€1 THURSDAY, FEBRUi ^^Southeirn Pines, North CaiolinI Mi 40 3* ■« ■I 1956 Southern Pines Boys’ Basketball Squad—Left to right, front row, managers J^rry ToUison and Eddie McKenzie. Second row, same order, Jim ToUison. Steve Darby, HiU Boswell, Tony Parker, Roger Verho^ff^ Billy Hamel, Bobby Parker, Sammy Self, John Ormsby anj Charles Weatherspoon. Third row, Don Moore, assistant coach ji^ Carter, Butch May, Dick Thomasson, Bill Seymour, Steve Smith, PhiUip Guin, Wayne Davenport, Rob ert Woodruff and Coach W .A. Leonard. Back row, Melba HaU, George Little, Jimmy Caldwell, Pete Butler, Keith Spence, Chuck Ward, Dennis Morgan, Johnny Grover and Kenny Holliday. (Emerson Humphrey photo) North Carolina, at 12 o’clock NOON, on THURSDAY, the 7th ■day of March, 1957, the following described property: That certain lot of land in Sand hills Township, Moore County, North Carolina, and being about half way between Aberdeen and Southern Pines and between U.S. Highway No. 1 and the former U.S. Highway No. 1, and begin ning at a stake in the south side of Dogwood Drive at a point 125 feet, S. 87 deg. E. from a concrete monument at the intersection of the East line of U.S. Highway No. 1 and the north line of Dog wood Drive; running thence with Dogwood Drive, S. 87 deg. E. 100 feet; thence S. 3 deg. W. 176 feet; thence N. 87 deg. W. 100 feet; thence N. 2 deg. E. 176 feet to the point of beginning, being and comprising Lot No. 3, as shown on a map entitled “DOGWOOD ACRES, C. A. & W. T. HUNT- LEY, Jr., OWNERS, ABERDEEN, N. C.,” and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County in Map Book No. 3, at page 80. A deposit with the Clerk of the Superior Court of 10% will be re quired of the successful bidder. Dated this 19th day of February 1957. J. VANCE ROWE, Trustee. f21,28 I The reports that crop rotations are Soil Conservation Service needed on acres in North ' i 86 PROOF Hospital Pos| In Greensboro ^oes To Carl Sco^ins Carl Scoggins, fotaer office manager and one-tin^ personnel director of the Amerq;ron mill in Robbins, has beem^ppinted per sonnel directoi;.^^Cojie’’Iemorial Hospital iji”'Greensboro. lis ap- pointmeht was effective |Febru- ary 1. Scoggins, long active in the civic affairs of Robbins, had been living there since 1932. He was a past president of the Lions Club, the Robbins Parent-Teacher Asso ciation, and had,headed up fund raising campaigns for the March of Dimes, the Heart Fund and the Lions Club White Cane drive. He was also a steward in the Methodist Church in Robbins. Married to the former Gladys Brown of Robbins, they have two daughters, Jackie Sue and Judy. compare Our SUNDAT dinners $1.00 Opn 12 till 2 p.m. ROAST TURKEY -SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN BAKED H;!M - ROAST SIRLOIN HOT BISCTITS - VEGETABLES SALiD and DRINK carthIge hotel CARTHAGE, N. C. j31f7.14.21 NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND NORTH CAROLINA MOORE COUNTY WHEREAS, the undersigned Trustee in a certain Deed of Trust executed by J. L. Blount and wife, Lucille G. Blount and re corded in Mortgage Book 99, at page 281, in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Moore County, foreclosed and offered for sale the lands herein^lfter described; and whereas within the time allowed by law an advanced bid was filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court and an Order issued direct ing the Trustee to resell said lands upon an opening bid of $6,040.54; Now, therefore, under and by virtue of said Order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County, and the power of sale contained in said Deed of Trust, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale upon said open ing bid at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House Door in Carthage, screen TV! I with G-E Aluminized Tubel • "Set-and-Forget" volume control with| push-pull on-off switch. 9 Modern ebony finish—front controls. M ore than ever —your best buy in TV is General Electric. More fea tures than ever before! G-E Aluminized tube for shades-up, lights-on viewing. Two-way interference protection — won’t interfere with other sets. Double- shielded against outside interference. New long-life tubes, G-E Dynapower speaker. Come in today—compare pic ture—compare price. You’ll agree—in TV, your best buy is General Electric. i 1 Model 2IT045. Big-screen table model. Ebony finish. Matching swivel base extra. terI^ PIEDMONT ELEcSI & PLUMBING CO. Southern Pin»S' N. C. Only 10 per cent of the ^00 species of birds in North Carolina are classified as game birds. Straight BOURBON Whiskey >.io PINT ^3’®® 4/6 QUART ntOHI OBnUMO COIAPANT lAtMUMCnURO, KCmuCKV (Tloia org tei A <• O NE LOOK at that price figure and you’ll know that—again in 1957—t/ you can afford a new car you can afford a Buick. And look what you get for so little extra money. Tfi)u get the most completely new Buick in years. Not just brand new in styling and brand new in body design. But new in features that make this the dream car of the year to drive. \ou get brand-new performance because the engine is literally new from the crankshaft Up. %u get a brand-new instant response because we engineered brand-new torque into Variable Pitch Dynaflow.* And to give you the new sure-footed safety of a lower center of gravity —we built a brand-new frame—which lowers the car, but keeps the head- room, legroom and footroom that a big car should have. - Fact is, there are more than 150 other chassis changes in this ’57 Buick — waiting for you to try them. Do that soon—at your Buick dealer’s. *New Advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflow is the only Dynaflow Buick builds today. It is standard on Roadmaster, Super and Century — optional at modest extra cost on the Special. Manufacti.rer'sSugaes»‘i'''>“ for this 2.Door Special 6-Passenger Sedan *2595*' (including Delive^ and Handling Charge and Federal Excise Taxes) Transportation charges, state and localtaxes, accessories andoptiona equipnient, including Dynaflo« .,nns.issian, radio, heoter^^ond ty vory wiih individuoi dealer pricing policies. " -evenwitf- ”oggf4M CA„ B'doeoT w I I the P" iiKb SJ»ECXAI^ CEr^TURTr . • jK.CXfiDMAS'TEE See ITour iSLuthorized. BuicKc Dea.ler WHEN BEHER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM Come on, g»t on the Phillips band wagon. Your car needs a treat FIFJDSI& BETTINI PhoS“® 2-3074 US Hwy. 1 South * Seuthoni PiuM. N. C. POWELL’S SERVICE STA. BETHEA’S COUNTRY CLUB us Hwy. 1 South Southera Pinos. H. C. Raefozd Road. Hwy. 211, Abordoen, N. C.