Page FOUR THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1958 Women’s Activitibs and Sandhills Social Events BESSIE CAMERON SMITH. Editor TELEPHONE 2-«512 Hobby Show Exhibit Of Miss Charlock Receives Double Award The Civic Club announced this week that one double award was made by the judges at the Hobby Show held on Monday of last week: the Alice in Wonderland exhibit shown by Miss Laura Charlock. This entry won two ribbons for its uniqueness and for the years of research entailed. It featured the, characters in the book and a collection of printed material about the author, “Lewis Carroll,” or as he was also known, the Rev. Charles L. Dodgson, a man of great versatility and kindly char acteristics, both whimsical and practical. A spokesman for the club re ports: “Miss Charlock has exhib ited her collection in many places, and it always attracts much inter est and commendation. Everyone felt that she deserved the double award and approved the decision of the judges.” West End Senior Girl Scouts Tour . Pope Field, Ft. Bragg DOGWOOD GROVE HOLDS ANNUAL SUPPER AND PROSPECT PARTY WEDNESDAY NIGHT Dogwood Grove No. 253 of the Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle held its annual combination cov ered dish supper and prospect party in the Woodmen hall last Wednesday night. Mrs. W. E. Crain and Miss Louise Crain were responsible for the table decorations. Lavender and white crepe paper streamers formed an arch behind the table, and green candles 'coiled with sprays of dogwood were on the CAROLINA ORCHIDS TAKE^ ELEVEN PRIZES AT SHOW IN ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA table. The society’s colors were carried out by the use of green and violet paper napkins. Mrs. D. E. Bailey headed the entertainment for the evening Several games were played and prizes given the winners. Special guests present were the state manager, Mrs. Ethel Don aldson, of Charlotte, Mrs. Delma Fields of Jonesboro, Miss Bar bara Pearce, Mrs. Ned Bushby and Mrs. Doris Hunsucker. Mrs. Karl Bridges of Carolina Orchids, Inc., returned* last Thursday night from St. Peters burg, Fla., where she exhibited the St. Petersburg Orchid Show and won a total of 11 rib bons, of which five were for first place, the others, second. Mrs. Bridges carried to the show, which is sponsored by the West Coast Orchid Society, en tries from the unusual and odd colored small orchids in which slie is specializing and which are rapidly gaining in importance. Her Phalaenopsis Paul Kiker, one of her own seedlings which is named for her father, won two prizes, first on a bloom and sec ond on a seedling. Denrobium Havraii variety Merryden, Phal aenopsis Reve Rose variety Car olina and Lc. Carolina Wren va riety Carolina were others that placed first. Among those winning second places were Lc. BlancShe variety Carolina, Laelia Coronet variety Carolina, Lc. Carolina Wren va riety Southern Pines, and Lc. Charles Worthii variety Carolina. A tour of Pope Field and Fort Bragg last Thursday was a high light of the year for the West End Senior Girl Scouts, and they came away prouder than ever before to be Americans. They were accom panied by their leader, Mrs. Floyd Upole, and Community Scout chairman, Mrs. A. J. Hanner. By appointment the group was met by an officer who took them in a staff station wagon on a tour of inspection of the base. Of spe cial interest was the test airplane used for pilot instruction which, though not in the air, responded in the same manner. The girls were allowed to operate this de vice. They were shown how paratroopers learn to jump and the equipment each is given for survival camp. The Scouts inspected a map showing airways of the United States and were told how the country is protected from inva sion by a 24-hour-a-day watch throughout the nation. Firefight ing equipment, used particularly for airplane crash fires, was view ed with interest. The girls enjoyed lunch at a base mess hall. Scouts taking the trip were Ka ren Farmer, Julia Hanner, Sher rie Upole, Nancy Auman, Cassie^ Gibson, Hilda Richardson, Judy Upole, and Dot Furr. Square Dance With Nick Grotty Calling Slated At Armory Two From Moore Elected To Office In Teachers’ Society Miss Mary Currie of Carthage was elected president of the re gional chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, honorary teachers’ socie ty, at a luncheon meeting held Saturday at the Wilrik Hotel in Sanford. She was elevated from the office of vice president. Miss Mary .Logan of Southern Pines was elected corresponding secre tary. Mrs. A. C. Dawson of Southern Pines introduced the Speaker, Miss Patsy Montague, of the North Carolina Department of Educa tion. Miss Polly Miller of South ern Pines served on the nominat ing committee. The Society fosters education and gives scholarshpis. DROVE 42, BPO DOES, MAKES PLANS FOR STATE MEETING HERE FEBRUARY 21-22 Three Circles of Baptist Church Meet Three of the Baptist Circles met on 'Tuesday of this week, with a total attendance of 37 members and six visitors. Mrs. Herman Shaw was host ess to Circle 1. Mrs. Z. V. Tolar led the,devotions and presented a program on “Building a Chris tian Home.” Eleven members were present. Mrs. Eugene Fields was host ess to Circle 2, which had an at tendance of 16, including two visitors. Mrs. N. S. Kimball con ducted the devotional service and Mrs. Jack Davenport and Mrs. W. C. Deaton took part on a program entitled “Christian Wor Hollywood Bridge Club Holds Luncheon Meeting The Hollywood Bridge Club, seven tables of players strong, gathered at the Hollywood Hotel Tuesday for their weekly meeting, which got off to a delightful start as the group found places at a long luncheon table which had as centerpiece ah arrangement of bronze chrysanthemums and white snapdragons. As the afternoon progressed and scores were finally tallied, the following were found to be win ners: Miss Teresa Severin, Mrs. J. B. Boyle, Miss Joy Colvin, Mrs. P. P. Pelton, Mrs. Ernest M. Poate, Miss Claudia Ammen, and Mrs. H. W. Allen. Band Boosters Hold Enthusiastic Meeting, Elect New Officers The Band Boosters met Mon day night in the band room of the school, with an enthusiastic group of 25 present. The meeting got off to a peppy start with several selections played by the pep band, directed by Roy Knight. Irie Leonard of the faculty spoke on what the Band Boosters Club has meant to the school, and Mary Louise McDonald, a student, talked of the club’s value to the ,Band members. Election of officers was held. Mrs. Charles Rowe was elected president: Mrs. Chester Van Ben- schoten, vice president; and Mrs. Stanley Fobes, secretary-treasur er. Drawing for a cake donated by Mrs. George Thompson was held, and Mrs. Van Benschoten was the winner. Refreshments were serv ed. Announcement of committees for the State meeting of BPO Does, to be held here February 21-22, was made by Mrs. Bryan Poe, general chairman of the event, at Tuesday night’s meeting of Drove 42, held at the Southern Pines Country Club with the president, Mrs. James Prim, pre siding. They are: Registration—Mrs. W. M. Bush by, Mrs. Harry Fullpnwider, and Mrs. Morris Johnson. Housing—Mrs. Joe Scott. Publicity—Mrs. Don Jones. Courtesy and Hospitality—Mrs. Chan Page, Mrs. Arthur Thomas and Mrs. Robert Strouse. Decorations—Mrs. George Mc- Cormac, Mrs. Joe Steed and Mrs. Don Jones. Favors^Mrs. Lyle Craig, Mrs. Ralph Wallace and Mrs. Eugene McKenzie.' Flowers—Mrs. Curtis Everett. Banquet and Lunchebn — Mrs. George Thompson. Dance—Mrs. M. G. McRae, Mrs. Morris Arnold and Mrs. Curtis Everett. Advertising and Program—Mrs Robert ViaU, Mrs. G. B. Kimbrell, Mrs. John Bucholz, Mrs. June Blue, Mrs. Joseph Matthews, Mrs. J. T. Overton, Mrs. Thomas Vann and Mrs. Walter Coffin. Mrs. Dan Junkin, chairman of the Jean Barrow Memorial Com mittee, reported that the commit tee had visited the N. C. Sanato rium at McCain, taking needed articles to the children in both white and Negro wards. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting by the hostesses, Mrs. Alfred Derouin, Mrs. Jamps Baird and Mrs. Watt Smith. Duplicate Club Meets; Master Point Game Set For Next Week Washington’s Birthday Ball Is Announced By Carolina Hotel •The management of the Caro lina Hotel, Pinehurst, announces that its annual Washington’s Birthday Ball will be held in the Carolina ballroom on Saturday, February 22. This will be a formal dance, and fancy headdresses will be the or der of the evening, with prizes for the most original, the funniest and the prettiest entries. It is advised that reservations be made early. Youth Federation To Discuss Dating At Sunday Meeting “What’s Wrong With Dating In Southern Pines?” It will be interesting to hear the answers when a panel, led by the Rev. Martin Caldwell, discusses the subject at a meeting of the Southern Pines Youth Federation at 6 p.m. Sunday at the Emman uel Episcopal Church. Panbl members will be presidents of the youth groups which comprise the federation. The young people will have supper together after the pro gram. A social attraction for next week is a Square Dance, to be held at the National Guard Arm ory Thursday night from 8:30 to 12:30 imder sponsorship of St. Anthony’s Catholic Church as a benefit for St Anthony’s School. Dennis C. “Nick” Crotty of pinehurst, a whizz at square dance figures, will do the calling and he and his gyest will give a colorful exhibition of a few of the more intricate steps of square dancing. Mrs. Vincent Schweiger is gen- . eral chairman of the event; Mrs. Mary Doyle is dance chairman Mrs. Mickey Walsh is in charge of tickets, and Mrs. Hollis 'Thompson is publicity chairman Mrs. 