3 T 1 The Carolina Banner. r ' . . . em - i'.s j !!!' ! LvV.-y I ri'lay. UETSY T- KBTG, Editcr. nt :.. :. .'.Jvirti- i;n iti am':t t in.tif-r l" ! -. r !!; to ri-lnr ntvi-;!i r. Tm-..itt r.-lv.T'.ntfs.t-- nr .1 lau.-r t.r'iM'.ihf- t.o. huvli f?r:.'.Ur' mivrt- tir,:. ii','.)r t-r hn 1i.ri:'.n. arm ur, viwori -I f -...r k-na T-V ' i-vl: : tin '.'i!''- . Ill i:i -rt -! fn Al w . , . , r :- V :.nrfKMi-:HM f.;.;.i ti. ? Hri..i- .:.f it (ftrtTni iw-f.i.i ot i!:c.j-.ty viidf i. At.,h .wviu u4 vwu thi;:mi.-r. -Ail fuwi in mi, j ;-at;..m tntwUcr- .,mjKuiif-t iy tin-ti iihw r.f t!f ?iti l.or, Tbec:,i..,,HT,.,iMc f.r ti,, vWfJITC"l IjV r.imt-iltr:it-. Ai'.TtiuK-iit. t I.-' ii;u iioeM u- i iH bt,r than WMm-.1,v .n. Kr.Krc l nHl 1-ofii.-..- at T.tr! ,!, .V. C, iia S til n i mail m-.tttvi.! ruIDAY, . . . . ri:iJUL ItV S, 1H8U. ... The bkerilis of ihss various conntiotf of the State held their llrst convoution in Kaluigii on the HOth of .Vanunrv. Thcv . . ' , . propose to ak th.r (feneral As- 11 emon, now in ji"sio:i, 10 in vre-ase thir fos in certain cases, a cipyjnf which have liecn sunt fo all"thesheniri in "th State, : r.skinir thmt to examine and W nnvother chauges are de- h i ret If auv changes are de- U !'- I tllf !lt! tt 1 f ilMt ! l-I I f hll " .i k- . .. .... .aiiie io tmr v 1 1 in;i o oi a special committee, with two 'dol lars to help defiay th expenss Owf printing, drawing bill, .itfor- 4 iee: , ivc. " v convention resolved to - i 1 - v ip j ni j ki. git r j v ' 11 id tie- fees sin to :iHoxv; .live oent'm p' r mile for es tni Tn ;s in inc. exf'niimuoi a"fTricessti's and precepts in civil actions in addition to the fes prescribed. That thfV b"all i.v.:dtvtity live cents on'di cnphs ictUrned when d?fehda-ut ' .is not found. Cttl tin., wti .1" 1 1 f , '1 :i t 1J . . t . -ii " V : - rttjfontianf or ruruy. nil . . t 1 . ,.!!.... ..I mac iiu-N 1 ll iliil' DMl lliiOCCtlI' 1 i ll, i . and necessary fxpoiist-n for each -uard neco-ary fur convoying prisoners fro one county to i another. That they.be a 1 lowed thirty r:it8 for summoning .each reg ular juror, and teii'tvntsi each for those. sunvnoiK'd otherwise. That they bo allowed one dollar for takinrillnoful. "This is but a inove in the way of regulafing their feos. It is well .known., hat sheriffs often 1 t A " lteilliliv in "iiitu im J ' ' -v - posed to the viohmec ol the r i t... ..I. ....i.i 1 i.in,, ano iw-u - " - - jrom m e;iuF- in ,ii!-n in the exocutin Of that duty, r4veeivebnly the eominemlation of a few friends as their reward. Vork to be well done .requires a good workman well paid. There seems to always be a cnimble f..r the oihee. But Vet, tlmse most coTiuxten; are not Hiw.i in im., ,v. v. fees are not proportionate u iu'. . i iincpnt ineiirreti in o . , them. Perhaps some of their o.iice fees should bo cut down, but it IS Well IO gl " llieiu .stinir ti .i i l i n l 1 1 -.Yvl- I those asked, lor when ;woik is done, pay sht-uld bo forUieom- ing. They