The Carolina Banner. I'L'HLIaHEIi EVEKY FRIDAY. HENEY T. Zniff, Edit One Yir, fl-m. Six Month, race?. One nation "ami driven from their Iioniyffl hiiv zzz iww XI i TV- Mf.lltlit Ititllh-r' A . iinc-iru-i : I matter ! l r lino M r.v'u!ir alve h TraiiMiit alvertiwi'iifs anm'tj l-al -Matter ly part U- not li.ivln ntlar iulv-r-tW'UHti'-K, cK rr lin iHi in-'t1:!i, ami hoik: iiiwrt-l for lKtliati I'm tit. Notions rr nin'rinf, !iiiUi Ac, not f-x- tins lift"rti 1;ii-n will I: in.-rtfl fret-. Al' tx-linK lifWn litu- H worl to a him) will :lar-I f-r at tin- rate of t n tri.ts p-r liu. Comirfni'leiifo from tin? various wiion on the penerstl ih-wk afi'l toj.ic of tin- la.V i iilieitiil. Avoi'l -rwnalilMfl a lln-y will not I? Write only on one il; ot the pajxT. All coniniiifii-!it)iH tnul Ix' fW CoiiijuiimI ly tlie r"al n.ime .t the air Lor, though not nee4irially fer juS)!i'-;itiott. Tin; Alitor I in no wi-e r-f)-n.siili- for the view exjinrtc-l ly t-nrrejonleiitM. . Atlverti-mente, to ! elianl. shouM In' tuiix in not later than Weiliilay noon. Yfirly .i'lm'tinim-iit itrc Jtur tit tin- tnl J-Uuh QtmJf-r, awl Prompt Payment ' Jtrfjected. ve Jo k to a i the white. Toeverv one. wii'lini; ti live yi-urly Cwi HnlrilT, we u ill K'W om ytsir'msu lneri i- li.fti Kickk. TA 11 HOIK) rait, X V. fallen upon a weaker glilr Sad tln'niy'Tlkciiis. " Countries ays profited 1 gnch.j A su race has always taken tin placv a . ' " interior one. Aim t.nere Blunt no fear of anything like! tlitr rjfverse in this country. j The giijer:ority of the whit: race will always assert itself . ami' not think that it will ever fit level with the colored or tin colored will rise cjtml to the I?ut that the gradual diaar.j Kit ranee of the colored, will ina.e the a letter and hiiihcr race in a pects. - j One of the greatest' stirntihi such sentiment and feehn" remarks and writings! of oiili own people. The flame is nncons fanned when we think! we a ttnguiehing it. Iiemarks i struct! are outckly spread. 1 of the imagination "becomes ; 1 realitv. We never know the them till too late! j Then let us .-be guarded words and :tctiona. There ii n.gtotear. Antl let those w - . 1 ohkr and see farther into fil nothing and not arouse tho mant feelings before, necessi for them. If the relations the races heie are con the future promises we! e riven have nor of un Id brf To lh-Mrtlical Irofe.Kn. Department of the Inteuiok, I C ex sua Office, AVasiiixotox", I. Cm iIaJ 89- i The variou 3 medical associations and the medical prolessiou will be i i i,. i)r. John b. 15il 'i Liu iu irai - LIXtiS, . i. -. - Surgeon L . Array, i consented to take charge 0?' lort on the Morttlity and vital bta-lULics-of the L'uitl StaUaas return ed bv the Kleventh tVusus. As the United Sfatei has no system of registration or vital statistics, such as is relied up by other cm ued nations for the purpose of asoertam inr ih actual' movement of popu- . - h A Visit to tb Wmtrr Worlu. In Tarboro'c system of water works, it ha3 something to be proud of. Never before has this place been as safe from fire as it 13 now. Not only does our town enjoy the benefit of having water sufficient to quench all couflagraVtous butitis proposed to supply private families with water, for all ordinary purposes. Pipes will be run up lleudrick'a Creek for about one hundred and fifty I t.r, Wilt tl f I VrUS wucir vjvj ..... the verv best spring water. Attcnticn Tarboro Jewelry Store, ESTABLl DARK - HORSE TOEiCCO STILX. HOLDS ITS OXTH As the most uniform and satis factory Tobacco to sell or chew that is to be bad and 1 am pre- -o, SHED IN-1865. lwir RxwTirnc and usaiif fcilit5e! l.le u to jntarantee to yr rtroo th li of etSSSu. wcxmtkVntly aurv our frieo-U th our work Tirijuu.