' - . sv.iiui77', : '": r " :T ' ' f -. .':JpV- '25k New Era' ' . r --? - SUBSCRIBE FOR 1 . ; is- - m THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM in tub piedmont ! Reg ion, TheNefEka, THE - II iLEADING NEWSpAPKD j - -AS IT - 'fiWnlntew -in Eery Connty or tbr Seelion. -IN Piedmont Carolina. 1 VOL," 3. SHELBY, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1887. i- 'i c Jei:RAYEK. MeBlUYER & RYBUM, Attorneys? at Law; ; SHELBY, N. C. " '"' - ; ,,-.t fittpVtion to all business I 1 1 1 " ' t' r.wii'd to them. i itnct in vuuiuviv.w. .w. v - r BUSINESS CAHDS. 0" 1'5-U 7 ; H. CABAIISS,' ATTORNEY AT Li AW tod United States Commissioner, . SHELBY, 'sr.. c. - j rWvCTICES in the courts' of Cleve 1 land and Rutherford counties. q Office on West irren street. 2S-tf. B. Frank Wood, Attorney at Law. - SHELBY, N. C. -,,MTmSIOXER of 6eods:.rf 80Bth J Carolina. '; - T. B. JUSTICE, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASD REAL ESTATE AGENT, RrTIILRFpUDTON, N. C. OPECIAL attention given !to collections N .foii binds' and to the sale and pur- .clui?e and renting of Real-Estate, and the instigation of 'and preparation oi lutes. Mortgages, &c. . Ottice at court house, iu County Trea3 ii!vr office. j I9"" I)r VICTOR McBRAYER, SHELBY; N. C, OFFERS his professional services to V7 the peiple ot cliel Dy ana surreunuing Vountry. Office in old Postofflce Build- J. A. HARRILL, 1). D S., SHELBY, -N. U., T? rREFARED xTO DO ALL KINDS 1 of Dental vok first-class style H is tverr modern convenience to iacili ate soocl work. Perfect satisfaction guar - iinteed. ' . .! Ofiicp up' stairs over .-tolirayer. s i I wa !ru--ht:.re.- '; a TicoireuT. - BY FATHER RYAN. The, summer rose the sun has flushed . With crimson glory may be sweet ; 'Tis sweeter when its leaves are crushed Bpneath the winds' and tempests' leet. The r.ose Uiat waves upon its tree In life sheds perfume all around ; More sweet the perfume floats to me, Of roses trampled on the grotind. The waving rose with every breath Scents carelessly the summer air ; The wounded rose bleeds forth in death Its sweetness ir more rich and rare. It is a truth beyond our ken, And yet a truth which all may read- It is witlh roses as with men : The sweetest hearts are those that bleed. The flower which Bethlehem saw" bloom Out of a heart all full of grace, Gave never forth its full perfume Until the cross became its vase-. ADOI.F $XIC NORDKHSKIOLD, Swedish Explorer, preparinc for YoyitRC to tb Month PU. Whether he hopes to reach the South Pole or not we cannot say; bnt Baron Jsordenskjold,the eminent Swedish ex plorer, is meditating an Antarctic ex pedition. His past ach ievements war rant, the expectation th at his plans will be carried out. He ei presses himself as confident that he will reach a point fait her south than has yet been reach ed, provided that he can get a supply of coal to insure the progress of his steam ep in the melancholy waste of waters within the Antarctic Cirele. The Baron expects to be absent a, year and a half on his expedition, during which he will pursue scientific observations. For this task he is well qualified. His taste for scientific inquiry is natural,, inherited from his ancestors, and has been the subject of incessant cultivation. ' . Adolf Eric; Nordenskjold was born at Helsingf ors on November 18, 1832. His father was chief of the Finland Mining Department. Early in his life it was observed. that the lad cared more for practical than theoretical learning. educated at' Borsro .-md the University of . Ilebiuirfors. - IDs atten- New 31 Tin Shop. A V I NO opened a Tin Slu.p m A. It Kskrulcfe'i ulu stand. Hn-ibv. N. .'., i oIicit the patronage of those needing tin ; IV-ire, Tin Roofing and Guttering, Yal- (; iy 1 m, hii-t j,ron, topper, ixc. fa, ' ii'fion rnannteed in evcrv ri'Sjrect i :-tf; ; J.H. IHGHTOWER T. W. EBELTO -DHAt T')OKSi STATIONERY, ARTIST'S A Materials, t-te. Will receive sub scriptions for THE NEW. ERA and o'ther 'leading publications.''-; If yqti need :anvthing in his' line, call on him at-the Ppit Office Building, Shelby, X. C. 50. ; jm ELLIOTT, .! FasblonaMe Barber and Hair-Dresser, H SHELBY, N. C, ; AYIXG secured an expert assistant is prepared to do all tynsorial work in first cJass style. He has moved into his new shop south of the court house, which . is neatly famished. 