Page 2-A THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina Wednesday, August 22, 1979 Sandhills Scene Telephone 692-7271 Deadline for Wedding Picture, Tuesday noon The Pilot’s Log Moore County had two 4-H members to reiH'esent them at Citizenship-Washington Focus which was held August 4-11 at the National 4-H Center in suburban Washin^on, D.C. Debbie Cole of Jackson Springs and Linda Martin of Carthage along with 43 other delegates from North Carolina attended Citizenship-Washington for a fun- filled week. atizenship-Wa^ngton Focus is an experimental program for youth to learn more atwut their rights, responsibilities and heritage as American Citizens. Seeing, listening, learning, discussing and debating in workshops, seminars, and field trips combine to provide them a unique opportunity to use the nation’s capital as a classroom. Field trips that were planned included Capital Hill Day, American Heritage, Washington Highlights and American Culture. Citizenship-Washington-Focus was conducted by the National 4- H CouncU in behalf of the Cooperative Extension Service of the State Land-Grant University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. On Saturday, 24 members of the Longleaf Squares, local Square Dance Club, attended the Mrs. Jamie William Gain Jr. Mr. Gain Jr. Marries Miss Schachner Aug. 18 St. Patricks Cathedral in Charlotte was the setting for the wedding of Miss Katherine Elizabeft Schachner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Francis Schachner of Charlotte and Mr. Jamie William Guin, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jamie WUliam Guin, Sr. of Southern Pines, on Satu^y August 18, at 3 o’clock. The Reverend Thomas Burke officiated at the double-ring ceremony. The church was decorated with arrangements of large mums, gladioli, carnations, and candelabra. The wedding party entered and exited to the traditional wedding marchs which were played by the organist, Mrs. J.E. Lyons. Miss Judy Truhone, soldist, sang “The Lords Prayer.” The bride was given in marriage by her fattier. She wore a white peau-de-soir gown with scalloped lace and seed pearl neckline and Jong tapered sleeves. The dress was dramatically adorned with appliques of re-embroidered alencon lace, as was the attached trim. The bride’s headpiece was a tier of illusion, mounted on a crown ot lace and velvet tucking. She carried the traditional bouquet of cymbidiums and a la^e orchid. Mrs. Richard C. Jordan attended her sister as matron of h(mor. She wore a formal gown of mist green. Her headpiece was a la^e hat oi mist green with inqxirted silk iHusim which fell from a bow. Bridesmaids were Miss Virginia Schachner and Mrs. Patricia Schachner. Their gowns were identical to that of the matron of honor. The attendants carried longstemmed red roses. The best man was Mr. Jamie William Guin, Sr., father of the bridegroom. The ushers were Mr. John Guin and Mr. Daniel Guin. The bride’s mother chose a pink chiffon gown with matching accessories and accented it witti a white orchid. The groom’s mother w(ffe a blue ensemble with matching accessories adorned with a white orchid. The bride is a graduate of Charlotte Catholic High School and Sandhills Conununity College in Southern Pines. The groom also graduated from Sandhills Community College. He is now a Respiratory Therapy Clinical Instructor at .t^nrihUla Conomunity College, Southern Pines. After a wedding trip to the Carribean Isles they udll reside in Sanford. A . reception was held ihunediately following the ceremony at Carolina Country aub. Wedding geld The wedding of ;Mrs. Mary Grant McRae of Southern Pines and Charles Edward Dutton of Southern Pines took place Saturday, August 18 in Dillon, S.C. at 3 p.m. The couple will live on Philadel{dua Avenue, Pinebluff. The bride is the owner- onerator of the Tiny Tot Day Nursery in Southern Pines and the bridegroom works with the G and G Develoi»nent Corp, in Southern Pines. SUBSCRIBE TO THE PILOT. MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS WEEKLY. X '' •■5 N.C. Folk and Square Dance Federation Summer Festival with a dance in the Scott Pavilion at the N.C. Fairgrounds hosted by the Rhamkatte Wheel- Arounds of Raleigh. Raleigh Mayor Isabella W. Cannon was a special guest at the Council dinner. Before, she had welcomed the 748 dancers to Raleigh and proclaimed the week of Sept. 17-23 Square Dance Week in Raleigh. During the evening. Governor James B. Hunt proclaimed the same week as Square Dance Week in the state. The Kountry Kickers of Walstonburg won the attendance trophy. A father tro{diy will be [X'esented at a November dance in Fayetteville. Ladies Bridge winners at the Country Club of North Carolina Friday were Elsie Medlin, first; Grace Edman, second; Harriet Rhodes, third; Pat Scranton, fourth and Virginia Landis, fifth. Gerlind Younts, a rising senior at UNC-CH, returns to school this week, where she is a member of Chi Omega and a broadcast journalism major. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Younts of Southern Rnes. i Mrs. Phillip Marshall Williamson Williamson-MUls Pair Marry By Candlelight Miss Elizabetti Dawn Mills of Pinebluff was married to Phillip Marshall Williamson of Aber deen August 11 at 2 p.m. by Pastor C. Parker Thomas, wiOi Mrs. Deborah Richardson, organist and Miss Myra Adams and Mr. Bobby Hannon soloists, at the Bible Tabernacle. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and hfrs. Malcolm Mills of Aberdeen and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Williamson of Aberdeen. Ho* father gave the bride in marriage. The bride wore an heirloom gown, whidi had been worn by her mother, of handclipped Chantilly lace and Nylon tulle over bridal satin, featuring a lace bodice with a scalloped neckline and lace panelled skirt, which ended in a chapel train. Her fingertip veil of illusion was atta^ed to a Juliet cap of pailettes encrusted with seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of daisies and white bridal roses with baby’s breath. Mrs. Angie Scherer, sister of the bride, of Pinebluff, was matron of honor. She wore a floor-length gown of white and blue Polyester embroidery with bishop sleeves and scooped neckline. Her flowers were daisies, carnations and baby’s breath. Miss Becky Mills, sister of the bride, (tf Pinebluff, was maid of honor, and was dressed the same as the honor matron. Mrs. Ann Mills of Havelock, Miss Qharloie Humphrey of Maysville, Miss Marsha Ran- sdell of Aberdeen, Mrs. Amy Heath (tf Goldsboro and Miss JiU Edwards of Aberdeen were bridesmaids and were dressed like the honor attendants, carrying similar nosegays. Honorary bridesmaids were Mrs. Lynn Richardson, and Mrs. Wanda Nelson, sisters of ttie bridegroom, and Miss Andriette Fifer. Flower girl was little Miss Susan Williamson, niece of the bridegroom, who wore a floor- length gown of white and blue Polyester. She carried a basket of white rosepetals. Ringbearer was Master Randy Richardson, nephew of the bridegroom. Wedding guests were registered by Miss Margaret Reeves of Goldsboro. The father of the bridegroom was best man. Ushers were Malcolm Mills, brother of the bride, of Havelock; David Williamson, brother of the bridegroom of Southern Pines; Stephen Williamson, brother of the bridegroom, of Aberdeen; Dean Richardson, of Knightdale; Andy Sdierer of Pinebluff and Kent Black of Eastwood. A reception followed in the Fellowship Hall of the church, and the couple left for a wedding trip to Williamsbiu'g, Va. After the rehearsal, the bridegroom’s parents en tertained at a dinner party in the fellowship hall of the church. On July 21, the bride-elect was entertained at a miscellaneous shower by Mrs. Mildred Car penter and Mrs. Rachel Byrd in Mrs. Carpenter’s home. She was presoited a cake knife and server. On Jtfiy 29, she was en tertained at a tea given by Miss Marsha Ransdell and Mrs. Lillian Ransdell in their home. She was given a cookbook by the hostesses. On August 6, she was given a shower in the home of Mrs. Joyce Williamson. The bride and groom are both 1978 Pinecrest graduates. He is onployed with fte Moore County School System and she works with Golden Corral. The couple wUl reside in Pinebluff. WILL WED — Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pratt of Vass, announce the upcoming marriage of their daughter, Vernetta Marie, to Captain Ervin Willis Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Willis Sr. of Farfield, Texas on September 22, at four o’clock at the Pratt home. The reception will follow the wedding at the home. % A BIRTHS August 13-Son, Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Person, Carthage. August 15-Son, Mr. and Mrs. Ridiard D. Barber, Carthage; Dau^ter, Mr. andhfrs. Peter M. Colberg, Southern Pines; Dau^to-, Mr. and Mrs. David G. Crockett, Southern Pines; Dau^ter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wall, Rockingham. August 16-Son, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Barrett, West End. Ai^ust 18-Son, Mr. and Mrs. Paid Bell, Rockini^am; Son, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph l^ivey, Car thage. The Pilot (USPS 432980) is published every Wednesday for $6 per year by The Pilot, Inc., 145 W. Penn. Ave., Southern Pines, N.C. 28387. Second-class postage paid at Southern Pines, N.C. Subscription Rates Moore County: One Year..