OAKOLINA BANNEB. t taubijoi;ii. north ai:oli.va. Z3JEj-ra ffinnThe Banner? vorlt, FIVE CA'X'JS etu-h, or tlx for 'J', rrntt. Wednesday Dkcemijeu 2.3, issi). -VtJ k-arn of a few clr.wges in tios for the office of cantain were in oruer. f rn. fii...: i . .. j. iic ivuun "HtJ geiniviiitrn vtrir jui J. II. Fox hall. W. II. -T. Hrvant. in uomitiiitou J. Harnett, am An election innmeJiafely followed. as n rsulii was ehdod by minority; xhic town m-ixt j ear. Mu$i cotton Las been marketed in this place of late. - The Jiff bell has been placed in the U wer of the citj hall. i!is. Hughes's school holiday t x erciHeo were very entertaining. --lunor has it that a marriag took jdace in town last evening. - The cotton factory i v i;ow fur nishing yams to the knitting mills. 1'ev A). Ii. Clayton w.ll preach at OKI Sparta on the liltli .Sunday at 11 a. i'!. The pop cracker and small boy are a well matched pair. They ev ery;, Iiere abound. --One I;oJJar paid in advance. One Dollar and twenty-live cents paid at ' the end of the year. The Methodipt .Sunday School have a Christinas tree in the Y. M. C. A. Keom3 to-night. -Get up a club of fie subscribers ' at $1,00 each and secure a copy of "th : IUnnejj for 1800, free. Send the Banner your jjob I)rinting. We can do it s well and us cheap as any one else. Try us. Dr. I. N. Carr, Dental Surgeon, can be found at his office on Main street m Tarboro. at all times. Itly Tlie Steamer "Heta" made a trip up here last week arriving Thursday evening and returning .Friday down the river. -The Episcopal Sunday: School held theii services j'esterdiiy evening in Calvary church. The school has about 115 pupils, so we are informed. The Y. M. C. A. will hold its regular . monthly business meeting Friday :cven;ng at 7.1 T o'clock. A full attendance is earnestly desired, It was after seven o'clock, p in., last Friday, when the train got here from Kite ivy ilonnt. Trains being oehinU on the main line was the cause. Fred Vhilted, col. was lodged -in jail la.it Sal urday,cl.arged with as tian It and battery and at the same time roblrng hij antagonist of a wat eli. Your name nicely Elamped on derman Silver plates for iinibivllas., para.sfiis for 011)3- 5 ets by 11. O. Sadler at the i'AXXKU oluce. Leave your orders wils him at once. Xo family should think of get ting along without aStwing Machine in these tlayt. The only question is which it-' the best for work am' wear. Decide tnis by-going to 1'ell's ami inspecting the best makes itlyr It has been reported that straw berries have ben hipped from Culdsboro luring the vast week .1 he Mcyt'rr leports strawborry plants in bl.'om, ami this must have given rise to the report. They are blooming here. Superintendent. Jones was here last -Friday to receive the ivc C. bridge but i was not ready. Some of the jmrts of t he ' uridge were too foug, which could not be fouud out .before the 'work was done. This caused, a delay of several days as many rivets have to te cut and much work undone and redone. It will be done this week. Kcli'ool Holidays. Prof Wilkinson gives holiday thi? wt-eL. lYof IiiK'Sie gives holiday two weeks, this and' next. The ii ruled School gives holiday this week. Mrs. Hughes gives holiday this week. An Aechte.il to a Child. Thursday afternoon wh'Ki' Mrs. S. S. Nash was preparing to go driv ing, having several children with her in