THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1957 THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina Page THIRTEEN ARMY PROGRAM Sgt. Paul Hawks, Army re cruiter, said he would be glad to discus^ the Army’s Program on technical schools with high school graduates in this area. He is at the Southern Pines Post Office each Thursday from 9 a. m. to 12 noon. He also stated that the Army’s program permits high School graduates to receive i a written guarantee of school en- rollrhent before enlisting. Sgt. Hawks can be reached at his of fice, 234 Carthage Street, San ford, telephone 3-4782. ABERDEEN NEWS PILOT ADVERTISING PAYS By DOROTHY McNEILL Mrs. Robert Stewart has return ed to Camden, S. C., after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lee Buchan and family for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Herring vis ited Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Herring, Jr., and son and Miss Jane Her ring in Chapel Hill over the week end. Miss Elizabeth Russell of East Carolina College, Greenville, spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rus sell. Mrs. W. R. Taylor of Goldsboro visited in the home of Miss Va- CONTRACT PAINTING "IT COSTS MORE NOT TO PAINT" SHAW PAINT & WALL PAPER CO. Phone 2-7601 SOUTHERN PINES Valentine Cookies ★ Sweetheart Cakes ★ ^ Baby Parker House Rolls, 20c Oven-fresh Bread Sliced or unsliced ★ HOWARD’S BAKERY Southern Pines Oh the Money Tree! It can be yours ! Each week put part of your pay in a savings account and WATCH THAT TREE GROW! Regular deposits plus interest, compounded, really make it grow. Money deposited by the 10th draws interest from the first of the month. For the past three years we have paid 314% — Our aim is 3V2% Each account.Federally insured up to $10,000 Southern Pines Savings & Loan Assn. 115 W. New Hampshire Ave. Tel. 2-4635 ECHO SPRING KENTUCKY BOURBON 't nessa McLean over the weekend. Miss Bernadine Winstead and Miss Ruth McNeill of Rocking ham were weekend guests in the W. H. McNeill, Sh, home. Visiting' Mr. and Mrs. Francis Pleasants over the weekend were their son Francis Pleasants, Jr., and his roommate at UNC,' Luther T. Connor of Winchester, Va. Mrs. Annie Belle Johnson and son Bobby of ^Camden, S. C., spent the weekend in the M. B. Pleas ants home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boroday of Norlina were guests of Mrs. Alice Brooks over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Camp of Franklin, Va., are spending some time with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson, and family. Mrs. H, L. Marks is visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Swink and family in Tampa, Fla., this week. Billy and Glenn Russell of Ca tawba College spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Russell. Mrs. Leah Samuels of High Point was the weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs, Bob Samuels. Mac Ray Peters spent the week end v^ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peters, returning to Elon College Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trotter of Robbins were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McNeill, Jr. Mrs. A. B. Freeman is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Al len Freeman in Wilmington. Mrs. A. Jack Smith has entered Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill where she will undergo surgery. Mrs. H. E. Bowman has return ed home after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bowman in Orangeburg, S. C. Mrs. James Bishop has returned home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Bishop and family in De catur, Ga., for several days. Miss June Greer is visiting Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Wilhoit in Ashe- boro several days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Griffin of Woodland were Sunday guests of Mrs. John McLean. Miss Mary Lou Cameron return ed to WCUNC, Greensboro, Sun day evening after a weekend visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Camreon. Woolley Elected President Local Savings & Loan L. L. Woolley was elected pres ident of the Southern Pines Sav ings and Loan Association and other officers and directors were elected, at the organization’s an nual meetipg, held recently. Mr. Woolley, formerly vice- president, succeeds the late R. L. Chandler, Sr., who headed the association for mnay