Page FOURTEEN THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY. MAY 1. 1958 I News and Perscoals from Vass I Bessie Cameron Smilh. Representalive — Telephone Vass 2171 Birthday Dinner Mrs. Daniel Boggs was hostess at a picnic dinner Sunday, hon oring her sister, Miss Irene Cam eron of Route 3, Cameron, on her birthday. Planned as an outdoor affair, the dinner was spread in doors because of rain. Miss Cam eron received a number of gifts. Together for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Arch Cameron of Overhills; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cameron, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Tate and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Cameron and daughter, Georgia, of Spring Lake; Mr. and Mrs. John Camer on and Miss Lizzie Cameron, San ford; Mrs. Clay Boling, Craig, Linda and Johnny Boling and Mrs. Flora Boling, Cameron; Mrs. William Britt, Aileen and Lee Britt, Star; Mr. and Mrs. Danny Britt, Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McFadyen, Lakeview; Mr. and Mrs. Hal Womble, Van and Teresa Womble, Raleigh, and the Boggs family, Mr. and Mrs. Boggs, Miss Agnes Boggs, Pete, Ray and Leroy Boggs. Explorers Entertain The Explorer troop entertained at a party at the community house Friday night, with dancing and refreshments highlightng the evening. Present were Misses Ann Ed wards, Joan Brewer, Bonnie Cal lahan, Catherine Simpson, Jean ette Mullinix, Dana Thomas, Joan McRae, Myma McRae, Joan Causey and Janet Coore, George Griffin, Frank Garcia, Karl Schweinfurth, Jr., David Jones, Kenneth Haynes, Charles Camer on, David Jackson, Leon Keith, Tyrone Medlin, Jimmy Hutchin son, and Gene Whittaker, also Henry A. Borst, advisor, and Sam Garcia. New Look Patrons of the Vass post office are finding that it now has a very becoming “new look.” Painters have just completed re decorating the interior in a com bination of light green and gray. Alumni Banquet The Vass-Lakeview Alumni Association will meet at the school Saturday evening for the annual banquet, which will be served by Mrs. Sadie Maurer and her home economics girls. A pro gram has been arranged,. with the Smith Sisters quartet as one of the attractions. Edwin Causey is president of ^he organization. Birthday Party Pam Buie, daughter of 9gt. and Mrs. Lawrence Buie, was feted at a birthday party to mark her arrival at the age of four years. The tots played, Pam was presented gifts, and birthday cake, ice cream, a drink were served. Favors were balloons and candy. Pam’s guests were Connie Sue and Marsha Hudson, Joan Frye, Linda Hoyle, Larry and Vicki Stewart, and Ann and Stevie Boggs. Study Japan The Methodist Children’s Mis sionary Society met Sunday af ternoon with the leaders, Mrs, Horace Mullinix and Mrs. Charles Cameron, continuing a study of Japan which the chil dren were finding quite interest ing. Mrs. Henry Klingenschmidt served refreshments. Guest Speaker Earl Hubbard of Southern Pines was guest speaker at the Vass Methodist Church Sunday morning, substituting for the pastor, the Rev. Fant Steele, who has b^n confined to his home since Sunday, April 20. with measles, then mumps. Although much improved he was not able to be out. Mr. Hubbard brought afine message. He was introduc ed by C. L. Tyson, who presided and led the responsive reading. Circle 2 Is Hostess Circle 2 of the Methodist Wom an’s Society of Christian Service held its regular meeting and was hostess to Circle 1 at the general WSCS meeting Monday night in the fellowship hall, which was bright with flowers for the occa sion. Mrs. Charles Cameron, chair man of Circle 2, welcomed thfe other circle and presided over the business session of her group, with Miss Carol Foster as secre tary. Mrs. R. R. Thomas then conducted the business of the WSCS, with Mrs. Finch in the secretary’s