TITTUP '1? A PAAl'T-lQ' A lffilT A'tP lA rrW VOL: 1 . no. 2. TARBORO, n: C, WEDNESDAY, APRIL ICJ1C01. PRICE, FIVE CEHT at. Si 1 i 4' . '4 -I ' '-r, t . r r ... I 1 ' OPINIONS. . Wk ask our lirthren of the prctM j o jIu tin- Fakmkks' Advx;atk on t !i v 'c-haiige list aa taum as thi'y rt c. i.- itv It is a rnortt Iiffiult task ftt xi!i to iret up a paper without th aid of t -vfiaiigeri. ' k A irCulatiiig library, or reform iip-r8 kept on tile by the tsul-Alli-am--H Aill . tie ( found of . invaluable :tul r each'memljer of the Order, If ti h ,-ub-AlliancH; will adppt thu pi in to ilic.-cluinute geiieral infomKi t ion they will lind that it will be a iiKt. ex(.-ellent means to acquaint J In-ill seTves with their duties Tjik h4h of New! Kngland Jiave l.t-n "greatly ihK.-ked. They have ii ii. listening to Aonie cold facti forn iiii-n !wh dared to declare theiW .It-rrv Shiipson and ltalph lieamont jii- in.uh- of the riht kind,; of uiate 'r till to invade this plqtocratid' tiec-.ruiii.- Others, will uqoii ., follow. r -. 2it tonal 'Ktvuoiititt, ' ' 'tTilK 'drat lis, recently, of ovir T!ov 4l i)or .and - .M-cretary : of State are ';vv blows to North '.t'arolinai The lu.-s.-of the! eminent . public .services d" thoM- 'gifted and : distinguish'itl St a testneiij is i rrejmrable. Ty have tin-in reuinved from the .Ht-enes of "liii 'activities, when thev were ren- , - ' - - . r. ii ring such valuable services to their' j p . . - Stall-, is a; great calamity to North! - 'ai-iilina. I - - . ' C - i" ' '.:' , .- ' , I Tn K I'' A. KM KM' AlJVfK'ATK W UIlts A . . - - ,) .''-' , . to .,see the 'Alliance iif KdgecoiiilK 1 1 u n t y i ncmifted nuntericall v. but t he i Farmers' Alliance is con- li inliirg for are principles and meas- hits of Veform that will directly and materially benefit all classes of farm- iind we iioe to have a "goofily iiiimber of fanners : outside of the i . . . . . . . - ... Alliance to enlist in this movement In union there is strength" and ou4lv through unjted and well-direct, d d rtTorts can the agricultural classes 1 1 c t liemselves of .the - great ; --burden st bat rest so heavily ujioii them. Sokkow and .grief jiervaded the 'Y)d ..ifh State" when the intjlli geiice of the death of (iovemor Kwle w as, tlaslted oveit t he wires. - ilany to ns in the State held nleindrial -i r icc and we have read many 1 m;i ill i f ii 1 .eulogies prunoiinced ujxn ihi,' distinguished North - Carolinian. ( . r "'. . -' . Mis life was u beautiful and exeih- pliarv one worthy of emulation il)V all young men of the State. . His ( valted clwracter and transcendent y i ics won for him the highest es teem njid admiration, i Tiik memlH-rs of the Alliiuice -bould constantly keej) -in r mind, that this . is the yl'ar for them tj study and acquaint themselves with the great- issues that are ieiug disculsed. This is the educational' yvar,in that res pert wit-li us, and e must,iinprj0v6, .-elery oppTrtunity to bec-oine-familiar w ith our principles -and demands, in order for them to avail u anything, We cannot afford' to stand Stilll, I. i t tus then be uj and doing' and aU-wavs iMuiIoa' our - r. . t fnrthej our Curuse; best effiiirts to l r is highly amjortant that every member of the Alliance in theountyv should be here on the 24th iust, to bear the, )istrict iaecturer, E. A. 'fe'horirei ! Mil ThornV; isr-'said to lie a; lVn nine' orator in fact many of our , i -.i , - i ii-iends'sav that there lire few sjieak . eii'.s better than he. It luus never our I fort line to hear Jiini, but hope to avail ourselves of the pX)r- ' 7 'l'l v'" is. 'he pul i' . a..'. i Xl' .t unity. v hen he visits us. . ! . ii ' . - " )- lie cordially invited to --attend- the ' i Tnf 'Wilmington Messetiter suvs: .fThe. Alliance in Virgiiiia may make, polities li vi-lv the comimr'falt.! Tlui' 'Alliance 'hai sh6wn itsjowe,r:by re inoNtug some men fronf)tlfe jKilitical . areiin who preyitl npoji . Uie pwple ;ind did not etnitvnd for. their ..inter ests. The Farmers Alliance is after putting pure men. in ofliee and drop ping the demagogues and political tiru ksteiti. There is no juirtiziiu politics iijlHtut the Alliance. I l'olf- : ties means, the science of government, ilnd thJs"? organization wants men f who wiirojx'rate; its machinery in 1 the interest of -the people; ...!--. !.''! j. U YViiKS Hn. Ben Terrell, the A Ilia nee Lectuivr, made an address ik the j)COple of the county, in. this place, -i t.jie w: eat her w as extrenny dL-agrfi-ableand the crowd in at tJendaiieej was not as large we had hoped it would le. liro.Terrell said (o us tlut after he had met his ,p jxi ii tniew tiv he would endeavor toj re iurn to Tarboro and give lis-another "r- ipeech. This is just w hat we want , ;i iid we ijope that lie can make- ar-raii"-ements to revisit its." We would , , V announce the day j!n time so that all ' ; of the Alliancemeu in the county dud elsewhere could be here. Wpx 'I'errell is a good , speaker and made line impression here. t ' . & ''"' ' ;. - .. - , ',.. : STATE NEWS. THE DOINGS OF OUR PEOI :OPlfE rOLI). OOtPl'f Y AND PLAINLY TOI Hap fex i sa s OP THE KEK (. OK IKSSEU. A iuoiiument ha.-i bcei proiKwl.to LoL vSaniiuers. ; ' w j . .. i ii - . 