fclje Carolina Banner. Aomnswo iUm. Ic avcltna Canncr. Sfaoe. i tim. 2 Urn. lmo. Sma 6mo. I2n 1 "5 1 23 2 TO 4(M CO) K 00 2in. 1S5 2 TO 3 ft) 7W10TO HQo Sin- 175 825 4 00 7 SO 12 TO 2W ln. 2 TO S TO 5 TO 10TO150O tr, TO in. 3 TO 4 ft) 7 TO 12 50 20 TO SO TO In. 3 5 4 50 7 50 15 TO 25 TO 40(0 U In. 5 50 $ TO 1 1 TO 25 TO 40 TO CO 00 In. 9 W 12 50 IS TO, 35 TO 55TOVj CO "KVKJtY v in II A Y. ...... I. V I'. 1L 1 " i HENRY T.KING Editor. TFA Or OU'-"" M T, nc J ftr' ' fi months, .1 three months, - t the Postofficc at Tarboro, .'IrVna-cl matter.' $1 60 75 40 VOL. I NO Til E OLD NOBTH ST ATE POBETEK, 22 TARBORO, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE U, 1889. 5 Cents Per Copy. jj,,- tit.i' Vuf' 1"' 1 ,.f. ' il . , oiiiinonly used to wrap ) .-. chewing ,iini, various ,nd ad kinds of chew- -:til to be dangerous on i,-t in it Its use for f food has been 'for- il.iV. l.f.f uti t in . M.-n iiiJil'V r : r- -? 'Tl projort-of oxtrmling the limits of w rrk city ''' to include Brooklyn and "th-f ii'-ighWing municipalities, ia takii.tr ,,,-f5"5t! pnnrN an1 attract h attention, not oniy iu which would U affected by the the country at large, of NORTH AND WEST. hxwsy rrqia by telegraph- Being A Condensation of the Princiijal Han peninga in Different States limn it - ,.v,!iih"e. hut in which they flrc tl,c rent coramercial niter. The New York Legislature haa Tainted a commission to consider and Jort on the subject, as the first step to action. ' It mny V- that Dr. fanner' wild ex- rim7 ,it" of burying himself in the ground -L-s is not so wild after all. Thcr uro j.l. nty of reputable witnesses Wh y 'at ,ht'-v have fioen faldrs iQ India buried, and after their graves liad been -fru.ird.-d' for months they were re gion -d t-lift- without any difficulty, and Int short tint.-were ready to undergo the. anie experience agiin. r. Tanner may bave b irii. .1 the fakir trick, whatever it w. HI3 BEIDE STOLEN FROM HIM. She Went Off With Her Tomer Lover Immediately After the Marriage. SOUTHERN SPRAYS. FROM VIRGINIA TO TEXAS, Items of Interest Culled from Many Sources. ,t Min conclusively proved, oh thr Sail.' Francisco Chronicle, aftel exj. rinunts carried on for a number oi 'pars by lrivate individualn and by tin OoM r.ii.M r.t, at it 'great expense, that the manufactur.- of wigar from sorghum can not U- mad.- a co.iinicn ial success. It ii K.)i( v.i tbnt if Ihc '.ovcrnmcut had ex ' jH-ii.lr'1 only a small portion oi the BUM wasted in sorghum evperiments in en-courn-ia- tin- production of beet sugar, the letter industry would havtJ been much further advanced than it is at present. 'Tt is now paid," remarks the New York -(., '-that the journey from New York to San Francisco is made ic l Minn ive days on schedule time. Let us we. A "hi!e ago we started for Cali fornia in a dipper hip and made the trip round C'ue Horn in one hundred days. Then vo- took a short cut across th I0..,.a ,.,..1 re:iehed the (loldeil Gate ill inviiinii' ...... - - - - thirty .lays.'. Aflr that we went by rail arros- the cmfineiit in seven days. Here after it is fo b doi;i iu less than five Well therr is nothing to look forward U oow exe. j.t 'Darius (5 reen and his flying machine.' " Ostrn li farms now exist in at least thrAI i.ftlie Aijtraliaii colonics, and the feath m are juonounccd as good iu tpiantitj and .ii!ilityas Ihow of the. African birds Iu South Austrab-i the enterprise was en counted by a grant of MlOO acres ol land not far from Port Autrusta, OE whi.h th.Tc are now 100 liirds. Fait bush forms a t,rre: it part of their food, tut 'in extra dry seasons wtittles, mulga, tiearia, eotton und blue bush help to sup x.rt them. The price of feathers is liabh to Ku.h lluctiiatii.ii by the changes ol fashion, that it is doubtful, observes th Amri.-.ia AijrimU'trixt, if Australian ostrich fai inino will ever prove profitable. The chess championship of the world wa left undecided, Weiss and Tchlgorin dividing flrgt and second prizes in the in tenia tiorud chfsa- tournament, which ha just closed in J New York city. -' ' -l I Thk Ballot Reform bill was passed! by the .Connecticut Legislature. The Young Men's Democratic Club' gave a dinnw to ex-Irsident Cleveland at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York city. 8eecbes were made by the guest ot the e' ening. Governor H iu, ex-Governor Jlloadly, Pi-ed-eric H. Coudert,- John Ii. V. Arno 4 and others. '. Princess' Kauam, first neice of (King Kaiakaua of the Sandwich Islands, i irrived in New York city on her way to I urope, where she poes to complete I her edu -ation. The I'rineess is fifteen years old. j A pike at Ilono, Nev detroyd be old tlu-atre building and six other houies and oflies near, and the Pioneer Hotel, La 'ayette House, Pollard House and Pyramid House. Tbo loss is between f.T.0,000 and $300, C W. A' terrible wind and rain storm passed over-Quincy',-111. The storm was c relonie in its nature and considerable daina ;e was Jone. The full force of the storm st ruck a cemetery in the southern part of the c ty.and nearly every monument in the grouf ds was 3moliKhed, 1 - j AtntcRT Martiw, th mulatto who 10 bra tally assaulted Mrs. John GjiUs, . wi fe of a. farmer living near Port Huron, Mu:l., was taken from the county jail by a Aiasked mob and, lynched. j" II pREsroEtfT Harrison has rented bno of Senator II. (t. Davis's cottages at L)ae rarh.. M.I . for the asQ.n and preparationfc were Niin made for the recptioP of his fainUy. Genkr.vi. KchofieLD was acting fceretary of War in the absence oi wiew. 3 . . in th West. This was a return to the old practice of tha department before the Jimcui ties arose between Secretary Lincoti and General Pheridan. y J PresipenT HARRisoif nominated Gfenerals fw Wallace and Beverly Tucker spetial eu- voys extraordinary to Haytf. Alm st iru meliately after the names wera made public they were withdrawn. j Samuel. J. Ruby, of Iowa, has bien ap- .;i TTnitl States Consul at Belfast, F"'"" i Ireland. W. W. Thomas, Jr., 'Minister of tie Uni ted States to Sweden and Norway, vtas re ceived in official audience by King 0;4-ar suii.T.pnx is making terrible ravhges in Guatemala. j Twenty-five policemen were injurtd dur- InR evictions at Falearragh, lrelan.l. The latest authentic news from H to the bfTwt that. Hipiolyte has .il Iitiinein sval tiattles and taken sion of the Government. j Thres: persons were killed and wound! o an anti-Progressist riot grade. 1 The village of DeutsehmaeUen, nar Sa ran. in Prussian Silesia, has been com destroyed by fire, not a house being left tag. . ! HORTII CAROLINA. There kill bean immense yield of Carth aor, 31rt.The primlpal topic of conversation on ibe streets in this tity is i ne wnsaiionni riurmcu.-.. . j,,.tn MVs tlip airri- ineut it can 1 called-of a young lady, gra all over the Stat, hajs the agri immediately after her mamage. With Her miiunu rep. former lover- J. H. PriU bett, a young I Cherokee Mining Comjiany are man from Idabo, ana nss jiatinc iuu-., Uevelopjotf their moert lans u it a young lauy lesiaiug m my i ern ortli C'aroiiua neariuwt-uj , - i (.r Rtone of the new epvrri) County Kecorucr lor a m . ' ut Wnmjntft,m was laid after wlueb thev.weiil lo me ouicc ui iuu i " lrolate .Iwlire.rbr whom they were mar- I lueaday. - ried A few minutes after they left the! F.d TTenrv. a 11 vear old son of John llecordcr's office a young farmernamed J Heurv, living in South Iredell, five miles Ulmer entered in a very exited manner j from "Davidson College accidentally shot and asked for them, and after command- anj killed his little sister, Itortha, ftgfd inr the Herorder not to record the mar- 7. AVJnesdav mornrnff The boy was riaire license iust issued, rushed mt. I B.iuirrel-huutfrii?. " cummtr the gun on The newly married couple had gone to bjs shoulder, the little girl folldwiug a dry gmnls stored and there the wife ujm on her way to the pasture, -when the was "left while her husband stepped out a waa discharged, the load taking ef- f-w moments to attend to some business. fM.t ;n Hertha's neck and breast. Death Tt.irowr nbnre ITllmcr made his mi- I ;tiut;ii)t;inim Dr. Iiarrinirer. of lx arauce, and informing the young wife J Davidson College, viewed the body and filar upr nftH4Pf was waning wuimiuc, pronouucea an inquest unucccsti seized uer bv tUO fm ana nurrieu hit out to the sDeet. The couple went I 1.I,.1a3 f-fi -laltr crr.ikikinrr rwiw and then to enter a protest, but she was silenced by her companion and led hur riedly along. They finally stopped at a grocery, and auer some -earnest conversa tion they entered Ullmer's buggy stand ing near, and drove rapidly away; In the mean time the husband returned to the dry goods store, and, finding his wife cone, started in search ef her. Sup- iiosincr that she had returned to her (lorhp jn company with Ullmer, he started j'n pHr$H?t 'anfj reached there soon after The 100th celebration of the organiza tion of the Uraud Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of Houth Carolina, wa commem orated at Charleston Tuesday. The laying of the coruer stoue of the new Y. M. C. A. building ai cuai icsiou was performed with impressive ceremo nies Tuesday. The State railroad commission com pleted its work on .the railroad freight rates bv finishing the tariff for the Char leston and Savannah Hallway, and all dark - He 'returned "t the city next the rates went into effect June 1 morning, being unsuceesBfuliu hu search j Mra. Florence Atkinson w arrested for the runaway couple. V hat , course at ji ja(.ka for bigamv and bound over to he will next pursue ne aoes noi Know. He and his stolen bride are cousins. They were engaged to be married before he went to Idaho, uut aunng iiisaosem-c she foepauie engaged to Ullmer and they court in a foOO lxmd. She created a great sensation fifteen months ago by marrying two men in ten days. The department of agriculture lias re- werel to Jye feen married next Thurs- ccived -a ' report from McClellanville, day. Receiving an invitation to the Charleston county, that the forests in weddinir the Idaho lover suddenly put in that section have been striped U their an appearance, ana a weaumg wuu ns .eavea mj lucaic..ijuv sensational denouement was the result. thickets presenting a midwinter appear ance. j ayti ia feated posses- many n liei- bleteJy stand- Washiugton. The Navy Department has begun it assign 1 h. officers or too vessels f. nti,..r kioos ami stations. m..'t ....intl B .' P. Gilkeson, of Pennsylvania, to te Seeoud Contrpllel; ; of the CunviM-y, and S. II. Holl.iay,oi rwm. t, i oniiiiissioner of Customs. Bv direction of Secretory Noble, Agent i, ..lu.r.I nil the white teettlera ..r th ChflvHiue reservation.! 