) t Y - r ; CAROLINA BANNER l'l'SMA6H:il ETKIiV FKIHA V. Li7Kr Of CJWfcJfTl.itf ; (STRH.'TLY IX A!VA'K) Cue Year, fl.on. His Mont!.", i-O tit. "1 t.r.v Mouths tiVT. , PiiVlhcr'H Aniioiiin eniml : Atlvcrtt.?:i c.,ti am;:i; I.tcal matter IS ct tt line t- rruUr a-iveni-vr". ,V.rir f r - vt-ry ot l r-t a rt :, ,u v .-;tfi fire vnt j-r ' Tnu::nt ad v-rti iH,ti .urn ::;. kui v.attr by pirii-i not luivin r-jruhir a'lr-r-tiiiioii'i. f p-r tin. 4tri in-rliori. a:.J ntrie i.i'N-d f r Ifmu 7-' c.-j.:. S'..ti.- .f j,j4-rs.x'-, iit.- An-., not x rwl:nt; lim-u lni. '.Till ii ii! .rt. At t i rsiT fift-r:i !.- . vrr N to :t hli will !n i,AA fr at tl.c r-t cf Un nt p-fr line. - -. Corrc?!il f froiii the vno'i v-t.oji n .h 'f iur.il twv-h and ti-i:- 'f e ' .'" artJiritM. A-i I r.:u.riti: ;u th.-y wi;! 1. pyV.i-V- !. Wrlii: n:i!y n u;- f:ts A the ir. Ail .i'.urn'i'-MU'.: :-t !- ac yst.jil br tl ySu iii:ur .f f l.j'a;r .;.r, tho-i ??i rv.l"w.--. :.:'v f-r j.;i..u".t.on, T?i editor is HI l vr; ' ;-o:i,t '! t.ui Tivrs e-f.r---l by .:r ; : u Aivf rtiw:ni-i!tt'. to w cl.n ' . !.oti.l " hu bd ' nt l;L,,-iii-''-n- Ytrly A lfrtirtitif art hut at iht end of Kh (Jiirttr, and Prompt I'ujrineut i$ KrptrfU. tln re. TAHIlOBorcsiI. KOKTIt CAUOLI27. KJD1T, - - - "QCTOBIK. 10, WO. DKKfKJItATlC JtOMIXEE. H. R. HHYA.K, rnii Romcikom, 2kd DisTBior.. J. m: GUIZZAKl). ol Ilalifex. I.KGIHLATiVK TIUKI'.T. Senate Dr. U. II Simigbb J. T. Howard, Houae esm Brakt5 COirXTY TICK KT. Rherlff W." T. Knight. Clerk Buperior Court il Pen- nington. KogUtor of Dettls J J. Pitt man. Treasurer S S. Nash. Coronor Dr. V. J. Iiwrenci?. Surveyor -Ti- A'!'1.1- : sir:oiAiiMTici'. The Kditor 'dislikes' to dun. There are many subscribers who were indulgea. last year on ae count of the very, very poor crops they made. Crops are now good, he expects subscrip tions to be paid promptly." In fact they -must be jaid- Now when you come to town coiihj anil pay tip Do not wait nnttoboth of Us Hut you must lay up hebraska doesn t pose either -t x . i .... l. f.. l I ..,.! US iiemocraue or uoiuuuii, imh . the fact that McSliane, the Deni- ; ocratic caiulidade for Governor'; in 18StST received o((() more votes tliatdid Cleveland for President" looks as if nianv Democrats did doubt him. and it's safe to sav would do so again . Significant " tld ..,.,- i . - . ! x : i , i .1 Congress lias adjourned, but j lelt oeiiina ir smeiiinig iv which it may b remembeivd Its total appropriation were 0l,:Hl,r(Ki. This is an increase of'$40,i:bii:l iver that of the previous congress: Among tlies-j wetind for5 pensions, i8,-t.T,- Cm Venlv the lav ol appro- priations is'at hand iiiiiiwiM ii imiii m m m m i mm i ! i W. Duke, Suns & Co., have done the grand thing by their employees in the form of stork in the American tobacco compa tiv Th following wa thtir notiUcation to their manv em - nlnv.r Dt-Ar sir! We have placed in the bunds of Mr. J. . Duk. as irus.K slmrta of conimoa sloe'v of th Aiin'rican Tobttccti Compsnv for your nccount. This stock will le iesul to jou'l5ohitlj toon nfter 8ept. let, 1891; iu th mnnti uir th divi dends will boullcta bv Jr. J. B. l)nk and p;d to veu. It give vb iial pJeiujrw to present t yon. k yoa have rvel our ir.te(ts fith fullr . iu the pas!, nod wo bt!iev h.iTH done jour h?A to sit u in developing our bttgtncrd to its pr. s- ent magnitude. Tho consciousness of hario done tltity is lvuvs pitNiing to any innti, yetit ia even more gratifying to know tun: such is Hpprri-iaUM by his !nployors. We tut our ifl.ntott n the futnr. nmv ;e an pioaH.e:ms m the put mu that j ti.. uttul ltu it; th; wc may he mutually ai hrlpful t I f 'k- hftu rb roi,r Si vuch other; Vou:s trntv. ; ,.,"k.,44; iH.-rtttati-nt ;i V Divp ! V M Geo. S". Vatts WHO NOW! Maj. Roger, the Democratic candidat.-? foi cngress, in this district, being unable to enter actively ujtn a campaign has ' tnde nd bis ivMtr!Ui?in. but the "Weld m A'r.r. .say.s a . telfgram 1. J Jj executive c ill m it tee w ere in session at AVil .s(ii eines tiny for Hie purpose and putting forw. win.. 5 If his signal ion we I.mijk,' Hun. V. J (aiintjt be rvnil allow hi name to connection with tllo There beinj i:' tiiis rii'.-e ? i f tic tli' v ; Timet in some p:ace of planning S il political j- lSpCCSptCd, r i f 1 1 1 ri liounietl to 1 !3 no.v r. a I j. : lV.j h:t Jv. ALo'uf the i h-.iliirt! ii cii:nj-h-i$ ei by C'i:nlic, ufi tl;. tlitrict. for C'Mie l a ko.t vjija.i'H ctiun rcttini : t !!re:'S;o;)al 'l'htr 'i v,l:s ('i:y liui! can;" to u.il vi;l th U'tft Fn'l Itml (Jonipunv -of V riiton. vi!i- t'nt v;iritinj in kec ing paer with I K 1 ISO N A I j V A U A I 1 1 A IM I S. (J H Jpnksui g fink Mfs Kate Powell ih visit jjfg iir?. II 1) Teeb ! i ytfs Xnunie McNa Hrtltimorc. i Mrs F S WilkiiS((n r visilmcr m Is riabing her daughter in Kaffolk, V esUrdar far prof6iorHl yisit to G Tier. Mr. Hehharrl ftntl ccoapiid his pulj )1daboro; - 8 in rvidpn he lined left for his heme PiKhburh, TK ., Wbifidiiy.- Ir Hon Williair.s, t made a pro fjSci'?nl visit to Ham Item this v.'t ek i?ev I)r, Hntrhain nd Mr. Uiggs of Scot hind Nci'k, we; dr.r. - i 1 M K;;:ifiifin, of X in tOiTn Mon- rftdk Iirs nr- cop-d n powition -wit i H jM orris & J.103 W. Iburavo .it; hunilr hnvo retnrr od ':id vi!i r iuiiti tor trie winter. I Mr-'. ( .'ul vert, Fai:f t,s nioincr. nv- rived Sitturday Sho - of the Howard Hon;?.?. li hivecluir:H s UVv J V.' HnRdi-y to attfr-tle7"" loft VP3?':d;iV Assoriati ii now in session ittMJrei iville ! Knrl Knritir.-ui and janj Ftden ) the fa mil y t .Sunday i:i ht inu r, who visit; of b Ilfilbrcjit-r, -pc j liieenvillc. f Miss A'enle Ilolbi sd, of Lcatb- hnrir, w3 tin ticst ; Ibirt Sntarday and Sn 3Iiss Ann:e htlay, and left lor rjonx Monday. ST AT!: 1 rrocrflmm of 3!e PtlnU, AVelr.o-ilnv IZvrnttiz S. J. 31, . ( OCt. IS; lNOO. j bnniiuik't Hal!, ToiC.: Industrial I bication and ;day, A. & M, r.vnViiim ntal l'Va-inin j 1'reid. nt, A. Qr Ho le.ss; i'rut. J. College, sell , ludustrird Fdnc:, ion; Prof. A I otte. ruhj ct: Ih'ic S-'iooi-; oxandcr" GruJuitii, t-'h:-. Triiimnj;-ia V E. F. baud), Ffp," F iznbolh' Citv. j suhp-cf: I low Fd itoi ? j vhucc Indn-triid Fdne Carolina; Gen. YV. II oomU ownnty, ?!bjf.f.!: mny best ad- iou in' North t'os. F.e Tiio nt'd of Dr. 11. lb I Vu! 