i \ Wi Page FOUR THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSD/^Y, AUGUST 13, 1964 Womens Activities and Sandhills Social Events MARY EVELYN de NISSOFF, Editor TELEPHONE 692-6512 MISS ANGELYN STOKES, BRIDE-ELECT COMPLIMENTED AT BRIDAL LUNCHEON Carthage and Win- Miss Angelyn Stokes of Greensboro, whose wedding to John B. McMillan, son of Dr. and Mrs,. Robert M. McMillan of Southern Pines, takes place next Saturday evening, August 22 in Greensboro, was complihien+ed at a luncheon today given by Mrs. Lament W. Brown and Mrs. E. Nolley Jackson at the Brown home on East Indiana avenue. The 28 guests attending inclu ded . friends from Raleigh, Greensboro ston-Salem. Mrs. McMillan and her two daughters, Julia and Mary, will be in Greensboro this Saturday for a luncheon and tea honoring Miss Stokes. Mrs. Laura Sted- man of Greensboro and Mrs. B. S. Jones of Leaksville will be hostesses for the luncheon, and Mrs. Henry Latham and Miss Mary Homey are giving the tea Lattimore Weds Miss Huffman In Rowan Church Charles D. Lattimore of Carth age, Conservation Aid in Moore county since June 1963, was mar ried Sunday to Linda Huffman of Kannapolis. They were married in the old historic Christ Episcopal Church at Cleveland, in Rowan county. Lattimore will leave his present position in mid-Septem ber to resume his studies , at N. C. State leading to a B.S. degree in agricultural engineering. In And Out Of Town Returning home last week after a vacation at Pawley’s Is land, S. C., were Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ostrom. During their stay there, they had as house guests her daughters, Mrs John Owsei- chik,, her husband and their chil dren of San Francisco, Calif., and Mrs. Henry Ziegler, with Mr. Ziegler and their young son of New York City. Mr. and Mrs. James Besley have returned from Montgom ery, Ala where they visited their daughter, Mrs. Roy Bowden and family. They went especially to visit their newest grandson, and to bring back to Southern Pines with them for a visit, their grandchildren, Cindy and Steve Bowden. They will be here about two weeks. Mrs. Eugene McKenzie and her son, Norman, left Wednesday to drive to St. Petersburg, Fla., where they will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Renfrew. The Rev. and Mrs. Leighton Mc- Keithen of Elkin were in town Sunday, visiting friends and re latives. Mr. McKeithen will- be guest minister at Brownson Me morial Presbyterian Church for the worship service Sunday, August 23. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Ray spent the weekend in Greensboro, where he was in the wedding party of Max Waiser and Peggy Kendell, who were rnarried Satur day night. The Walsers are com ing to Southern Pines later this week and will be living at 848 North Leak Street. He will teacli at Fort Brag.g and his bride will be on the faculty of the East Southern Pines elementary school. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith, their four children, and her mother, Mrs, Jennie Teeter, of West End, have returned from a week’s vacation at Cherry Grove, S. C. Returning to their home in Savannah, Ga., are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Howard and their chil’ dren, who will be Sunday over night visitors with her mother, Mrs. James S. Milliken, en route from a vacation trip to Darien, Conn., where they visited Mrs. Howard’s sister, Mrs. Deane M. Evans and family. Oh vacation in the Adirondacks With their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alwin Folley, Jock and Dana at tended a two-day Maple Syrup Festival, formerly held in the Spring but changed to summer, and terminated by an oxen roast. With Mrs. Folley and the chil dren is Mrs. Charles Webster. Mr. Folley returned home Sun day. His family will return after visits with friends in Hanover and Warren, N. H., with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones in New Ca- , naan. Conn., and stopoffs en route to see Mt. Vernon and Wil liamsburg. On the way to the mountains, the Eolleys visited Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgange Lange- wiesche (she is the former Pris cilla Coleman of Southern Pines) at their home in Princeton, N. J. Mrs. Charles A. Pitts and her three children have just returned from about a month at the Coral NEW MATTRESSES CUSTOM BUILT PUT YOUR MATTRESS RENOVATING IN CAREFUL HANDS SANFORD MATTRESS CO. Rhone 776-1813 Box 672 Sanford, N. C. Ridge Hotel which the Pittses own in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Mrs. Frank Schmezer and her daughter. Miss Blanche Sher man, returned Saturday from New York State, where they spent two weeks visiting relatives and friends in Genoa and Homer. Lt. Col. and Mrs. C. H. Donnell and children, Douglas and Susan, are arriving tomorrow for a visit with her mother, Mrs. W. T. Med- lin, at her home on West Vermont avenue. The Donnells have been stationed in Paris, France for the past three years, but expect to be in Washington, D. C. this fall. They have been spending the past week with his parents in Ardmore, Pa. Mrs. Sidney Isenberg and chil dren, Sidhey and Miriam, of Orange, Ct. arrived Tuesday for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Sidney Windham, at her home in Aberdeen. Her sister, Mrs. Wil liam Benson, is having a few friends in for coffee Friday morn ing at her home on North Bennett street to meet and visit with her. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Harmon and young son, David, have mov ed from their apartment on Leak Street to Mrs. Charles Loup’s home on Midland Road. The Har mons are from Statesville and came to Southern Pines last De cember. He is associated with (Professional Management, Inc. Miss Alice Farrior of Newport News, Va. is arriving tomorrow evening for a visit of several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marsden L. Farrior at their home on Ridge street. She is coming especially for the Tolar-Parks wedding Saturday, when she ser ves as Miss Tolar’s maid-of-honor. Mrs. C. B. Gale and two grand children, Mrs. Donald Traylor, Sr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Chandler, Sr. went to Manteo the first of the week, Tbsy attended the piay; “Lost Colony,” Monday evening and Tuesday, on the way back home, they came by Elizabeth City and had a nice visit with Mrs. Walter Spaeth, Sr. Mrs. Spaeth is a former resident of Southern Pines, when she and the late Mr. Spaeth and their family resided on Ashe Street. Their son, Walter, Jr., is a practicing physic ian in Elizabeth City. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ratliff, Jr. are vacationing this week at Cherry Grove beach in South Carolina. Weekend guests of the Howard Butlers at their home in Wey mouth Heights were Mrs. Butler’s sister and brother - in - law, the Milton Enkstroms, of Lake Worth, Fla. They . -were enroute home from California where Mrs. Engstrom was a Florida commit- teewoman at the Republican Na tional Convention. Among out of town people here last Thursday for the funeral services of Mrs. Frank E. W^aiker were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mount- castle, Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs Carlisle Noblit, Brockway, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. John Walker and family, Indianapolis, Ind.; Mrs. Nan Taylor, Mrs. Basil Boyd, Stoneboro, Pa.; Mrs. Jean Kalten- baugh and Mrs. Joan Kaltenbaugh and daughters, Susan and Maxine, Sandy Lake, Pa. Mr .and Mrs. J. W. Causey and daughters, Helen and Sally, spent last weekend with Mrs. Causey’s sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Keister, at their island home on Lake Murray, S, C. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McDonald and daughter, Laura Lee, of Wil son were guests last weekend of his mother, Mrs. Mildred McDon ald. Their young son, Kendall, who had been visiting his grand mother for several days, returned home with them. Joseph S. Hiatt, III arrives to morrow from Duke University PAPERBACKS Just Naturally Seem To Fit Into Summer Reading. We Have A Selection For Most Every Taste. Stop By STUDIO BOOKSHOP 105 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Southern Pines i2tf where he has been attending sum mer school, and will be with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Hiatt Jr., at‘ their home on Midland Road for the remainder of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Norris L, Hodg kins and Mr. and Mrs. Hodgkins, Jr. were in Charlotte last Satur day for the professional football game. Paul C. (Pete) Butler, Jr. is arriving tomorrow evening from Portsmouth, Va for a two week’s vacation with his family at their home on Midland Road. Pete, who is on the faculty of Wilson High School in Portsmouth, has been teaching summer school there. Mr. and Mrs. William Tacka- bery and children. Bill and Patty of Libertyville, Ill. -were guests of her mother, Mrs. J. I. Neal, for a couple of days last week. Dr. and Mrs. Robert McMillan, with Julia, Mary and Robert, spent last week vacationing at Pawley’s Island, S. C. at Mrs. Fred Page’s cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Cole and children are spending this week in the North Carolina mountains. Last Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, Mrs. Cole entertained at a coffee hour for a large group of friends at her home on North Weymouth road. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin R. Cornell and son, Marvin, Jr., are leaving tomorrow for Islamorada on the Florida Keys for ten days deep sea fishing. Marvin, Jr., a rising junior at Pfeiffer College this fall, is studying marine biology, and the family has been going to Florida for several summers for water sports—particularly fish ing for the large species off the coast. Marvin won a trophy last year for catching one of the larg est jacks of the season. He is tak ing sciibg diving lessons again this year, also, ' Mies Polly MifAer left New York City by plane last Friday morning for a two months’ tour of the European continent. She is with a group of friends from Statesville. They plan to visit seven or eight countrieis,, and will return to the States about the first of October on the Queen Mary. Miss Flora Chapman left last week for Canada for a six weeks’ visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs R. T. Meyer and daughter, Leslie, of Allison Park, Pittsburgh, Pa. have returned to their home after a week’s stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Schumacher, in Knollwood. The Schumachers will have as their guests several days next week, Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Barnes of Palm Beach, Fla., who are en route to Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Pollard are leaving tomorrow morning for a week’s vacation at Miam.i Beach, Fla. and a boat trip to the Bahamas. Their daughter, Susan, will spend the week visiting friends in Winston-Salem. Susan, who graduated from Greensboro College in June, plans to teach music in the Hillsboro Junior High school this fall, and will live in Chapel Hill. She spent several weeks this summer as counselor at Camp Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Avery and children, Mike, Pete and Patty,, are leaving tomorrow for Sterling*, Colorado wihere they will make their home. Mr. Avery, who has been there for several months getting his new business, Avery Auto Parts, started', came home last Saturday to help get his family moved. They have lived for a number of years at their home on Maples road and have been active in all phases of community life. They are mem bers of Brownson Memorial Pres byterian Church. Mrs. Avery’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. Walter S. Sargeant, reside on Pinegrove road. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Hayes, Jr. and children, Peter and Chris tian, have returned to their home in Weymouth Heights after a week’s stay at the Tip-Top Inn, Pawley’s Island, S. C. Miss Karen Botcher of Towson, Md. will be the weekend guests of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Neilsen Botcher at the home of Mrs, Botcher’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gordon-Mann, in Knoll wood. Mrs. Botcher and Mrs, Hannah Feted A-t Bridal Shower Mrs. Tony Hannah was hon ored at a bridal shower given Saturday at the Aberdeen Legion Hut by hostesses Mrs. Lee Wine- coff, Mrs. J. D. Stephenson and Miss' Judy Livergood. The recent bride was the for mer Jean Hunsucker, daughter of Mrs. Leroy Mclnnis of South ern Pines, who was amOng the 25 guests present. Decorations were in pink and white and gifts were arranged on a table at the end of the room. Refreshments of punch, cake, mints and nuts were served by the hostesses. Mrs. Winecoff poured punch. New Heir-Rivals DEAN’WALKER BUCHAN Mr. andYlrs. Frank W. Buchan announce the birth of a son. Dean Walker, on-^unday, August 9, at Moore Memorial Hospital, Pine- hurst. The Buchans, who reside on East Connecticut avenue, have four other children, Linda, Pete, Donna and Amy. t-Ll MISS DORIS ANN TAYLOR, whose engagement to Aubrey Leon Keith, Jr. is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Watson Taylor, Sr. of Vass. Mr. and Mrs. Keith, Sr. are also of Vass. The wedding is planned for September 27. DR. COCKBURN WILL BE GUEST SPEAKER AT CHRISTIAN WOMENS CLUB LUNCHEON Hamels To Leave For Memphis For Son’s Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Reginald A. Hamel of South Valley Road are leaving Tuesday morning for Memnhis, Tenn. to attend the pre wedding festivities of their son. William, and Miss Linda Lee Wiley, whose marriage takes place next Saturday, August 22 in the McLean Baptist Church there. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Brady Wiley of Memphis. Mr. Hamel’s sister. Mrs. Ken neth Witham and daughter, Lynn, of Waterbury, Vt. came down this week for a visit and will accompany Mr. and Mrs. Hamel to Tennessee. Mrs. Donovan Wins Par Seekers’ Event Mrs. William Donovan took first place in Wednesday’s Par Seekers tournament at the Southern Pines Coimtry Clu|b. Tied for second place were Mrs. Roy Grinnell and Mrs. Richard Davis. The tournament was played according to the Callaway sys tem. With this method, handi caps are based on the day’s gross score of each player. Dr. S. Herbert Cockburn, A. B., B. D., ThM and ThD, professor of languages and political science at University of North Carolina and Campbell College, will be the guest speaker at the month ly luncheon meeting of the Sand hills Christian Womens Club to be held at Whispering Pines Res taurant Wednesday, at 12 noon. A special feature will be pre sented by Tots Toggery of South ern Pines, entitled “Back to School Revue” with several local children acting as models. A mu sical program will be provided by Mrs. Caroline McGoogan of Southern Pines. For reservations please call Mrs. A. L. Burney, 695-3431, or Mrs. N. E. McKay, 695-6321. Miss Pearson To Visit Here Enroute To Atlantic City Miss Ann Pearson of Sacra mento, Calif, is arriving tomor row (Friday) for a week’s visit with her mother, Mrs. Annabel le Pearson, at her home on East Connecticut Avenue. Ann is a correspondent for United Press International, with headquarters in California, and is enroute to Atlantic City for the Democratic National Convention. Miss Pearson also attended the Republican Conventijon las^ month. This is the first time in over two years she has visited j her home town. Miss Taylor