PAGE FOUR THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 1955 .1', Women’s Activities and Sandhills Social Events BESSIE CAMERON SMITH, Editor TELEPHONE 2-6512 wm I MISS DORIS HARRIET DAVIS IS BRIDE OF LOUIS ERWIN CLARK OF GREENVILLE A reception at Carthage Com-* munity House followed the mar-i^- lyr ArrnumnrI riage of Miss Doris Harriet Davis! -IVUSS Mary iirrOWOOa Weds University Professor At Linden to Louis Erwin Clark, which took 'place in the, Carthage Methodist Church Saturday, September 17, 'with the Rev. Harvey L. Davis of Miss Mary Dickson Arrowood Elizabethtown, uncle of the bride, became the wife of an assistant officiating. professor of geology at Johns The bride is the daughter of'Popkins University Saturday. Mr. and Mrg. Harry Davis of Car- tnage ana the briaegroom is tne son of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Clark of Greenville. Music was presented by Mrs. Colin G. Spencer, Jr., organist, and Mrs. LaVerne Womack, solo-i The marriage of Miss Arro wood and Clifford A. Hopson was in Sardis Presbyterian Church at Linden.' The bride’s father, the Rev. Robert S. Arrowood officiated. Miss Katherine Arrowood was MlbS MARY RUTH CLARK of Vass, who has joined the faculty of Catawba College as an instructor in the Commerce - Department. Miss Clark, a graduate of Vass-Lakeview High School, attended Louis- burg College for two years and graduated from Woman’s College of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro with a degree in secretarial administration. She has been teaching sec retarial science at King’s Bus iness College in Charlotte, and goes to Catawba highly recommended. At Catawba she will teach secretarial sci ence, shorthand, typing, and advEmced transcription. Miss Clark is the daughter of Mrs. Margaret Cameron Clark'of Vass. Johnsons Surprised With House Warming And Kitchen Shower Mr. and Mrs. W. Morris John son, who were married a few weeks ago, were given a surprise house warming and kitchen show er by a group of friends Monday night. The group flocked in for a visit, then returned to their cars to bring in the shower gifts and refreshments which they had pro vided. Those honoring the Johnsons were Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Poe, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gerish, Mrs. Harry Ful- lenwider, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Scheipers, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bushby, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Scheipers, Sr. ist. her sister’s only attendant. Miss Annette Davis, sister of \ Best man was the bride’s broth- the bride, was maid of honor. Mrs. | er, Robert S. Arro wood Jr. Ushers C. Robert Neilson of Kinston was jncluded Dr. Robert M. McMillan matron of honor. The bridesmaids ^ of Southern Pines, cousin of the were Miss Rose Miller and Miss bride, Carlyle Williams, Wayne Peggy Bell of Greensboro. Miss I Collier and George Elliott, all of Linden. The bride is the daughter of Ramen Patti was junior brides maid and Doris Patti was flO'wer girl. The attendants wore desert rose lace and satin gowns with satin cummerbund, and matching pic ture nats. They carried bronze chrysanthemums. The bride wore a duppioni silk gown with alencon lace bertha the Rev. and Mrs. Arrowood of Linden. A graduate of Woman’s College, she has been associated ,with Central Young Woman’s Christian Association, Baltimore, Md., two years. , Mr. Hopson is the’'son of Mrs. Eric E. Hopson of Mill Valley, embroidered in seed pearls. The Calif., and the late Mr. Hopson, bouffant skirt extended into a | He received a B. S. degree from sweep train and her fingertip veil ‘ Stanford University and a M. S. of silk illusion was attacnea to a ] degree from the University of pillbox headdress of alencon lace and seed pearls. She carried lace Chrysanthemums, .centered with white orchids. Mr. Clark was best man for his son and the ushers were Lt. C. Dwight Garrett of Camp Lejeune, Jack Stoughton of Raleigh, C. Robert Neilson of Kinston, John G. Clark, Jr., and Clarence B, Tugwell of Greenville. The mother of the bride wore an imported dior blue wool dress with blue satin accessories. The ^^-0 Comuletcd mother of the bridegroom wore a ^ blue mist dress of lace over taf feta with matching accessories. Both wore orchids. The couple are honeymoooning j fcr their card party to be held in the mountains of North Caro- Tuesday, September 27, in St. An- Washington. A candidate for a Ph. D. degree at Johns Hopkins University, he is a member of Sigma Gamma Epsilon and Phi Beta Kappa. , Going with Dr. McMillan to at tend the wedding were Mrs. Mc Millan and their two daughters, Julia and Mary and Miss Callie Battley of Pinehurst. Card Party Plans St. Anthony’s Guild held an of ficers’ meeting late last week, to discuss last minute preparations lina. They will reside in Green ville. Mr. Clark attended the Univer sity of North Carolina and was graduated from East Carolina College, where he was elected to Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities. thony’s auditorium. As the response for tickets has been most gratifying, persons de- .siring tables reserved are asked to call Mrs. Stephen Van Camp, 2-7805. Tickets can be secured thorough Mrs. John Hunnemann, tel. 2-8965. Local Woodmen Circle Members Attend Meeting In Raeford Nine members of Dogwood Grove No. 253 of the Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle journeyed to Raeford Tuesday night to at tend the meeting of Cedar Grove . No. 179, which was highlighted by the election and installation of 1956 officers. Mrs. Ethel Donaldson of Char lotte, ■ national committeewoman and state manager, presided as in stalling officer. Mrs. T. Bailey of Southern Pines was installing chaplain and Miss Mary Scott Newton, also of Southern Pines, was installing attendant. Others from the local Grove who attended were: Mrs. Marga ret Mattocks, Mrs. Amelia Crain, Miss Louise Crain, Mrs. Jean 'Stout, Miss Lessie McNeill, Mrs. Stella Hornaday, and Mrs. Evelyn Yonts. The hostess grove served cake, cookies and punch at the close of the meeting. Maj. McCarthy Speaks To Methodist Society; Cooking School Slated The Women’s Society of Chris tian Service of the Southern Pines Methodist Church met Mon day night at Highland Lodge with Maj. John F. McCarthy as guest speaker. Introduced by Mrs. James Springer, Major McCarthy talked on “Korea and Her Peo ple.” Mrs. J. S. Hiatt, Jr., president, conducted the business session, during which committee reports were given and plans were com pleted fon sponsoring a cooking school. The school will be held on Thursday afternoon and Fri day night, October 6, 7 at the lo cal school auditorium, conducted by Miss Estelle Doyle, home economist for General Electric. A refreshment period brought the meeting to a close. MAYOR VOIT GILMORE SPEAKS TO CHURCH GROUP; RECEPTION FOR FACULTY HELD Mayor Voit Gilmore spoke on* Dinner Party At The Southland Compliments Bridal Couple-Elect the history of religious education in North Carolina at Monday night’s meeting of Brownson Memorial Presbyterian Women of the Church, held in the church with Mrs. George Heinitsh, presi dent, conducting the business ses sion. Mrs. Avery Evans, Christian Education chairman, was in charge of the program and intro duced the speaker. Mr. Gilmore traced the growth of religious education through the years and discussed the merger of three Presbyterian colleges— Peace Junior at Raleigh, Presby terian Jnuior at Maxton, and Flora Macdonald at Redi Springs— which was approved by the Synod of North Carolina at its meeting in July. At the close of the meeting, members and guests went to the Fellowship Hall, where a recep tion honoring the Southern Pines School faculty was held. The refreshment table, covered with a white linen cloth, held a centerpiece of spider lilies, Chinese holly and pine, flanked by candles. Mrs. Hal Adams and iMrs. James Pleasants poured i punch, which was served with ; party sandwiches, cookies, nuts 'and mints. I Mrs. A. L. Burney, Mrs. Claude 1 Reams, Mrs. J. F./Williams, and Mrs. W. O. Spence comprised the reception committee. WEDDING RITES IN HONOLULU UNITE MISS ELIZABETH KOLB, MR. CORNWELL MRS. ROBERT F. LEON ARD of Washington, D. C., vice-president of the National League of Women Voters, wiU meet with the board of directors of the North Caro lina League of Women Voters in Charlotte on September 26 and 27 to discuss program agenda and policy for the coming year. On September 28, Mrs. Leonard will attend a meeting of the Charlotte League of Women Voters, one of 14 local Leagues in North Carolina, of which the South ern Pines League is another. Other units are in Ashe ville, Brevard, Chapel HUl, Durham, Greensboro, Green ville, High Point, Jackson ville, Kinston, Raleigh, Tryon and Winston-Salem. Legion Auxiliary Installs Officers The American Legion Auxiliary piet Tuesday night at the Legion hall with the president, Mrs. Joe Hensley, conducting the business session. The group voted to accept the invitation of the Legion Post to meet jointly tomorrow (Friday) night to enjoy a fish fry on the Legion lot on Maine Avenue, after which the Pest will install offi cers fOr the coming year. Mrs. L. A. Des Pland announc ed placing literature in commem oration of Constitution Week in downtown windows, representing both the DAR and American Le gion. Auxiliary’s interest in this 4- Barber’s Point Naval Air Sta tion Chapel in Honolulu was the scene of the wedding on Satur- 'day, August 27, of Miss Elizabeth jKclb, daughter of Mrs. Rudolph Kolb, and John B. Cornwell,' son j of Mrs. Stanley D. Fobes of South- I ern Pines and Robert Cornw^ell of Montclair, N. J. The ceremony !was performed at five o’clock in ' the afternoon by Chaplain Fath er Martin L. Hoar, USN. ^ The bride, who was given in marriage by Col. Thomas R. Aaron of Honolulu, wore a baller ina length gown of white lace I over taffeta with veil of tulle, and carried a bouquet of white or chids and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Seiden Kishaba, sister of the bride, was matron of honor, wearing an aqua dress, ballerina length, and carrying yellow roses. Miss Jean Yoshida, maid of honor, wore a pale green gown of identi cal design and carried red roses. Little Misses Sadie Ruth and Glenn Kishaba, nieces of the bride, were flower girls, wearing white starched organdy and car rying baskets of red roses. Harold P. Hostetter of Philadel phia, Pa., attended Mr. Cornwell as best man, and Daryl H. Goia- pert of Honolulu was an usher. The bride’s iriother wore black gabardine with grey accessories and white orchids. A .reception at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Seiden Kisha ba, at Aina Haina followed the ceremony. With Mrs. Dan McNeill, a past president, serving as installing officer, the following officers, each of whom will be serving her second year, were installed: Mrs. Joe Hensley, president; Mrs. R. E. Wicker of Pinehurst, first vice- president; Mrs. F. M. Dwight, sec ond vice-president; Mrs. J. S. McLauchlin, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. David McCallum, chaplain; Mrs. Veta E. Gorman, sergeant-at- arms; Mrs. Dan McNeill, n.i Iord an. LOOKING AHEAD LEARN MORE CLASS Mrs. Jack Reid wiU be hostess to the Learn More Bible Class at 8 p. m. Monday at her home in Pinedene. B&PW CLUB The Sandhill Business and Pro fessional Women’s Club will hold great event in America’s history. ® covered dish supper at 7.15 p Episcopal School Opens Next Monday The Episcopal Nursery School and Kindergarten, taught by Mrs. J. S. McLa;uchlin and Miss Bar bara Betterley, will open for the fall term at 9 o’clock Monday. Drove 42 BPO Does Resumes Regular Meeting Schedule After meeting monthly during the summer. Drove 42 BPO Does has resumed its regular schedule —meeting the first and third Tuesday night of each month. Tuesday night’s meeting was devoted entirely to business and formulating plans for coming ac tivities to provide funds for the organization’s benevolent work. Members were asked to bring to the next meeting food to replen ish the food pantry maintained for relief work. ' Complimenting Miss Harriet Davis of Carthage and Louis Clark of Greenville, on Friday night preceding their wedding Saturday, the bridegroom-elect’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clark of Greenville entertained at a buffet dinner party for 49 at the Southland Hotel. The green and white bridal motif was featured in the dining room where white asters, white chry santhemums and candles in at tractive arrangement were used. Elsewhere the decorations were colorful fall flowers and magno lia. , Out-of-town guests, in addition to the bridal couple-elect, were: E. H. WeiUford, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Massey, J. W. Clark, Jr., C. B. Tugwell and Mrs. Boykin, all of Greenville, who with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clark were guests at the Southland Hotel during