FRIDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1954 THE PILOT. Southern Pines. North Carolina PAGE NINETEEN J © ► « i i y 1 • Women’s Activities and Sandhills Social Events BESSIE CAMERON SMITH, Editor TELEPHONE 2-6532 MAJ. DWIGHT SPEAKS TO CIVIC GARDEN CLUB ON PLANTING TREES AND SHRUBS garden operations appropriate to the current months will be pre sented. “Trees and Shrubs, Their Planting, Care and Culture” was the subject discussed by Major Francis M. Dwight, of the Dwight Nurseries on Highway 1, when he appeared as guest speaker at the regular monthly meeting of the Civic Garden Club cn Thurs day of last week. The speaker mentioned some of the points to which gardeners should pay special attention, such as soil, moisture content and availability of sunshine, also the locating of trees and shrubs as oftentimes they have a tendency i For December, Miss Helen But ler suggested the elimination of all weeds, the division and mulch ing of peonies and the planting of annuals such as poppies, larkspur, and linaria. All bulbs should now be in the ground, she said, and perennials divided • for spring blooming. Instead of burning raked leaves, they should be put in a hole to make humus for fer tilizing the garden, it was stress- to outgrow the space allotted to them:. . As a member of the National Forestry Association he comment ed on the limited variety of trees native to the Sandhills and stress ed the need and purpose of con servation to protect and preserve the forests for future generations In distributing attractive year books, the president, Mrs. James Ratliffe, called attention to a new feature, “Now’s t\ie Time,” when NEW RECORDS AT rts Book Shop Instead of the usual voting on arrangements, blue ribbons were awarded Mrs. Angelo Montesanti, Mrs. M. Y. Poe, Mrs. Margaret Douglas and Mrs. James Hart- shorne, who had contributed gay Ghristmas decorations. Members and guests were in vited to gather around the tea table, at which Mrs. Wade Stevick and Mrs. Virgil Clark presided. Mrs. H^l Adams Is Leader of Joy Gift Program The annual “Joy Gift” program was presented at Brownson Mem orial Presbyterian Church last Sunday night under the direction of Mrs. Hal Adams, chairman of annuities and relief. Mrs. R. P. Brown, for the devo tional part of the service, read a Christmas story entitled “My Son.” Dr. Bruce Warlick sang “O Come, Emmanuel,” and Mrs. P. P. McCain gave a talk on her recent visit to the Holy Land, il lustrating it with slides. A special offering for the re lief of aged ministers and their families was made. Putting Contest The Pinehurst Country Club Ladies Putting Contest was won (on draw) by Mrs. Charles A. Wiarren, 19-18-37, who tied with Mrs Gordon H. Clark, 19-18-37. Hay< Addio The Naughty Lady From Shady Lane The Ames Brothers Dawn That's All I Want From You Jaye P. Morgan Beware of "It" Kiss Crazy Baby Johnnie & Jack Idle Gossip Make Yourself Comfortable Sarah Vaughn Loose Talk More Than Anything Else in the World Carl Smith You Upset Me Baby Whole Lotta Love B. B. King Good Thing Baby How Deep Is the Ocean The Sultans Bip Bam Someday You Want Me To Want You The Drifters CHRISTMAS RECORDS and ALBUMS MUCH ENTERTAINING CENTERS AROUND FIRST PINEHURST FORUM OF SEASON Over 200 people attended the"^ first Pinehurst Forum and the first Thursday evening buffet supper of the season, held last Entertain Circle 8 Two Hostesses week at the Pinehurst Country Club. The club was filled to ca pacity with a record attendance, who turned out to hear William L. Shirer, famous author, radio commentator and foreign corre spondent, give an interesting lec ture on “The World Today.” Among those entertaining at the buffet supper were: Dr. and Mrs. DeWitt B. Nettleton, who entertained in honor of the guest speaker; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hy att, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parson, Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Peck. Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Pishko, Mr. and Mrs. Donald S-herrerd, Mr. and Mrs. W.' M. Sheppard, Capt. and Mrs. Charles H. Maddox, Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Nierman, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Spellissy, Mr. and Mrs. J. Talbot Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. John Wi. Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. David R. Riach, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Ro land R. McElvsre, Mrs. M. A. Loup, Mrs. Chester M. Williams, Mrs. Mulford Horr, Mrs. HTenry A. Page, Jr., Miss Katherine Sledge, and Miss Jean Symington. Local Officers Attend Retreat Mrs. R. P. Brown, Presbyterial first vice-president, and Miss iSaradee Daviis, chairman -o-f stewardship, attended a Presby terial Officers’ Retreat at Center Church, near Laurinburg, Thursday of last week. At Turkey Dinner Christmas was in the air Mon day night when members of Pres byterian Circle 8 met at the home of Mrs. Richard Arndt at 7 o’clock, to be entertained at sumptuous turkey dinner by the co-hostesses, Mrs. Arndt and Mrs. Harvey Horne, preceding the Christmas program. The living room decorations featured a lighted tree, beneath which gifts brought by members were placed for distribution later in the evening, and the dipner table had as a centerpiece a min iature tree flanked by lighted candles. After the dinner, of which 19 member and one visitor, Mrs. Hendricks, mother of Mrs. Horne, partook, a program was given. The group joined in carol singing Mrs. Dan S. Ray led the Bible study, and Mrs. Chester Van Ben- schoten presented a Christmas article on the “Joy Gift.” After gifts had been distribu ted, a surprise was sprung on one of the hostesses. Mrs. Mel John son