Page FOUR THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1962 Womens Activities and Sandhills Social Events MARY EVELYN de NISSOFF, Editor TELEPHONE OX 2-6512 Charla Marcum Debuts This Week As Singer At Carolina Pine Room Singer of popular songs and blues, Miss Charla Marcum of Southern Pines, will be the fea tured entertainer on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings at the Pine Room of the Carolina Hotel in Pinehurst. She made her initial appear ance for the season there Tuesday with the Basil Freeman orchestra. Miss Marcum, who made a “one-night stand” in the Pine Room last season, has been fea tured singer with the Bob Smith Orchestra of Fayetteville for the past 16 months. A 1961 Miss North Carolina beauty pageant contestant, she brought home from Charlotte the “Miss Congeniality” title, on un animous vote of the other 68 com peting beauties. She appeared in the 1960 Scan dals of the Sandhills and also that season, sang nightly at the Pine Needles Lodges and Country Club in Knollwood. In her spare time, the talented miss, who also composes songs and lyrics, teaches piano stud.ents at her home, 235 South Ashe St., where she lives with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marcum. And when she is not singing, teaching or making recordings at Durham, where sh*3 has a long term recording contract, Charla “keeps shop” at the Mary-Go- Round Gift Shop in Pinehurst for owner-manager Mrs. Kenneth (Mary) Ferris. Camerons Visit Their Sons On Delayed 50th Anniversary Trip The Clifton Camerons have re cently returned to their cottage at Stoneybrook after a week’s trip to New York which was really a delayed celebration of their Gold en Wedding anniversary. The Camerons, who were both born near Manly, attended high school there, and have lived in that section since their marriage 50 years ago last April, have been visiting their son Carlyle, his wife and their two young sons in Hicksville, Long Island, and their older son, Clifton, Jr. and his wife - in Brooklyn. They also paid a visit to Lillian Earl Bullock, who works in New York City. Lillian’s mother is the wife of Hubert Cameron, the Clifton Camerons’ son who lives in Southern Pines. “This is the first time my hus band has gone on a trip since we were married,” said Mrs. Camer on, “and I guess it was the thought of seeing the grandchil dren (Carlyle’s second son and namesake was born quite recent ly) that got him away.” Mr. Cameron managed Mrs. Reid Healy’s Firleigh Farms for many years before her death last year. U. S. OFFICER WRITES TO WIFE HERE Appeal Made For Clothing, Blankets To Aid Children In Korea Orphanage An Army captain stationed in Korea this week wrote his wife an urgent appeal for clothing and blankets for 68 native children who are desperately in need of these necessities before the an nual bitter cold of the Korean winter rets in. Capt. Carl Young, whose wife Mary Lou and their three young daughters live with her mother, Mrs. Colin Smith on East Indiana Avenue, recently took command of an infantry company which, he discovered, had sponsored the Sung Ji orphanage in Korea. Upon his first visit there, he found that the 68 orphan inmates, between the ages of three and 13, were living in a dirty, three- room shack with only three mat tresses to sleep on. The children were in rags and their only water supply was 50 yards up a moun tain so they had to carry the water back in pails to their quar ters. Captain Young persuaded a company of Army engineers to dig a well and paid for the pump with money contributed by the U. S. troops. But the youngsters still need warm clothing, and Mrs. Young asks any persons who may have used clothes and blankets to call her at 692-2361. She will then send on anything she can collect to her husband for use at the or phanage. COUNTY GOP CHAIRMAN COMMENDS REPUBLICAN WOMEN AT MEETING Mrs. William R. Bonsai, III, on behalf of the Sandhills Republi can Women’s Club, of which she is president, welcomed club mem bers, their guests, and visiting GOP organizations gathered at the Pinehurst Country Club on Monday evening. Mrs. Bonsai then introduced C. C. Thompson of Pinebluff, who presented many of the local can didates whose names will appear on the Republican ballot at Tues day’s election. Special recognition was given Wallace W. O’Neal of Pinehurst in his home precinct, the county, and the state of North Carolina. Mr. Harrington gavo a detailed account of Republican progress to date, and disclosed plans for final efforts to be made during this last week before election. The enthusiastic crowd of close to 100 women received Chairman Harrington’s praise for their part in the large increase in Republi can registrations. He also stated that the high caliber of Republican candidates for election, including Congr-sss- for waging a most active cam- Charles R. Jonas with his paign and for enlightening the public as to the responsibilities of the office which he is seeking, that of county commissioner. Moore County Republican chairman, James E. Harrington, Jr. of Pinehurst was given a standing ovation as a tribute to fine record of public service, rep resents a most important step forward towards a two-party system in North Carolina. the exceptional job he has done candidates. Refreshments were served after the meeting and club members attending were given the oppor tunity to meet and talk with the Three Top Teams Named In Sandhill Duplicate Tourney Mrs. Margaret Lavery and Mrs. J. J. Spring took top honors in Tuesday evening’s regular Sand hill Duplicate Bridge Club ses sion. In second place were Mrs. Anna Skinner and Frank deCosta and the husband-wife team from West End, the Harold Markhams, took home the third prize. Local Student Pledges Honorary Fraternity in Art At East Carolina Fourteen students of art at East Carolina College have just be come pledges of Delta Phi Delta, national honorary fratemits' in art, according to an announce ment by John Goodheart of Balti more, Md., president of the or ganization. All were selected on the basis of high academic stand ing. Each of the pledges has submit ted two examples of his work as an artist for display in the Meth odist Student Center in Green ville. The Pledge Show, now hung in the Center, will be on view for the next two weeks. Among those honored by invi tations to join the fraternity is Barbara Blackwelder of Southern Pines. Barbara is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Blackwelder of 250 West New York Avenue. Indoor Circus Comes To Vass-Lakeview School Gym Monday Ten All-Star circus acts, inclu ding trained dogs, aerial acts, an imals, acrobats and clowns, will be presented at Vass on Monday, November 5. The Vass Lions Club is sponsor ing the appearance of the All American Indoor Circus in the Vass-Lakeview High School gym. The performance begins at 7:30 p. m. and there will be many acts besides those listed above to be shown for the enjoyment of the “young in heart.” Mrs. Mock Hostess At Supper Monday Mrs. John C. Mock entertained friends and neighbors at a de lightful barbecue supper Monday evening at her Fort Bragg Road home. MISS JOHNSTON December Wedding Planned By Miss Johnston, Mr. Davis Mr. and Mrs. James W. John ston of Versailles, Ky. announce the engagement of their daughter, Sallie Dunlap Johnston, to Mar tin Dorner Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Davis of 265 South Valley Road. The wedding will take place December 23 at the New Union Christian Church. The bride-elect graduated from Margaret Hall School and Duke University where she was a mem ber of Delta Delta Delta Sorority. Mr. Davis, who also attended Duke, where he was a member of the 'Triangle Fraternity, will be graduated from Speed Scientific School in Louisville in December. He will then be commissioned an ensign in the U. S. Navy. Surprise Party Honors Couple Celebrating Silver Anniversary A Southern Pines couple, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Garzik, wHo cele brated their 25th wedding anni versary here Wednesday in the town where they met and mar ried, wer.3 entertained at a sur prise party Sunday. Hosts were Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Cuff and Mr. and Mrs. A. Levy, who entertained the anniversary couple at a buffet supper at the Cuff home, 430 North Ridge St. Present at the party, in addi tion to th.3 Garziks’ daughter, Phyllis and her fiance, Frank Hall, of Greensboro, were Mr. and Mrs. Don Jones and Miss Millie Montesanti. Phyllis Garzik had brought a beautiful, decorated cake from Greensboro and the buffet table was centered with a fall arrange ment of bronze and gold chrysan themums. The Garziks received many lovely gifts of silver. % * MW — MISS JUDY BETH CHANDLER, whose engagement to Kenneth Manning Reid is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Leland Chandler, Jr. of 215 South Highland Road. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid of Southern Pines. No wedding data has been set. Both the bride-elect and her fiance graduated from the South ern Pines High School. Miss Chandler attended St. Mary’s Junior College, the Ringling School of Art in Sarasota, Fla., and is presently a student at East Carolina College. Mr. Reid, who attended the University of North Carolina is at present stationed at Keesler AFB, Biloxi, Miss. In and Out of Town Two Speakers Heard At Women’s Fellowship Meet At United Church The Women’s Fellowship of the United Church of Christ met last Thursday with the Margaret White Circle in charge of lunch eon for the group. Tables were decorated with flowers and black cutout silhou ettes. Presiding over the meeting was Mrs. J. E. Parker, Women’s Fel lowship president. Mrs. Tom Shockley gave the devotion. Program chairman Mrs. Hicks Keser introduced two guest speakers: Miss Anniel Jones of the Health and Welfare Depart ment and Mrs. William B. Bodine, director of volunteers at Moore Memorial Hospital, who gave talks on persons with special needs. After committee reports were heard, Mrs. Parker closed the meeting with prayer. Four Circles of Brownson Memorial Meet Next Week The following Circles of Brown- son Memorial Presbyterian Church will meet Monday, No vember 5, at 8 p. m.: Circle 1 with Mrs. Wayland Blue at 345 East Maine Avenue and Circle 2 with Mrs. J. F. Williams at 1090 South Bennett St. Circle 3 meets at 3 p. m. Tues day with Mrs. T. C. Johnston on Midland Road and Circle 7 meets Tuesday at 10 a. m. with Mrs. Neill McKay, East Indiana Ave nue Extension. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Thomas were their grandchildren, Laura and Betsy, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Thomas of Winston-Salem. Here for the week with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Flory on Morganton Road ar.3 Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Dyer of Marion, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Beers arriv ed this week from their summer home in Seeleys Bay, Ontario, and are at their place on Fair way Drive for the season. Col. and Mrs. Alfred M. Kos- ter sP'Ont the weekend in Colum bia, S. C. where they went to re new their acquaintance with sev eral friends attending the 1962 session of the Episcopal House of Bishops. They enjoyed visits with Bishop Russoll Hubbard of Spo kane, Wash., who officiated at their confirmation; with Bishop Hedden of Panama who confirm ed their older son. Navy Lieuten ant A. M. Koster, IV, and with Bishop Bayne of England. Mrs. Charles Beers has arrived from Ridgewood, N. Y. and is occupying an apartment in the R. W. Tate house for the winter. Mrs. Virgil Page Clark has re turned to her home here after a visit with her daughter. Miss Nancy Wrenn at Camp Awa-niko near Asheville, and with her son, Clement Wrenn, Jr. and his fam ily in Greensboro. Her.3 for a weekend visit with his sister. Miss Helen Butler and with his brother, Howard Butler, was Cyrus Butler of Chappaqua, N. Y. who just returned from a five weeks’ business trip to In dia. Mrs. George Kellerman, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. J. B. Rountree on Midland Road for several weeks left Fri day for her home in Honolulu, Hawaii. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Lehman W. Miller returned Tuesday to their Hill Road home after a three- months’ trip to Europe. They flew first to Germany, then toured Austria, Italy, Switzerland and Spain, visiting also Portugal and Majorca. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sain are arriving this weekend from Bronxville, N. Y. for a visit with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard O’Malley on Maples Road. Miss Mildred Hatfield returned to her Morganton Road home this week after the summer in Brad ford, Pa. Miss Harriet Barnum left Tues day for a lO-day stay in New York City. After summering in New York City and at Murray Bay, Canada, Mrs. John Elmendorf is back at her Knollwood home for the sea son. and Pete Walls, both of Rocking ham, Wednesday flew to Jack sonville, N. C. for the opening of a new Collins Store there. Harold Collins was unable to attend the opening as he is a patient follow ing minor surgery at Moore Mem orial Hospital. Miss Jean Hunsucker of Cnar- lotte spent the past weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Meinnis. Lutheran Church Women Meet Monday The Women of Our Saviour Lu theran Church will hold their monthly meeting Monday, No vember 5, at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. John Williams, 460 West Delaware Avenue. Looking Ahead LEARN MORE CLASS The Learn More Bible Class will meet with Miss Mary E. Richardson, 200 North Bennett Street, Monday evening at 8 o’clock. RUMMAGE SALE The Women’s Fellowship of the United Church of Christ will sponsor a rummage sale Friday and Saturday, November 2 and 3, in the Montesanti Building on Pennsylvania Avenue. ST. MARY’S GUILD Capt. Osborn.3 /Mauck of the Episcopal Church Army will speak on his work at the meeting of St. Mary’s Guild, to be held Monday, November 5, at 2:30 p. m. in the parish hall of Emman uel Episcopal Church. All in terested persons are invited. Tea will be served after the meeting. New Heir-Rivah THOMAS ERIC GOODWIN Sgt. and Mrs. T. E. Goodwin of Spring Lake are the parents of a second son, Thomas Eric, born October 19 at Highsmith Hospi tal in Fayetteville. The baby’s mother is the former Jonsie Mc- Crimmon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McCrimmon of South ern Pines. The couple’s older boy, Stephen, is two and a half. Mrs. Harold A. Collins of South- linsl ern Pines, her son, James Collins SUSAN M. RICHARDSON A third daughter. Susan Marie, was born Sunday at Moore Mem orial Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Eveleth Richardson of Manly. The baby weighed six pounds, five and a half ounces. Their oth er children are Ann, 19, Tommy, 12, Larry, seven and Patricia, four. Southern Pines High School News By JEANNE BUUTLER Street Dance Last night, Halloween, after a parade and carnival for the chil dren, a street dance was held for the young people. Jerry Daeke’s combo played and the dance was enjoyed by young people not only 'rom Southern Pines but neigh boring towns also. Rings and Invitations A representative from Balfour Ring Co. was at