slmnld-receivr for ;my work, wlucu if doiv ly nuv othe officer, would be paiel - i. i. w.troi.f tiiileaffe thev f 11 ... MlOltlO recent souiv ki t ... iioing UH'ir tiuii, iii'Mi.i m mnnot.oxccuto the law. Ifxetmis s if ft .'luitt.h' nf mu:il to their brother of - iloors U what they .ic.mmd. x v , . , fhe olrk of thtMirt and t!w r of 'clrls-. ar; aiKv..nl f for almost every turn. The sheriff does harder work all on the smn lais. lut The shcrifTHj l-md ;i? very hir;e. IDs resHnsi mime s nie ciivut. JJ slitui h wen f aia. 1 Sea Laws. Inwx that cannot td or are i not eiiiotr-ed are deall laws. Laii ians make complication.-". Complications at larMf, an a frenent 1 thin- j in victory to ! ,her,ian v;i the j most money, j and defeat to the poor one, j 1c;,tl, luw-s should be i'eieahd. V W 11.. ...1. V .1 . i.n nose ooiect is oeleRf- hould be repeal, ch Two la i' s which arc jilanilhr dead- MliW, are tmSi. kUlttt ti) the r -; Ixmisirm.-t C"....1 r . it 1- ( ... j T ....... i ".7 v ; f lie carrvhiiif con- j ?eak-d.Veapo'n. 1 - - he lawi4rohibiti!if lli irss t m m, ' - T" i i.uuinK, """Mana Ijtlerflia's not !n 1 .... I . T. . 1 - vu.-i pnveiuei iJi" saivsj i oi iiCivets. It has fsliir ! inaIlv dollars fiYjni the the liberality with w-h; ly kept tate, for ch it ad- j -yertised pant- a lwu'tion Prt-St ".. If any 111 j of the in, who idvertis- ! UKHI (I Ul5pie.SS its ing, thinks he in the least cur j tajW(l Julsiuejl-4 fjet pim jiay attention to the crowd vh(f so lists of eaxeily exatnine its drawings-. j The legislature sin reiHal the law against conceale.i wpnimns. It uld also carrying J proper , i - j enforcement is a tfailurj f j. jv iing an j in a few instances, don j-good Uvards repleni '"bty treasury, but ' violation and a failure ; . - 4 . cute in -v nia n v cacs its i)en to prose- stamps j Jt lM u fainiro J Those whom j the lav intendcif to teach, it . svhloiu touches, j The, unocent ,i,Mn- 'V ho carries; a V-n for unocent 'the : r' protection i 1 ! V'n;iu,- of t,le ti-ile IlC j nno came.-; ins lor nnscniei, does niisrhlef and; scaj It nlaces the good tfitrzen Ih , - , . ,i( the iKMver of tlio bad one. It gives the law-breaker the ad vantage over the la w-abnding. These laws are too well known, their "failure too ap Darenl, to all, to reiiiiri discus ,1U Twiljhej ! To. press, is vi; ting Us rights. The p buy tickets and Vhy aiot give the press theleilcfit of makinst known the drawings. iOansitch a law lie consiilutionall Is there any way to tax con- ' : .1..,! . ........ i 'r 1 hat to- most probablv, wtuild ! uro. Jhtfer repeal th e a-fail- fhkse laws. . ! j ThiParcli?.i3Ta I'armcrs of htlgccoikibe', -von I pa v about &'2.oo.) tier 1 ar pur- i i r I o'ase tux for the- luifrchants, Why do you pay it (! Because stlv on von buv vour yroiils nl the time system. 