Page TWENTY THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North_Caroli^ THURSDAY. OCTOBER 11. 1956 Sanf ordNew spaper Editor To Address Sandhill Kivfanis « 'A 'S' V ; Howard Johnson's WAITRESSES ARE NEEDED Average earnings a week are from $60.00 - $75.00 in a Howard Johnson’s Restaurant Call Mr. Caldwell, 2-2412 for appointment or stop in at 115 E. Penn. Ave., Graves Building. FOR RENT; 5-room steam heated apartment. Utilities furnished. Call 2-7773. o4t£ RELIABLE PARTY: Service a route of cigarette machines or other products. No selling or soliciting. Route established for operator, full or part time, up to $200 per month to start. $800 to $1,500 cash required, which is secured. Please don’t waste our time unless you can secure necessary capital and are sin cerely interested to eventually operatfe a $20,000 net annual business. Give full particulars, include your phone number. Write PARTY, care Pilot. s27o4,llc SKYLINE MANOR is now open for the season.’ Rooms are com fortably equipped and food is always the finest the market affords. Evening dinner at Skyline Manor is prepared for those who appreciate fine food. Call Southern Pines 2-7579 for reservations. 3 miles north of town on U. S. Highway No. 1. o4,llc FOR RENT; New, furnished, air- conditioned cottage. South end of new highway. Malcolm Hill. s20tf ROBERT MUVSON Robert Mason, CidRor of the Sanford Daily ]ier;Uo, will be guest speaker ai next week’s meeting of the Sandhills Kiwanis Cltffi, which will b« held in the CMpJina Hotel at Pinehurst Wednesday. His topic, entitled “The Navy Without a Port," de^ with the Confederate sea arm, a subject on. which Mason is considered one of the country’s leading au thorities, and on which he has spent much time in research and writing. A graduate of the Hmversity of North Carolina, he worked first ora the Sanford paper when it was a semi-weekly. He later went to Raleigh and Durham, working over a. seven-year period on all four newspapers in ' those two cities. He then joined the„ staff of the Virginian-Pilot ' in Norfolk, where he rose to . Sunday editor. During World War 2 he served as: a Naval officer ftr. the Pacific. Mason has been chairman of the judges for the Stt Walter Ra- ‘ leigh Cup, annually awarded to ' the. North Carolina writer pro ducing the best fiction of the ■ preceding 12 months, and ^ has written for various publications, inclu^OiJj tbp TJ. S. Naval Insti- • tute Proceedings, to which he [ has cnntrihu+p'l articles on the ' Confederate NW< I In addition, he has received a* N. C. Press Association editorial, • awafd for each of the past four . years. ^ . At present he is under contract ta do a book on the Confederate Navy, a project which he says he has made “precious tittle” time with. Nearly 1,616,000 Southern own- * ers of 91.5 per cent of the re- ^on's private coraniCTcial forest • land must produce most of the , wood needed to supply the ■ * South’s expanding industry. All ' but 1,588 of those Owners have tracts of less than 5,000 acres, i and 1,299,482 Of the ownerships 1 are less than 100 acres.—-’Kinber 1 Resource Review. ■ ' Students in the ONC Schools otl Dentistry, Pharmacy and ’ Nursing receive instruction m 1 the basic medical sciences tom the staff of the Univemity of • North Carolina School of Medi- cifte;, fJ ASSTFTED ADS , TALS. 5c per ^ rvric© D©r Ad» 50c. ADS IN ’ ^ASSIFIED COLtJMW CASH. LOST: silver Timex watch with ' expansion bracelet, probably near fountain in Park. ’^1. 2-4963. 