|6.00. Six Months..$3.50. Three Mon ths..$2.00. Outside Moore County: One Year..$7.50. Six Months..$4.25. Three Mon- ths..$2.50. POSTMASTER: Send Change of B Address to The Pilot, Box 58, Southern Pines, N.C. 28387. Mrs. Daniel Edward Walker Bethesda Wedding Unites Walker-Mullins Couple Sandia Mary Mullins of Southern Pines, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Mullins of Richmond, Virginia married Daniel Eldward Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walker of Linden Road, Pinehurst, Saturday at 4 o’clock in Bethesda Presbyterian Church. Dr. W.C. Neill heard the vows, and Mrs. Neill, his wife, was organist. Her father gave the bride in marriage. Her flowers were red roses. Frieda Walker, also of Linden Road in Pinehui^, was honor attendant to the bride and best man was Mark Flynn of Parsons, Kansas. A reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Walker followed the wedding. The newlyweds plan to live in the Pinehui^ area. Miss Cynthia Marie Jacques Miss Jacques, Craft Bazaar Mr. Strickland Plan Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Milton Jaques of Edgewater, Maryland announce the engagement of their daughter, Cynthia Marie, to John Connell Strickland of Chicago, Illinois, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Strickland of Pinehurst, formerly of Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Miss Jaques is a graduate of Southern Soiior High School and Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois where she was a membtf of Kai^a Kappa Gamma. She is employed by Travel Management Company (tf Chicago. Mr. Strickland is a graduate of the Cranbrook School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan and the University of North Carolina at Chapel HW where he was a member of Oii Psi Fraternity. He received his Master’s Degree in business Administration from George Washington University in Washington, D.C. He is an Assistant Vice President of the First National Bank of Chicago. The wedding will take place in October in Chicago at the Fourth Presbyterian Church where Miss Jaques is a member of the Board of Deacons and Mr. Strickland a member of the Board of Elders. Sandhills Mental Health Center is sponsoring a Craft Bazaar (rf itons inade by some Day Care patients. The bazaar will be held Thursday, August 30, from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. at the entrance to the Center. There will be a variety of crafts for sale, including ceramics, stained glass “light catchers” for window decorations, stuffed animals, pillows and other needlework. Profits from the sale will go to patients and for buying “Making and selling these crafts have provided additionial incentive for the patients, inspired confidence as well as providing additional spending money,” says Martha Parsons, RehabWtaticm Therapist. CHAPEL HHA. ANTIQUES Twenty-eight antique dealers will be represented at the Fifth Annual Antiques Show and Sale sponsored by the Chapel Hill Preservation Society at the Carolina Inn and the Wesley Foundation Sept. 13, 14 and 15, Mrs. James CMdwell, chairman, has announced. Items will include primitives, period furniture. Oriental porcelain and Oriental rugs, jewelry, silver, rare books, prints, fine china, toys, and architectural objects. Some People Missed It So... We Extended The Macrame Sale Through Saturday, Aug. 25 Huge Savings Pinetree Craft Shop 127 W. P*nn. Av*. 692-6602 Town Center Pharmacy WeAre Convenient & Competitive FINE$T PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICE AVAILARLE ANYWHERE Discount Prescriptions To Everyone "24 Hour Prescription Service" Phone 692-7158 TOWN CENTER PHARMACY The Town Center Southern Pines ENROLL NOW Fall classes to begin in DANCERCISE Monday Sept. 10 DISCO-HUSTLE Tuesday Sept. 11 BALLROOM Tuesday Sept. 11 Contact PAT LOGUE SCHOOL OF DANCE 1113 E. Mass. Ave. So. Pines 692-7521 > I f I i f H 4 \ it