BRIEF OPINIONS;; T'lE. coinage of f-iljer dollars will :'be Mapped nft r the first of July. If ow ke h - arc fonic ticians in nniii-fHi; for, thir own gooL T !k! uKr:.V I talfan and-the negroes lit.- St !! th is- jru-t. now having pretty iouIi fiint .-.!,, Tmly, a?i;'Italiaii is atnit to l-eoiue a wtcrtd lump of linni;ill Hf:.. ; . '. I :"'.-.- ,'. Tut: hhel.VpublicaiiS of(ieorgia h;ve;oj junta l what' they call a new . i:ir' . ; I'ut llw-v have decided to I-t H jh. h ri u' 'They declare sthem-ve-frc.- j-'i to tht- pr8eutf. 0. 1. S'tiVit. j'lijft- are 'tatyig.. that'", the; Suii-Tn ;; uryj Ml); originated in the Ni i h. .1 t i-1 not .-o, 1 I originated .1 - 1 !.. I . Ji: .'...1 i.l .in iiii- .oti i u Uii4i a-jiim aoir i i It. Nat i'n:il ii-i-ting in St. Tuipn, I -".. t i .' ' ; ' i , ; St sr.: 7i i 1 1 ion f: " I u tkv census ofU't-e .it .Washington, this mUnlier on i j i t J :ruL" - ('mi. 1h ' found, ui- rni- I'M',- morl'TaCT" cvorv This seven nth. 1 1 il.itif-j - And; with ull this. irculatidit r amounts" tit t ; i 1 l! I.irl ter'head. i ff -in now to lie a fact that, i(U- fiiii!,. ( r -j and , Fava have beon'play- I.H . Lnn of bliifT. . Cn-qti, the Pre- .i-r r Italy,; It i.rcrort;d,. will .ex--- v, hMe.-n!Tnir, if he use its for- r- tin- p'ple, lie and a i s, ai rj on, icrv good terms. I ,. . ." . .; ... ii ir lii;ii.ic lnus now jn:t engii-gh h!i I-' hae it tiVtea hy those The .more 1" iv t ' it '.Well. ' t1 ISifi'nitV jhv.s the detuai'iU the . v. . ..-' i.iot.v- jio.-ition will Ik iiu-t.; -1.5 ret h- i . - rt n. . i :(' to ! t he" truth. Hohl fast - . ' wliii li i. "immI. Ifi'dit will eoii- ' . I I'l l A i l' oflhe IIKMrfi-S, llK-ailJ li !i aii'i f mau-kind. A jmo- ' in da'rk riiV-.-i kn w not what liirht . i . ..." i. '( h "V a iv. f i K Hie' lih in the l;ii:iui-l it ( ai .f ThfV have no ves. '.V ' IT 1:o need of the'm. j : 1 1 f :md ; iiUture will' da her. "-t.i . : i .1 - . ' I: !lo : if';" i" (Hill l. man ever get out IV :I, mi-.' as lie; 1:'.S a higlr f i f j. .' -1 - t oh thf moiiev he !or iliMit fi is i iwn bu.sincs.s can :;: M-' si' j-s' it i wiiy. Of all ;fifr "ill! t hefw'orid, t he : fnrmer to ;n:i-v jhitv s it h '4 her rule o interet it her Ias.s. What can '"ii'elll ( livni?' f.ow interest, that is i.i-it v ohtiiined thriuirh: the Suh- 'I r.i :-tti V lij L ( hraiii monev is wliat I j .ri itu r u aiits." I hi: .)'' i tHttniy (.laekyon. .ty-;;A grx-at niahV peojde want i-t kiTovi uli,. thf Atli;ince don't talk lai , .tlioyt fnntiing iud less aliout j- lii,jt . fT!i- iva-;oti is very plain. VV.--)-;in iirt'li.-t;d th;it thev can't sit. ..What is t In- good oF.rlallving tl 'i.ij f,u niiii'x w ki-n it costs twelve i i i i- fo i cise .ii: . pofilid'.-of cot ton tiif K'vv i'l o:lyM-ll for eight cents? ' hi'ir.vMS i: -t 'politii-s' 'mixed up so 'ii.i't H. fan t'.tnn at a. profit, wi' w'ill ! -.- t lir, iiifoits. operandi of agri- iin l little aiM-j !i t ;MtyvAVo.-(M.Aays: "kt. .tiWr year $1 i,)0K- ' t l.- ti panl t for interest i -1 Tlfts" t yorni.'iuk sum vtts ,!tt V.i Hi j.-.t;ti'i oiji of, the. Treasury as interest .1 l-Mii.t. one year liefore such juiyiv.-.; v.ii -' tlim. .!Thi.4;'.$i2,oo'.iv . :l i)i w loiiiHil tvut ti fhe.furnuMs i-..-iiii i't!-ii at alimut , K ier 1" v !it It ui.-itle a ' -'clear'- !"tti t '-or .it-i lit Tiii th - holJll .Vi IU'i!Tof S'.H)(,- , '. 1 w :i;u reason ' nave meseq 't.-i-: y !() au-d hiiitkeifs for n.ot ii)-ig-.a f'itid fr th- , family of a .' !' 1 iiiiiil.- 1 1 1 1 1 1 iliis tloiiiition.? . 1 11!. v: V.; AM hi"! ' ' LruJt ' ( Bol i var , ie 5 1st Conmvss s.vsV T Imi-:ii-s.- -t THjeiitV' thous -'X i'nf nHfnt-ih un j jvr .i;.-'t -'- v. ii'i. j passed Fourteen ' J 1. ! t.l 1 . -i ! -t' i ' . m--tj.- 1'iMs ere j introduced v 1 v ixiiowh In-fore.- I'erhaps 1 ; !- in:i! Je aei-iountetl for fiic-1't.hat' th Alliance tnove- 'grtr.i.tig ;t; i title -sj-iu-y .o the .'who in:t!tyif iH-rlousiis arei ihl-i' i:i I . til ; loV'itt 1 ..-Ht . MUM''; !M Oi ; TiurrA 10 get tiieir i:mal ii:io tiii triii-iirt-y ias , ston as Ji-'Uhl , K iiiiing t Suit .their chances "to -get theil d nniiefcomes swittlv on. . ' tv ; i 'v.e give', nhlit j Senator ii- to the 'Siib-lreasurv 'si-, ai; i:;ejie f iMin the. Ahe f iy1 v ;i i - 0 vou rjiJider vour pltii.-td io the Aliiiiuce Sub- ma' biljfr"" '! ' r f .! no ciA'itler -'mysj.'lf . pledgt'il '1 I'M. : ' i that; piirric'ti'hir -'bill.. "that is up 1 . ;;s iir-tn:c!el to vote ..for f tinaneial retorm as coin' f etiiliiill , )' C!!lll -.To i . -i vv uni v'uiiimoiu . r i:nv iMitieukir bill" j i; i.ill l it!: : t:iii t lil.ku.. tlw f,.r i - " " - " " t""- -V V - M in) rs. (r-1 hiivv thought thexn an ojvtrKed ,t liis by the leglshitush of I'v-ipast IwAUt v-tiCe veai:si and everv - hij.g thaVi coistent witl tlie,.C'oi-Si" yftUriM. the I'tiiteil Stiit'es I will llo f J' th ni." r- STATE NEWS. THK DOIXOS OF OUR PEOPLE BIUEFLY AND PLAINL3 TOLD. or THE Wfik' CON I : ..I Uafei'di 1v J 1 1 have her nui at depot ea3v;lv utlxt fall Mr. J. 'J Win field of Vs!nceloro, Cralveb couiitv lost hli siu hbuse last wkJ, TM loss h im 84,000 ,li;trliani i trettinij rcatlv tofvote on ijofal Hitioi). iiie foninn.s.'iion- ers JiiiVe irered the.?hx.-tioiiJ 4 A ?a.