1 1 iTmKNT Harrison, Attorney-General i:n ,.. !-,: t 'Hrwretarv Halford, General n wiiiimuo ihiiiI i Reoresdntative Aiulerson, of Kaunas. ie "P'' Z T T. Mabrv a rnnnf lawver of Ab- The Te?as Spring Palace. I beville.' and Johu J. Lyou, the stepfather The Texas Sprinuf Palacp was opened of Mr8 Mubr v: had iku"c'mW Irieuds at Fort Worth Wednesday. It is an ex- uui wjthin the last few weeks', during hibition of the. products of the State. wijirh they have frequently .piarrelled. The three story building U in the shaje yon accused Mabry of abusing his wife. t)f a cross, and covers ou,uuu suuarc icei. 1 They had a serious quarrel last rriday It is covered inside and out with pictures j nihV aml on Saturday Lyon armed him repiesenting Texas scenery and " I sdf with a shotgun and got behind a geometrical figures, all made of products J s(.uool house where he could command a of Texas. The interior of the buildiug j iew f the path which Mabry always is filled with every product of earth and took jn rnming from his law ofhee. Ma- si a, all from Texas. The exposition idea hry was late, and Lyon waited for him was suggested by the Sioux City Com two hours. When Mabry appeared Lyon Palace, but the Texas palace as it stands wak(,u from behiud the house ami said : !Do you want to light tins morning' Mabry replied : "Not in that kind of I am not armed, ana 11 you snooi ?a coward." Lyon fired, and Mabry fell mortally wounded. "Don't shoot again. ' he cried; "l am a fVinrboter. James Swart z, a farm er, lat and-Tticked Geo. Amhrow, a farmer of Berkeley county, ,V Wdly that Ambrose died of his injuries. Koth were atjoul yean o.u. tr Carter Marks, an ageil white wo man, was run over by a shifting engine of the Petersburg Itailroad Couiiiany, while crossing Washiugtou siret i, 1 r,, burg, Monday night. Her right leg was cutoff alioutthe middle of the thigh, and she diedfpom the felioc ulhui m, hour after receiving thp injury. Sandy Slaughter, a ginger cake co or- cd man, committed rape on me m.-c Mc White, of Sjottslvaua couuty lt Sunday. The giil w:is in an outhouse when the negro assaulted her. AfUT apcnwpUohlng hjs purin-Ti UlP drawiug a large knjl5 atfoher throat, threatened to cut her throat ami u n her body into the won.! if sUp Ulvulgod what be had done. The gii 1 1- in a very critical couditiou, Tm uegm nia4le good his escape, but posses are searching the country for him, aud if caught he will be lynched. The whole community is uj iu arms, and no mercy will le shown him. A P.ine slaml, Jtihn flunier, 22 years of 'aVe. 'committed suicide on Thursday by shooting himself in the head with a revolver. He left a note to his mother m'ww he had seen all the pleasure in this life he wbdied to, and that he would that day take his life. The real cause of the tragedy was thought to be a love af fair. Fayette Evans, a desperate character, who has Wen a mortal terror to the suburb of St. Elmo for years and who recently made a desperate attempt to kill Amos Field in Walker couuty, Ua., was tried on a warrant of lunacy, and ad judged insaue. He will be sent to Lyons view"! and the community breathes freely. Evans has been three months in LaFay ette, a-, jail ou a eharge of felonious assault. OTHER WTATK. i Mrs. Fannie Demeese died near Louis ville, Ky., at the age of 115, as shown bv her family Bible. Her husband died twelve years ago at 107. Up, to that time Mrs. Demeese had bceii able to attend to t -. her own worK. t The returns from the election in New Orleans shows that the drainage ordi nance has leeu defeated b.v lQt) to J.00O votes. The hist Legislature authorized the taxpayers of New Orleans to vote a tax of three mills lwr annum for the pur- ose of drainage and paving. The elec tion was held and the sciieme was ue feated. 