CAROLINA BANNER o THE OLD NORTH STATE FOREVER.' VOL. 2. NO. 38. TARBORO, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3,-. 1890. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. - On the h.isjs of ill?' indications c a 4lO t,r',000 bmhels wLcat crop, the -ortae surplus is estimate'! at 75,. fir,o 40,000,COO from the Atlantic, , j 35 000,000 from the Pacific. rVie list of poisons may bo added, -f a t 'jrco of occasional danger, the fra 'x r.'Jtmo!. At least one fatal cast occurred, where a boy of eight, hav ;.r f -.:: I'vo Jiutmes, fell into e coma r iition and die t within twelve yl.v-K iarn sny that cairs of nervous 'prostration aro less frequent since 'low, Lttls h ive corns into fashion. They al ia th" v.holc Tveight of the body to rest (.c the feet, remove the tension to which tic ip. i -' ' ' urc subjected by hicjh heels, ,r. l k'"' i the. ca" c3 a -s nor- condition.. - The shipbuilding industry oa tin Amfric'in lakes W active, and Cleveland cliirns to lead the, vay. Since January 3 tic vtHtli built number seventy-cigh ftcim'-r'ii, the gross tonnage being G3r 22, ari-1 eighteen barge3 and sailing jj.ij, of 13,315 tons. Last year the vca l(.'s built on the great lake3 measured 1' ) tons. . . : '. . " ' 1 : "' V- Soon we shall be in a position to defy fate, Saya the IlluttraUd American: " A coni'"'iV has been formed to build tubu lar ?teel passenger- cars which shall not fr-vc w:iy under any shock to which they mv 1"' subjected. .The cara will not tcl .((, j...- in a collision, and if rolled down m cmbtmkment the passenger will be riy, bruise 1. It is proposed that a train of such cars shall be practically a continu ous .steel projectile which cannot be seri ously damaged In ordinary circum-itancf.-t " i i ( hincra liccrus to be miking the cir cuit of the globe with gt eat rapidity. It uniKiircd in various p irts of Europe m l hus now reached' South Africa. In Ar.ibia it is worse than has been known in many years, while many . cases arc re port e 1 in India. It is sure to spread from Ji-.iu to Oircft and China, and perhaps ni.iy b" curried to Australia. There was never a more imperative demand for sci entific quarantine,, .which, will keep the disease within its original limits, and this year, d-elare the San Francisco Chronicle, will prove pretty conclusively how suc cessful .tra modern methods of checking -its spread. .. ' .. I'r fo-sor Wiggins, the notorious Oa ta lian meteorologist, advance? naothcr novel theory. lie allges that tornadoes ami kindred storms are generated by the effort of nccumulated electricity in tho clou Is to release itself. It is his belief, therefore, that tornadoes will not prevail dr. any locality with a considerable net work of overhead wires, for. these wires v. ill givo the. electricity a smooth and e.ay vent. It is to 1)3 feared, tho Troy Tiwn suggests, the professor is working iath interests of tho electric -service cominaie.?. Else he would take account of the municipal storms of. which over tcad wires arc" so frequently the cause., (Vnpnred with those it would an oc ciio;;ul tornado be? The Chicago Tribune is led to make ferae comparisons between tho salaries i'lid t ) the American and the British jule. There is a wide disparity. Tho Lord Chancellor of England gets $50, Cy) per annum while in office, and when ie pots out with his party ho gets 20, ( H) per unuiu. The--Irish Lord Chan--oru $40,000 in- and $20,000 per -num on going out. Three Lords of Ap !! Supreme Court Judges are paid f vJ.o ) per annum. The Lord Chief Jotic- receives $40,000; the Master of ft.e U Us, chief of the chancery division, ?3i,uu); tjie other Chancery Judges, $-3.0a inch. The Queens Bench Judges we paid $25,000 each. The county 3U Iw get salaries ranging from $S00J t f .'O.UvK). The Irish judges are paid v l?,0v i t0 25,000 per annum, or more t.a ti r.e times the salaries of our Su- jrcuie Cjurt judges. Iowa has passed a new tramp law, and 3t 2s a stringent one. It regards tho trimp us a jKJit auj y designed for his .ttrninuion. Here is its definition of iiulsaacc : "Any male person sixteen Jears of Hge or over who is physically Me perform manual labor and is a sr::t, who i wandering -about prac ' eoMimoa begging, or is wandering 4-'u: having no visible calling or busi-te- to maintain himself and unable to reasonable efforts and in good faith tJ.'Cujp employment shall be deemed a 4:ui'- ' Every such jersoa nrrcsted and :Javicted is to be sent to jail and put at ariJ work. Any one who refuses to is to le put in solitary confinement U1 fcli a bread abd watr only. Tho irtuer provi.les that no tramp shall Uv la jail 'any tobacco, intoxicating '1 its, sporting or illustrated news tt1"' ear"ls or any other nrticle of cfJH'ru,llt or pastime.' It is only pessary, hi the opinion of the New r llrrill.l t r Anfwl?.:.l 1 - 1- I The new , steamship El Sol, bn It for the Pacific Improvement Company LV William Cramp A Sons, wb launched at Uadelpbia. Rath Ann Hilton, a colored woman who was bora in 17S0 in Richmond, Ya., died in Chicago.- One man was killed t ad (our in jured by the csring-in of the Stan lard Manu facturing Company's building at Pittsburg. Medical in votifration diw:!o -s the fact that robbery as not the only mo ive for the murder of Mr. .Annie Miller n Camden county, N. J. Fire at Clarksville, Tenn., did damage amounting to fS5,0fi0 o the stock of McfJhee'n Uros.' large - grocer - establishment.- Two notorious female shoplifters were arrested In Cincinnati. Col. E..C Uoudinot, a noted Cherokee, di d at Fort Smith, Ark. John SowderS, repu edto be the oldest Grany Army veteran in the United State, died at Iiiegelsville, N. J., iged ninety years. -Wj B. Jmcrwn was fou id deadand Koss F. Fishbaiigh seriously Wo mded in a freight car on a Union Pacific tra n at Chey enne, Wyo. They were iKrth shot hrough the head. C. T. Losley, a notary ublic, and II. ;I. Sapp, ot Branford, Fla., we e shot and killed.