her photon, little Theo. Cheshire, son of IV I'. Cheshire, fell out of the vehicle just as it start ed oif, and the bin 1 wheel passed overlus nek and face. lie was immediately' picked up but was unconscious for sometime alterwards. He was badly bruised about the head and neck, though fortunately no bones were broken. The horse had just moved otf and vas immediately stopped. Ir. J. II. Uaker was called in and rendered necessary attention and the little fellow is now gcttiu along all right. Thotltiaiils Drill J. If. roxhali F.Ieet ctl Ciipiuiu. Friday was the regular monthly meeting and drill day with the Edge combe Guards. The -drill attracted more attention than usual aa the va cancy caused? by the resignation ot Capt. J. C. lll was to be filled at this tune,. After the meeting was called to order and the reading of . iniuutce and the collection of lines and dues gone through With, C.tpt. Powell' arose and, after lint .expressing, the great reluctance at resigning from the company, speaking of the pleas ant relations that had and' still ex isted between the company and him self and wishing thfm co-it inued prosperity, announced!" that noiniua- him, and asked tiou of eaeb and comniuy to follow ill j along the line, ami work, will shortly ! depot be commenced on the Water street, in thU city. The organization for general busi- j ness has not yet been perfectee', nor J will be until the company 13 ready ro J. II. Foxha',1 U larfre and handsome was afterwards made unanimous, upon the announce ment of his election there was a roar of unphiu&e andljloud calls for Fax- hall : Foxhali: After iinietnue waS regaine t Mr. roxhatl arose ;lud thanked the com- , pany for the hAnor conferred uon the hearty co opera- every .memberol tne :'eri the Edgecombe (fiiardi up toiti present high state oi eiheiencv Cat. Foxhali takes his office at once. The ATTENTION, PLEASE ! 1890 is almost here. Are opt?n the road to the public Nor- j y0U going tO COntillUe blisi- rou Letter. ; - ness? If voujire, you must mrsri:i:i:cTi:i. ; T.n'maii wljo i- -'iif-!it 1 '!ly "W:i; 2r- t ;i tii-'x. f. iu 111 lr.nu:s.l lane Ami in. it ui'.l ( !'.. in- Iran:. adotped on illustrious Jetfe WlIKlEAS, sad iiitelhgence honored !and i Chieftain, Jelfer lied in -ch'aractej JUxulced, Tl heartfelt j sympa of the de?easid sad bereavemeiit ble loss, i We til pure and iioble ded over the dc-j were the resoluions the death of ton Davis : VVe have received the ot the demise of.the everetl Confederate son Davis, and aa a token of our lovt for the deeds of him H3 most noble in ; virtue, tianscenilent in inttllect, true and honest in ciiiviction and i.npul- ; therefore be it, at we extend our thv to the family in this their and ii 're para-. ank God for the bharacter who presi- mit3 ot our Confed- niey and managt-d with consummate skill, ability am j wisdom its affairs. No man,1 howe k'er great, has t stab lished a more lasting monument by hi3 exemplary deed than our honored name will be en- arleof of every true gli defeated m the pouth espoused, and ) the .target for the ironi our opponents of defeat did not his noble charac- Sontiiland mourns i departed Chieftain ns is none the Kss Chieftain, whosb shrined in the h Southron.' 'Iho canst which th his name made shafts of obl'jquN p. till the dust aim -J'it lustre a ter. I he entire! the, loss of their and among them great. j Let us hope th Ki- tt he has joined that grand band of hdfoes in the "IJeauti- valiantly defended outh. Noble hero; it ftil City, t he cause of the iiTectionate husblnd; demoted patriot i t and deyout chris erected you a mo morse less I hand destroy and in t! history they will lu'wlveir, ! In resolutions be Davis and a copy minutes. Serfft. James Capt.J . C. 1; Sergt, J. II (Jen. W.SIL Ai inf nected the coi sior t ut owing t( train did not arri There were out, rank: and tild an, your deeds have innient that the re- f time can never te brightest pages of be emblazoned. a copy of thesfe ansmitted to Mrs. jAppoi The following incuts, for the V for the ensuing y last ueueral Co ft E. Church. Sout Washington Di by, V. E. ; Washington Tarboio F. Temperance II To be supplied l'.ethel Circuit one to fx; swpplid V ilhamsttHi C son. I Creetiville Ii lauesville Cii (Jrtenvi lief 'ire Yanceboro Cir Aurora Ciicuit liethel Circm Y. IVgraml Plymouth C Columbia Circu ivattimusket C rill. I Fairfield li. ( Swan Quarter hck. ; Ocracoke and bv G. D. Lai Kennckeet Cir N. t ! This road I wli tance of 101 mile fully completed weeks. L lie iron both directions to the stonework aci be completed in after which, three quired to place position. The d by the newj line 101 over the .Nor over the Coast L The way to find a man out is to call on him when he i. not in. One has to look out at some times, to keep from being taken in. The greatest trouble with self made men, is they are generally too proud or the jo j. tniiO,'. 1 The Lynn tc'uoolniasftrs havegtruck, but they are no novelty. schoolmasti rs are as old aa tune. Our earliest recollection are associaj ted with them. We were one of the struck. ": In this world a man is likely to get what he gives. M en's hearts are like a whispering gallery. If you sieak softly, a gentle wiiisper comes back; if you scold, you will get ecold ed With the measures you mte, it is mea,-.urtd to you again. A COUXTUYMAX went to a store in Morgautown.W. Ya., the othe day and purchased a kerosene lamp "That's tbe lirst one of them notions th .t ever come to my house," he re marked. "Candles was alius good enough fo inarm and me, but darter's got a bea-t and thinks ive ort to put on a lee tie style' Young M is3 Wilgiis Where aie yon going, papa? liev. Mr. Wilgus lo the temp-; ADVERTISE ! Then consider the BEST me dium through which to reach the people. See our CIRCU LATION STATEMENT and our REDUCED ADVERTI- Striking ' OT1.Tn t imro ionn Ui.ll vi J-iixo. -L X-i J l'Ji v - FACTS Then READ FOR ADVERTISERS' ance nierting. We intend to inaugu rate a movement, to save the young men of the country. Young Miss Wilgus Try and save a real nice one for me, will you papa, dear be spread upon our i 1. Lloyd, oavell, Com. OX II ALL, J thony was to haye pany ol this occa- the lateness of the e in lime. out forcy-five men ltment.s. are the appoint-. ashington - District ;ir as .made by the fereiicp of the M. trict G. A. Ogles- ' V. Ii. Ware. ! Shnmburirer. 11 and MeKendree by S. '. Move. -I). II. Urn ton and 1. rcuit J. G. Xel- B. .John. dnit--J. 11. Guyton. tilt E C. Glenn. nit li. F. Taylor. -J. A. Green. Sup died by J. W. Iloberson. it li. 15. Holden. rcuit C. F. Slier- Moorman. ircuit li. L War- Sii-.. Rtoixl ut tli lijirror ami arranjcil lir htir, 111 tin- Htylr that n1u- thoug-ht most 1C- Atid .