0“*^ RELIABLE PARTY io service a route of CIGAR ETTE machines. NO SELL ING or SOLICITING. Route established for operator. Full or part time. Up to $200 per month to start. $1600 cash required, which is secured. Please don't waste our time unless you hav© iiec©ssary capital and are sincerely in terested to eventually oper ate a $20,000 annual net bus iness, If fully quaUfied and able to take over at once, write briefly about yourself and include phone number for personal interview. Paramouni Merchandising Co. 110 South Central Clayton 5, Mo. ollc APARTMENT FOR RENT: 3 rooms and bath, furnished, downstairs. Phone 2-6324, 175 W. Maine Ave. o4tf FOR RENT: 3-room furnished, heated apartment. Couple only. Close in. Also large 4-room furnished family house. Dr. Daniels, phone 2-6382. sl3tf FOR RENT: Furnished Cottage, monthly or season, 2-bedrooms, 2-baths. Hot air heat oil fired. Modm in every detail. Apply Jefferson Inn, phone 2-5241. s6tf AZALEAS, ROSES EVERGREENS C. A. FOX - PINEBLUFF s20o25p PORTRAITURE and Custom Framing. Turner’s Studio, 675 S. W. Broad St., Tel. 2-6452. s27tf weatherstripping • Cuts fuel cost by 24% • Reduces 85% of window air leakage • Keeps out dirt, sand, smoke and soot • Stops window rattling • Makes windows & doors operate more easily • Deadens street noises • Keeps out rain and snow Free Estimates CAMERON & RICHARDSON Tel. 2-4263 P.O. Box 425 Southern Pines, N. C. FOR RENT: Apartments: One 2- bedroom, furnished; several 1- bedroom, furnished; two im- furnished. Houses: One 2-bed room, furnished; two 2-bed room, unfurnished. Also nice lots for sale. Margie Nanopou- los, phone 2-3851. sl3tf BEDROOM FOR RENT WITH KITCHEN ‘ PRIVILEGES, WOMAN OR COUPLE, 2-7902. a9tfc . ALCOHOLICS Anonymous—Mon ' day and Friday nights basemen Belvedere Hotel 8 p, m. Phon* 2-5321. ml6tf. AUTO LOANS FOR SALE: 1940 FORD COUPE, excellent condition. PHONE 2-5905. oHP Harvesl Sale, Supper The Cameron Baptist Church will hold a HARVEST SALE October 27 at 1:30 p.m. at the Community House in Cameron, and a supper at the Church the same evening from 5 fo 9 to raise money for new pews and carpets in Church. Everyone is invited to attend. ol 1,19,25 FOB RENT; 3-rootn apartment, comfortably furnfehed. Apply 210 N. Page St., after 6 p.m. $45.00. oil V/AMTED: Used typevmter, preferably portable. Call, g^- tng lowest possible price. Jim Darker, 2-5884. ollc BDR SALE: Beagle puppies. Deady to run this season. C. T. RIcDaniel, Aberdeen, N. C. clip FOR RENT: 5-room furnished apartment, oil furnace. 247 W. TE^ont Ave. OaU 2-5884. ollc FOR RENT: ment, electrically equipped. 385 N. May St. Also House for Sale. ollP $200 Per Week Can You Qualify? We are not kidding about the above earnings, nor do we want you to take our word for it. You are more than welcome to talk- with our salesmen who are making this amount of money right now. Go out with them for a day and watch while they put commissions of $50 or more in their own pockets. If this doesn’t convince you, nothing Will. I will hire three salesmen this week. These men -will have the following qualifi cations: Ability and willingness to work hard. Preferably between the ages of 21 and 45. Own a late model car. Willingness to learn. Those selected will be trained thoroughly in the basic funda mentals of salesmanship. Qual ified prospects are furnished daily. Accumulative bonus is paid semi-annually. In many instances the annual income from bonus checks alone is as much as the average man earns during the course of a year. If you are dissatisfied with your present income or posi- tion, this legitimate top-flight proposition merits your sincere consideration. Personal inter views only. Do not tie up the lines with questions. If