THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1963 THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina Page THIRTEEN 0 '.■0 m I '. M MRS. JANE STRUTHERS Mrs. Struthers Returns To CP&L Mrs. Jane Struthers has re turned to Carolina Power & Light Company as home service representative in the Sanford District, it was announced this week by F. Crom Lennon, San ford District manager. Mrs. Struthers succeeds Miss Betty Rose Frazier, who recently resigned the post to be married. Mrs. Struthers had held the local opposition seven years prior to leaving the company last spring. Lennon said Mrs. Struthers will be working with home makers, civic groups, with build ers and appliance dealers in pro motion of “electric living.” Her area includes Sanford, PittsDoro, Southern Pines, Aberdeen and Carthage. PILOT ADVERTISING PAYS John Ciardi To Speak Al St. Andrews Friday John Ciardi—poet, editor, teacher, author, translator—will spend a day and a half on the St. Andrews Presbyterian College cam,pus at Laurinburg, Thursday and Friday, April 11 and 12. “How Dees A Poem Mean?” is Ciardi’s lecture title for 8 p. m. Friday at the National Guard Armory. Tickets will be on sale to the public at the doors. The English department of St. Andrews will have a public re ception after the lectures. St. An drews students will meet Ciardi for a forum-discussion Friday afternoon. We have an exciting variety of TROPICAL FISH Delightful pets for all the family We have just restocked with Angel Fish Neon Tetras Swordfish Red Mollies Black Mollies Guppies Hatchets Gold Tetras Black Tetras Tiger Barbs Velvet Red Catfish Red Moons Gold Moons Zebras Swords CURTIS RADIO & TV SERVICE 712 S. W. Bread Street Southern Pines JACQUIH'S VODKA $ PINT CHARCOAL-PROCESSED I Distilled from select graIn/80 PROOF • Cbas. Jacquin et Cie.j Inc., Phlla., Pa. TOTAL PERFORMANCE TAVERN SITE TODAY— Julian Lockhart Bryan of Moncure stands on a knoll where the old Ramsey Tavern stood, overlook ing Deep River. At riglit is the new U. S. Highway 1, north of Sanford, and the bridge over the river. The Ramsey Mill was located on the river just to the left of the bridge. Mr. Bryan recalls the days when a steamboat plied Deep River between Fayetteville and Lockville which was located not far from the area pictured. (Fayetteville) and beyond. The locale has gone by many names over the years: “Fork of the Haw and Deep,” “Haywood- borough,” “Haywood,” “Lock ville” and finally “Moncure.” In 1788 Haywood was a thriv ing community. Convenient to water and stage travel and al most exactly in the geographic center of the state, it was in the running with six others for the site of the State Capitol. An oak grove near the present Haywood Presbyterian Church had already been considered for the capitol grounds. Outvoledi by Raleigh As luck would have it, Hay wood was outvoted by Raleigh and lost the chance to become the state capital. But the community remained a center of commerce. Here was located a branch of the state pen itentiary; iron works and several mills flourished; the Raleigh and Augusta Railroad (now Seaboard) built a line through the commu nity, its engineer. Captain Thom as Jefferson Moncure, later giv ing the community his name. Perhaps the one thing that set Haywood apart was the presence of the navigation locks on the nearby Deep, allowing river traf fic to continue upstream to Car- bonton and Cumnock. According to historians, the community became known as Lockville during the Civil War period, due to the commercial importance of the locks. The Cape Fear Navigation Company, chartered in 1796, had built nav igation facilities here and down stream at Buckhorn on the Cape Fear. The old Ramsey Mill was oper ated during the Civil War by J. A. Parham, who was relieved of his military duty due to his im portant occupation as supplier of meal and flour for Confederate troops. Following the war, John Bar ringer, born Johannes Behringer in Germany, came to the region and bought the Bland Mill on Haw River. Two weeks later his mill was destroyed by flood waters. Barringer moved to the Deep River and operated a mill there, later building a three-story brick roller mill near the Ramsey Mill site. Damaged by Flood The old Ramsey Mill was bad ly damaged by flood waters in 1901 and fell into disuse. The millstones, one remaining from its Revolutionary War operation and others reportedly shipped from France during the Civil War era, sank deeper into the silt of the mill’s tailrace, where they were foimd and excavated by CP&L crews. We’ve Added Something New! To better serve our patrons we now have a FACIAL BOOTH ^^sing the famous Dermetics line, a complete fastest^way^°^^^”^ beauty and to clear blemishes the n.. SPECIAL; Dermetics Teen-Age Medicated Kit Our Permanents mclude: Helene Curtis, Zotos, Realistic, So Lovely Beautiful Body, Last Word MRS. DAN LEWIS Ph. 294-2073 Lewis Beauty Shop MISS FAYE McKENZIE MRS. PEGGY DAVIS Murdocksville Rd. 1 mile west of Pinehurst 5"' m FORD GALAXIE 500/XL SPORTS HARDTQP YOU’LL KNOW WHY FORD SWEPT THE FIRST FIVE PLACES AT DAYTONA...WHEN YOUR ’63 FORD IS STILL 60ING STRONG YEAR AFTER YEAR Daytona's big, banked oval puts unbelievable stresses and strains on engines, steering gears and frames. The Fords that won at Daytona took all the punishment this famous track could dish out over 500 miles of grueling competition with out missing a beat. In this toughest of all stock car events, mechanical failures claimed over fifty per cent of the starting field. But of twelve Fords entered, nine went the distance. Ford took six of the first ten places. ^ Five-hundred-mile events like Daytona are a public demon stration of toughness, reliability and sheer engineering excel lence that are part of the new generation of Fords. A test like this can't be duplicated on anybody's testing grounds—it's run right out in the open. Any car can enter. But only the car that has the best total combination of strength, balance, precision control and road-clinging suspension can win ... that's what we mean by total performance. Visit your Ford Dealer before you buy any other new car. Here's what you'll find: a new kind of totai-car durability, a new kind of handling ability, a suspension that is startlingly smooth yet sticks to the road like tar. If you haven't driven one lately, you can't really know what a new Ford is like. Remember, if it's built by Ford, it's buili. for performance... total performance! solid, silent SUPER TORQUE FOR 60 YEARS THE SYMBOL OF DEPENDABLE PRODUCTS DRIVE THE CARS WITH TOTAL PERFORMANCE AT YOUR FORD DEALER'S TODAY! CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE SAVE BY MAIL Iff You Are Earning More, Why Not Save More _ ^ And Why Not Get The Maximum In Both Earning And Safety At First Federal Savings Loan Ass'n Corner S. Steele & Wicker Streets W. M. Womble. Exec. Vice-President “ ' Assets Over $11,500,000.00 Sanford, N. C. CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE