Index Mi(]h (alls ' m 1/ Books, 2-B; Carthage News, 1-3-D; Church News, 3-B; Classified Ads, 6- 15-D; Editorials, 1-B; Entertainment, S-9>C; Obituaries, 12-A; Pinehurst News, 1-4-C; Sandhills Scene, 2-9-A; Sports, 10-13-C. Robbing Glandon ^andix samarkq Jbamarkqfii id Lakas pqs. v1' .fqr^aqe' NVhisC Fun Day , Ja cksor; Vktest^nd Pin«S i^i zs^nd r Canlaron afSvassW SpqS 'Pind u+hern "Pines jamboree sponsored by Jaycees wUl be held here Saturday. See Page 9-A. Pin* VOL. 61, NO. 35 70 PAGES SOUTHERN PINES, NORTH CAROLINA 28387 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24,1981 70 PAGES PRICE 15 CENTS ■C!i Tax Raise Supported In Budget Hike Pleas -•-..I!" " pai., ^ ' -sr- - -41: -n.*- . ■ -'gk.fjw.nii'' 4 .; • .' ?iH ■;~v. . LAKE AUMAN DAM — Work is progressing on the $3 million dam at Seven Lakes West which will create the 1,000 acre Lake Auman, named in honor of former Rep. T. Clyde Auman. One of the largest earth dams in the Eastern U.S., it is expected to be completed in late 1982. It will be more than 600 feet thick at its base, 2,100 feet wide and 92 feet high.—(Photo by Glenn M. Sides). Moore Tops State, U.S. In Tests Moore County students have shown steady improvement over test scores on the North Carolina Annual Tests, results show, and this year the average scores were higher than the regional, state and national averages. “Our test scores continue to im prove,” said Superintendent R.E. Lee. The tests are given yearly to students in grades one, two, three, six and nine during the seventh month of the school year. This year’s results exceed last year’s scores in every area ex cept reading and math at the ninth grade level and spelling at the sixth grade level where the scores remained the same as last year’s; still above grade level. Tests results became available this week. Students in grades one and two took the Prescriptive Reading In ventory (PRI) and the Diagnostic Aberdeen 4th Declared To Be ‘Cliff Blue Day’ July 4 has been declared “Cliff Blue Day” in Aberdeen. In addition to the usual celebra tion in Aberdeen a special tribute will be given to Cliff Blue. The day’s activities will kick off with a one mile fun run at 10:25. At 10:30 the Pinecrest Band will lead the parade through the streets of Aberdeen and end at the Aberdeen Lake. At 11:30 the formal program will feature a special tribute to Cliff Blue. Among the speakers will be former Chancellor of East Carolina University Leo Jenkins, former Governor Jim Holshouser and State Secretary of Cultural Resources Sarah Hodgkins. At 1 p.m. blue grass and coun try and western music begins and will continue until 9:30 that night. Featured performers will include (Continued on Page 14-A| Math Inventory (DMI). Tests for the first and second graders were designed to give teachers and parents detailed information about student performance in skills and knowl^ge emphasized at that particular grade level. This infomnation will be used to pinpoint areas in which the teacher, parent and student must concentrate to ingkrove tlie stu dent’s performance. By contrast, the tests for grades, three, six and nine were designed to' obtain general measures of performance and to compare the performance of various groups of students. Educators believe that these tests provide enough detailed in formation to help the teacher ob tain indicators of the student’s strengths and learning dif ficulties. Taking the tests this past spr ing were 571 first graders, 543 se cond graders, 562 third graders, 589 sixth graders, and 671 ninth graders. GradeOne Reading and mathematics tests are administered to first grade students during the seventh month of the school year. The average grade equivalent for first grade students in the nation, therefore, is 1.7. The gradei equivalent scores for the average first grade student in the Moore County School System were 2.1 in reading and 2.6 in mathematics. (Continued on Page 14-A) Ewing To Continue Push In Economic Development Recreation Budget Cut Slashes Top Personnel “It was not a very pleasant thing to have to do. We’re all volunteers, and we felt bad about letting anyone go,” said Johnny Bums, chairman of the Moore County Recreation Commission. He was talking about the com mission’s decision to . terminate the employment of Recreation Director Morgan Rodgers, Pro gram Director Pam Adams, and one of the three area supervisors, (Charles Thompson. “Our decision had nothing to do with the quality of their work. They have all done an excellent job, and Morgan did an excellent job as director. It’s a sad situa tion,” Bums said. Bums said the dismissals are directly related to the severe cut back in the recreation budget by the Moore (bounty Board of Com missioners. The recreation body had requested a budget of almost $192,000 but was funded only $83,000, of which $30,000 is to (Continued on Page 13-A) BY FLORENCE GILKESON Bob Ewing has not officially started work yet, but already he is losing wei^t just walking up and down two flights of stairs. His office as county economic developer is on the third floor of the old courthouse in Carthage, but the county manager’s office is on the ground floor. Ewing, a well-known Republican leader and a former county commissioner, will become economic development director on July 1, the same date on which he becomes acting county manager. The economic development office has been moved from the trailer office on U.S. 15-501 near the N.C. 22 intersection. Soil scientists working on a county-wide soil sur/ey have been moved into the tr^er. Clark Gives Observatory Here To State Science-Math School Ewing said he intends to pursue industry with the same vigor Moore County has been applying in the past few years. “We have to,” he said in a telephone interview this week. “Every county, every