I Page 4-D THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina Wednesday, May 6, 1981 Cameron News And Personals BY LILA KAY ROBERTS Drama Given An Ekster Drama, written by Mrs. Grace Ellis was presented Sunday, May 3 at 11 a.m. at Cameron Prebyterian Church. Characters in the cast were Mary played by Rosemarie Hopkins; Joanna was Ginger Loving; S.alome was Sharon McDonald; Cleopas was Tony Keith; Suzan- na was Cheryl Phillips; John was Dean Phillips, Peter was Dub Heitzel; James was Steven Har bour; Andrew was Terry Keith; Thomas was Scott Thomas and Special Effects were by Laurie McDonald. : Bruce Dean Phillips son of Mr. hnd Mrs. Bruce Phillips was welcomed into the membership bf Cameron Prebyterian Church punday; May 3 by profession of faith and baptism. He was assisted by his grandmother, Ruling Elder, Mrs. Alethea Phillips. A covered dish supper was en joyed in the Fellowship Hall at Cameron Presbyterian Church on Sunday, May 3 at 6 p.m. by the church family. For dessert, a bir thday cake was donated by Mrs. Doris Jean Harbour and Mrs. Juanita Harbour. The Women of the Church were observing Bir thday Objective. The guest speaker was Mrs. Joseph Marley of Southern Pines. Women Meet The Cameron United Methodist Women met on Monday, April 27 at 7:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of the church. The meeting was called to order by Carol Marsh. Nancy McDonald presented the program on “Love.” After the meeting, refreshments which consisted of cake squares, cheese crackers and Coke were served by Mrs. Elaine Rogers. Missions Program The Baptist Young Women met Monday, April 27 at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Sylvia Payne. Judy Loving, Martha Gaddy, Kathy Comer, Jane Rogers, Bonnie Denny and Pam West were members present. Mrs. Gaddy, President called the meeting to order. Mrs. Payne read a devo tional. Mrs. Gaddy had a prayer. Mrs. Payne was in charge of the program on Missions. Taking part in the program were Mrs. Loving, Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. West and Mrs. Comer. During the business meeting the group decided to have a yard sale in May to raise money to have an ice-cream party for the youth in the church. The hostess served German chocolate cream pie with iced tea. Woman’s Club Cameron Woman’s Club will meet in the home of Gladys War ren on Thursday, May 7 at 7:30 p.m. The guest speaker will be the district president, Joan Wom- ble of Sanford. Hospitalized Ferrell Wood is a patient at St. Joseph of the Pines in Southern Pines. Miss Lula Rogers has been a patient at Moore Memorial Hospital for over a week. Robby Yauger, son of Norma S. Yauger, is a patient at Moore Memorial Hospital. Robby received injuries in a car acci dent Saturday afternoon. Robby Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roberts, is a patient at Moore Memorial Hospital. Bobby received injuries in a car acci dent Saturday afternoon. He has several broken bones. Elementary School Cameron Elementary School PTA sponsored the 7th and 8th grade dance on Friday, May 1 at Cameron Elementary School Cafeteria. The dance began at 8 p.m. and lasted until 11 p.m. The cafeteria was decorated with blue streamers, silver stars and silver comets and meteors. In one corner was a decorated stairway leading up to heaven with clouds and stars on it. The .theme of the dance was “Stairway to Heaven.” Tables were covered with blue tablecloths with stars on them and the centerpieces car ried out the theme. The D.J. was Eddie Loving. Chaperones were Jane Rogers, Judy Cook, Patricia Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck McNeill, Naomi Ross and Joe Nelson. Chairman of the refresh ment committee was Naomi Ross. Refreshments served were a decorated cake with moons and stars, homemade cookies, dips, potato chips, pretzels, pickles, punch and Coke. Union Pines The end of the fifth 6 weeks was Friday, May 1 and report cards will go out next week at Union Pines High School. Union Pines High School Junior and Senior Prom was at the Sheraton Motor Inn in Southern Pines Saturday, May 2 from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. The theme was “Together.” Decorations