'iThtvint'ivliants 1 U very close to oas i buyers, often, very often j nmkih no per c(knt on their luoaev invested and exo,iet vo.t' von lime cits- foment, to "make it up ' le- to advertise bv ell for rali. Th if nione ng ciieap I; is mailt on the man wro "paks in the fall." Phis is tlie fan i js-J-jfuj. rarmers a!4 relieve you of one of " i )Uftlelw)V repealing M.., .,.. chase, tax The merchants of tlJe .Mtiitv. pay between one-foi ' . - riti and ,. j . II one-tlnrd of the enfirfe taxes t?ay one fourth. Theirf' numbers aie not in that; prop ortion tb i yours:. 1 lunk how minv mer- , J.hants how manv ! -farmers. i -i-T .i'iiiit i i mil ; cluiVe taxes. Wus th it fiV vi. 1 1 i i vvould be nake up i .... ..n. -t ... iiuniun no ht v i ni.-iKe ni , I I '-I the detieh ncy. The merchants ; ,va,., tll,.n P:iV over j ontl.fnl1rth of thnt " 'Y"o1i j W(?lj,j 1V1V till I'Llll-i 1 1. 1 IT ' f 11 outnumber them fo m , , ym Wolt1aV . on fhe j. tjlHV W(,nl(I pav ; - . i r ------- mtt tlll-ef rtl ulnars i hoi it livf1. Don't you se th;t "it i in vour io n.ie:ii ir. ! mak the tax rest ah it would hit tvi-nlv ..i 'in,... .i.i ii 'it an. I ll'-ll Vi'lll.l Ml U if. aii-l at rtr. tk.. " IK ui.ivtiiu, fo ;i c.oc. S ' " "' ; r FrsgriSi. I that progissivo diul enter- ! V journalist, T . K. lionit . will wiwirt uoui ti .liliti.iti -. r i ; win ?oou iMie an i : the TrvnxcrhttJJhxsi elition of xlltt r frUl Uoldsboro. lie will It" ip kn ' office in the Mesentfec liera llouse.wherehewill 4 e pletneil to j;reet old ami neW friends" and attend to the Wants of his patrons. The pre- kvork for the presi i will he di. in Wil lmngtou Th.. ex predion of sy .:t:nhy , for our nt r i ' r.r nn 1 PWI 'ic ; m' strong holrl Ws in the affections of hh iveoj le. tireat anxiety was felt as to the result of tV.e operation, but when "all danger is ist," was echoed thrjugh the land,; relief from suj'iiise was felt, such a.s the! return of liini loinx gone j from tie family li reside, would . . . i nr.. . nt- i.iii.:- flin-. utn; hn nravcrs for his safety. ... linr the- inward iov at the ; w. f---iiiii wms : some- J i i .t i i i i rwliat aisj-n,.! .i,y :,h j tiut tlifle is ' ilanei- of los- ' in the other v The jKfople will watch with intent? interest for any news that will tell them of his well doing. The 'y': of a State ai-e watching 'him. The prayers of a iHople go up br him. May tin htl unfavorable reixrt prove untrue, is the wi3h of all. iM:iioxAr. i.it.t;ixArHSi. Mi--3 A nnk? ltryan is visiting relu I ivcg in Knl!.'!d. M. W. Divisr., Sujit. V & W l. K. was in the city on ihe l?t. j her old home. Washington. ; .Mi's belle Thomas, of Wilmington ; i5 ti.e ll(.st of j:;u ciurk. m rs T" .S Wilkinson isvisihni? her ; daughter, Mrs .lories v in SuflblW. j ,f. y. jUhvardd. will trv triiCK larm- i in-on a smull scale this w. I Kurle Uws, . manner, of the i "(-'ustaviya" is at ll.itel Farrar. ! Miiserf Il!la T.iVloe atnl Julia Ilovt ',;IV- i"cti!Mul 't Washington,- their iiom Mi-jg Ceiii'e Williams entvrttine'J, very nkas.iiitly, a fcv irleiuis oi Tuesday ev;'uiu. . Joe. Morfis.hrt.s leturned from hii spring purchasing tour for the linn I J. Morris & Bros. . l)r J M linker and J W Jones attended the s-eiitary convenli l?a!irli liiik- wrpL 0011 111 fivrA. i)onovaij or Atlan ta, n tlie iifut of Mrs E. l)t liarne.' at. t lie Hotei Farrar. it - i v i ha tt. o.' ;.vor x Itrit ! I' lifriiii Tf.t'J1 i t ') :", r -. 