c ! V J THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3,1959 THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina Page FIVE Women’s and Sandhills Social Events BESSIE CAMERON SMITH, Editor TELEPHONE 2-6812 ST MOLLY DOTSON AND SARA JO ALLEN, CARTHAGE DEBUTANTES, ARE FETED Mrs. B. E. Dotson of Carthage was hostess last Thursday at noon at a “$10,000 luncheon” hon oring her daughter, Molly Dot- son, and Sara Jo Allen, 1959 Car thage debutantes. The luncheon was served buf fet style from a table centered with a red and white floral ar rangement. Upon their arrival guests were given play money with which to defray their expenses, and at the close of the party prizes were awarded those having the largest and the smallest amount remain ing. The guest list included the fol lowing debutantes; Ann McKen zie, Laurinburg; Virginia Mc Neill, Raeford; Cathy Pollard, Southern Pines; Sue Grey, Susan Hughes and Meli Rabb, Ashe- boro; Janet Wiggs, Fayette ville; Molly Scarborough and Ann Hedgpeth, Lumberton; Star- key Cherry, Mount Olive; and a 1958 deb, Janet Carter of Carth- age. Other guests were Mrs. W. p. Sabiston, Jr., Mrs. W. D. Sabis- ton. III, Mrs. W. H. Currie, Mrs. John M. Currie, Mrs. Joe Allen, and from Mount Olive, Mrs. Wal ter Cherry. Sara Jo Allen shared honors with New Bern debs last Friday when her aunt and cousin, Mrs. George Allen and Miss Mary Ann Allen, gave a luncheon. The host esses presented shoe bags to the honorees, and Molly Dotson re ceived a sachet from the hostess es. Decorations were in the tra ditional red and white for debu tantes. Baptist Young People Hold Retreat At Crescent Beach Looking Ahead Miss Dotson and Miss Allen at tended a tea in Fayetteville Tuesday afternoon, given for Janet Wiggs, and on Wednesday they were guests at a luncheon in Laurinburg honnoring Ann Mc Kenzie. Ted Frye, Jr., was Miss Dot son’s escort, and Robbie Felton escorted Miss Allen to the supper dance given at Hernando’s Hide away Wednesday night for Miss Cathy Pollard of Southern Pines and four other debs. Mrs. Blair E. Beasley, a former resident now living in Raleigh, honored Miss Allen at a luncheon at the Carolina Inn, at which Miss Dotson and Mrs. Joe Allen were among the guests. Sara Jo wore a red rose corsage, and she was presented a gold bracelet by the hostess. Gifts to the other debs were red bookmarks with their names handpainted in white! Miss Allen, who spent the weekend in Charlotte with Mrs. Eldon Adams, was feted at' the Hearth Stone by her hostess, with Janice Hood sharing hwors. Mr. and Mrs. Allen were in Char lotte on Sunday as luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Adams at the Ming Tree. The two Carthage debs and Betty Hogan of Hamlet were feted Tuesday morning by Miss Janet Carter of Carthage, who gave a Coke party at her home on Pinehurst Drive. Girls from Hamlet and the following from Carthage were additional guests: Misses Linda McGee, Jane Car' ter, Frances McCaskill, Hilda Cagle, and Patsy Lou Baker, CP&L Employees Honor Two Fellow Workers At Banquet DAR*MEETiNG The Alfred Moore Chapter, Daughters of the American Rev olution, will hold its first meet ing of the season at the Alston House on Saturday, September 12. Members are asked to take a picnic lunch, to be served at 12 o’clock noon. A Board meetir.g will be held prior to the regu ar meeting. All mem.bers are urged to be present to help plan the coming year’s work. JR. WOMAN’S CLUB The Junior Woman’s Club of Southern Pines will begin its fall activities with a covered dish supper at the Church of Wide Fellowship next Tuesday at 7 p. m., with the regular meeting fol lowing. PRESBYTERIAN CIRCLES MEETING Four Circles of Brownson Me morial Presbyterian Women of the Church will meet next week, according to the following sched ule: No. 1, Monday at 8 p.m. with Miss Ruth Smith, 140 North Ashe Street. No. 8, Tuesday at 10 a.m. with Mrs. Hilbert Johnson, 460 Dog wood Lane. No. 9, Tuesday at 10 a.m. with Misses Effie and Lessie Bailey, 145 West Maine Avenue. No. 10, Tuesday at 10 a.m. with Mrs. Mangum Webb, Indiana Ave. BAPTIST CIRCLES The Harriet Witte Circle of the Baptist Church wiE hold a dinner meeting at the home of Mrs. R. S. Trudell next Tuesday at p.m. The Virginia Oliver Circle will meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. with Mrs. Edward Koshak. Young people of the First Bap tist Church held a retreat at Crescent Beach, S. C., Tuesday, with Mrs. Raymond S. Parker’s cottage as the place of meeting. “God's Will For My Life” was the theme.' The day’s activities began at 5:15 a. m. with Miss Anna Ruth King, the church’s director of ed ucation and music, conducing de votions. Swimming and break fast followed. The Rev. R. D. Spear, Jr., pas tor of the Aberdeen Baptist Church, led a discussion on “The Great I Am,” which he explain ed as putting self ahead of God, and Diana Tolar led devotions for this session. Following lunch and a swim, a second discussion period was held, with John Chappell as di rector and the subject; “The Meaning of the Church Cove nant.” Mary Elizabeth Chappell was in charge of the devotions. After supper, Linda Wellman led a worship service and the pastor, the Rev. Maynard Man- gum, spoke on “Youth and the Will of God.” Mrs. Mangum accompanied the group and assisted in organizing the meals. The trip home follow ed the evening service. Those not already mentioned who were in the party included Butch May, Jesse WiUiford, Bren da Cook, Glenda Frye, Dana Koshak, Frank Staples, Dianne Fields, and Marie and Marcia Anne Mangum. THE 1959 GRADUATING CLASS OF SANFORD BUSINESS COLLEGE is pictured. The class held commencement Friday night, marking the completion of 43 years of the business col lege’s service to this section. Pictured, left to right, first row, are Nancy Moore, Janet Graham, Lynda Fincher, Peggy Byrd, Shirley Parrish Foushee, Walter Barlow, Betty Lou Gladden and Sylvia Watson. Second row, Richard Watson, Frances Pat terson, Kay Elkins Mason, Joyce Marsh, Joyce Mangum Rosser, Judy Gupton, Linda Weeks, Virginia Palmer Gillis, Marie Phil lips and Benny Sloan. Third row, Blanche Stewart, Barbara Crissman, Peggy Davenport, Jeanette Harrington, Ann Mason, Lorene Wells, Vivian Smith, Bobby Lee Thomas and Lewis Sloan. Not present when the picture was made, but also receiving di plomas, were Ruth Wicker, Diane Aleman, Eloise Yarborough, Ann Williams Stewart, Janice Elkins, Sue Fackrell, Ruby Wick er and Eugene Rackley. ms and OUTS Fellow employees of O. H. Rawlinson and A. R. Tucker, Jr., honored them at a banquet last Friday evening at the Southland Hotel, with wives and husbands as additional guests. A sEver sandwich tray was presented to Mr. Rawlinson in recognition of his having com pleted 25 years of service with the Carolina Power and Light Company. Mr. Tucker, who is be ing transferred to the company’s Raleigh office, was presented an engraved silver dip bowl and tray. The presentations were made by J. N. Steed, division superintendent. An evening of games and fellowship was en joyed. Honored guests from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Greene of Maxton and J. W. Cameron of Sanford. CHURCH OF WIDE . FELLOWSHIP CIRCLES The Fannie Timmons Circle of the Church of Wide Fellowship will meet with Mrs. Ed Smail at 10 a.m. next Thursday, the 10th. The Lena R. Sweezy Circle will meet with Mrs. Louis Scheipers, Sr., at 2:30 on Thursday. 'The Margaret White Circle will meet at 3 p.m. Thursday with Mrs. Ernest M. Poate. The Friendship Circle will not meet in September, but will meet as usual in October. 'The Ruth Burr Sanborn Circle will meet with Mrs. Charles Aus tin at 8 p.m. Thursday, the 10th. MEMBERSHIP TEA St. Anthony’s Women’s Club wiU hold a membership tea at the old Pine Needles Country Club from 3 to 5 p.m. next Wednesday. , Past presidents will pour, and members of the executive com mittee will be in the receiving line. David Bailey Takes Work With U. S. Atomic Energy Commission 'The D. E. Baileys drove to Pittsburgh, Pa., and returned last weekend, making the trip to take their son David to his new work with the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission at the Westinghouse- Bettes plant near Pittsburgh. David received his M. S. degree in Nuclear Engineering from N. C. State College last June. ms AND OUTS Dogwood Grove Changes Time Of Meeting Dogwood Grove No. 253 of the • Supreme^ Forest Woodmen Circle met Wednesday night with 12 members present. Diiring the business session the members voted to change tiie meeting night from the first Wednesday to the first Tuesday of each month. Miss Pauline Crain reported proceeds of $30 netted from the recent fun and fellowship party. Miss Crain and Miss Mary Scott Newton reported on the Christmas card sales, and tenta tive plans to hold a Christmas card party at the home of Mrs. M. L. Palmer in Manly in the near future were discussed. Special practices in preparation for the district convention: on October 7 in Raeford, also for Dogwood Grove insp^tion later in October, will be- held wim dates announced in the next few days. Refreshments of cookies and punch were served. New Heir-Rivals PAMELA SUZANNE DAWSON Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Dawson, Jr., of Ralteigh are the parents ~of a daughter, Pamela Suzanne, born at Rex Hospital Wednesday, Aug ust 26, weighing six pounds, 11 ounces. Both Mrs. Dawson and the baby are doing fine. The other children are Donna, Ace and Lin da. Dr. Dawson, superintendent of the local schools for several years, recently moved his family to Ra leigh where he is now executive secretary of the North CaroEna Education Association. f ALISONE WARLICK | Dr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Warlick' of Hillside Road, Southern Pines,; are the parents of a daughter,^ ^lisone,: bom Tuesday, Septemf, ber 1, at Moore Mertiorial Hospitl; al,,weighing seven pounds, four ounces. Their other children are Michael, 10, Stephen, sWen, and Bobby, five. Mrs. H. W. Dorn had as week end guests her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Benner (Louise Dorn) of Miami, Fla., and her daughter Dorothy, of Raleigh. Miss Dorothy Dom will return to spend the Labor Day weekend with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chatfield had as dinner guests Tuesday evening Miss Mary Stuart Har mon, of Aberdeen and Hatties burg, Miss., and Donald Pre- vatte of Lumberton. Miss Har mon, who was in Aberdeen for the summer, is leaving for Hat tiesburg where she is an- instruct or in music. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schaefer, who have been visiting Miss Katherine Wiley and helping her move to a Knollwood apartment, .will return to their home in lAsheboro tomorrow. The John Pottle family has moved from Knollwood into their newly purchased fcome, the J. B. Tollison place at 680 East Connecticut Avenue, and the chil dren, Daphne and Peter, have en tered school. Mr. Pottle, who was here for a few days, has returned to the Eseeola Lodge at Linville but will rejoin his family here around the middle of the month. Miss Birdilia Bair is with the Pottles for the winter. Mrs. B. F. Norris of St. Peters burg, Fla., is expected to arrive this weekend for several weeks' visit in the home of Miss Mary Scott Newton. Mrs. Norris, form erly lived in Southem^ Pijies. John Seymour is a delegate to the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Frater nity leadership conference being held at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill. He left last Fri day and is expected home tomor row. Mr. and Mrs. Z. V. Tolar spent Sunday in Ramseur as guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Pell. Misses Diana Tolar, Susan Pol lard, Judy Wicker, Frances Har per and Barbara Blackwelder, members of this year’s senior class at Southern Pines High School, visited Winthrop College at Rock Hill, S. C., a recent day and returned by Clharlotte. Tommy Mitchell will return home this week from Atlanta, where he has been attending summer school at Georgia Tech. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Walker re turned Sunday from a week’s trip during which they visited relatives in Chambersburg and Allentown, Pa. Mrs. Raymond Harvey of Washington, D. C. is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Morgan. Mrs. W. D. Matthews spent several days last week visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. G. O. Barnhardt, of Sanford. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Taylor are up from Myrtle Beach, S. C., to visit the F. L. Taylors in Pine hurst, andf were greeting old friends in Southern Pines Tues day. Mrs. J. T. Overton returned a few days ago from Fort Walton Beach, Fla., where she had been visiting her son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith, whom she accompanied home fol lowing their visit here. The next day after her arrival she left with Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Overton and children and Mrs. C. L. Klabbatz for Crescent Beach, S. C. They were joined by the Harry Klab- blatz family for a part of their stay and all returned to Southern Pines Sunday night. Mrs. William R. Dickinson is a patient at Moore Memorial Hos pital following surgery earUer this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Stutts of Lakeland, Fla., spent the summer in Pisgah Forest and on their way home paid short visits to relatives. They spent Tuesday with his sister, Mrs. Elmer Short, on Route 3, Carthage, and were overnight guests of his niece, Mrs. N. E. Andrews and Mr. An drews at Manly. They stopped in Pinebluff Wednesday to see an other niece, Mrs. Walter Bilyeu, going from there to their home, Mr. and Mrs. Lochamy McLean returned home Wednesday after vacationing in Waynesville, where they had a cottage for 18 days. Four couples from Florida who had been their neighbors at Fort Lauderdale were vacationing at nearby Lake Junaluska, and they had a number of pleasant get- togethers at the lake. Mr. and Mrs. McLean also took a side trip to Burnsville, where they formerly had a summer cottage. Mrs. David McCallum motored to Raleigh Friday to bring David, Jr., home from summer school at N. C. State College. He will return to the college on Septem ber 13 to assist with the orienta tion of freshmen. Miss Betty Jo Loudermilk, who spent the summer in Atlantic City, N. J., returned last Friday for a brief vacation before en tering 'Woman’s College in Greensboro. R. Lee Comer Of Carthage Dies Of Heart Attack One forecast holds that by 1970 half of the urban automobile transportation will be provided Funeral services were held Sat urday at Lamb’s Grove Primitive Baptist Church for R. Lee Comer, 65, prominent Carthage business man who died of a heart attack on Thursday of last week. A native of Rockingham Coun ty, Mr. Comer came to Carthage in 1921. He farmed and was as sociated with the Carthage tobac co market. Later he formed a partnership and helped to build and operate the Victory tobacco warehouse in Carthage. His son bought out his interest in the warehouse last spring. Mr. Comer had been in the fer tilizer business with Clyde Shaw and recently was in business with his son, David, operating Comer’s Supply Store. He was clerk and deacon in his church, Lamb’s Grove Primitive Baptist, for many years. Survivors include his wife, Mrs, Elizabeth G. Comer; two sons, Ed L. and David L.; a daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lefler of Greensboro; three brothers Numa of Reidsville and Raymond and pS-ank of Cameron; and 10 grandchildren. A son, Lt. Wiley G. Comer, was killed in World War 2. COMING BACK? by these vehicles. Major problem Is the electric car coming back? is to produce better batteries. Hope is that a battery will be de veloped which will move a car 300 miles on one charge. House On Midlanc Road Leased By The Donovans Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dono van have leased the house own- ed by Sgt. Donald Hamill at 450 Midland Road. Mr. Donovan is executive vice-president of Trim ble, Inc., which is building a new vPlant here, and will remain here 'f.o operate the new facility. 1 The Donovans are moving from Rochester, N. Y. Mrs. Donovan and their three children—Judy, Ellen and Jeff—^have been Southern Pines this week. Mr. Donovan is expected about Sep tember 15. Miss Judy Donovan is a stu dent at Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y., and will soon return to her studies there. The other two children have entered the Southern Pines public school. The Donovans’ furniture is now stored in a local warehouse and they expect to move into the ■Midland Road house in a few days. • Construction of the Trimble building on a site off the No. 1 highway parkway, north of Mid land Road, is progressing well, ,it was reported this week. The plant will manufacture furniture Vfor infants and children. A PROFITABLE FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY with GENERAL MOTORS in SOUTHERN PINES. NORTH CAROLINA Perhaps you have read of the action already taken by General Motors Corporation to advance GMC Truck & Coach Division in the grovring field of commercial transportation. This program—known gt GMC as “Operation High Gear"—is the greatest engineering, manu facturing and quality j coptrpl program ever undertaken in the industry. . , ^ ^ It already has produced hew, cost-cutting con cepts of vehicle design irt hedvy duty highway tractors and the time is. approaching when this program will culminate lrt'tt‘fujl Jme„of the most advanced trucks developed bver the past twenty years — 'A ton pickups to giant 60-ton haulers. To the able and aggressive businessman quali fying for this opening there lies ahead an exciting product, a profitable relationship and a secure future. Write or phone today for further details. R. E. ETHRIDGE, TELEPHONE NO. EDISON 2-4181 P. O. BOX 8157, CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA BACK TO SCHOOL SALE Parker Pens and Pencils Hayes Book Shop One in 16 persons employed in the U. S. works either directly or indirectly with ibe dairy indus- Special for Sunday, Septemher 6 SHRIMP PLATE-$1.00 With Slaw, French Fries and Hush Puppies Special On Sundays. Only: Thick Milkshake, any flavor. 25c THE CLAM BOX Highway No. 1 — Between Aberdeen and Southern Pines Open Every Day 11 a.m. to 12 Midnight Note New Number: OX 2-8843 NOT SO WISE 'The idea that the owl is a wise old bird has been rudely shatter ed. A New York Times article quotes a biologist as saying that dwls are even dumber than chickens, if that is possible. Fol-, lowing two years of owl studies, he ,is. convinced that the bird is almost completely;: unable to learn by experience. Many shade tiee diseases are caused by parasitic fungi ai:d bacteria. In Aberdeen For The Finest Of Its Kind REVLON... TUSSY HELENA RUBENSTEIN SHULTON... YARDLEY MAXFACTOR HALLMARK Greeting Cards WHITMAN and HOLLINGSWORTH CANDIES Visit This Drug Store FIRST for your VITAMIN NEEDS and PRESCRIPTIONS Bryan Drug Co. ABERDEEN. N. C.

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