Page 2-A THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina Wednesday, August 29,1979 Sandhills Scene Telephone 692-7271 Deadline for Wedding Picture, Tuesday noon The Pilot’s Log Hark the Sound, Moore County Tar Heels: we’re having a party, says the invitation. The Moore County Alumni Qiapter of UNC-Chapel Hill will meet Tuesday evening, ^September 18 at The Sheraton 'Inn in Southern Pines at 6:30 ;p.m. for dinner. ; Voit Gilmore is chairman of the event and on his committee are Dewey Dorset!, Nan : Jackson, Dan Pate, and Gene /Norton. . “Aspur new generation of Tar Heels goes off to Chapel Hill, as football season rises in the East and as Joe Califano sets in the West, it’s time for a super-blast,’’ the notice continues. “We’ll hear all about the new look on campus; we’ll swap Tar Heel tales; enjoy some great socializing; be entertained by Don Boulton as he tells us about student life in Chapel Hill today; enjoy Andy Griffin reminiscing about Carolina yesterday and today; and elect a slate of officers for our chapter to keep us rolling in the days ahead.’’ Reservations may be made for alumni and guests by writing to Voit Gilmore at Box 209, Southern. Pines, at $15 per person. Carolina alumni, indents and their guests are Welcome. Mary A. Fisher, labor market uialyst for the Employment ^curity Commission, of Fayetteville was in Southern Pines Monday. ; Dr. Charles W. Lowry left this Week on his 16th trip to England ^d Europe. During a fortni^t’s ^y he put down in London, Coventry, Manchester and Oxford. He is carrying over the Completed manuscript of a biographical study of William Temple, the great Archbishop and ecumenic^ figure. : Dr. Lowry will attend at Coventry Cathedral a com memorative reunion of British and other delegates and leaders of the 1939 Amsterdam World Conference of Christian Youth. An ice cream party f(n- the children of aU members of John Boyd Post 7318 will be held Sunday at 4 p.m., it was an nounced at the regular meeting of the Ladies Au:^ary August 20. President Lawson presided and announced the next meeting to be held Monday, Sept. 3. Girl Scouts of Moore County, now numbering 720, invite girls between 6-17 to be part of ttieir exciting program of People, Arts, Well-Being, Out^f-DMrs and Today and Tomorrow. If you are a young adult or Senior Citizen, male or female, married or single, the Girl Scout has a irogram for you, too, they say. In Southern Pines, call Bar bara Koonce, 692-3723. Ten Moore County junior and senior high school band musicians have completed the second session of East Carolina’s 26th annual Summer Music Camp. They are Adrienne Goes, clarinet, Pinehurst Middle ^hool; Amanda Godwin, flute and Andrew Fish and Gary Briggs, saxophone. Southern Pines Middle School; and Terri Sinclair, Qute, Judith Lucas and Mary Foglranan, clarinet; Peter McKone and Philip Garrison, tuba, and Virginia Holshouser, {dto saxophone, Pinecrest High School. The Rev. Paul Ridolfi, Associate Pastor of the Highland Presbyterian Church, Fayet teville, will be the guest prea^er Sunday at the Cameron Presbyterian Church for the 11 a.m. worship service. A graduate of McCormick Theological Seminary, the Rev. Mr. Ridolfi is married and he and his wife have one child. The Rev. Stewart Ellis is pastor of the Cameron Church. Visitors are welcome. Mrs. Joseph Blount Swain Jr. Swain-Morris Pair Wed; Make Home in Pinehurst Christy Ann Morris and Joseph Blount Swain, Jr. were married August 18 at 8 p.m. in the First likiited Methodist Church of Mt. Gilead by the Rev. Arthur W. Winstead. After a wedding trip to the Bahamas, the couple are living in the Page Building in Pinehurst. The bridegroom is manager of accounting for Pinehurst Airlines. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Morris of Mt. Gilead. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Swain of Washington. Both are graduates of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Mrs. ^Swain received a BA Mrs. John Allen Jordan Jr. Miss Womack Is Bride Of Mr. Jordan Saturday Miss Deborah Jane Wonnack of Rockingham, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Womack of 520 W. New Jersey Avenue, Southern Pines, was married to John Allen Jordan Jr., of Rockingham, son of Dr. and Mrs. John Allen Jordan of Lexington, in the Southern Pines United Methodist Church Saturday at 6 p.m. by the Rev. Frank Grill. Organist was Mary Margaret McNeill and soloist was John Blalock. Her father gave the bride in marriage. The bride’s gown of udiite Ultressa knit was fashioned in an empire silhouette with sculp tured rose pattern of Venice lace, ai^liques encircling the scooped neckline and high-rise waist. The full bishop sleeves were enhanced with lace appliques and the circular skirt flowed