4 ' : c ( le 1 School Li;!l t,; the "Le-aifclit- tin-, Mjs Lillian (I Ha!loc! was culled home last week hy a telegram an iour.cing tlie extreme illness ol ner sitter. Mrs S Turner l'emlor an el children, of Cleveland, Ohio, have arrived arid are hoarding ct Hotel i Farrar with Mr Pender. I '. t m i Pi A ttrown, of the Tar lliver 3ills i-r i fun I rPu1 :iv ( mm f rln k c O il' lie vv-'f a - i w ft. ' J I AVashinrten City, Baltimore aud other jdaces. v'm. J. Sanders, ol Kaloiirh. real i estate anil jrc-noral' agent, has n-rs' Le"'- : tho net of the Hotel 'ar:tr for them bhoveril1 dfly,8- - PUT little (en. Uoht. l!.r.;soai in cliarge of s tlie (loverrneni work on jar river arrived here on Tnesdaw lie is at ,' tlif lli.tfl Kiirrnr. I - . . 1 j, ,.. : Mis m .v rvir.ir, oi raiKianei, ; p ,.i,.y. iiiiiiiivi vi iiiv i.uiun, irim iiiij; from Baltimore, was the zuc&t of ; Betel Farrar hist night. V. ,1. Uurnett, Oitptaln, lV B. Lloyd," 1st Lieutenant, L. S. Peutler, 'id iretitennt, Co. A., ltt Iiegiineut, have leceivied their commissions. M'ss Kate ue liossct, he has Iku ! eiH'nding the winter here wit ulnclo s s. Xsldlu reUll:lleil home in Wilmington Tuesdav. ith her to her f 1... Il-I ! . f. ! ... ionn i uiie-o.ntK', i t ier nr.- i ... i it : comoe, aim v. i . .ine-t norinern 1 rieitrr ti tlw 'I;i rl mrn It.-tio lfr ! i . mi . i a ior rMaiesvi ie on rrauty to iKnu a i lWdav. 1 i - . , (l. V. B. Wliite, of Intern, whose v.ite and datihter have ben ! sending iim winter at tiic Taiooro ( House, arrived it?re Hurday He i W,B "penu 5omc tun'- witii ihetn ... J n ' , l. ,.;.. young man fj."thi nhv-i left Mbndav jop Stenher. vil f. eS. wiir-rA h - - -- - y v 11V ','g.x-st.i accept a position with hi, I uueie J. 1L Jlytnanon u large stock . .wo.. ii uiu i ii-uui juiu nte in wishing hir.. cuctss. - OI R m BAlUJAIN ;.Vlinry la .:iaH writ! I - a tr. -:iv... i i .Ht'I. I.t (.wile . ?-I.Iin lr M-.tt r It ma uiu..rbduin r. .-k raper f n ihiti.ti. kj-rlux lutton bona, rth-r. 1 ul.-on. toy whi-ll-. collar bat too. "" latfn llDjfr rinr. frt r.ia ear .lri-IM and a t-eaittiftil naclt iiautle tvaet j.n-l,iitf.-i Saa.ji!- psrk coiitaluia? all the abve rtl le wut inaih rot-pUH on r -.f prle- 2S eita la eaa or stain pa Stid fr a -Y.a will tr rurirt!M aiwt d llchf.1. Ants. vautnl. Write fr eata lojrmofhfl IM monrrmtkUc artlelM. Adr.Mi i'KTV BfHB4rw m. BiifflS, afraBla, Taa. r::isi5?rr Feb iti. Tei.1. ng -:! Ci i let! ortler br CsxpL 0. Vt iliaao, 1 1 lirin.t... T"' u; -r iiemwi;, .. . ..uSerh-' Ziill Cun, J. T. llou? a )f$ -j - .