A resolution honoring the late L. R. Reynolds, county commissioner chairman, appears today on page 24. ^RoVWiaA ylwndei* afrf Cot^qe qtoDpqst Cameron {1)1 pl«rb« anlf i New eourses in carpentry, bricklaying and other subjects are announced by Lee Center, Sanford. Page 13. VOL.—45 No. 9 TWENTY-FOUR PAGES SOUTHERN PINES, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1965 TWENTY-FOUR PAGES PRICE: 10 CENTS WILLIAM p. Saunders Saunders Named C & D Director By New Governor William P. Saunders of South ern Pines who served as director of the State Department of Con servation and Development for five years under Gov. Luther H. Hodges, has been appointed act ing C & D director by North Car olina’s new Governor, Dan K. Moore, and was sworn in Tues day. The local man, long active in the Democratic party and in Moore County civic work, is a retired textile executive, the for mer president of Robbins Mills and the longtime mayor of Rob bins before he moved to South ern Pines more than 10 years ago. Mr. Saunders was assured by Gov. Moore that the designation “acting” director does not limit his responsibihty-and powers. He is reported to have told the Gov ernor that he would serve only Angus Mills Will Take Over Former Jones, Inc., Plant The Jones, Inc., mop-yarn manufacturing plant at Vass, which closed down the latter part of last year, has been pur chased by Angus Mills, Inc. Plans are under way for a gradual extension of operations into the new plant, it was learn ed from Maxwell R. Forrest, manager of Angus Mills, which manufactures kitchen cottens in another plant at Vass. Both buildings will be used, practically doubling physical facilities and greatly increasing production po tential, he said. This will take several months. The purchase completed last week includes only the building, without equipment. Machinery must be installed and consider able planning done for consolida tion of operations in two plants, about a mile apart. It is anticipated that some pro duction will be under way in the former Jones plant by the end of this year. Announcement was made by Paul Jones last November that he would close the plant which employed some 45 persons, to re turn to his home state of Ken tucky, where he has other busi ness and industrial interests. He said an agreement had been reached whereby another indus- (Continued on Page 8) COLLEGE PROGRAM Teachers To Be Trained In Basie Education Work A basic education program for adults will shortly be initiated by Sandhills Community College. The program will provide oppor tunities for adults to improve until a permanent appointment is their skills in the “three R’s” as ■IH inn Hli iMHil i Jm iwm’s 4/ • ■- m c/> A - m O M Signs Taken From Pinehurst Locations Police Chief J. Tf. Shepherd, left, and Officer Hugh Strider, display seven signs removed from loca tions in and around the village of Pinehurst on Christmas Eve. The signs were later found seven miles from town. The Pinehurst police officers believe this was the work of teen-age mischief makers. The vandalism has not ceased. Re cently, a “Do Not Enter” sign on and other vandalism. Highway 2 by Moore Memorial j “This sort of mischief takes po- i Hospital was turned around so j licemen away from necessary that the warning designation did law enforcement work and keeps not show. Chief Shepherd was notified and changed the sign back to read properly. The chief asked this week that parents warn their youngsters of the seriousness of removing signs them busy elsewhere,” said Chief Shepherd. “Tampering with the sign at the hospital could have led to a serious accident,” he added. (Hemmer photo) Progress Made Toward Letting Contracts For Construction Of College “Letters of intent” are being mailed to low bidders on con struction and certain equipment of three buildings, constituting the main plant of the Sandhills Community College, while the building committee and archi tects work further on postpone ment of certain items, to bring the total down to a sum within the limit of available funds. J. E. Causey, building commit tee chairman, told the board of trustees, meeting Monday night, that considerable work toward 3 Persons Hurt Here In Mishaps; AH Recovering made. A state senator in the 1963 ses sion, Mr. Saunders recently serv ed as chairman of two public ser- .vice campaigns in Moore County —^the drive to raise funds for Moore Memorial Hospital’s new wing and the $4 million county bond issue for community college and schools. He is an elder in Brownson Memorial Presbyterian Church and a member of the Sandhills Ki-wanis Club. Two accidents involving horses ,, , • . and another with auto repair ma- well as to acquire health, con- Pharmacists Form New Association The first official meeting of the Moore County Pharmaceutical , Association was held at Horne’s j| Restaurant, Aberdeen, Tuesday evening. ' Joe Montesanti, Jr., of South ern Pines, was elected president; Bill Viall, Jr., Pinehurst, vice- president; Larry