town, (Continued on Page 13-A) Poetry Festival The second annual North Carolina Poetry Festival will be held at Weymouth Center on Saturday, June 27, beginning at 10 a.m. The festival will open, with talks and readings by featui^ poets Ronald Bayes, Maria Ingram and Thomas N. Walters. Poets from all over North Carolina have been invited to attend and to read from their works in the all-day festival, and many other well known poets are expected to be present. The public is invited to attend and participate in the event which last year drew an attendance of more than 200 people. BY FLORENCE GILKESON Applause, laughter, even occasional boos punctuated the budget hearing hosted Monday night by the Moore County Board of (Commissioners. But if the more than 500 per sons who jammed into the old courtroom were ejqkecting an answer to their budget questions, they went away unsatisfied. Instead of deciding on the final budget for 1981-82, the com missioners recessed at the close of the hearing and agreed to reconvene at 11:30 ajn. Thur sday. The budget must be adopted by the end of the month. In about an hour and a half 26 persons addressed the com missioners, with 19 speaking in favor of budget increases for public schools. Sandhills Com munity (College, youth services and other county programs. Some even voiced support for a tax increase to finance these programs at desired levels, while one group presented a petition calling for adequate funding the schools and county agencies. Sui^ort for the public school system was the most vocal during the evening. When one speaker declared that most members of the audience were school employes, a group in the background shouted back “No. We’re parents!” Hints that the funding for Robbins Leaving Chamber J. Ed Robbins, Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer of the Sandhills Area (Chamber of Commerce, has accepted the position of Executive Vice President of the Greater (Clearwater (Florida) Chamber of Commerce effective July 15. H. Clifton Blue, (Chairman of the Board of the Sandhills chamber, read Robbins’ letter of resignation to chamber officers at the monthly board meeting on June 18. In his letter, Robbins wrote: “In less than a month, Ellen and I will have lived here three years. During that time we have come to know many wonderful people who have made us feel welcome and very much at home...Our decision to leave the Sandhills has been most painful. When we think of the many friendships we have developed through ttie church as well as the Chamber...we came close to declining.” Both Ed and Ellen are members of the choir of Bethesda Presbyterian Church. The Chamber board accepted Robbins’ resignation with regret. “Ed has done a fine job and we hate to see him go,” was the gist of the sentiment expressed by Chairman Blue and echoed by all present. “Ed brought many fresh, new ideas and approaches to the workings of the (Chamber,” as George Erwin, who will be 1982 Chairman of the Board, put it. “Some of the programs he (Continued on Page 14-A) sdiools will not be changed, despite the outpouring of sup port, were expressed by Board (Chairman (Charles Riillips and Vice-chairman Tony Parker in their remarks shortly before the meeting was closed. Citizens attending the he9ring were asked to sign up in advance if they wished to speak, and were asked to confine their remarks to three minutes. Dr. Phillips called each speaker by name. Lew Brown, a former Southern Pines town manager, scolded the board for not providing the county with effective leadership and said he did not believe the only goal of local government is saving taxes. Although he commended the board for taking steps toward the county manager form of government, be warned that this action alone will not solve their [x-oblems of 3-2 votes and partisan politics. (Continued on Page 10-A) Board To Meet Thursday; Revenue Over-Estimated It’s back to the drawing board this week for the Moore County Board of (Commissioners, which has been informed by the North Caroling Local Government (Commission that the proposed 1981-82 budget contains revenue figures over-estimated to the tune of $140,000. J.D. Foust, deputy state treasurer and head of the commission, told The Pilot that most of the over-estimated revenue can be found in the local sales tax figure. This revelation apparently prompted the commissioners to delay final action Monday night on adoption of the new budget, tentatively set at $11,198,580. At the close of ^e annual budget hearing Monday night. Dr. Charles Phillips, chairman of the board, suggested that the board recess its meeting and 107 Degrees Temperatures climbed on up there to 107 degrees Monday. This is the high temperature reported by Warren Baecht, a volunteer weather observer for the National Weather Service. Monday’s low was another record-breaker, 78 degrees. The standard weather measurement equipment is located in the backyard of the Baecht home on the Lakeview- Airport Road, near Whispering Pines. Sunday’s high was 101 degrees, the low 70. Rainfall was measured at 0.53 inch Friday and 0.92 inch Thursday. People along U.S. Route 1 in Aberdeen and Southern Pines around 9 a.m. on last Thursday, June 17 were surprised to see an enormous flat bed truck belonging to the State of N.C. with a load looking for all the world like a small scale nuclear reactor being transported north. What they really saw was the principal building from Sandhills Observatory being transported to the North Carolina School for Science and Mathematics in Durham. The Sandhills Observatory has operated since 1974 at a site off of N.C. Rt. 5. Thousands of adults and young people have viewed the heavens at this facility which the owner, Allen Qarke, called a “privately owned, non commercial, educational