12,000-DROWNED. THE DELUGE IN PENNSYLVANIA. The Oonemangh Valley Flooded and Thou sands of People Lost, Vl in the mountains, two or three hun dred feet alove the level of .lo.hntw 11 Pa., with its 12,tHM inhabiunta. s.Hi n nnUUia.1 JaKc, f.uir and a hlf niiU-s lo.ug, a mile and a quarter wide, and loo feet deep. It was held in check by dam of mm id nuu-oury, 1,hh ft-t wide ninety feet thick at the Uise and mi f,vt jiigh. Ik-liiml this dam was the largest IkhIv of water held in an V-reservoir iu the United States. W hen the cloud ItMi-st forcing this im mense lake through s barriers and ;;; it 300 feet downwartr, the tor;t.u"i gaine,! a .frightful momentum as it rushed re sist lessly onward to 40 feet hih. struck Job uptown a,ud lUkvv wp and crushed Loiisvs like ft iuujr p'r Ikixcs. The l0lai VUV thixiwu Mgniust each iitU'i-V aiid mahcd into splinters. The there not U ing U cnoxvU for the men nor utensils toc.k it with. Mr Klinn' wnoiamttho head of the bU.rl.. de a -iK-tt h t. them. 11 nn.l fil ,1... it was inqMble to Rvt the tl 'ti , .. from the railnwd. Ut tlud theV would U u-onon oown as sn a- possible. II. wboex,tl to livc ai the f,t ,.f ,J,e land and that thi, wapriu. ,,UV .-, work of charity even thou-h the im n did t lid for their w.rk. A few minute aft, r Jhiv as Mr. Fliun was driukin-1-la. k rt.fftv aud rating some u.rd cm. k cr aud heese, two workmen ne Ul. him and c.muncncl to cmphdu Ut mum, they did not have soup and meat. t uragiM air. nmn, and after tHliuff then that be thought he w as us,l t KlHM eating as they were, he ordered gumt It. take the men out of t..mi and not nuil them toe. mc Uk again. Tbi- seci.unl to have cfiei't, and there was t.o iu.e truuble. Twenty time k.. per, fn.in itt burg arrival, audi he v are now. bard at gi'iuux Uu'uaoieiiof UH iM iupl.oed W ion e of U,tMHt men will not U 'HtJ.. ris in leo than - tnd Vc;'. t arian diet is becoming populai aiiion;a lminlici oT persousin this country. It hash, en widely practised in Europe for eari. One of its advocates in America is Professor S. C. Osborn, 0 Post on, who recently said: "You would nut W agitated in New York over th dressed Im- f question if you followed my example. 1 have tasted no butchers' meat for ten years and have lost all appetite for it. It is on my table at nearlj every meal, but I never take any. How ever, this ahst inen'ee may suit other people, t has hid a most satisfactory iufiueuct my health, and I have only a dim re collection of what indigestion is like, 01 how :t headache feels. I am also a tota! abstainer, but smoko moderately. Tobacco "m reasonalde quantities is con ductive to tie healtli of brain-workers, ai it slightly hc ks the loss of brain tissue aud liasalso.i soothin fi tfect. Vegetarian- Lm is also cspccially-adapted for men who trio dowu Ctaiako Bay i on Mr I W aua v.ht. U,4tless. They siMjut Sunday 1 . 1 exceeds in execution anything the origi nal designers ever dreamed of. The palace complete has cost $500, 000. The building was furnished by Fort Worth, but the wliol.e State helped helped to decorate and fill it with wonderful pro ducts and' "pictures. f?.Qv- JJoi?9 ,nau' the opening speech, concluding as fol lows: "In thenarap pf the people of i Texas, I now surrender Uiis grand Spring Palace to the unfettered enjoyment of all present, without so much as demanding a countersign." Tlwi T TlnliniuVa Oen li ' A. 1 IfUV. 1 uuytl . ' 1 n 1. in " - - - J Cameron, of Denver, and the Hon. J. M, j Ch lan, Mayor of Sioux City, were other prominent speakers. 1 . . 1 . r - .1 Tt., 1, ...... -n- 1 resuieni. nan isou aim uiui uat - cei'ved invitations tt visit the Palace. i..'iin,n.;toii HoaiK t.tT Fortress Monri. 1 "MfiHinniel - Gekerai. i.kw uAiu.oi. "'" , ;tv" : m. 1. )iiuM)iiittMl lj)iiimis- 1 endeavor to secure coaling fns iat 1. Tvri. holn and tSamana uaflwriue 1'i.it sl States. I The warringe' of cx-Secretary -Bairard to Mw lMnrv VilUl2 ciymer, is biuiuuiu to yZZ 3- W i St.. John'8 El Church, Washiuglon. ! I Pbksidkxt Harkisom has reuted one of t. ... ti 1". Davis's cottases at Def r I ara. M.l'. fortlw season and pi-eparatiods wer Uang made for tho reception or ins iamuy. Gkxerai. SoHeKiELD was acting SiirTetary of War in the absence of Secretary Proctor in th West. This was a return to khe old pra cticeof the department before thejhtncul ties aros. tietween Secretary Lincoln and General Sheridan. I President Harrison nominated Generals Lev. Wallace and Beverly Tucker sp4caal en ..f...i-.ii.ifirv to Havti. Aluapst un- iiwHluttely after the names were madt publa they were withdrawn. i Sami-kl J. Ruby, of Iowa, has been . ap ..tl IFnited States Consul at Belfast, i-" r Ireland. The Debts of the Southern States. The thirteen Southern States, includ ing Kentucky and Missouri, have funded debts aggregating $9.,,8.'.S,G4J, liesides an unfunded debt amounting to $20,000, 000 -more. The funded debt of the South is thus distributed: A Cyclonic Hailstorm. A terrific hailstorm passed through How an countv. N. C. Tuesday afterno.n and lid great and untold damage. It was 4 , o'clock when it came upon Salis bury. The wind roared like a cyclone, but was not accoinpauied by muc h rain. Hail stones from the size of a hickory nut to that of a man's fist fell for fifteen minutes fast and hard. The limbs of rees wefo broken off and fell to the ground. The window glass iu many dwellings and business houses was shat tered and houses uuroofed. llcavy dam age was done to the new Lutheran church, all the large stained window glass King broken:" The damage to this church aloue is one thousand dollars. Five hundred window glasses were broken at the cotton factory. The fruit and the cotton crop throughout the county is said to be completely destiny- ed. No estimate 01 lite roiai miuki- can yet U given, but it will reach up in to many thousands. The hail storm is said to fw the uust severe ever known in the State. " ' 1 have nuntal work to perform and who desire to keen their faculties unimuaired.'' Chronic misfortune attends fierman enterprise in i;:it Africa. The Wissmann expedition- has iiTcctcd nothing as yet. The whole credit voted by the Heichstag has beeu swallowed, up by the expense for the transportation of freights and the hire of Soudanese and Somalia. The ex-, cesa it, expenditure will necessitate an Immediate appeal to the Ueichstag for a further credit, thus continuing the pro gressist predictions that the government calculation of the colonizing operations would prove recklessly false. The ex plorer Holders formerly Consul at Zanzi lr, in an address at the Cedonial Cou " erence at Munich, declared that Captain V issroann woul.l fail to re-estiblish Ger- aaa authority unless backed by an ample orce of German troops. He predicted that Captain Wissmann's mercenaries xvould volt ht the first chance and join the ra!9. la ti Foreicn Tue German Pweichstag passed the Aged I U-.a-tiWs Insurance dui ana aojvjuiu. Oi'eks Victoria has just eelebratea ner eeveutieth lurthday by creating tnree muv nets aud a Knight. Lubeck harbor, Geriuanj", were killed now." But Lyon tired the other barrel, kilhng-Sfabry outright;. Mabry leaves a wile ami two ginipi cpiinren. Lyou is in jail. FLORIDA. News from Chi pley, AVest Florida, that great interest has develojied in West Flor ida favoring annexation to Alabama, aud has resulted in a call for a convention to assemble at Montgomery, Ala., on the 4th of July to take such action as may be necessary to accomplish this object. Governor Fleming, of Florida, in ac cordance with the new charter of Jack sonville, has appointed 18 men to act a the city council. Eleven of these are Democrats and seven Republicans. The nblect of this charter was to place the citv "-ovcrnment completely in the hands of the Democrats. This council will at once elect a mayor, a Uard of public works and a Uard of jolice commission- r-1 II . ....... I .......I....:. ...... u 1 . r . v. (rs I ne IHHICC coilllllissuuivia ate eiiu complete control of ihc jiolice depart ment. ainciutiutr and removing lHilice- mcnatxviil. ine council is iiiruu-r au thorized to issue citv Unds to the extent of $750,000, provided the issue is ap proved by popular vote at a special elec tion and the whole manipulation of the Unds, including the levy of special taxes to meet the interest, is placed 111 the hands of this counc il. OKORGIA. Virginia North Carolina South Carolina, Georgia Alabama Florida Mississippi i ouisiaua Texas Arkansas . Kentucky Tennessee Missouri j Total, Funded Debt. t,550,U.ai 4,:oo,im) t,OI2,7ll 8,TW.:J05 1,27.1 (HtD Ltu.T!,iaU 11,982,021 12,029,100 74,O0O 2,500,000 9,525,000 Sate Tux in Mills. 4.0 y.o 5 25 .15 5.5 40 &5 0 2.5 4.0 4 75 3.0 4.0 4.07 9rt.l5H,W:t Average State tax in mills. Of these Southern Stales Kentucky alone has a sinking fund, and in her case it nearly covers the small indebtmeiit. Threes marters of the debt of Texas and aUut the whole of Mississippi's are due to the school funds of thoo States, so that the net debt is "insignificant in each case. In round figures, $110,000,000 is the Southern asrtrregate, including the unfunded debt. seething, whirling deluge dashed onward and downward, sweeping la-fore Uaring on its billw"S U Hhnoily tlotxaui tpul. jetsam of wrtfked villages and niau ghal enrp-os. On the stormy ltosoni of those augry watejs were ios.sei nere and there the laulics bf drowning hiubands and wives ami helpless bales, whose ag onized cries for help were lost in the thunderous roar of the merciless flood. Thousands of human Uhiit 1,0, i -died that never-to-lK.'-forgo.tt.i.u night, and hundrtHls of luppy homes were swept from the face of the earth, leaving not jV pillar or jost to tell where th.ej aod. Kejs.rts from the telle ofj disaster were at liivt meairre. and the developments have made it more and more apimrcnt that the exact numlK-r of lives lost 111 the Johnstown horror will never la; know n. Over 1,000 Ixalies Were found Monday, aud the most skeptical conce-du that the remains of thousands moru jfst la-neath the debris ilave Johnstown bridge. From the lwnks many charred remains of victims of the flames and thaal were plainly visible to the naked, i.ye, as the receding waters reluctftully gave up their dead. Beneath almast eveiv hi or black(.iud la am a glisteuiug skull or blanched remnants of ribs or limbs mark all that remains of life's hopes and dreams. The latest estimates of the loss of life place the numUr