'Thompson reports th,at plans are well underway to make this a gala affair and that all square dance enthusiasts can look forward to an evening full of en tertainment. With the attractions to be included she is inclined to think that even those who do not do this type of dancing will be enthusiasts of the art before the evening is over. Six and a half tables were at play at Tuesday night’s meeting of the Sandhills Duplicate Bridge Club, held, as usu^, at the South ern Pines Country Club. North-South winners were Mrs. C. H. Bowman and Mrs. Jean Ed- son, with Dr. E. W. Bush and Fred Brindley in second place, and a Raeford pair. Miss Louise Blue and Mrs. W. L. Poole, third. East-West winners were Mrs. Roy Grinnell and Mrs. I. Foy Hor ton, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Markham, and Mrs. James Besley find Mrs. C. D. May, in that order. The monthly master point game will be played next Tuesday night. Presbyterian Circles Meet; Offering Given For Migrants In Florida Circle 2 of Brownson Memorial Presbyterian Women of the Church met Monday night with Mrs. Edward Landis, with an at tendance of 14, which included one visitor and one new member. Mrs. Dan S. Ray conducted the Bible study and Mrs. Wayland Blue gave the program article from the Survey magazine. An offering was taken for migrant workers in Florida, and a dona tion of clothing was to be sent, also, this week. Mrs. Avery Evans, chairman, presided over the business session Mrs. Duncan Mclnnis was host ess to Circle 1 Monday night, with 13 members answering to roll call. Mrs. Joe Thomas conducted s Bible study on “The Believing Church,” and Mrs. George Nevms Girl Scout Leaders Meet At West End West End-Piuehurst Area Girl Scout leaders met Monday even ing in the West End Methodist Church youth building, with Mrs A. J. Hanner presiding. Miss Sophia White, Area di rector, reported that the Scout cabin at Knehurst had been ac quired by the Area. It was an nounced, also, that a director will be in charge for the summer months. Girl Scouts will be selling cookies this week and the pub lic’s cooperation is sought. Mrs. Mattocks Is Honored At Luncheon Miss Katherine Wiley and her staff of Mrs. Hayes Shop and Tots’ Toggery honored Mrs. Tom my Mattocks, one of their num ber at a luncheon at Miss Wiley’s home Wednesday. Mrs. Johnie Cole’s contribution to the lunch eon, in which all had a part, was a beautifully decorated cake which was, aecording to reports, as delicious as pretty. The table held a centerpiece of pink and white camellias flanked by pink candles. After lunch, Mrs. Mattocks was presented a gift from the group and layette gilts from each indi vidual. Together for the luncheon and a friendly, relaxing period around an open fire were Mrs. Mattocks, Mrs. Todd Baxter, Mrs. Johnie Cole, Miss Julia Weaver, and Miss Wiley. Three Derbys Are Feted At Party By Mrs. C. Benedict Mrs. Cadwallader Benedict gave a party at her home on Old Field Road Monday afternoon honoring Judy, Penny and Tom Derby. Other guests were Jock Folley, Feeka and Kit Ewing. This was the first party for Tom, 16 months old, and Jock, two months his junior, but they were the life of the event,—jolly good fellows — handling (and smearing) their cup cakes and lemonade like veteran party go ers. Mrs. Benedict had the capable assistance of her son, Chris, and Susy and Bobbie Ewing, in enter taining the tots. Canteen At Moore Memorial Hospital Open Full Time , presented a program on world missions with emphasis on Japan. Miss Marion Lambie was host ess to Circle 3 'Tuesday, with nine members present. Mrs. Dan R. McNeill led the Bible study, with several members taking part, and Mrs. M. B. Kellis gave program on Japan from Pres byterian Women. ship in the Family.” Each mem ber carried a dish towel to the meeting for use in the church kitchen. Mrs. Bruce Lewis entertained Circle 4 at her home. There were 12 members present and four visitors: Mrs. Bill Baker, Mrs. Maynard Mangum, Mrs. PMipW Green, and Mrs. Hilda Harley of FayettviUe. Mrs. William Dale was in charge of devotions and program. Plans were made for commimity missions and a home mission study to be held February 27. SUBSCRIBE TO THE PILOT— MOORE COUNTY'S LEADIHa ^ NEWS WEEKLX. EASTERN STAR MEETING A stated meeting of the Order of Eastern Star will be held in the Masonic Hall Fri day at 8 p.m. All members of the Eastern Star are invited to attend. Mrs. Helen Ed wards, W. M. Mrs. Dorcas Mills, Secretary. Tell her how sweet she