Page FOUR THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina THURSDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1956 Women’s Activities and Sandhills Social Events BESSIE CAMERON SMITH, Editor TELEPHONE 2-6512 Mrs. Roberts Honored At Duplicate Bridge Club Tuesday The Sandhills Duplicate Bridge i ^ Club met Tuesday evening at the ^' Southern Pines Country Club for the regular weekly game. There were five tables in play. Mrs. C. D. May and Mrs. James Beasley! were first winners; Miss Louise V. Blue and Mrs. William L. Poole were second; and Mrs. G. W. Coleman and Mrs. Robert Strouse, third. The members presented Mrs. Frank Roberts with a gift in rec ognition of her help in organ izing the club. Play begins promptly at 7:45 each Teusday evening and those participating are urged to be there on time. WOMEN OF THE CHURCH, FAYETTEVILLE PRESBYTERY, TO HOLD ANNUAL MEETING 9th District VFW Holds Meeting Here Sunday The 9th District VFW meeting was held in Southern Pines at the VFW Post Home on Sunday, October 14th, and posts and aux iliaries from Sanford, Rocking ham, Hamlet, Laurinburg, East Laurinburg, Wadesboro, Troy and Southern Pines were repre sented. Following a joint meeting of the Post and Auxiliaries, a separate meeting of each was held. Presiding at the meeting for the Post was 9th District Com mander C. D. Thompson with James Wallace, sr. vice-president of the Department of North Car olina as guest speaker. Mrs. Carolyn Rassette, District President, presided at the meet ing for the Auxiliary and the guest speaker was Gladys Oyack, Department of North Carolina Guard and also VAVS represen tative. A buffet supper was served by the Southern Pines Post, follow ing the meetings. Mrs. Howard Entertains For Mrs. Shepard Ames, New Resident Comjplimenting Mrs. Shepard Ames, a newcomer to Southern Pines, Mrs. Harry Howard enter tained at a “coffee hour” on Sat urday morning at the home of her parents. Dr. and Mrs. James S. Milliken oi^ New Hampshire Avenue. The former Ann Christian Oglesby of Concord was a soror ity sister of Mrs. Howard when the two girls were students at the University of North Carolina. Mr. Ames is on the staff of WEEB and Mrs. Ames is a staff writer for the Cracker Barrel in Pinehurst this season. They have taken an apartment in Knoll- wood. . . , j j Mrs. Howard’s guests mcluded the Misses Shirley Dana of Pine hurst, Dorothy Ann Swisher, Caroline Chester, Cathertae Childs, Tirzah Ison, Barbara El liott, Sally Cowles and Mrs. Mar tin Caldwell, Mrs. Joe Bennett, Mrs. Burton Perham, Mrs. Her bert Devins and Mrs. Norris Hodgkins, Jr. BETTY JO LOUDERMILK, daughter of Sgt. and Mrs. John W. Seward of Bennett street, was recently elected state parliamen tarian of the Future Homemakers of America at the District rally held in Hamlet.. This is Betty Jo’s first year at the Southern Pines High school, having moved here from Florida this past summer. She is a tenth grade student and is very active in school activities. Besides being outstanding in Home Economics, she performs equally well as one of Mr. Ledden’s majorettes—noted for their talent and efficiency with the band. Hollisters To Entertain Mixed Bridge Club Dr. and Mrs. William F. Hollis ter will be hosts at their home on Midland Road tomorrow even ing to the Mixed Bridge Club at the regular monthly get-together. Their guests for supper and bridge will include Mr. and Mrs. Hoke Pollock^ Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. Roy McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Graves, Mr. and Mrs. Har old Collins and Mrs. Collins’ sis ter, Mrs. Kyle Davenport, Dr. and Mrs. James Milliken and daught er, Mrs. Harry Howard, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howard of Savan nah, Ga., week-end guests at the Milliken home. Sandhills B&PW Club Has Monthly Meeting The Sandhills Business & Pro fessional Women’s Club held their monthly dinner meeting on Tues day,of this week at the Mid-South Grin in Aberdeen. After the bus iness session the president, Mrs. Evelyn Pleasants, turned the meeting over to Mrs. Nancy Mc Clellan, program chairman, who presented Miss Ethel Blue Britt. Miss Britt is chairman of the In ternational Relations Committee of the club and she gave a very interesting talk on the duties and functions of two departments of the United Nations, namely, the General Assembly and the Secur ity Council. After a general dis cussion, the meeting was brought to a