at 12,000, and the work of identifying recovered lodies still goes on. On Tuesday a gray-haired man hailed another across the street with these re marks: "I lost five. All are gone but Mary and I." "I am . worse olT that," said the first old gentleman. "I have only my grandson left. Seven of us are 'one. Gov. Beaver has issued a strong apieal for aitl and contributions are pouring in at m a -w t ? . . . ironr an lxu-uons 01 ine union. acw York contributed $200,000 in one hour. and the city of Jacksonville, Fla., tele graphed their sympathy aud orders to draw cm them for 2,IKR). Charleston, rv C, also responding nobly, thus recipro- aiui ine ki in mess receiveci ciuriug men alamities. Clara Barton, president of the Bed Cross Association, is at Johnstown with ut forces doing noble work, ami Bishop Phelan organized the Catholic forces in this ncighltorhood and all are devoting themselves to hard work assidioiisly. What the hospital woul.l have .lone without the sisters is a ditficult question. There are nine charity, seven Franciscan and seven Benedictine sisters. remove the del Weeks. Ala.ut 5O0 of the laUrt-M ),,! U(, truf t slet-p in, but word was neix.l fr..u asbingtou that tents wi re on their way. fall. I.Kit I.AUOHKIts WAMKli. Notices are jRi-tcd asking for vaqx-n-ers, tone -masons and bt it kl jrr-. but they do n, it materialize. Tive Men Crushed to Death. An awful casualty occurred at Dan ville. Va.. during the recent storm. A force of men was engaged on a brick factory which J. Q. Penn, tobacconist, was building.. 1 he building was ai immense affair. aUnt 200 feet long an. . ; v dnriiKi hirrb The brick 1.-1VCI S had . V - ' .. ,. - - j just completed the walls, but there was J a mi ? 1 . no roof on the Dunning, i ne win was blow in e a eale, and one of the walls got out of oliimb. A force of hands went to different parts of the building to brace the walls and were so engage! wncn ine EE00VERIN0 THE DEAD. The Workmen Becoming More Accustomed To Their Work. rehouses in taineca. "-i burned aud $400,000 Jrorth of cotton and flax was destroyed. (urch. the rostomce aim irrre Muin no "r- Bi Id irewater. Canada: kss tTO.OOO. I Three meu were killed in a boiler explo Kioii in a uuarrv at Mille Ilochea. Canada. W AV. Thomas, Jr., Minister of 1 he Uni te.! States to Sweden aud Norway, ivaa re ceiveil in official audience by King 0 xr . Suaixpox is making terrible ra ages ia Guatemala. j . Tw KSTY-nvn pol kviri en were inju "ed dor big evictions at Falearragh, Ireland, t Thk latest authentic news from '. layti 1 to the effect that Hippolyte has defeated Legitune in several battles and taket possea Eion of the Government. t Three pai-sous were killed, ant ! many womnled in an anti-Progressist riot in Bel-, grade. . - v - :' i --'-) ' ' U Tur -;rtaTA nf TVntfhmachen. tear Ba- ran, in Prussian Silesia, has been cotnpleteJy 4 destroyeet by ore, not a house being lep stand ing. - - .. . , A Still Betaken. Revenue Officer J. A. King seized the still and two barrels of whiskey of W. J. Hare, who ruus a distillery aUut a mile aud a half from F.Uwood, N. ('.; ou the rrroun d that Mr. Hare did not employ a -storekeeper and, therefore, was violating the law. The still and winsKey were taken t Elmwiad to U shiped to the revenue headquarters at Statesville. Eiirlv Monday moruing Edward M.ore, the dexH agent, was awakened by some oue who said he desired to see him. Moore pushed-, the-sliding doir of the dea.t oin a little, whereupon the out side caller threw it wide open. This proved to he Mr. Hare, who called out to a cjowd of fifteen men who aecompa nied him to Tide up aud "get the still. M.KU-fe'forbaile him three nines, nuiiwre said he had -men enough, to. latek hinx, and would take it ty force if cWiiptlled to 3!oore had not given the, revenue officers anv written recti for the wliw key or still, as it seems he does -not do ihic after 4 n. nu. and the geKds Iwere in'4he deUt after tins hour? Hare said iiMid nct want -the whiskey. pni I r structure col lanscd. Bold. Pruitt Mr. Beauchamp, living near Smithville, 1 1 -v. Collie. (1. B. Jones. Win. Young, complained of a psiin in his feet, alnrnt 1 anj Buck Hooper were killed. Seven ten days ago, ami now iney are I ,,tlicn wire more or leiis miumi dead up to the middle of the call 01 eac h leg. He is aUut eighty years old, 1 The Husband Shot Dead. aud his physicians say that in a few days I 8;mnn Anderson, a miner at Coaldale, all the flesh will drop on, 11 ne uoes noi 1 WHfl shot antl kilt.,i ,y .ott par die himself. I ker. a fellow-workman. Thirty-six buck a tlip recent meeting of the Georgia I K,ftt did the work. Parker was Ulieved Teachers' Association in Athens, the 1 to have lx-en tca intimate with Auder Hon W. Y. Atkinson aunounced that at 1 son's wife. Last night when returning the siinimer session of the Legislature he I home from work. Anderson met Parker u-.