brought in from her car an other collection of gift packages, which proved to be a shower of layette articles for Mrs. Horne from the Circle members. ’These on I were opened and displayed, with many expressions of admiration. Club Women Visit State School To Deliver Gift Packages An interesting project of the N. C. Federation of Junior Wom an’s Clubs, in which the local Jr. W'lC-man’s Club participates, is the providing of Christmas gifts for the 1650 persons in Caswell Training School, a State institu tion at Kinston. To the November meeting of the Southern Pines Club, each member carried a gift-wrapped package—a tc-y or a gift for an older inmate—and on Wednesday of last week Mrs. Joe Marley, club president, and Mrs. John C. Tullett drove to Kinston to de liver the 35 packages, which, with gifts from other clubs will be distributed on Christmas mcrn ing. They spent about two hours at the school, and met the superin tendent, the I religious education director arid the recreation di rector. They paid brief visits to the administration building, the recreation department, two of the cottages, and the arts and crafts department. They found the plant most interesting and wished for more time in which to become better acquainted with the work being done there. Three Circles Unite For Bible Study And Social Hour Presbyterian Circles 1, 2 and 3 held their last meeting of the year at Brownson Memorial Church Tuesday afternoon. Each group met separately for its business session. Circle 3 gave a gift of apprecia tion fcr the excellent work of its chairman, Mrs. Alpha Williams, and a shower of gifts, sent to Mrs. Eugene Thwing, whose iil- ness has kept her from attending all mieetings except those in her own home. After the business, the Circles assembled in the sanctuary for the Bible lesson which was taught by Mrs. R. P. Brown, then went to the women’s lounge for a social hour which was greatly enjoyed. 9 is all abrim with the kinds of gifts that Christmas dreams Eire made of. Come in and see for yourself SILVER and CHINA in a number of lovely patterns. USE OUR CLUB PLAN CRYSTAL Gifts of crystal are always appreciated CHRISTMAS PLATES We have the famous Christmas plates made in Denmark FOR THE MEN LEATHER GIFTS that are unusual TOBY JUGS BOULTON FIGURES SCARVES LINENS LEATHER BELTS FREE GIFT WRAPPING DELIVERY SERVICE Open Wednesday - Afternoons JEWELRY ITEMS For that “something differ ent,” we suggest our unusual pieces of Jewelry, many of them handmade. STOCKING PRESENTS See our selection of small, distinctive yet inexpensive, stocking gifts SOUTHERN PINES Mrs. Douglas Is Hostess To Circle 4 Circle 4 of Brownson Memorial Women of the Church held its December meeting Monday night at the home of Mrs. James Doug las. An open fire, a lighted Santa Claus and a tiny Christmas tree lent a holiday air to the meeting, which opened with a social hour during which the hostess served a dessert course with coffee. Fourteen members were present. Mrs. Dorothy, Avery conducted the Bible study and Mrs. John McCrimmon presented an article on Christmas. On behalf of the Circle mem bers, Mrs. Dcuglas presented gifts to Mrs. Avery and Mrs. Howard McNeill in appreciation of their leadership during the year. Group singing of carols, with Mrs. Doug las at the piano, followed. Pinehurst Country Club Elects Local People To Membership Among these elected to social membership in the Pinehurst Country Club since the fall open ing are the following from South ern Pines: Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Pethick, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Sheppard, Mr. and Mrs. Voit Gil more, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald D Kennedy. 1 N®S' wm 't CHANEL! THE"MOSt TREASURER NAME.INIPERFUME CHANEL $8.25 - $13.00 - $20.00 to $300, Fed. tax included UEWELERS c^(yutke4HV ^ineA', I Madrigal Singers Meeting Each Week The Madrigal Singers, unique vocal group of about 30 Sandhills residents are meeting each Friday night at Weymouth, the home of Mrs. James Boyd, but are plan ning no public concert until next spring, it was learned this week. The group this year is under the direction of Thomas R. How erton of Southern Pines, whose wife, Mrs. Martha Howerton is accompanist. At the December 17 gathering of the singers, a tape recording Miss Edna Yarborough Weds Hubert Lee Cole In Chesterfield, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Yarborough of Pinehurst announce the mar riage of their daughter, Edna, to Hubert Lge Cole of Dayton, Ohio The double ring ceremony was performed at 4:30 Saturday after noon, December 4, in Chester field, S. C. Attending the couple were Miss Doris Jean Gaddy of Pinehsrst and Paul Lea of Fort will be made for a radio broad cast. Bragg. The bride is a graduate of Pine hurst High School and King’s Business College in Charlotte and is now employed in the office of Moore Ccunty Hospital, Pine hurst. The bridegroom is with the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg. The couple will make their home with the bride’s parents, for the present. SUBSCRIBE TO THE P I L o' T MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS WEEKLY. * PINT $3.40 QT. BLENDED WHISKEY. 86 proof. 725455 grain neutral spirits. Frankfort Distillers Co., N.Y.C. hospitalify starts hole SERVE 12 BOTTLES ^ TftARC-HARK ({ 12 BOTTLES B( .Coke J LCokeMCi TRADE-MASK ^ * 12 BOTTLES 12 BOTTLES „ , . , , -.CokemCokej Your dealer s Christmas display is a timely reminder TTZ have extra Coke on hand throughout the holidays. BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY ABERDEEN COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. "Cok*" Is o rogUtorod frad«*mcirk. 1954« THE COCA-COU COAAFANY E4