l)c Carcium Banner. - I I r . Rates or St;i;5Cf:xPTio?r: One copy, one year, - " six months - three months, I j I r PUBLISHED .KVKin r 1IIDA1. HENRY T. KING Editor. Entered at the Postofficr? at Tarboro, V. 0., as decond-cla3 mtt'er. The Cute Aru Ye ' U cajs tlmt b'g gnme gettir scfircA in the aece.iibed fatts of Ar . Trudr btrotcTs fay that ert hough y:i.ij tbey tueet a lion, it ii vtr) rare y tht an elephant or ffiralle ii seen. Cattle refs'ng 1n the Northern Terri tories is again . increasing. Fifteen thousand New Mexico steers have beea placed on Montana rinses and Xew Mexico stockmen t&y that tber expect to ,scdl. .V?, 000 ' cattle in that Territory CbXt SCSiOn, The amts of the Panama Cana' Corn pany 'atth i4 t'mo, ai "chf-du'ed by the Philadelphia V , uOO worth- of in v hjnery,' l "0,0(. 0f f,00 of tmcolJcouble- c,!iiren, i$.i'00:.,O00. worth of ditch, a fruqt ured credit and a largo ttock of glooniy pio?rects. Any of the ato.e items v, ill be sold cheap for cadi, - 7Lelrgrote.)ue alphabet is making the Cerrnar.s a nation of t, ear-sighted enp'e, states the. Trenton X. J.) A,anri-u. Defective vis on U riot o"'y aouu;red, lul it npi.e.iM lo "bo handed do.vn to of-pring. Cdii f.,u:id over six per cent, of elementary pupils in Germany con-'derably myop e; while in' Antwerp Dr. .1 c Met? tin I li-hily i,fTf-tfd. oiily two per can The cutt:v vtion of the ;;iapG has been greatly ' itvc-!cp'd f iccent years in " Alutri.i ; :o much so 1 hit It seems pos- i ble Jrit fraue uriy recover through folot.y the profiii of tho industry .. ;ch insects at.u decay were con?ynn ing ia Iho home iueyaid.4. Three depart- aentsj of 1 Algierj to-jo her produced about S0,0O,Of.J gillons of wine last Tear. Th.oso who are fflrailiar wilh the old fashioned adulterants employed in im-poit.-d olive oils w'lbthatilc their etaro, declares the Atlmt.i Condi utwn, that cotton-seed oii U no cheap aad handy. TLe addition of this oil, so far from be ing an adulteiatipn, is a decided im provement on the o Is that used to be Jnt to' this country, und there is no re son why even an epiouro should ob ject to it. I The st;dy of flre3 in lare cit'Q shows i that a considerable percentage ii dje to I Incendiarism, and. the Insurance 'ora,- panics, suggests th Sau Francisco ! ChroTilde, should device s irne method of swift and thorough Investigation la ! order that . Incendiut ism may be made I too dangerous for criminals to .take' a hand iu. It is pro'.ablo als.j 'that in ,.,4 most States the penalty for aron could I be increased, if it were shown that the present penalty was too liht. Mr. Firth1, who poses as a "New i'calander." with the Hs tancc of Mr. Froude, has written his "Opinions on America and the Americans." .Vr. Firth does not rind anything in the United States to his liking. He ha? txpre-eed himself in very serious lantruago about fOme )f the evils actually present or i likely to show themselves vhieh he di ' cernrd. Amciieaiss "ircUhssly dis'ro---.gnrd ia various ways tl e laws of health and life1." This 'censure is founded )n the eKentrieifes jf their diet, their jxce8 in nuokirg, the unhealthy heat ing of their homes, and what Mr. Firth calls thir 'excessive shaving. The ;cew generation ieetiH likely to be "under the tyranny of the rKr as utterly as Engiishmen were forty years ago, ' The majority of deaths from lightnlnn occur in thehsvcl. o; on country tree, I villages and thickly built-up towns ar.d cities, by their projections in the air, serving as conductors and thereby pro tecthiir the inhabitants from dine etroke. The loss of lifa annually inrougnoui tue world Is very great. In FuvQjican Jiusyi from ls70 to 1S7T, no Rss than i.'TO were killed by this au e. In Austria.' during the ;:me 1 tane, -1700 persons were likewise killed. I In Prussia, it is repot ted that seventy pe sous are annually killed. Ten thbu jsand 1 ersens are reported as having been (trusk during a period of nine and twenty years. with 252 deaths In France, while in the United States, during 1370 alone, 002 deaths from lightnirjg were recoided. - V . . ... I -fhe C&f.r.a an pa i:ic -Pail way Com- niaii coarract "''Urllt, S.1V3 a witii tte Lnriih Ouw Montreal dupat,h. lh, service is to ommsaxe in t"ghtcc:i months, aii tbe ompany will receive 2 J'jO'.'O auuually from thelmpor ui c-ovcrmraent.aud $7o, .OQOfrom the I) cm iiion Goveranunt, fc ,tn years, for a monthly serviced Yolcr jxaia,' 'Hon-,' Kog, and ShanghaL -a-ighimi knots averuo can be made th Atlaut c ted, the Canad an route Kong can easily c m- ete with the Suez line. The necessity for fait thip Is thus indicated, aad the dis patches h nt that Australia, with only 4,000,000; population, jjays $!,3",) 0 for purely ocean service, instead of tha email amount appropriated by the Do inrnion as aoye given,. r'"7 I."-. 1 50 75 40 vol. i. ) yqi 5. THE GENERAL NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST From All Eourcea.-Nor'.h, Edst, South ! and West. .. It is said that Ex-PredJent Jcffsrson Davu and President-elect Hatfrison are dterantly related. 1 lit: recount in the 3th Coobroaional district of CaJifotn:a closed, giving the cloetion to ( lunie, Democrat, Ly a ma- joiity or y votes. fetvet.l levees thirty to forty miles arrive re vcport. Lb., avo w sv on bat- urday-right, the ijver subn; erging a laro scope of thy country fcamca anvieta say that the GeTAria Lav- ('eNrct wnr htsninxt Afni i'tfit and that f.11 the famoens will Vih a?tiut the Germaiig. .nst ot wuiwn Clff-r-iiakers New York City ha.9 ended in lor the workmen. Only one fi r . 1 our, mat ol Lasacs, Penders & Co. I he round house of the Gu f, rado and Santa Fe Uhilwav C4) i - uiu pnny, Galveston, Texas. aa buin d day morniDg. Loss $100. 0u0. Wednes The fire whs caused by a lamp explosid waste room. Geucial Loi!g-trwt is rejort'.j as say- ing: ' in my opinion this k note of the new administration is conkervative. IjcMdes thiH, 1 know that such lu Klicy ui he me natural choice of U.;n. Ifar lison, for I be lieve. he-will be tiie I'rti- Jent of the entire p- )ile.': FOREIGN NEWS . The repoit that Lord iSackvIJ e would succeed bir Wm Whito; as Hr bussudor at Constantinople is contiadicted. . I tish 'am- offlrially The Ceuturv Club of iLondott gave a dinner to MinT&ter Phelps be.'o e his dc j.arrure tor the United State. Slany distinguished men wer presen V and ex- pnsed general regret at Mr Phelps's leaving England. j Archduke Rudc.lph. crown orince of Austria, died suddenly AV eel no &dav near jiaien. Ills demise was recii ed with sonow over all Kuiodo. Archduke Charles Louis, the Emptror's-I rot her, is now heir presumptive to the th rone. At the sessions of the Parnel commis- fllon the readinc'S of the ?Deethes iro duced in evidence is continued. The' witness Thos O'Connor, who charged lim thy Harrington. M P tvith em- ploying him as a rnoonlighterJ is on his deathbed and has sigDed a conpesslon in which he withdraws the accusation. Nationality In Heard 1. An observant man who has been ex amining a collection of faces r?present- in j aMari e number of public personages the following cenural conctu - arrivec ecl sioiis In regard to national ty es in the cutt nj of tho beard : j I ''The simple mustache, with he rest of the face clean shaven, is ihe irevaiiing American type " he sad 'The old "i ankee ch n wh sker, like th it of the traditional cnele tarn, Is no Linger, the national cut. , . j "In the harne way the okl Fi 2nrh type .of - the imperial, or hiy musliche ut.d .long goatee, has given way in rauce to the present type of a! close cut .full beard, trimmed to double poirts on ti.e Chin. '' . j . .)''. 'The German and Russian types are heavy, full Leards, started at t ;e "middle of the chin. , j f "The English type is a Fin 11, short cropped mustache, with , sma I,- square Side grow tli?. f j "The general South European stvle of Spain or Italy is either an euti ely jleau shav en face or else a very smstl mustache and coatee cloe about the mouth. p3i3il sasvj. am jo auao jaJ 0Arj-iju..wi 5 pootqd ojm fc'aijt?.io33.i oqjpuB 4a.jiu1c.iJi oqi jo pnoj 'oniooai 01 pis o. e'l.L -;qiU y posnoq aj: nq hi inoiitid 'OUHJ ABO Bd.U3TAi ut jiajq ei(i ni uoop jo ?noj3A I Su. fijno o qoqM. auopipu-oo sqi eqt noqjiM pajnoet ki jiw ajnel i"iiJijjad snilX n!qu3jq r saaJifap njdtjnoj sn AvqsB vj ajuiBjadui oqj j: hia ajaqf daajs oj 'j b usdo oqj ut A;:iiaiii?mt3 1 A!1 pajjnboi ojh s-juaipd !qj vx 8t poqiam s;qi jo eouao iiq 1 j uniuo'i -tuBs uaj9naji3 aqiie on p japa.. -ja I q poquasap jwqi pi inai imajj qi c AjjaAoa ivuorim ejom pu . aqiou y 6tioa3BiuBAp QjJSap ;?hj o ni oq ipav iDoija aqw-qiaqii 1"JJ nop a qi sjoui Mnaos jt 3ii 63in)jadiu. a-aqi iu im lnivqai uj fiinoiLip ou st )J.iqj itrji UMoqsQt:q Bjaacu jadxa p;(" -pr-Aojia -op nan Oswosip oqj oonpojd 01 pasod -dns 3j qa tjAi a jpowq aqi oj nvjadruei ttqi is iqj 2up 1 A'joaqi eqj 'j dqnajqs.i 6aaii?ap cr. oj eaajrfap 01 r. rat jj loajni , . c 1 .r si- -.-; n? sjsuaoo ij :,V A.lpesodojd caoj svq sunt sqj 10 notjrlfjnsuo. jo VLiaiuii oai 01 nairtr jtii ,uii Kuiiinni siioiujiaqn u;it;oji o pon;ani Aaa y I U0Jl(iHinSII03 2lUi' je HUIUll'ojJ AiJyr Happiness o! the Animal Crjjatlon. I I am tur priced to find the a most uni Yersal happintss of the anita ii creation, says the liev. T. Lc W :tt Ta inline iu the -Tcer. On a summer day. when the air and the grass are most popilous with me, you wiu not licar a souii of di 1 tress, unless, j orchvuee, a schoolboy has robbed a bird s hunter h is broken n bird's pasture has been robbod of a heartle? 3 r.est, or n inrr, or a aian, end ! thcro goes up a bleating from i no hocks. The whole earth is hi ed w deiight joy feathered.! and s ih on ir.sl - 1 (1. i on.) -v., oa , norneu, aau uooieu. 1 i.e Led the fre'g croaks it ; thesquind nums it : ch .tte:s x c irols it; the qua. I whistles it; the 1 it; the whale spouts it. Thd snail. rhinoceros, the '..grizzly bear, the wasp, the sn der. the sheii tho trad, ! the tneir nmeiy ae:ums oy ap crcat t tnem as our y is to tis. Go: roci;s; aaaconds crawling tl luncie; huald' plr.r-;ci 1 e ciimu:n ros?ch the- :f. ss the ir5n trop-i- broad rrairie: e'recod le baski: tun: ts.M punirs ...n t:.e ice o t::c;i Striding ..-rcs the desert, ard so raariv bundles of oy. 'They do "no go 11 ing or me.ar.choiv A genuine Irish jr.ii aenfasion i'st r-.tw n -J timore. It has been di, jaunting ear cannot lei fr U the fe 1 ere tro j I that ti e iced with success into cities where 1 1 of the street railway rise above the level of the roadway. JtT . . HI 111 II I II the TARBORO, N. - S0UIHEEN immigration. i I i A . T- - J A-i T m i . - j intelligent Settlers Want?L ; Oce of the important subject, of a ma- : t-rial, n weil as social bearing now Egl- ; tated in the South is the systematic en . otiraemnt ol immigration. Several leading citizens of the f-ection fome two month ngo met at Montgomery, Ala., Bureau, the operations of which Tre ex srreat Wncflt in nrnmnt' peciea io ue of . , . irig the brinsr Lg ia of. new and ood in r.f nr r.S : citizens ana additional capital anil enter pme. A Southern journal speaking the .subject in a recent Laue aays: "The : i i j section in our judgment needs j 83m thin? more, something! 1 mtui u lon-iu or me oiate Denina , ivrm.icin, nan voluntary private association. There outrht to be arranged a perpetual immigration coo- i :re&3 wuu Lrncnes In every State west in ; r.f t, Ann.i.-i,;. . r " ... the Ohio Thi brwl tnl.rt.t . . I m . J ""5"v vvu-isi. j four members selected by the Governor of each State from each of the Congress - ; muicH, unu iour irom the b'.ate a at , lsro. This would make the hrdv rrm - i eist of 804 memlwrs non ; t. l.-.rr,., ! when the natural number nf Ahnnta in the j should be deducted, being about erne j third, probably one -hair, so the assem bly would b from 150 to 209. This congress should work under general rules, leaving the branches in the arious States to look after their several locali ties. The branch in Tennessee would consist of 44 membra, that of Georgia U1 -orrn di oiina ol 40, and so on. If it ba objected that such bodies form ing one great central representative con- gies, ana meeting yearly could not be maintained asavoluntiry affair, we re ply by pointing to the National Science Assoeiafon, State and National medical bodies and a score more like bodies, that are sustained by voluntary effort and have been of inestimable value in their various 'deparfoenta of social, scientific, flnHQcial an? xeformatory endejivor. One hundred thousand immigrants brought to the South in a year means, if they are the kind, au addition of not less than $100,000,000 to Southern capi tal, and 200. 000,000 yearly addition to the value of Southern productions." The meutionedcontemporary points out that one of -the eluties cf the pro spective congr sb and its branches would bo to look to the quality of immigration as to mere numbers. Thi9 is of the greatest impoitance. The South, in so- Hating immigration, should exercise a jealous care t j endanger or prejudice it self by permitting the infi is of European paupers. Sincere, iutell:gent, asbimtla bly new comers chould have a heerty welcome, but a barrier should be placed before thoe hordes of decrepit and las situdinous immigrants which are swarm ing into the Vet and Northwest at a rate which, itis ftarei, in the ni will ba productive: of strioug results. It the South is willing to help larself In this matter s-he will be greatly benefitted in many ways . Business of the Week. R G Dur.n & Oo.'s wceklv review of the trade will say: Dissatisfaction with the state of trade is increasing and the lailure of merchants to distribute goo Is p ueun.eu in expectation ot the UMial demand for the season (au ea numprons embarrass me nts, as to collections and gtneraL complaint But there is of late a revival of inter est in stock speculation and incre ising conficienco that the new agreement of railroad -presidents will beer fruit tends to support 'wt.ter prices for Securities. The cotton market has not changed as to prices, though siles hare reached 423 000 bales, and most of the Southern estimates poiet to a vield about as lar-e as that, of 19SG. ' From uearly all quarters it is reported that the outlook for future trade is con sidered promising. Total failure during tho last seven days number United States 291, Canada 41, to'.al 3S2; as agaiust 343 last week, ud 279 for tho corresponding week of last year. Outrage at Greensboro, K. C. A sensation has been created at Greens boro by the perpetration of the most burtal outrage. A respected white lady named Mrs Elizabeth Brown, of Din viilti, Va , passed through there on Sat urday niht returning home from Dur ham, where she hatl been to sell a piece of property. She wished to spend tha night at Greensboro, and a n-gro man at the depot volunteered to conduct her to a boarding house. He led her but to the suburbs of the city, where be de manded her mojey, which she gave up. U? tneu struck her several blows with a lusirumetii ana ieit ner, supposing' ; her dead. She was found in a few Msonrs it!, r,, i,ii f,...'i v... n, v,., .. . . , anve. 1 his is the fourth outrage of the j kiid committed at GreDiboros - uv v'UHlt tlUVhUl WJ. LSlil CV til Prohibition in rennsjlrania. The lesolution providing for submis sion to the people ot a constitutional amendment r.rohibitiug the masaufacture or-tule of iiitoxicatinjr li'iuors in the 8 '.ate passeel the State S -nnte in es-irn ; at IUrnsburg. Pa, by a vote 'of 32 to 2. Democratic Senators" declined to vte. Ihe resolution passed the Hous Ist week. It now sroce tcthe Goverxor. A resolution is now randino- nmvidinw 1 for a Special eieetion nn t..w T-ri-rri, r l - ..w pavwv.vu , .raenumenr June intm r.rt Cotton Mills Burned. Fire was discovered Frldav in ware- houses of the Graniteviiie Mills, twelve mi us irom Augusta, Oa. The mill hare leeu heavy buyers of cotton and the warehouse was "filled. .The building, 120 by 0 was entirely dt stroved and the fames only gottoa un der control cl drk by sevYn streams. The lossei amount t about $100.0wo there being dc-stroved 2 843 baies. 1 : CSUT' nee is ?U0,0uH, ouiried by t2c he istera lut joi Coci)any. Ja Thare are mere than twenty . Pnian n ut ej wno are eutititd Grand Duke. to be styled . j At her soiree .u.e eariH t, w ite ot tf.r fresiuent err raace. wears a crown ears of corn, spaogieJ with diamocds. t l I mm old north st-ate foketeb." CM FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1889. ALL OVER THE SOUTH NEWS PROM EACH STATE. HORTU LAKOLHA. Neprot are leaving the Eastern sec tion of tbe State for Arkansas and Texas in considerable numbers in their femdieg In' They will not return 3Ien are lea?- not a few cases. - ' A county is considerably rf ! tate over a proixition to r,n,n,, , county coiirthouM from firV.am trt rtnr. JlEgtn, time mile distant. Bu j- on i i WUi as tfc Letb!ature to order . . 7 " tLe question m the county, inero continues to be a high feeling In Durham over the went daritg vio lations of the locrfl .i ion law h!ch wa? Porongh!rchet.t,C A committee or fifty citizens has been formed and will enforce the local option law. The committee will known as the "Pro liioiuon Vigdaneo Committee." The j ! n members mean business. The Durliam Cotton Manufacturing mpany. of. Durham v e' ,aa t,. declared a dividend of 0 per cent for the past sax months, making 12 per ceat dividend for twelve months. During -u fcr tne iact ory prod uced 3, 083 0 1 7 yards of goods, consum:n 559.475 pounds of cotton, and paid to operatives 44.301 82. During the year the mill was shut down only sevn working days . Thero haa been much excitement in the northeastern counties, due to tho in vations of the natural oys-ttr beds by pon-om wh are taking oysters in great quantities and selling them in .Virginia. Several fights have lesulted, and a man has been thot and badlv wonndwl 1-reth complaints about this matter have just beea made, and as the State: has just passed a stringent act against such robbery of the o.vster beds, the result is awaited with i Interest. The oyster pa trol is not yet in operation. The State n as no vessel for service, but the oyster fleet will probably soon be necessary. SOUTH CAROLINA. The formal opening of the new chapel of Ciadin Coll. at Orangeburg was celebrated Tuesday moraine A large cotton and wool manufacturer of .Philadelphia, contemplates moving his entire plant to Winnsboro. . T ,A ighter containing 100 tons of phos- pnato rock was sunk lait week in the I a-smey Kiver at Charleston. It was in- ienue1 for Uultimure. Dr L M Schaffer. the doctor who got up the corpse trust in South Carolina, died in the panitentiarv on Tuesday night. J The sixth annual Convention of the Woman's Christian T.mperance Union of South Carolina will be held m Charles ton on February 23. Satuidjy night Randolph Johnson, Henry Harris, William Green and Joe McCutcben, all colored, broke out of the Chesterfield jail br pulling off a plank in the celJ. FLORIDA. Snow fell in Jacksonville T11 Tkisisthe second bill of snow that hnaoc- cure'l at this point in twenty-live years j The mail steamer Sam wfls sunk oppo rx pjtii;ii;ii!ieoia. jso lives were lost. Overloading snd rough weather caused the disaster. Fully three-thousand people were pres ent at the opening of the Florida Inter national and Semi-Tropical exposition at Ocala. There was a procession two miles Ions; and the city w-es bea-itifully decorated. , The Elton light-keeper reports that the beacon on the northwest mast below St John's Bluil. St Johns River, was carried away by the late gale. This Is an important point in the river. The Cheiokee, of th;-CUde Line, is ashore in St John's River oil Commodore Peint. ctlo a,.i ,.1' ! . . f f luree iaues ueiow Jacksonville. UEORCilA. The negro participants of the late riot in Savaunuh havo jast been sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary. Lewis, one of the largest merchants of Thorns- n, Gt. made an assignment to Messrs Thos IVa'son and JT West. His liabilities are about 110,0 30. Gen Lawton, United States Minister to Austria hns written to a friend in Sa vannah, Ga, that he will forward his re-ignation at an early day. He will return to Savannah next summer. The directors of the coming Atlanta Expoidtion have sent a committee to Indianapolis to invite tho President elect to attend the Exposition. The city of Atlanta has also urged him to accept the invitation. The report of the commissioner on agriculture for tbe State of Georgia slows that the average cash price ef bacou ia that S-nte for 19S3 was 9.71 Cents a pound the eredit price 12.3 cents. The average credit was for four months. Corn, cash price 77 cents credit piica 'J3 cents. The- advance is about 20 per cent fr four month's cred it, cr .3 per month, or 73 per. -cent per annum. The commissioner actuaJlv corgratulates the farmer on having re duced the rate from 103 percent last year to 73 per cent this year. He at tributes this "enrxoKagmg reduction'" to the efforts of the Farmers Alliance. VIRGINIA. A sohool of sperm whiles was sighted ofl Cape Henry Saturday mcrniny. The tobacco trade of Lynchburg for the last week has Leen more active than for some time, and prices somewhat higher. The trsde. however, is still Very H-ht and f&lls short of last year. T , . T , IT C.:.l t Ctttrell. DemocrHtlc ehallergTS in the i strorg npirro w-rd of Richraon J. at the I Lost eiecticn. lavelxen f nt nn to the ' grand jury by the Utired &-ats Com- I misj-ioner,. 'charge! with iileirnllv oh-i struetirg voters at the polls I T a w-r ram . . - a a -? M . rr " ; V " : . T "l - iaMvn.Dt of i-t.te taxs i rr wny The liovttaor rnd the m-.ror addrc-; :i, V-t ? . ' KU'?-l niday and it was uoanino ik!r t-itAta - . -" - v w was Settled. - -v w . iiaig UClfc if ri u2n$SZLcSti tx rt. ai that th-re has been su had cided improv. mtrt in the- physioal con dition of the Virf inU railroads in the last vear Jht ttev ul ' new compete more ravorablt wltr; the let systems the countrv. The total trackage in the a iVk mi !; 150 miles I having leen bu;It iu th? year embraced I J in his retort. Tbe results financially also show aa improvement over precej- years, several rods having declared I ividtn ls raadDg frora 2 to 10 per " J cent, notably the Seaboard and Roanoke; I T-k . , a retfrsourg; j Richmond, Fredericksburg and Poto- uiac, xv:cuiuouu auu uaui uic, auu .-vt- folk and Western. The Court Reconsidered. Tetas in l8 7 had no jails, aod had just cut loose from 3Iexico, and there were but three modes of punbhment, small whipping, largo whipping and branding for. minor crimes. For mur der, horse stealing and forgery death. I was a sold:er in General Houston's army and recall one instance of horse stealing, where the guilty party was per mitted to escape. It was in Montgomery County ia 13 ;7. The man was tiled, found gu'lty, put upon the horse he had stolen, his legs tied under the horse and he was Jed out to the edge of the timber by some twenty or m ie of the members of the "court," all mounted and armed Arriving at the end of the timbers, all dbmounted,:except the prisoner, and set ting their ri "es against the side of a log, commenced looking around for . suit able galiows tree, f One of rfee party d.s cove ed, some ; 00 yards out in the prai rie, such a tree with a large limb grow ing at right angles to the trunk, some twenty feet from the ground. lie re marked that the Lord had p'anted it there to. hang our horse thief on. Agreed, and' the who'e party