-t small iMjxi re ported in lteirti coiinfty- I hniu-it Mix rinm is m a state of great exeiteme-ii T . . ; t " ml the rJtriinitv' t'olh-ire h;is wyi hotvl uiidiujr, kiiown its tl vi w ti He holier, j i ear the, .campus, u'snl a.s a; college for girls. ti lie Works, st" Vir atws of Witiston iKito have Bes.seme A t-oirjMrafw)ii from Souths "iiua have iturchased several .land in thelcttv to erect thei It.i-J thyifiht that Weld in will ha. a mail ileliverv' svstenii llowv ever the luatter is still undei eoiifiid- eration? 'I he, Xoftiiamptoii" and Hertford Taili-oad'li-iure of - completim, aiid wilJ prohaliily lie extendet on to Tt uiis, pit txc X." C, railroJd. Method m the nanie of he hew' twtu fatelv1 fiieorfKifatCd. t is two niilits west i)f JJaleigh on M Ifich- inufid and )anville railroad. vangeli i- of nn t'. Kin? is carrvii 011 a Tre- i-eri k-tings at tltaleig nieiii dous.c owd.s ur preseit? every tiijr lit iiHl ij r-.ticniom isiretic, ,i. x ehtinh. A wreck oti the Asheville & Sp;ir- tan the uri riiilroad ilast ! weeM cduseil tleath- bf live train hahuls : "A frei hfr train ran' into a mate ial heiir llvt i Citv. ',1 1 h reeiuaii .J effr iet w a.s f on lid tUad on the railil oad track; near )urhiun last week tu.s- race Wilis tadlv hrtmsed. jRi.s breast, almost cnished m. 1 1 is htkd almost from I iii tHdV.- en. ti. Hoke laid heeti elected bideiit .f .the North I'aililiiia biiljroiwl. : .ton i was liis. It: Holt of lurjing-. leeted to snccet il (ien. fluke on tile directory. I" The l?oa -d of Tru.ste s of he '.Bap-' tistl Uuivemty -met in MiilA weelk and hinted plans of izatjou, .Whmg uetimteas wet? have. hecli arrived at Sidjiev Willianif f R ngW(H)d lo-jtj bix hiilts of cotton last eek. h; tlrtJ rv.. 'I It wius the actjjf an i icendia- Thf tire was soon discovered or el bis gin jji iiif (i 1 1 vt im.'iv. uvi rov and l:4 rtvn lw,iliJfi won l it fin vie heen tft-ht roved. orner .k tone of the i -' L Y. f -O. Ai i liuUding- lit Yilminr as Jiiid j "last! Wedne jitlsiv.' ' There was a lare ciotvd prestj ht: The add res was de- 11 v red hv fon. II. A. Gu'l rer, ot Asheville, A. C. 1 rof. foki. T. Winston, of .the church antiual Sta 0 T'liivtr rsitv, will deli S-eij erafv addivbs and Dr. (j. AV pa ir of tl je First,; Baptist at 1 aleih rwill preach the sermon at t le Newliern' Colletia.te Tn- st it (tite C'onimeneemeht he lioc kv'Mount Brick ind .Tile 'conlipaiiy aie putting' it pro perty in ivhich is shiijte for tflieir machinery, ex -cteil very clav. 11 tie 1 - mi - taih'oad cortfpany is building a traclq to the already million. woi W leayn that thev have 1 ordeiis for iiboxi a AhnttnL ov. llo the I' t nasf-matle a ; re Auisitfivn on Sta ivshlent of the I nitietl ts iind ilso one on tlhe o.yeru;)r of Ohio fir ft j-e'en .Tolinsh n; anas Jetirge Giljboh, :wTio iu 18 $7 i corn- in itlted niu rider in Cubit ;rns county, thi4 State Tphnston, .sitice hc innr del lin nas ihi n living in Sout l Caro- until iii short w hile sime -when. he ivas setitk-iieii't.l to the pen teirtiyxy at' t ohitnbus, ()luo,. for viou ting the a I law lie lias-two V aifs b6 ehce iu will "be ! count v fpr ht serves our . hi; sen I'olunibus it whieli time h brought b;! jck . to l afiiarrusl te tried! for his life. I UaleigH tin 'tut trie. One of t hy saddest, deaths! we ever kn w occum-ed on f street, Tu -stlav night at o'cloci Mrs, W II. I-rnikck consort of.master hi nisi at luHlmiiirs- Iro Work. ni;e vas .th diiughtet' of M i NJA. SpiK-e. i farmer and merchant; of Ua-1 eigh, jnirried Jiardlv a v ear ago am not dufte twentv-oue v ar out.- Sh. had onl of thdswtvtest disptjsi tioii at id-most lovelv character, a (on Sb'ilt iii'MidieB of the either she nor iBaptist ier. hus- except 1, The luirch. b:nd haU' iin rvdaitons here tht little hi Id of two da ent rt'comijiintity synifvathiies1 with tin lnrea veil husliand. i The remains w ei CaiTild 1 to Katcish kodav,-r i Wi hingto i (fhztt4 I j - . " , ' (he I, j .ieut. M JM. ' Patrick,' ot Vrniv, a rlived iii U ilniin tton last j AWlluesd-av :-having lieeii abs thel city . a Kiiiit, thre, imonih had leen "si: ufK-nnteniig ui exten-1 tive survey coke fillet. to toe vnnity iji veni-j asj the eom.meree thrtuigh j eaiern,Xoi- Carol ma has ferowfi so lare-that the natural emtl ts were j permit j ' L- a.1 liot of sufficient depth te . - i of ; vessels ntH-tkarH to ; s carry tin the trade. I An a bv the hist propria- luisSei 1 Cougressl lruVideS!l or the improvt-inent of j j Ocfacoky 1 llet, and it i tl !; t iom. of the government enj; 101: ; secure an outk litis tlie intent! nter in i which !iUU Of r. itelv ; allow vt 'twelve to iijfteeu felt draught to pass .fnniii.'tl inland water of hi s sec- tioii to tilie kict'an.--t V. I GENERAL NEWS. . " i; ,. -- - - - - WIIKEE THE IMIORTANT KVEKTS OF EVERY NATION UPON THE GLOBE ARE CHROXKim Sr. rwM Both Hemimieiiem. A ttrrific cvclone )ael twomilea we-t of Cla.udVTexa yesterday After io4jn. : ! One man was killed and an other badly- hurt. The extent of t he damage is not known. . pL"TXAr,Conn., April 15.-- Mattie 'Ablxjty a belle of Putnam Conn- a handsome and accomplished girl, ha jutit if tarried the Iev.,C. K. Kobert, a colorel i minister of Haverhill, Mas. Mis Abbot became acquainted with the colored divine while play ing thie organ at hi church. Mr, Hubert has entered upon '"her duties with zeal and Ka eaptnred" the heart of the parishioner. i Iite lat Thnmlay night the resi lience pf Henry Church, alxut thirty aiile iouth o Wheeling, Va visited Ay a large number of mask men and was .destroyed by fire, i The - occu pants three women and one man were tiiken from the burning build ing, stripjied and brutally whipped, the; man afterward being driven in a nude condition to the woods The women liave also ? disajiieardv It i 8ii'piueil a personal grudge i at the bottom of the outrage.. '.