* t \ PAGE FOXJR THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina THURSDAY. MAY 3. 1956 Women’s Activities and Sandhills Social Events BESSIE CAMERON SMITH, Editor TELEPHONE 2-6512 MOORE COUNTY CLASSROOM TEACHERS HOLD BANQUET MEETING AT CARTHAGE The Moore County .Classroom Teacher’s Association held its an-: nual banquet in the school cafe teria at Carthage Wednesday eve ning of last week in connection with the finil business meeting of the school year, which inclu ded the formal installation of 1956-57 officers. ' .Miss Meade Seawell gave (the in vocation, and Mrs. Shield^ Cam eron, the retiring president, wel comed the members and guests and reviewed briefly the work of the past year and the planned ob jectives of the association for the coming year. Mrs. Barbara Blake, secretary, and Mrs. Margaret Shields, treasurer, gave reports. Mrs. Francis M. Dwight as pro gram chairman presented Mrs. M. C. McDonald, Jr., of West End and Mrs. M. J. McPhail of Car thage in a delightful program of music. Featured speaker was Bert Ishee, principal of Fayetteville High School and past president of the North Carolina Education As sociation. Introduced by County Superintendent H. Lee Thomas, Mr. Ishee reviewed the work of the association which he former ly headed and conunented on the cooperation it had received from the Classroom Teacher’s Associa tion. He outlined a program for future work of the two associa tions which he hopes will carry on educational progress in North Carolina despite the uncertainty as to the future that has been aroused by the consolidation pro gram. The following officers were in stalled; president, Mrs. Robert Tomlinson; vice-president, Mrs. Ruth Ferguson; recording secre tary, Miss Blanche Monroe; treas urer, Mrs. Katherine McDonald; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Florence Kennedy. A springtime theme was used for the banquet, with decorations of spring flowers and attractive program' booklets decorated with parasols suggestive of April showers. A fried chicken dinner was servfed. Closing feature of the evening was 'the group singing of “Auld Lang Syne.” BUFFET SUPPER AT GORDON-MANN HOME FETES MISS MESSERVY, ROBERT McLEOD Honoring Robert McLeod of Charleston, S. C., son of Dr. Vida McLeod of Southern Pines, and his fiancee. Miss Jean Messervy of John’s Island, S. C., Mrs. Ed ward Gordon-Mann and her son, Jordan Frassineti, entertained 32 guests at a buffet supper Satur day night at their ^ome in Knoll- wood. Sharing honors with the couple-elect were the Rev. and Mrs. Lewis Hodgkins of Ketchi kan, Alaska, who are here on their first visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Hodgkins, since their wedding in Oregon last June. The buffet table was covered with an embrbidered cloth and centered with a large arrange ment of pastel snapdragons, del phinium and baby’s breath. Roses were used on smaller tables at which guests were seated and elsewhere in the rooms. Luncheon sets were presented to Miss Messervy and Mrs. Hodg kins by the hostess at the close of the delightful evening. Two Hostesses Give Shower For Mrs. Lewis, Bride-Elect of Sunday Honoring Mrs. Harriet Lewis, whose inarriage to Cecil D. Grubb will take place at 3 p.m. Sunday at the First Baptist Church, Mrs. D. E. McDonald and Mrs. Ralph Mills, fellow members of the staff of Patch’s, entertained at a mis cellaneous shower at the McDon ald home recently. Upon arrival the honoree and her mother, Mrs. Lela Lawrence, were presented corsages. Games were played prior to the presen tation of the shower. A white parasol was over the shower gifts, which were arranged on a white- covered table. Included were many beautiful items, which the honoree opened and acknowl edged.. Guests were invited into the dining room for refreshments. The table was covered with a lace cloth and centered with an ar rangement of pink dogwood flanked by green candles. These colors with white were repeated in the decorations of the cake, which had lily of the valley trim. Punch, cake, nuts and mints were served, with Mrs. Ralph Mills pouring punch and Mrs. Eugene Lee slicing the cake. Guests were; Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Lawrence; Mrs. Florence