i 'I PAGE "mi News and Personals from Vass [Bessie Cameron Smith, Representative - Telephone Methodist Church, with three lay men assisting the pastor, the h^y- Walter C. Smith, in the worship service. Mack Callahan led the responsive reading, C. L. Tys^ I read a Scripture lesson, and W. H. t Frye had the prayer. The pastor 1 Union Road Saturday evenii^, at sermon topic “De Luxe Young! a layette shower for Mrs. E. B ... „ the , T^^j5j,„aiS mer onuicr ; Mr. and Mrs. J. P- Davis of Er Games and refreshments were en- Sunday supper guests joyed and many nice gifts were - THE PILOT. SottAern Pinea^jioc^jCaroaro were Sunday callers in the Gra- ham-Muse home. Mr.,and Mrs. J. Lee Johnson of Ralhigh spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs- J. W. Idr. and Mrs. D. H. McGill drove to Wilmington Sunday to see some of the damage wrought by Hurricane Hazel. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rosser Mr and Mrs. John H. Rosser sunuay wx.., Women’s C^cle of ^ i ghirley Thomas of Vass. bytery^ Wlomen o^f^&e Ch ^^h refreshments were en- of Mr. and Mrs. Thurlow Evans. Mrs. Mabel McRae of New York, Mrs. Fred Covington of Sanford and Mrs. Jewell Heinp- hill of Cameron called on Mrs. met Wednesday night of last led the program and Miss Pouy Vass-Lake- Gilmore conducted the . jjfgh School had to give study. Refreshirients^sugges 1 Hurricane Hazel on its Hallowe’en were served Officers of the group are; Mrs Hugh McLean, chairrnan; Mrs. J. A Hudson, vice-chairman; Mrs. Bob Edwards, secretary-treasur er; Miss Polly Gibnore Bible study leader; Mrs. Howard Gsch- wind, program leader. Other members are Mias Anme Ruth Hudson, Miss Juanita Caus ey, Mrs. Herbert Price, Mrs. Tal- madge Walton, Mrs. Herbert Cad- deU, and Mrs. Lawrence Buie. MYF Meeting The Methodist Youth Fellow ship, which has been meeting only on Sunday mornings except . on special occasions, held the first of a series of monthly evening meetings Sunday from 6.30 tO' 8 o’clock. , . Mrs. Max Edwards was m charge of the worship period, for which the Rev. Fred Davis was speaker. His talk was followed by a general discussion period, after which Roy Fry led recreation for ,. «■ T —-..i/it iT'i'vTii OOTV— View A**^b** .. nili 'J.l- V-'Clii*'-*- way to Hurricane Hazel on its, ^ ^rg. w. B. Gra- first money-making project of the Wednesday of last week year, as the Sauline Players, j ^ Dinkins and scheduled to appear here last Fri- - - ’ day afternoon and night under sponsorship of the class, were prevented from performing. How- home oaiuiua^r.- --- Rosser, Jr., of Jacksonville, Fla., was here from Saturday until Monday night. who is a patient at the Pinehurst Convalescent Home, is not show ing any improvement. Andy Hemphill of Hamlet, who is attending college in Atlanta, Ga., and a college friend were m town Saturday, visiting An^s grandmother, Mrs. Mc- Craney, and aunt, Mrs. D. H-M ' Gill. Mrs. McCraney returned to Metzgers Saturday night. Mig.s Jane McMillan of Route entered Moore County Hospital Monday. One of the best ways to reduce costs in dairying is to produce quality roughage and feed con centrates according to the quality of roughage and milk production level of individual cows. Removing non-layers and keep ing down poultry parasites wiu DR. DAVID W. WHITEHEAD Optometrist « ANNOUNCES THE REOPENING OF OFFICES FOR THE EXAMINATION AND thS'fo^rSdren an^Mr. and Hamlet with them^ Mrs Wlayland Thomas and son, Uts. S. Sanford and raise production percentage £e. al* ot Santed. visited Mr j of the laying flocks. prevented