-. The local republican bosses of Ixmisville Ky. are exceedingly wroth K-cause Inter'nalllevemie Commi3 sioherj'Mason has named Clarence 1'oote, f North Carolina, to succeed retiring Kevenue jAgeht W. J. Will more. ' f Considerable pressure has been birought to bear on Commidsioir- er Mason in lie half of certain , local; candidates for the office, and M r. F(ot' appointment is received with general disgust by the adininistra-v tron's adherent in this State. Many of them insinuate hot a native. . -s that Mr. Foote is Frank MeGrath, president if the Alliance of Kansas,' has addressed itdetterl to Southern Alliances,j urg ing thein to attend, the ' Cincinnati contention and Ix; prepared to ' act with a third independent party. In his letter .' he intimates that nnless t-he Southern brancii. of the order takes this step tht Northern States vvill go back 1b the Kepitblican par ty. The letter was called forth by a nuinber ot eujtonais ,wmcn nave aj pearetli ii Southern Alliance papers, opposing a third, party and declaring that the .Alliance in the South must work out its reforms through j 'the Democratic party. - . .: A freight train of thirteen ears and three engine on the Maryland Central broke through a trestle Fri day mornrng at Falls ton, near Bal timore. ine men were oil the train. Three were killed ? and I two badly injured. Others had time to Jump and escaped. The cars w ere iuickly ablaze and burned. Only one boily was recovered from the wreck;1 two were burned up. The trestle is a short one and was thought to-be strongly built and braced. Too heayyi a train is at present as sigied the cause: of the breaking down of the bridge. The bed of the stream where the wreck occurred is a mass of rocks. i ' . 1 New evidence, is daily a2,cuniulat-i hut against Henry liradham, the shner of the Italian, John B. Mocca, and tlie case -is now much stronger against .him than it was at first. One j witness has lieeh found vvho saw Jlnidham droii' the coupling piii from I hi pocket, then quickly pick it up, wrap, it in . a handkerchief and re place it in Ins pocket- This occur r- 4.eti . near -uoeeas store. vuotuer witness, a' railroad Jman, has been found who was in Moeea's store ten minutes before tht) murder, anjd who siiys tlie re were then another .negro ih the ; store with Bradham. , Sul scriiitionare beint? circulated ! for Mocca family. -In a short time tor - a. uay neaiiv.ou was latseii tm im-nu;i"- - ! . - - - ;. I f il.., ..,.t I-,-.. Dispatclu have lxen eivl from Chili stating that a desperate . i ... ! i i . .-. . i.- c i. I hattle resulting in a'vietory for the Chiliaijt insurgents, has ben fought j hig f rom ,$10 to' 50; iX-r acre --for everywhere. This campaign involves t at Cappipt (or San Fraucisco De Sil- ; the;Tliis is .he plain pliae of j te holding ofwo or more great Al va,! as it is also known) the capital of the undertaking, and Kople interested i l$uice nuiss meetings in each Istitcy, the province at Atacaina, thirty ; may make the most of . it. The arid i t last two days or longer, during miles from the sea.' - Onlv nie-agre de4 i area embraces 529.685.000 acres on ! tie V U miner 'months. The ablesH g: hieh ay. mat .luejiusuieuia aiici a- juiij; t ...... . ...... .-c.r,--7 Mini il I'li'i lull . i nil iivi. it- -,ii-i . . i rii t with heavy loss a tJi ..pi n (wx iwii r in i ii.uoo President Bal macadams troops, I Des patches which are supjxised to, origi nate from insurgent source add that the insurgent aimy j is increasing steadily in strength and that it in tends shortly to march upon the cap ital, Santiago De Chili, .as well a uptvn iValpariso, the 'principal poit of Chili. , -';.;, Iii spite of the. peaceful "-Utterances of Government -officials, everylxxly knows that Bnssia is making exteiir sive preparations for war, aiid that her rival are on' their side, making counter prejiaratiou for a great struggle w hich must, sooner or later, take place. Kussia lias lieen spend- ing enormous sums in the Coiistrtic- nt from ; tion of strategic railways, and in this h Ttt..'iuiul ntfii.r u;irj thJ il3i ntrTviii IjS for transportation of large Inxlies oLBus- sian inxips to ine -vusiro-viermau frontier are almoist completed. Thi movement ofi K'nian force .tow'ard the frontier f (remiauy and Austria would,1 .:fbnr!'- years ago, have raniired - il ' - -V:l 1. it .: '. six mouth time, While bv the use of j.the. new strategic, railroads, a month time is all that i heeessary for the vast cv'iicent ration which is looketl forward to -in, txissiblv, the near future. I ' : ' ' 1 '. Birmingham claims: to have given President Harrison and his party the biggest ovation of any city in the South, r - : TARBORO, N; C-, WEDNESDAY APRIL BIG LAND STEAL SCHEME. IIw Biff (orporatias are Trylaff to Sp,r the Pablic. Ooraata. i Presipext Polk's First Speech at National Capitol. r, ThpNatlonal Allianre Edneatloaal Campaign. THE i ROWTII AN D T UCKI RESW OP TH E 01U)ER IN VARIOrs STATE3. (('oityrihtol by th Reform Prefs Baraa.) After all the land frrab.',"landH'lei1 in-the midst of the war. fiod sttisils and land iobberv which hire . teen tteritet rated 'on the