close with the reading of the Club Collect. Mrs. Moore Entertains At Bridge Party Mrs. George C. Moore enter' tained at a small bridge party Tuesday evening at her home on Massachusetts avenue, honoring Mrs. L. H. Cherry, Jr. of Eau- galle, Fla. Mrs. Cherry is a for mer resident of Southern Pines and she and Mr. Cherry have been at their home in Weymouth Heights for the past two weeks Mrs. Moore’s guests included Mrs. James S. Milliken, Mrs. My ron Hill, Mrs. Frank Welsh, Mrs, James Boyle, Mrs. C. H. Bow man, Mrs. J. Tyler Overton and Mrs. James Pleasants. Mrs. McColl Guest Speaker At Garden Club Meeting Mrs. Katherine N. McColl was guest speaker on Monday after noon at the monthly meeting of the Southern Pines Garden Club, which was held at the home of Mrs. Robert M. McMillan. Mrs. McColl, well-known local authority, spoke on herbs. Her program embraced medicinal herbs, remembered from her grandmother’s garden, to culin ary herbs she enjoyed in Swit zerland last Spring. Many of these and other aromatic herbs from her own garden, as well as some from the Shaw House, were The 67th annual meeting of the Women of the Church of Fay etteville Presbytery will be held in Moore County on November 1 and 2. The Elise Presbyterian Church of Robbins and the Car thage Presbyerian Church will be hosts for the meetings. The afternoon board meeting and the evening session of the first day, November 1, will be held in Robbins, while the day meetings on November 2 wiU be held in the Carthage Presbyteri an Church. The theme will be Christian Citizenship or “Forward with Christ by prayer and Thanksgiv ing in Christian Citizenshp.” Registration will begin at 2:15 in the Robbins church, followed by the board meeting at 2:30 o’clock. There will be another registration at 5:30. Supper will be served at the Robbins school- house from 6:30 until 7:30, when the evening session will be held at the Elise Presbyterian Church. Mrs. George V. McLeod, presi dent will preside and Mrs. W. O. Nelson will give the welcome. Mrs. Lacy Godwin of Fayette ville, Synodical representative to the Bible Study Seminar at Mon treat, will speak on “Preparing Ourselves as Christian Citizens.” The Church choir will render an anthem, “Song of Peace” by Sib elius with Mrs. W. P. Schu macher, director and Mrs. George Frye, organist. Dr. James A. Jones of Rich mond, Va., president of Union Theological Seminary, will deliV' er the address. On Friday morning, November 2, Mrs. McLeod will open the session at 10 o’clock, with Mrs. Eldon S. Adams of Carthage giv- ■ ing the welcome. The message will be brought by Dr. George Staples of Davidson, minister to students at Davidson College. The election of officers will follow. The afternoon meeting will be called to order at 1:45. Mrs. R. A Willis, Jr., president of the Wom en of the Church, Synod of North Carolina, will speak on “Facing Our Christian Citizenship.” The installation of officers will be conducted by the Rev. Anthony Lessley of Benson, chairman. Presbytery’s Committee on Woman’s Work. _ Music for the day meetings at Carthage will be furnished by Mrs. L. R. Sugg, organist and Mrs. Dudley Pendleton, soloist. Approximately 200 women are expected at th e evening meeting and over 400 will be present for the day meetings in Carthage, judging by Presbyterial attend ance in the past . INJURED IN FALL Mrs. Nellie Mann, manager of the local Western Union office, sustained a broken hip when she slipped and fell in her home here Monday night. She is at Moore County Hospital, getting along well and able to have her friends call. Her regular assistant, Mrs. George B. Littl^ and Robert Gaither of Statesinlle are in the telegraph office. i IMI ■ Three of the members of the Moore County Hospital Auxiliary attending an executive meet ing yesterday at the Pinehurst Country Club are seen in the above picture. From right to left, Mrs. Henry A. Page, Jr. of Aberdeen is chair man erf the canteen volunteer workers in Aber deen and also serves on the board of directors of the hospital; Mrs. Paul Dana of Pinehurst heads the committee for the revision of the constitu tion and by-laws; and Mrs. Voit Gilmore of Southern Pines is acting chairman of the Can teen, in the absence of the regular chairman, Mrs. Francis Ray of Pinehurst. In and Out of Town The Misses Lessie and Effie, Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Case Hospital Auxiliary Executive Meeting Held Wednesday Bailey have returned