Ed wards, Mrs. A. E. Cheatham, Mrs. W. C. Haines, Mrs. Chester Ma- ready, Mrs. A. L. Richey, Mrs. A. O. Monroe, Mrs. Mary Hendricks, Miss Elizabeth Ann Darby, Mrs. Raymond Wilson, Mrs. Fred Woodruff. Also, Miss Mary Wintyen, Mrs. S. A. Benson, Mrs. J. B. Gifford, Mrs. Alma Walker, Mrs. Eugene Lee, Mrs. L. D. Guin, Miss Rebec ca Cameron, Mrs. Charles Davis, Mrs. Joe Kimball, and Mrs. R. T. Bennett. Baptist Circles Hold Meetings Circle 2 of the First Baptist Cburch met with Mrs. H. H. Thompson Tuesday night with 10 members present. Mrs. R. L. Chandler, Sr., conducted the de votions, Mrs. Thompson led a prayer, and Mrs. C. B. Gale and Mrs. William' Dale presented the program, entitled “Mission Vol unteers from My Church.” Mrs. Henry Clayton was host ess to Circle 3 Tuesday night. Fourteen members attended, and Mrs. Fonts of Birmingham, Ala., mother of the circle chairman, Mrs. Duke Bradford, was a guest. It was reported that a 100-pound box of clothing had been sent to a missionary for distribution to Indians. Mrs. W. C. Darden gave the program which dealt with mission volunteers and the topic “We Help to Answer Our Own Prayers.” Fifteen members were present for the meeting of Circle 4, held Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Irene Hussey, with Mrs. Lester Greer presenting the regular pro gram on mission volunteers. School Supervisors Plan Trip To Many European Countries Younts Home Is Scene of Joint Birthday Party Miss Mary Logan of Southern Pines and Miss Mary CUrrie of Carthage, county school supervi sors in Moore and Lee Counties, respectively, have an exciting two months trip ahead. They will sail June 13 on the Queen Elip- beth for a European tour which will include France, Italy, Switz erland, Austria, Germany, Den mark, Norway, Sweden, Ireland and England. The return trip will be made on the Queen Mary. Mrs. Beulah McPherson, Coun ty elementary supervisor who has been teaching in Germany this school year, will be returning to her home in Cameron next month. Postponing Trip To Lake, Bird Club Looks For Warblers As the weather was not pleasant Tuesday morning, the Bird Club postponed its trip to Thaggard’s Lake for a week, hoping for a bet ter day. The members took a short walk to the former bird sanctuary where warblers were likely to be found, and find them they djd, making a list of 25 spe cies of birds including the black- throated blue warbler, the parula warbler, redstart and orchard ori ole. All who are interested in birds are, invited to join the group at 9;30 next Tuesday morning at An extra special birthday party took place Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 5;30 p.m. when a sister and brother, whose birthdays oc cur within a period of a few days, were honored at a joint birthday party. Sandra Younts, 7, and Mil lard, 6, children of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Younts, were the birthday honorees and the Younts home on Bethesda Road was the scene. As the guests arrived they were resented shiny party hats in gay colors. After Sandi» and Millard had opened their gifts, Mrs. Younts invited the group into the dining room, where they \ were seated for refreshments. The main table was gaily decorated with a sunburst arrangement of multi colored balloons, with party plates and napkins adding color. Smaller tables were centered with minia ture arrangements of daisy chry santhemums in colored vases. Rainbow ice cream, birthday cake and nuts were served. Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny movies were shown, and the par ty ended with a treasure hunt, which resulted in great excite ment when a, buried “chest” was found. Instead of gold, it con tained favors for all the children. Party guests were; Beth Sham burger, Carol Drexel, Susan Loi sel, Gerry and Katy Gilmore, Elizabeth Brown, Sandy Overton, Glory VanderVoort, Linda Dar den, Margaret Phillips, Patti Per ham, George Chappell, Freddie Hollister, Tommy Lyons, Graves Vann, Jr., Michael Warlick, John ny Loisel, Tommy Swoope, Tom my Cunningham, Jock Pottle, Johnny Bertrand, and Ricky Boh lander. Ninth Grades With Their Teachers Feted At Outdoor Party , The combined ninth grades, with their homeroom teachers, W. A. Leonard and Lynn Ledden, were given a party Wednesday evening of last week at the Aber deen lake by their grade mothers and several assistants. The yoimg people, over 50 in all, were treat ed to a hamburger supper with all the trimmings—plus home made cake for dessert. They arrived full force about 5;30—some in the activities bus with Mr. Ledderi at the wheel, others in cars and station wagons and spent an hour or so playing soft ball and miniature golf. Golf was the best feature 6f the eve ning’s entertainment, as Mrs. Dwight Winkelman had arranged beforehand for the entire grade to be her son Peter’s guests for all the games they wished to play. Mr. Bowman, Aberdeen School athletic director, turned the lights and opened the Army Daughters Reorganize Chapter At Fort Bragg MRS. PAUL H. DAVIS. Jr. MISS SARAH ELIZABETH POOLE IS WED TO MR. DAVIS; WILL LIVE IN RICHMOND Miss Sarah Elizabeth Poole of lege in Raleigh and was gradua Fashion Show At Church Of Wide Fellowship; Other Activities Listed On Tuesday evening. May 8 at 8 o’clock in the fellowship hall of the Church of Wide Fellowship, there will be a showing of spring clothes by Patch’s Department Store. Mrs. •William Davis will serve as commentator, and there will be a musical program as the models parade in the latest spring styles. Refreshments will be serv ed. This will be a benefit for the organ fund. Tickets may be ob tained at the door if not purchas ed previously. Models will be Mrs. Isaac Woodell and daughter Ginger, Mrs. James Hobbs and Patty, Mrs. Max Rush, Judy and Joan Parker, Mrs. D. A. Blue, Jr., Mrs. A. C. Dawson and daughters Donna and Linda, Mrs. Tom Nicholson, Mrs. McPhail, Mrs. Robert Harrington, Mrs. Fobes and Arden, Barbara and Joanne Goodwin, and Dawn Leland. The theme will be “Flowers and Fashions.” Tomorrow (Friday) evening at 6;30, a Church Night covered dish dinner will be held in the fellowship hall. The Lena Sweezy Circle will be hostess. Circles of the Woman’s Society will meet on Thursday, May 10, as follows; Friendship Circle, at 3 p. m. with Mrs. Paul Ward, 230 North Ashe Street. Margaret White Circle, at 3 p. im'. with Mrs. M. Y. Poe, 425 South Ashe Street. No. 4, at 3 p. m. with Mrs. Broadus Smith, 245 E. Connecti cut Avenue. Lena Sweezy Circle, at 2; 30 in the church parlor with Mrs. Everett Walker as hostess. Thistle Club Ends Season With Luncheon And Bridge At Vass The Thistle Club closed its sea son Wednesday with a luncheon meeting at the Dixie Inn in Vass. Luncheon was served from tables for four, attractively decorated with floral arrangeifients, and af ter the meal these were cleared for bridge. The retiring president, Mrs. J. G. deBerry, was presented a lovely gift by the members. High score winners were; Mrs. James Douglas, Mrs. Paul Ward, Mrs. Rene deMilhau, Mrs. George Coleman, Mrs. E. W. Small, and Mrs. W. E. Coffin. Presbyterian Circles Meet The Fort Bragg Chapter of Army Daughters has been reor ganized, and Mrs. Fritz Weber, president, will be hostess at the next meeting, to be held at her hom.e in Lumber Bridge at 2 p. m. tomorrow (Friday). Directions for reaching Mrs. Weber’s home may be secured by telephoning Mrs. Bueford, Fayetteville 70011. FISHERMAN'S LUCK Howard Allred was the man- of-the-day when he, Lee Culler and Ivey Hall went fishing at Thurlow Evans lake in Vass. All had good luck, but Allred caught the biggest fish, a five-pound bass. A party of four from Laurin- caught 75 on w— -o— “juke box” on the lakeside, for dancing. So it was a very merry evening for all participating, with those engaged in helping having just as much fun as the boys and girls. Mrs. Ledden and Mrs. Leonard came down to join the party. Joe Steed and David Gamble were the “grade fathers” enlisted for the heavy work, and, thanks to Mr. Steed’s ingenuity in install ing two electric grills, the ham burgers were cooked to a turn with very little effort on the cooks’ part. The hostesses were Mrs. J. B Tollison, Mrs. Winkelman, Mrs Cy Butler, Mrs. Andrew Jamison Mrs. Joe Steed, Mrs. George Thompson, Mrs. Charles Rowe Mrs. Alton Scott, Mrs. David Gamble, Mrs. C. D. May, Mrs Broadus Smith, Mrs. Earl Parker, Mrs. Marvin Wicker and Mrs Paul Butler. Mrs. Cameron Elected As Delegate To Does Convention Drove 42, BPO Does, met Tues day night at the Elks Home with the president, Mrs. Curtis Ever ette, presiding. The group elect ed Mrs. Hubert Cameron as alter nate delegate to the Grand Lodge convention to be held in Chey enne, Wyo., next month, and made plans for a Mother-Daughter ban quet at the Country Club on May 9. The Does were joined by the Elks for a social hour. burg fishing there y.ou next xucaudjf j * j headquarters, 160 South Bennett bream and 15 bass a few days Street. ago- Mrs. Audrey Kennedy Is Party Hostess Mrs. Audrey K. Kennedy enter tained around 75 guests Saturday evening at a cocktail party at her home on Young’s Road, which is one of the beauty spots of the Sandhills with its lovely gardens. Refreshments were served on the terrace. Richmond, Va., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hawley Poole of West End, became the bride of Paul H Davis, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Davis of Danville, Va., at o’clock Saturday afternoon, April 28. The vows were spoken in the Jackson Springs Presbyterian Church with the Rev. James Ben jamin, pastor of Dogwood Acres Presbyterian Church in Ashe- boro, as the officiating minister. The church was decorated with baskets of white and pink gladioli and spirea, interspersed with candelabra holding lighted can dles. Mrs. M. C. McDonald, Jr., of West End presented a program of organ music prior to the cere mony and played softly while the vows were being exchanged. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a wedding gown of lace and tulle. The fitted lace bodice had a scooped-effect neckline outlined with a bertha, and long fitted sleeves. Lace motifs trimmed the tulle skirt. She wore an elbow length veil and carried a bouquet of white orchids and stephanotis. Miss Betty Burton of Norfolk, Va., was maid of honor. Birides- maids, were Miss Ann Booker of Smithfield, Miss Betty Booker of Selma, and Miss Carrie Ann Poole iof Candor. All the attendants wore dresses of pale pink and carried bouquets of American Beauty roses. Martin Choate of Danville, Va., was best man for Mr. Davis, and H. B. Abernathy and Bill Ander son of Richmond, Va., and Daniel O’Quinn of Eagle Springs were ushers. Mrs. Poole chose for her daugh ter’s wedding a turquoise lace dress with matching hat and the groom’s mother was dressed in a pale blue nylon chiffon. Both wore corsages of orchids. Following the wedding cere mony Mr. and Mrs. Poole gave a reception at their home. Guests were received at the front door by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Poole of Carthage and presented to the receiving line composed of Mr. and Mrs. Poole, Mr. and Mrs. Davis, the bride and groom and their attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Poole of Mt. Airy directed the guests to the dining room where Mrs. Bob VonCanon received. Mrs. Henry Lee Boney of Selma presided over the punch bowl. ’The dining table was decorated with a lace cloth over pink, centered with an arrangement of pink roses, snap dragons, carnations and fern, flanked with pink candles. Decorated bridal cakes, mints and nuts were served by Mrs. Everette Cole, Mrs. John Henry Hinson and Miss Peggy Booker. Mrs. Edward Booker directed the guests to the bride’s register. Re ceiving in the gift rooan. were Mr. and Mrs. Otis Poole, and Miss Mary Booker said the goodbyes. For traveling the bride changed to a navy dress of im ported silk shantung, with light blue accessories. After a two week trip the couple will be at home in Richmond. Mrs. Davis attended Peace Col Circle 2 of Brownson Memorial Presbyterian Women of the Church met .with Mrs. Haynes B.ritt and Miss Ethel Blue Britt at their home Tuesday with 11 members and one visitor, Jackie Stutts, present.' Mrs. Joe C. Thomas conducted the Bible study and Miss Luna Monroe pre sented the program from Presby terian Women. Circle 1 held its May meting in the church parlor Tuesday after noon with Mrs. T. C. Johnston and Mrs. Casper. McDonald as hostesses, and with 15 members present. Mrs. R. P. Brown led the