'nV ;n?:l1 . -' .j Jhittav Kxpfin:'t'i.t .St; 'ion. sn'.yeei: Ci'.bl It do Ml i::. in North WJiat h.;s Len, nnl .si In Fxivrirncntid Fair, iUroliv VroL j w . ( . i nonuren. Iht!ei-i., snbi-otr Tbe . irinieMiid Fntmiju- K-h1:i(: f Fx- I'rof. F. F. j Kim-rv, Fxpt;riniM.tnl I Wt: F.xjji'rinientid Ag 1 11. II Xorri. AV'-x.0 Station, ;ib- bcnltnre. Mr. iihjct: Atrrl- culiuri d Fv eriuHot. i IVof. V. F. M rttrsrv, A bi practice; A M. fol- ' .piU'jet-f: iiDitiei. ,a"int!' n!:rf' Vvti nrial Fx per tis will If duty i I V Thy apprpi.ria't iotM n'.ali' bv lh fiflv first Congress c e jtriciicaUv h. wjh the completed oil the J iil' of th-oouferr .1 thr Knu..drtiC!eLcy pee report on hub j Tl.ev' following j ti.t:h),hm; hive wnifunttM.. to t sums: A irrieulf uri.vl mmv. $2 -t.i0.s47l: .oir.n'ic and cot.suUr, i;7lo,sl5; P iot of Cob '.OOOfor Pock W; fortillea b ?7,563.11C; utnbiu (including ? I .X1 ) Crrek park,) ?0.'Jdit4 tioiii. 4,VS,y,i;i; India l:lrttit, exAcot;e pod judicial. 631,r,3S,7it; n;iiitrT 13; iihvj (including $ .000,00:) far cieksi to he ui li in n fr proti'tio?i of vr jf!f pennon, $es,lj.T,lG!; p. s'.r --' 226,C. ; re.r and hir r?,el4,USI.- j WS; sl( j Irv civil,5 US).?, 1 cieiic'i? (uiciading l 1 pr:.i:n i ,!ty th II6:iS p.tv; tieti- fh.'UG appro- i,.V for thtr f p;.v ..f iii.'inoi,;! ;3t, PNto; mii- l iltai.t.mf, 3.43:,i 1 i 3U..o;t. Total $151,- i Th-jHnnatu-nt itunn I -ie Ilo,f;i0.tyS, tn.ikij tilL V L.J tilt'"- liK ... ... . ! ? U:13. ! in the deulh ol H. F. Irake ihicii .ot urre.i on th- iSiii. mli count v ; lust a mui uerul lfe ai hicMxtieth Citizen lie. Iac had j f.ein.eiv sun t;.ii.M, . ;. j WtlW ! '- bt!tt r..: kc i. i a C;.:m! v ; ;cc-el iti.i.- and f;ni - :v ' children. i j tion was not nrvpt fTrJViM-.t 1 k r ,h, Vr' ,"u f couuae::e ou' e'rV t h n't r "tilt Ve ?e!li nnd who . " V V lIie r&rtcf hire u K"inUi' of ! imniriuc that latuit .lihilanthropy i'llA.VK I. WINSTON. UaZti kun.l Ioc- WxxrsoE, K. C, Oct. 2r.d, IS'jO. J. H. i.AVr j.c -, b..rI.TJ'i I.e. 3 I t j llitkl .OF ' uuc ':la'8 V:illt' V t-oniii:a.:iuii. i uouxy y-a in orurr t . that vuur t ointiuitt'. t.:av tuc nccitrv iuw to i:!. una vacai;CT I ju vuur fare ncKtr. . i 'X he ten tU uojoi of tb Itpubiieuii : purt y uri' SuCn aj t nh;rai ewrv mail who places tl.c vrjftir t- hi cotiii- tiy nbovf tiii)ra.-v p t tv liciviiiiUie. L i;e -sat lon.tl iiou.M; ! U-piv.??n:a wise u:d impartial: del be ration has reprcd free hptveh, bee inquiry nd Tre diseuniioa, hus hppointed thr fcpaker ua I Die clerk a ptrn. nent returning board for tfie count.' ih of rotert who do r.ot vote, and ti.i en:ictd .legislation intoiiing hutitlred of tniliions of dollars witii oul h) iovr i?; irujuiry to be made or diseusdiou to bo had concerniuj; its jus:ico or propri?v. 