Into an attached chapel train with matching lace. Her flowers were yellow minature roses with babies’ breath and stepanotis witii a greenery cascade. Miss Janet Womack, sister of the bride, of Southern Pines, was maid of honor. Her floor length gown was of imported gossamer voile. The shirred bodice with spaghetti straps and the tunic over the skirt were of lavendar print. The lining of solid white ended in a flounce ruffle hemline. She carried a single long stemmed yellow rose with Babies Breath and greenery. Dr. John A. Jordan, father of the bridegroom, was best man and Byron Jordan of Raleigh, brother of the bridegroom, was usher. A reception followed the ceremony and was held at the degree in English and is a member of Chi Omega sorority. The bridegroom received a BS degree in accounting and is a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. ABERDEEN WOMEN Mrs. Lewis Merrill, acting president of the Aberdeen Woman’s Club, has called for a special meeting of the club to be held at one o’clock on Tuesday, September 4, at the Golden Corral. She urges all the members to attend this dutch luncheon meeting and to note the time change from the first Wednesday to Tuesday. BRIDE-TO-BE — The engagement of Miss Tammy Ingram is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ingram, of Whispering Pines, to Michael Ray Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thomas of Aberdeen. Both of the engaged couple are graduates of Calvary Christian School, the bride-elect in ’79 and her fiance in ’78. The vows wiil be exchanged in Calvary Memorial Church in Southern Pines, September 15 at 7:30 p.m. before the Rev. Kent Kelly. Luncheon Honors Debutante; Party Given for Miss Hayes A highlight of the debutante season came Saturday when Southern Pines Deb Christian Hayes was honored at a luncheon at the Country dub of North Carolina. Miss Hayes, a sophomore at Salem College, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Hayes Jr. of East Massachusetts Avenue, Southern Pines, will make her debut at the formal presentation by the Raleigh Terpsichorean dub at the N.C. Debutante Ball September 7. Coliostesses for the Saturday luncheon were Mrs. C. Robert VanderVoort of the CCNC and Mrs. J.P. Shamburger of Southern Pines. Places were set at the horsefdioe-shaped table for 32 guests, including current and former debutantes and their mothers. An arrangement of apricot and peach Fuji mums, carnations and other summer flowers decorated the table. Debs Martha Frye and Ann Kimball Collins were special guests. Both will make their bow in Raleigh September 7. A feature of the luncheon was a % ^ Vf •*4 ■ I ■ \ Southern Pines Elks dub. The couple left for a wedding trq) to Sea Island, Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan will live in Rockingham at 208 Shannon Drive. The bride is employed as a medical assistant at lUchmond Medical Center. Her husband is an associate of Claude Smith Enterprises, Commercial Developers. The bride is a ’75 graduate of Pinecrest High School and of Central Piedmont Community College, where she studied medical assisting. Her husband is a ’68 graduate of Lexington Senior Hi^ School and a ’72 graduate of Wake Forest University, where he was a member of Kappa Sigma fi-aternity. Parties The rehearsal dinner was held August 24, when Dr. and Mrs. John Allen Jordan and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Philpot en tertained at a buffet at the Southern Pines Country Qub. At the reception after the wedding, Mrs. George little kept the bride’s register, Mrs. Louis Mardietti and Mrs. Terrell West served wedding cake and Miss Sue Burchfield poured punch. Hors d’oeuvre and a champagne fountain were provided by the Elk’s aub. Other parties for the bride included a shower August 6 with hostesses Mrs. Louis Marchetti and Mrs. George Little; A sliower August 12 in Rockingham with Miss Sandra Brown hostess; Cocktails and dinner in Lexington, August 18, given by Mr. and Mrs. John Rob^ Phil- pott and a sdiower August 21 in Rockingham given by Miss Carla Ballard. BRIDAL PAIR — Kelly and Chris Neese, who were married August 18 at his mother’s home in Bermuda, were honored on their return to the Sandhills by a reception given Saturday night by Kelly’s mother, Mrs. Ronald Cate and Mr. Cate, at Mystic Cottage. The young couple are living on Midland Road.