from periorming. now- 'Mrs. James Key Sunday ever, they came on Wednesday of this week. pyt. Lacy Frye has completed The Juniors, locking forward to ^j^sic training at Camp Gor- the junior-senior banquet next - . to ot the group. Mrs. Lewis Frye serv ed as chairman of the refresh ment committee which served cookies, drinks and nuts_ Thv. meeting closed with the friend ship circle and MYF benediction Programs of this type will b held each third Sunday evening and all youth of the f ^rch ^e invited to attend and bring their friends. Mrs. Ring Entertains Mrs. James Ring was hostess to . . ^ _ J- Xo A ATI tne juiuui-aciixvAi. ^^00^— spring, have undertaken another project—selling costume jewelry for a period of two weeks. Church Women Meet Vass Presbyterian Wom^ of the Church met with Mrs. P. Wilson Tuesday night of mst week, with Mrs. W. D. McGill presiding over the business ses sion. Mrs. C. G. Crockett led the Bible study and Mrs. N. N. Mc Lean was in charge of tlm pro^ gram, entitled “I Saw the Church in Latin America.” Others takmg part were Mrs. Leon Keith, Mrs. Delmas Kimball, Mrs. Eugene Hicks, Mrs. Charles Von Metzger, Saturday afternoon. home. .I Mr. and Mrs. Alton Blue of Gar-1 CORRECTION OF THE EYES Offices in his home at 350 E. Ohio Ave. Southern Pines Examinations by appointment only Dial 2-7943 and Mrs. H. D. Jackson. The group decided to hold a family supper and brief review of the book, “Man and Gcd in the City” oh the fifth Sunday eve ning beginning at 6 o’clock. Mrs. Leon Keith, chairman of Church Extension, will be in charge. The meeting closed with a re freshment period. Laymen's Day Laymen’s Day was observed TVTrs Tames Ring was nosiess I.U, .xxcj.... - - _ ... her home on S.nday mornme .n the Vass ivir. auu ivxio. —— thage Route 3 visited Evans rel atives here Sunday. Mrs. Pete Marshburn spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Ellis Edmonds near Cameron. spend-the-day guests were Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Jackson ana Ann Jackson of near Godwin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tew and son and Mrs. O. D. Tew, of Salem- burg, and Mrs. Paul Tew of Au- treyville. Pvt. Hugh McLean of Fort Jackson, who was at home for the weekend, and Mrs. Mc Lean joined the group Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. H. B. Stowers and son, Ben, of Jacksonville were weekend guests of Mrs. Stowers father H. B. Lynch, and Mrs. Lynch. They came for the Skeet Championships at Pinehurst. Mrs. P. A. Wilson and Mrs. Charles Von Metzger visited W. D Smith at the Scotland Rest Home at Laurinburg Sunday afternoon PRICES IN THIS AD ef^fective thru SATURDAY, OCT. 23 COLONIAL stores] Start the Day Right with Orange Juice! 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AVG. ■ pick-oS-Uie-Nest Grade "A EGGS Carton dozen 39c CS 100% PURE INFANT COFFEE housecleaning 1C. ^BROOMS redg^ ^^n H^RTY M beans c 4 CAMPBELL’S TOMATO ^SOUP 2 SUQARIPE EVAPI^TED ‘ APPEES i CONCENTRATED ORANGE BASE REALGOLD SUNSHINE CRACKERS krispf DULANY FROZEN BUTT^ berms C^reamert^ BRTfER 77. LB. IB quality CONTROLLED GROUND Bccr fresh GBORNR! lb Budget Baby Beef SIRLOIN, T-BONE, boneless ROUND, SH^RC OR CLUB—LB. " ^ . 29 Save Your CS | Register Tapes | Redeem Them for | cHipton ?omaWSbS^ PKG 13* SAV-A-TAPE premiums At Your Friendly \ beef-vegetable OR ONION COLONIAL STORES WITH 1-tB. PORK CAN N0.1 CANS 8-OZ. BAG Budget Baby Beef Chuck ^ ^NSHINE C^CK^S 6-OZ. CAN 10-OZ PKG. W- A S HAiue LB. 2 33 Broad SL—Open 'til 8:M p. m. Every Friday ROLLS