Page FOURTEEN THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1960 STATEMENT STATE CAPITAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Raleigh, North Carolina Condition December 31, 1959, as Shown by Statement Filed. ASSETS $ 7,068,784.33 MoSge Loans on Real Estate Polinv loans 1,562,461.85 All other assets (as detailed in annual statement) 672,427.79 Total Admitted Assets $26,045,755.68 LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Aggregate reserve for life polmies and contracts $l7,2i5,9yi.uu Aggregate reserve for accident and health policies I,878,id5.uu PARENTS REMINDED OF HAZARD Consider All Snakes Dangerous, Says Man Who Killed Big Copperhead Here . Hnvs of snrine 92,029.00 298,281.41 174,973.28 322,416.83 86,207.96 303,885.78 42,330.41 751,391.40 215,500.00 42,043.09 Supplementary contracts without life contingencies Policy and contract claims •_ Premiums and annuity considerations received . in advance Commissions to agents due or accrued General expenses due or accrued —- Taxes, licenses and fees due or accrued (including $46,500.00 Federal Income Tax) - “Cost of Collection” on premiums and annuity considerations deferred and uncollected in excess of total loading thereon Miscellaneous liabilities Mandatory Security Valuation Reserve Group Premium Refund Reserve Total Liabilities (Except Capital) $21,483,185.16 Capital paid-up ^9’Rfi2’570 52 Unassigned surplus z,5t>.i,aooQo°Q°°Q°° 3 X "k ★ EMi ELECTRIC FlaMELESS wav ★ ★ WASH Looks like a landslide for convenience. And for modem homemakers the two top candidates are the automatic washer and the flameless dryer. Wet, wintry weather is no time to heave, hang and haul the wash. So take a load off your mind and turn it over to an automatic washer. It will swirl and swish the wash to a whistle-clean finish while you busy your self with the family breakfast. Drizzle or downpour makes no difference to a flameless electric dryer. Any day is washday as it gently tumbles and fluff-dries your clothes, safely and cleanly. No more windswept clothesline to whipsnap the wash to a frazzle. And where crowded quarters pose a problem, a combination washer-dryer provides a most happy solution. Wet, windy weather is here to stay so see a nearby electric appliance dealer soon. Elect ELECTRIC, the flameless way to wash and dry, and you’ll live better. Electrically! See your appliance dealer soon! C CAROUWA POWER A UOHT COMPANY ) An'investor-owned, taxpaying, public utility company