srovernment bv unscrupulous and corrupt lneaue'L of men high in nver,- there vet re-J i.i'i ii nrw.nt i. r ' nnu hi mi hnn ; , ' - acres ol the imhlic domain. . isut tne ers! and robbeis are lik-e the ! tire that is never. iuenched. Thev never "-et enough. ' , " V A IEKP LAID SCHEME EXPOSED, i Prominent goveriiment oScials - . . I J . VJJ.l .V V . IV. V. . V.J V ' w a deep laid scheme by which the great railway, corpora tfons, millionaire laiid owners,' and cattle kings of the west aiid north west hqiipj under.a 'patriotic guise" to get jMissession of uio'st'of the pub lic lands. The ; lauds L which they Lhojx1 to steal lie mainly in the States adt ivansaSjOakotasj, - JN evaua, , Arizo na and titah, Oregon, Last jvash ington, Oklahoma and Indian Terri tories, Nebraska Colorado, Moutana, Idaho, Wyoming, New Mexico, Cal ifornia and Texas. These ii re the land which are being studied by the government w ith a vie'w to improv ing and developing by a mean of a system of irrigation. !. OUTLINE OF- THE SCHEME. The grabehenie is alxuit as fol lows: I'-irst oall conventions; to meet af'different points in these arid states?.! T'jl-ti ifi"i rn iiMva irwi ifTi iVHij portance of pnictical irrigation," and "to devisethe best means of supply ing water to these arid lands," But here is the milk in the cocoanut: These- "con ventions" ' are to petition the next Congress to give to each state all thv lands w ithin its bordeiv, '.with.'-the statement that bv such a donation from the National, Oovernf meut, the . general goveriiment expenses-will be 'lesselietL v Tliey w ill say if the, states control these J,;inds, capital" can be induced! to "take hold'f them as an investment. Thev covertly claim that icorpo rations can tverriy euum w corporations can , auage Pirate legislatures and .-rail- lad comml toilers f with more e-tse uiu commL-rfonufc! with more eae lan they can. niauage. Oongres. ; mam ro:id than they can mam hovjthey wili. work it. When these lands are once ceded to. tli statt-s (which really means ceded1 to certain individual who have power over and virtually control of the states), the corporations will pulihe across Alliance terVitorv and advi.te -them for Settlement.'' nro; water on -uieni aiiu oneii tnera, no. i. . . a l- .1 .Ll vided the states will relinquish their tme in --iee; ana tney win t try to a??-- 1 i 1 ! Til. I 1 1 . . i - . cure this-reiuiquishment oy asserting that 'the hinds in question are worth- less as they; are; but when tthey (the corprations) put w ateon the lands they will increase the revenueof the j state but bv bringing in settlers who will buy t,he ;lands, and cultivate them TH E TWO SI DES OF THE QUESTION ernmen method easily sand cheiiply irrigated. . The cost or irngaung istnree ooijars per those lands, they w ill make a sp-cn-J Here, are: the 'two broad sides of j fiitimr thatythev should lead in this coinaeimd savs that hi record L iU JhU,U f r.lii,.rL wb.I in- li l:tlir H t t!:S A V ,UA S':u the question. jetfelers -can now go ; giorionrt-iiggle for tJod 1 and hu- from the first will proye that he lur Varibl real, the profit that hfciti- ,Hl'';,t W' :V'.r U ."ht k T "t ;on those and enter home- uty' j I; alvvays bee..:au advcC4ite of Hie priiU ..Vou !,., d stead for. 1.25 per acre: and tlie 'govrn ,,u, hundred thousand copfcsl of , ciple of the Alliance He alsoavi: Lysteni of gambling that iL ftLterJ 4,,,lef I J;rHh.;ru, with ernment is trying to deyise somej lresident Pole's speech will !be "l have . frequently , expressed th? jl kiii de-IoiHftl midef .the comli- f t i,,w ur,, e '-hl, your im method by, wfi.cli.the lands may lie ruinwl nil disiributed throiWb the m.i.ti.ui tr.:1f fh s,il. trv :L k.L i.f UiideU.iwipHrt lOid eiiemiragt ineiit. lutiou of the matter, and settlers will4tBiiiarc;unpaign is ; meeting with im- . ... i i . . . . .... . 1 ' i ' i i! e' . . i not be able to &et there without mv- wliich there is a popufatiOn of over eight HlllIIOUS ft! people. ; ; ; x vTio.vAi. president iolr speaks - at;thk catital. President I'olk, X. F, A. and I. U. niade his th rst speech; ih the Xation-! tve committees! haveuthusiastical- Ma.usualfy on oie extreme or the oth last Thursday night under 1 endorsed i the Qovemeht and j f f f"ous w a.8tnilfd ' ai Capital la the anspice of Citizens7 Alliance, Branch.-Xo. I.. His speech was en j thusiastically receivetlbv an 'attentive! rand thoughtful audience. He dealt with the, prominent 'linandial and t-t'Oiioniieal questioiiB of the hour in a way that- made '-people'- wild haa never thought ou thembefofc begm to' tli hi kin earnest.; He began his ....i-,":..!.- : i.:.,,. not mehr PrineiplA came from God Dakota and Virfenia'. havi all de-j "1UU f "4 genial atid; depend and were as eternal as the throne , of i cjiirkl in' favor of the campaign,! argefy or life and enjoyment on Justice itlf. Men wereof tliedust. of ? a ui are now arrahng for thi U& alld Iathy of jassocia- the earth, and were a t raiitorv : as t Lea and jUace foV. their meeting. ! tlon" J a ,1 or i. .1.. rK,fil.u i. ...... ,.?. rnnrsuits to invite or force self effort. .1". "i vt' ,i ir , uu iiru . w I i. v . auira .iillu iu iu:j ,Mii ...n 1 ...... . of discussion. t' MItiUTY FOitCESj liEIXG MARSHALL'ED. u- -n possibly 'reach. . -. - . I I ' . .