O THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1963 THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina Page SEVEN Vass News And Personals By MBS. CHARLES CAMERON On Tour George (Butch) Griffin spent Thursday night here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Grif fin, and returned to Greensboro to the Triangle Y Ranch on Fri day to join a group of 40 boys and four counselors, along with the camp director, for a Western Caravan, “Rolling Stones,” sched uled to leave the Ranch this week, for a month’s tour of Cal ifornia, with Disneyland as their ultimate destination. They will visit places of inter est en route. In California, they will visit glamorous Hollywood, the Brown Derby, Grauman’s Theatre, the Hollywood Bowl, the palatial homes of the stars in Beverley Hills, swim in the Blue Pacific, take in a ball game and on to San Francisco to swim in the Fleishacker Pool, which ia the world’s largest pool. A visit to the Golden Gate Park, Chinatown, Golden Gat Bridge, and dinner at the Plantation, are also among the points of interest eagerly awaited by the tourists. Butch has been with the Tri angle Y for the past three sum mers as counselor and was sel ected this year as one of three as sistant directors. The camp is sponsored by the YMCA in Greensboro. He will return to Western Caro- COUNTRY Gentleman DISTILLED LONDON DRY GIN 85 PROOF Distilled from 100% Grain $ in Bottled dy J. A. DOUGHEPP’S SONG, Inr., Distillers Philodeiphia, °a. lina College in the fall where he is a rising senior and plans to teach social sciences. Circle Meets Circle 2 of the Woman’s Society of Christian Service of the Vass Methodist Church met Thursday evening in the fellowship hall. Mrs. Charles Cameron, chairman, gave the call to worship, and pre sided over the business session. Mrs. David Moe read the scrip ture. The program for the month aws “What Shall We Tell Our Children About Suffering.” Mrs. Cameron gave an introduction and a reading in relation to the topic. A social hour with refresh ments followed, with Mrs. H. M. Klingenschmidt, hostess. Birth Announcement An announcement of the birth of a baby girl, born to Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Thomas in Natchetz, Miss., was received by Miss Bes sie Cameron last week. The proud parents have named their daugh ter, who weighed in at eight pounds one and one-half ounces, Karen Ann. The couple lived in the apartment in the Cameron home while Mr. Thomas was sta tioned at Fort Bragg with the Na tional Guard, and Mrs. Thomas taught an elementary class at Vass-Lakeview school. Attend Funeral Miss Bessie Cameron and N. N. McLean attended the funeral services for Mrs. Lawrence Cam eron in Olivia Sunday afternoon, and visited a cousin Mrs. Mclver, at Mamers. Promoted Jerry Smith is here on a 30- day leave from Vanderburg AFB, Calif., with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Smith. Prior to his de parture, he was given a promo tion to Airman First Class. Jerry was recently selected Airman of the month in his squadron. Transferred AjS Clifford R. Hudson was re cently transferred from Selfridge AFB, Mich., to the Azores, where he is expected to be on duty for the next five months. His new address is: A|3 Clifford R. Hud son, AF 14797358, 44th Air Re fueling Sqdn., APO 406, New York, N. Y. Personals Mrs. H. M. Klingenschmidt at tended the Home Economics Con ference at WCUNC last week, commuting each day with other home economists of this area. Lt. Col. and Mrs. P. B. Irby and family, who have visited here with her mother, Mrs. A. M. Cam eron, and his mother, in Raleigh, while Col. Irby was on leave, left Saturday for New York. They will go to Germany for a three-year duty assignment. They will be ac companied abroad by their three Our Southern Pines Office has been consolidated with our Charlotte Ojffice. Harold E. Hassenfelt will serve the Southern Pines area from Charlotte. The address is 110 South Tryon Street and the telephone number is 333-5492. Mr. Hassenfelt will also he available for consultation in Southern Pines on the weekend. He may be reached at Oxford 2-3261. We invite you to make use of our services. Established 1925 Investment Bankers Members New York Stock Exchange and Other Notional Exchanges 110 South Tryon Street Charlotte, N. C. Tel. 333-5492 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin I Q COUNTRY I = fCt\illMV’ii = ^ GENTLEMAN | STRAIGHT I BOURBOH 1 WHISKEY = MONTHS OLD 1 86 PROOF = STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY ■OTTIXO BY A A. OOUGMfRtTS WHS. mC. OtS’tUf* famous 25 PT. ^ = BOHLED BY J. A. DOUGHERTY’S SONS, INC. DISTILLERS, PHiUDELPHIA, PA. = iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiliiiiliiliiiiiiiii children, John, Chipper and Su san. Mrs. J. A. Hudson and children, Gary, Mike and Barbara, of Portsmouth, Va., spent from Tuesday until Friday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Jessup. Connie and Marsha Hud son returned home with their aunt for a week’s visit and Gary and Mike remained for the week with their grandparents and rel atives. Mrs. Garland Cameron and daughters. Misses Judy and Bren da Cameron, visited from Friday evening until Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Womble and family and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smith and children, Joe Michell and Lynn of Greensboro spent Saturday night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Smith, and Jerry. On Sunday, the families left for a vacation in Miami, Fla., and visit ed points of interest in central Florida before returning home Thursday. Mrs. Ossie Smith and Jerry Smith accompanied her niece, Louise Harris, who has been vis iting her with her aunt to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harris, in Palmy ra, Va., on Sunday, returning Monday. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Buster Cameron and family were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Simmons and children Debra and Billy of Candor, Miss Janet Parks, and Johnny Ellis of Greensboro. James (Dood) Hudson is a patient at Cape Fear Valley Hospital, Fayetteville, where he underwent surgery on Wednesday of last week. Sunday visitors with Dood, in addition to Mrs. Hudson, were Roy Frye, Bill Frye, Buddie Mc Rae, P. 'T. Smith, Mrs. Randall Cameron, Edd Boggs, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cameron Warren Eichelberger, Randy Cameron and Gary Hudson. Wayne Frye and Jerry Smith spent Saturday at White Lake. Attending the annual Futrell Reunion, held recently at Denton, were Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mul- linix and children, Jimmy and Janet, and Mr. and Mrs. Roby Fu trell and children, Andy, Nickey and Dona. Miss Bessie Cameron spent from Tuesday until Friday of last week with a nieoe, Mrs. Steve Mallard, at Topsail Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hendrick and children moved on Monday of last week from Jacksonville; Fla., to the community and are in the Rosser home which was vacated by Mrs. Rosser and Dr. R. G. Rosser some years past when they completed a new home nearby, prior to his death. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mullinix and son Jimmy called on Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hall in Cumnick Sun day afternoon. Misses Jeanette Mullinix, Linda Sue Jackson and Larry Oliveras visited Mrs. C. S. Hall in Salem- burg Sunday night. Miss Katharine Whitton of Aiken, S. C., was the weekend guests of Mrs. P. A.. Wilson. Chief Petty Officer and Mrs. Daniel Holder, Jr. of Virginia Beach, Va., spent from Friday un til Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Frye and family. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Blue and Mrs. Lewis Foster visited Coy Blue, Sr. at Memorial Hospital, Chapel Hill, Sunday afternoon. Coy is recuperating from throat surgery he underwent recently and is reported doing well. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Murphey and children, Phil and Harold, of Greensboro were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cameron and family and Mrs. Randall Cameron and visited oth er relatives here during the after noon. Mrs. Joe Caviness accompanied by a friend of Sarosota, Fla., spent from Monday until Friday here with her sister-in-law and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Buster Cameron, and family. During the stay she visited her mother, Mrs. Jim Blake, in Hope Mills, and another brother, Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Cameron and son Dennis on Route 2, Vass. Mrs. Mamie Mortez and chil dren, Susan, Dixie and Lisa, of Kannapolis, were recent visitors here with Mr. and Mrs. Lane Bul lock and family. Debbie McGill of Charlotte came Thursday of last week for a visit with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. McGill. Visitors here with Mrs. R. G. Rosser last week were her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Spicer and boys, Chris and Guy, of Haddonfield, N. J.. here from Monday until Friday, and Mr. and Mrs. John Rosser and children, Anne, John and Robert, who, came Thursday for the day. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Autry, Sr. and granddaughter, Betsy, of Asheboro, who is visiting here with grandparents, accompanied his sister, Mrs. N. G. Graham to her home in Charlotte following a visit in their home and remain ed for the weekend. Legal Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHERN PINES Pursuant to requirements con tained in the General Statutes of North Carolina, Chapter 160, and by direction of the 'Town Cour.cil of the Town of Southern Pines, notice is hereby given that a pub lic hearing will be held in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Building of the Town of Southern Pines at 8:00 o’clock p. m. on the 9th day of July, 1963, on a pro posed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance adopted for the Town of Southern Pines on the 12th day of January, 1954. In case of pro test against such proposed change, in writing signed by the owners of twenty (20%) per cent or more either of the area of the lots in cluded in such proposal, or of those immediately adjacent there to, or on either side thereof, ex tending one hundred (100) feet therefrom, or of those directly opposite thereto, extending one hundred