their stay in the Sandhills; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neilson of Kinston, Lt. and Mrs. C. D. Garrett of Jacksonville, N. C., John E. Stoughton, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bowen and Miss Sylvia Bur nette, all of Raleigh; Miss Peggy Bell of Greensboro, and from Car thage, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sabis- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis, parents of the bride-elect. Miss Annette Davis, and Miss Rose Miller. Several friends from Southern Pines were included in the guest list. j A social hour preceded the din- I'ner. Friends of College Invited To Attend Reception For Faculty The Flora Macdonald College authorities extend a cordial invi tation to all friends of the college in Southern Pines and vicinity, to attend the opening reception in honor of the new faculty mem bers, to be held in the college parlorp on Monday evening, Sep tember 26, at 8 o’clock. B&PW Clubs Observe Business Women’s Week The 28th annual National Bus iness Women’s Week begins Sun day, September 25, with a special message from President Dwight D. Eisenhower in which he states: “Please extend my greet ings to the members of the National Federation of Busi ness and Professional Wom en’s Clubs on the observance of National Business Wom en’s Week. “I congratulate all of you on the record of public spir ited undertakings which your organization has built up since its inception, and on your slogan for this year, “Aiin High.” You have my sincere good wishes for future accomplishments.” Dwight D. Eisenhower. This year, the object of Busi ness Women’s Week is to demon strate women’s contribution to the community as producers, con sumers, tax payers and citizens, and develop interest in each com munity in offering conditions in which its women citizens can achieve fuller recognition and greater enjoyment of public re sponsibilities. The highlight of this year’s ob servance for the members of the Sandhill B & P. W. Club will be a program beamed directly at the Federation itself, Tuesday, Sep tember 27. A covered dish supper will be served at 7:15 p.m., in the home of Mrs. Mamie Swaringen of Pinehurst. ENTERS UNiyERSITY Mrs. Richard Savage, the for- rner Betty Jane Worsham, has en rolled at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Her hus band wiU enter the Army on Oc tober 31, and she plans to com plete work for her college degree while he is on his tour of duty. m. Tuesday at Mrs. Mamie Swear ingen’s home. Cypress cottage, jn Pinehurst. BENEFIT BRIDGE The local Junior Woman’s Club will sponsor a benefit bridge par ty—an annual event—at the Southhern Pines Country Club Thursday, September 29, for the clothing closet fund for welfare work. There will be door prizes, homemade baked goods and a white elephant table. CARD PARTY St. Anthony’s Guild wiU spon sor a card party—bridge and can asta—in the new St. Anthony’s School auditorium Tuesday eve ning at 8 o’clock. There wiU be a door prize, and refreshments. LUNCHEON MEETING Circle 2 of Brownsen Memorial Presbyterian Women of the Church will hold a luncheon m-eeting at the church at 1 p. m. Wednesday. , , , EXECUTIVE BOARD Tlie executive board of Brown- son Memorial Presbyterian Wom en of the Church will meet at the church at 8 p. m. Monday. ' DOGWOOD GROVE I Dogwood Grove No. 253 of the Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle will hold its regular meeting in the W. O. W. haU next Wednesday at 8 p. m. National committee- woman and state manager Mrs, Ethel Donaldson of Charlotte wUl be a guest of the Grove. At this meeting the Grove wiU stand in- , spection and be graded on the rit ualistic work. All members are urged to attend. DAR Observes Constitution Week The local Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution is ob serving Constitution Week, Sep tember 17-23, by placing display's in windows at Patch’s and Hayes Book Store, and by emphasizing it in the local school. They are calUng attention to the fact that “this Republic is as nuch endangered today by the in difference of millions of people, nheritors of the traditions and opportunities of this greatest of all nations, to their own duties and responsibilities, as it is by the activities of the open and secret enemies of American institutions.” Quoting further from