years. J. D. Arey, who is beginning his 28th year on the board of ( rectors, was named vice-presi dent. One new director was elected, Preston Stancil, to fill the single vacancy on the board. Directors re-elected are: H. A. Clayton, R. R. Newton, J. T. Overton, and R. W. Tate who has been connected with the organ ization as a depositor or a di rector since 1922. Mrs. Mary McL. McCallum continues as secretary and treas urer. The Southern Pines Savings and Loan Association has paid three and a quarter per cent in terest on savings for the past three years and expects to in crease this to a three and a half per cent rate in the near future, it was announced after the meet ing. National Guard Traffic Offenses Recruit Drive Underway Here Public Invited To Open House Feb. 24, Also Event Feb. 17 Recent changes in military procurement policies have added emphasis to the recruiting cam paign underway in the local unit of the National Guard. Capt. William J. Wilson, com manding Company D. 130th Tank Battalion, located in Southern Pines, said this week that his unit is opening its regular re cruiting drive, which is to be pointed toward the annual Mus ter Day, held during the week of Washington’s Birthday. The.main object of the current drive is to acquaint young men and their parents with the vari ous military obligations facing today’s high school graduate. As Captain Wilson explained, a new policy, effective April 1, will re quire every new recruit in the National Guard to perform six, months active duty for training before starting his tour of duty in the National Guard. Under present regulations, young men enlisting in the Guard undergo only the usual part-time Guard training. ’The current recruiting drive will feature talks to local schools and civic organizations, an “open house’’ at the Southern Pines Guard headquarters on February 24, and an invitation to all inter ested persons to visit and observe the regularly scheduled training on Sunday, February 17. “Every hoy, as he reaches his 17th birthday, finds himself faced with an obligation to serve his country in the armed forces,’’ said Wilson. “We feel that the National Guard offers the best practical answer to the problem of a military obligation, by al lowing each young man the chance to serve his country at home, with a minimum of inter ruption of his schooling and civ ilian job.’’ Young men interested in the National Guard are asked to call Southern Pines 2-3681 for fur ther information. African Movies, Talk Scheduled The big game of central Africa will appear on thq screen at the Pinehurst High School Auditori um next Tuesday evening when Capt. George F. Shearwood of Pinehurst shows his colored mo tion pictures and stills. The show will foUow the Feb ruary meeting of the Pinehurst Parent - Teacher Association which begins at 8 p. m. Capt. Shearwood’s talk will he made at about 8:30 p. m. Admission is free and open to all. The talk and pictures, shown last month at the Pinehurst Country Club, cover a 4,000 mile motor trip of the Belgian Congo end the British Sjast African ter ritories of Uganaa. Kenya and Tanganyika, made in the late summer and early fall last year. Included in the one hour show will be the pygmies and Watussi people of the Congo and thous ands of wild animals. The total investment in Boy Scouts camps throughout the na tion exceeds $55,000,000. Lead In Arrests By Local Police Results of a drive on traffic law violations appeared this week in Chief C. E. Newton’s re port of police activities in Janu ary which shows that of 77 ar rests made by local officers dur ing the month, 53 were for traffic offenses. Officers investigated seven au tomobile -accidents involving property damage but no personal injuries, in January. They issued 115 tickets for parking violations. Chief Newton’s report broke down the traffic offenses as fol lows: drunken driving, two; Irag racing, two; running over fire hose, four; failure to yield right of way, four; improper muffler, two; disregarding stop sign, 13; speeding 25. College Offers 4 Scholarships Dr. Price H. Gwynn, Jr., Dean of Flora Macdonald College, has announced that four competitive scholarships will be offered by the college to first year students for the academic year, 1957-58. These scholarships — $1600, S1200, and two of $800 each—will be awarded on the basis of the four-year high school record of applicants—character, personali- 