Page SIX THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1963 The National Society for Crip- lyiEmfC S DEDCAMAI Q pled Children and Adults, with j W Add IwEWwd OK b EladwWALd . 1,400 affiliates, is the oldest and ; BY MRS. CHARLES CAMERON j given for their outstanding play-' largest voluntary agency serving | Honored ' winning the sports the physical handicapped. Con- j ^ community get-together and tributions to the annual Easter: dance honoring the Vass-Lake- Seal Campaign, now underway, fi- | girls team. County basket- nance its work. ball champions, was enjoyed, by some 200 parents, citizens, teach- and i ers, and high school boys and I girls in the school cafeteria Fri day night. • Decorations of blue and white, the school colors, were prevalent throughout the hall, with a dis play of basketball trophies at the 01i fi ciiiCv-.. I From the refreshment table ce vered v/ith a whi‘'e cloth with d', lions of blue silhouettes of ■-'‘1 Jia-d^c-tbail players and cen- 'f,.ect:ve over 15 years, of afie. | tered with the gold basketball. Deep-doam relief . . . fast, wlion pain i attacks <'f minor Arthritis, Kheu- j matism, Packache or Muscular A * .^)ccur. Tliat’s what you icant. And | that’ what yc!u when you | RRCVO Tnbk-ts. Proven /a.s’f, snfe - OUii GUARANTEE: use the tablet size as directed for 10 days. Given this fair trial, PRUVO may help you. You must get tlie wont’er- fu' relief millions have or your m< back. At druggists everywhere. manship trophy for three consecu tive years. Special recognition was given David Crockett, a senior, and recent winner of a Morehead Scholarship and to David’s sister, Ann, the County v/inner of the Piecitation - Declamation contest held af Carthage on Thursday night of last week. J. E. Causey presented the girls with a certificate and gold basket balls, inscribed “1963 Champions”. Mee; Circles of the Presbyterian Women of the Church ’"let. last week with urograms on “Evangel ism.” A social hour with refresh- afternoon. Billy Holder, who was a patient for a number of weeks at Moore Memorial Hospital and has since been a shut-in-at home, is show ing great improvement and is able to he up and out. . F. R. Smith is a shut-in - at home. Claude Doss, who was hospita lized at St. Joseph’s Hospital be fore being transferred to N. C. Memorial Hospital, Chapel Hill, underwent major surgery, a leg amputation, Thursday. Mrs. Horace Mullinix, Mrs. Robert Coffey, Mrs. James Hud son, Mrs. Charles Cameron, and Bill Frye attended classes at the Bible School Institute at Page Memorial Methodist Church on Tuesday of last week. CRAIG DRUG CO. 107 Sycamore St. ABERDEEN, N. C. I ments followed each meeting. |i