'i"io melhoda thiit have prsvRileoNn tijnt body dur ing the pnet tfU. moat bs belong rather "to a packed convention of political partisans held in . corner froggerj than to tho hihost deliberative as ernbly of.a free and intelligent na tion. It a doublfnl whether th.e le t.iatiUe of any civilized - people on eaxth h& traniaeted public business in the year 1830 with bo little regard for the right cf speech; mid discua ion, orof the" rtft! iuterea's of tho people H3 the present j Congress, It bus nboJis'i-d parliamentary rights thitt vtre obetrved' daring the pai sioa Hud turmoil of civil war und the reconstruction ;eriod. and -it has 1 irapceiiu taxed which not evon th a ncceeaiiy oi war reouireo. New Btatci havt'.b-jert tdmitted -v . v. . . into the Union with a euimiier pop ulation thanono of our Uougre.:iou al dbitriotjjj but the votes of ; tie ir inatcis in the baited BUtes Con gress were "thoughtj i.oce?ary to es- taDiuii too viCHHi.i k'icielalioii and perpetuate thr pewer of a seMV.sh una snsnliahde oligarchy " of inillionair iimnuiaeturt. l s. Sectienabsm has leoji riviveJ in us me-si, ouious ;nai;C. jverv culn- tra mdagtry has been taxed tiu;t could be 5o;arated bom the i;;du3- . oimaeua, ; p'o;icuu r.xw voimuu .i.air.go. fav belied by Hair uuilv practices in 1 upon to C. , 1 ihf. halls ofCe:ii;rsiud by th-ir b'j used in j t HiJAH i!- A: tae coar o: J ?vi(.niHtif. pu: chase of votes in all lomiu itlon. j tbe i:oju;bbnii! ofj.e;i'u JuU:c!&. . j .os6 c-lcctions' ubo?e diregHrd cf ni Mlh iiiit. S u,lJ:'ri",:i".-"';t I will raise the price o'evervtltni the I t :L.i t.oii!i;i.iii..n. AilLiUi'Mii t;iiteil I i .. ? t i. " r incsot ir.b. North. ; Oa tne t:o that j "f'e ,U(;? binds Southern e !ton rhe t:ix hasi Ii us been trebled; the twine that binds WHKU-riwheit 1ms been almost heed from taxation. Southern Democratic Senators yote to relieve the Western Uborers of unjust buic-n while W'vaIv Km eimbiica i 8enator.s vote to increase i he unjust bunions up-ti, j :r I If 1:1 liV V ! I) P ituei. Ltoveruuieiu is oeeonan . ... a game of plunder, and the meihU of the l.m, who now oiroi the He- publican majority i are ''partly the methods of hhlnvajmen h.;u paifiv the methods of sneak 'thieves. A hlf c!ad .'ii in liiu .toi!lnorn cot. tun nam is goou pii.uuer ioi uio u;it- j bouiiire piiilantaofpist 1 who needs J protection. ; liubiu ) ilood was moi e i hnu'ane. In iheir-de.iro t opprets I and piundei Ihe ouULiiCiU peopie j they ure r, libu to Uep in pt,vi ii, even Uestroy the poor, iiclp;er-s, ig- liui'Hiit ijeiiro. N hat a pasodv anil j t'.itire tor fcUCli ineli to auVoeate force till. re a TiiH BEK.r or TRE NEUKU: Tticro i 'ia thii fj.ee bill -nne leviliah de-sign to inoi vv thecouniry in d:oriler,'petsiojy to foico a mir oi races, ana by this wje-ceu expe j dient to divert public attention Irom the pui-e of piuiiUtrruhioh they ale playuiiT trim- kticli boldatss ami recKieiiiietS. No s.iue dnau be he Ted th ir f-u. I.iU iti fC.t.1 t.i Hi- ti.ilif:.