feet from the street frontage of such opposite lots, such proposed amendment shall not become effective except by favorable vote of three-fourths (%) of all members of the Town Council of the Town of Southern Pines. The proposed amendment is as follows: BE IT ORDAINED AND ES TABLISHED by the Town Coun cil of the Town of Southern Pines at regular session assembled this th.3 13th day of August, 1963, that the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Southern Pines adopted January 12, 1954, as amended, be and is hereby further amended as follows: That Article II entitled Boun daries of Districts, Sec. 1.6, Resi dence HI, be amended to include a certain tract of land fronting on U. S. No. 1 South more particu larly described as follows: Beginning at a concrete monu ment near the Little League Ball Park on Morganton Road, near the N. C. National Guard Armory, about 450’ Southwest of Morgan ton Road and 70’ Southeast of the road leading to N. C. C & D. Fire Tower; thence S 67% E, 792’ with the Town of Southern Pines prop erty line (the Corporate Limit) to a stake; thence S 10% degrees W, 220’ with Mount Hope Cemetery to a stake; thence S 52% degrees E 231.7’ to the south edge of Bell Avenue; thence S 10% degrees W, 1047’ to a stake, the westerly corner of Malcolm Hill land; thence S 56 degrees 59’ E. 335’ to the Right of Way Boundary of U. S. No. 1 (South bound lane) an iron pipe; thence S 20 degrees 01’ W, 216.75’ with the Right of Way boundary to a stake; thence S 23 degrees 41’ W, 183.25’ with the Right of Way boundary to an iron pipe; thence S 23 degrees 41’ W, 100.63’ to a point; thence S 58 degrees 45’ E, 48’ with the Right of Way Boundary to a stake; thence S 26 degrees 12’ W, 219.50’ with the Right of Way Boundary to a stake; thence S 63 degrees 48’ E, 5.00’ with the Right of Way Boundary to a stake; thence S 26 degrees 12’ W, 165.0’ with the Right of Way Boundary to a con crete monument; thence S 58 de grees 45’ E, 25’ with the Right of Way Boundary to a concrete mon ument; thence S 31 degrees 37’ W, 476.88’ with the Right of Way Boundary to an iron pipe; thence N 58 degrees 45’ W, 230’ on Mur ray Hill Road Right of Way to an iron pipe; thence N 34 degrees 04’ E, 187.5’ to an iron pipe; thence N 59 degrees 21’ W, 323’ to an iron pipe; th ence S 30 degrees 39’ W, 29’ to an iron pipe; thence N 59 degrees 21’ W, 122.96’ to an iron pipe; thence N 30 degrees 39’ E, 57.4’ to an iron pipe; thence N 58 degrees 45’ W, 407.8’ to an iron pipe; thence S 35 degrees 04’W, 200’ to the Right of Way Boun dary of Murray HiJl Road; thence N 58 degrees 45’ W, 475’ with the Right of Way Boundary to an iron pipe; thence W 53’ to a concrete monument; thence N 31 degrees 15’ E, 1419’ to an iron pipe; thence S 83 degrees 15’ W, 560’ to a pipe; thence N 4 degrees 45’, 519’ to a point; thence N 49 degrees 30’ E, 157’ to a concrete monument; thence N 49 degrees 30’ E, 218’ to a point; thence S 39 degrees 30’ E, 250’ to an iron stake; thence N 50 degrees 30’ E, 200’ to an iron stake; thence N 39 degrees 30’ W, 250’ to an iron stake; thence N 49 degrees 30’ E, 350’ to a point; thence N 66 degrees 10’ E, 209’ to a concrete monument the begin ning. This described property em bodies lands of Karl Andrews, Lutheran Church, Fairway Motel and Holiday Inn as shown on a map made by Paul S. Ward, Reg istered Surveyor, December 11, 1962. This Amendment shall become effective from and after the date of its adoption. Adopted this the 13th day of August, 1963. W. MORRIS JOHNSON Mayor Attest: Mildred P. McDonald Clerk Al,8c In Colonial America, brick were not ordered to be delivered to the construction site. Instead, master brickmakers hired out to make the necessary number of brick at the construction site. (WHATA WONDERFUL SURERiSE YOU ARE THE FAIREST OF THEM ALL ^ This is the long-line bra you’ve always hoped to find...It has ( everything! A two inch elastic band nips your waisUine ami j curves over the hips... fits every torso length. Can be worn with any length girdle and eliminates hooking on to the girdle, f Has superb uplift and separation. You will be thrilled with this exciting new lace and elastic bra. White or Black. #360. B cup, 34 to 40; C cup, 34 to 42—D cup, 34 to 44— ?8.9B. . , . J 1/2 Price Sale Of Other Corrective Bras, Long & Short, During August. CULBRETH'S THE SURGICAL & CORSET SHOP Liddell House U.S. Hy. 1 South Southern Pines A Citizens Bank Checking Account Has Many Advantages One is V-s J MORE ACCURATE RECORDS! \ a/iLs V You'll like a Citizens Bank checking account. It's the easiest way to keep an accurate record of expenditures — the safest way to pay — and your cancelled checks are the best possible^ receipts, your best reference at income tax time. With a checking account, there's no more running around all over town paying bills in person. Enjoy all the advantages of more accurate records — more convenience - - - more prestige with a checking account at Citizens Bank. You can open one in minutes! THE CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPAIVX SOUTHERN PINES. N. C. 132 N.W. Broad Street 600 S.W. Broad Street Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation