Page TWELVE THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1964 Mnting’sFAST witlilWDiiMt LUCITE' WALL PAINT No itirnnK. iio pnmlnir. Dip Ib and start to paintf Creamy-thick—won’t drip or apatter like ordinary paint. Dries in 30 minutes to lovely flat finish. Clean up witl. Soap and water I Choose from 19 decorator eolors- Exactly matching $had«t for woodwork in durable"Dvco" Satin Shern Pnnmrl. SHAW PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. Soulhern Pines WEST END NEWS AND PERSONALS PILOT ADVERTISING PAYS By SALLY AUMAN Principal Harold has released the following High School Honor Roil for the 1st semester of school, 12th grade, Judy Williams; 11th Sandra Hartsell, Jane Jackson, Linda Williams and Bess Cheney; The following made the semes ter’s Distinction List: 12tli grade, Phyllis Freeman, Brenda Rhyne, Sharon Richardson, Frances Pus- ser, and Glendora Russell; 11th grade, Becky Markham, Dianne Motsinger, Carlyle Cole, Delores Brewer and Edna Freeman; 10th grade, DonaW Thomas, Joanne Sutphin and Ted Monroe; 9th grade, Helen Hanner, Janice Gordon, Mary Boone, Landa Ben nett, Randy Garrison, Virginia Harris, Janet Markham and Janet Reynolds. In Las Vegas Two of West End High School graduates are working hard in Las Vegas at the National Young De mocrat Convention in behalf of Albert House of Roanoke Raoids for the national presidency. W. E. Graham, Jr. now of Charlotte is the campign manager for his long time friend. Sam Poole, now of High Point, went to the conven tion in the chartered plane for House supporters. Leave For Illinois Mrs. John Deeringer with John Haywood of Park Forest, Ill. left Saturday for her home after spending the month of January with her mother, Mrs. M. J. Davis. Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Deeringer visited the Dick Hammer family for-■the week end and to get ac- qiraintod with the new member of the family, William Davis, born December 31 to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hammer of Greensboro. This makes the Hammer family tied up, three boys and three girls. Mrs. Hammer is the former Miss Hannah Martin Davis and the fainilv calls the baby “Wee Willie.” Fashion Show Miss Judy Comer presented her 1st and 2nd year Home Economics girls in a fashion show at the school Friday afternoon. j The wool suits modeled by the I second year stud'ents were fully I lined and any would have made a lovely addition to any bride’s I trousseau. The Bishop aprons I made and modeled by the first I year girls were pretty enough for a waitress,, a cake baker or a ■■ dishwasher at the wedding festiv- itives. After the show, it was time for the wedding of Daisy Dolittle Mc- Duck with girls portraying ducks at a wedding. The choir composed of Catherine Richardson, Shirley Newman, Linda Freeman, Sandra Hartsell, Becky Markham, Linda and Diane Williams and Jane Jackson, quacked out the wedding march as the bride, Jeanne Sut phin and her attendants waddled down the aisle. In the wedding party were Judy Hartsell, Opal Whisenant, Judy Blake, Janice McLean, Paulette Luck, Kay Brown, Brenda Graham, and Jane Jackson. Coffee Hour Miss Comer and her Future Homemakers were hostesses to a coffee hour Thursday afternoon in the Home Economics Department in honor of the high school facul ty and their families. Valentine motifs featured the decorations and the serving table was center ed with red carnations and white daisies. A cloth of red net was used over white on the table and red Valentine doilies marked’ each plate. On the bulletin board there was a salute to the faculty and another featured pictures of each teacher. The guests were served angel cake deluxe along with coffee and there were candy hearts and cook ies for the children. Those attended were Mrs. Clarence Edson, Mrs. John C. Wyatt, Miss Bert McCrum- men, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Thomp son and An’nette, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Livingood, Mr. and Mrs. Gurney Baines with Brian and Pam, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Boroughs with Jennifer and Principal and Mrs. Harold Wood. Youth Federation A Deputation Team from St. Andrews College will present a program at the Youth Federation at 6 o’clock Sunday evening at the Presbyterian Church. All young people in the school district are included' in this organization and they are urged to join in this supper meeting of fun, fellowship and worship. To Church Meeting Representing the Presbyterian Church Tuesday at the meeting of Fayetteville in Carthage were Elder David Wilson and Rev. George Cheney. Adult Classes The adult classes of the Presby terian Church School will have a sefries of lessons during the month of February on the mission study book, “Southern Asia” as an nounced by Mrs. Leslie Gordon, World Mission chairman. The Rev. George Cheney introduced the book and gave the first study Sunday morning. Mrs. J. H. McCaskill and Mrs. Clyde Auman attended a Council Meeting of the Women of District 6 of the Presbyterian Church Sunday afternoon at Culdee. Personals Gerald Cheek gave his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hurley Cheek, another nice surprise last week. He called from his air base in Albequerque, New Mexico, to see if his mother had any pretty girl names. It’s a fifth daughter for the Cheeks. Hospitalized this week, from the high school, were Judy Luck, and Charles Harris. Mrs. Laverne Caddell baa sur gery Thursday at Moore Memorial Hospital. The Senior Girl Scouts are working at Moore Memorial Hos pital each afternoon after school hours. Harvey Hartsell has arrived at his air base off the coast of Alaska. He has been advised that he was promoted staff sergeant soon after he left for his new assignment. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Auman left Saturday by car for Fresno, Cali fornia to attend the meeting of the National Peach Council. This column will be written as usual and any one having news for the next two weeks please call West End 673-4341. D. E. Class The members of the D. E. Class at West End climaxed a unit of study in advertising by preparing actual ad-layouts. The entire group did a good job and out standing ads were prepared by Jerry Munn and Frances Hancock. One student will be selected to represent the D. E. Club of Moore County in the ad-layout contest to be held at the District Meeting in Laurinburg on February 12. The students are preparing now for the banquet they will give in honor of their employees on Feb. 18 at the Holiday Inn Restaurant. At present, the only scudents working are James Dick at the Schmelzer’s Harness Shop, Pine- hurst, and Ray Blakely at Belk- Hensdale in Aberdeen. West End students will be employed this summer for their senior year. Sammy Fishel is_ chairman of the entertainment for the banquet and he hcis planned a most inte resting program. Beenie Jones is co-chairman of the banquet com mittee. EXPANDING Eorsetry specialists at North Forestrp specialists at North Carolina State report that Christ mas tree production in the state is expanding at the rate of about 25 per cent annually. The market, the specialists believe, could take care of an even higher rate of expansion. FOR Chimney Cleaning Call OX 5-5691 Sandhill Bonded Warehouse Southern Pines. N. C. ♦ KEEP UP WITH LATE VALUES IN PILOT ADS. niifiiii liiiSitticiiEiiiiii Now available.,. A 35 -Year Chart of Financial Markets Many successful Investors find chart study very helpful In planning future market moves. Our 9" x 15" “Chart Pic ture of Financial Markets” provides important business and financial data based on five well known indicators: Dow-Jones 30 Industrial Stocks • 40 Bonds 20 Railroad Stocks • 15 Utility Stocks Volume of Trading on N.Y.S.B. To receive a free copy, write or call for SP 2. HORNBLOWER & WEEKS MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Offices Coast to Coast 115 E. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. SOUTHERN PINES, N, C. Telephone: 692-2391 •III Falcon proves it’s America’s toughest compact in the rugged Monte Carlo Rallye! iw Four Falcons started from Oslo, four from Paris, on routes calculated to be equal in difficulty and length. Weather conditions varied from clear, bitter cold through freez ing fog to blinding snow—and the time schedules made no provision for delays. Here a Falcon swirls through a sudden snow shower, testing traction in a practice run. Falcon entered two classes in Europe’s 2,700-mile winter ordeal—won them both and finished 2nd overall out of 299 cars. That’s durability! In the Rallye’s five special Alpine sections. Falcon was first overall in four, tied for first in one. That’s roadability! In the Rallye’s final test around the Monte Carlo racing course. Falcons tvere first and second. That’s maneuverability ! MONTE CARLO-The 33rd Monte Carlo Rallye started with 299 cars. Some 2,700 miles and 33^ days later, only 163 were still in the rally when the field struggled into Monaco—but they included all eight of the specially equipped Falcons that originally started! Thiseight-out-of-eight record was per haps more remarkable than the fact that, despite a handicap formula that favored the smallest cars, a Falcon cap tured second place overall. One car can have luck . . . but eight have to have total performance. Because the Rallye samples every variety of weather and road conditions the continent can pro vide, and because it winds up on the most remote byways in the French Maritime Alps, it is a supreme test of all the car’s abilities. Falcon steering had to be flawless on glare ice above a 1,000- foot drop. Those fabulous V-8’s had to run like dynamos. The final results in the Monte Carlo Rallye gave Falcon 2nd place overall, 1st in Class 8 of the Touring category, 1st and 2nd in Class 5 of the much tougher Grand Touring category, 1st and 2nd in the final three-lap test on the Monte Carlo circuit. The best finish by a Valiant was 88th overall. Falcon gained invaluable experience in how to build a car better, make it tougher, sharpen up its total performance. That’s the real reason Ford is interested in open competition—and why Ford-built cars have got so much more to show drivers. Drive one and see; it won’t have six lights, or a horn you can hear for four miles in stormy weather, or the other special rally equipment— but it’ll sure surprise you! TRY TOTAL PERFORMANCE FOR A CHANGE! FORD 0 ' Falcon • Fairlane • Ford • Thunderbird WINNER OF MOTOR TREND'S CAR OE THE YEAR AWARD LET YOUR FORD DEALER DEAL YOU A M ONTE CARLO SPECIAL DEAL I Ford presents “Arrest and Trial”—ABC-TV Network—Check your local listings for time and channel —— NOW!