-.t putu-r oi tne r.eero, or w ni HiCi'eacc His oppiirttinitU'S lor Wcaltti,' educ- Th- leaders . td .the ltepuuhoan j puny Et-Ciii to have ab'anuoucd tbo w ue" iiberai ami proiefd;e policy! inatiuraicd by t tar heal and h uppity ci ritd forwaiil by Af thur aiid CiCTs- ind. Ir inquired mkt iiuiw sit:i- ir.snsnip to continue mut policy ana to give tiie entire countrv u 'period of bii.aiai development ana ol prgitj in education, refinement and culture euch a the world Las lienor zrzr, betbre The present admini5lrtica a.s debberittlv chosoa to go bael thirty roar in'our pcluioal life, sd it is ertinf oriug to rer ta paiu fully wrought .recuiti f the etraf It of U;:-? twenty year :3uk th mfcia irhoSisor.a- bentHciab To bin taeo sirugiet t.a wiH rt- tatii the now r'r.piu development vi , Wi-.iiUi, tiJcCition and rehnexneut In the Soaiis; intlitjuc rce pa.-sion and prejudice reopen the heai iug wounds oi r.ar. uud Will bring Sac it C'.'iUiSriS. A? a Cllizrii of tl.e i .4.. -ii. it? v -jij? 1 1 iiiL.ii.i .,1 r .,.!.. .. ..... i I...,." 2 -; tii-i iir-, . t iili,.rii '...in k.!!.! iv in fifu'e.-s aiid'buticf to all sect ton 1 ......... a j . . w- ..... . ... .... V 4 4 4 t. w anJ i':u-c.: s. k frieud of tne ne o tle-siiia iikcUi'-is-m! ci! tin inau- tas;s "i d impi'oii-a.eht ai the proper tif fi!e::ii :iiui id;ti.il n.-inrtr. i.I ! si: tU iu., 1,- . a.d . . li late r.u mmv ..-t ... s-..b .i,..-, ..... t. .. ... . i i-tl.. t:..tn, 1 .lire lieiaoci'utic ticker, Co ire.;ional eoiithern labor, fcuchiu ibeir miui wu,"i;;": u,u jin1ii explain th. iuc-nsiencv. of their! f"raisheu horses from a distant in vote, tbev -laucli ill theii-lecYes'or l.'I'.Fair Grounds. I want a larp intifv - tir Yvi.rtif.M hv m tinp t umber to Lfive ..me a trial. the ..11 1 " 1 . H'itil!s' c' a"-v C3U P53 market. Sp?cid r.n lor bn lot,, j ' ,,.t r , f:--Vr. ar.t KRouj core fru-.t tii'M imU piucal J. R YellvtE . j Ufa AW lifV Klhl LllPllaP vry-VV. ,f'1' "-rJ-. riebcinc; bar, n' cnrrivd :: through. . i: (;fef nvUle. N. t. I''- i i 1 " n 4. -'-t;-7-: ': the "ran i ' . .tr I ..r . !,.'.r .... ...j t " ' ' r . f ; -,-..- b.i;.. .-.rf.e, . ' - i i V i nir'tv:,-r r:M:rt iv mi: stati! . nnPi . ?r. '..-1' V - . ii-iiiii .ii- .'Hi,.' i . t 5 w . - ' -- , - - r iU tr,,:u! i h.dl at.1 fii.iow acu . bvUers cr : ' I TAIW . a. l.ntin i . Fiv.- i i htate end eruiity. the fc.t-cti-m of i it,,, ttLt u ill 1 !--! fr- hif i people of North Carolina, both white I and Hack. It vrMI also te a w t,o!e- ! the i;atioid jr:vtrn:n,nt for parpo- I (s of id under. he p'ofesiom f j j rJf f;w frvcV-aml Ter ouf:t j tv t i.m. vtw -.. - -'; i sbo-n by the p-s.;ge of lav? that for their wickfrd Very respect fa 1 'r ancis I . Winston". sintt Fair. - . - Tuesday of State Fair will U a hi dav Anions, the ; .ttracthma will be balloon ascensions and two thousMml feet pHrachute .enps 'I rials i;f