THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1962 15 4-H Boys Get Pigs to Raise In Chain Project Fifteen Moore County 4-H: boys! received gilt pigs through the 4-H Pig Chain this week. The boys who received pigs were selected because of interest exhibited, fa cilities available and past 4-H achievement. The club members will feed and care for the pigs, following man agement recommendations in the 4-H Swine Manual. They will have their pigs bred to an ap proved meat type boar and will return one 8-week-old gilt to the 4-H Pig Chain. This pig will be passed on to another 4-H Club member. The purpose of the Pig Chain is to stimulate interest in market pig production, give deserving 4- H Club members a chance to get started in the business and teach them good swine management practices. The pigs that were placed this week were produced on the W. W. Dalrymple farm and were a Spotted Poland China and York shire cross. Club members receiving pigs were Glenn Caviness, Ronald Garner, Farrell Ritter. Wayland Maness, Tommy hPillips, Steve Childress, Jerry Childress, Jimmy Wadsworth, D. A. Cockman, Ran dy Wallace, Gregg Garner, Sam my Fishel, George Sessoms, David Bailey and Ted Monroe. Sponsors for the 4-H Pig Chain are Aberdeen Packing Company and Sandhills Production Credit. These firms financed the purchase of the original pigs started in the pig chain. Rank Promotion, Badges Given at Court of Honor MOORE nOUNTY RECORDER'S COURT ‘Problem Boy’ Bound Over to Superior Court On Probable Cause For Arson The Moore District Boy Scout Court of Honor was held Monday at the Vass Methodist Church. Troop 810, under the leadership of Scoutmaster Cecil H. Rowell, had the opening and closing cere mony. Activities Chairman Karl Schweinfurth presented the Sec ond Class Rank Advancement to Michael Wood of Troop 206 Pine- bluff. Vice-Chairman J. Douglas David presented Merit Badges to the following: Jeff Mills, swim ming, and Joseph Bilyeu, Life Saving, both of Troop 206 Pine- bluff; Chris Black, Citizenship in Community, Cooking; and Stan ley Williams, Citizenship in Com munity and Cooking, both of Troop 74, Robbins. Troop 74 of Robbins won the attendance trophy. It was accept ed by Margaret Williams of Rob bins who brought the Troop to Vass, pinch-hitting for her hus band, Scoutmaster Ed Williams, who was unable to attend. The next court of honor wiU be held at Pinebluff Lake on July 9. This will be an out-door court. The "Order of the Arrow” will be in charge of the opening and clos ing ceremonies. Picnic baskets and bathing suits should be brought by all units who wish to come early and enjoy the lake prior to the court which will start at 8 p. m. Junior Jordan of Robbins, the “problem boy” of Moore County Recorder’s Court at Carthage, was back again Monday—^this time to be bound over to Superior Court under a $5,000 bond on a charge of arson. He was last in the court at Car thage about a month before for throwing rocks at his mother, and that time a solution seemed in sight. A neighbor. Mack Beck, of fered to take him into his home, giving him a chance to do useful farm work as well as getting him away from the family where his difficulties seemed to originate. The court placed the 19-year- old youth into Beck’s custody. He left the Beck home, however, Sunday, June 3, without a fare well, and on Wednesday night a barn owned by Quincey Williams, and leased by Beck, burned down. Burned with it were farm ma chinery, including a binder, wag on and plows, some 200 bales of hay, all of Beck’s corn crop, and a young calf. A cow was saved. The Highfalls and Robbins rural fire trucks and crews arriv ed but too late to do any good. Total loss was estimated at $5,000 —with no insurance. Located by Beck at his parents’ home the next day, Jordan return ed with him willingly enough, and, interviewed by officers, ad mitted having set the fire though he said he “didn’t know why.” Back surmised he might have had hard feelings because of some correction he had received, on giving the hogs too much feed so that they left most of it in the trough. Before the fire was set, a lot of feed had been taken out and spread around on the ground, pro viding the clue that it might have been Junior who did it. Junior pleaded not guilty at the Recorder’s Court hearing, but on testimony by Deputy Sheriff I. B. Marley and Assistant Police Chief D. B. Cranford of Robbins, Judge J. Vance Rowe found prob able cause and passed him on up to the higher court. E(ond was not made. Junior, who has had little schooling, and is said to have a third or fourth grade reading ability, has been in court numer ous times under indictment by his mother, Mrs. Hazel Jordan, be cause of temper tantrums in which he attacked her. One time she indicted his younger sister also, and the 16-year-old girl was sent to Samarcand on her own wish and is reported to be "do ing fine.” On that occasion, hearing testi mony of the family fight, which was stopped only when the elder ly invalid father threw himself between the young people and their mother. Judge Rowe told the mother, “It seems to me that you are as much to blame as your children.” Junior has been sent to first offenders’ camp at Butner but wouldn’t stay. He wouldn’t stay, either, with a relative at Greens boro who offered to keep him. He has been on probation and that didn’t work either. Sent to the r6ads, he was reportedly a good and docile prisoner. A few months ago a state training school refused ous suspended terms were order ed into effect, to run concurrent ly with the new ones—four months on the roads for Hun- sucker, and for the others 30 days each, suspended for James and Roy Nichols and White on pay- m.ent of costs and good behavior conditions. James Nichols addi tionally received a 60-day sen tence, on the assault with deadly weapon charge, suspended for two years on payment of $25 and costs and medical expenses of Milton White. Other cases disposed of Mon day: Pearlie S. Jordan, West End Route 1, unlawful possession of illicit whiskey, $25 and costs Yewell Ray Maness, Jr., Robbins, Route 1, careless and reckless driving causing accident and per sonal injury, 60 days suspended for 12 months on payment of $25 and costs, not to drive carelessly and recklessly, nor speed more than 60 miles per hour, nor drive while drinking, during the sus pension period; Howard Wiynn, Robbins, public drunk, carrying concealed weapon (.25 automatic pistol), four months’ suspended for 12 months on payment of $75 and costs, not to appear in any public place while intoxicated and not to carry on or about him any deadly weapon; James Hu bert McAllister, Carthage, assault and battery on female, 30 days suspended for 12 months on pay ment of $15 and costs, good be havior conditions. Shelton William Davis, failure to comply, commitment to issue putting three-months sentence into effect unless defendant pays all delinquent weekly payments since October 2, 1961, up to date; O’Neal Scott, Carthage, careless and reckless driving, accident, personal injury, six months sus pended for two years on payment of $50 and costs, damages and medical expenses, not to violate traffic lavUs during suspension period; Russell Goins, Carthage, drunk and disorderly, cursing, trespass, assault with deadly weapon (rock), six months on roads; J. Fletcher Garner, Car thage, Route 3, non-support of children, and Cathleen Garner, Carthage, neglecting children, nol pros taken in both cases; John Russell Biarber, Jr., Carthage Star Route, driving without license, drunken driving (third offense), nol pros on first count, on second court six months suspended on payment of $500 and costs, de fendant gave notice of appeal and bond was set at $500. $ 44.88 1.75 59.68 44.19 92.58 Support Rate For Wheat Set $2.16 The minimum 1962-crop wheat price support rate for North Caro lina counties will be $2.16 per bushel for Grade No. 1. The 1962 wheat crop will be supported as in the past through loans on farm-stored and ware house-stored wheat and through purchase of wheat delivered by producers under purchase agree ments. Loans and purchase agree ments will be available from har vest-time through January 31, 1963. Loans will mature on Feb ruary 28, 1963. Loans and pur chase agreements will be avail able from County Agricultural Stabilization. and Conservation Service (ASCS) offices. Farmers who plant within their 1962 allotment will be able to market their entire production without marketing quota penal ty, but they will not be eligible for price . support unless they signed up and are participating in the 1962 wheat stabilization program. NOTICE OF SALE FOR TAXES Under and by virtue of the power vested in me by the laws of the State of North Carolina, particularly by Chapter 310 of the Pub lic Laws of 1939, as mended and pursuant to an order of the Town Council, Town of Southern Pines, I will offer for sale and will sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder ,at the Town Hall door in Southern Pines at 12 o’clock noon on Monday, the 9th day of July, 1962, liens upon the real estate described below for the nonpayment of taxes owing for the year 1961. The real estate which is subject to lien, the name of its —owner or the name of the per son who listed it for taxes, and the amount of the lien is set out below. And notice is hereby given that the amounts of the liens set out below are subject to the addition of interest as provided by law, and also the costs of sale. This 14th day of June, 1962. MILDRED p. McDonald, Tax Collector EAST SOUTHERN PINES Allen, Robert E. - Edgemore Dr. No. 1 ... Barton, George L. - Cameron Subdivision No. 9, G & 8, Nos. 5 & 6 Blue, Mrs. John A. - K & 5, Pt. No. 4, 5, al. & sq Brown, R. M. - D & 2, No. 1, 2, 23, 24 Clark, Mildred - N & 4, Nos. 4,5,6, & ^ al., N. & 4, No. 3, R & 7, Nos. 1,2,3, Q &7, Nos. 12-21 Delmarsh, Bertha - F & 1, Nos. 11 & 12 4.38 Dixon, Ilean Hrs. - G & 2, Nos. 1, 22, 23, 24, & al 73.15 Edwards, Maggie Lou - H & 6, Pt. 6, Pt. 7 92.75 Goff, James J. & Catherine - R & 10, Nos. 19 & 20 1.75 Green, Mrs. Harold - Orchard Rd. No. 2, Pt. 3, 4, & 5 156.11 Green, Harold F. - O & 3, No. 12 47.78 Haines, W. C. - Ashe, No. 2667 33.69 Hancock, Jean - D & 4, Nos. 15 & 16 1.75 Harris, Richard T. - 1 & 2, No. 6 & 14’ No. 5 40.78 Lipe, L. P. - K & 3, No. 16, Vz al. & sq 276.47 McDonald, W. A. - Way, No. 107 72.71 Mid South Estates - Q & 7, No. 12, Pt. 13, Hill Crest, Nos. 16-33, Hughes Ld., Nos., 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 35.01 O’Callaghan, Sr., L. V. - E & 1, Nos. 1-5, 24 88.55 Parks, J. C. - Ridge St. & Ill. Ave., 1 Lot 4.38 Richards, Mrs. Marion - D & 1, Nos. 21,22 & al 66.33 Robbins, J. C. & Jean - F & 6, Nos. 17, 18, 19, 20 ,21, E & 7, Nos. 15, 16, 17, 18 1313 Sandhill Awning Co. - H & 3, No. 16, % al 62.79 Springer, James A., Jr. - O & 3, No. 18, Pt. 19 79.28 Stewart, Lloyd C & Mary-Knollwood, No. 2139 & 2140 2.19 Tew, Clyde & Ina - L & 6, % 13, % 14 22.18 Ward, Mary Ethel - D & 5, Nos. 7 & 8 ..; 30.19 Wilson, Raymond - S Ashe, 1 Lot 29.43 Winecoff, Mrs. E. A. - Q & 7, Nos. 15-19, Pt. 20, 21 & al. 3.50 Wright, Gerald L. - P & 5, Nos. 4, 5, 6, & al 50.75 Yarborough, Clyde & Hazel - J & 5, No. 7,8,9, & al 186.52 WEST SOUTHERN PINES Alford, James - S & 12, No. 23 $ 12.10 Hines, Lizzie - S & 11, Nos. 15, 16 4.15 Hines, Ped - S & 12, Nos. 9, Pt. 6 17.88 Hinson, James & Willie E. - K & 8, Pts. No. 7 & 8 12.69 Horton, W. T. - L & 13, No. 16, Vz No. 17, al 8'?.24 Huggins, Elijah & Plummie - O & 10, Nos. 17, 18 Ingram, Harold J. - P & 11, No. 17 Ingram, Johhsie Lee Cash - Rage Ld., Nos. 31-36, Bethea, Nos. 2 & 3 Jackson Andrew - P & 9, No. 18 Jackson, Charles W. Ill - K & 13, No. 3, Vz No. 2 Jackson, Susie - Rankin Land, Nos. 28, 29 . Johnson, Charles V. - Conn. Ave., 1 Lot Johnson, Elizabeth Faulkner, O & 10, Nos. 1, 2, 24 Johnson, Juanita - T & 12, No. 10 Johnson, Justine - New Hamp. Ave. 1 Lot Johnson, Maggie - P & 10, Nos. 7, 8, 9 Johnson, Zora & Frances Hayes - K & 11, Nos. 5,6,7,8 Jones, Beatrice - S & 11, No. 14 1-53 Jones, George - Old Jim Town, 1 Lot, Conn. Ave. 1 Lot 8.23 Jones, Mack W. - P & 13, Nos. 23, Pt. 24, al., J. & 7, No. 21 & 22 25.30 Jones, Mrs. Viola - I & 14, Nos. 16, 17, 29, 30 20.13 King, Edna - N & 9, No. 11 5.95 King, Stella - S & 11, No. 1 & 2 1-45 Lawhom, Sallie Cole - Buchan Ld., 93 - 100 Acres 15.92 Lawson, R. C. - N & 10, Nos. 1-21, 4 als. sq., N & 11, Nos. 22, 23 25.55 Leslie, Douglas & Izetta - N & 14, Nos. 7, 8 29.20 Letterlough, Henry - Q & 11, No. 5, & al 14.18 Lewis, Levot - Page Ld. Nos. 73 & 74 59.42 Lockwood, Leroy Junior & Pearl - Q & 14, Nos. 19, 20 6.13 4.38 .88 8.14 4.38 13.69 .88 .53 16.84 1.32 5.08 2.63 21.53 35.88 6.30 8.35 1.40 9.63 8.93 15.49 7.44 Lakeview News By LINDA WATTS Mr. and Mrs. E. W. York of Fayetteville were visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Beard over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Priest, Mrs. Marks and son Kenneth, attend- Billy Carrol’s graduation from ./eldon High School Wednesday. Miss Elizabeth Knight of Rocky Mount is visiting the Crockett family for a few days. Mrs. Myrtle Marks and parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Priest, were shopping in Cheraw, S. C., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Graham and daughter Cindy visited rela tives in Jackson, Ohio, last week. Miss Susan Haynes, Miss Myrna McRae, and Miss Barbara Jessup spent the weekend at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Priest and Myrtle Marks and son, Kenneth, attended a birthday dinner last Sunday at John Taylor’s home, David Crockett spent Sunday evening at Camp Monroe to at tend the Senior High Fellowship Conference, to plan activities for the Senior Camp. The annual Blue clan reunion will be held at Lakeview on Sun day, June 24, at the Community House near the Presbyterian Church. The Lakeview Bible School closed Sunday. A covered dish supper was enjoyed by the child ren and parents. to take him because of his age and previous record. Those who have worked with the boy agree he “needs help,” but what kind, and where to get it, is the problem. Seven Youths Tried Seven youths of the Robbins area, 18 to 23 years of ape, were in court under an assortment of charges as the result of a ruckus at Robbins Saturday night, May 19. Two of the seven were acquit ted while the others, all pleading not guilty but one, were found guilty and given road terms. Testimony