-uiile.l a fl:t' thuujs'ht t Ji.T ".Vllow" In the ii.l f ; lmiii thf g'loumiii.'. Siic wa.-i Ink1. gront .comfort In li'.aking iii in Wiii:. Biit tJ:.' f:u-t i i, he ucver 1i:iu missoil ln-r, Hi- v;M 11 i rf inpr away at a jii! t c rniid rati-, With hiT ii-ftty l-yrar- Id sistt-r. 'Twas out in j Ull L 111 11 tlie gloaming, way yuiiiuu, a iuaiueu 'sat combing her golden hair; whe.i, heated with roaming, all panting and foaming, there came up and squeezed her a big grizzly bear. It did not affright her, the bear did not bite her, she lay back and murmur ed, "Still tighter, dear!" This broke up old bruin; he left off his wooing, sneaked back to the mountains and hid a whole year. Which ? Monday Win. Long put a can of milk, out his back door in the sun before Ciiurning. A few hour& later imagine his surprise at finding a pig tail !i-;nging over tlie rim of the can. One of Lilly's pigs was in the can drowned. The question now arises shall Long pay for Lilly's pig or Lilly pav for Long's milk? Stewart (Col) JjWeri Wttve' Capt. J, J. Thomas had four mag nificent turkey gobblers last night. To day somebody else has them That .'.-somebody' went to Capt. Thomas' hennery hist night and took the aforesaid turkeys away. The Cuptain had been treating them very royally and was very much attached to them. Jwieigh Call (of latt zeeefc) PB0M?T PAYMENT Suffolk, Va., Oct. 9. 1889. T. L. Al friend, Manager, Washing ton Life Ins'. Co., I Dear Sir: You will please accept my most siu'eere thanks for the very "j-ompt pa;, nieiit of the thirty thou sand dollars insurance in your excel lent Company cn the life of my late husband, Julius C. : Parden. My "husband had insurance on his life in another company, but the Washing ton was the Fikst to pay, thereby sustaining its reputation in this sec tion for being -the promptest paying Life Company in America. Again thanking you for your kind ness to myself and children, I am, Yery sincerely yours, - Lucie A. Harden. tdii latteras- Supplied ii. . uit I), lieid. li. li. bh extent's a dis- to Tarboro, will be within about six has be.-n laid in Uoanoke river, acd bss that stream will -bout three weeks, j weeks will be re the iron bridge in ptance to lialemii be 187 miles lk !t Carolina, oS iiie ami zt oy u liichmond Ut D.iuville. The road east of the IioanoJ e river will com mence doing a lumber business next week, but general be commenced un is completed. Ti e Compary John O. Wi e tei -joining their ter 500, tiie ohject ot sidin The r..- .- l . I 1V1 J ill -4I, j shops, &c, j 100 acres of high Point and .1,800. ft .business will not ii after the bridge purchased of Mr. acres of land ad ninal property at 1'nmer's Point, J'fying therefor $7,- ilie imrchate beii'g to increase the tadilities at the point round-houses, company now nas land at 1 inner s . . i. t i A. ,eec oi water ironu A great deal of wprk has beeti done at Pinne 's Point, lieeu dredged to a The company ' mess witn new tives, 300 frei-ht Tied-ar Work coaches and 100 1 posals have been t of ti.ausfer b:o ges i:ow ua hand, i'or Staiiou iiusc-si are and the slips have lepth of 25 feet, ill commence bns- Bald win locomo- kMl'S till sit at tiie 5. 