is with a gift of candy Delight your Valentine with a gift as sweet as she is . . . top-quality choco lates from our big selection. We have all her favorites , . . fresh, delicious and sure to please ... in beautiful Val- entire gift boxes. Come and choose the perfect one for her. ' OPEN SUNDAY Sandhill Drug Company Southern Pines Mohr-Hufford Wedding Takes Place Saturday At Pinehurst Chapel 'The wedding of Miss Joan La Berne Hufford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mercer C. Hufford of Pinehurst, and Gordon Seth Mohr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gor don Stark Mohr of Hamburg, N. Y., will take place' at 2 p. m. Saturday in the Village Chapel, Pinehurst. The Rev. Adam Weir Craig, rector, will officiate, and music will be by Mrs. L. D. Mc Donald, organist, and Dr. R Bruce Warlick, vocalist, both of Southern Pines. A reception will follow im mediately at The Manor in Pine hurst. The bride-groom-elect is in business in Hambimg, where the couple will reside. The Canteen at Moore Memorial Hospital will be open full time from now on, the hours being 10 a.m. until 9 p.m, daily and on Sundays, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. It is being staffed by two paid workers and volunteers Volunteers, however, are badly needed, especially for Thursdays from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. and on Sunday afternoons from 1 to 4. Anyone who wishes to help with this project may call Mrs. William F. HoUister, OX 2-7752. Methodist Circle Meets With Mrs. Shaw Circle 3 of the Methodist Church met Tuesday night with Mrs. Allan W. Shaw, Jr., with an attendsuice of 16 which included one new member, Mrs. James Baldwin. Mrs. W. L. Scarborough, chair man, conducted the business ses sion and Mrs. R. L. Bame, pro gram Ibader for the month, led a program on “Christian Action On the March.” Mrs. Earl Hubbard was pre sented a shower of layette gifts, after which the hostess served re freshments. Mrs. Marley Attends Meeting of NCFWC Board in Raleigh Mrs. Joe Marley recently at tended an Executive Board meet ing of the North Carolina Federa tion of Women’s Clubs in Raleigh, representing the District 9 presi dent, Mrs. H. C. McPherson of Cameron, who was unable to at tend. Mrs. Marley is district vice j president and, as such, has super vision of all Jimior Woman s| Clubs in the district, which cona prises several counties. She is president of the local Junior Woman’s Club. February 9-15 is iahonai Mrs. Richardson Named To Faculty Of Nursing School Announcement has been made by Miss Elizabeth L. Kemble, dean of the University of North Carolina’s School of Nursing, of the appointment of Mrs. Jean Councii Richardson as an associ ate faculty member of the school. Mrs. Richardson is supervisor of psychiatric nursing at Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde G. Coimcil of Southern Pines. )eauly. ofalon QJPd CSeJicaleJ lo Qfl )eauiifJ QPi ore Adult Sewing Class At Home Ec Cottage To Start Tuesday Miss Margaret Hester of the! Southern Pines Home Economics department announces that adult classes in sewing will begin at 7 p. m. Tuesday, February 11, in the Kbme Ec cottage. The class] will be limited to 15. “Please register beforehand by] calling 0X5-5702 after 4 p. m. or by calling 0X2-2181 during] school,” Miss Hestfer requests. Hospital Auxiliary’s Executive Board Meets The executive boMd of tl Woman’s Auxiliary of Moore Me- morial Hospital held its regular i meeting Tuesday morning at the nurses’ home in Pinehurst. Mrs. ] Robert M. McMillan, president, presided, and reports were made by the various committees. I omen Well-groomed women everywhere depend on regular prcrfe^ional beauty care, and it is our purpose to continue to merit their con fidence. All of the shops listed below are represented in Moore County Unit No. 9 of the National Hairdressers Guild At our regular meetings we discuss the new -trends in Beauty C^ture ajid see hair styling demonstrations by expert stylists, in an effort to keep abreast of the times. We take pride in our work and gain satisfaction from knowing that our efforts con tribute to the happiness and business success of our customers. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY Ruby Arey. Hairdresser WI 4-2539—Aberdeen Franthbl Beauty Shop ox 5-3282—Southern Pines Thelma Flack - Frances Locklear Betty Dowd Vass Beauty; Shop YU 6-2616—Vass Cathferine Edwards.-, Tecia Graham Agnes-Dorothy Beauty Shop ox 2-2701—Southern Pines Helen Johnson - Lillian Parshley La Dove Hairdressers CY 4-3554—^Pinehurst Bonnie Phifer - Vella Horner Vogue Beauty Shop ox 2-8711—Southern Pines : Edith Gotch - Helen Hardister June Aurns Edith Swoope CY 4-3054—Pinehurst