-' -' - ')- " He said mighty forces were Ix'iugi f my Maryland. y marshalled to, .test the virtue, iuan-. Maryland i 'arranging " to have hiaxL atriotisnv"aXid love of self- tie of the most vigprohand wide- governnient. The march of human a.vake Alliaxicej educational cain- progress was strewn with the; wreck j paigns .that enefgy and earnestness of Empires,, kiugdomsf systems, "and J ciu iiiaugivrate land conduct, They governments, and we etand in thelgle the necessity of certain eeoiicr midst of a great revolution the j iic and, political informs and they mightiest social, industrial, economic ajh?' going to mkk6 , a tremendotu revolution the world has ever witness- tort to bring jhern about Threy ed- J ustice, equity, and truth was -; aiv gathering and Educating theiai- the watchword, and from all parts Ulves for the' onset, and I the state came the demand: "Fqnal rights to niever exix-rienceilj. a greater stirring all and special favor to none," j ic'p tlian i,t will .have this year. jlTe gitiise said these force were Win r or- Jiised because of the ctindition iiposed By the wicked and tirjnst lipauciaU ystem of thecountrr Com menting on this, he quoted tux ei- tract irtmi a letter T4tte by AjUra- ham Lincoln in the tWfoing'year of I the war a follows. . - f ! ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S PROPHECY. . A-o in the jnear future a crisis apfcing which unnerve, me; and cauaets me to tremble for the safety of my country. A a resultl of I the tir, corporation have been enthron- e4, and an era of corruption in high places w ill follow,' and the mouev o the country w ill endeavor to hro- lin it reign bv working oh the orei- uipcvs of the ptde until all the uyalth is aggregated in a few hand d the r republic is deistrovint I I at this time more anxiety Yori the ;y of my country than ever before. t ii.. . . . 1... 1 ' t : : : E Ksuiifci tuiti iii r iears may prove el"""5- j -t d the exaker, Lincoln c-juict nox nave written more pro- .iiil . ..-il.-l .t..!..'..... ill iiiuicaii nati ik mrn nisnim.1. ue f .. - uhubkiwuu vou -.iuv lifli tela of tlie home of every fariner ; f lalwrt'r W-' and we.hear imon every breeze in the heart-re,nd- u!g wail of poverty and distress. THE ALLIANCE PLATFORM. The sptiiker referred to the plat- farm of the Alliance and said that iflemliodied all the givat. principles of Jefferson Democracy and Lincoln lipublic;iiiism.v , He sboVed that the plattorniwas intended to relieve the frmer. 'rhey were'wot living tinkler the pressure of nine millions of mort gages nearly a mortgage to every family in the Lnion and in this dj-sperate condition vhey were made ia pay .80 cents ih every dollar; of te taxes paid by. the whole people. Tjhee suffiering million Jxseiged the doors of Hie Capitol during that tane pleading for relief. . They were timed away empty hahded their liliportunitie disregarded, their in - -. , v ., . teaties ignored, and they were iiiso- Mntly admonished- to '-keep out! of politics," to "Tiye closer- and hiirder." A UNITING IN A COMMON CAUSED The great mass Of the Industrial ciasst'3, JNorth and Nonth,, Oenioerats id Kepublicans,' without! regard1 to sectional or geographical jlihe, vyith oie purpose and w ith one.heart, have lacked hands and shieldskin a com njuni cause the; cause of country. .V-; a common S T -rtnbv & clinnon motive fmarVa. oy. a common motive, con- ,f!ollted-bv u common danger, they . i . to Ituru tlieir tT? soiemni) icsoieu to turn ir i backs upon the past and 1 make one laightv effort to rescue our Oovern - metit audi insUtutions from iiniietid - iag peril. " ! ! i TW na-ve wined nut imd fU.r tie last trace of Mason diid Dixoii's torv v (Jod aiid l i i . , i , j- h' th-aniriV if li-mnK- mufrnmiiniitv 1 rtran s avei-v is o-one. rimniv lioti. ami aid fraternity theABiancc men of me "Dine ana he Alliance men;ol; 1j1 i . i ."grav sav: "Ixt the bitterness, an- ; j iaiosities, and pi'eju'dit, iborn of Jtsi ; existence, jierish with it and forever.".! Jflie proud Saxon spirit, ami courage, aul piitriotisnt, . jwhich crowined tlie hLroism of the "jblne and the raiv" "jnfith undying fame, are -iiow suin- . jao'ietl to break the galling and de- gtadiiig chains of white, slavery, the rAnntrV ; ffJ.ALj alliance EDLif a- f rmvir i'ii.imv 1 TIO.N A L t. A Mi A ION. , , : Natioiial Alliance Lduca- I reserved commendation from nearly jahd most favorable. All ian-j ) ef aie iu u ten u. j:au .iiiwuiig, i.uu i ib is uronosea io nave an luierenanye j i a i x. . f: i i - ' .., ... , i i. ii... - ' " iu i, inn H .t -i i iii imifr sill iiiirn-iuiui'i' ; t K ct" t r. V lO'.VL.. ."1 iJV IV lilt 1 il 1 - . i :. .. . nt i ..a nri -i . n i i r-w m i ic n a i. rr-t i r .t 1 ... . 1 il... ..... . 1 ... Tt twns ot tin country itmong jthe . slates whose president and eeu- j slate whose. president and execu- Iiive already lianietl the aiid , jdaces for the meetings, are: tlabama. Arkinsas,' CJeorgia, Hli- UIUa i njtis, Indiana, -Kansas, Kentnclkv, ! Ij-Miisiaiiiu MLssOuri, Xorth CaHli- j wu North Dakota. Pennsylviiia, - nth' Carolina Temiessce, j Texas, i West lrarmia, Indian ; le'rfitorv; aid Oklarioma .Territory. 'The M:..i.:,...J v: : :.J-. w.....i. ; ui ii rin ( siitr licf ill trij l j ism- in, .Z.. i... .i u... i t-nt i ui K in interna inline uieeimirs and he w ill be at as man v of them r T he evils under which; they suffer j-biU We congratulate ourselves on ahd which threaten the destruction what we have already tlone, and vet of the republic and its institutions, we mve begun "in "ihis great re are national in jtheir character and j form wrk, which l the finission of cunot be correc'ted by sectional rem- j the Allisiiice ' 1 ' ff s: .'Hetcerecogizing; but One: the citiIens' allianceI V llfig; the fiag of -our! common cown-1 u. .. ,tll, i iiiiiwll lit "a v.