1-tf. HOTELS. r CoiiiiueTcial Hotel. ! SHELBY, N. C.V j J.;W. CLaRKE, Proprietor. ; qIIE best furnished and bestkeptTIotel ; 1 in the Western part of the State. Per te' ati?factioa guaranteed. Public pat ; ror,i?rr "solicited. I At tin? beginningT'of the : year the Coni- niercial changed hands, and with the new Riauusement the house has been refitted in-', furnished anew. No effort will be spared to maintain its v.: ell-deserved rep- ..; at-ition. Kooms newly carpeted and neat lv furnished. Best servant attendance Table fare first-class.' ' h: fnoi iy (jUTMIE HOUSE. Rutherfordton, N. C. jj rniIE undersigned has taken chargr; of the above named house and will en tieiiv'T to keep his tablesupplied witif the hi t tffis,market affords, and will spare ino j'-air.s in inaking his gnests comfortableJ r KaScs reasonable. ' : , W. S. GUTHRIE, 36-tf. v !: Proprietr to scientiSe "pnxsuits was the- marked feature of his university career, as it t ha'dsbeeit oX his earlier life. He spent I his vacations in excur&ions to the rich mineral Idealities of Finland., At Hel tsingfors JJomnsKjold- was appointed director of the raenltv f mathematics and pb3-sies. an ofnee" from which he was removed in lSuS.-Xn 1S5S he be came mineralogist :it Stockholm. His first experience as ,cp;orer was-in 1850, when he accompajiied Torell on his ex pedition. Upon , his return he wj&s nominated director of Riks Museum. In 1SG1 luv went to Sjitzberen with Torell. Three "yars late he headed tfie expedition which stw-cessfully complet ed the measurement and mappetl the sonrfiern part of Ispitzbergen- The sordenskjold e;qedition of 18G8 eom pleted observations which accurately fixed th; position of that lujid, and at tained the latitude of eighty-one de- and forty- two. minutes, which has on ly twice b?en exceeded. In 1870 the explorer made a . scientific tour j of Greenland. Expeditions led by him in 1S72 and 1875 were, succeeded most important of bis enterprises thus far. This was undertaken ui 1878 jfor the purpose of exploring the North Po lar Sea from the mouth of the Yenesei 1 east tojBe'nring strait. Xordesnskjold left Gothenburg in Jniy, 1878. and reached Yokohama in September,l879. As results of this brilliant ahievenient he announced the opinions that cbm mnn'ication by sea for eomcieicial pur poses is prtteticable between Europe and the Obi-Yenesei ; also that the voyage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, in thei Siberfan jea. can be" mtule, but would be useless to eon.merce : ;and that further- exploration is neeesfeary to- determine whether sea.! communica tion between the Pacific and the month of the Lena canbe established ( In April, ISSOjNordenskjold wasf-ere-ated a baron. He has been the recipi ent of distinguished honors, from learn ed societies in his own and -other coun tries.; " ' ' '' '" i LAST WEKK 1 . Til : STATU. Happen laa Hoeimt, fwlltim, rimnm- Manjt negroes heie " really believe that the locomotive on the .Pittsboto' railroad is haunted, which U a for tunate thingis they will not be apt to project with it while reniainiug at the depot at sight. They sav that & man was killed by it, hu years ago, while running on the K. & A. A. L. R R. and his ghost haunts it at nijiht. Chatham Record '. K Daring the prevail nee of ; thunder storm at Rocky Point last Wednesday, a little daughter of Mr. Richard Ea gles, of that place, was instantly killed by lightning, while standing under a Sweet gum tree for protection from the fain.- . . Capt. E. B. Engelhard, of the Governor's Guards, has, much to the regret of his company, resigned his commission on account of the pressure of his private business! 1 Dr, W. P. Ivey; assistairt physician at the Western Insane Asylum, and Miss Mary, the eldest daughter of Mr. Elbert L. Sherrill, were married at SherrilPs Ford on May 25 (jCorrepondence of The New Era.) Cleveland Mills, Juiie , 1887. While wheat is looking; promising, and crops are generally ! encouraging, the "sheen" of the speary grass is sparkling at every dewy pdre. Our battle with the monster still continues, but we hope to fight successfully the final Armageddon at the Maying by" engagement, nnles-i it lays by itaelf earlier. 