speed, Japauese hantl, i;nd muny otiier interesting ieatures' fVTf OtR?3 T'ue lower roon: cf tho Lanier building, formerly u?ed by S S Nn?h ij being tlivided by a partition in th? centre, and will he tised as ofScea. L-r. T I Wynn will occupy one and L Lee Sbiton the other ICoItixlLCe AafKMiial Ion. This Association, whih met at Rocky -Mount,-was, ag usuhI. largely attended. The crovd 5unliij was THritjualv estimated at 5500 to uOOO. There vs no oxc un ion from here and consequently but few went from here Sunday. .These-- who did; got the baneGt of a stay until fiv p. m. th train waited over that late for the crowd, and vas crowded. 3IH:1iet Bar'.bC Church This chureh was organized ara eepurate ciiurch last Hit ml ay night, j with thirty-live memhers. . t Noah Hiuer, of Bcotland Neck, j nres'idetb O." F. Cobb bema secretary.' Kev. J. r. HtllulleY Cle i ted with rending from Scriptures and prayer. IJiiv, Dr. II n If ham read the arti cles of Fidt'n ec, -.which were adopted'. Delegates were Kent to the As-ochntmn now in session at Green wlie. ' ' AC!ir.!tfnj;(. i Dj-ar gi k: I desire-to say through your paper Hint I chulbnge aiy one or more 1 lrfcens m yoc.r a borses against me lerfcens in your county to m:i their m a twenty live common siae bicycle. j raCi to epbioe on tne: State -uir ! Jromid track on hu-day of ihe fair j wcekT7tb, October. Horse?; will be S earned over railroad tree of charge ffl0U Prt of North -Carolina., on ti!i Sfnft Vtii ! J''"K - when hort-'e.is returned tiie owner . iifn I ft UJ".hf r 13 l ill) 41(1 :!ti'i lilrlV' ; ........... ! !f icreaed In-tore t he raee. tin the i St-'iU- lil'"e trach ndera .will have the ! bauta-e ol a lucycle as It wid be i 80 Hy cut np, :s bere wl be j ore ruc:n this Lair; thai ever he for- Persons der-iri:; 4 to enter against me' noli fv J. T. Patrick, Gen'l. Sup:. Haleih; N. U. Yours Truly, Will Wyxk. The following fnirc will be held a tb ir respecrivt towns on dated an- nexeil" viz. I s.r;u Fab-H-rabieSA Oct. FHb to bHth (ohbboro 21st i Vh!oii Taiboro ; Ji.x'kv Abumt " a?ih 31 at. Not. 11th " 14fh e l-aek, Hda or . ehtt, ns .Shiluh'a i Vf:n.li "i-'ajxn and t..sna.tHu eurw i I mM liy t;-i.n a eu:tr:i:.tti3. It-eure esftiunj- ! ucn. ,....,.., -,,..1 1.. iiilfi!.-ii.itciv i'viK'Vvl Iv Mi! It.ii'.s r-: ire. ' o ' wiiii Mi:u-. care v.-sa j;iu,e. ' 1'riiv 2i :.nt . Kt nr.. ,V f.C ki!.- t ii ji:.ki.s jk. ( s i.ro:, iariro. ! -' :'- I ITctlCS, Having CiHaiitii-d aa - adnnmstrHior j on th estate cf i!iledveid. det.v.u..!, I hcrehy nobify all debtor? to ?ud estate to make immediate; payment, and tho wlnt hve claim. a:dnt taid ?tat rmiBt present then prop-. 4?ry verified to tn o- (S.M.T. I oun tain, ivr uitcr-r, for payment, on or bV fo r : h e 1 2 h Ja j o f Oc mVi r. 1831, or t hi .rot ire will bt pld in br of thir rowveir. - 8 M GKisr.D Oct 5th. 1820. Am J'nif Ksi- j Strawberry Plants for The O FFM AN nnd the CliM'D f rh.-it'- what rote dks!m"u!!icu f-r. . t 5t c';iVS atnii It. ..... jvn all about the luailer, tlshing i ..!.. v.: i - ... .. .. : 4i . . r , t .1 "Vcr intercsti' in tne bs'trw'-K U pa-t iMm by ' ir m:njr and maunfactuntig; aio i " Uiieris. and a tr.MUi.d of filter ? hit jit? of interest. Kiht cob ..5t't Wft-kly. ft n1 F t-:-rrn 1 -'n-. ii -.t NYwuldl JaiiUirv M. Tin: VV a;iin; rs (I a mn:, Wa jhinjrftt. o,, , . 'r mac-.t. rr;:r ct f RotMng '.: ir.i.Til I.C i'llf. 'i rv j n ni cu rc aadeiW 1. LytUOettot f A 1 TCTf Qrf-TrrT ! I i.A Wwiv- vwxv vr . c. o o iaji. Jiliii a. cu.iai hu,i. uitJii rtl-r.-l b -tf-i!'" a'l f- ;vil:t-.-"36 Ot r"-i'4. fi.lva.'.r-.M! ia tia.'e. PulN ra-.jf nlr 'at sit't!:a?. ' K.f fartiier !nft.raT.;.-i.. f-rp'-y tJ . A. 37t,rni Ta::''"::o. X. U"i TAIiDOKO FEMALE ACADH3IY j Fall -Session j BEGINS Fi'TFMF.Fli Ut, lbl-0. j lAjveriencei! ami camt-vtent teach- j er3 i a every depari :r.ent. peetru i attention given to I ecanine in Music, nail to object drawing m Art. j For citulo, ndd: ess j D. G. GiLLiriE, Priu. j Tarboro N. a. . MBS. A, Vf. nUGHES'CIIOOL F01I YOVXO LADIFS AND SMALL CiULDUFX WILL Oi'KX September 1st, ISL'O, with a compv'e merit of experienced and efTieient teachers ii: th departments cif Litera ture, Art and Music. For further information, apply to Mp.s. A. W. IlroiiKS. Pria. Tarbcro, N. (1 TA2S020 HALS. !A0ADE3IT.-t THE 61TII SESSION UNDEU The present Principal, will begin A v oust 27th, 1 Si0. Courso of in gtructiou, Claasie-nl, M&thematical and Practical, j S: social attontipo u given to English Studies. For o the r informaton; apply to F S Wilkiusea, Prim Turboro. X. .C, MISS WHITEHURSfS Scliool for Boys and Girls Tl ie tniru snuii vi . 1 - -! 1 opa Asou- dnrHepfe. 1, 1-S90. For terms hi ply Oj MIHtf WHITEI1U1WT," INOl A L Tarboro, X. C. -oa-LAtiKANtE, N. C. 'Fall ST-.ioa'ojn?iii'AuK-Tt.f.roiu;h ir.str'.K'tion ia 1: kI:s!i (A.t:ri, I.aMifcU-vs, Ainicut an.l Mui't-rn, Mturto, Art. Struo livtihj, t:a.l Tyjxj wrttiii. bi citk'ue 1 .IVi Kl ll KIXKKY, WILSOil " C3L3S&IATS 'ffiSIIIDIS' roil YoiT.va ii.viir.s-sTi:i7ii1Y NOX tilOCTAltlAN, IciDO Thorough Cornpivhensive Ceiurse of Study, ilo'iera'e Cbaree.s. HEALTHFUL L00i.?I0H. Fii Catalog uh .si Full Pahtk Ul.AKK, Address SI LA S E." W AIIR F X , ParxeipAi.' Wiln, N. 0 inc mm GSHOUHA COLLEGE Agriculture and Keciianid Arts WILL JtFtUN ITS 5N?) SiSIOX SEPT. -4TI I, lsX. TH E New and la: ire --l op building for working in iron and wood wib be icady for occup:vt;oa, nr:d nil the departimiits - ;;v. ?iipj;ed Inr thoj v.iU work. Kxpeccvs are h ?3 than in uu v similar cfdleo in existence. M-iay int'ifihv: 3 of (he Frcabtnau class are already rmploye.1 at reman I eriM itp j-:unn-s. 1 of iailhcr ini'. rra " ' : re Hi .KX Q. Jb:.L.vrAY, I ihih iir!i. N. C- o: Moiilding8, Brackets, Fancy Work, Laths &;c Bolted" Meal Prom Wlillo (titi MH4ltv. rSAH f-.i1.'