THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1956 THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina Page SEVEN Q ‘■0 * NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain Mortgage Deed executed by Annie Hill to Wm. F. Junge, said Mort gage Deed being dated March 1, 1938 and recorded in the office of tl^e Register of Deeds of Moore County in Book 56, at page 458, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Carthage, Moore County, North Carolina, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1958 at 12 o'clock NOON the property conveyed by the aforesaid Mortgage Deed, describ ed as follows: Those certain lots known and designated as LOTS NOS. 11 and 12 and the 16 foot alleyway be tween Lots Nos. 10 and 11, all in Block L and 15, as shown on a Map entitled “A MAP OF SOUTHERN PINES, MOORE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA,” said map being recorded in the Moore County Registry in Map Book 1, Section 2, at page 70. A deposit with the Clerk of the Superior Court of 10% will be re quired of the successful bidder. Dated this 23rd day of Novem ber, 1956. KATHERINE RIGGAN SPAUGH, Executrix of the Will of Wm. F. Junge, Deceased. n29d6,13,20c AT ACHIEVEMENT DAY Eagle Springs Wins Award For Home Demonstration Activities Low less over Marvin E. Senger, Extension dairy specialist at N. C. State producing cows return College. Consequently, the dairy their feed costs, says farmer has less for his labor and expenses. This to meet other should leave no alternative but to eliminate the low producing cows from the herd as rapidly as possible if (Mrymeh are to havei a good year, not only this year but every year. J. A. Glazener, program plan ning specialist of the State Col lege Extension Division was guest speaker at a recent home demonstration achievement day program, held in the courthouse in Carthage. He discussed some improve ments that every community could do to make living more at tractive, and some practices to increase the income for the farm and home, using slides to illus trate his talk. “The greatest problem,” said Glsizener, “is to get, people to have the desire to make improvements.” The two new county coimcil officers, Mrs. Roy Williams of Eagle Springs, president, and Mrs. Wade Hare of the West- moore Club, vice-president, were installed for 1957-58. Mrs. Sam Boggs of the East- wood Club won the first prize of $5 in the mail box contest. The Eastwood Club in turn won $5. L. B. Creath, executive vice- president of the Carolina Bank, presented the cash awards to the four clubs scoring the highest GEORGE W. TYNER PAINTING & WALLPAPERING 205 Midland Road Phone 2-5804 SOUTHERN PINES. N. C. i 85 U/5QT. points during the year. Eagle Sprmgs won first place which carried a $50 award. Some of the highlights of the Eagle Springe activities during the year were: organized a choir for District Federation Day music at Pinehurst with 12 members taking part; prepared suppers for the local Ruritan Club; held a recreational program for the 4-H Club; won first place on the county fair booth. Civil Defense, reached 238 non-club members with methods or information; en rolled six new club members along with carryin gout a well conducted club meeting each month with at least 75 per cent of the members present. The club has 43 members. Cranes Creek Club won second place with a cash award of $25. The Cranes Creek Club high score was based on consistantly ^ood participation at every meet- mg, county and State activities, and reaching 204 non club mem bers. Stanton Hill won third place of $15. The club reached 220 non club members as well as carried on a well balanced program through the yeiu*. Bethlehem Club won fourth place with an award of $10 ,by readmg 136 non-club members. AU of the winning clubs stress ed attendance at leader trainmg and county council meetings as well as good parliamentary pro- ceedure at club meetings; the transferring of the information and methods gained from the county meetings to club and non club members. A total of 1,721 non-club members have been reached by all of the Moore County Clubs in 1956. Miss Alma T. Edwards, coun cil secretary, presided at the meeting. Mrs. Wade Hare gave the devotions and Mrs. D. H. Jackson the treasurer’s report. BE READY FOR CHRISTMAS! Buy NOW and take advan tage of our LAY - AWAY PLAN Complete Line of JEWELRY Oldham's Jewelry Vass, N. C. A Shiver-Free Winter Ahead With Us On The Job I Best insurance of a comfortable winter is to put your fuel oil needs up to us. Our deliveries are prompt and dependable regardless of weather. PARKER ICE ‘ & FUEL CO. Aberdeen Tel. Windsor 4-1315 WE GIVE immmm SOUTHERN PINES WAREHOUSES, Inc. SAYS SAVEDME! StVE MONEY! Buy youf Building MnteriuU from yow local established dealer FOR HOME FOR FARM Why go to the expense and trouble of shopping aroimd when you’re looking for building mate rials? We have complete stocks of well-known brands and our prices are right! Whether you need a few feet of lumber or a complete bill of materials for a large job, we’ll give you the best service we know how. This includes free advice • and counsel on any building of fem^eliiig project gained from our many years in the building material business. We hope-you vwll drop in soon. We’ll be glad to work with you. Come in the next time you're in town! HEADQUARTERS FO R JOHN S - M A N VILLE B UJ GM ATERIALS EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS CAN BE ARRANGED Southern Pines Warehouses, Ine. Phone 2-7131 'Everything For The Builder" OUR 32nd YEAR Southern Pines. N. C. WE INVITE YOU TO SEE THE BIG M’s NEW Outdates everything else on the road with its dream-car ideas! Here is one of those rore ears that, in a sinale model chongeov^ redirects the wh^e course of automobile design. The new Mercury mokes a clean breok with the plump, bulging lines of many of today’s cars_presents o sleek, clean-cut, dynamic look that’s straight out of tomorrow. * // -the newest shape in cans for 19571- will influence the look of cars for years to come! # / rr \i NEW! V-AN6LE TAIL-LIGHTS FROM DREAM-CAR DRAWING BOARDS —A stunning example of Mercury’s new Dream-Car Design. They help dramatize Mercury's gleaming new breadth and brawn. Mercury is now over 6Yi feet wide, more than 17}^ feet long! NEW! JET-FLO BUMPER-GRILLE GIVES A MASSIVE BUT GRACEFUL LOOK_New beauty with a purpose. The unique new oval design acts as a double bumper—provides both high and low protection, front and back. NEW! SLIM. BRIDGE-STRONG ROOF, MORE GLASS THAN EVER —It spans the most spacious passenger . compartment in Mercury history. You enjoy up to 829 square inches more visibility. And Mercury is new in' every thing else. You can get a power'seat that “remembers” your favorite driving position. And there’s a Power-Booster Fan, in the Montclair series, that saves horsepower other cars waste. And much, much more. To see everything, stop in at our showroom today. Calvert RESERVE CALVEItT DISiaiERS CO., N.Y.C. BLENDED WHISKEY. BS.D PROOF. 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS STRAIGHT OUT OF TOMORROW Meicuiy for 57 wHh DREAM-CM DESIGN JACKSON MOTORS. INC U. S. Highway 1 N. C. Dealers License No. 1909 PhoniR 2-5822 -i'