4 p;isseger igging car?. Pro- tkeu for a mini xr n addition to thoe lse in the harbor, beiiig constructed OVER an average of 1000 BANNERS are sent out EACH WEEK, Now this surely means over 50OO read ers, not including, those who dislike it, would-n't-have-it, borrowers. " Now think about it. 5000 readers each week means 260000 ' readers per year. One half col umn, one year at $55, r ead by that many people That is at the rate of over 4727 readers for EACH DOL LAR invested in adverti ng. Can you reach that number by any other means, only at many time7 that cost? What would 52000 dodgers and the EXPENSE of distributing them be? THINK AND ACT. ARE YOU PAINTING? mm wK S-Kl.L. 1 UU f OR FIMUINU - Houses, Koofs, CarrlaRea, fabinct "Work Sipn AV'ritlng, l-rescuiii. Etc., Paints, Colors, Varnish, Brnsnes, Etc- AND CARRY .5 WINDOW GISS, MIHKOi; I'LATKS, Ktc. The :-: F?lanufacturers' :-: Record. $4.00 PER YEAR. TIig Groat iiiflrt-if rlf) iaxr of th South, nnil the Tnost wiiloly juotrl industrial ' iapr In tli.s world. . .. . -r-- .; . jMlvst'-siuc mo.lium for Soutln-rn towns nnd ititi t-oUi ug to nt t ruct i-apitcl aisd 'iitorjric. . - . ' thf sale of Sout horn prp4rt minora mid timliT laud, mill, hit .-, water io ors Xc. ITa.e ClrcvileLtion. of the MASCFirrrKERV Rkcoro not nnly rivrs ti tntlr- South from Mrvlai:d to T-xf, b-it also thf North and V?t. If i ivldfly r-ad ly b mkr, capitnlits and cithern in tUf Xrth: ffkln protitRtd- fnvo tiu-Tts ii t!io South, ly inannfsr-fn.-fi f all H.i"f who .il.-nirf to Sr. rr";io tli-ir S.'iitH'ru tradf, ni:d ly a!l i tlp-r w!i. !rt' intT'-stfil in thfypinrsl j oxri,!i of thi M-t Ifn. MAXUFACTI'IIKKS ISKf"Oi:l0,. PUBLISH KliS, 1 RALT1MOKK. M. I. 30tf THE WEEKLY REVIEW. Wi' lijrnr your wi:t?, and sell th.- linst floods in Virfiiiin, tt iuak yon and your fiinuls r-irul ir customers. W have th'.' only lairjjc and full lineof ARTISTS' aiATKlilALS, and earry Tube C lors, PlatjueF, C4iuvas Studios, Wnter ivdors Paper, &, Write lor lricei of Paint aiit ti-.s' supplies. . SOL J. BINSV7ANGE2, 33;;:i 215 K. ItrotuI St., liicliiuond, Va. 1889- SANTA CLAUS -1889 HAS DEI'OSITKI) IN TAKUOKO M'lT II - Messrs Hart & Edwards - 100900 Toys for tlie M CMlta of Ejgccoile aMaIlaQini)iConiities. -AMOXU TIlrM YOU .WILL FINH Wno7i, Wlicolhnrnw, f'arriac- W-loi-ipek'S, Jloliby llo:si. sj,(x,ivs, Hull (Triullcs, n,u(lst;a V-', Ikks, l!iireaus, Clia!p. Tea Sets, Kitchen. Stoves. Side I'oarris, Iliith Tu!m. Pinni. HirtLs, Chickens. Doyrs. 'II ors. Lions. Elejihunts, "m imi.s l'Ntuls; Swonis, Driifils, lIifh.s,L'liirionets, 'queolunks. Arks. I loused, Livcrv Stahles, Bu;iiii:i IJlocks, TooK'lut tc-. We could write all Uiy and then not men tion half we csm show you. O A I'lipor for North Carolinian at Home anil AIroj;I' i Alnly takniji rank, nr its oriht c.litiirial m.itfcr and wide condensation of news, anson; the U'adiuir innial- of the state. It :iiic;i'U-s are Tar'tiT L'ctorm ani The let LoLar-a-Yc::r joier In the Stat. Address, THE Wi;r.KLT RKVIEW, 4tf ; keidsriHe. X. C, -'.VU CAN SKLL VOT t'anilips I." t; 33 Irt per pound. Kii;h 15 to 20 cts; Oraiien 'Hi tw 5U per ttoz. ji'TIniM are hard and v- are Roi u r's ! e"t pat uur :nd!t nrithln the rcurh 6'of all. Don'l fail to grl our prices' fe 4 v before You Ituy. ' Hart & Edwards. Tsrervous Debility. A fffMitlcinan bavin? b-en enrdof fer-. xtu IrMtra:bn, SfTuiual WVakiif..- I're msturc Il.-f'ay.Rud all the evil e:Tect f er.rly indiscretion : n i youthful folly N ar.xou to iwaki- known to.f;cri4 the simple' mode of Cn r PJIPP T those vrir. wish, and OLLl uUiiL w " K've htui thir ; p-tn.-, be will !:til (frf l.v retu-rti Mail, -J- otiic ree;j. ; ucc--fuliy u -1 in bis cae. Addr-s., in eouftd-nce, Janie W. I'iukney, it Cedar St., New York. SEND The Banner YOUR JOB PRINTING. IT IS FOLLY TO ADVERTISE, IT I HONEY -:- THROWN AWAY I XLirs- 'THE ADVKIiTIsEMKXT IS Sl-STAIXEI I5V IJKI.I AI5LE GOODS AT HKASOXAI'.LK riUCKS, AM Fl'LL VAl.fE IS (MVEN'KOIl THE JI.OXEY KKCEIVKP.'. () 3fy TLw csason's Stuck of . Boys' and Mens' Clothing I)1Y GOODS, HATS, SHOES, AC, C Faf surioss anytliing we've had lit-fore. I do not advertise $31.00 Suits for $lUp JTt.i) SmtM for 20.W Suits for l.OU 15.00 Vnitsfor 5.00 Nr lH)lhir Ires ioLfor .50 a y ard, &zc, Ac , Arc. Hut I will.t-ll you a Suit of Clothing of which the true value in Ten Dollars, for 10.00 A Suit ot which the true value is Twelve Dollars and a Half for ; - fl2 3Q A suit of which tlie true value i Fif teen I ollar5 for $15.00 A siijt of which the true value is Twenty Dollars for ?20.00 A suit of which the true value U Twenty-five Dollars for 25.00 A yard of Dress (ioods of which tire true value Is One DolLir for 1 .00 A yard of Dres-s (uhhIh of whicli the true value is Twenty-live Cents for .25 And a yard of which the Hue value is Ten Cents far .10 A Hat of which the true value is Thre DollarHfor S.00 A Pair of Flannt-hi of which the true value is Two Dollars and Seventy tive cents for 2.73 A Pair of Shoes of which the true i TwolKllars for , 2.00 A Yard of Klamnd of which the tue value is Fifty Cents for .50 A Yard ot Canton Fla,inel of which the true value is Fifteen Cents for .15 Ac.. Ac, Ac., Ac. YOU HAYE ALWAYS LOOKED TO fS for the liright Things, tlie Nice Things, the ltu?ht Thinjrs and we have them L. Heilbroner, MiXAOSK ton S. S. XASII. 13 - FOR THE FALL TRADE 89 -o- li EStrris Bros., HAYE KECtiYED AX ' --IMMENSE STOCK OP SEASONABLE GOODS For the Inspection of their Custr:i tiers, con sisting of Ready Made Clothing Foil 31 EX, YOUTHS, AND HOYS. --biR-r QOODS- ! OF EVERY DESCIUPTIOX. SHOES. P.OOTS, HATS, (iKXT'S FUR xisnixt; c;oods, xotioxs, thim- 3IINGS Ac. ZSTW'K SHALL MAKE IT AX OlWECT TO CASH 15UVFIJS TO PUKCHASK THEIIt (JOODS LOVEIi THAX EVER HE I "ORE. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. H. MORRIS & BROTHERS. Vtlyr Entire WATCHKS, c ltlv . r -' EE - WHAT SOL WOOLARD Hyn l:ut hia MAMMOTH STOCK of liracd new grwxt which be Is now rvelv lujC Jr.Hy 4 irct from th mmoafsctarer : aooirrl of floor, 1I Kmi-m, 75 u&rre r t rrup mud molaww, all grtdott, .iu poand (.(pnr lr( lard. - arks of FinmittirouBd Ialry 8mlt, 2U0 irrournl li!tj !!, S 1 lx-s fhwi ! xt ad and nwly ro4f 23 bifrH Mtf! jar a-pln vinegar, 3 year old, 100 oxn caken ami rraekrr?, dStlf mit va r if' ie. lOHmx -s 1 tiu1ry B ut Mid -K-aj-t on th" iaai t. 100 ra' r- r,'iiTrstl ly, 100 u fl ' -rir. f.nii MiioKin tlccs U iibTrr-!' ilnii ;i..t! ililU and Oall and Ax Snufl, jfmo i-larar-, !i-r..4 nd cirar'tte, 1 ICO b X-i Kail Hnad Jlilit SuufT, Hfii iU:d tl't liutiuun ri;i . 100 fir" i rhr m'.trhf", 100 rt'iz-'n nrSirt lk- I', 1(ki pai-r !3sr? si! iz-r, 3j0 reu.i i n straw, raf and manilln, i-Aiid all rihr -'.vil In my llu in liiti jm.irt K-r , All of t'hew sk1 ar frwh STOCK AESIVIITQ DAILY Kv.ry mi! i:i-r-i.aut w:K Cnd it to hit ii:l-rf.-.t t.j Eiamisc sj Stack Bsfire ?mMm. Sol. Woolard, WUoIr'-al tirr-r i f osniflimUm Mrrcbail iS'li Tarboro,. ('. 