1 ! If we people can't sbont at every "full and change" and feel like we are crossing "the. River of Jordan" we consider that we are not ciueh on the wav to Heaven or anvwher else, and of course, this is very sound doctrine Our pastors are all good fellowf bnt oh how widely they differ in many respects ! Some encourage the above praetiee, others dispute it, and a tew are such sweet angels that one never 1 L - ; 1 i Onn t snows wncn mey are goicg w t'v Oil A i SL rpp-ular Secretary f the Treasury on "finance, nd like Peter's fish, ever is eaught with money in his mouth, or the sound thereof, although we be so poorj that "Job's 191 THE SKICiUBOHllUUU. his grievances, yet,,iu the more ,iunos- . j teutattous modes of -entertainment, Frvm tlut Gaston. Current.) such is the boarding house and private Still the unauimous vertlict on the j house afford quite a showing might be crop prospeeta is that they are "bully By direction of the U. S." Fish Com-' mission, 500,000 young shad ere de posited in the Catawba river few days ago. - Miss Lena Maxwell returned on last Friday from Greensboro Female Col lege, where she has been a pupil for the last two years. She won the high est distinction in her c18s,'graduating in the full course with some "extras." Moneydrawer robbing has been prac ticed on several merchants at this place recently. ' Last Sunday, at the moning service, five young ladies, pupils of Gaston College, were received into connection with the college chapel congregation by the impressive rite of confirmation. m my roost: in our bor- (From the MeDoiceU Bugled About thirty conviets have been at work several daj's grading and . laying a side traek at the depot. - Mr. tt. Fiuley has build a hand some cottage on his lot in rear of the Elliott building. The messenger of death invaded an other hone n town last night and bore .way on its dark pi uions little Frankie. an 18 months old soi. of Mr. amkMrs. S. Elliott. Air. James Barnes died at his home in Hall Town last Wednesday with ty phoid fever. - Little Jessie, daughter and only child of Mr. and Mr. 5f. F- Moiphew, died Sunday evening about I o'clock, There are matrimonial mmors afloat in Marion that are vague but interesting. The eat and weat ptt&Keager trains arrive simultaneously now, ana, u makes things lively at the depot for a while. made tn the number of strangers who have lately been" among its; certainly our utreots have been erowded with new faces and eager sight-seers, and many old scores h-ve been settled by country eousii.9 in the way of visits to city gelations, in- return foe similar honors reeeU ed last . summer,: when fruit was ripe. But not for long, I fear me, Will the aecunt remain elesed, for very noon the sultry heat; will send country ward 4he remaining members of the-household who have not alrnady accoiBpanied their lately departed guests home. ... With regard to the drill and the distribution of prizes, less dissension has resulted than was naturally to be expected where so much jealous rivalry existed. The successful attainment &f the object of its projectors could not be better shown than by quoting the words of CoL Black, the president of the board of Judges composed of regu lar Army officers. Said he "The drill has roved a complete success from a military standpoint, and both those who managed it and those who partic ipated in it are deserving of great credit. The different competing or ganisations showed themselves well versed in tactics and many of them ex ecuted the programme with remarka ble success.. The pnMic was doubtless, surprised at some ot the awards, as some of the companies who wererafed low made the best impression upon the spectators, but they were all judged by a strict military interpretation of mili tary tactics, fa very movement was marked on a scale, from aero to ten. In each instance the marks ef the three judges "were added together and the sum divided by three,, thus giving the average." Among the last of most prominent men to take flight was Senator Johu Sherman, aginsc whose presidential aspiration certain indiscreet . admis- hardtacks and lip a hitidfu bosom, always watch in 2 sthe commis sary sergeant. I workedjuard when he was looking at -me. Is (nevtr once thought about how many! of thse crack ers I iwas getting into my bottom. I never noticed that my shHirt bbdy was growing to an enormous size. I was thinking of thef supper that the boys would have that night. Suddenly the bottom part of my ' shirt slipped out from under tbe waist band f ray pants. Thesergeant was looking at t le. - The situation I Jwal in can only bo im agined I was excited and ii seemed to me that there was a ibkishpl of the darned things spilled arouudne. The sergeant simply-said: '"f pu hkd a sup ply,'' and passd on . J. ttj. MfcDAxraL, Of 1st Co. a, Louisiab Bkttlion Atlanta Constitution. T HiHUto Honarkefpot-a To sweeten bitter yeafeti thrust into it a red hot iron -'. - j A- spoonful pf oxgall to) a gallon of cinnc vf : bta HrrkiHAv -Clan .AXTillSnm T. Mr..B.L,.MeCurry leaves Monday oumsen are tQ be direct assaults. water -will set-the color of almost any gotkls soaked h it previous j to wash. ing.. j , l A roastetl for boiled j lemon, filled while hot with sugar, and eaten stilt hot.just before retiring, will often break up a ccjld. i To keep cake from iitiekmg to the pan, without!using papjoi-j after greas ing the pan, feift a littl(j ftour in, then turn it over ajud shilke rut apl. that you can i - To clean t satin that has become greasy, sponge length wise, never across tho width, with benzine, alo'hol or borax water. Pre4s. on the rong Me. ' 3. il I Put a small piece of ch&reoal into the pot when boiling eabb4ge to pie- vent the disagreeable odor that usnallv aecorapaniei the cooking of this vege table. hpotii can be re- Jby ribbing with or peppermint furijiture polish find, of large size, sqnare build, long and as evenly wooled as possible. See that .the fleece is not too gummy or wr.nkly, and'let the animal show for himself that he has a strong constitu tion. Get hiSi from some well-known and reliable breeder ; uever mind how long or short his pedigree is or whether he has any, if yoi are satisfied he is a thoroughbred and will get good stock. .sever use a ram ot your own rais ing that will be connected with your flock. This trying to get into a flock of thoroughbreds by using rams of one' own raising and breeding, has destroyed more good sheep than an)' thing else that can be uanied. Where one man succeeds, 999 fail. As often as a ram is needed, buy one of the same breed, but not connected by blood relations. Have the ewes numbered from 1 upward as high as your flock goes ; carry a small note book in your pocket, and if anything happens to one of the ewes that will injure her for tweeding or for keeping, it should be noted down, as it will be of great as sistance in culling your flock, which should be done at shearing time. residence for summer here, -has just aniveu witn ins fanii v. W them with joy. business m the town yet you can hear the times." The crops are looking fine the far mers are jocular. We have ! had fine rams and it is still raining. More an.n- D. Fl M . grett is iinpioving, cry ot "hard J. It. C, AUeghany county, N. Farm anil Home. Y. for Colorado. Turkey" refuses to When August or an! earthquake comes, we habitual tattlera get into a line and shout like a mountain camp meeting if we do amuse ourselves the remainder of the year j abusing and hatins our neighbors, i At such times h nsnal nstom of the verseer is to open the front door and let in all "who want to go with us to Although we have little enough property wherewith to assist in the raising of the $50,000 tax; so, notwith standing this, we are flaking some fuss and are taking much stock in the Cranberry railroad enterprise. If we don't get the road we aren't going to pay the $50,000. The summit of- the Phillips mountain range is precisely in the centre of the eounty-r-being on the dividing township line of Nos. 8 and 9, by tht ( and althougtt it Doasts o cj.u nu is nevertheless a. "practBeai rome ue canse we want it there, j This article is enly an introduction to our people, their maimers and cus toms, and if it fiuds place in your columns will be perhaps occasionally followed by others to lei you hear how we are "getting on.'? J Tatti.eb. m m i Wtmtrtl marry All. (From the Gattonia Gazette. The closing exercises of the Gasto- nia High School on last Friday morn- and evening were attended by a large erowd of people from town and vicini ty, including quite a number of visitors from abroad. The annual address by General Lav, of South Carolina, was an intellectual feast. The musical de partment, under the supervision of Miss Diehl, an accomplished instruc tor of rare talent, was worthy of high Hie too susceptible old warrior has told some lady confidents that it would be ii great pity not to retain suh a fascinating mistress of tha White House for another term, at least) and as the wife of the President counts her most ardent admirers and staunchest allies from among her own sex, irre spective of party affiliations, it will te easily seen that their championship in behalf of a second term is not to be despised. Some of the wise ones are endeavor ing to attach a political significance to It is sail that white nioved from furniture essence or r camphor and . afterwards with oil. ' i; Iu cooking cabbage, gut a small piece of a red pepper Into the pot. It will not only improve the aste of the vegetable, but preverfts ahy harmful result in the eating thereof. Velvet wears beter,; !if brushed with a hat brush, b'y pressing down into the nap and then turning the brush as on a n axis to eemmendition, while the art depart- th eariv VHCation of the President, ment, presided over ho Miss Hattiej ing jn t a preparation for an extra Kendriek, contrioutea some drawings, 1 8ess;on Gf Congress. They reason that executed hy members or her elasss jrr Cleveland pursues his recreations many of whom are mere ehildren, not j tne earnest manner that he yetin their teens-that were specially L labors! that he will .collect deserving of praise. enoush vigor in a short space of time - - Died in this county, South-Point to make himself as good as now,despite township. May 20, 1887, Miss Emily the calamitous forebodings of the doo Beare, aged about 65 years. Her fun-1 tors; and that be will return the earlier eral services were conducted by her j to his self imposed task of giving per- naatYiivRev. Wm. Mcll waine. at her sonal attention to men and measures laid THE AIR LIXE HOTEL, Black's, S. C, - ' I-OXE of the Nearest, Cleanest and Best kept hotels in the States Sl('arefwl attention at all times. - :i Mrs. M. E. BLANTON, J " . ' ?i Proprietress MERCHANT'S HOTEL, BLACK ! S C. i rPIUS Ilonse is conveniently situated en x. Ma-n Street, to the Depots and busi- T - c Di iown ana nas Deen nwiynr nshod with spring beds and mattresses, futile furnished with the best the market affords. Polite servants who give every attentiim to guests. Porter meets' all 'rains. Sample roohr a the house. First elass Livery Stables attached. , J.W.THOMSON, ,t'- Proprietor. Forest City Hotelr FOREST CITY, N. C. I. N. BIO G ERSTAFF, Proprietor HOUSE and furniture new. Every thing in first-class style. Rates low Drilled at the rate of two busheles; per acre on land in good cultivation as early as the condition of the soi will permit, the Canada field pea ("white; can be harvested about the middle of August, when, as a rule,our "eorn leribs are empty - and grain -bins running low. This fact and the known economy of feeding during mild weather, make he pea One of the most desirable crops wb can raise for ah early grain j feed for fattening hogs. On account of the pea weevil the seed was long obtained from Canada, where the" insect ip less prevalent. Bnt the last two years, owing to the strange fact of an almost entire absence of th weevil among us, many have sown home-grown seed. J. D. Cook, Genesee cmnty,N. T.,'iniFarm and Home. L A recipe said to be excellent far vjm provmg the complexion, especially if the skin be coarse, is the following; Take flonr of sulphur and mix in ii litj tle milk, let it stand for an hour or two, rub the milk into the skin without u5s turbing the sulphur. It will clean a pd of ten the skirt wonderfully. -, handsomely dressed young roan boarded a Third Avenue, New York, elevated train at the Twenty-eighth street station late Monday ; afternoon As soon as it pulled out from the sta tion he began wandering from ear to car, looking at every . lady with such close scrutiny that same of them be came incensed and eomplained to the guards. "When he reached the last car he turned "and was about to return, when a guard told him he was drunk, and if he did not sit down and behave he would be put off at the next station. The young man sat down, but as soon as the conductor left the car he arose and addressed the erowdsaying "Gentlemen ami ladies That rman has accused me of being drunk and I wish to deny the allegatior. I am a member of the church and a teetotal er. I neither smoke nor ehew. I have but one weakness, and that is an inor dinatV love for the beautiful. I con sider women the most beautiful things- ou earth. I adore them all and would like to mary them all. If there is any UJv ir. the car who will have me I will neTt statioa and make gt?t wa. 1 ' her mv wife." ' , , - By to time the young man bad nn :i.a 'i.. nnnU in the ear nadl eon- eluded lie was crazy and a general 3, was nude tor the forward cars. nr, Jm Frtv-second street station was reaefced the conductor turned tne mnrir waa orer to the gatekeeper and a odieem wa sent for. On being questioned he said his-name Le,and W in West Thirty fourth street. H said he had one hundred wive '.fr fw ones everv dav She officer took him home. and be ready to meet those high iu the councils of the party, to diseusS the extra legislation deemed to be needed With the lack'of other subjects feu discussion, the new rules for .the reguj lation of promotions in the depart ments will be revived. This feature of civil service reform goes into opera tipu this month, when its effects may be observed, whatever may have been Even . m rrt . j I . ago to seek nis fortune in tne rar yv est. u wirl u difficnlt to reach, for tie returnea on a visir iasr jnonua ror those dropped from the public rolls are the first time since ne leit. vv e learn vard from again, and then hehas accumulated a nice fortune in their remonstrances are but feeble, for Texas. x I their influence has: waned with the d 'Married, in Morganton, May the vent of a new administration. And let 30th, by Rev. J. N. Payne, at his resi- the contrary be proclaimed as budlj dence, Mr. P. P. Hoyle to Miss Mary as they choose the. boast edreuiova late residence, and her body was fo rest in New-Hope churchyard. Bessie, about four years of age. daughter of Mr and Mrs. J. W. Black- wool, died Monday, 23d of May. (From Hie MorgahUn Star.) , Mr.' Daniel Fox, brother ef Milton Fox and uncle of J. L. J. Cenuelly and J. L. J. Estes, left Burke 42 years fKa K't nt ita nromnltrators. . . -tit-i. i r " M. Jarrett. Messrs Howard & "Presnell, mer chants at this place, have dissolved co partnership, Mr Presnell to continue the business. . Died, April 16th, of consumption, of political pressure to iuflaenCex ap pointments-to, promotions in, and re movals from the public service, is far from being fully accomplished. Every head of bureau or office, is importuned continually and persistently for place; and: members of the Civil Service flirt out the int." Do not brush Backward or for- ward. 1 1 :-- It i Sew on. buttons over ! a darning needle, an, when ddne, pull out the needle and the buttons wfiU be found to be much looser than thse sewed on iu the ordinary way iind will not pull off as easily. It is now claimed jihat Srubbing-the face downwards while washing is the cause of inany of thei wrinkles on wo men's faces today, a6d the best remedy cess! and alwavs rub the face upward. rii r.tlr M it r t'rvi-H. The ancestors of Miss Murfree, the "Charles Egbert Craddockk" of con temporary fiction, were from Hertford eounty in this state. William Murfree was one of the delegates from Hert ford to the convention -tt nillsboro, August 'il, 177", and one of the dele gates to the congress at Halifax, No- ember 12th, 177(5, which formed onr constitution. Of the Murfree familr. Wheeler says further : 'Hardy Murfree resided in tins coun- y,( Hertford,) front which Murfreeslio- ro, in tins county, ttertves its name, and alsoa town of the same name in the state of Tennessee. "He was a captain in the second reg iment of Continental . troops, com manded b- Robert Howe, and was in several engagements in the revolution ary war. After the war was over, he removed to his land in Tennessee, granted to him f r revolutionary ser- NUril AKOMVt What ur Xl8kbr im tb lnMMt Mint arc doing;. A B4cr or Xoten on Multpnn In 4itMtrnl. ' Columbia is to have another cotton seed oil mill. - Prof. Joljn. II . Miller, f E.skine College, has been elected president of the Due West Female College. The taxable property of Rock Hill amounts to ,$137.904, an increase o ten per cent over last year's returns. The North Carolinians in Columbia have organized an old North State So ciety, and they will have two meetings a year. The "bill bugs" are destroying fields of corn in Pickens county and the cat erpillars ln,ve leen. very numerous in the Peedee swamps A colored woman on S. Elinou's place, four miles below Greenwood, tired her house and burned two of. her children in it last Monday. 1 The Carnperdowu cotton mill, of Greenville, is going to enlarge. They will build a mill to make fine cloths and add $T0,(M)0 to 1 heir capital the machinery at the Dixie gold mine has all been placed. The mine has begun operations. It is working ten stamping mills, but expects to in crease the number. A farmer in this county, it is said, has cut down all tuo vines in his vineyard beraare the wine made from the grapes wouldn't make him drunk. iMitcaxter Ledjer. A South Carolina wren built a nest nudev the eaves of an express' car ou th(f Ablteville branch railroad, , and ... 1 1. 5 " 1 1 '. . . . . . . . . . ! ' - . ,. . built it so well that.tho car makes four Tiou tor patnoiism, emerprise anu in tegrity worthy of his name and state. "His son, William Hardy Murfree, was born in this eounty, educated at Chapel XI ill, where he graduated in 1801,-and studied law. He was a suc cessful and able advocate.