our offer is not worth a personal visit and a half-hour of your time, you are not the man we want. If it is, this may well be one of the important decisions of your life. For iniervievr, write — PAUL D. MORTON Branch Manager Box 5446, State College Station Raleigh, North Carolina 011,18,25 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SOUTHERN PINES PROPERTIES New Listing—Four year old 2- bedroom cottage located within two blocks of postoffice and churches—modern throughout —corner lot. Sal© price $12,000 Immediate possession of this 8- room home located wUhin two blocks of Southern Pines schooL Property in good condi tion: well protected lot. $18,500 Land is good sound investment —this 136 acres with four acre lake located near Knollwood, has good prospects for develop ment. Price $8,500 Move in without any rei>airs to this completely renovated six room house. 1 2-3 baths: base ment. $12,000 Relieve responsibility of build ing by purchasing this 2 Vi year 1 old three bedroom ranch type home: modern thruout: large, well developed lot. Completely insulated. Price $21,000 Farms: We have listings on some desirable large or smaller farms. Our listings include proper ties in all price ranges. Rentals: Three room unfurnish ed first floor duplex. $47.50. Three bedroom second floor furnished apartment, $65.00. Three room furnished first floor apartment, $55.00. Lots: Listings in almost all res idential areas of Southern Pines. Loans: We have facilities for assisting purchasers of property through this agency in obtain ing desirable financing. Insurance: Have peace of mind with sound adequate insurance protection. We write and serv ice all forms of insurance and will quote rates and explain coverages without any obliga tion. LIST THE PROPERTY YOU HAVE FOR SALE WITH THIS REALTOR For information on these and other properties. Call Aberdeen office collect Windsor 4-1212 or Southern Pines res. 2-5462. FISH BAIT: Red Wigglers, 65c per 100, also wholesale prices. Minnows 6$c & 85c per dozen. Contact Mrs. C. G. Wimberly, Roseland Road, Aberdeen, phone WI 4-1466.. s20,27,o4,llp EVENING DINNER AT SKY-! LINE MANOR IS A DE LIGHTFUL TREAT FOR THE HOUSEWIFE WHO SEEKS AN ENJOYABLE CHANGE. CALL SOUTHERN PINES 2-7579 FOR RESERVATION. o4,Ilc FOR RENT: 3-room apartment dowinstairs. Private entrance. Steam heat. 130. W. Conn. Ave. oll,18p WANTED—All the pihe pulp- wood you can haul to our buy ing yard at Vass; any amount, cash on delivery. We will also buy standing stumpage.—Bob Swan, Dealer, Albemarle, N. C.. Box 230. jStfe- WELL BORING and DRILLING. Call Hancock Esso Station, Windsor 4-7431, Aberdeen, local service, or Blackwelder, San ford, N. C., phone 3-4844. a26tf FOR RENT: 2-bedroom unfurn ished house, newly decorated. 245 N. Page, phone 2-5182. o4tf Real Estate For Sale THE GAMES ARE OVER Let's Talk HOUSE Again This attractive brick home: with 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Uvingroom, dining room, kitch en, basement: oil heat: corner lot: convenient to schools. FOR RENT IN ABERDEEN; Mod em 2-bedroom house, newly decorated. Adjoining school and lake, $50 monthly. Telephone WI 4-2455. s27tf FOUR ROOM FURNISHED, heated apartment. Inquire 280 W. Conn. Ave., phone 2-5182. o4t£ SPECIAL TYPE ROUTE WORK. Man with car, age 25 to 45, sixty stops, 9-hours daily, will pay $75. weekly plus expenses. Opening Laurinburg and Southern Pines. See Mr. Hecht, Thursday, October 11, 7 to 9 p. m. at Hotel Rockingham, or Friday, 9 to 11, N. C. state Emr ployment Agency in Rocking ham. CHRYSANTHEMUMS for sale half of proceeds for Southern Pines Methodist Church. Mrs. Fred Hall, Sr., 525 North Ben nett Street, Tel. 2-4695. ollc Lovely 4 bedroom home: has nice Uvingroom, fireplace, sun- room, diningroom, kitchen, hdw. floors: basement: 2 car garage: 2 blocks from sch<ml: partly financed. $18,500 LovSy^cStage: has livingrni., kitchen-dinette, 2 bedrms. bath, sleeping porch: oil heal: garage, nice lawn: fenced in: barbecue pit: near shopping center. $8,000 Small cottageTT bedrooms and bath: living room, kUchen-din ette: oU heal: no town FOR RENT: Furnished 3-room apartment. Couple only. Tel. 2-8901 or 2-5622. oUP for^rent House unfurnished, 6 rooms & bath, $60 mo. Furnished apt., 5 rooms at bath, $60 mo. Furnished cottage, 3 rooms & bath, $45 mo. J. D. SITTERSON 260 N. Ashe St. Pk. 2-8445 EXPERIENCED DRIVER is available for short or long trips. Llovd Prime, Southern Pines. 2-7431. ml7tf FOR SALE 23-ft. HOUSE TRAILER 1953 model, balh; equipped for camping or living. Cash or terms. D. E. BAILEY, Southern Pines. Quick Convenient Low Cost The Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 132 N. W. Broad St. Southern Piqes, N. C. Phone 2-9911 TELEVISION SETS FOR RENT. CURTIS RADIO SERVICE. VASS. PHONE 2466. mlStf Houses and Apartments for rent or sale. Dr. Daniels, phone 2-6382. il2t£ $77.80 per month with reasonable down payment buys lovely 3- bedroom home near school: Uv- ing room, dining room, kitchen with disposal and dishwasher. Oil burning hotwater healing plant in cement floored base ment: careful inspection will show value. Other desirable listings. IF YOU WISH TO BUY IF YOU WISH TO SELL IF YOU WISH TO RENT —See— W. C. HILDERMAN 225 Weymouth Road LOANS: FHA. G. I. AND CON VENTIONAL. HOMES AND BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS UP TO 80% OF YOUR COMMITMENT. LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE. TAKE AD- VANTAGE OF OUR EXPERI ENCE. GRAVES MUTUAL IN- SURANCE AGENCY, GRAVES BLDG. PHONE 2-2201. o6tl TOPSOIL, sand, fill dirt, clay and gravel. Phone 2-3002, Box 1061, Long Sand Pit, Southern Pines. sltf ANTIQUES: Desks, chest of drawers, tables, cupboards, etc. Allie McIntosh, 675 S. W. Broad Street. aSOtf WANT TO JOIN car-pool going to Main Post, Fort Bragg. Tel. 2-7945. o4,llp DESmES PART TIME WORK; Typing, Shorthand. No 30^ too small, none too large. Have ow typewriter. Phone Southern Pines 2-8544, any time. oUP HELP WANTED: Full or part time opportunity available in Southern Pines, selling nation ally advertised Watkins Pro ducts. Merchandise shipped on credit. We help you get started. Write The J. R. Watkins Co., Dept. S-3, Richmond, Va. oll,nlincp FOR SALE Clean late model Fleetwood Cadillac. Phone 9621. Carthage o4.11c WANTED: Position as executive housekeeper with hotel or mo tel. Experienced. Mrs. Chn^s- ler. Phone 1107W-1, Laurin burg, N. C. oll,18p FOR RENT: Three room apart ment, 140 West Vermont Ave. Mrs. Foy SwindelL ollc D<,«™«ur, .part- Typewriter in good condition, $40.00 cash. Dr. L. M. Daniels, phone 2-6382, ollc J. D. Arey 8i Company REALTORS and INSURORS DIISHWASHER wanted, experi enced; steady job, good pay. 4 p. m. to 12 p. m. Hilltop Res taurant ,1-2 mile South South ern Pines, Route 1. ollp TOWN OF SOUTHERN PINES ^°MENT is receiving applications 5 R g Reouirements: 21 years or older, not le^ in lall, weight not less than 165 lbs.; high school grad- ^Lte or equivalent, good physical condition, (medmal examinatton required), good character, pleasant per sonality, ability to get along well with associates. Contact: ^ ^ NEWTON At Once FOR RENT: 2-room furnished apartment, Highland Lodge, 245 East Vermont. Ph. 2-8611. m3tf FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT: UTILITIES FUR NISHED. 380 N. PAGE ST. FOR RENT; 4-room furnished FOR SALE OR RENT; Three apartment, upstairs. Private. Bedroom House, One and one- tf7a4ftu,heS'ptoe,. 'cf„. ‘SJ 1!» GUARANTEED ADVANCE FOR QUALIFIED APPLICANT WRITE P. O. BOX 1036. SOUTHERN PINES a30tf FQR RENT QR SALE Wheel Chairs. Crutches, Back Rest. In valid Walkers. Commode Chairs. Canes. Hospital Beds. Bed Trays Call us for any Sick Room Requirements SOUTHERN PINES PHARMACY Phone 2-5321 PIANO BARGAIN: We are forced to pick up a beautiful little Con sole Spinet Piano with matching bench. This piano is mahogany, with fuU keyboard, and will carry a new piano guarantee. Because of freight and moving charges involved in the return of this piano to us, we will transfer to reliable party in this vicinity. For further informa tion, write: Loan Depart., Box 661, Spencer, N. C. oil,18c -LOTS FOR SALE with senSble building restrictions and opportunity to the prospective homeowner to acquire outetandihg building sites at a reasonable cost. alltf nuiiig uijui.u.xii5 Barniim Realty Company JERRY V. HEALY FOR SALE: One Duo-Therm and one Quaker oil heaters; West- inghouse range, also one oil tank. All in perfect condition. Call 2-5091. ollc WILLING TO SHARE five room Knollwood apartment with re fined lady, preferably young. References exchanged. Write Box 181, Southern Pines, ollp FOR RENT: Heated three-room apartment. 145 Connecticut Avenue, Phone 2-5502. ollc Resort Realty & Development Co. 135 West New Hampshire Telephone 2-2152 SOUTHERN PINES. N. C. FOR SALE Built for gracious living, this new 9-room brick home, irtuated on beautiful will-planted lot. Has living room, filing room, 4 bedrooms, 2% baths, beautiful on irfd f^ilv room, large screened-m porch, utility room, and 2-car paneled garage. Completely air-cond^ tioned. Lovelv new 4-bedroom house, 2 baths, living room, d^ ing, library, kitchen, ample closets and g^rage.^J|cat^ on 1-acre lot. FOR RENT Partially furnished 2-bedroom house <1:100 00 Apartment completely furnished ^ j' was Four-room unfurnished cottage, newly decorated. Has stove and refrigerator,. Automatic oil heat. We have other houses, investment property, and beauti ful lots which we do not publicly list. Let us help you select the property better suited to your needs. Rentals and Listings Invited ^ Gen. H. Leonard. Jr., Pres.Julia G. Steed Causey Insurance & Realty Co, INCORPORATED 651 S. W. Broad Si. P^one 2-5525 SOUTHERN PINES. N. C. FOR RENT Unfurnished Apartments, for immediate occupancy 2 Bedrooms Upstairs (private entrance) ^ou.uu 2 Bedrooms Downstairs RENTALS and SALES LISTINGS SOLICITED INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS F.H.A.. G.I. and CONVENTIONAL LOANS W. S. JOHNSON Nile Phone 2-8081 Barnum Realty & Insurance Co. 124 N W. Broad St. Phone 2-9251 Southern Pines, N. C.' FOR RENT Large furnished house near schools, $110.00 2 bedfoom unfurnished house on Midland Road, $65.00. Several small furnished apartments. FOR SALE $53.00 per month will pay cipal and interest on this cozy little cottage, completely furnished. 2 bedrooms. Large basement. Nice neig borhood of small, new homes. Charming brick home close to school. Spacious room^ 4 bedrooms and 2 baths, plus maid’s quarters. Situated on very large, well planted corner lot. A gracious home that we will be proud to show you. Rentals and Sales Listings Solicited Complete Property Management and Insurance Service Insurance James S. Baird John S. Buggies Real Estate Jerry V. Healy

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