-.ol.l Intnaluce a bill to provide an in- I a,,d asked him where he had la-en. Par- d 1 ki rial school for girls. A tjood many j ker reulied : "It is none of your bu-i . all . a 1 t- of the Georgia newspers nave nau 1 ness. Anderson snattlieti a pisioi iroiu onuthin'r to say concerning Mr. Atkin-I his tKH?ket and tried to cock it, when son's orooosed bill, and thus far, w ith- I Parker leveled a double Urrelled shot . ... 1 I . . . .. 1 . . out exception, iney uae appntveti 11. 1 gun on him and puneu ine trigger. .- nnnf those sinsniKir naKts, Know u i dfrann lll vun uuny-mx ou r--5 " -"i ' , . . , I - j - - in" bird in a North AIlny garden the I has not lren heanl of. other daw It was disitched, and meas ured nearly five feet in length. A little 1 Intolerance in Illinois. Uy, hearing of the j-qMitar su,artition liwwiiar religious sect has stirred up a commotion in 1 uscoia nmnii, to st are ruioiiism mana the result. Atlanta Cimttitvtian. Johnstown, Pa. The woik of recov ering the dead g.as on with undiminish ed vigor, and as the w ork nu n Ucomt accustomed to their ghastly finds, and the horrors of the scene la-come common place, they apply themselves more dili gently to their duty, and laUr with a system tliat pr. a luces rapid results. A IU SY IiKI.KOATIOX. The Altoona delegation has la-en one of the busiest ami most useful cm the ground. They tta.k charge of two of the leading hospitals, the Cambria and that under Dr. Bohinson in Johnstow n, ami ran them up to Thurslay morning, when they were relieved by the Philadelphia branch of tin- lb-d Croaa sa iety, under Clara Barton. Tlu-y as have laen in charge of the wreckagje alave the bridge. B. M. Bunker, of 1 Altoona, has had sixty nu n at work, aided by Dave Kirk, who is doing the dynamiting. Albania jKiys all the bills for this work. This Kirty of workmen have done so well that a big blast of twenty five dynamite cartridge-, at IO oYl.ak loosened up the lelris ami mane 11 isiiie to the mouth of the old channel. TO I.KAN OCT TUE RIVKK. Dr. .1. Guv McCandles, Us here in consultatiou with the State Board of Health- nnd others, with reference to . ieaning the river from Mineral Point t. Pittsburg, wherever it is He thinks the UalitTi ought to la- illtuicdi atep, t remale.l ou the Unks or iu such places as they have fallen, thus relieving the river of it clement of pollution.' The gcntUuien with whom be talked h-artily coinci.h-d with his views, and will o oa rate with him in the Work. which will U commenced at once. KKM I Kl AMY K. A mother and daughter were rescued alive, MitTering fr.au nervous .ha k and hunger. The) were at once rcinovi-d by the. n-s uers and placed iu barge of friends. Both will recover, as neither was badly injured in a UlUy sense. I. 1st ok THK LOST AT Wim.HV AU. I he list of the l.st at W.MHlvale niukr a tdal of 242 out of a (M.pulatioii cd 10 UK CI. All A IIVI.TOV Miss Clara Bartoii. President f the Bed Cross is now at Johnstown. The following t able message addressed to her was received from the Grand Duchess of. Barden Carlsruhe, June Miss Clara Bartou, Washington: God bless your woik in the floods disater. Guam Drcnis.'" WII.M AMsl-OItT I'.UKATIIKs K Vll It. Wll.l.lAMsCoiiT, Pa. Pis. pie breathe n little easier, iiovvtli.it all apprehension as to further suffering with hunger have la-en di.ciatcd. S-ven cars of supplies, brought up by the Secretary of the Coiu-mouwt-altli, are unload. si. All along the line of the Philadelphia & Beading track through the city de struction meets the eye, many cars hav in-; la-en lifted from the track and torn to piec-cs. The uuinla-r ofTboiist-s toppb-.t into heaps of rubbish can't ytt la- Mated, but it is quite large. Along the entire river Iront, lumla-r amt other lrift are 1 tiled ii as high as the Loum. A c ar oa.l of coal was carried a di-t.iuce of !i? miles and left strikiiiL' on top of a piece of the Uom. ClotliHig is badly needed, as mauy have lost all but what tin v bt on. -veral large 1111IN are still tilled with homeless jaoplc, ami (4htit are using freight c ars and unprovided -tarties. The tents s-nt are wa-Uoine. A child was Urn in a saw mill upi-d by IltimUr of hoinclesH jas.ple, the mother la ing entirely w ithout necessary a. cm inoilatious, and another -r-iW vvom tu was found on the M-coml lbr ut a build ing that bad la-cu lb mm led. She v.ts there without fire or other comforts. BLIND TOM TIIOIOIIT To 11 WK I.M.S open up lilloW.M.Ii. Among ths4? la liev. d to have !- u swept away by the lb'aI U "Blind Tom," the well-know u necro pianist, 'lie. with his manager, left Pittsburg on Fri l morning for Johnstown, and as iby have not la-eu heanl of si inc. it i thought they are Utb drowned. lU-ing M ranger, and oue of the oulv a colored man. i i- more then likely that if Ih.