were spring bouquets on the tables and an ivy-covered archway. The meal was served buffet style with sliced turkey, ham, roast beef, chicken legs, ham biscuits and an assortment of sandwiches. Or ange punch as served from a fountain punch bowl. Juniors and seniors enjoyed dancing to the band, the Power Play. About half of the faculty from Union Pines High School were at the prom and served as chaperones. Personals Neill McDonald, Mrs. Bill Neville of Raleigh and Mrs. War ren Baecht of Whispering Pines attended the funeral of their un cle, James Floyd Thrift of Durham. The funeral was held Thursday, April 30 at Walker’s Funeral Home Chapel in Chapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green went to the House-in-the- Horseshoe Sunday and they en joyed seeing the crafts as well as the re-enactment of the battle fought there 200 years ago. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas demonstrated sock dolls on Saturday at the House-in-the- Horseshoe. Mrs. June Bell Tally visited Mrs. Gladys Rhodes at Manor Care in Pinehurst Sunday after noon. Emory Brown, Miss Agnes Womack, Stephenane Johnson and Don Rogers attended the funeral of Mrs. Fannie Mae Jar rell Burroughs Saturday at the First United Methodist Church in Mt. Gilead. Miss Annie H. Jones, Mrs. Ellen Gilchrist, Mrs. Charles Sinclair of Carthage and Mrs. Lou Wehlitz of Fayetteville visited Mrs. Oscar Svarlein in Gainesville, Florida last week. They also went to St. Augustine and Jekyll Island. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Collins, Mrs. Beulah McPherson and Mrs. Jessie Loving had dinner Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Walker Oldham and family in . ..., „ STRAWBERRY HARVEST SEASON OPEN You Pick - 35C Lb. We Pick - 55C Lb. -2 LOCATIONS THIS TUR- AOEIOEEN - HOME LOCATION “Pick Your Own” FULL CROP - 8 ACRES 3SC A POUND AT HOME FARM Boyte’s Strawberry Farm Located OH Miles North Of Carthage On Glendon-Siler City And House In Horseshoe Road PHONE 947-5065 Southern Pines. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rogers from Pleasant Garden visited Miss Lula Rogers and sisters over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Mitchell and son, James of Sanford, visited Mrs. Lucille Cooper, Mrs. Gertrude Lineback and Mrs. Lille Mae Mitchell Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wishart of Wilmington visited Miss Lula Rogers and sisters on Saturday. Mrs. Nell Mclver of Raleigh spent several days last week in the home of Miss Lula Rogers and sisters. Steve Lassiter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Lassiter, was in a car accident on Saturday. He was taken to Moore Memorial Hospital. He has been released and is at home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph HiUmer spent several days visiting their daughter, Mrs. Mary Herndon in Winston-;^lem recently. Mr. and Mrs. James Roberts and daughter, Diane and Mrs. Ellie Roberts had dinner Satur day with Dr. Marie Roberts and Lewis Roberts in Bahama. Other guests were David Roberts of Albemarle and Miss Kaye Roberts of Rocky Mount. Mrs. Mary Hayes Butner visited Mrs. Ellie Roberts Sun day evening. Capt. and Mrs. Robert Phillips and daughter, Jennifer of Pope; Air Force Base visited Mr. and Mrs. James E. Phillips on Monday. Mrs. Frank Comer, Sr. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. carl Comer in Concord this week. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Shaw of Spring Lake visited in the home of Miss Lula Rogers Sunday afternoon. The Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Payne and children, Dennis and Kelly spent several days over the Easter holidays visiting Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Payne and Mrs. Maggie Allred in Greensboro. Mrs. Verna Minnick, Miss Virginia Graham and Mrs. Lois Pridgen had dinner Wednesday in Sanford. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomas visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sanders in Asheboro on Saturday. Scott Thomas and Brian Harbour spent the weekend at Holdens Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walter of Roxboro, Miss Margaret Toman of Chapel Hill, Jack Rogers of Chapel Hill, Earl Longest and daughter, Mrs. Earleen Baltzegar of Graham visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Longest on Simday. Mrs. Homer Measamer and Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Harbour and son, Steven spent the weekend at Lake TiUery. Miss Lula Rogers is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. T.K. Holmes of Trio Charged In Break-Ins In December Aberdeen Detective Doug McGuiney announced this week the arrest of three men on charges of breaking, entering and larceny from Ebenezer Pipkin and H&S Sporting Goods in December of 1980. The three, all from the Pinehurst area, were John L. McLeod, Jeffery C. Martin, and Martin A. Patterson. McLeod has also been charged with the attempted break-in of Flin- chum’s T.V. in Aberdeen in November 1980. Det. McGuiney also stated that he believes more cases will be cleared with the arrest pf these individuals. During February of this year, Aberdeen officers received several reports of a male ex posing himself to women in the Aberdeen area. Det. D.S. McGuiney arrested Mark M. Brower of Eastwood on three counts of indecent exposure, as a result of his continuing in vestigation. Aberdeen police did not in vestigate any major wrecks this week. Arrests made during the week are as follows: breaking, en tering and larceny 6, attempted tx‘eak-in 1, no operators license 3, speeding 3, unsafe movement 1, and indecent exposure 3. HIGHWAY MEETING In its meeting this week, the State Board of Transporation is scheduled to consider tjie award of 18 highway improvement contracts. The board will convene at 10 a.m. on Friday, May 8, in the board room of the Highway Building located on the corner of Morgan and Wilmington streets in Raleigh. State Secretary of Transportation Tom Bradshaw explained, “These highway improvements willl be financed with funds from the 1977 highway bond issue and federal-aid matching money.” Golsboro spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendrick and daughter, Lisa. Mr. Holmes was a fornier principal at Cameron Elementary School. Mrs. Tom Hoover of Atlanta, Georgia visited Miss Minnie Muse last week. Neil McDonald, Mrs. Bill Neville of Raleigh and Mrs. Warren Baecht of Whispering Pines attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Annie Thrift of Durham. The funeral was held Friday, April 24 at Walker Funeral Home in Chapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Neville of Raleigh and children, William and Ms. Nancy Lybrand of Chapel Hill, George Gavus of Chapel Hill and Neil McDonald had lunch Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Baecht and daughter, Karan in Whispering Pines. Mrs. H.B. Roberts returned home Saturday from visiting Mr. and Mrs. David Roberts in Albemarle. Mrs. Ralph Foushee and daughter, Cindy of Pinebluff spent Friday night with Mrs. Loy Routh. Mrs. Foushee, Cindy, Mrs. Routh and Mrs. Lula Hendrick had dinner Friday at Peggy’s Fish House in Vass. Mr. and Mrs. William Hayes and son, Sam of Export, Pa. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gates and son, Derrid of Morganton spent last weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green and Mrs. Margaret Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green and Mrs. Margaret Gates visited Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Norville in Rutherfordton College last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Comer and children, Russell and Beverly of Cameron, Mrs. Kay Mitchell and son, James of Sanford, the Rev. and Mrs. Alton Richardson of laeger, West Virginia and Mrs. Thelma Deaton of Jackson, Kentucky had lunch Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paschal Teague in Lobellia. Mitchell Girard and Gary Girard of South Holland, Illinois arrived Friday and they are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Emory Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Kelly this week. Mrs. Wallace Salmon and children, Cheryl and Michelle of Durham visited Mr. and Mrs. Emory Brown from last Wednesday until Sunday. They were joined by Mr. Salmon on Sunday. Randy Pilson of Norfolk, Virginia spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Pilson. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Pilson on Saturday and Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Callahan of Whiteville. On Sunday Miss Joyce Parrish of Lemon springs visited in the Pilson home. The Callahan’s also visited with Mrs. Ed Callahan in Vass. Elementary School Scout leaders. Junior McNeill and Alden Taylor with the Boy Scouts in Cameron were in charge of directing traffic at the PTA meeting on Monday, April 13 at Cameron Elementary School. Cameron Elementary School PTA are sponsoring the 7th and 8th grade dance on Friday, May 1 at Cameron Elementary School Cafeteria. The 7th and 8th grade students can invite a guest. The dance will begin at 8 p.m. and will last until 11 p.m. Winners from Cameron Elementary School to have their art entered at the Art Show in the Town and Country Shopping Center Art show were Terry Watson and Allen Dowdy from Mrs. Patricia McMillan’s Kindergarten Class; Brandy Brown and Amy Nelson from Mrs. Joan Frye’s First Grade Class; B.J. Kelly and Alan Davidson from Mrs. Rebecca Kelly’s First and Second grade class; Jason Briggs and Chris Yauger from Mrs. Joann Davis’s Second Grade Class; Pat McGeehee and Dale Rogers from Mrs. Rebecca Baker’s Third Grade Class; Frank Jackson and Avid Ellis from Mrs. Roberta Barnes Third and Fourth Grade Class; Joel Loving and Adam Medlin from Mrs. Michele Jackson’s Fourth Grade Class; Carol Oxendine and Mike Mitchell from Jerry Kelly’s Fifth Grade Class; Annette Godfrey and Rodney Draughn from Ms. Judy Cook’s Fifth and Sixth Grade Class; Kathy Coley and Warren Davidson from Ms. Delaine Utley’s Sixth and Seventh Grade Class; Don Gaddy and Francine Fliblotte from Robert Kennedy’s Seven and Eighth Grade Class; Gail Whitt and Darlene Oakley from Mrs. Clara Belle’s Eighth Grade Class and Paul Williams received the Principal Award. The total retail value of home food production in 1980 was a record $15 billion. ACC COMMENCEMENT Dr. William W. Shingleton, director of the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center and professor of surgery, Duke University Medical Center will be the featured speaker at Atlantic Christian College’s 79th Annual Conunencement to be held Sunday, May 10, at 2:30 p.m. A native of Wilson, he was graduated sununa cum laude from Atlantic Christian in 1939. Defendant, Legals -LEGAL NOTICE- The annual report of the Walthour-Moss Foundation for the year ended December 31, 1980, is available at its principle office for inspection during regular business hours by any citizen who requests it within IM days after the date of this notice. The principle office of this trust is P.O. Box 147, Southern Pines, N.C. Attention: E. Earl Hubbard, Trustee. 5:6c -LEGAL NOTICE- The annual report of the Moore County Charitable Foundation, Inc. for the year ended December 31,1980 is available at its principle office for inspection during regular business hours by any citizen who requests it within 180 days after the date of this notice. The principle office of this trust is 125 N.W. Broad Street, Southern Pines, N.C. 28387. Attention: W.H. Gentry, Treasurer. 5:6c TO: KARL GEOFFREY SENG TAKE NOTICE THAT: A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled Action ana Notice of Service of Process by Publication began on May 6, 1981. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: Absolute Divorce. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than forty (40) days after the date of the first publication of notice stated above, being forty (40) days after May 6,1981, or by June 15,1981, and upon failure to do so the party seeking service of process by publication will apply to the court for the relief sought. DATED: This 6th day of May, 1981. JOHNSON, POOLE AND WEBSTER Attorneys for the Plaintiff BY: W. Terrell Webster, Jr. Post Office Box 1125 Aberdeen, North Carolina 28315 (919) 944-2361 5:6,13,20c undersigned. This the 6th day of May, 1981. Ethel M. Delmarle Personal Representative Estate of John M. Delmarle Sandy G. Patterson Pollock, FuUenwider, Cunningham & Patterson, P.A. Attorneys for Estate 235 East Pennsylvania Avenue Southern Pines, North Carolina 28387 5:6,13,20,27c -LEGAL NOTICE- NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned having qualified as Personal Representative of the Estate of Sam Taylor, deceased late of Moore County, this is to notify all persons, firms or corporations having claims against said estate to present them, duly verified to the undersigned at her home. Box 169, Route 1, Cameron, N.C. 28326 on or before the 6th day of November, 1981, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 4th day of May, 1981. RUTH RICHARDSON TAYLOR Personal Representative of Estate of Sam Taylor, deceased Box 169, Route 1, Cameron, N.C. 2^26 5:6,13,20,27p -LEGAL NOTICE- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MOORE Moore County Tax Collector Plaintiff Against Annie Wilde Cox Defendant Pursuant to the requirements of G.S. 105-375 (c), notice is hereby given to Annie Wilde Cox that a judgment of foreclosure will be docketed against the property described below on June 13, 1981: Mineral Springs Township, Pineview Manor Estates; Lot no. 1, Tax Map 69, Block 4, Lot 2; Register-of-Deeds Book 228, Page 261. Execution will be issued on the judgement and the property will be sold as provided by law. The tax lien, including interests and costs, may be paid before the judgment is docketed and at any time thereafter as allowed by law. Carl W. Sellers Tax Collector 5:6,13c -LEGAL NOTICE- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PURSUANT to the provision of the Carthage Zoning Ordinance, notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held at the Carthage Municipal Building on Monday, May 18, 1981, at 7:30 p.m. at which time all residents and property owners in the Town of Carthage will have the opportunity to be heard on the proposed conditional use of property as described below: Property Owners: Ernest G. and Mildred Hooker Location: Intersection of Needmore Street and Glendon Road Present Zoning: Residential Proposed Zoning: No change- conditional use Uses; Children’s Day Care A copy of the proposed request with specific location and size of the area can be inspected at the Carthage Town Office Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 5:6,13c -LEGAL NOTICE- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MOORE FILE NO. 81CvD210 IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION EVLYNN G. SENG, Plaintiff, vs. KARL GEOFFREY SENG, •LEGAL NOTICE- NORTH CAROLINA MOORE COUNTY The undersigned, Ethel M. Delmarle, having qualified on April 27, 1981, as Personal Representative of the Estate of John M. Delmarle, deceased, this is to notify all persons, firms or corporations having claims against said estate that they must present them to the undersigned at 445 Orchard Road, Southern Pines, North Carolina 28387, on or before the 7th day of November, 1981, or the claims will be forever barred thereafter, and this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate wilt please make immediate payment to the -LEGAL NOTICE- NORTH CAROLINA MOORE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by James L. Frith, Jr. and Bonnie Ann Frith, dated September 15, 1977, made to Robert N. Page, III, Trustee, and recorded in Book 299, Page 440, Office of the Register of Deeds for Moore County, North Carolina, default has been made in payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and the said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and the holders of the indebtedness thereby secured, having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Courthouse door in Carthage, North Carolina, at 11:30 a.m. on the 19th day of May, 1981, the property conveyed in said Deed of Trust located on 15-501 between Pinehurst and Carthage known as Glendale in Carthage Township, Moore County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: BEING all of that certain 198.64 acres more or less located in Carthage Township, Moore County, North Carolina, as is more particularly described in a Deed from John M. Currie, et ux, et al, dated May 24, 1973, appearing of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Moore County in Deed Book 368, at page 365, to which record reference is made for a more particular description of said tract