Snider, South ern Pines, treasurer; and Win ston Burroughs, Southern Pines, ‘ secretary. The Association with pharma cist members from Aberdeen, Carthage, Pinehurst, and South- em Pines, was organized “to pro mote the best pharmaceutical service for the citizens of this county and to encourage a closer professional relationship among all members of the medical pro fession in this area,” said a spokesman for the group. Methodist Pastor Heads Ministers The Rev. A. L. Thompson, pas tor of the Southern Pines Meth odist Church, was elected presi dent of the Moore County Minis ters Association, at a luncheon meeting in Doug Kelly’s Holiday Inn Restaurant, Monday. He suc ceeds the Rev. Lee Pridgen of Pinebluff. Other officers elected were: the Rev. Paul Boone, pastor of the Carthage Methodist Church, vice president and program chairman; the Rev. Frank Wil- kerson, pastor of Manly Presby terian Church, secretary; and the Rev. T. W. Fuller, bishop of the Church of God, treasurer. The Association, an inter-racial group, meets monthly for a 12:15 luncheon at Holiday Inn, on Monday following each second Sunday. sumer and citizenship education. Teachers for the program are now being enlisted. A teacher training institute will be held in Weaver Auditorium at East Southern Pines High School Jan uary 18,19 and 20 from 6:30 to 10:30 each evening. The Institute will be conduct ed by specially trained super visors under the direction of Dr. Monroe Neff, director of general here in the -past week. All are recovering satisfactorily. Mrs. Verdie Caddell, who lives, and operates a riding stable, at the north end of N. W. Broad St., had an extremely close call last Saturday when a young stallion she had bought recently struck her, severing the temple artery. By lucky chance, Mrs. Peggy Kirk Bell was passing at the adult education for the State De-1 time in her car. She happened to partment of Community Col leges. College officials urge any col lege graduate who is interested in teaching but who has not yet notified the college to do so im mediately. A telephone call will be satisfactory. look towards the Caddell corral and saw Mrs. Caddell staggering toward the road, the blood pour ing down her face. Mrs. Bell leapt to her assistance, put her in her car and rushed her to the town office of Dr. Francis L. Owens. (Continued on Page 8) CHIEF ABC OFFICER REPORTS 104 Arrested, 97 Convicted In ABC Cases; 12 Stills Captured, During 1964 Moore County ABC raids dur ing 1964 resulted in a total of 12 stills captured and the seizure of 96 gallons and one and a half pints of non-taxpaid whiskey, 2,245 gallons of mash and two gallons of taxpaid whiskey, ac cording to the annual report of C. A. McCallum of Carthage, chief officer of the Moore County ABC Law Enforcement Division. Two cars and two pickup trucks were also seized. Arrests totaled 104 persons charged with prohibition law violations, of whom 97 were con victed, two acquitted and four are still awaiting trial. A nol pros was taken in one case. Fines totaled $2,796, court costs $2,056.35, for a total of $4,852.35 paid into the courts. Active sen tences totaled 11 years, four months and four days. The raids included not only stills but places where whiskey, taxpaid or non-taxpaid, was illegally possessed or sold. Assisting the two ABC officers, McCallum and Edward Floyd, on various occasions were members of the Moore County sheriffs department, local police and federal agents. The Moore ABC officers also worked with others in neighbor ing counties, and in the course of their activities rolled up a total of 40,022 miles driven in enforcement of the State’s liquor laws. Officer Floyd attended the three-day SBI Law Enforcement school held at Southern Pines last April. RIDING EVENTS ENTRIES HIGH Numerous entries have been received for the annual Hunter Pace and the Point to Point race for junior riders, both to take place here Sat urday afternoon, sponsored by the Moore County Hounds. Events begin at 2 pm at Buchan Field, behind Mile- Away Farm off oldl No. I highway, north, at Manly. "There is no entry fee or spectator charge. An infor mal supper d^mce, with res ervations to be made with Mrs. W. O. Moss or Miss Page Shamburger of Aberdeen, will lake place at Pineholme, Saturday night. Following, on Sunday will be a 1:30 pm horse show at Goffolly Farm off Youngs Road. Reid A. Page & Co. Moves Local Office Reid A. Page & Co. has moved its real estate and mortgage loan office into the former Perkinson’s Jewelers, Inc., location at 110 W. Pennsylvania Ave., it is an nounced by Reid A. Page. The office was formerly in the same Belvedere Hotel building, west of the new location. Perkinson’s, as previously an nounced, has moved to 208 S. W. Broad St., in the Southern Na tional Bank Building. TO DISMISS EARLY East Southern Pines schools will be dismissed at 2:30 pm—45 minutes ahead of the usual time —on Wednesday, January 20, so that teachers