—(Photo by M. E. de Nissoff). Neese-Collett Marriage Takes Place in Bermuda Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Graham Cate of Pinehurst announce the marriage of her daughter, Kelly Clare Collett to Christopher Sherman Neese of Southern Pines on Saturday, August 18, at Christ Church, Warwick Parish, Bermuda. The bride is the daughter of Lt. Col. Willis CoUett, Jr. of Fort Meade, Md. The bride was attend^ by Mrs. Alonzo Aldrich Neese, Jr. of Beloit, Wise. She wore an im ported French diiffon gown and carried a lace fan centered with peach colored rosebuds and st^anotis, and a tiara of peach rosebuds and baby’s breath with a cascade veil of illusion. Alonzo A. Neese, Jr. was his brother’s best man. The Rev. Alaistair Macdunell officiated at the ceremony which was followed by a reception Episcopal New Teachers Mrs. Joyce Connolly, principal of the Elpiscopal Day School, has announced tlw ad(Ution of two new teachers to their teaching staff. Mrs. Carolyn Hawkins will teach first grade, and Mrs. Carol F.lam will return to the Day School as second grade teacher. Mrs. Hawkins holds a B.A. in Elementary Education from UNC-Greoisboro and has taught primary grades in Robbins and Aberdeen Elementary Schools Sie has a 20 month old baby, and her dau^t^, Robin, will be attending the Episcopal Day School in the fall. Mr. Hawkins is associated with Hawkins Electric Coiiq>any. Mrs. Elam had {weviously taught tMrd grade at the Day School. A graduate of UNC- Chapel Hill, Mrs. Elam holds a Class A Teacher’s Co'tificate. Her teaching experience in cludes working with disad vantaged and handicapped children in New York City, and teaching in schools in Virginia, Candor, and Aberdeen. Mr. Elam is with the Bank of Candor, and they have two sons. “We are very pleased and fortunate to have these dedicated teadhers on our faculty. They join another newcomer, Mrs. Carolyn Hatcher, who will supervise the school’s music program and who will also assist in the Nursery class,’’ Mrs. Connolly said. Now in its 31st year, the toast to the honoree from local debutantes of 1969. There were four among the guests, including Glory VanderVoort Garner, Player McHiaul Fleury, Beth Shamburger and Julie Johnson. Miss Hayes was given a white orchid by the hostesses. Creamed chicken and mushroom crepes, tomatoes vinaigrette, green beans almondine and a lime dessert were served. ThePUot (USPS 432980) is published every Wednesday for $6 per year by The Pilot, Inc., 145 W. Penn. Ave., A Southern Pines, N.C. 28387. Second-class postage paid at Southern Pines, N.C. Subscription Rates Moore County: One Year..$6.00. Six Months..$3.50. Three Mon ths..$2.00. Outside Moore County: One Year..$7.50. Six Months..$4.25. Three Mon- ths..$2.50. . POSTMASTER: Send Change of : Address to The Pilot, Box 58, Southern Pines, N.C. 2^87. SUBSCRIBE TO THE PILOT. MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS WEEKLY. dinner at Four Ways, Warwick. The mother of the bridegroom is Mrs. J. Sherman Neese of Sewells’ Point, Fla. who gave the rehearsal dinner at the Pen thouse Club in Hamilton, Ber muda. His father is Alonzo A. Neese of Sewells’ Point. After a sojourn in Bermuda, the couple is residing on Midland Road, Southern Pines. Following their return to the States, the bride’s mother, Mrs. Ronald G. Cate and Mr. Cate entertained at a reception at Mystic Cottage for the newlyweds. Here for the party were the bride’s grandmother, Mrs. Walter Doman^ and her uncle, Walter Domanski, Jr. of Middletown, N.Y.; her aunt, Mrs. Michael Paras and her grandson, Mark Mueller, both of Waldwick, N.J. Episcopal Day School offers a well-rounded i»*ogram for kin dergarten-nursery children and grades 1-4. Its graduates con sistently score high on stan- darized tests, and many have gone on to achieve high awards and honors. “We look forward this year to continuing the ex cellent standards set by the sdiool in the past,’’ says Mrs. Connolly. Hospital Guild Opens Season With Party St. Joseph’s Guild kicks off the season with an Ice Cream Social on Friday, September 14, at 2 p.m. in 1^. Joseph’s Hospital Dining Room. The program is “In The Good Old Summertime” by the Piney Pipers from Whispering Pines. This program will begin the opening membership drive for new members. Anyone interested in the Guild is invited to attend. Those desiring membership are asked to send their checks to St. Joseph’s Hospital Guild, 590 Central Drive, &uthem Pines, N.C. 28387. WATCH OUR ADS YOU’LL FIND rr Tried Brush-Ons And Paste-Ons? Then It’s Time To Try . . . Sculptured Nulls by traces Unlimited 235 W. Petm. Avu. 6W-2123 Town Center Pharmacy We Are Convenient & Competitive FINEST PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICE AVAILABLE ANYWHERE Discount Prescriptions To Everyone "24 Hour Prescription Service" Phone 692-7158 ••’t I'VK.d I TOWN CENTER PHARMACY The Town Center Southern Pines ENROLL NOW Fall classes to begin in DANCERCISE Monday Sept. 10 DISCO-HUSTLE Tuesday Sept. 11 BALLROOM Tuesday Sept. 11 Contact PAT LOGUE SCHOOL OF DANCE 1113 E. Mass. Ave. So. Pines 692-7521

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