a THURSDAY, JULY 26. 1956 THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina Page FIVE Women’s Activities and Sandhills Social Events BESSIE CAMERON SMITH, Editor * TELEPHONE 2'^5}2 Dogwood Grove Plans Various Activities At Wednesday Meeting At Wednesday night’s monthly meeting of Dogwood Grove No. 253, Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle, held in the Woodmen hall with 12 members present; plans were made for the team to begin practicing early in September on special drills in floorwork in prep aration for next springs’ South eastern District Convention. The team, formerly captained by Mrs. Theodosia Bailey, now hasi Mrs. Stella Hornaday as cap tain, Mrs. Bailey having resigned because of iUness. The team has been invited to register for the 1957 national convention in Wash ington, D. C., to be in a pageant with teams from all over the United States. I The Grove members are taking' orders for Christmas cards, to add ' to the treasury, and this project was discussed. Miss Mary Scott Newton is chairman of this work. A short ceremony was held in ' memory of the Florida state man ager who passed away recently, and at this time the charter was draped. Plans were made for holding a picnic supper at 7 p.m. on August 8 at Pinebluff lake, with all mem bers and their families urged to attend, taking well-filled picnic baskets. The hostesses, Mrs. Florence Perham and Mrs. Ethel Council, served cookies and lemonade. Dr. Stevick And Family De'ave For Memphis To Reside Dr. and Mrs. Charles Stevick ' and daughters, Linda and Susan, who have been visiting his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Wade Ste vick, following their return after two years in Germany, have gone to Memphis, Tenn.,,to make their home. Dr. Stevick will be on the staff of the Veterans Hospital there. The Stevicks spent two weeks here, and his mother accompan ied them to Florida on a week’s trip. They visited Daytona Beach, Winter Park where they were especially interested in seeing Rollins College, Fort Myers, and Silver Springs. Looking Ahead NOTICE Out of respect to the memory of Mrs. William E. Cox, Sr., the Civic Club will be closed this Fri day afternoon, July 27. It will be open every Friday thereafter. LEARN MORE CLASS The Learn More Bible Class will meet at 8 p. m. Monday with Mrs. Minnie Austin and Mrs. Ida Lorenson as hostesses at the home of Mrs. Florence Perham. CIRCLE MEETINGS Three Circles of Brownson Memorial Presbyterian Women of the Church will meet Thursday, August 2, as follows: No. 6, at 7 p. mi. with Mrs. George Thompson for a picnic. No. 7, with Mrs. Thomas White in the church parlor at 8 p. m. No. 9, at 8 p. m. with Mrs. George Burns. EXECU-nVE BOARD The executive board of Brown- son Memorial Presbyterian Wom en of the Church will meet in monthly session in the church parlor at 8 p. m. Monday, July 30. MRS ALEXANDER CHARLES PRAH is the for mer Mrs. June Joy House, who made many friends in Southern Pines during her residence here while her late husband, Dr. Robert Lee House, was pastor of the Church of Wide Fellowship. She was married to Mr. Prah at Langley Fietd, Va., on June 29. After a wedding trip to Canada they will reside in Newport News, Va. A native of Yugoslavia, Mr. Prah, who is a linguist, was an English interpreter with the British Occupation Forces before coming to the United States in 1951 as a po litical exile. In 1952 he joined the US Air Force and served in Korea and Japan. During this time he became an American citizen. He is now in the 48th Fighter Intercep- ter Squadron at Langley Air Force Base. Mrs. Prah hopes to bring her husband to Southern Pines before long “to see an especially lovefY part of America and have my friends meet him,” she says. Dr. Milliken To y Come Home From Hospital Friday Dr. James S. Milliken, who has been a patient at Memorial Hos pital in Chapel Hill since July 15, receiving treatment for pneu monia, is making pleasing prog ress and Mrs. Milliken expects to bring him) home tomorrow (Fri day). UIRCE SIZES SPECIALS — Buy One, Get Two ! Seaforlh Shave Loiion 2 for $1.00 White Rain Lotion Shampoo 2 for $1.00 Lavoris Crystal Cabinet bottle 2 for 69c Woodbury Shampoo, $1.00 size 59c 500 Norwich Aspirin, special $1.29 Williams Lather Cream 55c FREE - 29c Aqua Velva Shave Lotion Noxzema Skin Cream .2 for 89c Palmolive Shave Cream, Palmolive Shave Lotion, both for 53c 5 Day Stick Deodorant with scalp and Shampoo Brush, $1.28 val., both for 59c Fitch Shampoo and Rose Hair Dressing, both for 69c Tartan Suntan Lotion and Tartan Lip Pomade, both for 98c Broad Street Pharmacy REGISTERED PHARMACISTS ON DUTY Jerry Rhodes Joe MoniesantL Jru Proprietor Sandhills B&PWClub Has Safety Program At Aberdeen Meeting The Sandhills Business and Professional Women’s Club held a dinner meeting Tuesday night in the educational building of Page Memorial Methodist Church in Aberdeen. Mrs. Evelyn Pleas ants presided over the business session and Mrs. S. D. Fbbes was welcomed as a new member. Miss Margaret Moser of the Moore County Hospital staff, chairman of the club’s Health and Safety department, led a program on that subject, with Mrs. Dawn Leland, Mrs. Adelaide Schnell and Mrs. Grace Houston assisting in presenting it. INS AND OUTS Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Benson spent several days last week at Wrightsville Beach while she was on vacation from Patch’s Depart ment Store. Mrs. Mary Hendricks entered Moore County Hospital last Thursday and on Friday under went surgery. She is reported to be getting along well. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Lawrence and daughter, Lois, of Oceana, Va., visited his mother^ Mrs. Lela Lawrence, last weekend. Miss Gussie Cameron of Ra leigh visited hei) sisters, Misses Mary and Rebecca Cameron, last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Lamb. Jr., and children, Kathy and Vaughn, have returned home after spending a week at Cherry Otrove Beach, S. C. Miss Louise Haynes left Tues day for Boxford, Mass., where she is visiting her brother. Win throp Haynes, before going to her cottage at Rockport for her usual summer stay. She plans to return to Southern Pines in about two months. Little Jackie Stutts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Stutts, Jr., spent last weekend visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Stutts, at Red Springs. Mrs. John Scott Poole, Jr., and little sons, Scotty and Stephen, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Patterson several days last week, returning home to Raeford Friday. Mrs. H. W. Allen of 260 East New York Avenue had as week end guests Mrs. Clafa Hardesty. Mrs. Pansy Cornwell and Miss Hazel Townsend;, of the West Virginia University at Morgan town. Miss Charlotte Cunning ham of Ossining, N. Y.j who had been visiting Mrs. Allen for three weeks, and the other three guests left Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fearrington returned to Chapel Hill Sunday evening after being guests of her mother, Mrs. Mildred Merrill, since Wednesday. They came especially to attend the Kennedy- Page wedding and social events connected with it. Mrs. M. G. Stutz of Norfolk, Va., arrived Tuesday night to visit Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Stutz. Mr. Stutz, who had been a patient at Moore County Hospital for four weeks, returned home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Moore left Sunday to attend the annual re union of her family, the Coburns, at Plymouth. They are spending a few days at Virginia Beach as guests of her brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Co burn, after which they will return to Plymouth for a visit to their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Read before coming home. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ferguson of Southern Pines and Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Hinson and son, Pete, of Pinehurst spent last week vaca tioning at Pamlico Beach. The men did some fishing while there. Mrs. D. L. Kobleur left Sunday for her home in Savannah, Ga., after a week’s visit in the home of her son, R. L. Kobleur, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kobleur and children, Ricky and Mike, paid Mrs. Kolaleur a weekend visit and brought her home with them. PINEBLUFF By Mrs. EHRMAN PICKLER Mrs. W.' R. Griffin has returned home after a visit to her sister, Mrs. R. R. Morgan, and Mr. Mor gan in Raleigh. Mr and Mrs. A. B. Woodcock, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Carpenter and son Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Brooks, Misses Hazel and Azelia Brooks, Paul Brooks, and Cletus Pridgen spent Sunday at White Lake. They were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Gray of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Kermdt Porter of Wilmington, and Buck Wodcock and all enjoyed a picnic dinner. Buck Woodcock returned home with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harle and daughter Grace of Cleveland, Ohio, were recent visitors in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Mather and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Henderson. Odes and Rudy Spurling and Woody Lucas went to Camp Dur ant for the wekend to receive the “Order Of The Arrow Ordeal.” Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Brooks of Durham were weekend guests lof her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Teal. Mrs. Grauland McCaskill and sons, Lester and Douglas, and Mrs. J. R. Lampley spent Tues day and Wednesday in Durham with Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Foushee. Miss Nancy McCaskill returned home with them after spending some time with the Foushees. Miss Betty Sue Austin of Eller- be spent last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Austin. Mr. and Mrs. John Sturm of Randleman were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McMur- ray. Friends of Johnny Griffin will be glad to learn that he has re turned to his home in Redondo Beach, Calif., following a major operation, and is getting along satisfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ussery of Lilesville visited Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Buchanan Sunday. Miss Mary Snell of Middleport, N. Y., has ■ been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Wells. Miss Linda Tarlton of Aberdeen spent the weekend with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Pickier. Church of Wide Fellowship Bihle School Scheduled Daily Vacation Bible School at the Church of Wide Fellowship will be held from July 31 through August 8, it was announced today by Roger Gibbs, official of the church. The sessions will be held from 9 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. each day in the Sunday School department. Leaders in each department are: Miss Jeanne Overton, kindergar ten; Mrs. A. C. Dawson, primary; Mrs. Jack Reid, junior; and Mrs. Veta Gorman, junior high. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Donaldson will be in charge of handcraft classes, Gibbs said. Closing exercises have been scheduled for the 10 o’clock wor ship hour August 12. INS AND OUTS Miss Johnsye Massenljurg of Raleigh was a guest in the home of her grandmother, Mrs. J. B Eastwood, and the Culbreths from Wednesday until Friday, Mrs. Culbreth and son Tom drove to Raleigh with her. Miss Emmaday Collins return-, ed Saturday from Florence, S. C., where she was the guest for sev eral days of her cousin. Miss Cel este Allen, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Allen, Jr. Miss Mary McDonald of the Citizens Bank staff is vacationing this week at her home in Cam eron, where her sister, Mrs. V. M. Reid, and little Margaret Mc Donald Reid of Charlotte are visiting. The three were in town Wednesday morning, where Mar garet McDonald, a toddler, was getting acquainted with a num ber of friends of both her aunt Mary and Katherine McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Cook, their son Leslie and daughter Marcella, have moved fromi Carthage.Road to the house at 505 South May Street recently vacated by Capt. and Mrs. H. A. Smith and family, who moved to Virginia. Mr. Cook is with Amerotron. Mrs. H. E. Thrower of 405 South Bennett Street had as re cent guests a niece and her family, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Boyd, Venable and Lawrence Boyd, of Warrenton, and a nephew. Jack Currin, his wife and their daughter Cathy, of Hamlet. M-Sgt. and Mrs. Charles E. Baker and children, Bobby, Hap- ny and Chuck, of (Ihanute Field, Rantoul, Ill., are visiting Mrs. Baker’s mother, Mrs. B. W. Tho mas, and sister, Mrs. G. H. Mat tocks. i shot twice in the lower left leg' and once in the lower abdominal region. ’The weapon was identi fied as a .38 calibre pistol. Steed said that questioning ofl neighbors indicated the two had engaged in a long-standing feud. Johnson is in Moore County Jail. Buddy Elvey has returned home from Camp Ridgecrest at Black Mountain. His parents, Maj. and Mrs. G. C. Elvey, went for him Monday. PILOT ADVERTISING PAYS FOR Land Surveying CONTACT Clarence H. Blue Matthews Bldq. So. Pinee COL. ALBERT R. CUPELLO receives his eagles, denoting his promotion to full colonel, from Brig. Gen. Daniel W. Jenkins, Commandant of the USAF Air Ground Operations School, at a party held here recently. Col. Cupello is Director of Military Training (Army) at the school. He was commissioned in 1938 and served as an Infantry Unit Commander and Steiff Officer with the First Division during World War 2. He served as an Instructor, at the Fort Benning Infantry School from June, 1949, until Au gust, 1951, and as G-3 Air in Korea from September, 1951, until June, 1953. His decorations include the Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, Purple Heart with one oak leaf cluster, Ko rean Presidential Unit Citation, and the Korean Theater with five stars. Col. Cupello, his wife, the former Irma D. Radicioni, and two children, Albert Jr., 13, and David, 7, live on Orchard Road. (Official USAF Photo) Officers Holding Negro On Murder Charges Saturday Cary Stone, a Negro in his 70s, was found Sunday morning in the front yard of his home on Route 3, Carthage, shot to death with three bullet holes in his body. Wlilliford Johnson, about 30, was charged with murder in Stone’s death, years. Coroner Ralph G. Steed said that an investigation disclosed that Johnson, who lives about a mile from the Stone home, had been at Stone’s home Saturday night and that they had quarrel ed. Late that night, sheriff’s depu ties received a call about trouble there but the -nature of the trouble never was explained. Sunday morning, two women in the Stone home found the body and notified officers. They said they had heard shots the night before but were frightened and did not go outside. Later, officers surrounded Johnson’s home. When he tried to run, officers said C. A. McCallum, Moore County ABC officer who was with deputies, overtook him. The coroner said Johnson has admitted the shooting. Johnson said Stone had pulled a gun on him and that he (Johnson) got it away from him and shot. Steed placed the time of the shooting at shortly after 9 p.m. Saturday. He said that Stone had been Wolmanized PRESSURE-TREATED LUMBER STOPS ROT AND TERMITES Sandhill Builders Supply Corporalion Service- Quality-Dependabilif y Tel. Windsor 4-2SI6 Pinehurst Rd. If Aberdeen. N. C. GREAT OAK t. ^ -I- , 'fST-; BLENDED-& fiOtTlED-BY AUSTIN, NICHOLS & CO., INC. New York- New York CONGRATULATIONS Colonial Stores On Your New Building We are proud io have been chosen io do the eleclricaL heat-^ ing and air-condiiioning inslallalion in this fine, modern building t McLeod s Electrical Service Dial 3616 LILLINGTON. N. C. 804 Main St.