can attend a district meeting at East Montgomery High School that afternoon, re maining for a dinner session, Supt. J. W. Jenkins announced at Monday night’s PTA meeting in Weaver auditorium. GRINNELL RETIRES. PAGE BECOMES PRO One ol this area's most re markable golfing stories— Roy GrinnelTs more than 51 years as a member of the Professional Golfers Associa tion—will appear in next week's Pilot. Sparking the publication of the story is Mr. Grinnell's retirement January 1 as head pro at the Southern Pines Country Club, where he has served, except for the years 1947-55, since 1937. He startedl his professional ca reer at the age of 15 in Rhode Island, in 1913. Andy Page, 32-year-old Southern Pines native and Mr. GrinnelTs assistant for the past eight years, has been named head pro at the local club. At present, he has no full-time assistant. New Sales Room At Hosiery Mills Opens Aberdeen Hosiery Mills, loca ted on the Pinehurst Highway out of Aberdeen, has opened a retail sales room carrying hos iery and other clothing items for men, women and boys, L. G. Fo- gelman, superintendent, an nounced this week. A portion of the building was remodeled to provide the new facility. Details can be found in an advertisement in today’s Pilot. Home Blamed For Delinquency, PTA Hears From Chief Lack of proper supervision and training in the home was cited by Police Chief Earl S. Seawell as the primary cause of juvenile delinquency, when he was guest speaker at the January meeting of the East Southern Pines Par ent-Teacher Association, Monday night. “Of all the cases I have inves tigated,” , the chief asserted, “there is not one I haven’t traced back to the home. If the children in these cases had had proper su pervision and training, they would never have gotten into trouble.” Chief Seawell was introduced by Mrs. Robert Leland, vice pres ident presiding in the absence of Mrs. J. S. Hiatt, Jr., president. The chief began his talk with an explanation of legal proce dures in the arrest, detention, trial and disposition of juvenile (under 16) offenders, explaining that children can be removed from homes deemed unsuitable for them and be placed in foster homes, or they may be made a ward of the court until they be come 21. He said he did not consider that Southern Pines has an alarming juvenile delinquency problem but “we have our share.” Vandalism was cited as the most frequent offense. Listing mistakes made by par ents he noted: failure to control a child’s movements—not know ing where a child is and what he’s doing at all times; lack of proper supervision at parties and (Continued from Page 1> College Officers Reelected; Plans For Faculty Made With a full year, plus one month, of work behind them, trustees of the Sandhills Com munity College, meeting at the college offices Monday night, re elected their original officers. They are: H. Clifton Blue of Aberdeen, chairman; Dr. W. E. Alexander of Robbins, vice-chair man; J. C. Robbins of Aberdeen, secretary, and N. L. Hodgkins of Southern Pines, treasurer. Staff Appointments They started their new year Monday by increasing the college staff employed to a total of 12. Approved were four new staffers, as listed in another story in toda’y Pilot. Faculty Plans The trustees approved plans for this end had been done at a meeting with the architects that afternoon, and it had been de termined the final sum could be brought down from the low-bid total of around $1,700,000 to an amount below the $1,500,000 ceil ing. The college has available $1 million from a Moore County bond issue and $500,000 from a State appropriation. The “letters of intent” were re quested by the low bidders to en able them to alert their sup pliers and get their drawings and shopwork under way, pending the letting of contracts as soon as the architects (Hayes-Howell & Associates of Southern Pines) can give them a schedule or pri orities on restoration of post poned items. Expected to receive contracts are, for general construction, H. R. Johnson Construction Co. of Monroe, which bid $982,000 with 360 days required; plumbing. Commercial Plumbing & Heat ing,, Greensboro, $83,280; heat ing, Crutchfield Heating Co„ Greensboro, $209,000; and elec trical, Steele Electrical Co., Mon roe, $121,900. These figures will be lowered in the final contracts. An elevator on which a low bid of $9,585 was submitted by Southern Elevator Company of Greensboro, was one of the post poned itefns, to be restored later, as were also kitchen equipment, air conditioning and carpeting. About 50 bidders’ representa tives were on hand for the bid opening, held at the college of fices last Thursday afternoon. Bids opened included general construction (Buildings 1 and 2, selection of a basic faculty. The list, approved by Dr. W. and Building 3, also the three to- F. Banaghan, dean of instruction, includes, for immediate employ ment, a director of nursing, to organize, supervise and teach a nursing course in cooperation