-A j . .., 5,, Mlin..t l.xdir i-irv . limit lutV OUr UW MTt IU IMI W7 Cllf , UN 'J " latioiu our census .affords the ouly 'white opportunity of obtaining near an ap- .1 proximate Jstiinatc of the birth and " death rates of much the larger part FitnY, . . . . . Jr.vE 4th, ISHfi, iT iMMitiitATiox nKsiitAniii:? Our forefathers, who cotujuered the wilderness, were a solier, .sturdy and industrious people, who'eoiight America's shores, not like those cf to-day, to live upon the earnings of others, to escape poverty at home, or to pile up illgottxMi wealth, but to here enjoy the lreeUom ana animation gojng to other .lands while t! of a new Ufe ir. the forests ol tlie ty and industnous are makijig hou primitive red man, surrounded by the cgt l-vines and are at peabe with - Mm. . a . I O , wilds and beauties or nature that 1 tuejr uejohirg. lofty tone ana iuner ana worthless adorn our and prisons,; 1 c r 1 11 the of the country, which is entirely un provided with any satislactorv sys tem of State aud municipal registra tion. In view of this, the Census Office, durin" the' month of .May this year, will fssue to the medical profession throughout the country "Physicians lU-giaters" for the purpose of obtain ing more ace urate returns of deaths than it is iossible for the enumera te. to make It is earnestly hoped that physicians in every part of the country will co-operat witn me vm dna Oirico in this important work. The record should be kept from June 1 1R). to Mav 31, 1800. Nearly or, ooo of these registration books were filled up and returned to the otficr, in 1HS0. and nearly all of them used Tor statistical purposes. It is hoped that double his number will be obtained for tlie Eleventh Census, l'hvsicians not receiving Kegisters jnals can obtain them by sending their names ana aauresses 10 ic wsuo hits to Is the ioiiolv re ex. liscon-" J fancy 1 huge ore of in our i: noth- llio are ch say re uor- y calls only of sidered. The j r - j- .t ... i fxiual to. ana in iact iucnor w ni well water in town,which will be pure and plentiful, and we are quite sure . i . f ..;ii that a majority 01 our i;iuhs nm availithemselves of theoppjrtunity of securing it. Through the courtesj or the super intendent, Edward Hay wood, we were shown the engine anu given many points about the working 01 y,c various macninerv. ne wuuu pared to supply it at Manufacturer's Prices. BUY DARK HORSE and please your present cus tomers and attract new ones. tot JEWELRY, GOIA) AND SILVER WATCHES c. The DOMESTIC Sewing Machine, Wktch we think ttan hardly a m'r fr Kamilr Hcml your Uu-uxn to us to U ltrirwt and Acyuitl. llUyr) CHAMBERLAIN & RAWLS, TAiinoito. X. c FLOUR! ! FLOUR! ! I claim to keep the Best Assortment cf Fl::r in thiR mnrkftt. and will miar- everytLingas neat and bright as a antee Baltimore prices to wrge new pin. jur. nay wwu. icno u buyers. 1 wouia call janicuiar with only a quarter of a cord of wood attention to my a day he keeps the engine m suclt a x condition as to have on a iuu neau a o W XLiXjX XJ.-ii v utouu, of steam in ten miuutes, day or night. , . . . . , , weetness When the electric plant is pur. in, " XnnT nnalltiea. stands there will be steam kept on alt the r"T" ' time and Mr. Haywood will be giv en an assistant. As i it is now, he re mains at the station all the time. Hotel Farrar is supplied with wa ter and several private bouses are to be supplied soon. Our streets are sprinkiea whenever the least dusty, and this item alone is worth many hundred dollars per year to the inhabitants of this place. IT MAY SAVE YOUR UWEl DRINK IT ! RUB WITH IT! The Alliauce in Special Meeting. The Comity Alliance met in ses sion here Tuesday at 11 o'clock a. The meeting was formally opened unexcelled I also recommend by "Royal Gem" to oe a great bargain, price and quality, considered. I in v'.t examination of hit Mock of gro ceries aiul challenge couujiclitkm. 8. 8..ASE.. Tarboro, N. C. April 5, '89. 8t9 noblei insjirations to his happy dreams and peaceful life .among the 'dear ones of his fireside, where the hand of oppression dared not yet in trude. Such life tilled their decend unts with a pfttriotisnithat success fully resisted the' encroaching and granping hamt of tyraniiy. Thus was a haven a refuge opened to the op pressed of all nations. Availing themselves of the opportunities af forded they have rushed to our ahnrcs, till now another class is rap idly coming among us. In this-claas we find that mixture of humanity, the pauper, the fugitive from justice, plotters against governments ami all ' those elements which cause internal strife, from civil war down to the petty thicf,.,who, infests all .ennvded places. ' - ' ' . These classes have materially as sisted in the develojunent of the countrv. Hut where that -development has been, strife Iui3 also been, and innocent blood has been shed. Thr great majority of this immigra tion has been to the Northern and Western States. And though the United States comprise the greakst homogeneous people, tlie many strikes . and other labor troubles that have disgraced so many localities are traceable to the heterogeneous popu lations there found. t The Southern Stales, and especially North Carolina, presenting fewer fields for the sudden acquisition of f wealth, have received fewer of - these people. Consequently Wt have been comparatively free from labor troubles, notwithstanding our direct intercourse with the negro, for to .give them their due it cannot be denied that they are the true tillers of the soil the counterpart of the mule and cotton. Then if an absence of this foreign influx of people, is one of the causes of our peace and quiet, our slow, but anrc progress, do we need them ? Should inducements be held out for kuch? We think not. lint as they alum agricultural sections, we have little to fear. The rural people have 3 vUiting i t recovering s va-sumi? FK1UM SA Ii PA U At J K AP1IS. II. 1). Tcel, wconvaUfeeiit. A.J. t 'often in still very ill. Mr. K. Cromwell lia Ix etv sickj. Miss Maggie tnton U:x yInil tt-ver Mi.-w ik-ttie C.K-kc, I r turned t Nk. j Irs. P. Kwell. of tilliam?4toii, her iran nts. j Mis. Mary Unwell in slwly from Ii r ntvnt fall, j Miss Iallie fnyt. of Falkland, Miss ijzzie Uawls. j Miss Ix na Iiyinan, of Palmyra, ik'tlie guest of Miss Annie I'aney. ) Mrs. It. I). Alley, of Wilson, liak U-en vw- itin; Iilt son ri. it. Alley. I lr. V. K. Warren, of (ireenvilk l-leasant i-sill Wednesilaj-. J , Miss Hdle Ilearne, of Palklan tlie T. P. A. eoiunieiK-emint. Thos. Williamson, of Mobile, is ' mother Mrs. Sophia Williamson tSuo. P. Hart and Ather TtJarvey, Mount, were in town Wednesday. lir. J. L. Wntkin-s. oI'Dorliaii, was the TiUft of Judge Howard this Week. H. Alley and K. son spent Sunday with ; relafives 1: Miss Susie llrown who ha.s I kh Mis Sullie Brown, has returned I Pierre 'x is iiome on a visit York where he has Infii study ;ng Mr. Trim, Kujx'rintendent f SavaTi''s tohaeeo farm, in To. 5 T critieullx ill. W. ' foipton, and daughter Me Itoeky Mount, attended j the T. 1 meiKvment. i Mrs. 15. K. Kinu and Mws Emu Falkland, t:tid the Bannkij olliee r alkiaml, p:tii call vtenlav. Mr--. P.. J. Iaiiiels and dakhter Miss Jacksie, atteiiittil the commeneem (rani;e this week. II. A. Oilli.-oii. jr., IloWrt Richard Johnston. F.lnir KctH-h' Henry Knit on II. 15. Shaw and Jas Philiis are lion! from the University. j Jno. W. Charh-s left ; Tuesd:i to attend lavis Shool eomiuciKvnieiit, tfu-r which he went to nu-et his sister, MisslAddie. on her return from the Asheville Female Col P lege. R.Ilvman, of Palmyra, J. Mj Pau'.l. of Scotland Neck and Faison CalvcrtJof Ja kson all cx-TaTlwrejins, have been iiiltown thi; week, fheir many friends were tlehiihtcd at seemn tliem iss Mumie I. Marriott attendance M. Pipixui, mcs Mrs. F. L. Pippin, of Kn field, : Pippen, of. Wliitakers, Mrs H. and Mi-s Kate Powell, who were at the funeral of the late NV. have returned tothi ir resptn five h m onvKlriTin xu hich reouires no bv its President, Elias Carr. iibiu. , v. .v.vj-v . - . - ii.. i ,..i t.: AS WCS Keucriiiiy uuucieiuuu, mio meeting was called to ratify the action of the National Alliance which met in Birmingham in May, in regard to the using of cottoL cloth for a coter inj? for cotton. The following reso lution was presented by J. A. Davis .1 : 1 I lfI5nrt tini 1 with I hft Tlecister. an of- ... i. i ' . J ... I '""v- uuiiicoit(i uuu I o e uisiuririB e thrift gtuinp will be provided for their re turn to Washiniiton. I f ill l medical and snriiical practi tinners throucrhont the country will lend their aid. the mortality and vital trMtUHca nf the Eleventh Cei.sns wiit-tko mnip rjimnrehensive and cjm nlete than thev have ever been, aud unanimously adopted : Kverv nhvsician should take a per- EvL, That this County Alliance, having l 1....T.OO- tlii itnort as endorsed the action or the late isimnngnani sonal pride in-having tins upo t as Convt.ntion in tothe use of cotton p ll ... I . ,0 vvrk?llll tfl I . - : r . ., .1 . 1. .1... .1... 1 1 mil :iriu 1 ;iiir tut ii ic irvoc.". niiiinie' jls a tuvm 12 lur iviiuii, uw iictuj .muiiuiiu . - -- r Z-T" r..i f.. . 1. .... 1 to make it ' 1 "N11"1 a" iniira "u". bic 11 'j htohucih - . , . . .u.,t -.1! in the onler to coojieraie who us in him move- It IS hereby promised that all in- inentt aml tJmt the sanie be publi.sied in the formation obtained through this Tarboro Southerner and Ban .nek for the bene- lf.lio held strict! V COllfi- fit of the public dental. Uobert P. Pouter, Superinteitd$Ht of . m, - CUcrgravo's tJeuialgic Liniment geni-raishTcific VW '.T. jy I t-.TT! Xeuraleia, KheumatUm, Colic ad Sick Headache and Toothache, Pain in Hack ami Side, Sore Throat aud Cold in A Uead, Yill cure Colic in Horses when. everything else fail TESTIMONIAL: Mr. W. W. Haroravk, Tarboro. X, C Dear Sir : I wish to state that I have used your Krarilffia Lisl" Cldt ind (taieral Sptifi.C for the cure of Neuralgia, Uhenmatism and a score of other ailments aud in evtry instance it has cured and given per feet satisfaction. It has been a Uod-send to me and my family. I shall neTer feel safe without it in my house. If anybody will try it according to directiors, they will speak lor it as I do. Respectfully, Conetoe, N. C, 1888, JOHN W ALSTON. Mr. W. W IIarqrave, Tauboro. N. C, Dear Sir: I have used your Liniment and General pct fifteen or twenty cases of Horse Colic, and have not lost a c. It is superior to anything I have ever tried. Mr. Jesse Davanport will bear mt out in the statement that it has not an equal for the Curt of liar SMic. Ikspectfully, Taiboio,N.O., Jan. '80. O. BUKNETT. ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE, Manufactured by AY. AVHAHGH AY E, CHEMIST, TARHOKO, N. C. Itljr) A committee ; was appointed to wait on the President ot the Cot ton Factory and see if these mills could supply the farmers with this Tarboro Should Have One. nnttnn cloth with which to COrer the The Baltimore Sm hails the large npT, f1irs cror). ye iParn that the increase in savings banks and savings f.lftnrv conld not sunnlv the desired . .1 t 1. .. iu,la bauKs aeposiinrs in. ine ooum ws u C0Verin". most auspicious omen lor tlie mui- Alliance was informed that tilication ot our intiuscries. juoney Harry Tracy, of Texas, an Alliance wincn nas neretoiore ueeu nuaiueu nan of mucu note. would be here on n old stockings and hiding places mornin of Che 29th, and make a will go to the uaiiKS ana tneuce into id,,, uddress n the Court House. nuustry adding several hundred mil- to which everyone is invited ions to our active caimai. wew Th" fn nwinc- frent emen were England owes much of her industrial appouied to receive and entertain prosperity to the use ot capital tie- this 2entleman during his &tay here: osited in savings banks. And, how- n H r P. Rasa. "R. f). Foxhall. J. J" ever, welcome toreign capital in new pitman .Elias Carr and N. P. 1 . A I ! t .11- - I inuustries is, nome capital is oetier. Cobles. With iarbcro's constantly increas- There are now thirteen. - Alliances ing population ot wage earners, jn this county with a total member (people who would, if such an u- shinof407. stitution were established here, en- The Alliance meets again in this deavor each week tO"lay down some- piace on the first Friday in July, llltll 1U1 U. lUUl J UUJ ' " v f v'f should have a .savings bank. All fair minded people will acknowledge that the haoitof laying aside money, (it manes no difference how little) grows as tr.e 2'tlc yioics. xuuu men who make lair salaries, spenu them each month and are unable to say for what and how they went HICK JPOBTBAIT AND - PHOTOGRAPHER - s Opp. Pamlico Bank. Main St, Tarboro. N.C SltCino) ; attended ! ' -. isiting his if Kocky l, of. AVil ro. f - . . . n visiting ionic from New medicine. i Mm. Jane vnsliip in j Nellie, of v. A. coin- IN STORE A1ID FOR SALE o ooooooooooooooooooooooooo o a Mayo, of a pleasant lit at la- THi: STATK l'llUS. J. AV. Nash, of 1 the (Soldsboro Weekly Mercury,, expects j to soou commence the issue ot ah evening edition of that iournal. Success to the venture. t I f , STATU XKWS. (loldsboro. Kalei?h ant xtlwavs been our b'st Isolde, a::d t went 4'ret"-Mottdav. . At- , ... . . . Durham ML Olive while many and most States, show a town and city jiopulvion of about from twenty to fifty or sixty kt cent, North Carolina sIioas scarcely more than ten percent. Perhaps this Ivs not show such progress as that of which "many States boast yet it shows a substan- tial growth that i well for all. And if the tide of immigration turns to South America, as is claimed, per haps that is jU the better for us. HACK CONFLICTS. . Occasionally th? relations of the races in the South excites the con cern of Northerners and is taken up by the Southern prtr&s till the pic tures pamted ofVsome future raw troubles make the blood run cold, and we shudder at the thought of such. It hug always ' seemed to us very wild speculation for any to deal in such mailer?, w e Know that no two racea as ditiuct and stparate its thto Caucasian and African have ever uwelt jxacablj together till amalga mated. Nor do we thjtik complete amalgamation or very -bloody strife will ever be the result ol our mixed population. There has been strife between and Fremont prohibition wis carried. Raleigh will now have a uerinaiTent graded school as a result of elect ion. Mexsenye r. Rev. Mr. Thomas, of New be rue, N C, of the Presbyterian preached the first sermon l Presbyterian Uhurch here $unday to a large congregation. We the sermon well spoken ot. Mr. Thomaa is a son of Judge Thomas, !of New berne, E. City Ecohomist Monday's Church the new Seattle, W. T-i In Aones. Seattle. W. T., was visis mufth loss of ed. There of -th most destructive firep ever seen before in this country on Friday. It is estimated that the total loss to the city in buildings, alone is ten million dollars, and fill persou al losses will probably reath twenty million dollars. i W heather there is life cannot vet be ascertain is great privation I felt nmong the poor classes, as nearly every restau rant and grocery in th city was cousutn. d by the fire The burned district comprises six- ! t-rour :ures. It presents the aspect ot a huge oven of burning I coals. ords fail to desctibd tlie awful Picture of the fire and desolation. is like the Chicago fireL' and like IT Chicago wi'.l be rebuilt. seems in good spinls, as i realize the fullness of t calamity. -AT- With a s.ivings bank in our town A Substitute for the Split Basket. R. N. Cutchin of this county, was in town this week in the interest of the Gammon & Weeks patented cot ton basket. We have not seen one of these substitutes for the old split article but it has been described to us as PANIC PRICES. To make room for my constant arrival of New - v - Goods. 40 Tons of choice Timothy Hay. 1000 Bushels Corn. 1000 Bushels OaN. SOU Busliels Meal. 5 Tons Mill reed. 2." Barrels Molasses, all frrades. fi0 Bartvls Supar, all grade. 250 Barrels Flour, all grades. 20 Sacks Coffee. 150 Oases Jje. UK) Boxes Soap and btareti. 50 Boxes Fresh Cakes and Crackers. 75 Boxes Toliocoo, all kinds. 10000 Old Virginia Cheroots. 5 for 10 cents. better than a 5 cent cigar. 5000 Duke Cipirettes. 2OU0 Pound Rail Road Mills, Gall A Ax and Ralph's Snuff. 10 Kegs OK) Dominion KaiLs. DRESS GOODS! This Season are Unusually Handsomk. We have a very at tractive line, embracing all the New Shades trimmings and buttons to match. To get your choice, our advio is to come and take a look. Don't put off until the choice styles are all sold for you'll regret it. . - We are exceedingly anxious to ulease you and hope yon will extend to us the pleasure of supplying your wanfc. Very Truly, FARRAR GAS KILL & CO. Opposite Court House, Tarboro,N. C Itljr wmm i wiiM m im AND BKANCUKH. TKAIM8 OOIXO HOL'TII. Koii-trr u jti ii u ro cu-nlotnn UTtntlPTl tluy codlu each week make deposits fnim lincdin8We with old bagging, of several dollars and in a few years coth or anything one chooses, with draw strings to close up the mouth. The consumer is charged so mucn for each frame and he can re-line it as often as it needs it, thus making it last for a number of years. Some farmers think it wiil be very exten sively used ir. this and other counties in the harvesting of next fall's crop. this amount would reckon up in the hundreds and thousands and become the ground work for an extensive and usefui business career, which would no doubt be handed down to the third acd fourth generations. We hone soon to see active steps taken towards thp establishment of one of these useful institutions. 'Someone start the ball rolling. Greene Gleanings. To the Editor of the Uanser. Several of our young ladies and gen tlemen will attend the Teacher's As sembly at Morehead. Miss -Mamie -Hardy is visiting her sister Mrs. J. J.Potter. The very neat law office of T. C. Wooten has been completed and that gentleman is now occupying it. Owin to the fine weather that we are now having our farms are stay ing very close at Lome, us they should. We hope to soon see a mammoth oil mill erected in this place. Things look that way now. We are pained to chronicle the death of Misj Lemey Patrick, which occurred at her home iu llookerton June 7th at 8 o'clock a. m. Her funeral was preached by llev. J. E. Thompson. The sympathy of the en Atcock fc Daniels, iolIsloro, N. C. C. C. Damel Wilson. X. C. Aycock & Daniels & Daniels, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W, WILCOX, X. c. .dL AND- TT'i.-n rry Grooerlpfl IN LARGE VARIETY. D. Lichtenstein. (21tlyr A COMPLETE 11EWSPAPER. THE PRIDK OF THE !tORTB CAKOLI NAPllKSa." J. A. B MTZ, ) T. B. KINOSBL'RT, L.L.D.T BMTOBIAI BTAWW. WM. A. HEARMK. ) Dated May Uh, 18S9. Leave Wcldtn Arrive Rocky Mount... Arrive Tarboro.. Leave Tarboro Arrtoe Wilson Ltve Wilson Arrive Helma Arrive JaretteTillr : s - . y. t z r 5 .C - j - &l ft If. M. f . M, A. M, i2k'""' 5 43 u i 1 55 7 10 :A. M. -.10 3) :r. M. 2 37 '3 40 loi I. M. 7 00 A. M. 7 43 Leave kklbon Leave Wamow JJeave Magnolia... . Airive Wilmington 13 30 '.4 Pi 4 30 0 00 740 a 4o r. m. t .V A. M. 8 35 .. 11 21 TRAINS OOIXO NOliTII. Any biwints cntru.tol to Promitly Attcmlol to. us will be lltf 3STOTICB I Bv virtue of a decree taken in the Suierior Gmrt ot Edcwxral'e county in an action vriiemn lieorge jiowani is iiauuui aim W. Rawbaml otliwdefeiulant, I xhall, on Moxmt. the Firt tUv of JrLY. IkSO, at the Court llouwdoor in Tarloro', sell the fol lowing lesrribe1 laul. to wit : Piet-e of lots Xo. 81 and 92 in the t4at of TarUnj. boundc! a. follows lk-ginninc at tlie eomerot the Hotel lot and tin hit ?okl to Jno Xortteet, thence with t'le Jno Xorhevt ht sixty feet, comenne, thence a line witn trie back line ot aia lot anu me imcn one me John O'Haan prooerty to tiranviUe tr-rt. witli Granville Street to lot o. Ul. ed by one therwe thence with lots 91 and SO to a point where tlie southern Hue of C. t. Lanier's lot ex- t.....1.wl ifnl-a ttuiuv a Iii trt m.ul tire Community Hoes OUt tO the be- I lnivr Kiutbwm corner, tlwrtu-c with his southern line to Main Street, thence with t.u..u vu.o. I i. . ... . ... : t . r;u r..;- r.t WMH,.. Min wtm iu im ijmunip. juiiub - from now until harvest tinu our farmers are sure of making good crops Our liase Ball boys have just re ceived their new mask, gloves and breastplates and seem to be per fectly hannv. The ball given Monday night in the Court House oy come ol our young men was a most enjoyable af fair. Happy Dick Snow Hill, Jane 12, 18S9. Terms: tl.5no Cah, residue in one and two years at 8 -t cent froiu day of sale. WILLIAM HOWARD. Jane 1, '80. 21 M C'oiumL4oier. TC3E lIIHGCOOTEL Mr. If. M. KING. Proprieties. ffituated in the central part of Um town and. in tl HEART OF THE BUHl XESS rOKTIOX OF UREIXVILLK. Everydody is hard to lis sudden The Itosted Vi&, II. Lapsing, M. D., of the edito rial staff of the Anilytt (X. Y ,) gives glowing account ot an Edgecombe burbH?ue in that jour nal, which he attended in this county, given by the Board of County Com missioners last month. He decided it to be a "decided toothsome expe rience." We agree with him. Large and commodious builfliitgs, and every con venience the traveling pub lic may wish. KEEPS THE BEST TABLE TilK MAUKET AFFORDS. Er&ns St-, Greenville, IT- C- -DO YOY WAXT- that shall re- To aid in huildinz uo a neper fleet the greatest credit on North Carolina, no matter where it may be aeen T Then patronize Tlie Messenger, Leave Wilmington.. Ieave Magnolia Leave Waraaw ....... A rri ve old.tiom Leave Kaycttevilte rublisliedin Thne