school Wednes- Dr. Grier To Speak To Youth Fellowship At United Church Dr. John C. Grier, Jr. of Pine- burst will speak to the Youth Fel lowship of the United Church of Christ, and their parents, follow ing a 6 p. m. snack at the church Sunday. The speaker will talk on “Anxieties of Youth.” On Wednesday, the youth choir will meet at 7 p. m.; the board of deacons at 7 and the senior choir, at 8. The board of Christian educa tion meets Thursday, November 8 at 8 p. m. Circles of the Women’s Fel lowship meeting on Thursday are as follows: Fanny Timmons at 10 a. m. with Mrs. Carl Wallace; Lena Sweezy at 2:30 p. m. with Mrs. Leland Daniels, Sr.; Margaret White at 3 p. m. with Mrs. Carl Foss; Friendship in the church parlor at 3; Ruth Burr Sanborn at 8 p. m. with Mrs. Sybil Austin. day to take the Junior class or ders for class rings. These should arrive early next spring. Also on Wednesday the seniors selected their graduation invita tions and calling cards. Each will order his own within two or three weeks. F. H. A. The FHA girls are planning their second regular meeting, to be held Monday night at 7. The program will include a parent- student panel discussion on “Why Teenagers and Parents Often Dis agree.” Miss Loree Keen, FHA advisor and home economics teacher, is attending the N. C. Home Econ omic Association convention, Thursday through Saturday in Asheville. She is the second vice president of the Association for 1963-64 and also Chairman of Work for 1962-64. Basketball Team Looking ahead to basketball season, on Monday a meeting was held for all boys, interested in joining the varsity squad. Mr. Kruger, who is going to coach the boy’s team this year, said that about 35 signed up. Rally, Game andi Dance The team will play the last home football game this week with Hope Mills. Preceding the game will be a pep rally, Thurs day night at 7. After the game Friday night the Student Coun cil has planned a sock-hop in the Student Lounge. Visitors Arriving This Week At The Jefferson Inn E. R. Davis of Charlotte, a form er Southern Pines resident, ar rived today for two weeks at the Jefferson Inn. Other arrivals there during the oast week include M. A. Bean of Moorfield, W. Va., making his | annual visit en route south. WSl- I liam H. Whitman was at the Inn for th.3 weekend, returning Mon day to his home in Jersey City, N. J. William Ellis has gone back to Washington, D. C. after several days there. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Batson of Morristown, .N. J. are arriving this weekend for a visit at the Jefferson. Mr. Batson and his son sp.3nt two days there last week. Guests On Golfing Trip, Others, Arrive At Hollywood Hotel Mrs. Rufus Sprague of Somer ville, N. J. has arrivad at the Hol lywood Hotel for the winter sea son. Guests at the Hollywood, here on a golfing vacation, are Mrs. F. Beecher, Mrs. Louis Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Vogt of Albany, N. Y. and Robert A. Rupp of Hamburg, Pa. Dr. and Mrs. Hass.altine of Bristol, Vt. made a brief visit here en route to Florida. At the hotel for a visit are Mrs. Walworth Tyng of Cambridge and Mrs. John Tyng of Charlottes ville, Va. John Buggies about this question: “I know that your new Home- owners Policy provides cover age for glass breakage, vandalism, water damage from plumbing and heating systems, etc. Does it also include theft and personal liability insurance at about 20% savings in premiums?” Barnum Really & Insurance Co. Citizens Bank Bldg. Southern Pines, N. C. Mrs. Worth Wins Par Seekers Fall Golf Championship Winner of the Par Seekers’ an nual fall golf championship at the Southern Pines Country Club was Mrs. T. C. Worth, Jr. who this week defeated Mrs. Dick Davis in the finals. The first flight was won by Mrs. George Pottte, who defeated Mrs. William J. Donavan; second flight winner, Mrs. E. A. Regan, won by default. The Par Seekers’ regular week ly tournament was rained out Wednesday. Bellowses Hosts At Party At Hollywood Hotel On Thursday Entertaining a number of Sand hills friends at a cocktail party last Thursday at the Hollywood Hotel were Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Bellows of 140 North Ridge Street, ON HONOR ROLL Billy Caton. who attends Caro lina Military Academy at Maxton, was on the Academy’s honor roil ter the past semester, according to information received here. Billy, a member of the senior class and a regular player on the school’s football team, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William K. Caton of Hill Road. Because of this simple demonstration, hun dreds of our customers have bought Twist-0- Flex watchbands by Speidel. It proves with out a doubt that Twist- 0-Flex is the most flexi ble, durable, comfortable watchband in the world! Looks like a million too- ... but the clincher is the price! Only $4.95 in stainless steel, $6.95 to $10.95 in 10 karat gold- filled! Come in today. Choose from twenty handsome Twist-0-Flex designs. We’U custom fit it to your wrist and watch. The Glitter Box Aberdeen, N. C.

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