to their have returned from a two weeks The acecutive meeting of the itjo^s at the Moore County trip to Tryon and Hendersonville, Woman’s Auxiliary of the Moore after two week’s vaca- and to Marietta, Ga., where they County Hospital was held on Wednesday, October 24th in the private dining room of the Pine hurst Country Club, with the president, Mrs. Alwin L. FoUey of Southern Pines, presiding. Mrs. Folley announced that the regular monthly meeting of the auxiliary would be held on Thursday, November 8th, instead of Tuesday, the 6th, because of the national election on that day. Mrs. L. L. Klostermyer will be the guest speaker for this meet ing. Mrs. Klostermyer, wife of Dr. Klostermyer of Asheville, is head of the State Council of Women’s Auxiliaries. Present at the meeting yester day were Mrs. Gilmore, Mrs. Page, Mrs. Dana, Mfs. J. Vance Rowe, Mrs. Katherine McColl, Mrs. James Tufts, Mrs. Milford Horr, Mrs. Roderick Ennis, Mrs. James Harrington, Mrs. Joseph Remington. Mrs. George Thomp son, Mrs. Harold Peck, Mrs. Rob ert Ewing and Mrs. Robert Mc Millan. Hospital after two week’s vaca tioning. Joe Marley, student at Camp bell College in Buie’s Creek, has been home this week with his visited their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Case, Jr. and family. Mrs. George M. Hunt of Balti more, Md., is arriving tomorrow parents, because of illness. He is; for a visit of several days with much improved though and ex- Gen. and Mrs. Robert Hill at their Johnsie Lynn Talbert Celebrates Birthday ^ • Johnsie Lynn Talbert, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Talbert, celebrated her sixth birthday last Saturday afternoon, when her mother gave a party for her at their home on Bennett street. Her guests were Virginia and Allen Smith, Teddy Nanopoulos, Joe Kimball, Jr., Rickard Koeb- leur, Jr., Ann Ganis, Patricia Talbert, Becky Talbert and Carol Ann Prim. Several games were played and prizes were won by Patricia Talbert and Joe Kimball. Scouts To Have Bake Sale Saturday The Girl Scout troop 48, with its leader. Miss Carolyn Chester, met Wednesday afternoon at the Episcopal Church, and heard a report from Carol Staples who has just returned from Savan nah, Ga., where she attended a regional rally. The troop is sponsoring a Bake sale this Saturday, the 27th, in front Of the post office at 8 a. m Bingo Party Brings Enthusiastic Crowd The Guild of St. Joseph of the Pines hospital in Knollwood ben efits by over $400.00—the amount taken in Wednesday evening at the Southern Pines Country Club, when the Men’s Committee of the Guild gave a bingo party. Approximately 200 bingo en thusiasts enjoyed several hours of their favorite game—and some ten of the guests went away with valuable prizes, which had been donated for the affair. John Buchholtz was in charge of arrangements, and was assist ed by David Drexel, Curtis Townshend and Frar k Martin. Par-Seekers Hold Tournament; Winners Are Announced. The Par-Seekers of the South ern Pines Country Club and guest held a tournament last Thursday. The 18-hole winner was Mrs. Gilbert Redfern, and Mrs. Gordon Clark was runner-up. Winner in 9-hole play was Mrs. Perry Frye; low putts, Mrs. Car los Frye. The Par-Seekers, womens golf organization of the Southern Pines Country Club, meets Thurs day morning at 10 o’clock. New members and visitors are corned. Mr. Dawson Speaks In Durham Looking Ahead THISTLE CLUB The Thistle Club will hold its first meeting of the season at the Civic Club on Wednesday, No vember 7. It will be a dessert- bridge and begins at 1:30 o’clock. Call in reservations not later than Monday, November 5th— telephone 2-5932 or 2-3411. pects to be able to return to his studies soon. Miss Karen Kinnison will leave Friday for Davidson, where she will be the guest of Julian Pleasants for the home coming festivities there this weekend. There will be a formal dance Friday night, a luncheon on Saturday, followed by the Davidson-V.M.I. game, and wind up Saturday evening with an in formal dance. Andy Patterson, student at Ed wards Military Institute at Sa- lemburg, was the weekend guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Moore at their home on Massachusetts avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Weldon and children, Dana, Ellen and Franklin have returned to their home on Midland Road, after spending the summer months at ^ Green Harbor, Mass. Peter Grinnell and Miss Irene Soto, Duke University