- II. C. Kemp, the rear I rakeman of the coal train which caused tin disastrous wreck on the Reading road near hoemakers ville, in which twenty-one person! werekilled and thirty wounded, has been arre -ted. Kemp was found working on a farm, and he was held in $1,000 bail for court. The charge against him is manslaughter in failing to perform his duty by prompt signallingof the i pproaching train which caused the wreel i Hiram flrnbbs was arrested near Union, und., on the charge of inurderiilg his nephew, whose body was found near his barn--; -An express train ran into a herd of deer in Minne ota, killing j L a number of them, I CoL W. E. Carringfoii.a promin ent Virgin- inn and ex-mayor of PJchmond, s dead. r t Wasking- Fix inches of snow fell on Mom ton. Eighteen carloads of totjtato catsup were shipped from Cincinnati to (1 hicago and St. Loui in a single day. Coi test over a county seat in Colorado resulted In the burn- ing of the court-house, anl a fience fight be tween the factions. In a fit fiJht between two cadets at the Virginia Military Institute, W. T. Taliaferro, of Gloucester tounty, Va., in reported to nave been fatally njured. A son of the late General John . Fremont oajs that the reports that his mot ier and sis ter are in an impoverished condition are greatly exaggerated. Suit for 10.3 15 was begun in Philadelphia against 't lie Pennsyl vania Mail road Company by Ecu is J. Levick, under the Anti-discrimination llw. John New, of Philadelphia, committed suicide while standing over his dead wiftj's body. The issues of the Birmingham Age-lIerahl and of the weekly Atlanta Constitution were seized for publishing lottery ad vprtisements. Work has been begun on the iil pipe line to be laid by the Standard Company through the CuftiUerland Valley. Tlje Colorado Democratic State Convention 1 1 nominated Judge Caldwell Yeaman for gLvernoiv ltcv. At M. Deford, of llortojivilie, Wis., was arrested on the charge of r using bank bills. A- compromise has beeiJ e flee ted be tween the Illinois Central Railroad and th trainmen, who made a demand fo ran increase of wages. John A. Wood w arc cashier in he city treasurer's ofiice, at Bos ton, in 1SS0, who disappeared a defaulter ftir $80,000, is now engaged in business in Buenos Ayres. - A meeting of Board of Trae e men from all parts of the country was held 'in Chicago to form a national association fo r the protec- tiou of shippers from railroad discrimination. The Democrats of the Seventh South Caro lina district renominated. Wm. Eflliott, whose eat was successfully contested by Thomas E Miller. -President "W oodru ft", fcjf the Mor mon Church, has issued & tatenient denying the charges that the Mormons are still prac ticing polygamy and not living up to the law Thomas Lewis, a lineman, cut into a live wire at Omaha, and was Instantly killed. The veterans of the Eighty-thiri New York volunteers dedicated at Freddricksbnrg a monument to Col. Joseph A. M ecl ch, who fell at the Wilderness. Philip b roaddna was caught between saws in a mill al Frederick s- burg, Va., and killed. -T he 1 ennsylvania Prohibition State Convention inlet at Harris buVg and nominated John I), (fill, of Wcst- more!and county, for governor. bH. C. Cox, in jail at Dallas. Texas, for tht murder of George Thomas, cut, his throat imd will die. At Ottowa, Ohio, Sherman Lines and D. L. Lee "had a quarrel and shot ! each other fatally. The Manhattan, Paraxon and Sun Oil Companies hae combined asla rival tothe Standard Oil Company. The cap tal is $5,000,- IXxi, The German Catholic Congress, at Pittsburg, adopted resol tit ions ask ing that Ger man Catholic societies be formed n every par ish in the United State.- -Jud e Thayer, o! Philadelphia, deci led that th "Kreutzer J Sonata" is. not n obscen txxk within the ' meaning of the law. i NOVEL WAR IN COLORADO. Conrt-hontc snl the Hot -"lKht About It. A feerious troub'e betwn the owns of Bos- ton and Springfield in Baca, w S nee Baca connty was made htiw go?ng or. frfm" Ias Ani- mas county by the last Gen there has t?en strife between t Al Assembly i4se two towns as to which houbi have the seat The act or- ranirin the county provided xhdt Sprinsrfield should be the county scat, and the election held hu-t full, it is alleged that the raanip- ulation ofth? ballots it was m : mr eriiia- the town ot has not the necessary to nr moved by dy available was a hotel nent county seat. The people o Boston claim that Springueld ..$0,000 worth of county proper! prevent the county seat irom Ik a minority, vote this fall. 1 he o building for a county court-ho building in l?iton. A few weeUl aco this was sold at a slier i as sale, mil wa bought by Sprincfield psrfie. i-ntur isy lelt ISprinirneM for Boston w ight a party ii machinery ill costing $I,tW, intending to move the building to the former town and use as court-house, thus preventing the county ty se-it itsue being raised this fall by reason of prominent im- nrovements iteine made, r K laU fr r were put driest in the under the botMinr. whieh is th etiuutr. and three stories hisH and twentv teams were hitched to it In IJe the house were stationed twelve uer. with AVinchester riries. . The build ins was moved abrut five miles toward Springfield, which is aUut in lies from Itoton, Mjhen the i people place discovered the trielt and of the latter immediately organ're-b All available horsrs and rides were brought iutorenui sition aiui pursuit was made. Upon overtaking the pa tty they eoui- niant:euabalt,which waa iif werfd by a vo' ley ef shots from the men in the b ti tiding. The Boston crowd then tired, Hnl ! raged, which ended in the Spri being driven from the building. fierce battle lgfield party 1 oal oil ws I hen procur L and- the flirs tithe t-uildin f iturated. which as ktt ou fire and entirely consumed. THE NEWS. TR1DE OF THE WEEK- Healthy Outlook For General Busi ness, and Activity in the West Dull 1pcala.'f !ve Stock Market In .Vw Yurk-t'ultou Goods fttrottg. The Failures for the Week. Special telegrams to J'radttee't't note some tnereae in tjhe volume of seasonable mer :hand;e and staple products distributed. Further reports if damage to cotton come from Louisiana, and the export movemenpt of grain continues slack on Loth coasts. Cen tral American trade has recovered from the effect of the late war there whieh rectt fa vorably on California's commerei il interests. At Omaha the tt x-k of corn-fed cattle is increasing and prices are 5 cents to 10 cents up. while heavy receipts of hogs depress quo tation of the latter. Receipt of cattle and hogs are both lizht at Kanea City, and prices are firmer. The more active movement in jobbing lines is anions dealer In dry goods except woolen , boots, bhoes and clothing. At New Orleans there is manifested a disposition, now that urgent wants have been filled, to await a more liberal crop movement betore anticipated requirement. Receipts of Colum bia River salmon at Jan Francisco are heavy. Raw sugar is dull and 1-16 lower on km all refining demand and more favorable beet crop report. At Chicago woolens and worsted have been advanced 121 per cent, and fine cottons are up 5 per cent. Coffee futures are up 25 to 40 points, while t-pots are only frac tionly changed. Stock speculation at New York is narrow and dull, with a marked tendency toward lower prices; the prevalence tof lower rates for money have no apparent effect in encour aging bnying. The 'influence of the foreign market is adverse and bear operators supply nearly all the activity. ; ..-.' Wheat has been easier and Jajc lower, and Indian cork is Jc off on the week. Reduced exports and reports of rather better yields abroad tha'i had been counted on explain this. Flour is weaker, but not changed in price. Exports of wheat (and rlour as wheat) aggre- fate 1,555,921 bushels on both coasts this week. ,ast year in the like week, the total was I,o50,7l4 bushels, and lflst week 5.175 bush els. The aggregate shipped abroad July 1 todate, one-quarter of thecurrent cereal year, is 24,l'(k3,301 bushels against 24,21 1,715 bushels in a like portion of li.v., 31,443,405 bushel in 188S, an 48,015,889 bushels in 1887. Indian corn exports this week equal 747,772 bushels, against 501,247 bushels last week. ; Cotton goo Is are, as a rule, very strong. Brown and bleached cotton is well sold up, and several makes have been advanced in price. Print cloth is weaker on enlarging stocks. General jobbing demand is up to the average and slightly in excess of last week, owing to good weather. Wab dress fabrics for Spring delivery arCactive with agents. Woblen goods are in moderate demand, and some makes of men's ' wear goods are more sought after. A feature of the week has been therbuyinj? of fine territory and pulled wools by worsted mills, with good advices from the London sales, which advanced quotations 4c Prices are strong and tend upward. The week's Boston sales are the largest for the year. Spot cotton is ic off on continued large crop movement, but October and later month deliveries are very active and l-10al -5c higher on reports of crop damage and good foreign advices. Business failures reported to Krwhtreet's IJUIHISC: XtO ill MIC JlilT-I , ' Wfc. n ..ii.-v tvwn., against 167 last week, and 180 this week last year. Canada had 31 this week, against 3C last week. The total number of failures in the United States January 1 to date is 744G, against 8306 in a like portion ot 1889. DISASTERS AND CASUALTIES. By THE collision between two trains in Chi cago, four persons were killed und ten or twelve others severely injured. . Is Lima, Ohio, Joseph Liuegcncr, a lx asked a little nirl named Miiuiick to look in side the barrels of u shotgun he carried. Ai she did so the gun was discharged aud the en tire top of her head was blown oil". ; ,TllE boiler of a freight locomotive exploited at Sherman Heights, Tennessee. Alt that could be found of the engineer and firemen' was a coat. The brakeman was b;iJly injured The locomotive M as blown to atoms. J AM K.s and John Giadson, father and son were killed by a wild engine on the Fast Ten nessec Railroad, near Oltewah, Tennessee They Were riding in a wagoui The horse hud jut cleared the track when the wagon wa; struck Michael FiTzrATniCK. a Bnernan in New York, while repairing a telephone wire, came in contact with an electric light wire. He re ceived a heavy shock, and w;w thrown liom the pole to the ground. He was badly burned about the neck, had his collar bone broken and received internal injuries. A dispatch from Fort Smith, Arkansas, says that during a storm in the mountains a party of 10 Turks who were traveling south with a lot of dancing In-ars lodged in ncrct-k bottom in one of the gullies. The heavy storm caused a torrent in the ravine, and seven of the men and all of the bears were 'drowned. A FEW days ago Henry Varner, a farmer, near Rankin, Illinbis, bought a new suction pump from an agent and put in a well near the kitchen. Soon niter, .when they began to use the water, Varner, his wife and three ehi' dieu were taken violently ill. "A physician, who was summoned immediately, pronounce I it a case of poisoning. The little girl du-d, one of the boys cannot live and it is doubtful if .Mr. Varner can recover. Investigation showed that 'rouyh on rats' had been put in the pump at the store." j Excitement was occasioned on a train at dluiiibohlt; Nevada, by an explosion in the mail car. A registered package addreed to Anderson, Texas, nent by Chellis .t Co., Truc kee, expbxled hile the mail clerks were at lunch. The opportune retnrn of one of the clerks prevented the destruction of the entire car. All the letters and packages in the same box were scorched. On examination of the package it was found to contain a conical shaped hard rubber tube which had been filled with explosives. THE 7-year-old daughter of George David son, who lives in Mentor, Indiana, was taken ill, and in eight hours died. ; Aii hour later a 9-year-old son was attacked, ana died in eight hour. Next day his only remainingcbihiren, three in number, were attacked, one after an other, and died. All the physician in the neighborhood admit that they never saw any thing like it, and don't know what it was or how to treat it. So great is the sorrow aod agi tation -ot Mr. and Mr. Davidson that it is lea red they will nut escape the fato of their children. ' News was received in Winnipeg, Mnni- ; toba, of the wreck of the steamer Keewatcn on Lake Winnipeg. J. S. Tyrell. of the Geo ! logical Survey, writes from Swampy Islaid, j Lake Winnipeg, that the yacht and a portion ' of the hull of the boat ha?. 'en Tou-id on the j i.-land. The boat b ft there on July last, Mr. Watts in cbarce. with a detachment of North west' mounted police, hi duty it was to whisky sinuggli-jg at the mouth of Sarfcatchemari river. A fearful stotra pv.ed over the l.tkeoi the seventh day alter the boat was last seen, ad it i thought that those on bxtard perished. So far a ktx'wo. only three men, all members of the Northwestern mouut td police, were on board. HE RAISED THEIR VALUES. A MiwUter Ckarged With Chaafrtn Bttk 2fot Tool Foattd oat llln. Rev. A. M. DeFord, of Hortonville, Vi, was arrested in Milwaukee, w hile en hi way to attend the Wisconsin Conference at W hite water, on a charge of raising bank biliit. On his person were found a number c mi' tilated tU and f20 bills, together ith 4 tot tie of mucilage and a pair of rior. He i 2S year of age and baa a wife and four children. FLtTY-FIRST CONGRESS. mat Smloav 217TH Day. The Senate rrsnmed coaii 1 eratioa ol the IIcue bill (with Senate soUti tute) to define an I regulate th jarifUicth-n of the courts of the United State the pending question leing on Ur. liormto'i amendment to substitute Rahimorc for Richmond as the place to hold court in the Fourth circuit. Theamendment was rejected and the substitute was paed. A conference wis aVetl, and Messr. Evartv Hoar and Pueh were appointe.1 eonfrr-e cm the part of the Senate. The Senate resumed consider ation of the bill (whieh was r artiatt v dis cussed some week a?oj to estHsh a United States land court xud ,to VVii' for the et tiement of pri vate: fa nt cjims in certain tates and territf ie. During the discussion Mr. Hale's joini resolution appropriating tl,0(X)f( for the purse of nickel for the Navy Department was taken from the table and referred to 'the committee on naval affairs. Adjourned, j i 218TU Day. In the Senate' the request of the House for a conference on thededciency bill was complied with, aud Messrs. Hale, Al lou and CWkrell were inpointed crnferee on the i art of the Setmte.I 'be land court bill was alo argued, but no rote was taken. Mr. I ngal la presented as a question of privilege the conference report on the bill for the estab lishment of Rock Creek Park in the District of Columbia. On the suggestion of Mr. Gor man the report went over without action. After a brief executive session the Senate at 5.30 adjourned. . 219tii Day. The conference report pre sented to the Senate yesterday on the bill to establish the Rock Creek Park in the District of Columbia was taken up and agreed to, and the bill now goes to the President for hi ap proval. The House joint resolution appro priating $4,000,000 for the purchase of nickel ore and nickel matte for naval purposes hav ing been received from the House was laid be fore the Senate (at the request of Mr. Hale,) and Mr. Cameron offered an amendment to it providing that such nickel ore or nickel matte so purchased shall be equitably distributed the contractors of' nickel steel armor plating. The discussion was continued for some time, and finally Mr. Hale consented to let the joint resolution go over till to-morrow, 6aying that he would call it up immediately after the routine morning business. On mo tion of Mr. Blair, the House bill to amend "An Act to prohibit the importation and mi gration of foreigners and aliens under contract or agreement to perform labor in the United State, its territories and the District of Col umbia," wa taken from the calendar, j After considerable discussion and after several amendments had been agreed to the bill went over rnd the laud court bill was taken up. After a long discussion of no public interefct the bill went over without action. 220th Day. The House joint resolution authorizing theSecretary of the Navy topur chase nickel ore or nickel motte for use in the manufacture of steel armor was taken up by the Senate, and Mr. Cameron's amendment, tiered yesterday, was disagreed to, and the resolution w as passed. The remainder of the hour ussigued to the calendar was consumed in the discussion of the bill restricting immi gration. Several amendments were adopted, but a final vote wat rot reached. The land court bill was then taken up, and on motion of &lr. k rye it was recommitted to the com- j mittee on priyate land claims. A labor bill was then taken up and discussed, but there being no quorum no vote was taken. Home Sessions. 226th Day. The House went into com mittee of the whole (Mr. Allen, of Michigan, in the chair) on the Senate amendment to the Deficiency bill. The French Spoliation Claims amendment was advocated by Messrs. McComa, Morrow, Hitt, Bunnell, Milliken and Cogswell, and attacked by Mr. Pay son and Mr. Henderson', of Iowa. The French Spoliation Claims amendment was non-con curred in yeas 111, nays 87. A conference was ordered and, Messrs. Henderson of Iowa, Cannon aim Breckinridge were appointed conferees. Senate bibs granting a pension of 2,000 a year each to Jessie Benton Fre mont and the widow of General Crook -were passed. The Senate bill was passed provid ing that naval vesselsof the first rate shall be named after states of the Union, those of the fecopd rate after cities, those of the third rate after important events or names connected with the naval history of the United States, and those of the lourth rate after lakes and rivers. The House adjourned at 5.20. 227th Day. The Housj proceeded to the consideration of the conference report o the land forfeilure bill, whic i after w ins debate was adopted. Mr. Payne, of N w- Yer'c, chair man of the;-p c"a' committee appointe 1 to in vestigate the Sileott defalcation, called up the biil defining it ed tides of the sergeant-at-arms, and it was passed. Mr. Bout Ke, of Miine, chairman on naval affairs, reported a bill, which was passed, appropriating $1,0110,000 to enable the Secretary of the Navy to purchase nickel ore or nickel mitter for the manufac ture of nickel st ?el armor, and asked for unan imous cons: nt for its consideration. Adjourned. 228th Day. After some discussion and much opposition the Senate bill was passed (with amendments) authorizing the incorpora tion of trust companies in the District of Col umbia. 1 At this moment Mr. MeKinley, of Ohio, entered the chamber with the confer ence report on the tariff bill under his arm. He submitted the report and it was ordered printed. Mr. MeKinley then gave notice that to-morrow immediately after the reading of the journal he would call up the report for consideration and final disposition. The reading of the report was not completed when the hour of six o'clock arrived and the House took a recess until 8 o'clock. The House at its evening session passed 112 private pension bills, and at 10.30 adjourned. 22rH Day. After the necessary routine work iu the House this morning Mr. MeKin ley gave notice that he would demand 'tho previous question on the conference reKrt on the tariff bill at 5.30 o'clock. Speeches in opposition tothe bill were made by Messrs. Turner of Georgia. Herbert of Alabama, Cum ming, Fith and Covert of New York, Wil kinson of Louisiana. Crane of Texas. McAdoo of New Jersey ami McMillin of Tennessee. Messrs. Hitt of Illinois. Peter ot Kansas. Swenev and Dolliver of Iowa, Cutcheon of Michigan, Candler of Mississippi, Evans of Tennessee, Gear of Iowa, More of Massachu setts, Lind of Minnesota and Dingley ot Maine spoke in its favor. Mr. MeKinley then took the floor to nuke the closing speech in advo cacy of the bill. At the conclusion of his speech Mr. MeKinley demanded the previous question, and it was ordered yea 1-M. nay 79. The conference report w then agreed to yeas 152 (the Speaker votiag in the affirma tive,) nays 81. Mr. MeKinley then reported from the committee on war and means a resolution providing fr final adjournment on Tuesday next, and it w adopted without division, and the House, at &5o adjourned. SHOOTING AT A PRESIDENT. K Volley Fired at ! Daring Mn. ran Celebration. A prominent railway official who ha just reached San Antonio from the City of Mex ico relate a tartHn? story f an attempt on the life of President Diaz. The story, in briC it as follows: During the natioral cele bration, on the litb iiitnt, o immense crowd of people of all clar surge! -ourd the Executive Palace at night to do Lorn ace to Dir.' During the climax c-f the fcaiiviuVs, while band were playing and firework were popping and sitting the loo Jet the President, accompanied by hi perwwal ttaS". stepped oat on Vj the lront piaxxa ia repiwe, todeafesing Calf, to wites th pyrotechnic dwpUy. No sooner had hi martial form appeare-1 on th gallery before a volley of tnakrtry raaded above the din of noc, fireworks aad yell, aad bit of brick aad timber begaa to fly around hi head. He retreated hurriedly to. bis rooia, fallowed by hi staff". Three ballet whined djingeraoly near him. Forty men are known to have been concerned in the tnar derota pio, fifteen of whom are now in iail, aad the other are fleeing precipitately treat the with the miiiua oa their track, CABLE SPARKS. Ax epidemic of oteiJe prevail fa tpr!!n. FLrKrsTecaaing great damage in France. The coal laborers at Gibralter have gone on tr ke. The municipal election t Sofia resulted in favor of the government. There no dis order. A KlCH deposit of mereary ha leen foutvl three feet below the turfsee at Manche, near Wippach, Austria. Til F, Stcamhip Owners Association at Syd ney, 2'.S'. V ., lias concluded a three year agree ment with the eneineer. A dispatch from Algiers isyt that a cy clone ha swept over a large portion of Al gcriavdoibg an immense amount of damage. A notice has been posted in the govern ment arms factory at .S panda n, Put, that women will no longer be employed at night work. THE Scotch fumaeemen have struck foi higher wages. The furnac- are being blown out. The iron market at Glagow is excite-J in consequence of the strike. TilEErcirof Bokh';' ha conferred upon M. Vyhnegradki,Kussian minister of finance, the grand Iiokharnn order, decorated with brilliant and many valuable presents. A DISPATCH to the London 77e from Cal cutta says that the government is inquiring into the question ot age in Hindoo marriage, aud will probably legislate on the subject. A BBtTln man-of-war has been ordered to proceed from Zanzibar to Vitu to inquire into the recent massacre there of a German mer chant and seven German employes by native. Tit KEE-FOCKTiisof the city of Colon, Apin wall, has been destroyed by fire. The mili tary opened fire on a mob eugaged in looting burning building, and several persons were killed. The St. Petersburg Vilomotti says that China has secured o much of the trans-Baikal trade tl at the governor of the district has petitioned Russia to prohibit the immigration of Chinese. The Su'tan of Turkey has granted double the usual pensions tothe families of the mem bers of the crew of the warship F.rtogroul.who lost their lives by , the recent foundering of that vessel at sea. A special commission, comprising mem bers of the Russian government and the gov ernor of the Russian provinces which the Jews inhabit, has been appointed to consider the position of the Jews in Russia. The prospects of the new chemical union has been issued, showing a capital of S,5'jO, 000, of which 7,000,000 will be issue against the works, etc, and the remainder against the stocks of chemicals and lor a working capital. The Labor Congress at Sydney, N. S. W., finished it work alter decidiug to call out shearers, shedmen and other employes in the wool trade, but it is considered doubtful whether the men asa body will respond to the call. Experiments were made at Magdeburg with a new quick-firinggun of 5.3 contimetres calibre in the presence ot officers from Amer ica; England, Russia and other countries. Fifty shots a minute were fired, and the trial was a great success. Hox Alfred-Jons Fbaxcis Egektox, member of the Briti hHouseof Common for the Eccles division ot Lancashire, which he represented as a conservative since 165, is dead, lie was a brother ot the Erl of Elles merc and was formerly a lieutenant iu the Grenadier Guards. TEN DAYS ADRIFI AT SEA. Horrible Eiprrlrncrofa Vnrlitli Party. The Sole Survivor. Matther Watts, the so!esurvivor of thecrew of the yacht Keewatin, arrived at Selkirk, Man., and tells a tale of terrible suffering. Ac companying Wattson the trip north wereCor poral Oliver Murphy, son of a prominent law yer of Toronto, ami Private Rene, of Montreal; son of Lieutenant-Governor Royal, of It-trinit; both members of the Northwestern Mounted Police. The yacht was wrecked i a heavy gale on September 6th on Lake Winnipeg. The boat capsized. Murphy and Rene got on the side while Watts clung to the cabin. Rene could only hold on four hours, when be slip ped of! and was seen no morci After thi Watts got np otitheside of th" lnt with Mur phy, where they lo!li tied themselves and re mained for two days, after hieh time M ur phy became restless and rolled off, saying, Matthew, I am going, an i hope you will be spared to tell the tale." Watts th.-.i strapped himself to the boat with a rope, and was at the merey ot the waves for ten days, when he was picked up at Split Rock Point by some In dians, a short distance from the shore, almost lifeleas, Wing all this time without anything to cat. The Indian took him to their canij: and applied rcstorati ve they had, and -? r'i fer him until the steamer Aurora arrived ami took hint aboard. Watts is ixty-ix yeats ot tge. - MURDERED BY BURGLARS. Three Masked 3Ir Take lh Lite of an Ohio Farmer. John M. Krinn was murdered near Logan, Ohio. The old gentleman, his wile, and grandchild, Jennie, lived about three miles from Logan, Hocking County. The country is a wild, nioutitaiiiou one, and this part is thinly settled. Mr. Kriua was a rich far mer, and it was known thit he had just sold a lot of stock at Logan. The family went to. bed at nine o'clock, and tbout midnight three marked burglars en tered the house. The old man w over powered by the three burglar and hi head beaten into a jelly. Hi wife alo knocked down, hut not eerioiisly injured. The young woman, Jenni, came running out of her room, and he was caught, bound and gagged. a general ransacking of the house then took place. At last the murderer threatened to take Jennie's life if the refused to tell where the money was. She told them where f-t") were, but did not tell where 1.000 were hidden. The desperadoe then left. Jennie imme diately ran out and rang the large be!! in the yard before Le really knew whether the rob bers had left the rrem;e or not. One of the neighbor rode with all hi might for a doctor t Ixgan. but when the physician carac bis r'-' patient wa deal. MARKETS. BI.timoj?e Floor C;ty Mina,eitr.$.V7 fkULK Wheat Southern 1 nitt, 5.v-tI.t..O l3orn Southern White, i7f-fc ":., Yellow, '57 ft ..Vic Oit Sunt hern and Pennsylvania rf,ile. Rye Maryland and Peantyl rani 71,'72c. Hay Maryland and Pennsylvania Vij.M',ttXX Straw Whit, 7Atf?-'jM. I; utter Eatera Crearuery, 2- ft, -ar-by receipt l.V14e. Cheeae l"jurtt Fancy Cream, liKi'iJ--,Weserw,'.'ic. Eg? R 2. Tobacco. I-eaf I ntrrkr, 1 GJ Coot own, Aft.$"Jf Middling. r.f.. Good to fine rl. v .- Fan.y 2ilZx New York Flour S-utrcrt Gd te el'ice extra, 4f- !--- Wheat No. 1 U hit IJVlJUc. Rye Stale tWn-Soutb-ern Yellow. h'(i. ,Zi. tat White. Mat VVe- Butter SteT 12- IS. Cher State, fJ'uic Egg 2at21e- ruiLAPrxrHU VUnr Pcniwyivast finer, 4J5f UJ- Wbrtt, Pes twy 1 v an ia td Southern Red, ljrtflHr. Rye Penuflva tia, vCx'uc Corn jkttTa Yellow. i, 53jc Oat 41it43c Batter State, 22s. Cheese New Y ork Factory, I -ic' i State. 2222 ic CATTLE. Baltimoec Bf L&G&lJSa. gheep VffJtH'C Hor-L-f.K7':. Newt YVEi:B-f.'l7,jca Sheep 4JtMf-.fe.'i-t2. Hog U-f. Eajt Lieekty IJerf .'.'U0. Slu LriEDE IrESD. IUo Jn ro jewtler, ka bowght from Pclro lor V tk jewel of the dceaed t-fpff HTCAKAGOi SHAKEN. 3Icst of tha Dwellisp Houses ia th City of Granaia la Ruins. Th Town rr!y Devested Kar K.-wptlon In the IZttlnrt Voleauoof i lloaabaeho - tlcairy !(. There have heea omitif tt waraing f don vuU,os of nature going on ander the crfce of a-portiouof Graua la. Nicaragrsc.doritig tl." pat aeveral dy which ha driven peop'e of Grsaft4A from their home, 1 he carthq-takr tcgaa their rambling on Sun ly in the lo cal. ty and Have since resulted iu the ii jury. f n.-arly every Louvc ia the cty of li.visj o!. Granada is built at the lni-of the jroal vo'. cai.o, Uombachn, a hich has teen coniucd aacxlioct fur centuries, n truptioo having takeu plae in it iiee the flivrry of ttc roactry. Hut there is now ci!v drra t l-t the long-eled crater al prn and bury the to u in lava aod a- . The first evidence ot the ranhuutt ! turbatice which have lcen uoing o btieatli rranad was given on Sunday, hen tmctl the laireat lay of the year was broken in o:i by a trembling of the earth aud tit o:uiuo rumbling note a of dit-nl thun Ier prereed ing from the volcano. S-veral srrie of trem- bJtug were then felt, but trt any of them ut- ficent to do barm to dwellings, although it created a panic among the inti!itaut. A heavy shock came next morning that cancel great injury to nearly every houe of the eity, and was felt at Managua, Rivaa, Maya. and other towns sixty and seventy iiiilt-s ditnt from t lie volcano Momharho. iucrhocW equally heavy followe1, though r.o lamage ha been done outside of the citv, a here there is hardly a house with wall uncrackcJ or with tile root uninjured and partly throw n into the street. A common icht i to ee whole fumilie. headed by father or brothers, carrying bun. lies of betid ng and the inot uecessary of household goods, every member lK-aring a art of the burden. Thte who have teeu unaole to get away have pased the niehts slceplesely snd fearfully on cot p'ced at dxrwavs in thi street, or public places, where groups tf camper are huddled together, away trout the danger of falling wall. Fp to the present time 10,0 0 jeron have left the city by the railroad traiua alone, the Government running the trains out of town as rapidly as the facilities w ill permit. Iu ad dition to that number, 2,000 have gone by other means, seeking reluge in neighboring haciendas, the railroad facilities having tcen insufficient for thetask of effecting an ciadus. The depot is crowded with men, women and children, theaged and infirm, the invalid from a bed of siekne, with bundle of beddiugand most necessary clothes, urged forth by -the wildest fear, many anxious to get even room to hold onto the train to be takcu from the place. On all hands the roost pitiful aight ares-en of those whose houses have been partly 1 de stroyed, and as the quiveringof the earth is again felt and that ominous, uistant rnmbliug lrom the volcano i heard the weak aud help less cast anxious glances toward the crat-r'a crest to detect any beginning of tUe greater calamity they fear. The population of the city ha now been jeduced, it is estimated, to 3,W0, the remains ef a city of 15.0OJ jopula tiou tour day ago. Although thecalamity hasbeen great enough anl caused a great panic, there hae been no cases yet of falling w alls or of any deaths eon sequent upon the earthquake shock. The Government has done all in its p wer to keep erJcr and prevent the plundering of !esited houses. Two hundred soldiers have been sent from Manaqua, and w hen any one i caught in the act of stealing justice is promptly admin istered in the form of a llogging. WORK AND WORKERS. TllKstieet car drivers iu Iuville, Ky., have Ix-en granted an advance of half a cent an hour. Thk 37 public school principals in Milwau kee threaten tostrike unless given an advance of w ag s. ONK hundred and oventy-f ur polisher in the finishing department of Jou and Ionghliii' American Iron Works, in Pitts burg, are oh strike. They demand 10 hours' pay for nine hours' work. THE engineer and conductor of the Chi cago anu iNoriiiwcuern ,i;aiiway system formed au organization, whieh will fe known as the lirc.therl.cxKl of Womotive Engineer. and the Order of lUilay O.nductora' Committees representing the Chicago and Northwestern engineer and firemen hail a conference with official of the road. They want an increase in ealarie of from five to fifteen dollar per month. The Company will grant an increase, though not to the extent asked. THE Executive Board of the lnitd Mine Worker of America has issued a circular to the miner in Illinois directing them to de mand an advance, to takeeffeet on November lt, and to hold themselves in readin t-i suspend operations on the same date if such a measure be deemed necessary to enforce their demand. A lISIATCll from St, John, New Bruos wick,y that reeentMrikesin baildiiigtrad and brickmaking concern in the Lued Slate have demoralized the lirne, quarrj in? burning business in M- John's rl vrr. A num ber of the work hate already cfef-l down, and operations are restrict d in all of them.' THE official of the Hlinwa -Central Rail road have proposed, in repJyvto the re tuet of their employes for an ad vane in ware, by a certain percent. "The officers are re ticent a t' the term. Trey intimate that the men ask an increase of 'ii to percent-, but refuse to say how much the e i any i willing to giant- The men are twn ing t e prop tia." OJtK hlrsj and twenty-five wirehci-n in the employ of Ibe Uttioa Pacific a Denver, Colorado, went ou trike (na f the re-iijtatement of A.ta5l ?apersnt-i.l-ent Burn, who was uendeI pending an investigation of cl arge made by the men. The charge were di proved. The company ured Rear men and had car ig fi r a delay of an hour. THE General Grievance Commit.'ce f Fo giiieer, reprenticg the ' throttle puller"' r,n the ei.tire Chicago and Northwestern y trm at their meeting in Chiegf, chngel their name to tbGenersl Aljutraeot t a mittee. These offi era were r'.et?l: II. E. Willi, of Clirstoo, Iowa, t bairman; M. I it gerald of ?C Pant. V.e "Ir-letit; i. P. M ...r.e, vf Huron, Dakota, irmis'y aod Treas urer. . , A l'IsfTCH from Sex tdsle. Penmyl aia, says that the KntghUof Iai-.r rd the Na iHrxt Prgreaive I'ttUm, of tne eke re-iwn, have amalVataated. Tfse etKi f th t lm bus t'onvfatio were and th c-k reg'Mrgaiirt-r: at.) hrriter be detg-uate-1 Ditrt 4. Fnsfed M'ne V.ef. 1 tie r'ta.itioo of tier- two m ning ct iu or j 1. 1 - j tiuii roeiSia a ejaisaa4a i awtu . 'i Xaetsbrra. ' URDERED FOR HERM0KEY. 1 Jtrw. Jlllter' lwlllaa Itrnaalat F.a)t4. lav la .. A horrible crime. rceoblieg ia its detail the taardkroee y car go f Antd Ijefi-yt " wstbrottrhl to light by the fciriJagcf th rnetilated Uly of M rv John )I Ucr ia a dct. od tear her Lctcr, In I'aaare U" N. J. Htr etpty jjekellk probably furmihe the rjotv lr the msae, as exxminatt.jsa L td li.t bo violeec had trd .fe Fraok Uttg, th borly ttgr. h u Iruoety til"trd of tb- tairlrr f i i Ireuuc'yJ ha bren arrel-.l aad lrWc.l ap eLarga tt4 rau.irf Mr. Milr lth- 1 he autbrjt d feot jy w bt ev4rf they batre sjtial liiir j.rovcer, bat st J iLotfght thai it i trvug eituoU to Laag kitaw SOUTHERN rTE?:i i-TTKitwno si:v roMru.r.n Kittm mist t itri:v I l!gw, VaUto hare a h-s lra M'ni 1 Tenp!. Th 'e of p-srats it N ' .k, V . !t J Vrf : rs U-.1--1 t !.( v ' I --Tl:r t.lf debt f A'.-r If it, V, i . The Lvh-igh. N. C rf toi rt..i: arc ts-iw luj fcC tl.iuy fcttc- ix l.sitAirr 1 piu i, i J 'jn Th en'.rt f-r tV T,-.!r-f :.n ef tV e r..-?t Luc bjlr--l t I .y: swar-b-d. 1h" Isrsd itnpfvemr-. f-r:';intof tHfr.t, N. t" , hs d-1 tm !-,.l t .1 a ,' e-t-un tactory. The Farmers Allif t-.rec.f Nott-- v c-ntv, Vawiil thvtlly r;-t;itf p f v: lirce !;-.! fo I, frmm re fjil.r? '' tUmi, auJ .ft,noqi.f the crop'ti !- ib" t-r--est for m- r. yrsr. The ; rehui -!' t , f O. t. I'.r ct Ley prin"-, i: ..i, vw. Ld-tt, V, wa ti-:royrl l-y ! ir, The I'hsmUf f t'titimff"- ef 1 : i, -l. V, has p t ilc on Main !rt ! r the erretiv'i of it licw biild;i. Iron ore i .' J t- hre l-t f -nn t w itin the corporate litn-t -f I f i-t !. V . ats-l sr. rangnucn are tfeitig t t mnn- St, There are now a?xut thjrtr s;-.riu co-intf fairs held ia North t 'a-.iuiv. U u;. t-r th Up'er of permhriM :--r -1 i-t.. Wru. 1 llurg. of Vir;;i.-. bi U-f n ti.i!i intel ty th. l-t:o-rat of 1 ;jr..n, Ami , as thrir eatiTtiilste ft-.r 4itr;c-t it..rtiry. W. B. Farmer, of t iren.l-oro. N. t '.. clock that riiti l.uu-lre.t ! without ltini; wound up, and k- - eif-rJirfit tiuie. Senator Ken it a will d his rt hi t!.r Wot Virginia c invn. He as!! i:uU all tn Hcche h: physical c-si'lit;.-n will- p-rmit. A. P-11 ill Ca:up,Conf-Utte V trr ! . e inauenrate 1 a movement f r the rtn-fi.-n f . monument in Pvtirst-urg, V, toti'H. A. P. Hill. , Jame S. Cattertn, a r. d u -rt i- r in t "j1 Vert county. M l., fouiil un r a !m i; Lir e teen snakts, an albr anl a butnUv' 1 r' lu-t. The free mail delivery v?m g in' t ojteratiou ioi th lir.t of No,efuh r n-it in Durham, N. ., if the a! i rtuan will u ukr lU required at range .nents. Mr. Cha. M. Crnmn lii r-ignel I t p.i. tioii a auditor of th ItieliMioud and l3!ji; R.ulroa.l C.'inpauy, at'ser an active Si.t- tf years in the radroa 1 rire. The DtlVuIl l.ttcine Wofk..f .nei'le. Ohio, giving rmp?r im-iit to , , r s I !nt il f I hatuls, will f fflii'H ed t- R ,e ke Va.,acoi, tract to that r fleet hating 'si ii.e..l. A meeting was held at l!rri.oti!mr Va , at which liiovemnit tiimit-nrle, f, r th. Contructioti of a raroad frm tUst . -e ta Elkton on th -eiian Valley IUi't vl. A railroad i imw l-inj c..nt t ; t - t fro".i Esgle Itock, on the Piciuoond and .lr'.ioy Railriad, I i Ncralle, "a., th - o.'iMr s it f Craig oiunty. It ' Vj be com t-d l.y Janu ary next. Eilort are lein? made to have the f,nf l rrateCVmetery in Nel.oti c .ntity, beta t-. n New Market and Variety Mill. V , i.eutlr fenced in and a luormmriit rret-tcd t tl.e -J. I buried there Second f.ieutenntit J. A. 1 1 sf liinn, ,we ?: t h Cavalry. V. S. A.. 1 a been i. MiU 1 f '- r of ndlitary tae! i aoi s: t- at t... it-jL-tnin A grieti !t ur- at. 1 Mechaoieal . .t Bl.-iekbut g, Va. --Ovi-r fyirty thousand t of ll - IVirf-r' A I! sauce fert i 1 rt r, ma mi';;' ! nr. .1 a t 1 1 1 U N. t "., w re -.) 1 !a t i .!!, b nd it i ' n a -I t'tat the ,iaifity w.ll f:r exe el s i. iUr coming pring. A ii Ii tc ran t tr p-i t-r w r'i (iVit ntid k i : It-I I V the I: rib Ik ; i ! K i! . ' i train, alfiut teu iniis e t i . 1 . ' . 1 N . t . j lie was Walking h the fr lv but -ii 1 t. t J h" d the w hlt'e. Ti e Coal c . t pTiy j-r 1 1 v, ..'i'- 1 f Mendow braneh, Jlor.-n c.rl't'v, W. Vi .nn I iontaiiiiti,' .V,i' a rt w 1 f-.r tlic lufnifr (Ulilf ll'l I 1 ,eii r, t !.e J'. ft-.l her, leing thpir eliHi r. , . ' .... 1 - armer in tli- tfiii it o? i. ,..'!, .. ., fire complaining of th- difliculty i-i j r. ;?; . haiids .i' k nl'iii, b It I...U i-. trii' y (:imi fifty rrtits a hundred Itl st;f s 1 f forty, a f.erefofore, i o.1 re 1. .evrne .e., , ."" r I w. org...l at L, oehhurg . .l, . I t acre tf valunbte co-l ai:d i"n land s -i Wie, Dickinott, aod !:; SI, Huthw-teru Vlrgtuis, Ii h iff t ! '! VelojMl. ( Hiram Irt'ow, w rn i'!t fnu ining a gun at hi h-ooe, is r l i!k i -i CaiiiplretJ cotintr, Va , eei i ,ts'.iy "s ! i- eighteen-j car-oil i!r. Tie w . , J ;t i t fatal. Jli Browntow was to hit See:. r itr rie 1 this a eek. A lartre barn .n the farm of A. 11. Mrr, near Weat Notti i.fl.aai, C- tl r -nf.ty, !! d., was deatmyetl l.y fire, tfg-ther th ll ! crop, including mih of hay. Tl 'Urn one of the Coet in t e-il 'i The r f i opp-d to have Uin of i'' nLsry r iu, 1 he larn wa partially insured. Tli'r r-eeie. at t!.'- N r'S ' r !i -, state library, from A. L i'rr.. f M -"? ewjunty. a bill of lading dat--d -: 1 n. 5 7 - , v inr cr.dorem t l t- hy t - . i (iol, in gorelor ltr a'd.welt o..,l t r." Another Hiper i an id wiU in '"', ) -- -ginning. "In r ru-, t,t the i !.'. f, - i i Holy Gbt." - It hS bern d t- ri'ili.ed C '-' 'e te f-f,. pf fYwif ! i f t.i.i in N ( ' srv.'i.i, for the farmer within a rni!e,f M't! 'l City. The ehrur .f th. i .. ' r -f grn'- l"tbr?iy Ji. lkJ-h w en .r. i-l. eafdtal -f -.'.. Hi' b-ii; au.' m arfr,i-l f hr ne-.i-n. n ' f t; r buTxlred tudeti?. Nifff rjt,t.vl except tt'iekb'i if, a.d they rjs j - r ! one each t-rt cv ry l-re , t ! - k I . ;t are lS'f h, st.-d y pft-n-t !o !.-.c-y a dcairtd. EIGHT MEN KILLED. A a Operators tltk ( m Trll oMUi. AtUt &f o'S'rk ti.e t.'A.rr t-. : tr,t. x a fri"l.t ffti ftrruffr.) rn li c I'.i'tl -;wrf if- 1 h', enf I'l-axt Valley, ''.. Hr '.'ft were gi en e?t s-l ! if , '.'t !- t Risrk Htn-J. Lttt p- f f Kfflljr t thtt place fail"! r deliver th -rd r l- e rat-b'urid trslo. r i.e i ; !- ,.?.. aod telegTphe- tl.e -jrfi.f lt- t?.- w -v . ! 1 b wreck p?et? !;. ! jell i it J,tU lie l a mere y, I-h t r.g- r..i -,! i ...-;.!..' r frr. IIej With Witt, !-. i (ii'l' were p led p 1 1 If.e i'?esi.f f ,,sr'u 1 . r? t tfj u ki.:ie-J af.d Sn i ; u -. 1 Tb tran u-t a '.rj, t' -et.lwubi traia had a.ff;'-i ff a pic vf i, t..t r e;thr a ' ' - 1 ta pel. thr r er . t.e-1 t-- ' rt awfai f.rre, a 1 tfte frjgt car t . u.e u jin. -bef of tety.fif r f i!e l up t the he,-M Iweety-i, e or thirty teet. A DUEL WITH H-STuIA rwTr4MBUN latal))ilTM ll!r VAaaiatt kt ... At Ottawa, Ohio, ?Lemta lf.- and V. L. Le, farr.m.te Ja:.,.:-., whea Le drew a revoS tr u i t-fed a l i wif alu puSicd a r evl e -atsd !,:: iif..-. Jfix ah.wt ff r tfLiajol si.-i U.i; i:iV.f WOodel, lkih Wiit 'rate 1 : I i trouble grea out of 1 p'ari . ,:ar ..itr t-n ia tl ptiixy lri.ti; tr.j.u L.ui' 9 hi boot te ) Ui LWre.

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