-:-- a i.a:iat. Fiv- iKdiar-i 44i JHIU : all trarrs n er (b:a- era! Ala natrcr. . cm:: C-A N. M. liUwreiiecs Tarb jr ' t.i. ii. ;fm. i 1 CIL ft ii Id 05: fr.cl' Co f. ri- f ft I h Fact FveryiMn i. v . V ili FLHrJ-GLfiSS'DnUQ-STGRa y j- - " " j pnVsifi.JKO PrRITfOK A f ii i UitintW iilLOuitit JiUilO ii j o ncni A I T brhul.ALi Y A. J- and Filled DAY or KieiiT By aHenable PHAEMA. j CIST of over 12 years Experience. KKSI'C Fine Groceries, FLGuH QP ALL G2ADE3, BUlfER AhD CrtFESE, if, T-.. !i Z "r,.i 1 A tn! ii fill! .iKmv fil.i' iiv,im1K' Ltrt itt 11 til ii i.'PrmW' HnVr-? VlQ Hi-fi tier a .!!' i tJ I'.liv?-!.' fr..r . .,s;h'1 .- &0"Nrexl doer to lb '' J.;-K wech, Tar brc? N. O. - (Fit-f H, j. W IIITM'OR-li nnti - GoniaGlicner, uil tIIaviu-thy mt-e'vi ' i-iy l.rot !:,; I J.h:t:;! o.hn t' .:;' 1 1...'. !:iat:tc,of iur f.ir.u.;-. f-f-.nt-j.-,- mh! .!ic.l ' ru-tiT-itr-j in ni'Aod? t. I U U U w , i;hy)3 V a 1 1 m t w o4i Mliorl Kisi- x.-i tlli lov iufiitn,"f vn!;i n - : j , ' rl t i r .- ; i-i: :. . l . ...r I. .1 . t t , -.1 i : ; ; : " t !. V rt h 5 r end k t 1 v c ry t k i y i ty j. lief eel fully, -. i. i. J- . . ..... -i. j T.:r!., 0 E 0 6 CO o ! U friBT:! HI.K ItXhU vll jr t : a.4. rru l;. t ? wt tp4 ', tJ , XttA tmm I right gierf C !w , . A tt,tl fr" ff.:ift tar'jo AJitn-M Htt- , A- , T!. 'J iff -.""Ti v Hr.Lf j -..? r JL ri ... tUl-wwli j ii-o (UU. i-tli- is .. 5 'S 4.- JS-T.4-. P - . I f - ' ' I J ! ' t-. ,r It'c i:. msr ;;-.-r . -.... s -i- d; I A f - ; I - - . ... 'I .il - . '. I d -.1 .-' A-I- ' t IHMl 1 settled Farr j ' t;:- ? hitter IvDhI.U bkiri : j ."'!.- ; North Carolh: ! WANT T ) SAY I ami fi i:on;u:. ; : TtH'.ACt'f) To fm; m in:;:: v-; : i:v!:t;v in. 'n:i;: r u F.F. b'HiK !: t Ah i"; " !--v M.fl"'iA' ..'" ' ' ' 1 v WIiAT Ol ' ' " ' . TOUCVHi UY M F.N Will! GFr AS liV.C A Mu. -Y )UU Tu!t.Y - EOC K Y M ) AS AT ANY o nm: ,; IK Tin: STAT F.--I ISTIFs TO ll'l "j ! TCY Foil Vol FK ONYINi F5 T .. 0. 7. fiilAVEU. ?;.-?. of :..:. Jlroim'it Iron Hitters. t Ikj tsia isjuIc. ijl or- "vl n1 rjut u. s Jv. '-f 'iMi ft C.f,- I.. ... :. , , will- iui-t -nti n.t u -' ' . i ! .'. rw .... 1 ; ! 'tin u o.u.-i i..'.iri-. ii ri f .1 ! HiMi-ip-r ...in.-..'.r. -I t . v (t WW- lOx lit kt.nni PIP) I ! A T :1 ' hUijUj HO id a niti'; "b'.r- An AHbn J - iiubr.t i . w ; v.! nn p AV j S. t .'. n' - K t:j, I i ! ! 1 1 ' 1 1 . ' . ; i i ;:,-! ' i Ii It in N r i is Aldr 9Hi u , T i n - ' C. ' b : ! i 'Atliintic -oCl; b i v : A Mi i:,:.'. " s in . -r t M !,l C r. i - 14 .I t). , i i-uvi-j A . r v i: . Li 1 ; l. ! A i r.. -..v f ;i v "'A ..-'.i ' M;iiT:i !- ! t- Will A 12 ut Jve Vi;l. -rtve ' Irf-JiVr Vjf;a ... f A rnv-.,! !. ',r,, Lii'. e li tt . .. . ! Arn -i ; ,. Ars Ar:ire I.Vt 't l Arriv r.l 'I :.rU,r., A 1 i i ... ! 'X " f-n -iin if jv Ti r r ' - i W 1 . ' f - J " f, , f " , nrrir ' j -- 0'Vi!:i ? 30 Air' at Jf t- , V.-J J-!, .' a m, 4m: j is ' .' -. vrA ' ' A. ?:: ;.- m . ja . :j.,lf...' . I fJ("''..l 'r , f m .(r!i;i. '- ; ; i i . r. ; -!-. .' 1 ' ' . T 'r, " i " a"" ; " -v . - J r . r ..?. i'. ; - (; - . J T' Tr i - . x T -'4. .' i ., ; .l-r. Tr-oii N UV' 1 -ir ? V,.!. - '!. li. I A i ...... v it