with local hospitals; and for em ploying as of July 1, instructors in biology, chemistry, English, foreign languages, mathematics, physical education (to include activities for both men and wo men) plus a course in health edu cation, physics and social studies, for the “college parallel” pro gram; several to work also as (Continued on Page 8) MERCHANTS TO MEET The Southern Pines Merchants Council will meet in the town hall courtroom at 8 p.m. Monday, January 18, to make plans for the coming year. Chairman Dante S. Montesanti urges all merchants to be present. Jaycees Set DSA Banquet Jan. 26; Observance Noted Members of the Southern Pines Junior Chamber of Commerce are joining with Jaycees over the State and nation in observance of Jaycee Week, January 17-23, but are deferring their annual Dis tinguished Service Award ban quet until Tuesday, January 26, Fred A. Teeter, president of the local group, said this week. At the banquet, which will be held' at Doug Kelly’s Holiday Inn Restaurant at 8 p.m., an outstand ing young man of the past year, in Southern Pines, will be an nounced, as chosen from nomi nations made by the public, by a committee of non-Jaycees who are over the 35-year-old Jaycee age limit. Jaycee Week celebrates the founding of the Junior Chamber in 1915. There are now 531 chap ters in the United States. GUARD IN PARADE Capt. Ralph Horner of the lo cal National Guard company and more than 30 members of the unit marched in the inaugural parade, on the occasion of the in auguration of Gov. Dan K. Moore, Friday of last week. About 75 In Proctor-Silex Cutback An approximate 10 per cent cutback in the production force at Proctor-Silex Corporation here followed the Christmas holidays, Edward Benkowski, plant man ager, said this week. The manager was queried by The Pilot after rumors of a lay off of some 200 workers had been circulating in the community. Actually, said the manager, about 75 persons were laid off. The cutback was regretted, said Mr. Benkowski, adding, “This is our slow season, when lagging for Christmas selling.” The big industrial plant, manu facturing steam and spray irons, reached a high of some 750 work ers last fall, in which all Christ mas orders were filled. After that, the orders dropped sharp ly. The plant shut down for a 10-day vacation period at Christ mas, following which “about 10 per cent” of the work force, said' Mr. Benkowski, was released. Demand is expected to start picking up again in the spring, mounting toward the next peak demand follows peak production' in the fall, he said. Workers re leased were in general those most recently taken on, he noted, and will be the first to be recalled, if still available. A new model steam and spray iron,. .“Citation,” which releases an extra spray at fingertip touch, for hard-to-iron wrinkles, is un der production and was a big Christmas seller. One was included in a Christ mas gift made by the plant to the Sisters of St. Joseph’s Hos pital, containing one of each model under regular manufacture here. gather), with several alternates, also Structural (caissons, foot ings, etc.), along-with the plumb ing, heating, electrical and vari ous equipment items. Soil Testings Chairman Causey received au thorization from the trustees for an additional fee to be paid the architectural firm for a survey of soil testings to be made on the site, which could save as much as $45,000 on the footings. Pending the working out of such details, the contracts are ex pected to be awarded soon and work to begin shortly thereafter on the buildings. Building 1 to include administration and other offices, library and classrooms; Building 2, science facilities, classrooms and shop; and Build ing 3, Student Center, physical education and food service de- (Continued on Page 8) FIRE PROTECTION Mid Town Group To Investigate Alternate Plan Proposals for fire protection in the area between Southern Pines and Aberdeen took a new turn Wednesday night, when a group of about 100 persons meet ing in the Aberdeen school audi torium heard a suggestion that the towns of Southern Pines and Aberdeen furnish protection to the area, through some coopera tive arrangement. Previously, the organizers of the Mid Town Fire Protective Association—a chartered corpor ation whose president is Alton Scott, owner of the Charlton Court Motel—had been consider ing only the establishment of a special fire district, with its own volunteers and fire-fighting equipment and financed by a special tax levied on property owners in the district. The new suggestion was made (Continued on Page 8) THE WEATHER Maximum and minimum tem peratures for each day of the past week were recorded as follows at the U.S Weather Bureau obser vation station at the W E E B studios on Midland Road. Max. Min. January 7 57 26 January 8 67 40 January 9 . 72 55 January 10 60 46 January 11 . 46 31 January 12 53 24 January 13 57 27

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