was given by Depu ty Sheriff I. D .Marley and As sistant Robbins Chief D. B. Cran ford against Roy Nichols, Milton White, Wade Teague, Don Bn-t- lish, James Nichols and Brown, whom Cranford had charged with assault and battery and affray, and Edwin Hunsucker, charged with assaulting Roy Nichols with a deadly weapon, a knife, inflicting serious injuries. In addition, Hunsuefcer had in dicted James Nichols with assault ing him with an iron tire tool, and Roy Nichols with aiding and abetting, while Roy Nichols had indicted Hunsucker with injuring personal property—slashing the upholstery of his car. In the warrants charging as sault and battery and affray, the seven were described as “mutual ly assaulting and beating each other with their fists and against each other in a public place. . . to the terror and disturbance of other citizens.” Acquitted were Don English and Wade Teague. For two, Ed win Hunsucker and Leon Brown (the latter pleading guilty) previ- Legal Notices STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MOORE The undersigned having duly qualified as the xecutor of the Es tate of Ralph O. Cowin, deceased, late of the above named County and State, all persons, firms and corporations having claims of whatsoever nature against the said Ralph O. Cowin, deceased, are hereby notified to exhibit the said claim or claims to the under signed on or before the 14th day of December, 1962, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said Ralph O. Cowin, deceased, are hereby requested to pay the said indebtedness to the undersigned immediately. This the 14th day of June, 1962. THE CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF SOUTHERN PINES, Execu tor of the Estate of Ralph O. Cowin. J14,21,28,Ju5c Allen, Est., Anna - P & 12, Nos. 17, 18, 19, & al. Allen, Jamison & Ethel - P & 11, Nos. 23 & 24 Allen, Mary C. - P & 13, No. 15 & ^ of 16 Alston, Robert L. - P & 9, No. 22 Armstrong, Alexander A. - M & 13, No. 12 Armstrong Hrs., Flora - 1 Lot Conn. Ave Austin, Julius & Viola - N & 9, No. 12 .... Barnes, Nora - O & 14, No. 12 Baskerville, Corrine - K & 7, No. 6 Bennett, Bobby Lee - I & 8, No. 2 Bennett, John R. & Annell - I & 8, No. 1 Bowman, Nora - L & 12, Nos. 3, 4, & al Brinkley Hrs., Rosa - L & 15, Nos. 7 & 8 10.50 Broadway, Forrest - L & 13, No. 11 & al., M & 12, Pt. No. 7 .... 2.55 Brower Hrs., George - New Hamp. Ave., 1 Lot 30.63 Brown, Albert - N & 9, No. 23 -53 Brown, Henrietta - L & 12, No. 5 3.02 Brown, Willie & Gertrude - Q & 8, Pt. 18, 19, 20 11.50 Burrows, Mrs. De Shelton Miller - L & 13, Nos. 13, 14, 15 78.05 Cagle, Paul - K & 11, Nos. 3, 4, 5 2.63 27.04 5.25 2.19 5.25 14.92 2.98 9.02 3.50 26.25 16.10 10.63 10.33 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Leon-.u.'»UNTY OF MOORE rhe undersigned having duly qualified as the executor of the Estate of Anita K. Cowin, deceas ed, late Of the above named Coun ty and State, all persons, firms and corporations having claims of whatever nature against the said Anita K. Cowin, deceased, are hereby notified to exhibit the said claim or claims to the undersign- on or before the 14th day of De cember, 1962, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recow ery. All persons, firms and cor porations indebted to the said An ita K. Cowin, deceased, are here by requested to pay the said in debtedness to the undersigned im mediately. This the 14th day of June, 1962, THE CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF SOUTHERN PINES, Execu tor of the Estate of Anita K. Cowin. J14,21,28Ju5c Cameron, Flora Hill - O & 14, Nos. 13, 14 Cameron, Lindsay H. - L & 13, No. 6 Campbell, Darious - N & 12, No. 8 & al Campbell, James Sam - O & 15, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 24, Pt. 4 Caroline, James - R & 13, Nos. 9 & 10 Cassady, Ather & Bertha - M & 10, No. 2 Cassady, Joseph - K & 11, Pt. No. 2 Caviness Hrs., Eli - N & 12, No. 13 Chavis Norman - B. Harris Lot Conyers, Ulysses - I & 14, Nos. 6 & 7 Cotton, Dora - O & 13, No. 3 Covington, Carrie - M & 13, No. 15 Davis, Emma Mae - S & 12, No. 20 Davis, Wayne - 1 Lot W. S. P Dew, Anna Bell.