of land by metes and bounds. The foregoing tract of land has been dedicated as a sub division known as “Glendale” by the Grantors herein as more particularly appears on plats of record in the office of the Register of Deeds to which records reference is hereby made. EXCEPTION: There is excepted from the operation of the lien of this Deed of Trust all lots or parcels of land conveyed by Grantors prior to the recordation of this Deed of Trust. Subject to covenants and restrictions as are of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County in Deed Book 378, at Page 583 as amended by an amendment of record in Deed Book 382, at Page 497 to which records reference is made for a more complete description of said covenants and restrictions. Subject to rights-of-way and easements as shown on the plat hereinabove referred to. Subject to: 1. Deed of Trust in favor of M.G. Boyette, Jr., Trustee and Sandhill Production Credit Association, dated May 4,1973, of record in Deed of Trust Book 250, at Page 317. 2. Deed of Trust in favor of M.G. Boyette, Trustee and The Carolina Bank, dated March 4, 1974, of record in ' Deed of Trust Book 259, at Page 151. 3. Deed of Trust in favor of M.G. BoyePe, Jr., Trustee and Sandhill Production Credit Association, dated June 17, 1974, of record in Deed of Trust Book 262, at Page 798. This sale will be held open ten (10) days for upset bid as required by law. The property will be sold subject to restrictive covenants, conditions and easements of record affecting said property, if any exist, and to the lien of unpaid County taxes and assessments affecting the same, payment of which shall be assumed by purchase. The successful bidder will be required to deposit with the Trustee as earnest money ten percent (10%) of the first One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) of his bid, and five percent (5%) of the excess over One Thousand DoUars ($1,000.00). This the 2th day of April, 1981. Robert N. Page, III, Trustee Page, Neville & Dedmond The Razook Building Pinehurst, N.C. 28374 5:6,13c Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale RHODES Village Realty Co. J. Edward Rhodes Louise Thomas Mickey Wirtz Clark Dillon Bill Church 692-2279 692-8837 692-6806 692-6739 692-7275 692-4100 muirifiit LiStinc seffvtct MIS E. MASSACHUSETTS AVE. Convenient location for downtown shopping, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, dining room. $36,000. #303 SOUTHERN PINES COUNTRY CLUB. Lovely sun porch with wood stove and Hunter ceiling tan is the focal point of this 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch surrounded by a lovely lot. $89,800 #803 HUNT COUNTRY. Beautiful pines, hollies, and magnolias on 2 acres surround this 3 bedroom, 3 bath home. Screened porch, sun room, 3 fireplaces and room to grow in the full basement. $89,000 #804 BEST BUY ON THE MARKET. Over 2000 sq. ft. of heated space includes great room, huge kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2'/i baths, double garage with automatic opener. Ex tras galore! $74,500. #704 NEW LISTING - PINE NEEDLES GOLF COURSE. Under construction. Fantastic master suite, large great room with fireplace, double garage plus 2 additional bedrooms and a both. Mid $70s. #705 ITS ALMOST READY! Great starter or retirement home. 3 bedr^poms, 1V, baths, heat pump. $39,900 FOR THE HANDYMAN. 3 bedroom, 2 bath brick ranch with full basement, screened porch, and deck on 1.7 acre lot. $75,500. #702 PERFECT STARTER HOME. Great room with fireplace, dining room, 3 bedrooms, I'/j baths, V4 acre lot. $49,500 #401 DEERWOOD DRIVE. Brand new 3 bedroom, 1'4 bath frame home. Heated and cooled by a heat pump. Pric ed to sell at $39,900 #302 NEW ENGLAND FARMHOUSE. Unique design features huge greet room with fireplace, large master suite, 2 bedrooms and bath upstairs, screened porch, double garage. $88,900 #802 10'A'’o (APR) LOAN ASSUMPTION. 3 bedrooms, 1% baths, living room, den, large kitchen, single garage. $47,500 #405 IMMACULATE TWO BEDROOM. Perfect retirement home, ideal location. Features den with fireplace, screened porch, double garage. $82,500 #805 1505 as. 1 South, Southern Pines Pi. Carolina 28387 (919) 692-4100