-.,,.i.; r..,L. I he National Citizen' Alliame l mm tire ii in iruiwi i-iriiir i jiihi iiiiw ji ii . i t uti i n : to i'h r t w k . i , i ... .... .-a. . . . . . . . i . . . t t . T3.. i -. . :. -: t .7 , at? 3 ...-. - ' - : ' .- 22, 1891 "! Nrw ENOLAXIV The entraaice of th AUiaiice into New Englaml doe not receive a favorable elcome from the partisan; irv5us..- A iwij same pres wmcn does not "know; thie Alltani-e, and which never saw aiiy - jart of it eTen, ha a dismal howX , and lia already be gun to say all sort of unmanner ly things. ; jOue yaper sava that Wjil E. Chandler w at the" bottom uf the Farmers Alliance scheme in New England, a id he proKes to disrupt the ljej ublicaii party. Thi of course i intended to put the Alliance Jin the attitude f a i irupter,ijisriizer aid all orU of other' h thiujrf. Aii otherpaper jaay. f The ixxiple of New England am not at air anxious to see, such a movement a these-agitators prtpse.r But defepite, t hem ami, similar utterances from that press, ( the sturdy farmer of New England are thinking; they ixe en uirin'g, and they are organizing. A national organizer -wag'.sent iiito New Hainpshirei last ' week lxcuue the ; farmers thlfre asked that. he Ix sent i lit nn.' .111. now more organizers j are heing se nt for,:" and iii some places Which cannot .be immediately reached by the organizers, t he fann er are heginntg to org-anize them sefve. The Alliance i "going right on into New England." - .: what Indiana is imixo. Indiana working quietly but surely and effectively, Tlie Presi dent of the State Alliance writes the Bureau a follows: The- work id progressing Very nicely While wej are not increasins so rapidly as t would desire, our growth ia solid and, we win tie ready in 1 892. ILttNOIS IS VAklNGr UP. Illinois ha been easy for a time past,' but; the' Order is beginning to get aroused and ar.e getting ready for business in earnest. A epical state uieetiug of the Alliance was reoentlv held at Springfield which , revivified i r . : Alliancemen all over the ttei The j Alliance organ was put ih ?a position to do effective work.1 and ' the state ready for the great fight that awaiting lis." 1 COLOUAIM) LS.COM INO. Secretary. Starr of 'Colorado says: "The farmers are calling their nunir bers together, organizing and reor ganizing; iaud jou can depend lipoir, it, iney mean- uusiness. ? e nave secured the passage of several reform i measures iind defeated - Keveral cluss lhtS grteat . favor all over the conn - f r , . - ,. , .. i rf n n" na31 organuations . n 61xteou siate8' and applications foi . , of..-f,t - ... for J organizer are oeing sent in trom all ;"1 iuc;;i.uiwu. p tuv-. u-cmwu -vi. j "-3 organization advocate m.-too tlie platform of the. farmers .Alli- 1 iliiC0. the;, lneinliership being : cam- isedo that element who approve the jdatforni, but are eneligible to niembersliip in the , Farmers', Alli- i.ance. - """""-"i' 'senator call declares himself - i IN LINE. ' . ... - . I i he A . i. r?enatorial election ij now i Flon jtfie all absorbing question in; ida- fn I'the . contest, it va charged last week that Senator Call was- opposed to the free coinage of silver, and to all the7; pruici - p res or ine .. rarmem finance, i n reply to thi charge Senator Call has issued a circular iu which be oi iii ion tem might ie so mtxlihed as to ac- coiiipHsh all.!the oljects desired by ' tne finance. - - ... . . ; mt)rm .Prtiurew. Washington, I). C. i . Tfac Doty of the Press. - (Cot tltarlotte Chronicle.) The press of the "State ha lately ..u.i. i ii.. ' iV j g ieie una ii wen ami Birouir nut'u ii 1 ..A-... ...1 11 ; . . .. . .- i. . i - says mat tne rvt c. newTiaix;r3 are . . . .1- - ! -trrf54rlv lar w i n fr4-i 11 "nrntvp iltitprimt. -- - . . l' " ' :.;,;, "' 1 :i- . ?tion. I he kyerage. C. journal ':--....-.... A i iniug is great, anji glorious, -4 or ii is sensationally small and frivolous, ami then all "slaiig arid non-en." Tht ie i jiainf ully absent' thevsiih pie statement of fact,; the clear fjafi ! of truth and the concionsnes and force of logic. language seem to be used mainly to conceal thought V.t.u t-. thi t,i.ii.t fViia ia iMixtlx? w - plainetL -1 heaverageQrth Caroll ' r ' . -. ...I i :,. w'iii l tt e aa'aiaic uicas auuamciuuia tors. The large cities North and South of us and the party strife -at Washington furnishes the "cheap pabulum of sorry imitation. : Ilence a rag of an editor once stated that of the 300 copies of a certain N. C. Daily 9 tenths of each issue were ex tracts or references tonchirfg on city life or party politics, and ; only oui entirely original idea. The people are aliVe and the masses are in their way, trying to move ahead. But theysadfy need busi ness and industrial leading. Ijet North Carolina paper lead off and do their duty. " j AX x-J0URXALIST. Fran Xrti EirrtaVf . - : " ; i . i j t'or the KrnirrV AJrwt. J . I aln glad-to Jkuow' that'1 the Alli ance bf this .county ; have appoitj ted a committee to ciiiifer with the bh inesa men' of Tarooro a to the bet method to ho ue4 in obtaining thv ervctijon of a tobacco Jt fitorvhon t . I f any cpunty ever nevded a warv house, EJge .xnite certain ly dor.