walked, leavitgguns and hor-es lehind, leading the condemned man still tUd to' the horse. It was found hard to climb the tree. The discover of it asked for a 'boost. Being a large, fat man, it took all that could get around him to pive the boost, but "they did it, and he climbed to the limb. One end ot the ropo was around the prisoner's neck; to get the other end fast to the limb was the ta-k set for the man up the tree. Alter several throws he caught the rope, but the limb was so large that it could not be easdy bio::ght around tokuad, and unle-s tha end wa; cai.,,Tht under tne rope co iid not be tied. . Tne" big man, ly n-r on his in east, holding the main part of the rope in o e hand, with the other tried to throw under the limb but e ery time failed to catch the end. The committeemen below all had theii eyes on him, looking up. The prisoner at the other end of the rope was struck by an idea. There ws life and liberty In it. He drove his heels cuatnst the borne' sides. LucKily he hd stolen a irood last horse and Ii e a rlash away went hor-e and rider, and in the alarm of the out cry the fat man up the tree missed his hold and fe I to the ground, badly hurt of cour-e. The fug tlve went My ins over the prairie, the rope streaming beh ud his neck. The vgiUnce pam's guns and horses were to ya ds oEE. " After the excitement w;i3 over a meeting o' the court w is hold, to reconsider the matterof nature ha.-ing planted that particular tree to hang that particular man upon, aud it was unanimously carried that it was not. Dttrui. f',ct J're.s. A Literal interpret.ition. She had almost despaired of hfj com ing. The h urs since they had eparuted grew icto days, the days into ceks, and the weeks into month', but sti I he did not appetr. She trtw wan and thin. ind hope deferred was making her heart sicker and s cker. Something happened, however, to brinir the roso to her checks again. Her lot liver suddenly "turned Up." Chi-ago Time 3. The wie man wh sai l "Never allow yourself to get out 6T anything" never fell into a du k pond, struck a hornet' net. or got into ad. Like many another ph lriSocher, he is an in'-ijerienced in nocent. Antiqnttv of the Reaper. The first reaper cf which wo have a description was one used in Caul, and described by I lln-, about A. I. .'. Ja the fourth century I alladius gives s good description of a heading machins, something s m lar t tho-e now ia use in Cal foraia. This header had a row of sharp teeth at the front ede, scd the heads were torn oH, and not cut as In modern machine. Ibis machine Ihss now been re.nveate J, and it is used for gathering clover seed. Little or ne change wa made ia the eeri er readers and mowers until the presect century, and most of thoie .made prior to l'o were heavy and cumbersome; conse quently they were not generally popular. lhe Uussey and McCormick's were the earl est of the uecesful reapers, and very soon thereafter the birht running American machirts ed'aaccd to the front, and bav- remacfd ia the lead the prcaent tiae. JVew Yrk Sun. Five Fert of Tatr Fall Annually. It has been estimated that sn average of rive feet of water full ar.o.s ly oer the whole earth. Supposing that eoa denstijn tasics pi ce at ai are-ge heig t of 0 feet, remarks Gece.! Mrachy, the force cf ea e rat ion to eg of .-.o.uy pounds .f water wjO ?. s ' s ' . , ,. 7, . I 7 V . ,. this gre-i ee uj vtry ra. parti tranfened to ta wattrs tht ru? back through ti.ers to the s-.a. and a stil! smaller fraction Is utilized by xnaa; he remainder is dissipated in space. If 4. iii hi ill ill 5 Cents Per Copy. WASHINGTON, D. C. re- HOUSE AND SENATE. Orn National Law-Maker Deliberate on Meaaurea for the Public Good. of Monday Mores. The Svcte current resolution wa3 agreed t p; ing for a Joint meeting' of the Houses of Congress to c mnt electoral vote. c-,n o id t o tLe Mr McCamas, of Maryland offered an amendment to tho sundry civil service bill appropriating 30.000 for th,- . .1., cation of children of school hb in i ka, without reference to race. Arrr..t to after a Ion 2 debate. The : . amendment appropriating $23rt.tjc0 investigat:ng tne best method or hre gatlng the arid region was agreed to h so. Pendiui? action on the Lin t Honse adjourned. Senate The oredentiaLs of Sen,t,,r Butler, for a new Senatorial term. w.re presented by Senator Hampton, r.