THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1957 THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina Page THIRTEEN ABERDEEN NEWS Home and Garden Club Mrs. E. L. Pleasants and Mrs. C. G. Farrell were joint hostesses to the first meeting of the new year cf the Aberdeen Home and Gar den Club held Tuesday afternoon in the Pleasants home on Bethes- da Road. Following the routine business session, presided over by the pres ident, Mrs. Leo Arey, Mrs. E. T. McKeithen gave a short talk on Ten Points to Garden Design. Mrs. H*. W. Doub then presented the club’s yearly garden prizes as follows: The bird bath to Mrs. D. J. Hobbs for making the most im provements in her yard; the flow ering shrub to Mrs. F. S. Weaver for having the most continuous blooms in her garden; the prize for having the best arrangements in the club during the year went to Mrs. Roy Bender and honor able mention for the prettiest overall beauty in their yards went to Mrs. V. U. Grose, Mrs. Curtis Lawhon, Mrs. M. M. *Creel and Mrs. Bennett Short. In voting on the many arrange ments for the afternoon, Mrs. S. P. Swaringen’s arrangement won first place. During the social hour chicken salad sandwiches, cake and coffee were served. Marks Reunion Those attending the Marks Re union at the Aberdeen Legion hut on Sunday were as follows: from Raleigh: Mrs. B. R, Ballard, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby . Ballard and son, Mrs. Wade Lawrence, Mrs. Don Lawrence and Miss Becky Law rence. From Lilesville: Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Marks and son, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Marks and son, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Harris, Mr. and Mr. J. B. Edwards are visiting the Farrells’ daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Ingraham and young son in Melbourne, Fla., this week. Those attending the Carolina- State game Saturday were Miss Sue Cheek, Mackie Caldwell, Hugh Bowman, and H. Clifton Blue. Miss Margaret Miller of Dur ham spent the week-end at home here. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Cameron visited relatives in Cameron on Mrs. B. C. Harris. From Wades- „ , boro: Mrs. Curtis Ballard arid i daughter and Mrs. Joyce Gilmore; Mrs. Fred Kinlaw visited Mrs. Greensboro: Mr. and Mrs. B. H. B. L. Marks Sunday afternoon. Marks and Mr. and Mrs. Bill La Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Capps and France. Norman: Mr. and Mrs. Miss Lillian Pleasants spent sev- D. T. Warner, Ken and Judy War- eral days last week with Mr. and ner, Mrs. J. W. Parsons and Miss Mrs. R. C. Langdon and sons in Carolyn McKinnis. From Rock- Bristol, Tenn. ingham: Mrs. George Entwistle Mr. and Mrs. Robert Corey and and children, Badin; Miss C. G. children of Los Angeles, Calif., Morgan, Mrs. Grace Harrelson, are visiting her parents. Judge Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Harrelson. and Mrs. J. Vance Rowe. Carthage: Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Mrs. J. D. Wimberley is visiting Fhnchum, Goldsboro; Mr. and|j,gp sister in Smithfield who is ill. Mrs. Joe Marks and son. Raeford Mr. and Mrs. Thad Marks. Aber deen: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Marks and Miss Mae Marks, Mrs. H. L. Marks, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Mr. and Mrs. Charles Monroe and children spent Sunday in Red Springs. Those attending the funeral of Mr. Paul R. Jordan in Wihning- PINEBLUFF NEWS Announce Bilrtb of Sion A 21c and Mrs. Mark Stancil of Athens, Greece, announce the birth of a son, Paul Lynwood, on September 17. Mrs. Stancil is the former Joan Meaner. Attending the Moore-Montgom- ery Sub District MYF meeting in Biscoe Monday night were: Mrs. O. C. Adcox, counselor, Mrs. Jack Martin, Mary Lou and Paula TroutmEui, Diana and Kay David, Mrs. Eloise Adcox Belau, Juanita Teal, Carolyn Petty , Sterling Car rington and Johnny Mills. Mrs. Dora Brownlee, Mrs. Jen nie Boyce and Mrs. James Fidd- ner, all of Danbury, Conn., are guests of Mrs. John Fiddner, Sr. On Friday afternoon they visited Mrs. R. M. Hooper. J. C. Buchanan of Waverly, O., visited his sister, Mrs. C. F: Leav- on Sunday were W. H. Mc- and Mrs. W. K. Marks. NeiU, Sr., Mrs. Catherine McN. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farrell and | Burns, Miss Dorothy and Ella Ruth McNeill, Van Clark, and Dr. and Mrs. John K. Robertson. Mr. Jordan was the father of Mrs. Frank McNeill. Billy Russell and Meritt Sugg .aomt s NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON Drop in and browse around SUITS — CAR COATS — RAINWEAR DRESSES and COORDINATES dyed to match GOLF JACKETS REASONABLY PRICED Open all day Wednesday WeUesley Bldg. Pinehurst, N. C. Opposite Holly Inn of Chapel Hill spent the weekend here. . Those attending the funeral of J. A. Hobbs of Four Oaks were Mr. and Mrs. David Hobbs and children and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Taylor. Mr. Hobbs was the father of Mr. David Hobbs. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Kimbrell spent the weekend in Millen, Ga., with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Burke. Mr. and Mrs. James Muse and children will spend Friday and Saturday in Richmond. Miss Ann Sugg will accompany them home. itt and Mr. Leavitt several days last week. j Wilson Teal, student at Wingate College spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Teal. On Sunday the Teals accompanied him back to Wingate and stopped in Wadesboro en route home for a visit with Mrs. Teal’s .sisters, Mrs. Robert Batten and Mr. Batten and Mrs. Herman Capel and Mr. Capel. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Tarlton and daughter Linda of Clarksville, Va., were guests Sunday of Mr. Tarlton’s sLster, Mrs. W. K. Car penter, Sr. and Mr. Carpenter and Mrs. Ehrman Pickier and Mr Pickier. Mrs. Pearl Harden has gone to Raleigh for a visit with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harden. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Foushee and sons Langston and Gerald, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Lampley and chil dren, all of Durham, and W. R. Lampley and children of Biscoe visited their mother, Mrs. J. R. Lampley Srmday and attended Homecoming at the Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brooks of Albemarle were guests Sunday of Mrs. Brooks’ parents, Mr. akd Mrs. C. F. Leavitt.' Farm lands occupy approxi mately 62 per cent of the total area of North Carolina. SIX YEARS OLD straight BOURBON whisky 2B 3S OLD HICKORY 86 PROOF. OLD HICKORY DISTILLERS COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA. PA. , Kentucky Bourbon years old STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOUBBON distilled & BOTTLED - -v ancient AOE OISTILLINO CO. FRANKFORT. KENTUCKY full six years old TO THE PINEHURST and TELEPHONE CUSTOM! PINES At 2:01 A.M. Sunday morning, September 29, 1957 the Southern Pines customers may commence dialing Pinehurst and Aberdeen numbers direct; Pinehurst customers may then commence dialing Southern Pines numbers direct. The major part of the changeover, expected to take about four (4) hours, will be started at 10:00 P.M. Saturday night, September 28. During this four (4) hour period, it is requested that the cus tomers refrain from using the telephone as much as possible; however, in an emergency where you cannot reach the munber you dial, dial “O” and request the Operator to assist you. Ad ditional operators will be on duty during this period to assist in such emergencies. Coincident with the establishment of the above extended area service, all Southern Pines and Pinehurst telephone num bers will be changed to new 2-5 numbers (2 letters - 5 numer als); Aberdeen already has 2-5 numbering. The office names and numbers will be as follows: Aberdeen Windsor 4 Pinehurst CYpress 4 Southern Pines OXtord 2 and OXford 5 The customer’s telephone number will consist of the office name and number above, followed by four (4) additional num erals: • Aberdeen Windsor 4-8111 ) Pinehurst CYpress 4-8111 Southern Pines OXford 5-8111 In placing a local caU within your own exchange area (a Pinehurst customer calling a Pinehurst customer), dial the 2 letters and all 5 numerals in the called customer’s number. Example: A Southern Pines customer would dial “OX 5-8111”. A Pinehurst customer would dial “CY 4-8111”. In placing an extended area service call (a Pinehurst cus tomer calling a Southern Pines customer), dial the 2 letters and all 5 numerals in the called customer’s number just as you would in dialing a local number. Example: A Southern Pines customer would dial CY 4-8111” to reach his Pinehurst party. A Southern Pines customer would dial “WI 4-8111” to reach his Aberdeen party. A Pinehurst customer would dial “OX 5-8111” to reach his Southern Pines party. In placing a long distance call, give the Operator your full telephone number, including the office name and number. Example; Pass the call to your Operator “This is (CYpress 4-8111) or (OXford 5-8111)” followed by your name. . A good way of saying your number—and remembering it—is as follows: “CYpress 4 (pause) 81 (pause) 11” or “OXford 5 (pause) 81 (pause) 11”. I , To make the change to 2-5 numbering effective, all of the dials should be equipped with dial plates having letter as well as numerals; It is believed that all of the telephone instru ments have now been so equipped. However, in the event that you do not now have a lettered and numbered dial, please call “Repair Service” and allow us-to change your dial plate. IMPORTANT; The “O” of the 2 letters in the Southern Pines exchange name “OXford” is the letter “O” in the “MNO” hole associated with the numeral ‘6” on your dial. Do not dial the numeral ^*0” associated with the letter “Z” andjor the word “Operator* on your dial as this would connect you with the Operator The new telephone directory listing all the new telephone numbers will be mailed to you; you should receive it by Satur day morning. Remember, all the numbers will be changed to 2-5 numbers; in some cases, but not all, the new telephone number is the same as the old except for the office name and number. The new 2-5 number plate cards will be mailed to you showing your new 2-5 number. Full instructions as to how the new 2-5 number plate card should be affixed over your present number plate card will accompany the card. TTiese should be received by you at about the same time you receive your directory and should be placed on your telephone on Sun day morning. (Don't place it on yovur telephone prior to that time.). The Special Service codes to reach Information and Repair Service have likewise been changed; consult your directory for this information. Two. Four, and Rural Multi-Party Line Customers If the first four (4) of the five (5) numerals in the number of the telephone you are using are the same as the first four (4) numerals in the number of the telephone you are calling, those telephones are on the same line. To reach the party you are calling, dial the Reverting Call code—“119”—followed by the last digit of your telephone number, then followed by the last digit of the number you are calling. ^ In Pinehurst—If CY 4-8111 is calling CY 4-8113, dial “11913”. In Southern Pines- dial “11913”. -If OX 5-8111 is calling OX 5-8113, Your patient understanding is earnestly solicited during the interim period between the time the change commences and its final conclusion. There will be a short period of time when certain of the customers will be temporarily inconvenienced, but this will be held to the minimum insofar as it is possible. ' It is expected that the most inconvenience will be experienced by those telephones having new 2-5 numbers as listed below: PINEHURST CYpress 4-7 SOUTHERN PINES Oxford 5-3 Oxford 5-5 Oxford 5-7 United Telephone Company Of The Carolinas, Inc. (STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURBON WHISKEY, 86 PROOF ANCIENT AGE DJSTILlING CO.. FRANKFORT. KY.