- P & 15, Nos. 7 & 8 Dobbins, Naomi - P & 11, No. 6 Dockery, Sadie Dowdy - R & 12, No. 11 & al Douglas, Josephine - O & 13, No. 20 Douglas, Perline - K & 8, No. 16 & al Dowdy, James & Mary - M & 12, No. 12 Dowdy, Joseph & Marie - N & 11, No. 16, Ms al Dowdy, Leroy & Melba - L & 14, 19, 20 Drake, W. D. - L & 9, Nos. 11, 12, Pt. 9 Dunlap, Lillie - M & 13, Nos. 20, 21, Pt. sq Fletcher, Lawrence - Page Add., Nos. 60 & 61 Flowers, Clarence - J St 12, 50 x 100 Flowers, Nannie B. - L St 13, Nos. 11 St 12 Gillis, John St Hattie - Q St 13, No. 8, P St 13, Nos. 1 19, 20 .... Gonzales, Elizabeth - Q St 13, No. 17-20 2.10 Goode, George Floyd - J St 7, No. 11, J St 7, Nos. 7 St 8 31.07 Graham, Jesse St Muriel - L St 13, No. 12 56.27 Graham, Soloman - O St 13, Nos. 6 St 7 35.18 Graham, Willie - O St 14, No. 17, sq 23.72 Gray, Sallie St Draman - Page Ld., No. 163 .70 Green, A. IV-“J. St 8, Nos. 18, 19, 22 53.47 Hainswofth, Eldridge - P St 9, % No. 20 10.85 ^Hainsworth Hrs., Willie - P St 9, No. 20, Store, Q St 9, Nos. 22, 23, 24, al., Q St 9, Nos. 13,14,15 21.89 Hainsworth, Willie Jr. - P St 9 No, 19 12.25 Hallman,Laura B. - R St 10, No. 16 32.33 Hancock, D. P. - N St 11, % No. 2 St 3 20.78 Hardin, Aileen - R St 10, No. 11 37.34 Harrington, Joe Louis . O St 10, No. 15 14.44 Harrington, Neville, P St 15, Nos. 10, 11, 12, 9 St al 26.29 Harris, Helen > Q St 9, No. 21 ..^... 6-78 Harvey, Quincy - K St 7, No. 19 10.68 Headin, Victor - L St 16, Nos. 1 St 2 36.65 Hill, Flora Williams - O St 14, Nos. 15, 16, al 4.73 Hill, Hattie St Vincent - N 7, 14, No. 16 70 7.00 1.32 .88 12.03 3.63 20.57 41.32 20.92 24.81 2.75 12.25 49.41 3.77 5.60 1.40 .88 3.50 5.82 1.66 27.40 23.45 13.22 5.95 25.99 2.72 35.88 15.00 35.13 Lutz, Albert - L St 13, No. 18, 25’ of No. 17 McCall, Annie M. - Page Land, 1 Lot McCall, Mary St Joe - P St 12, Nos. 5, 6, St al. McDonald, Cecile, O St 16, Nos. 1,2, O St 15, No. 21 McDowell, Mabel Medlin - M St 9, 1-4 sq. al Mclver, Elizabeth - Q St 11, No. 17, al Mclver, Fred - Q St 13, No. 1, 2, St 24 Mclver, Mrs. Joe John - K St 14, No. 4 McKayhan, Jake St Emma - P St 11, Nos. 15 St 16 16.67 McKayhan, John St Myrtle - N St 14, No 6 19.08 McKayhan, Lillie - Jim Town, Nos. 1 St 2 4.20 McKayhan, Matthew St Dorothy - Iowa Ave. No. 965, Q St 12, Nos. 21 St 22 34.87 McLaughlin, Lubertie St Willie G. - Buchan Ld., 50 x 100 29.74 McMillan, Marjorie - Q St 13, No. 4, Pt. No. 15, O St 13, No. 13 2.75 McNeill, James P. - Q St 11, Nos. 13, 14 21.97 McNeill, Nancy Graham - N St 12, No. 20, Vz No. 21 35.07 McNeUl, Willa - I St 14, No. 8 3.33 Malloy, Noah - Geo. Brower, 1 Lot 25.82 Marsh, Lydia - J St 7, No. 5, al - 11.82 Marshall, Major St Hattie - P St 10, Nos. 1 St 2 32.73 Mayo, Ardelia - L St 14, No. 18 34.48 Medley, Cora - M St 9, Nos. 19, 20 6.13 Medlin, Howard St Dorothy - P St 6, No. 2, al 15.09 Medlin, Howard Jr. - O St 16, No. 4 24.18 Miller, Annie Mae St Harold - Q St 5, Pt. 4, 5, St al 35.79 Miller, James R. St Mary Helen Parker - N St 11, No. 20 1.88 Mines, Ponnell St Mabel - P St 10, Nos. 16, 17, 18, al 3.98 Monroe, Willie - P St 14, Nos. 6, 7, St 8 9.72 Morris, Earl St Addie - P St 14, No. 10 38.50 Murchison, Willie Brice St Ida Mae - P St 14, No. 24 11.20 Norman, Ethel St James - S St 11, Nos. 17 St 18 2.40 Oates, Corlin St Elna - Q St 11, No. 4 7.27 Parrish, Almar - P St 11, Nos. 7 St 8 10.50 Patterson, Inell - P St 12, No. 15 .88 Person, Annie - M St 13, No. 22 3.75 Person, John St Ann M. - West Haven 1, No. 21 13.39 Person, Rebecca - Page Add., Nos. 87 St 88 4.03 Petty, Hrs., Mary - L St 11, Nos. 5 St6 18.20 Pratt, Alex - Q St 11, Nos. 24, 23 St 14 al 6.34 Pratt, Dinah - L St 12, No. 2 4.24 Pride, Eddie R. St Willie E. Shaw - O St 9, Nos. 4 through 10 6.08 Pugh, James - N St 9, Nos. 7 St 8, M St 13, Pts. No. 9, 10 St 7 ... 27.22 Quick, Edward - J St 7, Nos. 17 St 18, Eagle Field Est., 1 lot, J St 8, No. 21 51.81 Quick , James Edward - J St 8, No. 2, N St 14, No. 5, N St 7, No. 8 10.07 Ray, Thomas - N St 12, al. St 26 ft. No. 10 16.63 Reed, Charles - O St 16, No. 1 45.98 Rich, Myrtle May - Q St 10, Nos. 1 2 St 3 7.53 Richardson, Bonnie - S St 11, Nos. 21 31.59 Rogers, Robert - P St 12, No. 9, Q St 11, Nos. 22, 23, t4 al 17.17 Ross, George E. - O St 10, Nos. 3, 4 al. 25.50 , Ross Est., W. H. - L St 16, No. 4 22.58 Russell Hrs., James Willie - O St 12, Nos. 13, 14, Pt. 12 13.57 Saunders Hrs., Augustu - P St 13, No. 9, Pt. No. 10, al 9.72 Saunders, Herman T. - L St 15, Nos. 19 & 20 7.62 Sellars, Walter Champ - P St 14, Nos. 5, 6 St al., P St 14, No. 23, i/z al. St sq 18.55 Skipper, Archie M. - I St 12, No. 5 17.33 Sloan, Olar - S St 13, No. 1 - 7.70 Smith, Henritta - M St 10, No. 12 29.93 Smith, John J. - Q St 10, Nos. 2, 24 17.85 Smith, Vernon St Janie - Q St 13, Nos. 1, 2, 3 16.10 Smith, Vernon R. St Virginia - L St 11, sq 10.45 Stanback, Essie - I St 14, No. 4-Bethea 1-53 Staton, Viola Hasty - M St 10, No. 15 3.50 Steele, Cora St Alberta - Conn. Ave., 1 Lot 12.08 Steele, Jacob - R St 12, Nos. 11, 12 12.52 Stephens, Catherine W.- M St 11, Nos. 13, 14 7.00 Stevenson, James - New Hamp. Ave., 1 Lot 6.95 Stevenson, Robert - N St 4, Pt. sq 10.85 Stokes, William - I St 12, No. 1 .70 Strickland Hrs., C. H. - O St 10, Nos 9, 10, 11, al 24.10 Stubbs, Mack - P St 12, Nos. 7 St 8 7.88 Terry, Carl - N St 14, No. 12, 16’ of No. 11, J St 9, No. 8, Pt. 7 15.05 Terry, Joe - McDougald Ld. 1 Lot 3.15 Thomas, Samuel - N St 12, No. 22, 1 Lot, Vancamp 13.22 12.25 20.52 19.20 36.42 31.26 13.09 Thomas, Willarsten - K St 13, 14 No. 2 Threadgill, Milas - N St 9, Nos. 17, 18, 20 Turner, Elmond St Leile - N St 9, No. 17, al Turner, George St Lu Ella - O St 9, Nos. 1, 2, 3 Turner, James - O St 14, Nos. 8, 9 Turner, Mary - S St 12, Nos. 5, 6 Waddell, Milton St Queenie - L St 11, No. 14 43.18 Wade, Lucy B. - M St 13, 5, 6 22.04 Wade, William Thomcis - M St 13, Nos. 7, Pt. 8, 10 7.57 Wagner, Vincent - J St 7, No. 6 1.32 Wallace, Mamie - Q St 9, No. 1 .88 Watson, Ethel Mae - N St 12, No. 7 10.42 White, Johnny St Gladys - Q St 9, Nos. 5, 6, 9 23.89 White, J. L. - S St 11, Nos. 9,10 3.15 White, Odell St Annie - O St 11, Nos. 3, 4 9.00 Wicker, Donnie Lee - N St 13, No. 23 18.12 William, J. A. - L St 13, Nos. 23, 24, al. 10.85 Williams, Richard - J St 8, No. 5 St al 28.48 Williams, Robert A. - O St 9, Nos. 20, 21, 22 14.77 Wilson, IdeU - P St 12, No. 16 i........... 88 Wilson, Jonah St Carrie - West Haven No. 2, Nos. 43, 44 1.75 Wortham Hrs. Rass - Page, No. 55, 56 9:40 Worthy, D. J. - K St 8, Nos. 9, 10, 11, al 20.57 Wright, Willie St Ada - P St 10, No. 19, 22 7.00 York Hrs., Annie Mae - N St 11, No. 17 11.82 York, Prentiss - N St 13, No. 5, 6, St al.. Page Add. Nos. 79, 80, 178, 179 18.48

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