-ad and placed on flic. The diplomatic and consular bill was taken up and Senhtor Gibson moved to insert the word "ambassadors." iustiad of the words "envoys, extraordinary tnd ministers plenipotentiary," as applied to Frauce, Germany, Great Britain and Russia. ; A lonr debate followed, in which Senators Pkimb und Reagan were the chief opponent of Senator Gibson's amendment, but pending a vote the House adjourned. Tcesdav. The House to-day went into committee of the whole, Dr Dock- ery, of Missouri, in the chair, oa sundry elvil appropriation bill. the j An amendment wai alopted appro ....... vww tUUUJMUVI UUtiat., IU Vlj) and maintain meteotoloaical stations in the West Indies; another appropriating $ 2,000 for the repair of the read to the National Cemetery at Hampton. Vo. was inserted on motion of Ma- Bowden, of ' Michigan. anDronriat I nor 2f r0fl f,r th.. i construction of an iron bridge over Mill Cretk, -between Fortress Monroe iml Elizabeth City. The committee then rose and the bill was passed. Alter some further local and routine business the flou s , at 4 :40 adjourned o -7 rr 1 a -v. . ..y. The Sekate occupied the day in dis cussing tho Samoa question, Senator ""4 I l'ttfcp6D orAMi'iriNfi'. -..t,. .... ... ! M'l? .n m ot tha iii.il naa "JBaom3 bill . lL II (1 conideraVATE Jo-day continued uir -aparoJUl the diplomatio Za buicg an amehojQn moan Islands. affectj , mo quest nn ng the Sa- Thtjbsdat. The Hocbt. in dlcussiUg Rnd voting cnNnii A mats to the OkUhnm,, t.tti i.,a1' aaT rea , i-ufc nd ching a result, adjourned until morrow The Sexate to-day passed the dip o matic and consular appropriaiii.n bill, the debate on the Samt.au question be ing the feature of thi proceediugs. The el II s.-rvice bill was resumed and the amendment raising to the rank of ambassudors"the Ministers to En-lmd, Francer Germany and Russia was reject ed; (yeas 23, nays 20 and the bill was : asaed. At 2 o'clock the Senate went into se cret session for the consideration of the British extradition treaty. Adjourned at 8:15 p. m. - FiiTDAT. In the House tho confer ence report on the bill- to create a De partment of Agriculture ws t jred to. The Oklahrm bill WHH tliWl-n in. r,. .1 passed. At 4 o'clock thc recess and the evening tesnion was de voted to private pension bills. Senate Almost the whole day was spent in secret session over the British eixraaitirn treaty which contrary expectations waa defeated . to .1, Washlagton otes. The President nominated to be peat- ' masters. John II Daeis, Tallapoosa, Ga I Mrs Jennie R Livinrrton. South T,t burg, Tenn ; Fiorina A Hints, Va. Suffolk, The third annual convention of the American Shipping and Industrial league Iwgau it sessions in Wahlno-. Weanesday, Gen Joseph Wheeler, its ' Senator Z B Vance, Carolina's favorite son, underwent an operation Thursely by whicth his left eye was removed. Overwork on the Ut Sanate tanfl bili wt.sthecar.se. He deceived many ex pressiorxs of sympathy. r " Ojnere'sman J R Brown, of Virginia has rresented to Convre a r i?r."f.,. the Tobacco AfseK-iatioD, asking the im medit rejed of the tobacco tajt. The pennon went to the committee on np proprifct-ons. The President sent to the Sernate the following nominations: Jes DAlrams of Virginia, to be Comptroller of the Currency; Sidney L WiUoa, of Ken tucky, to be Pension A sent at WasLl g ton; Col Jose ph C Beckenridg to be inspe-cti.r gener.il with the rat k of brla d-.ergemml, Mis Mary R DusenbWrv pcatmiatre at Coccoro, N C. Fire ia Dolotb, Minnesota. DTLCrn, Minn. The Grand Opera House aa-i tiie jx.ef.fEce wtr burnei before d.ypght Monday morntrg Tie ground fl.r of tbe Opera Ho se wan occupitni as tUe stores snJ nrra! efflce I &f lLe f ie Wiseendn Ccntml Uil- r"'1' L'P a Drt were the j &Sce cf th-; vario is lumber flm s oi . layer, and a 'he stcjt.d Soor the chaoalr of c-m-netce, muic r-oca. etc The Optr Housr oceJ bv Mun ell A Mirk-!?. al cct fll2.00; i : s ured for 7,fC0. The toUtIa will rtaeh t2i00, or more. Th frnnt , wall of thv Oper xloue fell into the street, hot no oae was hurt. !) Carolina Bnmur. 1 tira. 2 75 1S5 I la. 41a. fi is. 6 In, II in. 12 in. 173 3 0J S 5-3 4 53 3 00 24-0) 9 0i 1J&) ti CO LATTwESSMS IX LOI'ISIA.XA. KTilA., Drivs JT.yrow 03t XeW' Liberia Tarita. ?peU uti tht thre. rr-rtWt rr? wtiprmi by the rt'iJTilit . i... , ar d th.y, with o:h- n, w.rr MnVli.j - I ir ,m th fithburLoHl. Tht. r-'u-.tor w tr tf .T? , .... 1 . , .,uui.i iu .wn tr.il u r .oxC, u. ,a I ru r.i.m' c cf m. . . " " - u er cf ni, i tr.uri in- urnjur.ainir rt.t.jnry. lhe tif-t sel a nejjro. tsittf l,J,rT. ,'e . "uippc-,! Lim unnurciJuily. Ih- r a L : . 4 .-. ' . . xt u-iiin wj,s nn tdd iHgr... atel ktn tty. ne was treated in the itnr burt.il cer. i he nsmc ' i,f ma- the third for -Pl1'1 cm.M n t r tx'ertatn 1. "i'lU H.C iau I. Mil !T1 W. ll llTL'd. r J were ordered ta bate the the jmi uh hich they did. Not a in!e m i lu .e lUna, iilltr o.'lj.cr r ilili o, could fpr,. nny tan-iblc rwuson fcr theo gross cruelties - ' . Tl e n-xt two nepro. tht the Whire Vtps turned their attention .to were ex Justice of th.- 1'e.tc-,. Mctinffry nd Lis io.T-: -Thy ordnel thiu to leave town, and us the n.-roes took tlnlr d.-paitme they opened hre uj-on tl em wjth ku!m and piste U. bv ih, v Ju. kilv 4caiH-d without injury. - Alter th.iugrtM or dered lolvavt had tHKcu tuir ebprirture tne -mob .eia.Hsl,(tl yt.Vl,..i 0f ,iyr homes and p'a.ta of l.u5nt4. ,1 though a 1 ire nun.!-, r f th . wl 1 ,.r. tlcipatud in the Httaek up u th.- tu-ro.a arc known, ,0 unvt. havo U en ins b, nor ha-t'Ltre bceli nir ir,v, .!!.,.il.. ,.f ; the affair. I A Fortune In a Yolrnno. Two years ago Mr. Wi Ham Coucr - left .New 01k f.-r the so-.itr rt a l-; 1 1 j - - . t ; "" "i.ui.ui.iei CH ir!t t'ut tiring energy. To Jty he ha a fortune that will keep him U.c r. v. of hii life in Iu ury. Tho fottune U, i;u.i- 1 h, a pUf -, where ihe 'aTerago u.!ia wu..r i sorc-c. pectto find cab age, the cmttr . f oa extinct volcano. Vtt in - that cra'tr Mr. Cooper. found arai-s of Vmcm rr. )nic asate such as scietitisu bd never oven im 'gined as exi-tei.t. a-id l et cr th m that, he fcindia rw orit .1 u-hA-; ratr ket for the ui e hj di. ovcnd i i the old Mexican vo'cuuo, led b ow tha mouth ot the' crater nh l as mil feet above 'the s a Icvd. Mr. too per tells the -tory of his Im- t .cc H searches for et ldenccs of tLerri e h- Lr. O fl IAVlft m . . 1. 1. .1 ... .- uru l- it t , i . noally uuuU 1 W: .. r ' " ' ; J 1 I I . - - UI II I ( If. "u,a!"l!l't a-e of the ..1 jing in the old "Htf. (!,,,. crater fllJj j 71 1?'" :? m, ,lDs " the t to , , i t e d j i pomt of ..hip;n-nt !-rrJ ,r I mountain. .K ,.,.. ra ,c th u .M wlu - 1 i a r .... 1 . -u .texico Ihose who hae te.-fl m,. . . . ' " iue ii,u.i I., .to commercial -ln u ...j d oo,. aim win control ine niHr-.t t. 1 firm ban alrrady -o d u pit e of the- Rga'e tor will return ti Mrxieo nne luintel 0 Mr e o r hrtiv. ii nd while there will mike c ose K-.,r h l.r amber,-wh ch he beiie.e- to I r 1 j o, t ed in latgcVpi-mii ie. j:i tue v c n ty of his agate m.ne..V .! Y. rk U .i.'.tc, t ?. i, A Af r-tef Jour I on-l'lnd f! o-.n. In addition t the cither i.Mpro-tr'nf eti which are be.ng mads ij the eh t.e e ic their skct on of thuiiyi one parti u iaily to be rot;i m the v.uihunt corner cf Vn lnn ou a'.ttvi and h i e ly place. This-'build.'ng i c or,t i ucuu ol brick and Ton, Md li m i e ttr or ut t eara uc aud :: uch tw.t; d.n tj ol C'hifir-- s. t :. t-H. I'tit tLi i not all thit i. j1 o ar ut i h i u ud .n-j. lu One ro.m.. t e ei.' v to - h: h n Wa- 1 J J lii'f. th. nu U ute lii.ed w.tti nr.o- tiirh'h ui' h t.eet no.. Hi - !t til ...I is ubo c-ertd w th -he a .e mtttrtml. which is Lotei und rrvd thf ub threo lui h bhnK1. the who ii.hk a f. ruiidabie i err e,,ue a.'ain-t th entry of th eve-, pol.ee or fitter rer.i ni b inrsj no bmine-s with the m u pa- t. ri ad dition to all this th ve-ti ,i le n b th sides, r ai-o that . i ort n ov r th: .1 trnce. is Uued and In ted with ih'.' ''!. lubst.int al me a!. " Th; :r.te'.'r of ths roo .i h fc'tied uo wi tii e t c a'e I tro doors in the o r. sn. th tr are vcril DVBIIJ lilt nru on" ..!. -.- "i ii.. l.l -.,1 1 ;, .'! m 't in one of the a.- u' . Iag-r rt-'i-iyb to permit mun to what rj irnf e tit - th' t;,-!.. I j SO !! d- voted is ut pubiic. .J i runt An Ancient T.ittor.-.l Slaic. A-no aMe oil M-'c.-i w ,r:n. f; Middiclon, del ii J e- e u . .i Aunt DiiiE-i km a -d n,' inuc'i over a ho'dred oM was a cat!e of tl.o I a-k ' i ot t. : v:&i k:dnar t ed a- J ' ou'L? he the l.'e mi ti - ? her m nd h. of that per 1 slnve m rt ir.t ) rrth .a i. vi it tti tL,' t.iir.o a. Li '...its. a; i o:a iL e ea-r.e to Tcu ti-is cai5C-"of her cxireoii war. an i ha I'."! rhe wit f'e 1 b-f-j-e the. Is world. Utr face aad La d '?-: h tattle 1, aad .thete t-."t o rr. .-.". till her dt'h- th- w-- It ti. 1 been 6 ca n r t d i n and oro c f iir ec lt'r en t btr cn made her c:go tt:r r to c-i-.iixxl. liotr .noitttulM Are M?'". . It may be r-ttrcii n to :.-.uk to kro- bow ruutnci e wrJ -id-ie. I f i - " of embalming 1. s uA, eci U c t the vruiieni f r;ke Itvf c.-c'I syttem i tie - nt w ih 'I ' J water till it HM' tro t-J oodv. IU Ki.- --cc :, y fr-.-Q tto t r five-hoam. AirohoiiS ,ecrcd o '. ta,ou'rsim-i:.-h st-r a y t;-..e 2 CO 3 CO T u) 10. i 1 W X 7 CO :2 ?o x $) oo 4 o ;u ncu (IJ J5 w 2" O) 41 s ) CO c-ccipies about inTer of tthi-r i tbea ine iei ti '" l-' fatty ns'Ur. Th.s evcu;ae f o-a t Vt ten hoar. A st-oa -IJt oa tann n i 'hen ia ecui 1 hi ocrtip i lr.r ttn bitia frj a t-" to. ta i- Tbe body i then dr td ii a c irre-it 't w..m ir r"fd f t:d th r ' ClMctn. Ih- may eccupy roui t o five hour." The Uvly I t1 pe tet.y preervvd aad nsisu dec. Cais ..'.' , v -.1

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