5 1 1875 B.c: THE KEI.Iai;Tw. UNDERTAKER AND FDRH1TURE Dk HJ nUTS ly Tni will mvrvc my IWM t ari.l IYt:1 Atlcut IH1 U BTT T TT TP. TPT! T An1,Mt fro,kofrruXITi:REavsn wllk.h will,Kt CIIKAP. I w-7.1 TC ? ; J ,,liUT r bus5- b " the comer uf Main mm) Chtmh .tr.cta two uoors ahovc the Lank. 1M V B, C. CARLISLE, ,ltlyr) T,rlr X. V. FARMERS' : OIL : "klLLB," (FAllMERs CO-opEUATIEIr-ti. COMPANY) -MILLS ON TAR lit V Kit. AT SlIiLOH. KIMJKCOMltE tVVXTY. COTTON SEED BOUGHT AT HIGHEST UARKET PRICES. Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls For Sale oi Exchange hrSzZl OWNERS OF STEAMER "BETA." CHEAP FREIGHTS. Prompt and Careful Attention to all Business on Favorable Teres bECRETAHY AND TRL.SVRER. 39t4mo Come - ?nd - See - For - ouj Uuil T3n.e Cll.aDDrLX032L G-3?ooe35r I I Everything Brand New ! ! -:- Goods Attractive ! FRESH GOODS ARRIVING BT EVERY THAII AfID COAT! "Tliis week . e will tll the public of a few of the LiJAUlNd ow carrifd by ua m our Mammolh KicSrc ii Main tn-. ?. . .t.av U v iunU. ! "TT l?u,,,?tur -hJs at the l.wt iihlo yri. VVc ii;i r.ii -.-M both Goods tics big aiui little for any of tin- following o AXI l'AX( Y CA XI l IKS, HACKKIJS, SOAIV V ; iir VK BUTTKIt, rilKKSK. KI.OI U. .M K Al' , 1 KN 'tK A ' ' W i i ! -:' .i l'i H yitb'Y1' ,,AIS' MrlAlXSAI.TFISi:. V i v" t'.i I A .;f ' 'i ?' , OI.ASH A AKL; TIN . AUK, Woolr AM) AUI.I.OW WAiU. , VAltU e can supply any and t very tvint of the 1110.U111 Iioiuh; kit icr a;; i Plkaseand .Si KmniK Ilrr. t rice ti.at vril mA'WVv?ve Mt,Hcd t?.t,ur rooiTjr leinrtntit Ijref ami M'lt-Kvlell Htk u 1 .1' ,tp"" .' IlS OK;Al.l. hl.M)S for MetllcHl snU 1U I (.c. Me Invito au Iusjitcliuu of tliio Department. Visit our store anil procure j.riccs a:xl forever aftt-rwanl von will ih-rUW to u our ctU lomcr. . H. MORRIS & BROS., Tarboro, N.C, .Sept. 19, '8i. f;30tf 1 Encourage Home Institutions. Sell or exchange your COTTON SEED with tho iTAllBOHO OIL MILLS. Help your Neighbors and Don't Patonize tho TUSIiS. 411 r SURKLV MAIE IIIS MKAJMjrAin KUS ATTIIi: BIG RACKET STORE I JT IS Fl'I-I. OF Toys, Guns, Pistols, Drams, Dells, Eunning Fowls, Wagons, Animals, Musical Instruments, Plush Goods, Stationery. Pictures, Boll Carriages, Torpedoes, Fir Cracker Ami Anything Vou Want fur n Clirinlmiiii rrrnrnt. Onrlliwkof ClotMng, Boots, Shoes, Hats Caps, Notions, Jewelry, Hard -Tar aid Tinwara, I complete. Come to the Rackft Store and look nt oim -t-- k. h-Trn-nlr t!o Tarboro'slGasli Racket Sforo, AV. It. LAWRENCE, M vXAOKn. Trtr-. .. C. Dug toth, ifefg. liljr - .5 O to U H c a to - U c ft . , c -E C t . ' ; 3 S3 as es to S fc c 9 i x. ss c '"5 'sj O fi fc. a i S i O o a IS J3 !m 3i: !2 J r. I P3 t M t ra Pt3 za : t v. r. X & m B t ,3 Zi - S i: -1 5 u Parrar, G-askill & Co. -UirM TO CA I. YOL'H ATTKNTION TO 'VV.TA It SPECIAL - LINE - OF - DEESS - GOODS, coinnisnra all "stool sitsahs n: all tes vzir coLOzr. Th-? trool SnraliS are WuUful oi- ar! luzlt-V vet haf!-"-' . All WoolJJOIBS ST3I?iS t Kk-t n f i t. i'i h nr.iy:. 7h!,rt-",fcl inch - Henriettas at 2.! t, liooi Vai.i b. S:a4U' 1 " t;' Cloth. Silk WIvctH, rin'slies, Phiiu a:il Vtrvn- 4- s and mitsGi" Fast Black Scca that vrM zzi it i -27377 Collars andCufs. Lorely Handkerchiefs. Liner, i?cyue3, iiapiins, C77B. FARRAR GASKILL & CO. Opposite Court IIoaBe, Tarboro. X. C Itljr, 2?stl Lad: I X V