Page TWENTY-TWO THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 ^AA^' h CARTHAGE NEWS By MRS ALONZO BLUE Church Women The Women of the Presbyterian Church Carthage met Mon- * day afternoon in the Sunday School building for the final meeting of the church year with the president, Mrs. Eldon S. Adams, presiding. Miss Eula Blue conducted the devotional program, giving the Christmas story from Luke. This was followed by prayer in uni- sbn. Reports were heard from the treasurer and circle chairmen. Circle 1 was the bapner circle for the month with circles 3 and 4 tied for second place. The pastor, the Rev. W. S. Golden, conducted the installa tion of officers for the coming deer. house at the Frank Joyce Florist establishment. Upon arrival, all eyes were dazzled by the decorations in the i large window. Several minutes elapsed before they were willing to leave the display window and go inside. On entering the front door, ‘Oh’s”, “Ah’s” and “How beauti ful” were heard from all. In evidence, was much red and silver and blue metallic paper with silver metallic ribbon. Poin- settias were formed with mag- noia leaves painted white and sprinkled with glitter. Two large round tables cover ed with bright red Christmas cloths, fringed with white, held Santas in sleighs of red carna tions, pulled by snow white rein- fW M year, outlining the responsibili ties of each office. The following women will serve in 1957: president, Mrs. E. S. Adams; vice-president, Mrs. D. E. Caddell; secretary, Mrs. How ard Gardner; treasurer, Miss Eula Blue; historian, Mrs. Charles T. Grier; spiritual growth, Mrs. D. N. Carter; world = missions, Mrs. W. H. Currie; 1 church extension, Mrs. Holt Mc Neill; religious education, Mrs. Clinton P. Campbell; aimuities Other arrangements too num erous to mention were placed all around the room on shelves, counters and trellis. Pink with crystal was used in qnite a num ber of arrangements. Madonna with white Christmas candle featiured a seated figurine of purest white, forming a cres cent. Around this figurine were leaves of magnolia painted white and edged with gold. For more than an hour all of this was admired by the club oUIlXOll tr • j cllllimUCO relief. Mr,. Worth Mclxiodl' « I Stewardship, Mrs. Lucien P. Tyson, general fund agencies, Mrs. Charles J. McDonald, Jr.; It has that good old fashion flavor \vhidi can only be obtained from fresh cream, milk, sugar and flavor. YOU will receive many compliments when you serve this nutritious, delicious egg NOG DRINK. Order Several Quarts Today From,,, MONTGOMERY DAIRY SERVING MOORE COUNTY SEVEN #YEARS OLD $ PINT $055 4/5 Q- »«///<•// 4/ Mr ^stillery\ BOTTtEO 0)f THE OLD QUAKER DISTILLING COMPANT kwrenceburc ino. rRESNo CALIF ft (Dt5 STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY straight bourbon whiskey, 7 YEARS OLD, 86 PROOF. OLD QUAKER DISTILLING COMPANY. LAWRENCEBUR6. INDIANA and made sketches to be used at some future date. On the homeward journey the Mrs. Ch^l^ three hostesses had the club tarry social activities, Mrs. L. R. ougg Daky Inn, where delicious and Mrs. W. G. CaldweU; circle cream sundaes were served, followed by hot coffee. Personals Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Parks were in Robbins Sunday after- Memorial Hospital in Chapel HUl Monday for observation and treatment Mrs. Pleasants, who suffered a broken wrist last Fri day, returned from the Moore County Hospital Monday. M. E. Seawell and Mr. and Mrs. Eli Seawell of Bennett were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Caddell. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wallace and baby of Wilmington were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wallace last week. Mrs. C. C. Kennedy and Mrs. S. F. Cole spent Friday in Chapel Hill and Durham. Mrs. Margaret Penn is spend ing the Christmas holidays with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Wallace, in Mon roe, La. Conley Presley and sister, Margaret Caudle, vsrere recent visitors of their father, Sandy Presley, in Rowland. Little Janet McDonald, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Mc Donald, Jr., of Raleigh, who suf fered severe burns while on a visit, with her mother, to her grandmother, Mrs. Ackerman, in Cottageville, S. C., during the Thanksgiving holidays, was able to return with her parents to their home in Raleigh Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gilliland and children returned to their home in Charlotte Sunday after a week’s stay her6 and in Pine- hurst with their people. Steel springs in an upholstered chair weigh live pounds. In dav enport construction they wiU weigh about 15 pounds and in a mattress about 20 pounds. There is no country in the world where peaches grow and bear fruit so freely as in the Unit ed States, according to the Ameri can Association of Nurserymen. ' / Southern Christmas Greens ' Orders Taken for Individual Out-of-Town Shipments Magnolia Holly Long-Leaf Pine Mistletoe LOVELY ASSORTMENTS IN BEAUTIFULLY ARRANGED BOXES Call Mrs. Bridges Southern Pines 2-4861 chairmen. No. 1, Mrs. Charles J. McDonald; No. 2, Mrs. Harold M. Parker; No. 3, Mrs. P. H. McDon ald; No. 4, Mrs. W. S. Golden; No. 6, Mrs. M. G. Boyette; No. 6, Mrs. M. T. Stewart; No. 7, Mrs. Paul Simpson. rs. icLLg ivirs, waiter xiuaacjr ***&*» Mrs. Adams was given a rising fgjjg and Mrs. Hussey re vote of thanks for her faithful passed their 54th wedding work as president this year. Garden Oub Trip On last Tuesday evening \jiL xaai. o piLiica wx —• - / Carthage Garden club was given .