PAGE FOUR THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina FRIDAY. MARCH 25. 1955 Women’s Activities and Sandhills Social Events BESSIE CAMERON SMITH, Editor TELEPHONE 2-6512 ' Woodmen Circle MISS SHIRLEY ELIZABETH JOHNSON’S engagement to Lyle Daniel McDonald, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. McDonald of Southern Pines, is announced by her mother and step-father, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Mafhewson of Durham. A June wedding is planned. Her father was the late Mr. Johnson of Miami, Fla. Mi^s Johnson is a graduate of Miami High School and a member of Alpha Iota Sorority and Business Girls’ Group. Mr. McDonald, a graduate of Southern Pines High School, is an operating room technician at Duke Hospital in Durham, where he holds membership in the Moose Lodge, Durham Life Saving Corps, and Knights of Cj3- lumbus. Plans Activities Dogwood Grove No. 253 of the Supreme Forest Woodmen circle met Wednesday night in the W. O. W. hall with 14 members pres ent. Members voted to make a cash donation to the Marie Hurst fund, also to make a second cash contribution to the Talley Infirm ary Memorial fund. This fund is being raised to build a hospital in connection with the Woodmen Circle Home for the aged mem bers, in Sherman, Tex. Miss Alice Baxter was elected to replace Mrs. Margaret Mattocks as treasurer. Plans were made for a practice meeting on Friday April 15, for benefit of the three officers from this Grove who will be participating in the Southeast ern District convention. in Fair mont April 20. Refreshments of whipped jello, brownies, coffee, and Coca-Colas were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Shirley Yearby and Mary Scott Newton. Adelaide King Class Holds Meeting The Adelaide King Bible Class of the Baptist Church held its monthly business and social meeting Tuesday evening, March 21, at the heme of Miss Ann Huntington, with 17 members present. The devotions were led by Mrs. C. B. Gale. After the business part of the program. Miss Mary Richardson gave a reading on “Herodias”. Mrs. George Colton had charge of the entertainment. Mrs. W. E. Kivette, co-hestess with Miss Huntington, served refreshments. Altar Guild To Give Silver Tea At Winkelman Home The Altar Guild of the Church of Wide Fellowship will give a Silver Tea frorn 3 to 5 o’clock Wednesday afternoon, March 30, at the home of Mrs. Dwight W. Winkelman, 565 East Massachu setts Avenue, who is graciously opening her home and garden lor this event. In its springtime beauty the Winkelman home is one of the showplaces of the Sand hills. The Guild is looking for ward to a large attendance. Headquarters for V — hand fashioned with the same superior skili, conscientious workmanship and scientific research' that for fifty years have.made MacGregor “The Greatest Name in Golf NOW—a Great Name in Tennis Also we are showing the 1955 models of the T. A. DAVIS Rackets from $10.95 up Expert Tennis Restringing service, $4 up Busters Sport Shop "Where Good Sports Meet" Tel. 2-8111 Patch Bldg. Southern Pines Southern Pines Has Many At fashion Parade Southern Pines was well repre sented at the Spring Fashion Pa rade staged by Razook’s at the Carolina Hotel in Pinehurst Mon day night to benefit the two lo cal hospitals; Moore County and St. Joseph’s. Among the number attending were: Mrs. M. E. Greer, Mrs Frank Roberts, Dr. Vida McLeod, Mrs. Graham Culbreth, Mrs. C. A. McLaughlin, Mrs. L. S. Walk er, and house guests, Mrs. John McDowell, Mrs. Herbert Wood and Mrs. Barclay Orr, Mrs. L. L. McLean, Mrs. Betty Coley, Mrs. Jean Edson, Dr. and Mrs. Fred Langner, Mrs. Bill Huntley, Mrs. Curtis Townshend, Mrs. O. Leon Seymour, Mrs. A. C. Dawson, Mrs. Voit Gilmore, Mrs. James Pleasants, Mrs. L. D. McDonald Mrs. J. S. Hiatt, Jr., Mrs. Robert L. Bame, Mr., and Mrs. Harold Collins, Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Peck, Mrs. Ruth Swisher, . and Mrs. Claude Reams. Also, Mrs. R. M. McMillan, Mrs. .T. E. Fleming, Mrs. Katherine N. McColl, Mrs. Lloyd Clark, Mrs. Todd Baxter and Miss Alice Bax ter. Climaxing a weekend of social activities centering around the races was a formal dinner dance, conducted by the Stoneybrook Hunt and Racing Association Saturday evening at the Pine Needles Country Club. Around 150 attended. Shown above at left is the