-j u st tow. The; farmer., are raising .'the need nxire and more, every year, and 1U 'u far as 1 kuowy arte atitiel Uit tlieir mult&. ::, Some very ti he tdliac CO ha .lieeii raie.l in this cAtiutv aim oiu;;rAigttonio - Willi ner I oi : .1 LI 1 1 . . . . . j -. i-ouon repreiiiaiion mas . lair now to take tlie lead in the f protluctioii of t ibacco. LmtLs oim: sh pp i to W' suitable only for tlKnrairiig!of corn and cotton, produce cptally a good toltacco. We have the liimU for itk production. We have ; anen 'i"! .who are willing tociiur 'at oucrjinto . l" till new ojitvrris', and cousajen.t- & -. I. - - .- i . ly Wtj will ; hue - pieutv , of toUiUvti. But: the ."last and most rniji.tant quest, on ariA, w lure (-an we ifuaf-. ket ; A'hat-we have raistl? Everj farmtrA'f Edgtimlie, if - he if true andj 'iiatriotii want ti tn -If hi, -tuff in tlie limits of his count; , . if. he can. Jn other words, -he Hants to give his own countvthe!chiiee in this- niatter. ' ' K . . ; '-.f . i".-' ;. t But without a warehou ;ln.i forced awav frtun hbiiie, to dUinist.. of that w hich he ha-inade at hphie, whenJ with a tittle effort on the purt of all,, this could -. liei avoideiL TartKiro' should have a large toUw-co' WarelwJtisseand keep the nioneV at nonie; ; Jy doinjr thr home toik woulq take more iuttret ih the wel- fareiot tliis, undrtakiirg and the farr mers iould feel that thier efforts were appreciated- ' - j ! By all inean let the Alliance and: Ol i Ijirluirn' imiiv1. 1,. mutt.. I i in z- - r- i -vi :y , M-M.""ei here. J here is plenty of tune to build their .warehouse . bv the iiu-xt Beasoii, , audI hope it hwill foertiunlyi im built, b via 11 .means. X am a home man, every iiicu or me. l iKMieie in t industries and united effor ,td liuildl up home. ': If home folk will L not do iauvthinar for theinsefves ithenjj who.Jwilli' If ouUide.r (see I tjiajt'j home eapitalist are unwilling tit ort vest their money, where 'ithis-bclf- same 1 .money i was -accumulated, . it 1 -. . t . wo.uldl Ik? the height tf folly fof straiiaers of hieaiifs, to come iii ahd I w tL1 1 ii ' i ii vwt : i iif.wrii. n i ki t M I b iw ..... -i...-..;-..! ..f ; ...i "lf-i ... u .:ti -.1...... . ii.. ..... ii.:. J..' ' i,,.,. .. . i.,;h .;ii ;.w.. l. ttlll lUUie; W IUI- RWIIl'J J 1IJ9 nun-- ... ...... ....l. .... i .rJ...-..rt commerce to all who are in reach of ouriveWity eat. ii doh't ditatV where it should 'be Imilt.-or' hJw should . lie built, but one, thmb -:t. .!.....' a ...i ......t tinv' n.;l l l iii 111, Ittnai. . j uiiu. iv i .. IVllUM 1.1, lllAl II iU(7tu-ll BIIU illiml people put their head tethel fur 1.. J.- t .. if ii , i -,-( 1 ...ji., i the accomplishment of this puriose,i not" miuv niore month" will ' iKuif by oerorennis waremmse m run ti ine town of Tarlioro. That ii ihak- lx'i built, iind w hen t may prove! a uccis and. blessing it alLii the wish or your most oiMtiieiit serianvf . . l. . - . k . I ..- The Tillkii." ' -t . i SnHT-iiiri: mil :!. Mnnt- ll ? J - RirhtTilQf r'!-.l" I " 'ij i t .. -i .. .- . r . i J ' " " S Thee nnfavorabl conditions con-h tinited throuirh a long series of Vieai , hay-e reducetl the producer tia iitrces- j titv of hiarketimr his product al the r earliest tiossible nionHiit to nu cti.nia i tiired ligation a'nd provide -for) the neeesswie of the . tainilv un'it re-- ! sult of! this the entireihrodoVt of; 1 Ik ! tjeaisoii is thrown up n the imirket the prUlucer ami t-onsuiher a4likfi. ' I hi suli-tresurv bill proVnle ant effectflal.' reriiedy or tlui evil ,ni detailP It supplies aii ample volume; of curjrejricy just at the time: it i re-; to' (he uUh k aiid graiirof it uw tii quiretl. 'It ohviateathe: iHC-"ify -ofj; Ierk when th-y are. obliged to m an abtjolnte sale of the proifwrt jut ii au'd Ibji wave them" from wiling to time when thev -niav not ic iminand remuuerative price, whi Ie il supplnf It take! necessities of the jH-ople. the wtirldV fotxl -supply '-.and product of agriculture, ou handsof thieve and gahibfer antlhf aiipiiMl a fair and ,r-adv market briigJ .prodiict-f and consumer i into much nearer relation tnau at pn s- ent tothe vast profit ami Ix-nefit ; of each, j it i. increase the volume ol nioiiey to the fegi'tmate reqiiirejiientiijl of tnule, and icare it isshe direct ly .fro rii the government to the people,: requiring no tribute' to iiioh0oliitic; corjioiition to get it in circhlatitju.; 1 1 gi v srs to.t lie .currency, t he jirojH-rty ; of elasticity by providing for the;can- r.rA.i. our! iluwt rnrt if ii i if tiliilfX. evirec ived at the shb-treassirv :Li 'i-fai?nersj of fw cottntry. ."-It isaiolori retuni of the actual amount o'f tUoii-j' ,'., that uver 70 per -nt of Die - hi- eyadvihcedbvtheg6vernneUgtiintIi "".' fV V -( . such farm prodocts. Bv ihje! paid byb-al tafe, although ther provis on a -I uniformity of' value?! form of jmt:rty are alwtit cjually would be maintained -Snd kMiM ..Ourpn-- tions fet the expense Of ixit h J pro - ji ducer hnd consumer wou1 Id lie al anjl eni JThe government would resume!: comjHflitbemo surrender to tlie pii ih its legitimate constitutional fuu tionl; tr.-a.