^^eekend guests of the Rev. and an unusual treat. The, hostesses,' Mrs. j. l. Kirby. Mrs. R. A Hum- Mrs. John M. Currie, Mrs. J. Q- phries, who had been here for a Reynolds and Miss Bess McCas- ^eek with hCT daughter, Mrs. kiU, with three cars collected 18 members promptly at 7 p. m. and transported them to Sanford where they attended an open noon to visit Mr. and Mrs. Frank Upchurch. They, with Mr. and Mrs. Upchurch, visited Mr. and A larg number attended and Walter Hussey near High- ■ A j-VvTrCtn Q t*1cinCf - .. . . i n/T -Ma. the anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hum phries of Gaffney, S. C., were NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND On account of the default of Francis C. Shea and wife, Shirley E. Shea to pay the indebtedness secured by that Deed of Trust from James R. Monroe and wife, Dorris G. Monroe to J. Vance Rowe, Trustee for Aiken Loan & Security Company, dated Febru ary 8, 1950 and recorded in Mort gage Book 90, at page 103 of the Moore County Registry, the said Francis C. Shea and wife, Shirley E. Shea having purchased the property covered by said Deed of Trust on April 13, 1953, from James R. Monroe and wife, Dorns G. Monroe, the undersigned Trus tee will sell the said property, hereinafter described, at 12 o’clock NOON on MONDAY. DECEMBER 31. 1956 at the Court House door of Moore County, in Carthage, North Caro lina, at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the said prop erty being described as follows; That certain lot or parcel of land in McNeill Township, Moore County, North Caro lina, and described and bounded as follows: BEGIN NING at a stake in the south ern edge of Delaware Avenue, a common corner of Lots. Nos. 8 and 9, in Block E & 1, as shown on the official map of the Town of Southern Fines, N. C., said point being 100 feet from the intersection of Dela ware Avenue and Ridge Street and running thence S. 53 deg. 15’ W. with the rear lines of Lots 8 and 7, 100.7 feet to a stake; thence with the rear line of Lot No. 6, N. 81 deg. 45’ W. 70.65 feet to a stake; thence N. 36 deg. 45’.W. 8 feet to a stake; thence N. 53 deg. 15’ E. 150.7 feet to the southern edge of Delaware Avenue; thence with said Avenue, S. 36 deg. 45’ E. 58 feet to the point of beginning, being and comprising all of Lot No. 9 and a portion of Lot No. 10 ^in Block E & 1, as shown on the said map of the Town of Southern Pines, and shown as LOT “G" on a map made by R. E. Wicker, Sur veyor, in October 1949, and being the same lands convey ed by deed from RusseU Mon roe and wife, Vera N. Monroe to James R. Monroe and wife, Dorris G. Monroe, d^ted Feb ruary 8,1950 and duly record ed in the Moore County Reg istry. A deposit with the Clerk of the Superior Court of 10% wiU be re quired of the successful bidder. Date dthis 27th day of Novem ber, 1956. J. VANCE ROWE, Trustee. d6,13,20,27 Kirby, returned to- her home in Gaffney with them Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Adams spent the weekend in Pinnacle, guests of the Rev. and Mrs. T. Dixon Adams. R. W. Pleasants was carried to 1 ft I I'C/^ flOWM/ Apple moo' 84 PROOF I UURO & 00. North Barton, Va. Scobeyvine, N. J. 9 Shopping Days B.F.Goodricli, ^WHEN ACCOMPANIED DYADDIT GENUINE DUNCAN YO-YO TOP Made of unbreakable plastic ^ WORLD-WIDE APPEAL ^ CO-ORDINATES MIND AND MUSCLE ^ INCREASES REFLEX ACTION ^ KIDS WILL OET HOURS OF FUN AND CN.OYMENT County SANTA SPECIAL ^ELECTRIC SKILLET BY DORMEYER Gift Ideas PERFUMES STATIONERY CIGARS PENS PENCILS PIPES LIGHTERS CANDY TOILET WATER LOTIONS BILLFOLDS CLOCKS TOBACCO SHAVING NEEDS RAZORS COMPACT GREETING CARDS There's no need to buck the crowds and trudge all over the coimtry to do your Xmas shop ping. We're Christmas ready with a hoard of gifts to please every one on your list. Don't wander around aimlessly ... Shop our store and complete the job with ONE stop! We serve home - made sandwiches and delici ous hot drinks, too. .. . and illness knows no season. , See Your Doctor — See Usl Southern Pines Pharmacy Graham & Lou Culbreth SOUTHERN PINES. N. C. Near Depot • 11"OIA«AETHt ’ • niERMOSTAT HEAT I CONIROl ; • SaUEO HEAT UNIT i • roUSHBD ALUMINUM RsgularlY priced $19.95 o- * if Schwinn SPITFIRE Guaranteed as long as you own it. The ideal gift for boy or ^irl. Gild's bike priced the same. NOW Terms $36.95 up iBrown Auto Supply! -'A SOUTHERN PINES JOIN THE SAFE DRIVER LEAGUE