1y and the results of the Flora Macdonald College scholarship examination. They will be ap plied to the tuition for four years. For further information, write bean Price H. Gwynn, Jr., Flora Macdonald College, Red Springs. Churches of all denoiainations sponsor nearly half of America’s 111,000 Scout Units. PINEBLUFF NEWS M rtOtF • ECHO SPURS DISTIlllNE GSMPARY, ISUISVIllE, RIRTUCKV By MRS. EHRMAN PICKLER The Rev. and Mrs. O. L. Hath away of Fayetteville were din ner guests Sunday of the Rev. and Mrs. James W. Hamilton. Miss Annie Morrison of Greensboro was a recent visitor in the home of her cousin, Mrs. Lacy Sessoms, and Mr. Sessoms. Miss Linda Sanders of Greens boro was a weekend guest of Miss Carolyn Petty. Mrs. J. R. Lampley has return ed home after spending some time with her brother, George Melton, and Mrs. Melton in San ford; Mrs. L. L. Foushee and Mrs. Dale Lunsford and daughter Debbie of Durham visited Mrs. R. G. McCaskill several days last week. Mrs. Clayton Brooks and chil dren of Laurinburg were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Tarlton and daughters, Ann and Linda, of Clarksville, Va., spent the week end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton; and daughter. Miss Sara Hamilton, of Troy visited their son, the Rev. James W. Hamilton, and Mrs. ’Hamilton on Thursday. Miss Hamilton left on Thursday night for New York where she will study at Columbia University. Pvt. and Mrs. Marian Sessoms of Fort Jackson and Charlotte spent the weekend with his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Ses- Eoms. Mr. and Mrs. Hovey Gelser of Fillmore were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Wells. Mrs. Lang Hale of Fayetteville is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Lacy Sessoms. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Richardson and Ison Bill and Mrs. Emily Tice of Greensboro visited their moth er. Mrs. W. B. Teal, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Wi. Teal Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Pridgen of Atkinson spent the weekend with Mrs. Pridgen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Brooks. The Jubilee Jamboree next August near Sheffield, England will mark the centenary of the birth of Lord Baden-Powell, Chief Scout of the World and the fiftieth anniversary of the birth of the Boy Scout program. NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND NORTH CAROLINA MOORE COUNTY WHEREAS the undersigned, acting as Mortgagee in a certain Mortgage executed by Annie Hill and. recorded in Mortgage Book 56, at page 458, in the officd of the Register of Deeds of Moore Coun ty, foreclosed and offered for sale the lands hereinafter described; and whereas within the time al lowed by law an advanced bid was filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court and an Order is sued directing the Mortgagee to resell said lands upon an opening bid of $700.00; Now, therefore, under and by virtue of said Order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County, and the power of sale contained in said Mortgage, the undfersigned Mortgagee will offer for sale upon said opening bid at public\ auction to the highest bid der for cash at the Courthouse door in Carthage, North Carolina, at 12 o’clock NOON, on tljie 21st day of February 1957, the follow ing described property; Those certain lots known and designated as Lots Nos. 11 and 12 and the 16 foot al leyway between Lots Nos. 10 and 11, all in Block L & 15, as shown on a Map entitled “A Map of Southern Pines, Moore County, North Caro lina,’’ said map being record ed in the Moore County Reg istry in Map Book 1, Section 2, at page 70. A deposit with the Clerk of the Superior Court of 10% will be he- quired of the successful bidder. Dated this 5th day of February, 1957. KATHERINE RIGGAN SPAUGH, , Executrix of the WiU of Wm. F. Junge, Deceased, f7-14 Mortgagee OP COURSE SHE [jOVES ^ ’v-' She’ll adore Valentine flowers from Southern Pines Florist TeL 2-3111 570 S. W. Broad no seams to worry abouti seamless stockings ■Oi day and dress sheers 1.35 - 1.95 Shopping Center of ihe Sandhills Since 1897 Complete Department Store — Southern Pines Kentucky ^ Bourbon years old A iHCieHi UXD distilled & BOTTLED BY . ancient age distilling CO. FRANKFORT. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURBON WHISKEY, 86 PROOF ANCIENT AGE DISTIIUNG CO.. FRANKFORT, KY.