The Na tional Republic: “Half of our citi zens do not even take the trouble to vote . . . Elements antagonistic to American institutions are not so indifferent or so idle . . . What is more important to every citizen of this Republic than the perpetu ity of the institutions which pro tect his life, his liberty and his property; what is of more price less value than the national ideals and traditions which have given this nation its proud place in his tory? . . . Institutions, govern ments, do not preserve them selves. They can be preserved only by the vigilance of those to whose guardianship they have been committed. Upon you, as a citizen of the Republic, rests a re sponsibility which cannot be shirked without danger to your country. Its future is worth something of your thought, so much of which is given to mat ters of less moment.” Mrs. L. A. Des Pland was in charge of publicity for the Chap ter’s observance of Constitution W.3ek. Prices for market hogs in North Carolina this fall are expected to be lower in view of the near rec ord faU pig crop. CuUer-Causey Wedding Date Is Second of October , The wedding of Miss Juanita Causey of Vass and Bobby Gray Culler of Manly wiU take place at 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon, October 2, in the Manly Presby terian ChurchrsAll friends of the couple are invited to attend. Properly inoculated legumes are able to take nitrogen out of the air and put it in the soil. New Heir-rivals MARGARET MARY ROWE Mr. and Mrs. J. Vance Rowe, Jr., announce the birth of their third child, Margaret Mary, born Sunday, September 11, at St. Joseph’s Hospital weighing seven pounds, three ounces. Their other children are Joseph Michael, six and a half years old, and Nancy Anne, four and a half. , Judge and Mrs. J. Vance Rowe of Aberdeen and Michael O’Neill and the late Mrs. O’Neill of Bos ton, Mass., are the grandparents. A maternal great-grandmother, Mrs. Julia Sheenan, lives in Ire land. Judge and Mrs. Rowe now .have eight grandchildren. MICHELLE O’NEIL Mr. and Mrs. Tom Q’Neil are the parents of a daughter, Mi chelle, born Friday, September 16, at Moore County HospitaL Mrs. O’Neil and the baby are now at home, getting along well. NEWS OF IVES FAMILY Ernest L. Ives arrived Tuesday to spend about a week at his home here. He has traveled quite a bit during the summer and spent some time in Bloomington, Ill. He and Mrs. Ives will return to Southern Pines from Illinois in November. Their son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ives, are coming in October to spend some time at Paint HiD Farm. Mrs. R. M. Maybin of Lawndale visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Blue, Wednesday and today. Delicious Home Cooked Meals Friendly atmosphere. Air conditioned dining room- Groups invited. Call 2032. DIXIE INN, Vass. FINE PROGRESS Mrs. Ella Chatfield, who under went eye surgery at McPherson’s Hospital in Durham on September 13, is making fine progress toward recovery and is hoping to get home next week. Miscellaneous Sho-wer Is Given Honoring Miss Causey, Mr. Culler Honoring Miss Juanita Causey of Vass and Bobby Culler of Manly, whose wedding will take place October 2, Mrs. Yates Poe, Jr., entertained at a surprise mis cellaneous shower Saturday night. After games had been enjoyed, the couple opened their gifts and displayed them. Party sand wiches, cake, nuts and punch were served. Attending the party, in addition to Miss Causey and Mr. Culler, were her mother, Mrs. A. M. Causey of Vass, Misses Frances and Virginia Diggs, Mrs. Martin Perkins, Miss Katie Smith, Miss Barbara Pierce, Mrs. Margaret Romero, Miss Frances Schwartz, Mrs. Malcolm Blue, Miss Lucille Crain, Mrs. Betty Lane Simpson, Miss Polly Crain, Mrs. Yates Poe, Sr., and Mrs. Susan Talbert. DOROTHY GREY LOTIONS ALL 1/2 PRICE COLGATE TOOTH PASTE— 63c size now 47c 47c size now 37c WOODBURY SHAMPOO— , $1.00 size now 59c PALMOLIVE SHAMPOO— 89c size now 59c 2 60c STOP-ETTE, both 98c 2 large SQUIBB DENTAL CREAM— was 94c, now 69c 2 KOLYNOS Giant Size was $1.18, both 69c WOODBURY HAND LOTION— $1.00 value . 50c F - R - E - E Child's Toothbrush with'Pepsodent Adult Tooth Brush, both for 59c OPEN SUNDAY 24-HOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE Broad Street Pharmacy PHARMACISTS ON DUTY Joe Montesanti, Jr., Prop. Day Phone 2-5411