1 1 ! . - . - . .1 i i 1 t . I ! jienuerjonviii.e - . tl, ha a new iaiierj the Xev,.'i ' - i ' ' ' The middle paction bf the: SUtte i as chilled 4by a light silovc last wtk. The Ki'en inH ; Caoittn ftfi lUleigh ought by lias . OTUutenucu. it wai pougnt iv i lie Evitmmj Ixifrt-r. The railroad conipan; ' are tdacing Brice reacling,' rooms it Wehfoii. for i i f . : 'ajssengerii. .) ' -. Claws s exercises klj I ne .class f It in niversitv bf pTorth Caro- inar w ere celebrated Fr day It uaiJ that the new mskrettei law M not iiufving its desireileffec-t. f-T.he (oys getfthe cigarettes all the name. TheA ax ton Un ion L W.K Bright las -changed, formerly of takes charg. ed to deliv hands. the llovk uigham tiorJcet l)r. .Ta Image is expec er an aildress lefore the; Teacher's. Assemble at Morehead. June! 9, is ng herf city population, majority of the date set1 reenlioro by enlarg limits hi s tujubled heif hv; vpt . sbxxl. with a 57 The (ireehville tiioid 1 are talking btreet. The Ired .dollars. f.shelliiig their main ost is to lie twelve hun 'Henry Blount of the rVilsn .;,ii- t(tr is p ore the jillc, -i deliver the address,; 1e e at Green- Female Jnrftitu It deems now that IJaeih will at Jast have an auditoriuiB sufficientlv UIC l lllllill;! , l IH.1 UUtMHJVlilll.- itIIV i . . , ... i .. . . i crowd. The lloard of Missi lis ot the M. K. church will hold itsUoth 'annual jk-ssion, Hit Wi lining toil; , tegi lining VeUlavs. inga mighty Mav Htli; jind continue - i 1 Dr. Aiernetliy is iiia effort j-iiit now to rebuilll his College. le desires the-support fall North aronuiiins. Tlie lijurdfiyr-of. the lieveuue. Of- lifeer , Uurnwell has btfeu- jeaptured. The 1 )eticti ve Agency att vAsheville didgootlj work in this case, A W i'stern' North (rarolina Fair Associaijon, is to be. ' Cmaiiixed- till .week. tie farmers 'off Buncombe i 1 t ,T.' 1 county j Ire the inon'rs or ; innj ptati. Mjiior Bingham has; tjffered $1000 for the capture of thel person that let tire tl the lianicks. i This is . the ttoettaid f ilre that has hamenecl within few nn(nths. i : WilUt Davis, the yjomig North Carolinian, now in jail in - Texas, condemned to be. hanged, aviII;. cer tafnlv nik'et his death.- A 11 efforts to release liiin, havef ailed The bg fire, that tx cluiTed in IVil mington a Tew (lays agik . nas a good deal of sufferfing. ' ; Millie1 Cronlv tilie colored womatt -vvho re-i eived injuries at the tilr has- since died. At Tv lnitv College, Uev. II. ;W. Havs, ofj Concord,' wil preach the sermon K'fore the Thetflogical Soci- ety on Skujday morliing, .Ttine 7th; IJev. D. p I. Tut tie, of 'arlioro, will ireach the Y. -M. C, A. ser mon' Hun -Key, C. of Scarrett lay nidht, - .Tune 7th; Wtdsj I). D., I'resi'den! jC'ollegeMaBJ)o, Mo., wfll pmich the perinon jiefore the gradnating class n Wetlipesdav, June Kjth. The lnstoii.N!wJr says: Uev- pnue officers. P. I T4 Ijelimau, of this i'ltv, and Basconi Kiel (Uv of Greens Kirb, nnijde a ,raul on two distilleries thel past Weekjin the latter part of i he uprn'r edge dt Forsyth. The first oml belongs to a j Mr. Speaje, near Old Kichmond, and "the sec mid to :i Mr. Kpperson, iutar BnWks-towii-. ' frhe ttieers cii ii iip,aml de stroyed the irojerty n; ! tlie ores? nee "of the owners who were run-' aung mf tun oiast nniKing "tangle cooking ehicleiis for the fteiietit of. themselves laud friends. Ihe officers not haViiig.ft ha . proper piipcrs. failed to i rnakjahy Arrests. Mr. A A- Forhes, ofj .Pitt ccrtintv, is tnie. i lie most auccessiui to- bacct fiirmers in Nuftlfj : Carolina. tit I art hit ve;i I ' mm eighteen, acres lhiit vear he wade a crop of the wivdj which he stld fotf .SJ,;00. I ix)l seven acres k)f this he-'netted $MI0. He sold l'.SOO jimnds at an avenige of forty cents a pound. ; Two years ago he sold a small cmantitv Jut $J.05 a ler ioiiiul. Mr. r orl MS one t the , pioneers of, tobticeo 1 culture in rut county, having -minted the tirst there six vears i-ars agoi At' that ' -. time . e - pound; h id evt-r leen w, while, ast year the, brought tt the coutitv not a sEngie It her crop shl brought ti tjilUO.01 0. Weho,i 'Xi-k'. rhoijias Al. Holt, "w:w bAirii in .Al amance county, in f lH'H; was 'pre jxiretl for College at' HillslKrt and entereil the State'niversitv an 1819. . - - . i -- . . Ik left in nis ynnior ivear arm en uairti ill me vup.ueas voiton man-i ... ,1 l - I.'... nfaeturhn? until VSi',0 Iwhen he, lie- gaii bu inesfcs on his . wii account. v He .has lRen 'luauv vearsi in public! life; in mance Senate: 1ST6 he reptntetl Ala - and Guilford I ill the State m l.s2 and again in .I-v ne iiiiresenteii vianianc , in thi TT r . t t . m. . t..-kn t I 1 ill nous. Ih 1888 heeleieted Lieu- tenaiit he has For six teen vears ii,. -- .i xen president t jme .ortn Carolina railroad, and kras for, eight ricultural Society, ana for a long eiis tiic reaitAtrin ui iiie..it- lteriod erved on the . State Agricul- ! 7 1 J -I , , I . . i turai ttoaru The Alliance iriarck Is Obm arrf. Xkw' Yokk. New York will aooi:l le thoroughJy organized. iThe Alli-J ance iiiovemeni is pusiimg aneaa. -or . OKK'iON". At the prejeiit rate Or-jj egon will lje organize!! within'-'tlie ; next three months. The grow th of the Alliance is simply phenomuiaL , Nokth 1 Da kota. During the ; ?","T '"V" , WiViNew York Sit., Mvivv Readily at work and the l Alliances and membership are increasing. AXAUAJ-Tlie charter! Und order basWit to Canada for the first organization, it is expecreu inaij nu eitamMiijis wmun ..at- several nire lodgis will le organized J City last ."Ww-lt w ith A,W1 i'1'-! sometime soolu H igrantjs. There were ltalia.trl oj ueMJVj. V 1 ;iouboard r VKOTA.-rhe order in North and ! . j .South Dakota is oua- boom. - A.lli- J he grip cntniue.s.wit-h-.. gnat m knees are organizeil. every day. The verety in New Yi.rj f ity. TlA- u.tiH j; reports come up very enojuragiug, : TEXAs:-f-l'he ; I'resideiU- of the 8tatt Alliance has issued a call for a convention to In held at Waco, lst day of April. The following ul jects will Im? discussed- transjiorta tion, finance and, politicaj section. .WiSCxsiX.--There weiv onty 78 hub-Alliances hi -Wisconsin lastj-ear, but thegrowth of. the Order continues arid now, there are 230, with a bright outlook for the 300 sub-Alliances be fore', the year ends. ,' West Viroix'ia. This State is becoming thoroughly aoiisetl . and has wheeled into line. (inly' seven nionths ago w as that State organizeil, but now there are- 430 ?; Alliances doing good Service for the cause. Kkxti ckS". The swretary of the lie.w State Alliances of Kentucky has issued charters for 4)0 new sub-Alliances during the month of march. Kightv-six of ;the 119 -counties tire orgjinized and in the State the inu merical strength of the AlHaiice is more than one hundred thousand. Nkw 1 Kkuiaxd Statks; i-The good news comes fliat the New Kng land States are manifesting a' lively iut-rest in the xVlliance inovements and- Alliance' literature is being free lv circulated in - these states. The people aie studing the Alliance prin ciples and the nietliods of reform. 'I A!t;AnAA.-Jt it stated in a spe cial dispatch to the Cincinnati En qrirc'r that, the National' Farmers' Alliance of the South is Democratic. It: may In local and State contests U ii i4. i in iv t. j uim iaiy vxiii1 support, its own candidates. ' In ; f ii mill fimtflif. fnr li-fildcli t" Yii the how- ever, no matter who is the nominee; the Alliance vote will be Democratic.i This inay and again may not lie true. Kansas, -We see from .the; Kan m', ,, - as papers that the money kings of i f hA ii-t I , i P; hat State, who have extorted usuri - 7 , , f .I c . nis interests from the fanners on sas th ous their lands hav ins tructed their agents to close down 0n every ulli- aneertiaii in. their debt, and to j sell j home unless him out. .of. house and- he agrees to withdraw from, the order. ' OlilO.- Thu politicians are fvery ti'ighteneti in umo at tlie Klea tliat the farmers will' lioniinate a ticket this fall. It seemi now as if Alii- aiicemen will hold the balance of power in the Lrf'gislatu re. If this be so John Shernian ill retire. Since tlie June convention, 125 'Alliances have heen formed KV' HtlW TJIK WOKK S POX K IX :.: vo,?Kv f , In some sections, particnlarly -in New. York, the' tVartisan press has, succeeded in . keeping- up a strong prejudice against the Allianc. A natiojial , organizer who m at work there gives the lvttreau an uicitlent lus work. He : says, I seut Mord to an exclusively fannfng dis trict that I woukl sjeak for them on a .-certain date. .- Arriving there I found a few people. They were not familiar with the Alliance and were' afraid of it. ' I presented econ omic! rpi est ion 'for "an hour. . or more. Afi- lilrnet'a --Jr4sI-riiet.-6 Yfi f tl vn)- deV. ' They seemed to have an , idea df the caiise of their finimcialj de - pression, andof the depreciation of - I-? w.no lvo '!ini ;n u their farm 'in value tf inore than ldi'e here. -.OneT' hundred per cent, in the past ten - fleorge' (rminiiigbani '. comp years; . . ihis sloping fat one dav la-t Five days later I got a telegram ask-!ami wm j10 ,r(, ,.f i;;.,t). t ing me to come and make ; one more j the onlv onVo'f the six eonte-: spt-eoh. Idid s The whtde cun-jkeep wake the eorire! Ms h Hieeing I- nevej saw, even in Kansiis. At the close of the nieeting I organ- . 'V," luyiyu. utu,ucm izeti an xvi nance, aim panics iro.ni other sections wereauxious to organ ize also.' ., ;". - . I a! mage has ac - Rev. T. He Wit ceptetl an invitation tt deliver a se ries of . lectures- during ! the session tf the " North .Carolina ' Teachers Assembly. ; This able divine: will doubtless, attract, large crowds. Alex. II. SteTihens died ' at mid- night,, March .1.8S:j. l-tight vears . : ,1 . nave passed. ;vnen,tne . monument "i cxnnletid voiuig men and women w;il learn to honor one of Georgia's Wst men and truest statesinem Tat - tie children will be told the pathetic story of Georgia's crippled Governor, who, s childless himself ,; assisteil young men struggling for an educa tion." 'liev will be told of the roll er-chair!; of the giant intellecf and the . feeble "t frame The monument ! i-1 1 1-..in iiti-iei-jo rrv-iii.t f riittia . ......v....' l..., . v. a . . . ... ... ..... lu, ... i .1... . . i. -; . - i , . -i .... . . . inoner Tin smiaoie anu eiitiuriii!? in suitable and , - .1 1 -'Zf vj irl .. ... -..-. v , ! If there are luirk Hce on the ; trees of vonr orchard, j'et them off. 'Scrape' the trees, then whitewash "V S? ls" ... . . . . .... ini ii; t.xiv iiiut t 1 taa no va- .ivii nivt the inner liarlcs of stoek.. and r -- - -- . V Li UUJl ll" If you are a farmerj plant your gartlen ii long row s, and do the "- I .'I 1 .. ; '1 . A . .. work with horse ahd cultivator. GENERAL HEWS. whkrk-thk imihiktaxt k1;vt otW " EVKKY .rVTSrVivi UlMl K $t ; - ' - -; Xr rw.M v,hn ifrr.rm, 1,, the Idea that next nAjeei In lgi0.the worjds pula!iri taap ,,iild be .'-The Two link iu Sod 1,4K7,G0,hh. f. jftiy," when it should have been ump- Charles A. Dana, editor of il:J Uiik itf fSoctetr,! andaarj ? 'H W' reVrommencf and rMpc I A wealthy Iirklvii '- lti.-rcWii.j ie-JMiity. are given to my choaeu rab ! eomniitted i.-idfy ii ; u. 'QfUt than 1 would have, V I am not mg u.rWHH. m.v grr,,,-,-,, Mistake will happen. raie mere ls aian.itiiiLr. iKing as mani, ; i ;f k- as 200 in out week. da v, during the 1 7 I for Chili hist w-lc ot, her nKiZXMte'm iiatiiraL not.. the i reanlt cruise. As she c-tt-aiiiwl't thnml ; 't 1'ult.v-rni?r . Affined bj the batteries on Ah at, Z 'island n:d is oue who w to Fort Point tired a Ktlutv, : ' I llv he od. Merchant U 1. TVBarnuJH. f he-great hbwini5i$ is dead, i He Conn., July "Hh. bora ill Bethei IS 10. ! II iK.'ga.' business in, 1 i3" hy show ing on.- of f!etrge Wasliiiglon".v old in; Two young nu n ihe 1 1 1 i ing in Iuicast iv 1'iu, ' -cjided '' f lid career bv taking poison... M'fiev Iioi! tlesiretl.to leave tins, wort u -till t! i 'ii ' neously. Thev mu-t La-vt-Voted to .each other! f Louis IwKik !. Jiit 1 11 -ii I a ; !(".' ;i i f of Kichnioiul A'a-'. b tQ 1 et). 'c'ouinhu ed to iail to' await t iial foi (.;..,r.4 of embezzling lunnis M,,d s1,m-U nw.Ml ey belonging t" , I d 1 i-tnnrv i -Ik to the. amount ol -UT.'''0. J tine ttt H-ctrn- lainva is , jKised letweeti Aslii'vilje. 'ami 1;'4 yard. An organization ,y ih- purpose has live u formi d, . w itli i'd C. K. Wilson, j'f l'iilhoiiu.-.i- I'vf dent - .'--'' ' . j The 1'resiili dts iojr t h,-. ugli ilnf 'country eonintr-need yesterday. I party ' will go ;is far Vest a 4 S Francisco, and-as far' South Texas.' .- They will return' by 'way Salt Iake C'ity. Tiiey will it tiu-u Washington -oibt:fe .15th May. ; Karon Fava, Italian Miiii-tt t' the United States, billed fvmuX, ' York Satuidav for Uome, bavin- recalled b'v'-the Italian Oov'ern'iffii ! on. account of the N .Ij-. i!Di tragedy of a few w e;.-k ago. 1 patches- brings' the news t-hat l vf ; j ,- . , , , ,- 5 f f Hembert or i ta v i s nluvM fgnwid : , . f I because. soiiK' -American n v.s,a. r , , . , j. . , , 1 J i have 'lK.'litt led lnti? wiih cartooiu Louis iiookt-r. one of. tlie nnosj prominent and highly esteem- d Itns iness men in IJichmond; and foj hiany years treasurer o tliV ihi?rori St. Paul's Eprscopa uivh -ua rested last I nursday on: toiir :a :i4 - rents, sworn out bv - Hduanl ' winkel, charging'! hin Ayith'-eh'ibezz j rnent of $470(. , "' . (Jen. Jolin K. tooke. of IichittHi died last Fvidav'liight a few jniniif.-J palst midnight, Tiu- death' of rej; Cooke remove.-1 the most -di.st ingui; -i - 'ed Virginia iWlieff in the ,1a le ; w i He had charge of -litre Xij h a.m Una brigade undj' pi sti ygivii bet J :li ii : i 'self for 'his gallantry. '" He ;mit;4 wounds from vvJiieh her lias su$T hI ; greatly ever sii;ce an-1 .hastened his .death. 1 nia'e; i t i . Walker,. of I'ichardtn,' a -tailonj; on the -lo'bil'e and Bimiinu'lvam l aill- roatt. was ari'estu as! -week at! liichartlson on the charge that1 -.4- 4l,. !.,...! Lf..: J ; A I tiers w no naAe lnanne! , at tac :-..- ori - , ,- iu' i k;v ... ,i p- , the trains on tiie .Mohiie aial f ; i utt- in'trbam and the T.Wiisville ' :J Sto have conmled ; hipbn, to , m-f S111 ( ' !,:iU A'f A1!,"V 4.H insii Yiiu- itiii it ii i i 1 1 r i i - i, ita . i r :t. ?ll v e- r roiil" Ot I1IS C'Oj 11 p. I I.tof- iUlU li!t', J. f j 0t-uj) to yo Tow-n Send Veterdav, ahd ' last ; nigli m ;.od tiine -l.-.-f nci also col lapsed iiikI ijiow, e.xbi'a'l strong signs of- insanity. f Miv.-i'-isHif think C'unninghiitu. . can hardlv e.- i cape serious. jitcntai imiairtireiit. V ! . . . ; 1 i -- r. 'Yfc Ttlw ritpJt . corrept-uilent ;.l St. Peters-burg savs: Ail af tempt' w;cf made on'the ( 1zar" .life on la-t e . ! but was clevei'ly 'irnst'rated'. J; - a liiissian holiday ''and- c;.orUug custom the ( 'mr -smt Cxanna ".vent it j review" the 'Imperial fuiipd-r 'ut,j h'e'Ij-, '. . . i . . - . . . f .u iiluu vt,i-,"r"lu - ine. paiaee tu i of I tiraud Duke Ni h;na. iiaio-. j to the-cerjrsn'tiijyhtl.'. lH-eitei?t"i' a ; j extremely j?clecT"ind limited nimhp. -I of iters. ti-ii.. A man w-irh a Siti!.'e-. complexiohjand a Southern tij.c- u;f among those admit ted bv ticket. -Hf took a place ti e paces ditfiiit f tip the place w here the (j!ar wai i stand. '... '-....' "- - iv . Sa van nail anil Ma. on li.t-.- hei ' I , . , ... . i r- i uiouunieiii-R iat? .m-hi .-tint. :nn. IVn HiU dieiL and thnv iears -aft't-sv . ... . j-v . . i. i Atlanta said to the Worhn -Mehoj:. - rf. t - - -. ... ,i fullrstrengtii j-tafuuv wai uiiveiej Henry Gpidv dieI in l)tv-mU.. i lSV. One yeiir after an '-iiviratr.'i w. .... v..v..-.... ... '. . ...III..-.. .-s j New York, to jmake the oration i.,- - August, w hen ! a nionitnieiit w ill ; ii .-, ".", , . ,: r l now Atlanta imvei.i m-r iaon:e?: oi. , ju our lister State tlK; Sena!., ef i South Carolina has appropriate! - .'$50,0(M' toer-ct in Colunibhi asratuT I to the memory of General Fraiiirl 111 . i ! Marion. From rti E4reeBlc. 