-mry a jirt of . th plunth r of cresjting and issuing the currtncvM luve u,"M,ttt.i '''- I,s4r!!itI of thel nation which f mctiou, tliVij l1?ilaton. and thu help to equalize best cdnstitutional authorities, othi taatHn! now m outnwufc v tin hist past aid present, declare that itcau-ji to holder of the miI- , 1 he chief not laff ull v delegate either to indi4 object M44p-ar to lx; that while Tiduali or corporations. - - r honest men would iy. taxes the 4s-Thesub-treaurrplan Uoe there-! honest would not; even at the cost fore,cinbrace the "elements necesaryf prjnrv,, euide it . Stringent to remtdv existing evils- ' This ?i would no nimieze this eviU Lural the first point to establish in.- its i he- behalf. Objection have txn urged against it- We freely admit that if these o j'ections are valid it is j ouri duty a reasonable people to be lionest with omrseives ana wiin me couuirvi and aliandon the advocacy of j tht!gre this week at liohUboro, wa con- measure. It develops pouenti to show their u poll it oil- validity, i J FIVE CEPTC. Aiu(i!d.-ring pmic of thoe that: liave ln-en urvsl against it we find them tole anumg the strongi-ft T-au in it favT! w hen t"he fact'arr pnjnrlv hhderstaud and. applied. 7pfl h Thf AllUicf Marra I Onward. NEW YoRK-Thi -ute now h.u 139 Siib-AHiHntvs, ; tui'-tr''.liiatuv.. ca, ami lOO.tHHj tnenilH r "The State M ahYLANU Xatioiial fjii lurt-f .L lv Will-ft luis hfl Msfvlaud. ffe giu iilow ilig aetiunt , ti lite jn- grtws of tha AHuim e isrthi State.' , --'-(-"" -1 -. "-' - i - tA Lt FORK! ,.! If rt. .T5- AUi ule.-, with a nHtniierhip(f 22,tHiii, --' TtlXA- 'Tlie AllianiV'iii Teva in-j'rfaf-! utj he rat of t -i; t v -1 o tn-r tK. ao titviMOti MH-iii tti tt tin-re. ,- i.w, i h. a m I h'i .-Norim-rn v ..: . i . til- :x . i- I ;; .wnnM(,v mwiif, .iiianv i taking I h'thv iti flu N- laiiiUuds Citie. N Kwj If AMi -H 1 1; re A Uiaiice Not of Jlmnlale, 'Cheshire Cont,-'w- organi4ad He- . lt-giuuing of the lmit h.l i . LvriM.yNA. l-!ilfut Adaiint-hiis orgJUiiB- a h turti? bun-iiu for tin state of . Louisiana, The lrt-tlmn f that t.ite iue up aittl doing, and th Amler is prosj ring iu ttuiso-tpteiiv-.. ' . . OIlPiL J (J, Deinore, of (!xrg?- ttiwir, II., wrili-s t-hat tiM-re i?j quite a lon iu the AHi.inct and that the ld;pilrtv jH.ditician are tpiaking in 4thl4r boot, fit Ohio there lire now over Hl uIm4., of w hieh BriiH n county h4 twentw-thjf ' with Keverul apdicatiou for charter!. AVt- ; vtiftt.y ;'.-;:' 5 r; ! MlSfiOUlt!. Tlii '2nd. con g res-ion - al district jiii ion,' held u.t Chillicothe, Mo., rebuary 20, uidonxd the amend ed demand of the Farmer' "and iioorers union, as athiirtCii a ot-alu, . .i : i . i i - 1 ii'' . .i V nt, aim eiecteu a a tn-iegjiie ut ine itafe union 11. A. Newmniu of. llan- dolivh tSuuty, and dtt-Uml fir the juouri oriti h. heir choice -for official orgiui. f-A.yr. 4 - - .1 ' 1 NoKTH Ca-ROI. i.K. The regular ! Quarterly Meeting of - the Sanipn Conntyff'Wnner-' Alliance, ; which met in M kins' flail on hint Friday,, i 'i i u vl-rv li.'.rn ii in ! in i nidi liifi-t-T'l. iniT tine ' l-'ortv-thm' Stib-AUiatK-iM io iium-kiai iv enlarge im- iim -iiiueti ui I Ihe Alliance More. J he reiHtrtu 1. . , , " l .1 . .iroui u e various lougr. u.w inai p ; fv healthy, ami IT'T"0"11' 'J" TJie progh-sM !w jE of the n-forni which the itrd-r i ha ,r jj'et ou fUlis M ry enconraguig .and .ia gratifyiiig,' and the utemlH-ridiiif 1' i f ehtnv aiteterinitiatiMi to pu.nh it howa leterminati..ii to pu-th . , - - ueuiiiii-um i if itn-t-, et-ii n i uiii hiiii- . . , , , -: 1 I r j, etl itM und d.H.m.fort Tk..h. The, follow ing i the con- cludiiur pavugrnph of u Hrcular l-t--out by BrothvrS. O. Daues, ier seni xremri-treiiiirer of the State AI-. e o. ' T?xaf; nil' Ier tlate of .Man h ; ft doe not iiili ate a 2, lS'M r i .1 i n' , . - i i . kiiu in -i,ue aiuanceor any tiiinc-uiiv,- f whatt-yefi but dues ifbov mi -r.marka-: vl l)lv ln-alhv iri-ow'th of the onli-r in . ! tluitfctat!e. lie Allianre brethren f )-.. k1"11-"';"1! tateare Hrfectfy abfe. to care for themst-Iv e..' x ne gj ov. i n oi ineoriier puie encouraging; lt ww wib-Aliianci? . i i . ' t ) i .. ..... t ll . if C 11 -.1 nave imiiii cnaneretiMtice iije i-itn ' thiv'of December Iio-tt Ulid IlTitJlold i Alliances have 1-eeu reorgani !. Xin Iw'veral . new " ivtmt . Alliunet s have ' Ih'Ii forifitil. !fafe and enthu-iaiii are being devtint in -very part of s the:itat4 T'it 'u i ' ?l"iiM and IV- dutt re itlevotiiig! thiir "wfiolt-- time I. The A 1 1 iamW of ii ebra k,-' K atia , - i. . - MLtxoiifi and Iowa have in; view th f,rihatiii of a Jiuge grain jid live foek trtnst, -the L-of. iti t of v hich, ii option iiieii and Imukern at it Ntrri e' J ti : . : : ..' '. :.. i... Jiee;. Thi l amove in the right (I i reef iu mid will toive to the -nieiii- -all tliej lM-rs of f the;'order thotoumdii of dol of t lie Uar.;aili ital h'V that i -if the order for lhe! toek It Imv and not have to keeu it on hand Umj low. 1 he I WHfcKLi ph-joHtl to iitite that thTe "are some prluceri whoi an do uome- thing Iyotid dancing the 'tunef- lliei (luutlll ll l Ii. JI.. . 1 1 c h.; Wheel. I ' . ' .. - ? The Fariner A Hiaiite of llliiioi ha conie ou t, ltId I v in favor of a gnwltialjeil itit-onii U. The idea i ft.readi.i like wildfire amOu? the - ' ... ' J . , ' j i'- ncL.-r; . why hou dn t - . they V The damage suit brought' by Mr. Kirby Smith, of (Jold-lxiro, against I lom'Keuip I. Batt le'ahd ffoiu Paul C. Cameron, w hich fia. Utti in jro- cluded Thursday the jury failing to i i . i . i. . IT .1 agret iuu ixug ni-jviiaig- - i - -1 7 ! 1" V