Joins Friend For Trip To World’s Fair Miss Mary Ann Taylor, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Taylor of Aberdeen, is leaving next Friday by plane for Houston, Tex. where she will join a school friend. Miss Gayle Stokes of Cor pus Christie, for a trip to New York City and the World’s Fair. The trip for two was won by Miss St9k?s, end, Mery Ann was the lucky recipient of the invitation to go along for the all-expenses paid week. The girls will be stay ing at the New York-Hilton hotel. Upon their return to Texas, Mary Ann will leave from there for Tuscon, Ariz., where she en ters her senior year at the Uni versity of Arizona. Looking Ahead WMU MEETS The WMU of the First Baptist Church will hold a general meet ing next Tuesday night, at 8 p.m. The occasion will be a jubilee celebration with a program pre sented by the Sunbeams and the Girl’s Auxiliary. Special guests for the evening will be Rev. John Stone. Weekly Notes From United Church of Christ The sermon theme for Sunday, August 16, “Institution & Faith: A Unique Relationship.” Roger Gibbs, former Choir di rector now living in Greensboro, will be guest soloist. Promotion Sunday for Church School is set for August 30. “Teleprayer” to resume Sep tember 1. The Youth Fellowship Pro gram to reorganize for the win ter beginning September 13. Opening date for weekday kin dergarten taught by Mrs. Ralph Chandler, is set for October 1. BP&W TO MEET The Sandhill Business & Pro fessional Women’s Club will hold its regular monthly meeting Thursday, August 20, at 7:15 p.m., at the Holiday Inn. Dr. Raymond Stone, President of Sandhills Community. College, will be the guest speaker. All members are encouraged to attend, and bring guests if they wish. JOHN RUGGLES bbout this question I sneezed' and my upper plate flew out the car window fnd was crushed by a passing car. Can I collect for my loss under the ‘extended coverage’ of my Household Fire Policy, which covers vehicle damage to my personal belongings? For the answer to your in surance questions feel free to call Barnum Realty & Insurance Co. Southern Pines. N. C. Citizens Bank Bldg. WE ARE INDEPENDENT AGENTSI WOODMEN CIRCLE All officers and team members of the Woodmen circle are asked to be present at the special meet ing in the Woodmen HaU on Mon day, August 17 at 8 p.m. daughter are with her parents while her husband Lt. Botcher, is on a tour of duty overseas. Here last weekend from summer school at Chapel Hill was Patty Gordon- Mann, who returns this fall to her studies at Bryan Mawr, Pa. Guests of their grandmother, Mrs. R. S. Durant, this week are Robbie Durant of Asheboro and Jimmy Durant of Lumberton. The boys, both 12 years old, are sons of Mrs. Durant’s sons, Robert and Dick Durant. Miss Rosie Chandler, daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Ralph Chandler, Jr., has arrived home from Ced'ar Mountain near Brevard, where she was a counselor at the water front at Camp Burgis-Glenn this summer. She returns to Meredith College for her senior year this fall. The Chandler’s older daugh ter, Judy, who has been living with them for several months, expects her husband. Airman 2nd Class Kenneth M. Reid, to return home about the first of next month from a tour of duty in Athens, Greece. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid of South ern Pines. Guests of the Warren Bells at their Knollwood home this week are Mr. Bell’s two nieces, Mary and Ann Bell of South Bend, Ind. and Mr. and Mrs. James Kirk and three children of Pompano baby eBach, Fla. Hollywood Hotel Resident Back After Visits With Relatives Mrs. Lloyd Hunt, who makes her home at the Hollywood Ho tel. has returned from visiting relatives in Washington, D. C., Santa Barbara, Calif, and Myrtle Beach, S. C. Bingo Winners The following were winners at bingo, Saturday night. Miss Hazel Macddnald, Mrs. Sidney Cole, Mrs. Monroe Rule, Mrs. E. F. Bentley, nad Mrs. William Smith. Cosmetic Sale Reduction on Brand Nome Cosmetics Through August Offering Ihe best pharmaceutical service available anywhere. — 24-hour service Two Registered Pharmacists On Duty JOE MONTESANTL JR. yUNSTON BURROUGHS Brood Streei Pharmacy no N.W. Broad St. Southern Pines Ph. 695-5411 Folk Singing Group Has Picnic And Get - Together Guests last weekend of A1 But ler and his sister, Jeanne, were Miss Joy Newberry and Rod Page of Lumberton and David Hedrick of Raleigh. It was the first time this summer the boys who are Campbell College stu dents, have been together to practice their folk music, and a small group of their friends were together Saturday evening at the Taylor cabin in Aberdeen for a hamburger supper and “sing.” Miss Mary Ann Taylor and A1 were hosts at the picnic. Out of town guests who came especially for the party included Ed Koster, Norfolk, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. John Humphries, Sanford; Miss Sally Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. “Skip” Sickles, Laurinburg; Carl Adams, Raleigh and Mr. and Mrs. Joe McDonald, Wilson. Rus sell Powell came in later in the evening with his mandolin to join in the ‘hootenanny.” Annual Midsummer SALE Aug. 8 to Aug. 22