-.,.r rv wereaho in Mi. ;r i t t nsion.eu ai 3Iinutes oflat meeting n ere read and approvedi 'arious paujKT order? were al'owl ed. The board ordered that A. G. Fut sell, of So. G Township, be exempted from ioIl jix on accouut of phyiical disability. ' That W. II. Cobb be allowed to list tuxes in Township .Xo. 12, for IS lined at $500. " ' Lewis .Smith, col., coustable for Township No. 4 gave bo-id in the stun Df '10oo. The children of .SsJlw McKiutij were allowed to go to the ioor house. the road running u. front of the 5hiloh Oil Mills was accepted ;is u public road. The com mil mention of II. (j. liottrne was rfeied back to the coin mitte. The following persons were al lowed to retail liquor for two ne t six months : lilouut Pitt,5 Kocky Mount, O. Atkinson, Kingsboro, Ather Cinrvey, k'oeky Mount, Julius Meyer, Whi takers. A petition from -a porliou of Xo. 12 'J'owuship uHS'Xead UskUi that it 0e eiubr:w;ed in the stecK law ter ritory 'ai-.Ur.it was ordered that an election be. held on the question the 12 of March. K I) Bulluck was up iwinted registrar and Jno 1 Tillery and Jordan Suiting poll holders on the part of Edgecombe couutv. The election is :o be hehtm conjunction with a portion of Xadi countv ad joining, which desires the fame ' Various countv ordere were al lowed after which the board ad jourred. Ths Whist Playdrs. The Whist club met again Tues day evening Jm 2ith at the resi dence of Mr. and Mn. S. .S. Nash Three hoars were devoted to whist, and ne to patisfr th' inner man. from a bountifully supplied trtble of. ... l .u: i?..: ;ut.u tunics in m i mijuiiung Ti--2rc generously prejiareHt by the hs-) , hoste-6-5. The evening wpstanU remembered b vyirtl f4 v?1 following shejS?5rl,rcs:'nt- 'ihe ful contestcV'1? we lhe sueces-Fir5-s-for t"e prizes. vvfr. Jauies pnae won bv Miss. TTClark. First geiitk-'nans" pn?e', Judge Gilliam. i " Second ladies nriz?, Mrs. Ki l?;Uvls Second g:ntleIlians, iriae, Col. Jno. W CJtten. Thi-d or -U v.bv", Mrs, H. R. v-tl l.r r.,3. i J L Ut. r. 4-.'. w - , Elder A. Ji Moore, principal of the Vv hitakers Academy has a larger school than Aisttal and we irsh for him much success. A dance given hy our young .'men on the eve niag of tlie 31st was quite a success and "reatly enjoyed hy lh5e vho p.irticipated. J Misses Annie Williams, ofTaiboro, and Ida Neville, of Enliehl, spe-nt several ilays- in our - town last week, tlie guest of Mrs. J. Hradley. t Bethany church, this county, about four miles from U'hitakers, on Wednesday, February 4th, at 0 a. m. Mr. .1. B. Tjatham; ot'tJreenville, and M iss bumia A. Dixon, of this county, were unite-d m marriage; Kev. M. J. Move, ofHciating. Tut? following is a list of lhe waiters First, Mr. It. Iilhant With Miss Stidie Fuircloth; Second, Mr. Brown with Miss J-im Lyon; Third Mr. Bentley Harris with Miw t (irauger: Fourth -.Mr.- douness Har rington with Miss V Dixon; Fifth, Mr. I). Dixon with Miss C. "jiain; t5ixth, Mr. John Hicks with .iiss Lillic Kvans; fM-wnth. Mr. S. A. Iieelding w ith Mias S,h A. King; Kighth. Mr. B. S. uiill with Miss Liliie i'ittniun. : M'hs Maiuifc Plpcu presided at tlie organ aud displayotl much skill in ienderiivg the beautiful wcelding marc'i. After the ceremony the liajiy couple left for the honi of ti c groom ir Breenville, whore a handsome sttnjvr awaited thtn. We wish for thetn a long life of hajipinva. CI. Whitakers, N 0, Veb.h 'SO. 720M T0-B0A2TOSS. I a Grange has had n ?ttle snow. - Washington Mril! hold TXil Dp tion Klection iu April" Kh Ward, convicted f burglary will hang it Jackii on Mi.rch 8th. ; The Farmers' Alliance of Fitt j county cont-eniplate buihhug a tohac- co ware-house at t.re-iivlle. I Eiht prisoners escaped from Kin gton jail recently. The noie and confuaicu HttenditHt on the Indian i?tiw aided ihein. Got. Fowli Kaj oSTervd f ioo re ward i)r Walter Johnson (col) rho murdered Warren Davw iu Xorth ampton euaiity on Jan 19th. On the ltt init Winston tripped ftrrenty-iive thousand pounds oi To bacco. Her thipmenta for Jtr wert Ter ont million ponnds. A FINK LOT OK U L IE S JUST RECE lV-E D 1 J. K. GKAXXIS reptfnllv in- iu-a all in want of yotin? innfes tn call on him at his stable ud inspect the luindsome drove iust receivetl A call is all I ask, the mules sell j thinselve'a. Stablt-s hi the reur of Hussey's Coach Shop. Jiai.24. 'S9. f2tf Laca Curtains Cleaned, The Indies of the Methodist Sett ing Society are prepare-d to do Up I .at e C tn tains and guaraute-e satis faction. S-riid trders to Mrs. Dr. Jones or Mrs. W. E. Fou n tain. 2tf . Assignment: ! Uy virtue ofjiti asitrnnu-iit i:iiil t n hv I J. 1. W'aKttm. on Januarj- 17th. 1. I Ium't j lv 'MVf tiotiixr to ull i-rxii iiul lt'l I f o ; J: I'- WaUtmi that wVy iihl1 uiolt ifuim I itiatc iiiiKiit to ii "r wine wfJI ti- Vh ; fnrl. i:---tfiilly, I R. H. PARKER-, 2t4i Aiijnns P A T E N T S t'aviirts. ain! Trade-Marks Jrfaiul. nrl 11 I'atfiit KaiiH-! tviMhutixl for MiKft TK Kllbi. Our fHHor nsito V. S. l'ut-iit ortW an-. xr--:tii iH-iin ttetttt in K-..1 tiiu-titan tl ! iciiKitif fnMu Vahiiigtaii. St'iitl nuxlcl, I'r.iwiujf or liKo.. with Art riition. Wr lvi., if iMtiitaM tr Tot. frtv'tif cliargf. Our iw not tliur utttit jutteiit in Mvuroa. A I'amphlet, "How to obtain Patfiifir." with iiun- of actual c lients in your Sttt coil uty , town, sent fnt. Allrt, C. A. SNOW & CO., L)j.j.. fatei.t Ulfiiv, Washington. 1 tt i Cooper's Cafe Aliiii Street. Thi- i.i tli niot Hitilar UttuuraM In lurhoro. . . tT-t I . I... t,.-.... v.r " "on for TIit i.t. Jm-iMt ami ' WnR. Kvcr lc. light to this market. tera by the Plate or Measure. ive tin CrE a till I for I am urvV;i ! will Hk it. (ttlvr. ! ISAAC. A. STJQQ, J AUorney-at-Law. j I.ATfiO HODMAN, SUGG AXI JAMfti tSrccnvillc. X. C". OtfitV old 5lainl of I!oliuaii, ujf X Jam Otlitv a'sti in Snow Hill, tini-no -untVi Z4f" I'raOtices m the State and Fedorul f.hrts. (ltlvr For Sale, f tiat srJiiaTo m front of W it John.stoirn h-icli-ii'.-o, rc-rv fuitahte for building lots. Will entire hy or tlivid- to suit purtlias.'r. A !;. . r f.