-ir I-hIic h rcovered thev were uni.b nliti. l. IN THK C I Mill. UI A NO V All IV. Cl'MllKRI.AM. Pa.Tlie fl-l thc CumlaTland valley ha- ocd, and the lova is estimated at $::mi,(hhj. Tbeie is no loss of life. T1m-m telegrams pawd la t ween. Gov. le aver and Capt. B. II. Pratt, manager of the Government Indian Training School of thia ity : Gov. Bkailu: If my services, with I able InmIusI, well di-iplilml young Iudtaii men, cajtalde of jarforming more tbati ordinary lalrers,. and my trained nurses, with ix trained asi-tant Indi.n giil nur-es, will U of any iw any w hue in the flood en distri. ts. u-- u. Cau tak; . - -. 1 A WOMAN XIIsslONAICV KII.I.KIK " I rail0" " i"" " The gang of workmen have baa ted a I day exprvs, whi.h was i-.wept aw ay at jov. lieaver replied : Conemaiigh. The rums the train lie Capt. Pkatt ; Adv m -s froni all t rl - ne hundred fee t from the western end I of t t.e Sf sle w here li-tres i.rev ail lit that if a dead snake ia hung up it w ill The Jury to Try McDow. The jury to try T. B. McDow 1 murder of F. W. Dawson, editor! ! Charleston AVw ami i 'wrier en tltsivrn lint of "auers rejajrting an absolute cessation ol 1 in the itanel, fourteen are negroes! "sffic. . .... I portion unprecedented since 187(1 he meantime the commerce "ie Coast is Hi.i.;i,;i.i...l Cl.a Tn.Iian . . . 1 ""-., UJiS iM-en orawn. for the of the iii March bring rain, tnl it with thw M-n-nt, and u tbeuiftelvtt4 the -Pcntec o the rc-sult was, that, although a drought J aQj u u.lievwl that they a, had prevailed for three weeks, a cloud , k fOOVert, to Monuonisn uanagesl to rise up oU m.ewuere I Xbey have broken up several famibea at ow the horizon and a slight shower was c ad induc e.1 several wives and a . ia a r.vi.r.i 1 jnririnAii 1 c TIRtSIRU. and -only rriI the still. Moore telegraphed Inuaediately to Capt, McBee, who. is iuvet-tigating the aflair. - m.. ir,. ai. Ottawa. Can- 1 ne luaiuci uiuv.. . . da. thia season will exceed the cut of last vouni? women to travel with them. Two - . 1 . t of the preac hers were inoooeu mere cm . ...i :..!. ar, .1 the Itev- Mr. Sila-rt . . - . ... 1 uil'ui. auva . - - - -. The last car load 01 uncle and other 1 An attack-waa also t-lson, the k-ad cscad and at cnce left the city. Nearly 1,000 names have been signed The last car nmu ... unc-a ana ocner Aq Htt. building material of the om-e famous maJe on the Bev. Mr. Nel Libhy lnson wa, shipia,l to Chicago t r jf tbe !ttloa here. He - fromBichmand Wednesday. .f . - The Cotton Exchange Export. The annual meeting of the New York cotton exchange was held Tuesday. Re ports showed the net profit of f 1441, with a auridus, after ying all expenses. thia season will exceea xne cu pntoflice building at Petersburg, is of $2,453. The past year w saia w nave . . : Tha t Italia ftStl- I lne - .0 . fe I ' .L.tlrva n s.v lArTY raw rruL. a aw r. n a- air inrr rrtai 11. aa 1 rA 1 tt nn 1 1 1 riirriur; uuuhasw " - i- drty-six mtUA at 500,000,000 feet,of which nine- , cctfbtr of lhe United States Dis- I ulative markets, but the trade in spot a fro-1 tenths has been aoia to iuiuu j tTict Court for nning the mails. f cotton nas anown au uuu.m 1 the OaSitad SUtes. to the petition to the Judge of Ifustings couuty court, to order,- a prohibition electien in Danville. 472 are all the law requires Moses AUrnathy, colored, janitor of of the stoue bridge, parts of the jiarlor cars have la-en found, as well as traces of the itassengc n. A Unit U o'cl.a k the baggage of Miss Annie Chism, of Na-Ji-vilte, Tcnn., w as found. She was a mis sionary ou her way to Brazil, for the Woman's Foreign Missionary Sca-iety of the Methodist c hurc h. Among her effect was a bible, and in it w as a message to U tiled at Altoona. aud addressed to the Meth-lf-t IV-.k Concvru, at No. 20, East Tenth Mreel, New York, announc ing that ahe was in the train. Her w atch, o me money, anl a Greek testament were ali f.iuntl. It is. evident that many lives were lst on this train, more than at fnt mppo-a-I. The whole train- affair is till a mystery; at eat the jKisscngcrs have not far U-en fouml and ba-atcd. The laaly of a nM-cly-dres,l'Taly was found, which w as tat much dccumiMmcd aa to la.- un recognizable. The effe ts of Miss Chistu were sent to Albtona. A M4AI-KCIZKH KIUT. There was a small-izcd riot at a labor camp Thursday morning on account of to indicate that they are well provided with laUr and nurse. We are n.pbo '? the uncmpl'y etl of lle the ri.''"''" ' much as assible for - dvi.u ir-'U. Am grateful f.r y.ur offer. The Ul-ie have turned in the Indian problem. Vour generous offer I treat as a barUng r ol the coming of a Utter da) for I be In diana and latter relations lt-eti bi abdth white man. .TU and fai- rief Devastation in Virginia, A great fb-I in Jam- Biver. water wa reartcd twenty five feet rising a foot an Iour. Many of the sbol OO tb- front were fi.a-le.1 aud ,-onsidrrabtr damage Ia la-en done, the rivt-r Um: higher than it h U-n iuce I!. Theheary rains have caud dnrti! on all the raiIrl- running io'" B b . . a a f a . inond, except the llu hmoou a; 1 r burg road. No train left Bb hn.00 1 Friday niht on any nd rxcept thi one. Peoplt- in the bwt-r .rtioii of the city moved their goods and chattel to um,os elevated place. .a.