students, spent last weekend with Peter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grin nell. Their older son. Temple, left on Monday for Raleigh, where he was inducted in the army. They have not yet heard where he will home on Hill Road. The Hunts are former Southern Pines resi dents and made many friends while the Colonel was stationed with the Air Force here. Col. Hunt is at present serving with the Air Forces in Korea. Mrs. Katherine Newlin Burt has BLUE KNIGHTS (Continued from Page D their lethargy. They’ve amassed 29 straight victories, which must be some sort of schoolboy rec ord for North Carolina, but, with Leonard not discounting the pos sibility of getting knocked off Friday, that string may be cut short. Three players that were injured last Friday night are expected to be in shape for the game: Tony Parker, who was slightly injured, is definitely back in the lineup, Billy Hamel, who injured his leg, will also play, and Roger Ver- hoeff, who was injured in the third quarter, is aso expected to see some action. James Morrison, who replaced Verhoeff last week, is also due for quite a bit of action. He look ed exceptionally weU against Pinehurst, and scored in, the fourth quarter on a 30-yard pass from Bobby Parker. Lynn van Benschoten, who was the workhorse of the Blue Knights earlier in the season, is coming around from an injured leg and should be back in top form. And Kenneth Creech, who has been outstanding in the past three games, is expected to play a lot at his quarterback slot. Leonard said this morning that if Maxton defeats Southern Pines, it would eliminate the Blue Knights for any chance at the district championship or the state championship. “On the other hand,” he pointed out, “if we defeat them^ they would be in the same spot. We’re out for a ■win, but will definitely have to play better than we have in the past two games if we’re going to present a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Irwin at their home on Fairway Road. Mrs. Burt will oc cupy Mrs. James Boyd’s cottage. Gate House, this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Voit Gilmore re turned Tuesday night from Ashe ville, where he attended a meeting of the North Carolina Lea^e of Municipalities. Mayor Gilmore was elected to the third vice-pres idency of the League. Mrs. James Boyd spent a couple of days in Charleston, S. C. the first of the week. She ha(J nice visit with Mrs. John A. Leland, the former Emily Rich ardson of Southern Pines. Mrs. Leland is expected next week for a stay with her father, Sam Rich ardson. RUMMAGE SALE later be stationed. Dr. and Mrs. Lee Howard of Savannah, Ga., will be guests of (their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Hsirry Howard and het parents. “ “7,, Dr. and Mrs. James Milliken this Rummage Sale, benefit Metho- ana dist Church, will be held on No vember 1 and 2 at Page Motor Company on East Broad street. New Heir-rivals weekend. Mrs. William Nesbitt returned to her home in San Antonio, Tex., the first of the week after a five days’ stay with Gen. and Mrs. Robert M. Bathhurst at their home on Hill Road. Mrs. Nesbitt was en route home after spending the past six months in Europe with her daughter and family. Gen. and Mrs. A. V. Arnold HAMS The following numbers are winners on the ham drawing at the Does FaU Festival held on Saturday, October 13, at the Country Club, Southern Pines.: 712098 712084 712063 712054 712044 If you have any of the above numbers, please contact Mrs. M. B: Arnold at 2-9071 or 2-2012 MONROE BABY GIRL Mr. and Mrs. Richard Monroe of Hialeah, Fla., announce the opened their residence on EPISCOPAL (Continued from page 1) tractive surroundings, a good cli mate, and a pleasant home-like at mosphere are among the prime requisites for the home. Judge Clarkson wrote. Southern Pines had been picked as the ideal loca- tion. Following prolonged discussion, the mayor appointed a committee to write to the Charlotte judge, in viting his committee to come to Southern Pines with the assurance that several sites would be avail able. While none was offered at the meeting, it was believed that a suitable location could be provid ed. Named to the committee were: Mr. Caldwell, Mr. Darst, Mr. Rug- gles, Mrs. Rhodes, and Mayor Gil more, member ex officio. wel- birth of a baby girl, weighing 10 pounds at the North Shore Hos pital, Miami, Fla. Mr. Monroe is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monroe