. 1-. 6 YEARS OLD • STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY • BELMONT DISTILLING COMPANY, LAWRENCEBURG, I'lDl.-MA ’at Colonial’s SAY-A-TAPE plan gives quick, easy, tremen- dons savings! You can save the necessary register tapes in practicaUy no time at all. Get full details from your Colonial Store manager! Enterprise Electric Percolator Aluminum with bakellte handle, dear-view glass knob, 7-cnp. Regular 87.49 value! WITH 815 IN GOLDEN TAPES Sweet Juicy Florida Valencia ORANGES 8 °Ac 43*= YOURS FOR ONLY $^.20 You Save $3.29 ALSO, MORE THAN 100 OTHER ITEMS TO CHOOSE FROM tm imvmer I llki- FUM TO MAk£ PKGS 200 GRAPEFRUIT 5 >^oR 25* CARRAGE “ 2 lbs 0 YELLOW ONIONS - 3 10 FANCY YAMS - 5 49 Save 3c Per hoafi Tasty American Brocket Chocolate THRIFTY MILD PEANUT BREAD CHEESE GANDY 14c 8-OZ- >^0- PKG. ^oad SL—Open 'iM 8:30 p. m. Evoey Fitday

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