table of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight W. Winkelman, and at right, that of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon G. Cardy. Reading from left around the Winkelman table are: Mrs. and Mr. E, C. Winkelman of Lohville, Iowa; Miss Suanee Sprague, Savannah, Ga.; Dwight W. Winkelman, Jr., Dwight W. Winkel man, Miss Judy Pfeiffer, Syracuse, N. Y,; Mrs. Dwight W. Win kelman, and Charles Harper, Westchester, Pa. Mrs. Harper, also a member of this party, was not present when the photo was taken. At the Cardy table, same order, are Mrs. Vernon G. Cardy, Louis P. Kelly, Rosetree, Pa.; Miss Helen Ferguson, twin sister of Mrs. Cardy, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brogan, Jr., of New Jersey; Howard Tenure, New York City; Mrs. Constance McGhee Baxter (barely visible), Charlottesville, Va.; Mr. Cardy; Mrs. Howard Tenure; Bruce Cardy, Ste. Marguerite, Canada; and Mrs. Louis Kelly. MISS BETTY ELLEN RITTER, PINEHURST, IS BRIDE OF MICHAEL NICHOLAS BABYAK ' ^ Musicale And Tea At Jamison Home Delightful Affair Mrs. Luther H. Hodges, wife of North Carolina’s Governor, and Mrs. William Rodman, Jr., wife of State Senator Rodman and president of the Sir Walter Cabi net of legislators’ wives were dis tinguished guests at a musicale and tea, held Wednesday after noon at the Knollwood home of Dr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Jamison, Jr., sponsored by the Moore County Historical Association The tea, one of the loveliest social events of the Spring, attracted a large attendance from the Sand hills and beyond. Mrs. Dennison K. Bullens of Knollwood and Mrs. J. Talbot Johnson of Aberdeen arranged the floral decoratiens for the tea table and elsewhere. Mrs. Charles T. Grier and Miss Frances Me Keithen, of Carthage, Mrs. Albert Tufts of Pinehurst, Mrs. Edwin McKeithen of Aberdeen, and Mrs Wallace Irwin of Southern Pines poured. Delightful music was presented by Miss Betty Vaden Williams of Raleigh, who played her own ac- cempaniments on a harp. Attract ing especial interest was her ren dition of “Vandy, Vandy,” an old English ballad which Mrs. Ernest Ives and Manly Wade Wellman brought to light in upper Moore County through information re ceived front Mrs. Jaeqeus Busbee. Many Attend Tea At Shaw House The League of Women Voters welcomed old and new members at a lovely Spring tea &t the Shaw House Thursday afternoon. A sizable group turned out to en joy the delicious cookies and j cakes made by the members. I The group included many from Southern Pines, also from Carth age, where a study unit is in the process of being formed. ShGarwood Travel Service Market Square, Pinehurst - Phone 4912 AIR and SEA TICKETS — DOMESTIC and FOREIGN CRUISES, TOURS, INDEPENDENT TRAVEL We take the ravel out of travel INS and OUTS Mrs. Estelle Cameron spent last week in Fayetteville with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Holt. Her daughter. Mrs. L. W. Hall, and son Len of Laurinburg visited Mrs. Cameron Monday. Mrs. Albert Cheatham, Mrs. Lela Lawrence, Mrs. Harriette Lewis and Al2c C. D. Grubb spent Sunday in Greensboro with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Martin and Mrs. Bill Evans. Rex Hospital graduate nurse. Miss Betty Ellen Ritter, and pro fessional baseball player, Michael Nicholas Babyak, were married Saturday at 4:30 p. m. in the Beu lah Hill Ba'ptist Church, Pine hurst, with the Rev. W. F. Han cock officiating in a double-ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ritter of Pine hurst and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Baby ak of Niagara Falls, N. Y. Wedding music Was presented by Mrs. W. F. Hancock of Rob bins, pianist, and Mrs. D. H. Whitesell, Jr., of Pinehurst, vocal ist. The bride was given in mar riage by her father and had as matron of honor her sister, Mrs. L. L. Bradley of^ Siler City. Bridesmaids were Miss Margie Garner of Pinehurst and Mrs. Joe Bradley of Raleigh. Miss Ann Babyak cf Niagara Falls, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Cathy Bradley of Siler City, niece of the bride, were flower girls. The bridegroom was attended by his brother, Nicholas Babyak of Niagara Falls as best man. Ushers were L. L. Bradley of Siler City, brother-in-law of the bride, and Joe Brantley of Ra leigh. The bride wore a gown of bridal satin