facility.” Mr. Clarke has shown great Allen S. Clarke interest in the North C!arolina School for Science and Mathematics which has been established in Durham as a boarding high school for ex ception^ gifted and talented hi^ school students interested in science and math. AU students are chosen by competitive examination. Moore County will have four students attending the session this faU. All expenses, room, board, and tuition are paid by the state for the two years the students attend. Eventually the school will have 900 students. Many of the larger corporations in the USA, particularly those in the technological field, have made substantial contributions to the sdiool’s endowment. Mr. Oarke has made sub stantial gifts to the school, too, the largest being the complete operating observatory with its attendant support equipment such as {hotographic laboratory, (Continued on Page 14-A) THE PILOT LIGHT REPUBLICANS~Jim God frey, chairman of Eighth District R^ublicans, has called a district convention for Saturday, July 11, at 2 p.m. at the Sheraton (Con vention Center here. The Eighth District convention is being hdd prior to the state convention which will be held in Wilmington on July 24-25-26. Godfrey said Republicans from Hoke County are being invited to the convention here under the assumption that Hoke will become a part of the Eighth District under legislative redistricting. LEGISLATURE State reconvene at 11:30 a.m. Thursday to continue its budget considerations. It had been ejected that the board would discuss the budget and take a vote at the close of the hearing, which is the traditional practice. The board will actually meet at 10 a.m. Thursday, when an executive (closed) session will be held for the purpose of hearing the preliminary management report prepared by a team of volunteer management consultants headed by Pete Perkins. Although the 10 a.m. closed session was not announced Monday night, Dr. Phillips did announce the 11:30 meeting. Perkins said the meeting would be closed to the public because parts of the report refer to personnel, one of the few subjects which a local governing body can legally discuss in the absence of the public. (Continued on Page 12-A) School Board In Limbo Delays Cameron Project BY LIZ HUSKEY With a frustrated shrug of its collective shoulders, the Moore County Board of Education tabled two items on its regular agenda Monday'tiight because of what some members called a state of “limbo,” not knowing how much the county budget is going to leave them. The meeting followed a two- hour public hearing on the budget held by the Board of County (Dommissioners at which severd hundred school workers and parents spoke against the proposed cut of the school system’s budget. But the school board remained cautious Monday night, tabling an item on the Cameron school bids and on the schools budget until after the commissioners approved the 1981-82 county budget. Just in case it is approved this week, the school board called a meeting for next Monday at 8 p.m. to accept bids on the Cameron school project and to “decide where we’re going from there.” Most of the half-hour-long school board meeting was spent in frustrated chatter about the county commissioner’s stand on the budget and on the comments heard during the public hearing. One comment was aimed at the fact that there appeared to be only about 25 supporters of the commissioners’ budget cut. Board Member Kent Harbour said, “Where are all Dr. Phillips’ people who want these budget cuts?” Board Member Debbie Williams said, “People in Pinehurst and Southern Pines have proven they support the schools. From what I’ve heard from retirees, our tax rate is a joke to them, it’s so low. People (Otutinued on Page 13-A) Chief Chases Man, Kills Him ; SBI Probing Slaying In Moore An SBI investigation into the slaying of a motorist by the Ellerbe police chief is continuing. William Bowden, a 48-year old resident of Candor, Rt. 1, died almost instantly on a rural Moore County road Sunday night. Ellerbe Chief Jack D. Stoner told investigators that he was threatened with a knife by Bowden after a chase from Rich mond County ended when the Bowden vehicle became disabled because of a flat tire. In a new development in the case, Emry Little, president of the Moore Upunty chapter of the NAACP, announced this morning (Wednesday) that he is consider ing asking for an additional in vestigation by the FBI. Bowden was black; Stoner is white. “The NAACP suspects that (3iief Stoner has been involved in other questionable cases similar to the Bowden case,” Little said. Little added that the Richmond and Moore chapters of the (Continued on Page 14-A) Senator Russell Walker said Monday that he believes the Legislature will wind up its current session by the ni^t of July 3. Legislative leaders are aiming for an earlier adjournment, but Walker feels that the number of bills stiU to be acted upon will keep them in session until the eve of the Fourth. REDISTRICTING - Walker, who also is State Democratic diairman, is not pleased with redistricting efforts thus far in the Legislature and would prefer that the task be held over until the fall session in .October. (Continued on Page 14-A) i INVESTIGATION BEGINS — SBI Agent Ken Snead talks to Henrietta Simmons, a passenger with William Bowden, who was shot to death after;, a chase from Richmond County Sunday night. In the background i4 Detective Ronnie Davis of the Moore County Sheriff’s Department. Par4 tially obscured behind Davis is Ellerbe Police Chief Jack D. Stoner, who shot Bowden after the victim reportedly threatened him with a knife. The unidentified officer at left is a deputy with the Richmond County Sheriff’sj Department—(Photo by Glenn M. Sides).

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