chair. Circle 2 presented the program, which featured youth work. Mrs. Horace Mullinix read the Scrip ture and offered a prayer and Mrs. Henry Klingenschmidt, pro gram leader, introduced the topic, after which a very infor mative program on Methodist Youth Work was presented in the form of a dialog by Mrs. Charles Cameron and Mrs. James E. Hud son. Mrs. Lewis Frye conducted the Bible study. World banks with an offering for missions were brought in. Homemade cocoanut cake, fruit punch, mints and nuts were served from a table which was centered with an arrangement of white and yellow chrysanthe mums. The refreshments committee was composed of Mrs. Fant Steele, Mrs. Charles' Cameron, IT’S PLANTING TIME! Petunias. Snapdragons. Ageratum. Stock. Verbena. Coleus. Geraniums. Candytuft. Alyssum. Phlox in Variety. Larkspur. Lant2Lna. Sultana, Peppers, Tomatoes and Shrubs. ROY KELLY Landscape Service Telephone OX 2-3095 Midland Road First Church of Christ, Scientist Southern Pines. N. C. Cordially Invites You to Attend a Free Lecture Entitled Christian Science: Makes Healing Truth Available By ELIZABETH CARROLL SCOTT. C.S.B. of Memphis, Tenn. \ Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts CHURCH EDIFICE East New Hampshire Avenue Southern Pines. N. C. Sunday, May 4,1958, at 3:00 p.m. ALL ARE WELCOME Mrs. Bill Priester, Mrs. Howard Callahan, Mrs. James Hudson and Mrs. Henry Klingenschmidt. Peisoneds , Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gschwind had as their Sunday guests her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Stanton, Rosemary, Edna and James Stanton, also Johnny George, all of Mullins, S. C. Mrs. Arthur Read (Jessie Brooks) spent Wednesday night of la^t week with her mother, Mrs. G. W. Brooks, and left Thursday for her home in East Bridgewater,/ Mass. She had come down two and a half weeks earlier because of the serious ill ness of her cousin, Franklin Mat thews of Vass, and; she and her aunt. Miss Jennie Cameron, had spent the time in i Chapel Hill where Franklin is a patient at N. C. Memorial Hospital. Miss Cam eron came home Thursday as Franklin is better and has three nurses to care for him. He is eat ing now, and is in a wheel chair for a while each day. Miss Cam eron, Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. T. F. Cameron visited him Sunday and called on Mrs. Cameron’s broth er, who is in the Veterans Hospi tal in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jones of Hope Mills were weekend guests of her mother, Mrs. George Stutts. ^ Mrs. Ted Waddell and Mrs. James Yow of Albemarle visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Smith, Sunday. That night the Smith Sisters quartet, which in cludes the two already mention ed, also Mrs. A. M. Callahan of Vass and Mrs. Paul Garner of Carthage, Route 3, sang at the Methodist Church in Cameron where revival services were in progress. Mr. and Mrs. Cranford Allred and Miss Hilda Allred of Aber deen were Sunday supper gguests of the E. A. Fryes. Harold Lassiter, who was at St Joseph’s Hospital several days for treatment for bums, came home last week and is getting along well. Mr. and Mrs. Waylon Thomas and son, Mike, of Sanford visited Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Frye and Mr. and Mrs. James Key Sunday, Billy Frye, Roy Frye and Karl Schweinfurth visited in Denton recently. Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Graham and family of Graham spent Sat urday night with Mrs. W. B. Gra ham and the W. A. Muses and on Sunday visited Mrs. Bernice Gra ham’s mother, Mrs. R. P. Gard ner, in Hamlet. Miss Ethel Davis came home from Duke Hospital in Durham on Wednesday of last week after undergoing treatment nine days. Mrs. Mack Thomas and baby, Lynne, of Carolina Beach spent last week visiting Lynne’s grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Graham of Cameron and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Thomas. Mr. Thomas came Friday and after spending the weekend with his parents they returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Oldham and Miss Peggy Oldham of Goldston visited Mrs. R. L. Oldham Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McDer mott and son, Frank, visited Mr. and Mrs. George McDermott Sun day. They were on their way home to Goshen, N. Y., after spending the winter in Orlando, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jones and Clyde, Jr., of Sanford were Sun day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Frye. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coe and chil dren and Mrs. Lizzie Scott at tended a birthday dinner in San ford Sunday for Mr. Coe’s grand father, J. O. Coe. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Simmons of Greensboro visited her mother and grandmother, Mrs. Annie B. Gilliland and Mrs. J. W. Allen, last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kennedy and Mrs. Lonnie Dickens, of San ford, and Mr. and Mrs. Julian Leslie and Miss Black, of Greens boro visited Mrs. W. C. Leslie and family Sunday. Other recent guests were Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Taylor, former ^longtime Vass residents, who were up from Myrtle Beach, S. C. Mrs. W. D. Matthews of South ern Pines visited her sister, Mrs. W. B. Graham, Monday after noon and was a supper guest of Mrs. Graham and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Muse. Mrs. W. T. Cox of Sanford vis ited her sister, Mrs. S. R. Smith, from Saturday until Tuesday. C. R. Bell of Durham was a re cent overnight guest of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Chappell. One of the most expensive auto accessories is “running lights.” If you run through a red light, you are betting your life against a few seconds of time, saved. Ob serve and obey all traffic signals says the North Carolina-Depart ment of Motor Vehicles. ;at your a«p all may... Jane Parker Sliced Raisin Bread 'l;S 17c SPECIAL LOW PRICE! Jane l^arker Caramel Pecan Rolls SPECIAL LOW PRICE! Jane Parker Molasses Cookies pkg. 25c Jane Parker Enriched White Breod 2 Loaves 31C Jane Parker Pre-sUced Sandwich Roils '’1 “'190 Pick Of Carolina SPECTAL LOW PRICE- Sweet Midget Pickles Jar 29c Fancy A&P Frozen A(^cKier 2 cZ 39c Sliced Strawberries SPECIAL LOW PRICE! 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Fish Sticks Heavy Beef CHUCK BLADE Roast Trend Detergent Lb. 49c Sweetheart Soap Protex Soap Protex Soap Surf Large Package JTTt Breeze Large 3C- Package JJw Rinso Blue S. 34c Rinso White Pte 35c 1 Lg. > Pkgs. 39c Regular Bar 10c 7 Reg. E> Bars 25c 7 Bath t ' Bars 35c Giant Package 81c Giant Package 83c Gt Pkg. 81c Gt Pkg. 83c Salad Oil Shortening Shortening Blue Label Karo Syrup Sunnyfield Pure Lard 4^Ib. ctn. 71c White VegetaWe 1-Lb. Can Sfie' Crisco Shortening Can 97c White Vegetable Shortening Snowdrift c^ 34c c^ 91c All Purpose Wesson Oa ^ 37c & 73c Pint Jar 35c Kx^ Mayonnaise ^ar 63c Kraft Salad Dressing Xr 57c Kraft French Dressing 25c Prices This Ad Are Effective Him Sat., May 3 'Florida Fresh Oranges CWspy,'Fresh Carrots Tender—Green Fresh Cucumbers 2 lbs. 25c Golden, Tasty Yellow Onions o. 39c 2-Lb. ig ra Cello Bag I^C Silver Dust p&.' 35c P^kV 83c Juicy, Winesap Apples Lb. 17c bananas lb. 10c Ivory Soap 3 lbs. 19c 27c I Lux Liquid 40c 71c Ivory Soap Medium Bar 10c Dash Dog Food 3 47c Ivory Soap 2 33c Reynold’s Wrap ALUMINUM FOIL RoU OIC Ivory Flakes 35c HALO SHAMPOO Lg. BoL 59c Giant Bot 89e COLGATE DENTAL CREAM Economy Size 69c MENTHOL OR REGULAR RAPID SHAVE Gt Size 79c Ivory Snow Gt FUNK & WAGNALLS volume Encyclopedia ^ THERE IS 1 ^ STILL TIME TO BEGIN YOUR SET iiia'iHiiCiiiTinfii-B I II )uper l^arkets SEPiNDABLI FOOD RETtlL^DS SINCE EESt