1 ' 3 .i , For the Farmer Adrocatc an error in the set tap C any ' ;it'.it f-oprsiHillir I va mul ' a wtw. plainly see the difference . won tier w,no ting gnesaeo, wnat m I ntuH, -by ; invV subject. Tfie two I , ' . J . . lmlxs, to which I refer.are the farm ; or and t lie merchant and at a glance (.lkK. culi th' approi)riativeue of 1V tUl,Wt The next (iiiextiun Ari . ai:d merchant are two Links, ao tit iieiik, what are really their relation! ifrr? t tnevsnouia tMjtio caikxif Tbetr ... -iieunt.il a4 one who is engaged in the ftii rrjt,(.e uuu aie ot yoott. Aow we can easily note, the , vast difference ei. sting. between these two classea of i iu' ii, ' whose final ' aim is money. ..They are both working for the nuue tiling exactly, and that by honest a i nl honorable means. ., - Now right'here let me say, if my ; article conveys to any one the' idea that l,am defending either the mer c h.int or the' farmer exclusively, I i'o not wisli'it. ,Mv motive in this o--' is aiuH.il nic jJitrjw- ; oiees. that are gradually hnding their jV.av 't. info both classes neither of - ! -'" W get; along ..Without- the i'l iv r. On r mot i ve is to try and dis pel jail secret anl bitter feelings that -or.K' cherish and keep "pent up-; in (t'tili.-ir bosoiiis with now and then an i ; . t i -1 1 rst . of tlie purest indignatioh a iid contempt, i And both sides are to.idame. 1 How is. it with the far it. i-y . I'.et lis set. . -: y I r., . is a farmer of ordinary cir ku instances. -Not very poor and cer ! ainiy not very rich. . lie is . a man ni' fai r j udgnient and : very good at tainments... He works four horses, c i uallv m maiiy negroes, and besides i, s .: luM a large family to support. He i fays he works hard and at the end j- i ii' nut vt:ir ofiio2 nuf ulwilVH ill aid 'themerchant holds the mort gage. Somebody is to blame. The majority of men in this world cannot - i,j t liemselves as others see them, j consequently tlieir snort coninungs iiare iltA ttt sonie one . else's doon The -merchant has Air. A. m his clutches. W'-.ir after year the same old tale of iiiiifortune is told. The mortgage grows Heavier ana Heavier ana right here, I will sav, it is the iardest tnmg in this world for a man to borrow money at twelve per cent and repay it with farming. And now the mere haut sells Mr. A. out to recover Ins own money, j and in this avf makes of Mn A- an i K'nem viof . life.. 9 '"- - This pictnre is nothing new. We it ? very -jdiry all over our land. Now riglft htjre mark. It is this class of men toWlay that are raising i he i-iini)us in..te camp. They seek .membership for private vengeance, and ink for 'the public weal. They joi n t he Fanners' Alliance to spite he mercliaiits, to attempt to throw oft a debtor's error upon the shool der of an honest merchant. Such ht been going on: for so long a tinte ?!:ai this maxim lias grown into every i ; n.u -n: : . 1suaIw ua use. ine viiiaiice is ukuuiik ervthing and even is a pandemoni- um w it hiii itself. But I thank God o.h ii Is not true. The great aim of the Alliance is "Natitnial l'eform. One party is . . - , 1 . ,,,, . i.; in the jiiire. , The. Alliance stent . , . . . , 1 1 il,t i1trator to readjust mat- aim set itie iiovernmeui angub I" , ' . I A ' I- A. Th great mass of laboring men are to ie heard in the tight between cap- ital and lalior. fJOur battles are by no means to lie made personal. They e.'.iitend for great principles in a i-'-at and comprehensive .way.. The Alliance in not against .the merchant oi any other, particular class of men. It' is.-for Ueforni, regardless of men n o. I reelings. - , ' ; .The" farmers' interests to all are ' r!i. h,-a rest in the country. With 'out"(ood results to him, men of all rank and profession ace flat and jrelpless." lt all, be he merchjuit, hiirnit -i lawyer Nir'iv hat not join iiaud- .vith the Alliance in its great 'work, and npi use violent against i:..i-s tlie w tune w isn or i v-onrxinenu. THE TILLER. Daniel 0. Fowlewas one of the ;ne-; devoted and just I, honored sons of .North i'arolina;,' always proud of her and from his earliest manhood :'. the 1 d-nly s h-.v: and ch; o the hortr 'in which he was so snd- uininoned to the great beyond . never laggard in espousing ami championing ner cause on, tne ;h'id or m the forum, as ready ana ! brave hi the ope as he was unselfish, '-eiilojri'.eloiiueri.t and brilliant in the ?other.rSrr. , ; s a ipeaker CJov. Fowle was florid and . ornate, w ith much of earnestness .if i.eiiiTier Hp oftn ned the old ; - luanuii. j cia.-sic stonesKfor ffor illustration and ornanieiitand i stimetimes was ' very etf.-etive and impressiye. We heard Inni oiK-ejWheu he was. intensely paa 4n ate even fervidly eloquent. It w as t he speech he made in June, 1878. the night of the nomination of Zeb uloii Ik Vance for Governor. It was delivered from the portico of the National Hotel at Ilaleigh. It was uiKut threeinarters of ian hour in lenght anil was a fine : outburst of felicitous thought elegant adornment, eunitt declamation and magnetic i ?oratorv. ltiwtr. . i on Subjreajurj Schsme. PUcc lit Fararrs on a rim Basis. Aa AkU. CxMaltlea'wer It .'Writ tea hlUN T.ri n.r.n tu The f Flaaare IM 4 Pally.; W8Hismx, D. Ma-(h sth,: "lf OTf4U . ' . . If t ilk f IU IUIIlUl 111 IttQl lA..,t v-,:.. .1 - i r.. : tmf Kj mi rayan rf 1 I-1 1 .- -i,. .4 lv.i ' nt -:L.., .L 4 ill Treasury scheme is due W tW f.ict the principles underlviiciand the J(l. .!7w .Js .f. .i.. i . ' ttooJ. : y ; "I ... ' . "! : : Ur.'.G. W. Macnne, chairnnrirt'f the xccntire Conimittee of the Al liance, in speaking of the $ sclu-im,. j The necessity . forborne. thing;" of this kind has been deyelo j !v .f he onward march of niah-rial jrgress. For the last tweuty-tive years agri cultare has as coinjuu-ed with the other two great branches of proditv tion manufacture and conunefee -been rapidly becoming depressetl itn unprofitable. This depres.-ion dui-J ing a period with a jarallel off mate rial progress in the wirlds )i.tory is worthy the most caref ii 1 analysis. For this .purposei: take.' two of the leading products of j ugrft-u It u re- wheat and : cotton and t face t he changes made in regard to tlu-m dur iug that period. i i THE SKASO'X IlOlilKNKO. '. "Twenty-five vear ago wfeat was,11-'1. nng me n. v.- n in- tn raised by fanners Ihn.t.jl.o.ii Mlie1 VlU" ,U" MH" 'V",,H' V' "M" fM 'f North generally as one of th- K ading the iiieun pru e he mi-bt h ml money crops. 'NearK, all tb-wo.k of f"-1 ouM bav. t waih-.n,. -bui t gathering audinarket in- n .i.. done, ,!,!l- wjs u,h1 lUlK'!'t tJ"J" by hand; local mills', thic klv .dn red : W",J l'-lf V . V V l tl .1 Oiliiv, V j local consumpiion, and tin )aiaii(-i. was solu wnen tlie nce .-iuttt tlie farmer. V All of. this; guaranpvd a moderately even sale of s. In at. by the farmer from , August ii in il -t !a next June or July, and it n, iu !'. r, er common for a farmer toi Lie hii wheat on hand over a year, , uv t he development .of .rail way systems. lia.j. Immirhl f trrtnt i.-f r-!iKf Ob' mrwmmMmv ...... g,. ..... , . - market that -wheat can uo dong -r be nrofitably errown in the Kaht.'wliile - .1 ' II A. A 1 A. . I ,.. At' i ,.i ...,:..:.... . V. . . , - a ii i uistnct, the wheat as cut and (sound t 7. .,-- . - - by machinery', taken to finiuen -esteani 7T , (1 i thresher aiid from the sieam;f l gnwin bt. haste 1 in Htexe vyaUir nwwilwajvalwacleatham and the moment it strikes the eleva - tor it is oh the market .of le---world, i ' i- .i -; ;vh.teh the) The season, therefore" in farmer realizes from his productive effbrt is reduced from, to months to a eritxl that U'H'S 1IOI. in its utmost limit, ewe d ;i i in . months. 1; y ' ' uw - the same reason the reason for marketing the i-otton bv th- far mer has shortened is mtrch or liiore than that of marketing ;th'e w h.itf. EFFECT OF M0UEKK .; IM VHO Ki IiTS. "These ehausesJ brought about by ine moueni iniproi emeu i.-1 n.ti mawr , . ., . 1 ., . . r i . ,. i substituted the railway train for, the it. . i : ' 1. . - ... . i!. , v. .1 . i du me railway train joi ,iue ; . - .. i i; ,i j iL 4 i - i r- -.i traction, w Inch h tin and the telegraph for the;. . , f f; , n.i i the depressed r ??"di ox cart courier, make some othor changes necessary, ! one of which the e.e of j ail oi liens ine iiiosl iinporiaiii is a modern instead of an ox cat-t .-y si ein W.i j ; V ,.- l,v . ; ""Under the old system the demand for money to handle the products of the country lieing nearly the Kime 7 i V . i ! rnent itselff ' There arerat j,n of products of agriculture producedjjv U(J for jj geven, A. M K ,.v-v..sa . 4 . ........ 1 a mm A. .1 no gteat effect upon tlie money, mar- ket. ' Hut under modern conditions it produces ajnost-powerfitretrt-ct. Trhevoiunieii niouev in tire 1 i ' H. I.'-A 1 t', it Itt4vvi i ti t Iu. , I i inlf.il . S f.fij i1 niu ?"v"-'" -": V? .:""'. : time is vanousiy, estimareo at iroin about 5,00,000,000. Mllilxt. :. . . - :i .ii the manufactured -omnfo lilies "r"1 r ' 7 an rm ik'litriihi t l ud u iUn . t hn imin. utaciprer auu ine w..rt....tr.,. .nr times, rhedmiaudthen throughout Ior wvi m'mr; i - eonni or manuiactureui-oniui-Ki Me, would e,,al,000y Wiou. I eI: resent that sum y th.f ligure ,-1. and :,v wl . . ; " , - ... , ' i V le.ls -.thtiij inirtieVR.iH!- it'. $1,000,)0,000 l -K-nt- that Xowi :-1f.,b,. Sub-T. vafy V Jt. ,in by the figure .2, Jlic gros ouijuit v.t (, thl. of manufacturiiig of all kinds., is i .l,;,,,, .jt as Z if to 4, ana,wouii t,,ny rniiriv,. r 1Ial, IlltAt ! atu.it t ,1 to la- that every dollar in nulatH.iii; fM - usea tvp umes iu ea-u--a.r f-ji-, ty tnia; uenianu. i iiii r. lai ioii is practically uniform throughout nle year." I ; -!' '- : . .. .The gross value f agneultnri prodncta is aboi t:, ...ijsUoroo4,00 Suppose two-thirds of this prinlnct is used for . home c-onstrm p; ion and seed and one-thin I is mark ted dur- Uf the lae' lhrt'- niontbsv of the year, and that rutins on! s- changes ownsbip twice, the demand t litis t re- a 1 f 1 t . . 1 e ...... - Meu wouiU'oeior vne e 'wy,.U certain corj-orat nm, , out Jtvni.-.i OUO.wnicli,,!, tjitaix-veuisis, .ki.1,1 li MMU.ntut hlM Ii.. urnr 1(1 vuvru.v. ivriu.'... . .. ...... and which added to the reirnlar ide - mand, 4; names the demand using;; inat rune i-t. .-. : t, i " . - !- A-OKEAT CONTRMTIV. If the volnmne remain he -am. throdghont the year, for nKMitlis', m the year, the relation .of volume! to demand is a y to 4, and during; the other 3 months iia- i to 1 1.". . ''Of course this is the w idest raiigej ... 4lw.' x.1.4;,... i.f 4 1... ...Li iii coald not in practice coiitiitl Wf "never abnormally - asgiii-nt the reUf or hoprabl;, none has- been fnj-r any inch liiiei Jt iuut ctihe iandjUive yoluni (Therefori; the highest j front out sidf fiiiSlueucc-aid iioue h m , gogradnalljr.but the iu-tual relaiivel j.ric-es, or thse hii li now vobtaitf'il U-en; uiore l-atriotic ' ' r' volume mnst be and is reduet-.b dur-! with thecoiwituR Would not W in- . The State lias lost a brilliant and ing the short tern for handling the! i crwwed, butj tlie Uii'deiicv would be I initrhitic Chief Executive, and it i crop to .two-seTenUf iU average! f W-bring the! lowest jpric, WhJsefittiiijtl.iateVerjr iWiior 1.11011 1.l- I during a part at leWt of the balancet j now realized bv the pnidiici-n- tip" to aid to Jus ineuwry. hith vj.i i h rot oMtie jear, but there are reasons wfiyi j; not lute tcet t i the ; ! Ill I j a 'nrlfTlH? burnt itactMin i l-ttK.lm-tVt uti mo-W-rtttHml UlT th. V t w iih V n:.itn. i'I U looi t t luin tmtliuhle. ttheii on tlliiit iu i ttmut the ratio f the Mili:nii i-i "Ioih jU' and should pi rireHnttl bv, itb u?urt" tiuring ine i-nori i a 1 . 1 . t it . ! 1 i i.rp If . iume, wiiu llletloMnw:fcrl lei'.tK - n - in in lie priiirr'i protiuc: ,f ukcus a rill sititHte in i-ha h f cnidit .Jvii- iper, which cirt ii1atei n.- iitoiiv jtHiomil h t" red 11 11 t is iieti hiki i ut in.. lie-l ftr r uiti iMirimne oil iutiiiuii' 11 pe crop j dunng the. short Wii will 1 fatfe My , j fU"ft ! Kioulu Ik aJdeil u the rain inillv tt-t i - ?rti ' I t ' Vtl- tynemaking it ft- 4u :b.Vh'rt ia."4on, and inaKing" Jhe nitn f ..l - iw to demand t hnmghout t Itf Vlll r iu l.Mlow Iing t-tMn. deiianJ 4; crt4V .... ni, .laj maud 1 1. ' This sho s t lie a ftiv ,tits rhii sht ji t be aei ual tie- 'j ticiencv -lor contract ifu of the Volume I during the hort"ean. t-fpia i -tw't- tilths, or forty, jn-r -ent Tpiere is antetuai tle line in. prices pial. t rt-a-Hin', f i((y per cent., dun jig toe- thus proving the dt inoii.-ttat j on inr- rcct. - ' ; :. -; ,;. "In suptKirtOf this iatenii. nM as to the fluctuation in 'price e I would refer to SiiiotlordV ry j ar . Anieri- can re tig i ires litre i 1 .St inl mi.'il tluctuatitMis iti irit r of .......... ...4.. ...... f T-J"' ine pi'inluctrt alT'ti ly I II IniI i nrv HVMieiii for -IwtMitv vur i tf to lhtS7" was foi Iv-ouie i - TrUs - : "This pnuticallv ueair. tlui ! fariner nreivetl 7.1'-"!-ts for- 4 oiimI. .. "These change ar- 1 na i.tbt rc iluetioii of, general pricfvl that, iii'tst follow the iilent ciitllTietjj.M.of the relative volume if. njion -v. ai c.i.rdl- )ioii that iS'uiia void. ltd v ill.' i'i-.-u!i of a tit d and Mitlexfbh Aoiumt- lui-et-inga great -aiitlaugiiiueiited ileUmiwI. 11 ItP OX Til!" V UiM 1 Hi l'he foiielusion from all t his. -is ' plain. The ' farmerf . nniK'es 1 1 : i - in vest nient when the.vlunie of money ." e.iuri wiKn iri 'i.'e3ii,i,.-p. He realizes from, his 9uelm?iit dur- ., k , . tmg.the -season m vwhn b futes are , " , . , i i I depressed on accotiiiti.of -the fjue.ive ni, f.!!t.xihle.8ni,p,v;..; ki It is, uml j i ... . . -L :. , f . . r-- , , f,- ! . -. (ht cen t. lower than -tli v.i-n- nheii i mm ;J ,. r......u ..... ..... , aU:'- .'..- L . ..i..; 1 , I-' "S.oikI I lie iuaib-.pt.aev t.f tbe'inaftrialjy int na-d witho t , , . tMiiiru iu linn nine oi lli"i iu lu ll to twelve ii.i j J i ' . t i . , 1 tleiitetlness and i. all jitt t uaMl ingiblti 1 1 1 isc 1 1 1 1 1 1 n a 1 1 on a y ai 1 1 i ag i ieuji u n : ... ,- , . . I i. of forty iier cent, annu.rlh. OXI.Y TH K.WFWri.AT0K HKN l-Jt' lT'I Kt. . iA.o class is -fieiieiititeil iiv tiiirt iiis. crimination !exceit tlie e.xi;itjler i "Every usiful and I pi:odiii4ive 'i in terest in this;counfry Hioutd ijv ii.i-p- lv interestetl in seen ring a tl v.iinlifv for the volume'of money that will be - i - .j t.t a gurrautee against t A- i :. i;: . .i lis. , iol.'bt con true i-iiiiiM' for iiidii ion oi ihgnc.ul- ture.- "The- methods t'lie ' irolM1?.el Sub-tre-au rrsisteni areich iirt will i exactly mwt this cohd itioii. anfl thire- J by l-nelit all .class.! I ', ... , . ! of. ;i:iv-tV F'H' 1st lie settled iolicv, ami corrtjetl v o, of this govenrnioiit ltd- forbrdj anv is- l ' - ' ?: sue or nioiiev except nv. in- igovrrn- Ifeuf i Mi IV I Bain I UI III ik j ( irellll4ti,m; ; , t . - ni ijiient to One i; ttt hell i it aiid... the other' i . to lend' it to rtile lKoile, A."t a' iiiodiliealti.yi of. "11. t ...... i.- ..t wltVi.r -it 1 .tl II.. fl .if. i ill! If. II. I I? f T t ""'l' '( : , 7 . i . ' . - - i ! : ... t now i&ithtrt- ze.1 to deiKlt Hm govern a - .f,- tt.51,.h,iMeH 'L,i , j;r, . .. .. i ey and.' provui emjt-rg'fiiey !:;', I,.. t ti, a. -iwl.l.ji.tv lllgllientlll i demand; Vratel 1 , . . - . i . tlittllpfllg :l w' .j., of agrieoltu ii,,., h(, 1 withoutt innlingt tb u ! r,,iatve vtdunief m .nev alMv' Mluit , . Uof V( - , in(, rf . j - .. --4 J.-l volfin.e . . . ... , f ( . . , iianM,u4 ii.at it : valunHith gold coui.f l ten fllie Sub Ji vatii: and i-l!h ientj fe.nedv iiu;'1i:,;,t;;m" Ur-, ' ' . , 1 ' i -J , i i uc iiiiaiu iui i'iih- i r not. m ii i i vii th 'ffr n i to i- r xT. ....... ......... -- . I o tins M-vere teM J e a-: vraie., i of 'the jiit-astlre are rtalv a t id w ill ing to submit- :";. , ' '.r H'ln' SiilTrea-iilrV Y-te,i ijt an Nat-1 , .it:irir.-riU'llt' iif flj- nrei-ilit iiMialliaiiking law. the only inotlitita- iions being that the h'aii of. the bill-.; ,v the government U- ie: - rtVt rw t : - . . ,- . I ... i 1VtrMlel :,;,- alI'rople liayiiig f he tepttre.1 ; Co - ' I . I A 1 .. I . 1. .. I 1... ....I i lateral W UrjIOftll, H0 I II.I I we- "' n i.i.i-,.1 i. ,lf---,lt,l ii..n-;..l of 1m - ius. restricted W: goverw.Knt Ihka ' 'lKt4ltlt e, ideike of wealtli.' I ' . : :-.-'.- '- IT lii iiXVtX. Ionev oiit under', the jro- poseil vyst,eiii never astgnient tlwrriiniiif t.Viv Imvhu it ei H 1 1 1 1 tlie mean price lowaru wmcii uie con- rt i - ;l..l.-f ' 'I -.... - ;p ...-. e for an ;to a few leading ph!;.K- of agri(H,l-tHe often nl tluit the re.t-n..b.li- nil.U i,. i.L.IWi. ,.t .1. I.r !... I..I.1I.1I IWI3I-P.IIII" '",, ....' ' : We tliat form the baNi-i-f tl- exi-4rtM- " . " otlue; -weigh.-!, te.n .ly : ..r it,; ...I' f.v-1i-i ti .tl uin him, ami wje j know that b- . i V I ki i .7 ..f... p W - - . huViM-rcii m;M al-o tctnl.t i i Tlty " l-liliK'nt nu iiui tint J Wiil'-f.i of treasury not 4 tl HAnl;-i!.a piinty with gobl. x h i 3 IV 'W.'"S,JI U lloinilti' I-HI llte.i' it. I M I net t c ri I t , S- ra I u n i n r- of Rii:r";lia' eTeoiiiim ittl.tl i'l? ' atmuMtf f . ii-5'. note I- ijit-ft.t it- tii -.. . ? I . i .iu u: ntvlolie ami lln-nio.- i . etnemU4ii' wncli note Irjn; t itiaii'iarti; jui an liHW a f..:' I hat tlHiv(r a limit, tt p 1 - v t - . i w hit h would dem-i'iate mieb no,t. ud that .iu h liinit i ton haugetl hv.CtrciMiituiHt. fa . .... V A I N T Jk 1 N I . fV 1 II K'Ot 1 1. 1 .-t i k i. 'l i laiut thai the"munt uf In iV 1 ! tv- -wiat wtmbl virenlafe I . 'i'uLMb on w 'Beat and cotton wouM, I.. :" 'U-IIIUIIttl t HI . ail Mlllolltvl t f .1 j!w,'H,,! ''' Kvvp' them yii a p;.i ' it V with gibi and that Done of ti., !.i ' : i i .t . thiiiv,i,i!.,Vrtii'-nt. irmlit would line an) 'I " 1 ' "ii llllllll IIITJi WIIH II ,.l!' iiewitMf!!'- -!.: m rteiMit noi. , f roiil t be" gobi tMiiilai-il. in itniHid'eriiig thu proioitiou it l!li br reinenilK-rttl that t lie f irm, r ! V,,,f. i'm Jh ll.'Hl to depit hi- u b- at ,MM eotitiii.! i t I a general t v rt-eo.n i. ! fW'' that 'fhe pri-e of tla-H- pi.Hi a i- are n.gulatti by the exjxtrt inai V. t jwldch are fil-ing the ninjl( lt'.i-: ,i itandard of , Iptniey.r and tin u li.i tlie irij.!i of tdii u fi i i tiia v witHifd li gold' price, and w J-iu-j--i-1 1 ij i 1 1 c reiuu i 1 1 t he t d u Ii l e o f d ft, r et ic ctirrelie - auiiii iitml (be : .. eral price - of Ciituiuotlrtie to .i i . 1 i-"f 'piality w th ui h cold ip.ioi.i- from !,,"' ipr i iip- priuct tn- ttiii r-ci'iit. hrluni ! price would - tabli1:i. .! i if jljl'.'iaod li lool'e WoilldK" )lii)ML! if 'I., j lie farm, f , Ikt;iiii' run fia lln r .i.l Itlltlous to the, olltllie of llie eiii '(. jlatilrg''lHedlll)ll Wo. till ( IIH lejl ! d ifurrenev so that it woiihl pav 1. ! i 'to fH-ll ibiiu to deit aiwl t h" met would Come out of the w .1.1 ihotie's and tic- inoue'v go iub tl.-in. and -on,-e'pieutly tint of ciit't.l. j1 belt ly llilVoni.it it 'ill I y et;id I i !, : ; juid maintaining t he-etpiili4iriuti . . MiMI II ONOXIIC 1 lit t II. I ;'Ji! 1 1 1 i ronneet ton t here j a ' 1 1 i 1 liuoire fui'oi tunt t oiisidemt i.. n. 1 1 lit be 'true that, of jsuch, prijilnet u-j Lire 'leinling conni'iotIitie of ep.ir! , I he doliiect ie piiee' ' regulated lb- eVjK.rt market, I ben tin .Nil. iTrea.itirv plan mind Ik- iidiuitnd i Ih: the di' oery of a great wi-vhi. .on. trrth, The pri e of thie pjode. t-ln-iltg litl by the' evjxirt pi in-, it jdepelitl of foiiie iijmiii the mi j.).! '. of.gold u'ntL t btf .demaiii for ii- '':-.;; ill sut h fonjgh count rni; thei' .,. the nucfiuitiohs .here th not i.. nfsjNind w itb t he general level, of ! . jilfil'es expr,tWel 111 local iiiimii v. nnd t he prod tU'ei and coiii-iinierMie aiit at Hie'inercv1 of tli4 fitc i'il.it''r. II ft he doiue.'tie IiiU-i-.H goei !e 'I 1, :t he foreign tp.iotat ion then !1 . i i . . iia'a-stire e-hould Im- inniignnit. il f..i pfeserv ing t h'.4ime rat io liet'n n ' i ie hiipply ant) deifiand foruioiiiy lint prevails , in the foreign omvIo t 'I'hiis ii t ffe.-tiUilly done by iiURi i the tloinetic iiKhIiii-J .w hieh i pri 1 abroad as a ba-iii for a donn-f tl' i- -1 of' t iirreiuy . ! . . . 'Thi.- Mltiu f a , ' j.r.it tii .iii. . l't" haw Ift-eii ! liiiiiiM-ri il: bv' biiih. dolilestie priefr of ( t hes" podi!i ! bai'd" on j fm ign goltl, and . w e n., projMW tOt, lltili.e' foligll gold ih ;i circulating nitiliiiiiii in tlii eo-Milrv fforVth' puriHij- of hanilliu' tii. - prH4e w Inch it prices. ' l "tv i, 'ci-rfificate'. .are- i'u d ugiiil'nd gold and, silver bnillion d. -jMMitiil in government vvart-hon -. while luidcr-t Jie.propwed l m i t tlieatcs would? lie j4Mieil agaiiil -.'d t-'oiii in ciifulatioii abroad I., it i j - re-wlited by wh?at and cotton l i-o-i-t-l in- the government wari le. i-. here ! Thin luiist-fully eiiablih t!e wisdc!ni iiud eon-u rvatiriu of theN--tem. J I r; ' . -; Tl : ', . . - -' Wil l. llfcXKVtT V I ii. ."; "The effi-i-t Of the introtliieli..n -f t his 'fiVs'teui W llLIe of no dlfeej l n - tit to Hie f a riijgc-f only m. it n iwn . -tliv riniination-i. HLHin't him. 'I le U-liefit will et)lie fronnllre f- i lli.i money in put in circulation wb ii if mailed to keeppri-e from l.tllii r. ! Th.'.roiill lhen wi le .a i.u r fnl teljib-ney tijwartl the tabijit v .f price, no diftt fiuiiiion for r a iin-t aii'v( fJ.tV but an ipial liene'i! '.(..oi. What the pre iid ui to . ir d . 1 ff o-ri.vn f 1 luring hi mre than t wo y at - a. (Overiior oi" t lie State be ba b. i, ii in the main a atisfiW'tory Chi' f Kv -ciutive io-tpi people;. I'herc h;is !- ii Mlli4 CiMIaiilt Wild llOW '-HIjiI thelT lieTiai U en l;iarjily i-ritici's!, .but.he Ha iio'doiibt tri'-'I fodo Win duty: nod to lii'- t allvthe p'JX'iiHibiliiic! of hi-, nigh ofliee w (th CollM llitlo!l- fid. -lit v aiid fairneM. JIN aItirinitratio:i in l...ii i li'ir mill Iu tnui hIiou Ii ;u 1 1 1 1 1 v If ,.,! J Iri; , ,'r.l Id.- tS,t.'.' i t.u-0f tJu. .n.l and pon,o!. th .,H.R.rfv and ii.lli.enee ,,f ;tlw t.,- 1 i .1 ' - 1 t j Mr U'lf i ' . f . - Ilejw at.Jiiteiy mcor.ru-)..t 1' I.. . . .. ; 1.. .. :. !. e I 1 sougui in m rit- to--.jrTp 1 1 .i ! ity, ability and an ey i-ight to tie- ;goMl of Ine State. S The verdict of history will !' that I no,adJinnjtration in the history of if t he 'S tut e b;ii lieeif niortv urozri--1 - j Kir. r ' I - O ff ..... ' , 111.- UIW ...1 !t i i , : : .'--Vii .'- .:- -'---'1. (.! .- TAi r '"-; -i : f 1 1 4 If II A '