with French Chan tilly lace. The bodice was fash ioned with a yoke outlined with seed pearls and the full skirt ex tended into a short train. The fingertip veil Of nylon tulle was attached to a tiara of French Chantilly lace showered with seed pearls. She carried a white Bible topped with a white orchid and streamers of satin showered with white baby orchids. The matron of honor wore a full length-dress of copen blue hylon net over taffeta with matching bandeau and carried a nosegay of mixed flowers. The flower girls wore short dresses of white nylon with full skirts and carried baskets covered in white satin. The mother of the bride wore smoke blue silk taffeta and the mother of the bridegroom wore powder blue lace. Eacji wore an Orchid corsage. Following the ceremony the bride’s parents entertained with a reception at their home. The bride was graduated from Rex Hospital, School of Nursing in Raleigh, and at present is em ployed in the operating room of Moore County Hospital in Pine hurst. The bridegroom attended State College for two years and dt the conclusion of his second year signed a professional baseball contract, with the Philadelphia Phillies. He will be assigned to their farm: organization thi; month. / I CJollege of )uth. Ore., MISS BARBEE SHERMAN is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sherman of Ketchikan, Alaska, and Port land, Ore., who announce her engagement to the Rev. Lewis Hodgkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norris L. Hodgkins of South ern Pines. Miss Sherman is a graduate of Oregon ' Education, Monmouth and is teaching in Forest Grove, Ore. The Rev. Mr. Hodgkins is a graduate of Duke University, Durham, and St. Luke’s 'Theological Seminary, University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. He is priest-in-charge of St. Eliza beth’s Episcopal Church, Ketchikan, Alaska. The wed ding will take place in Oregon in late June. New Heir-rivals ROBERT ADAMS Mr. and Mrs. John Adams of William atlsett. Mass., announce the birth of a son, Robert, on Thursday, March 24, weighing eight pounds, six ounces. Mrs. Adams is the former Barbara Zientara, the second Displaced Person to reach Southern Pines. She lived with Mrs. Arthur Ather ton for 14 months and made many friends while here. Mr. Adams caUed Mrs. Atherton to tell the news of the baby. I® MISS BETTY JANE WOR SHAM is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Worsham of Southern Pines, who- announce her engagement to Richard Savage, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Savage of Concord. The wedding is planned for July 2 LOOKING AHEAD LEARN MORE CLASS The Learn More Bible Class will meet Monday night at 8 o’clock with Mrs. Ida Lorenson on Ashe Street. INSTALLATION Magnolia Chapter 26, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold its installation of officers in a cere mony open to the public at 8 o’clock tonight (Friday), in the Masonic Hall. All friends of the Chapter are invited to attend. BAND BOOSTERS CLUB The Band Boosters Club will meet in the science room of the Southern Pines High School next niursday, March 31, at 8 p.m. DIAPER SERVICE IS A NECESSITY — ESPECIALLLY THE FIRST FEW WEEKS! We will be glad to serve you, whether for a few weeks, or a few months. Your Choice of Curity, Dexter, or Birdseye Diapers Please TELEPHONE Fayetteville 2-3898 Collect to arrange for service deliveries on Wednesdays and Saturdays Fayetteville’s Baby Laundry Serving Southern Pines, Pinehurst and Aberdeen SEAFORTH SHAVE LOTION Rego lar or Spitad 2 JUGS A BRECK DR. WEST TOOTHBRUSHES A 584 VALUE SERUTAN 89< BEAUTIFUL HAIR 4 oz. Brack Creme Rinse 16 oz. Brack Shampoo 1.75 Regular Value 2.35 rP|us Tax CUTEX Giant Economy Size JOe Polish Remover Cuticle Remover Regular Value /W Regular Value /W plus tax CURAD Plastic Bandages 39^ Plastic Tape 390 Total Value vo ^ and get trial size ^ 504 vaiue/aaqpy ^ —tzs— ^ _ , ^200 VALUE HAZEL BISHOP 350 size of Complexion Glow with Purchase of Hazel Bishop Lasting Lipstick LISTERiNE ANTIZYME TOOTH PASTE Buy one tube ot regulor price Get 2nd tube at Vz price 43' MCKESSON’S ASPIRIN Two 470 Betties of 100 Tobfets Open Sunday, March 27th Sandhill Drug Company PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Phone 2-6663 Night Phone 2-5794 SOUTHERN PINES DRIVE CAREFULLY — SAVE A LIFE!