False Arre Asking $2S Filed In U A. $25,000 darn ing false arrest, thi U- S. Middl in Greensboro t V/. B. (Bill) Ma County and Jao cf Southern Pu The suit was Henry G. B^a who lived m prior to his d Army last wee Haalck cont tember P ® Motors causec issued accusm a 1956 autoroi der “false P tw that he was detained”' V cer when it lack of PK>15' er’s Court. The origii lore Judge found that further hoi' ' who is nov icutt, was by Vf. B- At the tm tended thi been cons purchase ' May, O’ that Haal car and 1 deal, to i to him £ payettev never pi In m* case Haalck’i sible bv is nothi Haal< had he Male C try. It V that t Motor was ■ May Thi after & Insurance Co. Hr JohnS^i^gl?5^ ISrrffiar:^ liaanniOT