Editions. Arrive Selma Arrive Wilaon Leave Wilon Afrirt BK-ky murit Arrive TCarboro Lear Tarboro THE DAILY MESSK7HSKK AMD THI VTEKKLT MK8KKOII, Published at Wilmisgiox. K. C. PublUlted at Gouaww, X. C. T'IBT ARB LA ROB RIOUT PAOB PA PEES. Do too. want a reliable juaper giving yoa all tlie newt of the world a Democratic newsnaner that equals the best haa the lar gest circulation and has for more than twenty-one years lieen a part rnd factor in tb growth anl development of the Old North State? Then SUBSCRIBE FOB THE MEWEXGEB. TRIAL RATES : Dailt mumo a, hj mall 4 m, oa trial. S.o Wbcclt WcunaoTOM Uiuiin. tcmo. 1am Golmiom TBavcatrr Mivmn. Imot. 1jo CASH IX ADVASCB. 4 Dr. Talmage's Sennona arc a featar c al Three PapeTS. . AddrrM . Bourn; ntrj p-f pur. Arrive Weldon. ............ - . - i- - - c ; s c - . M. A. M. f. it. 12 05 9 W 4O0 10 4-T .' 10 57 3M 2 1. 1153 V tS t 11 u 12 lO Tar River Jills, Takhouo, N C :o; I have recently had my MilH THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED and can furnish the public w ith as good and as cheap MEAL - - MEAL As you can get in Petersburg, Richmond or elsewhere. My mill grinds every day, and ran furnish FKI1SII 31 HA l AT ALL TIMKX. rST"Ti:Y MK WITH AN OKDIX MY Plaining and 8aw Mills are running on full time, and I can supply any and all demand fcr either HKAVY OU LIOIIT TIMIIKI-3IOLLl)INaM 1. M, P.M. P.M. 302 12 45 7.V2 1 20 Kil 3 .V A. M. loan 130 P. M. 2 40 P. M. Ially exeept Pv4ay. Train oa HeotlMMl Nrk Branch Bua4 leave Halifax far Heotland Jlark at t fc fa. Ret arntar leaves SeotlaiMt f-k atBftoaaliy rxet Hanaay. Trala Uavea Tarboro. 5f. C. via AUarte A Kal r R R- Dallr ezreqt Hvndijr. ItApm. UmoAmf :11 f arrive at WIUiauton, . Mt pa4i:Mp m. Retaralar lava Wll liaiastoa, X. CM Iallj exrept faurfajr. T:l a. ta ldr Ao aa4 arrive TuVriM Kan4ar dl a m.. 11 a m. Traiaa on M141aa4 K. C. Branca I m.rf a. Mabom, C. Uaily exempt urwfajr. a m- arrive KaltaSnt. K. I:, m. K taralac fcrave HattlkBrM, X. V.. am., arrive at Q- l-lUro. N. ,tM a im. Traia m Xaahvillr Bratw-h l-av Rx-kjr Moaat at too arriv.- Xajbvtlt- . p a. fprln Hop 4J f m. R-tumlor I -nr. npna-M4.p too a ta. .ubv til 1 3 . a m. arrive Korky Moant 11:14 a m, Ull, Hanoaf. Traia oa ritataa branch lTn Uirnw fr CUAtoa. Iatl. rtrrpl NliKUjr, 1( 4.' p. tsi. ailUs aa. Retaralaf lt(llnti.M it ? a aa a4 Jtto q m. romorl lug at ra ita Noa. U. wx2 a4 T. awkla4lrtla WMioa ai4 Payett- All Kinds of Scroll Work Saws, to Order Terms Strictly CASE fSTl'rloe qnHU upon ApiIW R. A. BROWN, 12tl.T Tartr.. -ISAAC. A. STJGO. Attorney-at-Law. LATE OP KO UMAX, SUOO AItU JAU, (iret-nvill. N". t!. OClrmA4 tarl ttt Itt)man. hufx . J" ORV aUo in Hill. irmm f7, 14T Vnnu.x- in tUr otic a-l Cuurt. il-.l.'- TO ADVERTISERS ! rur a cjj a ojiwr -aui - l. kHr x-p moar. rata at mamtit, wlU s4op oalv at WlUoo. Ta4av So. 74 m- rtoaa rottaertlo at Wal4om tor aU iitou Rovck eattv All rail vlaWlrtioaiiV, aaA tlailv axrept auiMlar vLa J4Uat. far ill Alt traiaa rmm aoU4 tatra WIImtaia a4 WmMb1b, m4 have Pullman palace Hi. p-r aftarl4. 9. W. IlKlT, Saft TraujMrtatlii. T. M. KiinHM (irn'l Paaarpjrrr Arat. iuT Anx-ncati nrpa wjrk it Uti day. Tb mc-nlili of a Tic alrrti-tii h fc. at lb ru rwil a Ilr-r. lor l.lMi mxi.t will Mvmt in hat - itmuf t any prr. ami cMtiiii.t? placed befjre tx MilU4i aiSrrn.i r-" purctiAeri : or Kivx M I ujJ tti trwe. a im aurcMaiinea tatl. t Drwpaprr Is IooJuai at by five I "- mxmrae. Tm lis will afxiMun rf rvrtify Ave word. Alw m- r.U of Al v. awl k, rrr rl -n.r " iom, P. Bowell A Caw. 1 - I 55rJend the Bankk j-our Job Printing. GEOEGE B. KING Attorney at GKEENVILLE. N V