of Pinehurst. VFW Auxiliary Has Monthly Meeting The VFW Auxiliary held its regular meeting Wednesday eve ning, October 17 at the Post Home. Mrs. Carolyn Rassette, District President made an offi cial visit. Also attending with Mrs. Rassette was Mrs. Emily Way, District Jr. Vice and Mem bership Chairman. Included with other bsuiness discussed by the members, was a get-out-the-vote campaign in connection with the oncoming election. Young’s Road, after Baptist Leadership Conference To Be Held Tuesday exhibited and discussed with a great deal of interest and en- ent of the Southern Pines thusiasm. Schools, was the guest speaker in During" the business session Durham Monday evening when three new members were elected,he attended a PTA meeting at to the Garden Club, Mrs. J. E. | the George Watts elementary Fleming, Mrs. A. V. Arnold and school The Sandy Creek Baptist j Leadership Conference will meet Tuesday evening, October 30 at Amos C. Dawson, superintend- the First Baptist Church in Southern Pines. The session will begin at 5:30, followed by supper at 6 o’clock. There will be an other meeting after supper. Each person is asked to take Mrs. Robert Ewing. Mrs. Claude Reams, president, presided at the meeting. there. His subect was “School Problems and School Needs.” Don Moore accompanied Mr. Dawson to Durham. sandwiches, but the other part of the meal will be furnished by the local church, wihmllee INS and OUTS Mrs. Richard M. Maybin of Lawndale spent a couple of days the first of the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Blue at their home on Ashe St. Mrs. Frank B. Pottle arrived by plane from Boston yesterday after visiting hre daughter, Mrs. Ralph Lockwood and family in Manchester, N. H. Mrs. Pottle spent a month in Nova Scotia tWs summer. Mrs. Estelle Cameron was the guest of her son and daughter- in-law, Dr. and- Mrs. Edwin A. Cameron in Chapel Hill last week. an absence of about six months. They left in the Spring for a trip abroad, returning in June to their sum mer camp at Cranberry Lake, N. Y. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Timmons had as their guests last weekend Mr and Mrs. Harold Becker of Scarsdale, N. Y. The Beckers are parents-in-law of the Timmons older son. Dr. Robert L. Timmons of Ann Arbor, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. McLean at tended the funeral in Fayette ville today of Lacy C. Barrett, who died Tuesday when he ap parently fell into the concrete spillway of his pond The McLeans had just spent the weekend visit ing the Barretts. Misses Mary Elizabeth and Barbara Ann Hackney of AFB, Sumter, S. C., spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hackney, bringing a girl friend home with them. Mr. and Mrs. I. Foy Horton were in High Point last week-end attending the mid-season furni ture showing. They have as their guests this week, Mr. and Mrs. R T. Greer of Marion, Va. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. P. Delarue haye returned to their residence on Morganton Road from a motor trip to the New Jersey coast, where they visited friends in At lantic City, Asbury Park and Long Beach. They also spent a week in New York City with relatives and friends. mmn Recreation Group To Meet Tuesday Nifijht At Library The Southern Pines Recreation Advisory Committee will hold its first fall meeting in the Town Library Tuesday night. The meeting, scheduled to be gin at 7:30, is open to anyone in terested in recreation. Present members of the com mittee are the Rev. Martin Cald well, Mrs. Nancy Marley, Mrs. Mary Grover, Warren Bell, T. R. Goins, Carl Holt, Walter Harper, Jerry Healy, Charles Cole and Joe Garzik. A Shiver-Free Winter Ahead With Us On The Job I Best insurance of a comfortable winter is to put your fuel oil needs up to us. Our deliveries are prompt and dependable regardless of weather. PARKER ICE & FUEL CO. Aberdeen Tel. Windsor 4-1315 WE GIVE PHARMACISTS TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION ASK YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT OUR STORE Let us fill your next Prescription OPEN SUNDAY BROAD STREET PHARMACY Prescription Headquarters Phone 2-5411 Southern Pines, N. C. . PHARMACISTS ON DUTY Jerry Rhoades da . tf arrived for the season and is at ® time in Maxton is 8 p. m. lUAlUii xa u J/. AAi. A big crowd is expected tof go from this area to see it. Joe Montesanti, Jr., Prop.

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