- He enter ed public life in 1805, as a member of the House of Commons from Hertford. In 1813. he. was elected tb represent theEdenton district in -ongress and re-elected in 1815. During this trou bled and excited period he had the reputation of a true republican, and sustained the war and Mr. Madison. "About 1825 he removed to Tennes see, and died in in ast.vui soon alter, where he left one son, William Law Murfree." Mis Murfree, the young authoress, trips a day without injuring it. Prof. S. P. Boozer, of the Green wood .male high 4 school, was stricken last Tuesday with apoplexy whilst in his buggy, on his way home from school. His recovery is doubtful. -. Some of the military companies of the state are advocating ah aunnal en- cainpraent oV the milita of the state. Spartanburg is spoken of as a suitable place, and the same time ns the Grange encampment. . It is said that a band of robbers is operating in Lancaster county in the direction tf Lilerty Hill. The band is composed of negroes who lie hid in the woods. Several negroes have been halted and their supplies taken from them in the day time, but their depre- Mrs. G. L. Sfacyi May th, relapse of J Commission themselves, have JLeen measles, James L. Stacy, aged 3 years J approached, in order that the candidate tor an impendiug examinatio.1 may have the advantage of a personal ib- 10 months and 19 days; May 23rd, Mary L. Stacy, aged 1 year and. 8 months. troduetion. We stated last week that Maj. Wil- son was raaxing a survey ior rue Richmond & Danville Company, which was a mistake. He is in the interest of another company. WKftbiMKiu" letter. A Ntrjr r ViekHbarar. ''' Here is a story with the scone laid in Vicksburg. It was while I was-in Vicksburg starving on pea-bread ajid dodging the Yankee shells. I was de tailed to go to the commissary to jdo some work. The boys made it a part of their work to slip something m6re u' (From our Regular Correspondent) . f Washington. June 3, 1887. This year the city has not beeu permitted to Jth'an was given to them when they went relanse into an uninterestine dull con- to the commissary, and it was always dition.snch asis usual upon the de- something to eat, which they would ;di nartnreof the President, and all -the vide with us. I thought that as it had representatives of public and private qome my time to go I would be as good interests that are sure not to- remain as they had been, if the opportunity Inno- after his absence for a length of ifforded. That we were watched, you VMrtT " .- ' i -., . -. . - . . time has been determined nporr. . ' i ; meed not doubt, and that there -was deny. thief llelnriil H.iils fr nt' . . i . - -4; i I would tell the mothers that have the care of small children that t aave found it is not always needful to call a physician when the; little ones are ill In lhe first place, i great deal of watch f ul care is al solutely necessary. . The clothing, of course,, 13 tlje first- essen tial point i "To be always comfortably clothed and ready for! the variable ehanges of weather we are so apt to have through this region." I have learnetl thatj onions are a very eood nmedy for edlds: Take half a dozen large onions, plkce them in a piece of thick broWn pkpeir, well wet with water to keiep from burning,- ' wrap up well, and roast- in hot ashes.. Another very good remedy is salt pork and onions, chopped up fine and applied to the ches. xFor sour -mouthl I use. sulphur, by putting a small poftionjon the tongue every few minutes It will be found very valuable in jcasess of . diphtheria. The free use of glyceride is also very good in such easesr 11 "" Sometimes the little, ones get very sick with chills and feVev caused by an attack of wormjs. They are, gener ally speaking, the child's worst enemy, I have f ound nd remedy so good as the common, burdockj aud it is the pest of)' most every farm. I take the leaves and wilt tfcem ii hot water and cover all over the bod yj untifit sweats readily, . J j , For weak kidneys, Ifusc tnat noxious weed, mullein, by, makiotr a weed tea and lettiner them dnk it three or four times a dayi-i I "If veu wiH.. try, these remedies for the children, and sonetimes they are very good for jgjowp people, it will hardly be necessary to call in a phy- we suppose, is a great-grand-daughter datious are committed principally in of thp Hardy Murfree, after whom the the night. town of Murfreesboro is named. Saluda Mirting-M. The nove!tv of the national drill has treason for steal mg, 1 need not tVA nnhlin rn tftrpsf t Bat it makes me feel like a sheep 0A V -V va v j,-- r - - - - 4L A tU nefAmtnritf rAt. trhPn 1 thlDK OI It. YV Den 1 W&S iu tuo cauitai auu iuu v.uot-vsuu w j j f, . - . excursionist hitherward have enjoyed jn the commissary, I could see nothing an additional reduction in his or her open but a barrel of crackers. I could ;iwiki rr which seems to be the eret to nothing better and concluded to ereat end after all.to be attended tobyj take a good supply of them. In walk this class of pleasure seekers. So, al-J ing about the commissary I made it ,-r.r,h tha hnitA man mav have had ' convenient to ero by the barrel of lUVUU V