-rnw t, JAMES M. NOJ f Ll'KT, s .. ; I !U y r.x Silu.laV. Leave IIa:a:'ton Arrive t uose Ntit Arrive liunks Arrive ("atlins . . Arrive Ctakley ... Arrive Shiloh,--'. Arrive T:irlro, h on tn H SI a. u 8 41 a in .V a m !1I a in J a m 0 .VI a ut i;.STIMl'.I Tit A I XH. I Xh 'I. Paily I Suuil.-tv. Jan., 21, 1SS0. Ixiive Tnrlijiro lrave Shiloh Inive Ttiakley Ix-ave tiatlin'.s Leave Hanks Iave tr.Hr' Xl'st, Arrive Hamilton ... 5 31 1 j ui 5 4" p in t; 1 J j ni 'At m i 12 r ni CM ni 7. To m Tmin No. 1. makes i'lie time-tioii with lroth North anl Soutli-lmuml Atlantie t "o:est Line Trains at Tarlxm. ' Train No. 2 leave Tarlmro. mM arrival j of Atlantie rit Linr Trains. , Trains eonueet at Hamilton, uith lrir j on Ko;inoke Itiver. having Mij-'rior fr-irht i ami iir.st Hirer ai-finiiinKlations for all -ints J on iloanoke Itiver, Norfolk, Ikiltimorr and Northern tities. j FRANK HITCH. ' lliYWoonCi.iRK. lrs. A; Jen, Mntii; uenerui -igcin. 111 A NEW STORE JNT0 WN ! "W. F. THOBNE, HF.ii.cc is Kino Win, Urandlefi Wlii.skier ' & CiKarn. A larjri -to. k of LHt'OlL always on h.-uft. None tnit tin ls- p-ls k.t. ami the Kllilf will le y,hl at the loC-t rate -:o:- I wmil.l al rail attention t" n FV.l'.r ST.ltLF in rrarof my rton-. wherV yru ran havr Voor fror- fel ami well earr4 fof whenever ill t" Ali. Mr 4.vrf Irur-int-N L just mt ikmr Maffett'n Corner. I keep mmt tirrraml p In ow j W. F. 1 THOKXE, itir.) TarWo. K. T4 Mr, n. .V. A'.Vr, J'roj'rietr. ituatfl in tin crutml lrt f the town ami in th 1IKAKT OF TIIF. V.VfU Niks jijution of;uei:nvillk. Large ami cominoilioua buildings, and every con vonience the traveling pah . lie may wish. KEEPS THE BEST TABLE T1IK MAUKET AFFOUIKS. Erazi Ct, OrtcaTilli, IT- & John B. Eyatt, CagiS.'(lelv Ilaa had It ;rtn Virririiri aoU trixrtmrm J1 work tur-v-4 out him. :o: ! Old Buggies 'Repaired The Best Farm The Cheapest Factory in T.rnor,-, N.C. K.b. T. Itfj An Extraordinary Opportunity For Parties tbat Can AYail Themselies of the Ready Cash ! 15.000 WOETHOP GOODS TO SE2 SOUXD AT OnNlccouni ltf t. 7, lS-. ULESMSOnSES irx lakoi: nnovK of fink kkn- Tl'CKY Ml'LI"S" AN1 IIfi:SF ju-t r.s-eiv-t l ami ' " MUST BE SOLD jti the next few lays to make rMii f iii.r.. illZ VK A C.VI.I' KWIAV- Day & .Hedges, rrojirietors Keiitiu ky StaLU-s, Tarlrt. N. r t l. x. I. 4t2 M1LL I N-ER Y AXI- HMIIUA-HAKERS. rffla.H.E. BIGGS & C0.,; Havtinl aMIIXIXKIlY .t MAXTl'A MAKIMi "l-rrAi:i-JSIlMnXT next U-.r to Ca4. It. C. llmwnV xtor Main strrvt ami ar pn-ionr-l tv ivTriv ordr fr any thins in tlwirlinr. whieli will he ircu tel iu the tiKt artiftie niaunrr. lf-W'r revrtfully nolirit a irtKrti of the i-uhlie pitmnajte aifl nhnll alwayam- deavor to plea-. J MRS. N. E. BJGGS & CO. ; TarU.ro. N. '-. Fe.. 7. . r. mnntw, i. r. piTir ' MATTHEW & PETRE, ttirrirti') Ciril Engineers, Surveyors and Architects. .l.Wierro and UrrrtivilW, N. . At)" Disjoint ipii. Tlrennii .f S. M. Naii 4c i th .lay illJvetl. either rty i authorize-1 Ut ijtn III lIIriUltrlll. . S Nashi Geo Howard. Jan. Knh, lJ-0. Haita? Irotticht mt tle mt-r t e. Hoaur-I in iIh- tri"-ry aiwl t 'Huiui''on lu-itM-M., 1 will i-itititiiie tire jsimr uJ.l prf fi'. lor t tUvr. 1 n.lfully xl:tit Ue n4i UtiUel rtrrHae Ol the uMw. S.S.NA8H. Tarhrw.N. Jan. 13. 