Bible study and Mrs. C. C. Mc Lean presented an 'article from Presbyterian Women on the birthday objective. The Elmendorfs Give Luncheon Dr. and Mrs. John E. Elmen- dorf, Jr., entertained at a lunch eon recently honoring their out- of-town house guests. DRIVE CAREFULLY — SAVE A LIFE! ted from Richmond Professional Institute School of Interior De sign. She is employed in the Dec orating Studio at Thalhimer’s in Richmond, Va. Mr. Davis attended Averett I College in Danville, Va., gradu ated from: Smithdeal Massey in Richmond, and is now working with the U. S. Government, De partment of Justice. Social Courtesies Prior to her marriage Miss Poole was honored at a number of social events. On Sunday, Mrs. M. C. McDonald, Sr., entertained Miss Poole, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Poole, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Sinclair and Mrs. Duncan Pat terson at a luncheon. On Wed nesday evening Mrs. M. C. Mc Donald, Jr., gave a theatre party at the Carolina in Southern Pines. Following the show the party was entertained at the McDonald home. Mrs. I. Foy Horton was hostess at a luncheon for the bride-elect at noon on Thursday at her home in Southern Pines. Thursday eve ning Mrs. Everette Cole and Mrs. John Henry Hinson gave a pan try shower at the home of Mrs. Hinson. At noon Saturday Miss Mary Booker, Mrs. H. L. Boney, Mrs. Walton Booker and Mrs. Ed ward Booker honored their niece at a luncheon at the Southern Pines Country Club. The wed ding party and out-of-town guests attended. Following the wedding rehear sal, Mrs. Otis Poole and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Poole entertained at a cake cutting at the Herbert Poole home in Carthage. The bride’s cake was served by Miss Carrie Ann Poole with Miss Bar bara Poole presiding at the punch bowl. Guests included members of the family, the wed ding party and out-of-town guests. excess Curo|>edn lours for Summer 1956 BOOK NOWf 95 sparkling, all-expense, escorted toursi... feature ■» principal cities and countries of Europe.. . take in all the highlightsl...42-63 days...frequent departures...April IS to Sept. 16...$996.50 up. 8 Student Tours!... to suit students’ interests and tastes ... feature principal cultural attractions!.. .$1,213 up. dther student tours from $860. Catholic Pilgrimages...emphasizing Europe's famous shrines. Independent Tours...expertly planned to suit your Individual te^es ...free itineraries and estimates submitted for your approval...LOW, OFF-SEASON RATES during Fall, Winter and early Spring! MEMUSR SHEARWObD TRAVEL SERVICE PINEHURST, N. C. Pindiurst 4912 Twenty From Local Church Attend District Meeting At Laurinburg Twenty members of Emmanuel Church, including the new rector, the Rev. Martin Caldwell, attend ed the meeting of the Woman’s Auxiliary, of the Richmond Dis trict at I St. David’s Church in Laurinburg last Thursday. After a service of Hoiy Com munion a' business session was held with Mrs. Norris L. Hodg kins of Southern Pines presiding. Two other members of the local group are district officers, Mrs. Garland McPherson, secretary, and Mrs. A. R. McDaniel, chair man of worship. Workshops were conduucted by Mrs. Leslie Evans of Raleigh, president of the Womlan’s Aux iliary of the diocese of North Car olina, and Mrs. Allen Surratt of Rockwell, diocesan secretary of Christian Education. After lunch, the Rev. Lewis Hodgkins, who grew up in Southern Pines and is now a mis sionary in Alaska, gave an inter esting talk about the churches in Alaska and his work there, illus trated by slides shown by his wife. The afternoon programi ended with a benediction given by the Rev. Martin Caldwell. SURGICAL SUPPLIES / Adjustable Hospital Beds For Rent Latest models available for sale or rent by week or month. Come to us for all your needs in Surgical and • Sickroom Supplies. Wheel Chairs - Crutches - Canes Prescription, Service After the doctor’s visit, look to us to fill his prescription with utmost care. We double-check for accuracy—use only the finest, freshest drugs. OPEN SUNDAY, MAY 6 Southern Pines Pharmacy Phone 2-5321 The Friendly Drug Store Registered Pharmacists; Albert Bretsch, Graham Culbreth