mw.w. - j - - t . . - - ' (Correspondence of The Neai Era.) Salida, Polk county, June 2, 1887. Having promised to note -for your paper, please allow room for these items. First, your correspondent lives fractured, and at a station on the Ashevitle and Spar tanburg railroad, midway between the pornts mentioned, known as Salnda. It is iu Polk county and is noted for its elevation, good water, and excellent climate. As pen these lines, 1 am sitting by a roaring stove. If one should be ushered from a tropical cli mate to oars just now he iwould think winter had come. This little place is also noted for its hotels and summer visitors. Numbers from ' all over the South congregate here to spend their time ; aud. money. There are three months out of the twelve that our little town appears .like a bee hive at swarra.' W hen they en ter our midst they, appear as ghosts, but, ; after a few months, stay, leave looking like mountain roses, and have that elastic step which predicates that enjoyable boon, health. Dr. Geddings, of Augusta, Ga., is building a-very handsome residence on Kuykeudall's Peak. A'l the material for the structure wa3 shipped. How is this, since this country abounds in the greatest, varieties and finest timbers known to the wrrkKABs. By writer, want of capital and energy upon part of our countrymen.) The widow of the late James P. Ferguson and his daughter met with a serious misfortune while returning ho.ne from Chester on last Wednesday. The horse they were driving, becom-. ing frightened, started to run, when both jumped out of the buirgy. Miss Ferguson',3 limb above the ancle was Mrs. Fcrgushn's face sieiau. icwe; and Fireside. SommervSU, in Fair Adri from fMd Kherp Hrflr Iu raising sheep forjwool, start with thorousbbred or even grade ewes as large in size as they can be hod.of good length and thickness lof wool, neither too coarse or gttmmyj Use for breed ing none buttbbsh of strong constita- tions hat have, not been pampered or overfed. Propuye aj good thorough bred Merino ram as perfect as you can i r . ' . was badly bruised. Tim Black well, colored, walked for--ty miles through the rairi last Monday and delivered himself to Commissioner Hawthorne- He was committed to jail to await trial. Tim lives near the North Carolina line, and is accused of " distilling whiskey. Whenever the of fleers in one. state got after him he would skip over the line. At last he was captured iri North Carolina and placed In jail. He served his time out. and immediately came to this city. It , is supposed he intends , to serve' his time out here and reform. Greenville Neits. , Jimmie Gaillard, fourteen year's old ; son of Mr. J. H. Gaillard,of Newberry, left Newberry' on Wednesday, May j 25th, bound for. the Great West. Be ing telegraph -messenger boy, he had the run of the ticket office, and he took advantage of that fact by abstracting a couple of liekets to Greenville one for himself, and one for another lad : that he was trying ti persuade to go f with him, With fifteen cents in his i pocket and a ticket to. Greenville, he , started. The next morning he was heard from at Easley, on .the Air Line- . " I .,.i i . : i.m.t ,1; I Mr. Herst, aFso of Augusta,XJa.. has "u ; - " , now in process of erection ameetjueen Anue cottage on Kuykendall street, About three mouths ago Mr. Coflin, Henry C. Tanner, one of our '.young of the Peizer Mills, made certain ia and enterprising meu, is now finishing quires as to water powers in this coun- the finest hotel ever built npon our ty, with a view to ; purchasing. .. Last; nuM He has opened part of his house Thursday he came over to Mountain and has some guests fiom Columbia, Shoals and examined the phue asked: S. C. - the price, which was $20,000 and closed i CoL A. Tanner, the vrell known ho-, the trade at once. As soon as titles i telist, has made some additions to his Are made, books of subscription will be ! already commodious hotel and the opened and . preparation for. buHding I whole building is being : repainted by will be commenced. Mr. Uffln m the celebrated Get man Painter Valk. backed by . a Charleston syndicate . Also Judge AOdrick, of Barnwell, S. which will go on with the work wheth C , has had a nice addition made to his 6T they get any stock in the county or handsome residence - j,- . : ' not Tbey propose tb erect a twenty Rev. J. D, ycCullongh, of the Epis- thousand spindle mill and put in ten copal church of S. C.t Who has a neat thousand to begin with. Spartan. the S ! ' : ' I':-, fit V 1 ; -1 :.?V: I'-:'.! i 1 'I : ii I i ! J ' 1 J I i 1 - i.' r I i i . J l i 'I r.-i. t A;V !"1 - i -