'JO. Ill QEORQE B. KING. GHEENV1LLE, N CJ and Mode Over Anew. Cart for $18.00. Tarhro. Hive John X Me a Trial. Att. of Ocmoual. COST HEXLBBMEB, Manager for S. S. NASH. TARIiOKO, N. C. TC3E FOR OIILY $3.00. CO. 4if AM WflACMK. CMKNH.1 4 It Clit' JC. T.IA1M! liOl.NU MI T.I. liTH Ju. 7. l"9. I. M. 1 11 to I St i 1.. . r m 1 S3 a . is t ! . M. I. X. I,rV" W lilt.il Arrive lsH'rky M't Arrit Tarliro l.rivr Tartoru unif Arrive Wil..ii .a Vilii Arrive r.-liii Arrl- Kajtll.l Lvr t..llr. tViri l.rve MaiioU 1 I- I M 1 tro A M A t 1 - ! M SI t U )U A rri W.lmlntoii i ii a s T.lAt.NS I.UI.MJ i.Tlli ! m m rw !.v Wlhutiifrtou ni, 4, f n a mi lMirMMlH.lU IIS l. 11 i l.av Wr-w .., IJ ArrlTr at t .IJU.r It llbi M Kayr-ttr-v.H t V Arrival l:aa IIm Arrive W.l.u Itlu aiu i r m a L-av W. l.n tSJ III 1H I Arrive H.irkjr M't ill i Arrive Tarln.r. 3 IS a m I Uirr TirUiro 1 a ! n -9 m Arrive W.M. ii I .. I i" HaJjr rfi lnihl . T.-aln. ( irtiliW rrk Bran I R.. a4 t llallfa a f.r t.tlaa r a f t L i u , Kr-inniiiir l- Iii4 e-k at a- dalif riet ta. Tralu. I Tartx.r... N. via Al-art a Kl -Ir It It U. Iall ar.t f ua.laj. 5-. iinilay HI . ut arrive at M' U luuu-i .... J:l i.iu.il:S; u.. Il-t urnlior lar Il7llil-I . - trail, . ,.i Puba. , ?;.. . In fuixlay i. a iu.. anl Til i- , . I' , rututay :11 a . II S a ni. Tram u Ml Uml . I. .Brau'n t ava .lir i X . . I 'ally e . yt FMiMla. -.. a lu.t arrttw Moll liO.J . t .. 2.aaw I. tutnliK Irave uiltlib 1.1. N. .. 1...M a a arrlvr at Wilr.. ,J:4 a a. Train ..a Xaabvllle Banh leave K' rf Mant t ) p aiH arrive aNlil tp tin rin' 4.U pm. Kfiamlnf tava f prlM ll-K l a, a u. . Kaaliv;U U I" a aa. arrive KM-ajr Mvtil li:l a an. Aatl, PuiMla) . Train (lint, a traarh t-avea Waraaw t,-r 'l.ntot Irailj, rseej Miu4) . at .!'. ai4 ll:lo a an. Ktarolna f l'.ma at a ta ib1 ):! ( Ui rbart l( at W ara4 witb r. iu tntiM4 !"iii klortiiM train t-tt WiIm a a4 rayrtt-vlll- Brairrh la N 1. nl U-i4 la lrali i it tan4a. . Train Sf. tl ta will t.p warty at W I !... tl .1.1 t ,r lii't MatM.lKt Tram "-. 7" iuaA- et.oat.. W. IO..U fr ill m lulii V-n l iali Ail rail via Kl-tiurar4. aud aailt .--if foit'Uf via B. l.lu-. . S 1. Vrrl bll' ffl I, Nlllli Hl-I SJ. l.Ua. t W. riimui. r I'rl4aj . Lea'rj. WriU. u v.S. 1 . a . arri a; A 1 1 lulinrtxu a u.. ,Ni. S- VeatitHile Tralm X..rtal-uni Twa la)Tbar4a and Kal a m . Uarr A llnulnrt" !- a a, arrlva vl4 S S3 p m. j TraikM ikrtMfaiBirtta tr all wl Xortk via Kicltoa4 a4 WaalarUir All trail ran hU4 Utfi Wllaulbrtia sim! Walilairt.M aa4 baf rallMato -ala jle at taefct. Ja;. r. ! 15 a. U-nl na. . IU IiM.it H1 Traa.ay.rrt at ion. T. Ks, Oval a-Bfer Af-at. lw 4 ; 11 i 4 . i I d0r-- '- rv